const PaladinAura = (function () { const version = '1.0.14'; function isActiveValue(val) { return ['true', 'false'].includes(val); } function isDiagonalCalcValue(val) { return ['none', 'foure', 'threefive', 'pythagorean', 'manhattan'].includes(val); } function isStatusMarkerValue(val) { return val.slice(0, 6) == 'status'; } const stateName = 'PaladinAura_'; const states = [ { name: 'active', hide: 'true' }, { name: 'diagonal_calc_override', acceptables: ['none', 'foure', 'threefive', 'pythagorean', 'manhattan'], default: 'none' }, { name: 'status_marker', default: 'status_bolt-shield', ignore: 'true', customConfig: 'true' } ]; const name = 'Paladin Aura'; const nameError = name + ' ERROR'; const nameLog = name + ': '; const apiCall = '!pa'; let playerName, playerID, parts; /** * Checks each macro from the macroArr array to ensure their functions are up to date. */ function checkMacros() { const playerList = findObjs({ _type: 'player', _online: true }); const gm = playerList.find((player) => { return playerIsGM( === true; }); const macroArr = [ { name: 'PaladinAuraHelp', action: `${apiCall} help` }, { name: 'PaladinAuraToggle', action: `${apiCall}` }, { name: 'PaladinAuraConfig', action: `${apiCall} config` } ]; macroArr.forEach((macro) => { const macroObj = findObjs({ _type: 'macro', name: })[0]; if (macroObj) { if (macroObj.get('visibleto') !== 'all') { macroObj.set('visibleto', 'all'); toChat(`**Macro '${}' was made visible to all.**`, true); } if (macroObj.get('action') !== macro.action) { macroObj.set('action', macro.action); toChat(`**Macro '${}' was corrected.**`, true); } } else if (gm && playerIsGM( { createObj('macro', { _playerid:, name:, action: macro.action, visibleto: 'all' }); toChat(`**Macro '${}' was created and assigned to ${gm.get('_displayname') + ' '.split(' ', 1)[0]}.**`, true); } }); } /** * Outputs help interface to the roll20 chat. */ function showHelp() { const commandsArr = [ { name: `${apiCall} help`, desc: ['Lists all commands, their parameters, and their usage.'] }, { name: `${apiCall} config`, desc: ['Shows config and buttons that change settings.'] }, { name: `${apiCall}`, desc: ['Toggles the Paladin Aura API on and off.'], link: 'active' } ]; toChat('&{template:default} {{name=' + '**VERSION**' + '}} {{Current=' + version + '}}', undefined, playerName); commandsArr.forEach((command) => { let output = '&{template:default} {{name=' + code( + '}}{{Function='; for (let i = 0; i < command.desc.length; i++) { if (i % 2 === 1) { output += '{{='; } output += command.desc[i] + '}}'; } if ( !== undefined) { output += '{{Current Setting=' + getState( + '}}'; } toChat(output, undefined, playerName); }); } function showConfig() { updateCustomConfigs(); let output = `&{template:default} {{name=${name} Config}}`; states.forEach((s) => { if (s.hide == 'true') { return; } const acceptableValues = s.acceptables ? s.acceptables : ['true', 'false']; const defaultValue = s.default ? s.default : 'true'; const currentValue = getState(; const stringVals = s.customConfig == undefined ? valuesToString(acceptableValues, defaultValue) : s.customConfig; output += `{{${}=[${currentValue}](${apiCall} config ${} ?{New ${} value${stringVals}})}}`; }); output += `{{**CAUTION**=[CLEAR ALL](! ?{Are you sure? All custom paladin targets will be lost|Cancel,|I am sure,${apiCall} RESET})}}`; toChat(output, undefined, playerName); /** * Moves the default value to the start of the array and presents * all acceptable values in a drop-down menu format. * @param values Acceptable values array. * @param defaultValue The state's default value. */ function valuesToString(values, defaultValue) { let output = ''; const index = values.indexOf(defaultValue); if (index !== -1) { values.splice(index, 1); values.unshift(defaultValue); } values.forEach((v) => { output += '|' + v; }); return output; } } /** * Sets the setting with name equal to @param parts[2] equal to @param parts[3]. * @param parts An Array of strings, each part is a section of the incoming message. */ function setConfig(parts) { toChat('**' + parts[2] + '** has been changed **from ' + getState(parts[2]) + ' to ' + parts[3] + '**.', true, 'gm'); if (parts[2] == 'status_marker') { cleanMarkers(getState(parts[2])); } setState(parts[2], parts[3]); showConfig(); paladinCheck(); } function cleanMarkers(oldMarker) { if (oldMarker == undefined) { oldMarker = getState('status_marker'); } if (oldMarker != undefined) { findObjs({ _type: 'graphic' }) .filter((g) => { return g.get(oldMarker) != 'false'; }) .forEach((g) => { g.set(oldMarker, 'false'); }); } } function handleInput(msg) { parts = msg.content.split(' '); if (msg.type == 'api' && parts[0] == apiCall) { playerName = msg.who.split(' ', 1)[0]; playerID = msg.playerid; if ([undefined, 'config', 'help', 'toggleAuraTarget', 'RESET'].includes(parts[1])) { if (parts[1] == 'help') { showHelp(); } else if (parts[1] == 'toggleAuraTarget') { toggleAuraTarget(parts[2], parts[3]); } else if (playerIsGM(playerID)) { if (!parts[1]) { toggleActive(); } else if (parts[1] == 'config') { if (parts[2]) { setConfig(parts); } else { showConfig(); } } else if (parts[1] == 'RESET') { clearAll(); } } else { error('Command is only accessible to GMs.', 1); } } else { error('Command ' + code(msg.content) + ' not understood.', 0); } } } /** * If PaladinAura's "active" state is true, * searches all tokens on the current page to find paladins and * then applies a bonus onto those paladins and all within * range of them. */ function paladinCheck() { if (getState('active') == 'false') { return; } // stops here if the API is inactive const page = getObj('page', Campaign().get('playerpageid')); if (page.get('scale_units') != 'ft') { return; } // stops here if the page is not measured in feet const unitsPerSquare = page.get('scale_number'); const pixelsPerSquare = page.get('snapping_increment') * 70; const playerTokens = getPlayerTokens(); const paladinObjects = getPaladinsFromTokens(playerTokens); playerTokens.forEach((t) => { let saveBonus; const tIsNPC = +getAttr(t.get('represents'), 'npc') == 1; paladinObjects.forEach((p) => { if (t.get('represents') == && getAttr(, 'mancer_confirm').trim() == 'on' && p.chaBonus == +getAttr(, 'globalsavemod') && getAttr(, stateName + 'uniq') != '1') { setAttr(, 'paladin_buff', p.chaBonus.toString()); setAttr(, stateName + 'uniq', '1'); } const distLimit = (p.radius / unitsPerSquare) * pixelsPerSquare; const tokenSizeAdjust = t.get('width') == pixelsPerSquare ? 0 : (Math.floor(t.get('width') / pixelsPerSquare) - 1) * (pixelsPerSquare / 2); const xDist = Math.abs(t.get('left') - p.left) - tokenSizeAdjust; const yDist = Math.abs(t.get('top') - - tokenSizeAdjust; const distTotal = xDist >= yDist ? distCalc(xDist, yDist) : distCalc(yDist, xDist); if (distTotal <= distLimit && ((!tIsNPC && getAttr(t.get('represents'), stateName + != 'false') || (tIsNPC && getAttr(t.get('represents'), stateName + == 'true'))) { saveBonus = saveBonus >= p.chaBonus ? saveBonus : p.chaBonus; } else { saveBonus = saveBonus ? saveBonus : 0; } }); saveBonus = saveBonus ? saveBonus : 0; setBuff(t, saveBonus); }); function distCalc(distA, distB) { const diagonal = getState('diagonal_calc_override') == 'none' ? page.get('diagonaltype') : getState('diagonal_calc_override'); if (diagonal == 'threefive') { return (distA + Math.floor(distB / pixelsPerSquare / 2) * pixelsPerSquare); } if (diagonal == 'foure') { return distA; } if (diagonal == 'pythagorean') { return (Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distA / pixelsPerSquare, 2) + Math.pow(distB / pixelsPerSquare, 2))) * pixelsPerSquare); } if (diagonal == 'manhattan') { return distA + distB; } } } /** * Adjusts the Paladin bonus being given to the provided token. * @param token The target token. * @param value The new value to set the paladin bonus to. */ function setBuff(token, value) { setMarker(token, value); const charID = token.get('represents'); const char = getObj('character', charID); if (!char) { error(`Player Character '${token.get('name')}' had no character sheet.`, 2); return; } else { let attr = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: 'paladin_buff' })[0]; if (!attr) { attr = createObj('attribute', { _characterid: charID, name: 'paladin_buff', current: '0' }); } const attrValue = attr.get('current'); if (+value != +attrValue) { const adjust = +value - +attrValue; attr.setWithWorker('current', value.toString()); if (+getAttr(charID, 'npc') != 1) { modAttr(token.get('represents'), 'globalsavemod', adjust); } else { [ 'strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'intelligence', 'wisdom', 'charisma' ].forEach((abilityName) => { modAttr(token.get('represents'), abilityName, adjust, true); }); checkNPCsaveSection(charID); } } } } /** * Returns a token array consisting of tokens that represent * non-npc character sheets. */ function getPlayerTokens() { return findObjs({ _type: 'graphic', _subtype: 'token', _pageid: Campaign().get('playerpageid'), layer: 'objects' }).filter((token) => { const charID = token.get('represents'); const char = getObj('character', charID); const isNPC = +getAttr(charID, 'npc') == 1; const hasUniqAttr = +getAttr(charID, stateName + 'uniq') == 1; // return any token that has a character and // is not NPC or has custom attr return char != undefined && (!isNPC || hasUniqAttr); }); } /** * Searches an array of tokens for all paladins and returns those * paladins as an array of paladin objects. * @param tokens A token array from which to find paladins. * @param ignoreLevel Optional. A boolean that if true, ignores the * level of the tokens in their paladin calculation. */ function getPaladinsFromTokens(tokens, ignoreLevel) { const attrs = []; return (tokens // filter out any token which has no paladin class // or that is below 6th level .filter((t, i) => { let keep; const levelAttr = charIsPaladin(t.get('represents')); if (levelAttr == undefined) { keep = false; } else { if (ignoreLevel) { keep = true; } else { keep = +getAttr(t.get('represents'), levelAttr) >= 6; } } // if token is to be kept, replace the class attr with the level attr if (keep) { attrs[i] = levelAttr; } return keep; }) // filter out any token that is at or below 0 hit points .filter((t, i) => { const conscious = +getAttr(t.get('represents'), 'hp') > 0 ? true : +getAttr(t.get('represents'), 'HP') > 0; // if unconscious remove from array if (!conscious) { attrs.splice(i, 1); } return conscious; }) // map tokens to output format .map((t, i) => { return { chaBonus: Math.max(+getAttr(t.get('represents'), 'charisma_mod'), 1), id: t.get('represents'), left: +t.get('left'), level: +getAttr(t.get('represents'), attrs[i]), radius: +getAttr(t.get('represents'), attrs[i]) >= 18 ? 30 : 10, token: t, top: +t.get('top') }; })); } /** * Returns the name of the attribute for the character's * paladin level. * @param charID A character ID. */ function charIsPaladin(charID) { let levelAttr; const classAttr = [ 'class', 'multiclass1', 'multiclass2', 'multiclass3' ].find((a) => { return getAttr(charID, a).search(/paladin/i) != -1; }); if (classAttr == undefined) { return; } switch (classAttr) { case 'class': levelAttr = 'base_level'; break; default: levelAttr = classAttr + '_lvl'; break; } return levelAttr; } /** * @param charID Target character ID. * @param attrName Target attribute (eg. globalsavemod). * @param value The difference between the old PaladinBuff and the new one. * @param isNPC Token character is an NPC. */ function modAttr(charID, attrName, value, isNPC) { if (isNPC) { const shortAttrName = attrName.slice(0, 3); let attrMod = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: attrName + '_mod' })[0]; const NPCattrs = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID }).filter((a) => { return a.get('name').includes('npc_' + shortAttrName + '_'); }); let saveFlagAttr = NPCattrs.find((a) => { return a.get('name') == 'npc_' + shortAttrName + '_save_flag'; }); let saveBonusAttr = NPCattrs.find((a) => { return a.get('name') == 'npc_' + shortAttrName + '_save'; }); if (attrMod == undefined) { attrMod = createAttr(attrName); } if (saveFlagAttr == undefined) { saveFlagAttr = createAttr('npc_' + shortAttrName + '_save_flag'); } if (saveBonusAttr == undefined) { saveBonusAttr = createAttr('npc_' + shortAttrName + '_save'); } if (+saveFlagAttr.get('current') == 2) { const adjust = +saveBonusAttr.get('current') + value; saveBonusAttr.setWithWorker('current', adjust.toString()); } else { const adjust = +attrMod.get('current') + value; saveBonusAttr.setWithWorker('current', adjust.toString()); } if (+saveBonusAttr.get('current') == +attrMod.get('current')) { saveFlagAttr.setWithWorker('current', '0'); } else { saveFlagAttr.setWithWorker('current', '2'); } } else { let attr = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: attrName })[0]; if (!attr) { attr = createObj('attribute', { _characterid: charID, name: attrName }); attr.setWithWorker('current', value.toString()); } else { const attrValue = attr.get('current'); const adjust = +attrValue + +value; attr.setWithWorker('current', adjust.toString()); } } function createAttr(name, value) { const output = createObj('attribute', { _characterid: charID, name: name }); output.setWithWorker('current', value || '0'); return output; } } function checkNPCsaveSection(charID) { let showNPCsaves = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: 'npc_saving_flag' })[0]; if (showNPCsaves == undefined) { showNPCsaves = createObj('attribute', { _characterid: charID, name: 'npc_saving_flag', current: '' }); } if (findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID }).some((a) => { const targetAttrs = [ 'npc_' + 'str' + '_save_flag', 'npc_' + 'dex' + '_save_flag', 'npc_' + 'con' + '_save_flag', 'npc_' + 'int' + '_save_flag', 'npc_' + 'wis' + '_save_flag', 'npc_' + 'cha' + '_save_flag' ]; return targetAttrs.includes(a.get('name')) && +a.get('current') != 2; })) { showNPCsaves.setWithWorker('current', ''); } else { showNPCsaves.setWithWorker('current', '2'); } } function toggleAuraTarget(pID, tID) { const paladin = getObj('character', pID); const target = getObj('character', tID); if (paladin == undefined || target == undefined) { error('A target was undefined.', 21); return; } setAttr(tID, stateName + 'uniq', '1'); let newValue; const attr = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: tID, name: stateName + pID })[0]; if (attr != undefined) { newValue = attr.get('current') == 'true' ? 'false' : 'true'; attr.set('current', newValue); } else { const targetIsNPC = +getAttr(tID, 'npc') == 1 ? true : false; newValue = targetIsNPC ? 'true' : 'false'; createObj('attribute', { _characterid: tID, name: stateName + pID, current: newValue }); } paladinCheck(); toChat('**' + paladin.get('name') + ' has toggled their aura to "' + newValue + '" for ' + target.get('name') + '**', newValue == 'true'); } /** * Sets or removes a marker on a token based on the bonus it has started * or stopped recieving respectively. * @param token A token object. * @param value A number. */ function setMarker(token, value) { if (value > 0) { token.set(getState('status_marker'), value); } else { token.set(getState('status_marker'), false); } } function updateCustomConfigs() { if (Campaign() != undefined) { states .filter((s) => { return s.customConfig == 'true'; }) .forEach((s) => { switch ( { case 'status_marker': updateTokenMarkers(s); break; default: error('Custom config for setting "' + + '" could not be found.', -4); } }); } function updateTokenMarkers(s) { const markerObjs = JSON.parse(Campaign().get('_token_markers') || '[]'); let output = '|bolt-shield,status_bolt-shield'; tokenMarkerSort(markerObjs, 'name').forEach((m) => { if ( != 'bolt-shield') { output += '|' + + ',status_' + m.tag; } }); s.customConfig = output; } } /** * Returns the array after it has been sorted alphabetically, keeping * capitalised items at the front of the array. * @param arr An array of objects or strings. * @param prop Optional. The property to sort by (for objects). */ function tokenMarkerSort(arr, prop) { return arr.sort((a, b) => { return a[prop] < b[prop] ? -1 : a[prop] > b[prop] ? 1 : 0; }); } function toggleActive() { const stateInitial = getState('active'); setState('active', stateInitial == 'true' ? 'false' : 'true'); let output = '**Paladin Aura ' + (stateInitial == 'false' ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') + '.**'; if (stateInitial == 'true') { output += '** All aura bonuses set to 0.**'; // get all tokens findObjs({ _type: 'graphic', _subtype: 'token' }) // filter out any tokens that represent no sheet .filter((t) => { const token = getObj('graphic',; const char = getObj('character', token.get('represents')); if (char != undefined) { return true; } return false; }) // for each of the remaining tokens, set buff to zero .forEach((t) => { const token = getObj('graphic',; setBuff(token, 0); }); cleanMarkers(); } else { paladinCheck(); } toChat(output, getState('active') == 'true'); } function clearAll() { const buffAttrs = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', name: 'paladin_buff' }); buffAttrs.forEach((attr) => { if (+attr.get('current') != 0 && attr.get('current') != undefined) { const token = findObjs({ represents: attr.get('_characterid') })[0]; setBuff(token, 0); } attr.remove(); }); // Find and remove all paladin aura inclusion / exclusion attrs findObjs({ _type: 'attribute' }) .filter((a) => { return a.get('name').includes(stateName); }) .forEach((a) => { a.remove(); }); // Find and remove all paladin abilities findObjs({ _type: 'ability', name: 'ToggleAuraTarget' }).forEach((a) => { a.remove(); }); // Delete each stateVar states.forEach((s) => { delete state[stateName +]; }); toChat('**All PaladinAura attributes, abilities, and settings cleared.**', true); } function getAttr(charID, name) { const attrs = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: name }); if (attrs.length > 0) { return attrs[0].get('current'); } return 'undefined'; } function setAttr(charID, name, value) { let attr = findObjs({ _type: 'attribute', _characterid: charID, name: name })[0]; if (attr == undefined) { attr = createObj('attribute', { _characterid: charID, name: name }); } attr.setWithWorker('current', value); return attr; } function getState(value) { return state[stateName + value]; } function setState(targetState, newValue) { let valid; switch (targetState) { case 'active': valid = isActiveValue(newValue); break; case 'diagonal_calc_override': valid = isDiagonalCalcValue(newValue); break; case 'status_marker': valid = isStatusMarkerValue(newValue); break; } if (valid) { state[stateName + targetState] = newValue; } else { error('Tried to set state "' + targetState + '" with unacceptable value "' + newValue + '".', -2); } } function code(snippet) { return ('' + snippet + ''); } function toChat(message, success, target) { const whisper = target ? '/w ' + target + ' ' : ''; let style = '
'; if (success === true) { style = '
'; } else if (success === false) { style = '
'; } sendChat(name, whisper + style + message + '
'); } function error(error, code) { if (playerName) { sendChat(nameError, `/w ${playerName}
**${error}** Error code ${code}.
`); } else { sendChat(nameError, `
**${error}** Error code ${code}.
`); } log(nameLog + error + ` Error code ${code}.`); } function checkHP(attr, prev) { if (attr.get('name').toLowerCase() == 'hp' && (+attr.get('current') == 0 || +prev.current == 0) && charIsPaladin(attr.get('_characterid')) != undefined) { paladinCheck(); } } function startupChecks() { checkPaladinAbilities(); checkStates(); } /** * Finds all paladin characters and checks their abilities. * If a paladin's abilities are found to be incorrect, they * will be corrected and the user will be notified. */ function checkPaladinAbilities() { const paladinAbilityArr = [ { name: 'ToggleAuraTarget', action: '!pa toggleAuraTarget @{character_id} @{target|character_id}' } ]; const allChars = findObjs({ _type: 'character' }).filter((c) => { return +getAttr(, 'npc') != 1; }); const paladins = allChars.filter((c) => { return charIsPaladin( != undefined; }); let configChanged = false; paladins.forEach((p) => { paladinAbilityArr.forEach((a) => { const ability = findObjs({ _type: 'ability', _characterid:, name: })[0]; if (ability == undefined) { configChanged = true; createObj('ability', { _characterid:, name:, action: a.action, istokenaction: true }); } else { if (ability.get('action') != a.action) { configChanged = true; ability.set('action', a.action); } } }); }); if (configChanged) { toChat('Some paladin abilities were wrong or missing. They have been fixed or added respectively.', true); } } function checkStates() { let changedStates = 0, lastState, lastOldValue, lastNewValue; states.forEach((s) => { const acceptables = s.acceptables ? s.acceptables : ['true', 'false']; const defaultVal = s.default ? s.default : 'true'; if (getState( == undefined || (!acceptables.includes(getState( && s.ignore != 'true')) { changedStates++; lastState =; lastOldValue = getState(; lastNewValue = defaultVal; setState(, defaultVal); } }); if (changedStates == 1) { error('"' + lastState + '" value was "' + lastOldValue + '" but has now been set to its default value, "' + lastNewValue + '".', -1); } else if (changedStates > 1) { toChat('**Multiple settings were wrong or un-set. They have now been corrected. ' + 'If this is your first time running the PaladinAura API, this is normal.**', true); } } function registerEventHandlers() { on('chat:message', handleInput); on('change:graphic', paladinCheck); on('change:attribute', checkHP); on('change:campaign:playerpageid', paladinCheck); } return { CheckMacros: checkMacros, StartupChecks: startupChecks, RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers }; })(); on('ready', () => { PaladinAura.CheckMacros(); PaladinAura.StartupChecks(); PaladinAura.RegisterEventHandlers(); });