// Curse of the dead gods autosplitter by Lao_fr , improved by FollowTheDopamine // Feel free to improve it. It's my 1st script ever. // Feedback or bug report: // Discord: CamaradeLao#6875 // https://twitch.tv/lao_fr // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCltTM28Yx4eDBQlMT3upFYg state("Curse of the Dead Gods") { float IGT : 0x011C2A68, 0x0, 0x9A0; int roomnum : 0x011C2A50, 0x8, 0x8E4; int victories : 0x011C2A68, 0x0, 0x210; float totalIGT : 0x012279E0, 0xD8, 0x168; } startup { settings.Add("syncIndividual", true, "Sync timer to temple time (individual temples)"); settings.SetToolTip("syncIndividual", "Set this to true to sync your game time to the individual temple in game clock"); settings.Add("syncMarathon", false, "Sync timer to profile time (marathon)"); settings.SetToolTip("syncMarathon", "Set this to true to sync your game time to the profile in game clock"); settings.Add("splitOnRoom", true, "Split on room"); settings.SetToolTip("splitOnRoom", "Set this to true to split after every door"); settings.Add("splitOnPortal", false, "Split on portal"); settings.SetToolTip("splitOnPortal", "Set this to true to split on the portal after bosses"); } start { if (current.roomnum == 1 && old.roomnum == 0) { return true; } } split { if (current.roomnum > old.roomnum && settings["splitOnRoom"]) { return true; } if (current.victories == old.victories + 1 && settings["splitOnPortal"]) { return true; } } gameTime { if(settings["syncIndividual"]) { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(current.IGT); } else if(settings["syncMarathon"]) { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(current.totalIGT); } } isLoading { return true; }