Function basalarea(dbh As Range, w As Range, Optional unittype As String = "imperial") As Double ' Function to calculate basal area per acre from diameter at breast height and expansion factor weights ' by David R. Larsen, Copyright October 10, 2012 ' Creative Commons If (unittype = "imperial") Then For i = 1 To dbh.Height basalarea = basalarea + 0.005454154 * dbh(i).Value ^ 2 * w(i).Value Next i ElseIf (unittype = "metric") Then For i = 1 To dbh.Height basalarea = basalarea + 0.00007854 * dbh(i).Value ^ 2 * w(i).Value Next i Else basalarea = 0# MsgBox ("Unknown unit type, options are: imperial or metric") End If End Function