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open cluster noun preferredTerm-admn-sts galactic cluster noun supersededTerm-admn-sts Another name for an open star cluster. They are often termed Galactic Clusters because they are found mainly in the plane of our galaxy. If you were to view our galaxy from afar, you would find that all the open/galactic clusters lie within the spiral arms of the galaxy. N-Source: http://www.delscope.demon.co.uk/astronomy/glossary.htm#G cúmulo abierto noun circumstellar accretion disk noun preferredTerm-admn-sts accretion disc noun admittedTerm-admn-sts circumstellar disk noun admittedTerm-admn-sts disco de acreción noun preferredTerm-admn-sts disco de acrecimiento noun admittedTerm-admn-sts black hole noun agujero negro noun gamma-ray burst noun GRB noun explosión de rayos gamma noun brote de rayos gamma noun globular cluster noun Related Term: star cluster cúmulo globular noun Related Term: cúmulo estelar main-sequence adjective de secuencia principal adjective protostar noun protoestrella noun star cluster noun Related Term: globular cluster Related Term: open cluster cúmulo estelar noun preferredTerm-admn-sts cúmulo de estrellas noun admittedTerm-admn-sts Related Term: cúmulo globular Related Term: cúmulo abierto Galaxy noun Milky Way Galaxy noun Milky Way noun Galaxia noun Vía Láctea noun galaxia Vía Láctea noun star noun estrella noun UV radiation noun ultraviolet radiation noun radiación UV noun radiación ultravioleta noun magnetic field noun campo magnético noun blue straggler noun estrella rezagada azul noun preferredTerm-admn-sts gravitational collapse noun colapso gravitacional noun binary star noun estrella binaria noun admittedTerm-admn-sts estrella doble noun preferredTerm-admn-sts This figure compares the IMFs by ploting mass fraction per dex versus mass, i.e., normalized so that the integral under each curve is unity. They are assumed to be valid from 0.1 to 120 solar masses. N-Source: http://www.astro.ljmu.ac.uk/~ikb/research/imf-use-in-cosmology.html initial mass function noun función inicial de masa noun Bally2005 Author[s]: Bally, John and Hans Zinnecker Journal Title: The Astronomical Journal Article Title: The Birth of High-Mass Stars: Accertion and/or Mergers? Volume: 129 Publication Place: U.S.A. Publisher: The American Astronomical Society Publication Year: May 2005 Page(s): 2281-2293 Cambridge2007 Author[s]: Mitton, Jaqueline Book Title: Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of Astronomy Publication Place: New York Publisher: Cambridge University Press Publication Year: 2007 Merriam-Webster2002 Book Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary Editor[s]: Gove, Philip Babcock Volume: Third Edition Publication Place: Springfield, Massachusetts Publisher: Merriam-Webster INC. Publication Year: 2002 Oxford2007 Book Title: Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy Editor[s]: Ridpath, Ian Volume: Second Edition Publication Place: New York Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Year: 2007 supernova noun supernova noun Moore2003 Author[s]: Moore, Patrick Book Title: Philip's Atlas of the Universe Publication Place: Heron Quays, London Publisher: Philip's Publication Year: 2003 red giant noun gigante roja noun red dwarf noun enana roja noun spectral type noun tipo espectral noun This is the end-result of all but the most massive of stars. N-Source: Oxford2007 white dwarf noun enana blanca noun As mass is gradually lost, the core of the star becomes more exposed, ultimately becoming a white dwarf. Also, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets, and are not true nebulae. N-Source: Based on Oxford2007 and Moore2003, 186 planetary nebula noun nebulosa planetaria noun Ultraviolet radiation, gas cloud collisions, and synchrotron radiation can all cause the emission nebula to shine. N-Source: Oxford2007 emission nebula noun preferredTerm-admn-sts nebulosa de emisión noun The term was originally applied to any object with a fuzzy telescopic appearance, but with the advent of larger instruments many 'nebulae' were found to consist of faint stars. N-Source: Oxford2007 nebula noun Grammatical Number: singular nebulae noun Grammatical Number: plural nebulosa noun dark nebula noun preferredTerm-admn-sts absorbtion nebula noun admittedTerm-admn-sts nebulosa oscura noun preferredTerm-admn-sts nebulosa de absorción noun admittedTerm-admn-sts reflection nebula noun nebulosa de reflexión noun neutron star noun estrella de neutrones noun For a star with no hydrogen content the limit is 1.44 solar masses, which is thus the maximum possible for a white dwarf. N-Source: Oxford2007 Chandrasekhar limit noun límite de Chandrasekhar noun Encountered on in neutron stars. N-Source: Oxford2007 neutron degeneracy noun degeneración de neutrones noun Schwarzschild radius noun Related Term: event horizon radio de Schwarzschild noun Related Term: horizonte de sucesos, horizonte de eventos event horizon noun horizonte de sucesos noun horizonte de eventos noun proton-proton chain reaction noun admittedTerm-admn-sts PP chain noun preferredTerm-admn-sts proton-proton reaction noun admittedTerm-admn-sts cadena protón-protón noun carbon-nitrogen cycle noun admittedTerm-admn-sts CNO cycle noun preferredTerm-admn-sts carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle noun admittedTerm-admn-sts Bethe-Weizsäcker-cycle noun admittedTerm-admn-sts carbon cycle noun deprecatedTerm-admn-sts The carbon cycle can also refer to the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. N-Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_cycle CN cycle noun admittedTerm-admn-sts ciclo CNO noun admittedTerm-admn-sts ciclo del carbono-nitrógeno-oxígeno noun deprecatedTerm-admn-sts ciclo del carbono noun deprecatedTerm-admn-sts También este término puede referirse a la formación de las moléculas de carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos. N-Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciclo_del_carbono ciclo del carbono-nitrógeno noun preferredTerm-admn-sts degeneracy noun degeneración noun Oxford2003 Author[s]: Ridpath, Ian Book Title: Astronomía Publication Place: Spain Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Year: 2003 Electron degeneracy supports white dwarf stars against further collapse. N-Source: Oxford2007 electron degeneracy noun degeneración de electrones noun admittedTerm-admn-sts degeneración electrónica noun admittedTerm-admn-sts singularity noun Related Term: black hole, event horizon, Schwarzschild radius singularidad noun Related Term: agujero negro, horizonte de sucesos, radio de Schwarzschild In this graphic, the M with a subscript is the symbol for a solar mass. N-Source: Jonathan Tomolonis solar mass noun masa solar noun triple-alpha process noun proceso triple-alfa noun black dwarf noun enana negra noun