# VisualforcePreview Visualforce Preview is a simple plugin to enable previewing Visualforce page for Salesforce in Sublime text. To use this plugin, first you need to setup your Salesforce domain by Preference > Package Settings > VisualforcePreview > Settings - User Copy the template from Preferences > Package Settings > VisualforcePreview > Settings - Default, and change the domain into your own Salesforce domain. Then you are ready to go. To preview a VF page, simply click ctrl + alt + v (on OSX is ⌘+ shift + v) in your VF page file (you need to save it first). Alternatively, you can click Tools > VisualforcePreview > Visualforce Preview ## How to install ## ### Package Control ### Install Will Bond's [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation), and then: * In the Command Palette, choose `Package Control: Install Package` * Search for `VisualforcePreview` and install it ### Github ### Go to your Sublime Text "Packages" directory (`Preferences` / `Browse Packages...`). Then clone this GitHub repository: $ git clone https://github.com/Lanceshi2/VisualforcePreview.git "Visualforce Preview" ## License ## Do whatever you want