Indicates the language of the element content. The allowed values are found in IETF RFC 4646 or its successor. This attribute is optional for elements that use this attribute class. For a description, see the information at the tbx element. Indicates the type of the termCompSec, such as hyphenation. The value indicates on what basis the term components were identified, such as by hyphenation parts or by syllables. hyphenation (Hyphenation) The termComp elements contain the parts of a term as it would be hyphenated, such as at the end of a line, according to a given set of rules. lemma (Lemma) The termComp elements contain the base form of the term or of the individual words that it comprises. A base form of a word or term, sometimes called a lemma, is the form that is used as the formal dictionary entry for the term. For nouns, the base form is frequently the nominative singular form (in languages that show variation by case). For adjectives it is the positive form of the adjective, as opposed to the comparative, and in some languages it is uninflected, whereas in others it is the masculine singular. For verbs, it is generally the infinitive. morphologicalElement (Morphological element) The termComp elements contain the individual morphemes that comprise the term. . syllabification (Syllabification) The termComp elements contain the individual syllables that comprise the term. termElement (Term element) The termComp elements contain any other logically significant portion of the term. Indicates the type of the termCompSec, such as hyphenation. The value indicates on what basis the term components were identified, such as by hyphenation parts or by syllables. For an integrated schema for use in non-namespace environments (DCA style), replace <text/> with the allowed values of the "type" attribute.