#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # may or may not be inspired by plutoo's ctrrpc import codecs import errno import os import socket import struct import sys from time import sleep STORAGE_MLC = '/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/' SYSTEM_TITLES = { 'JPN':[ '00050010-10040000', '00050010-10041000', '00050010-10043000', '00050010-10044000', '00050010-10045000', '00050010-10047000', '00050010-10048000', '00050010-10049000', '00050010-1004a000', '00050010-1004b000', '00050010-1004c000', '00050010-1004d000', '00050010-1004e000', '00050010-1005a000', '00050010-10062000', '0005001b-10059000', '0005001b-10067000', '0005001b-10069000', '00050030-10010009', '00050030-1001000a', '00050030-1001100a', '00050030-100110ff', '00050030-1001200a', '00050030-1001300a', '00050030-1001400a', '00050030-1001500a', '00050030-1001600a', '00050030-10017009', '00050030-1001700a', '00050030-1001800a', '00050030-1001900a', '00050030-1006d00a' ], 'USA':[ '00050010-10040100', '00050010-10041100', '00050010-10043100', '00050010-10044100', '00050010-10045100', '00050010-10047100', '00050010-10048100', '00050010-10049100', '00050010-1004a100', '00050010-1004b100', '00050010-1004c100', '00050010-1004d100', '00050010-1004e100', '00050010-1005a100', '00050010-10062100', '0005001b-10059100', '0005001b-10067100', '0005001b-10069100', '00050030-10010109', '00050030-10011109', '00050030-1001010a', '00050030-1001110a', '00050030-100111ff', '00050030-1001210a', '00050030-1001310a', '00050030-1001410a', '00050030-1001510a', '00050030-1001610a', '00050030-10017109', '00050030-1001710a', '00050030-1001810a', '00050030-1001910a', '00050030-1006d10a' ], 'EUR':[ '00050010-10040200', '00050010-10041200', '00050010-10043200', '00050010-10044200', '00050010-10045200', '00050010-10047200', '00050010-10048200', '00050010-10049200', '00050010-1004a200', '00050010-1004b200', '00050010-1004c200', '00050010-1004d200', '00050010-1004e200', '00050010-1005a200', '00050010-10062200', '0005001b-10059200', '0005001b-10067200', '0005001b-10069200', '00050030-10010209', '00050030-1001020a', '00050030-1001120a', '00050030-100112ff', '00050030-1001220a', '00050030-1001320a', '00050030-1001420a', '00050030-1001520a', '00050030-1001620a', '00050030-10017209', '00050030-1001720a', '00050030-1001820a', '00050030-1001920a', '00050030-1006d20a' ] } def buffer(size): return bytearray([0x00] * size) def copy_string(buffer, s, offset): s += '\0' buffer[offset : (offset + len(s))] = bytearray(s, 'ascii') def copy_word(buffer, w, offset): buffer[offset : (offset + 4)] = struct.pack('>I', w) def get_string(buffer, offset): s = buffer[offset:] if b'\x00' in s: return s[:s.index(b'\x00')].decode('utf-8') return s.decode('utf-8') class wupclient: s=None def __init__(self, ip='', port=1337): self.s=socket.socket() self.s.connect((ip, port)) self.fsa_handle = self.open('/dev/fsa', 0) self.cwd = '/vol/storage_mlc01' def __del__(self): self.FSA_Unmount(self.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_sdcard', 2) self.close(self.fsa_handle) # fundamental comms def send(self, command, data): request = struct.pack('>I', command) + data self.s.send(request) response = self.s.recv(0x600) ret = struct.unpack('>I', response[:4])[0] return (ret, response[4:]) # core commands def read(self, addr, len): data = struct.pack('>II', addr, len) ret, data = self.send(1, data) if ret == 0: return data print('read error : %08X' % ret) def send_and_exit(self, command, data): request = struct.pack('>I', command) + data self.s.send(request) self.s.close() self.s = None self.fsa_handle = None exit() def write(self, addr, data): data = struct.pack('>I', addr) + data ret, data = self.send(0, data) if ret == 0: return ret print('write error : %08X' % ret) def svc(self, svc_id, arguments): data = struct.pack('>I', svc_id) for a in arguments: data += struct.pack('>I', a) ret, data = self.send(2, data) if ret == 0: return struct.unpack('>I', data)[0] print('svc error : %08X' % ret) def svc_and_exit(self, svc_id, arguments): data = struct.pack('>I', svc_id) for a in arguments: data += struct.pack('>I', a) self.send_and_exit(2, data) def kill(self): ret, _ = self.send(3, bytearray()) return ret def memcpy(self, dst, src, len): data = struct.pack('>III', dst, src, len) ret, data = self.send(4, data) if ret == 0: return ret print('memcpy error : %08X' % ret) def repeatwrite(self, dst, val, n): data = struct.pack('>III', dst, val, n) ret, data = self.send(5, data) if ret == 0: return ret print('repeatwrite error : %08X' % ret) # derivatives def alloc(self, size, align=None): if size == 0: return 0 if align is None: return self.svc(0x27, [0xCAFF, size]) return self.svc(0x28, [0xCAFF, size, align]) def free(self, address): if address == 0: return 0 return self.svc(0x29, [0xCAFF, address]) def load_buffer(self, b, align=None): if len(b) == 0: return 0 address = self.alloc(len(b), align) self.write(address, b) return address def load_string(self, s, align=None): return self.load_buffer(bytearray(s + '\0', 'ascii'), align) def open(self, device, mode): address = self.load_string(device) handle = self.svc(0x33, [address, mode]) self.free(address) return handle def close(self, handle): return self.svc(0x34, [handle]) def ioctl(self, handle, cmd, inbuf, outbuf_size): in_address = self.load_buffer(inbuf) out_data = None if outbuf_size > 0: out_address = self.alloc(outbuf_size) ret = self.svc(0x38, [handle, cmd, in_address, len(inbuf), out_address, outbuf_size]) out_data = self.read(out_address, outbuf_size) self.free(out_address) else: ret = self.svc(0x38, [handle, cmd, in_address, len(inbuf), 0, 0]) self.free(in_address) return (ret, out_data) def iovec(self, vecs): data = bytearray() for (a, s) in vecs: data += struct.pack('>III', a, s, 0) return self.load_buffer(data) def ioctlv(self, handle, cmd, inbufs, outbuf_sizes, inbufs_ptr=[], outbufs_ptr=[]): inbufs = [(self.load_buffer(b, 0x40), len(b)) for b in inbufs] outbufs = [(self.alloc(s, 0x40), s) for s in outbuf_sizes] iovecs = self.iovec(inbufs + inbufs_ptr + outbufs_ptr + outbufs) out_data = [] ret = self.svc(0x39, [handle, cmd, len(inbufs + inbufs_ptr), len(outbufs + outbufs_ptr), iovecs]) for (a, s) in outbufs: out_data += [self.read(a, s)] for (a, _) in (inbufs + outbufs): self.free(a) self.free(iovecs) return (ret, out_data) # fsa def FSA_Mount(self, handle, device_path, volume_path, flags): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, device_path, 0x0004) copy_string(inbuffer, volume_path, 0x0284) copy_word(inbuffer, flags, 0x0504) (ret, _) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x01, [inbuffer, bytearray()], [0x293]) return ret def FSA_Unmount(self, handle, path, flags): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x4) copy_word(inbuffer, flags, 0x284) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x02, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_RawOpen(self, handle, device): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, device, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x6A, inbuffer, 0x293) return (ret, struct.unpack('>I', data[4:8])[0]) def FSA_OpenDir(self, handle, path): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x0A, inbuffer, 0x293) return (ret, struct.unpack('>I', data[4:8])[0]) def FSA_ReadDir(self, handle, dir_handle): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, dir_handle, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x0B, inbuffer, 0x293) data = bytearray(data[4:]) unk = data[:0x64] if ret == 0: return (ret, {'name': get_string(data, 0x64), 'is_file': (unk[0] & 128) != 128, 'unk': unk}) return (ret, None) def FSA_CloseDir(self, handle, dir_handle): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, dir_handle, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x0D, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_OpenFile(self, handle, path, mode): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x4) copy_string(inbuffer, mode, 0x284) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x0E, inbuffer, 0x293) return (ret, struct.unpack('>I', data[4:8])[0]) def FSA_MakeDir(self, handle, path, flags): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x4) copy_word(inbuffer, flags, 0x284) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x07, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_ReadFile(self, handle, file_handle, size, cnt): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, size, 0x08) copy_word(inbuffer, cnt, 0x0C) copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x14) (ret, data) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x0F, [inbuffer], [size * cnt, 0x293]) return (ret, data[0]) def FSA_WriteFile(self, handle, file_handle, data): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, 1, 0x08) # size copy_word(inbuffer, len(data), 0x0C) # cnt copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x14) (ret, data) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x10, [inbuffer, data], [0x293]) return (ret) def FSA_ReadFilePtr(self, handle, file_handle, size, cnt, ptr): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, size, 0x08) copy_word(inbuffer, cnt, 0x0C) copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x14) (ret, data) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x0F, [inbuffer], [0x293], [], [(ptr, size*cnt)]) return (ret, data[0]) def FSA_WriteFilePtr(self, handle, file_handle, size, cnt, ptr): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, size, 0x08) copy_word(inbuffer, cnt, 0x0C) copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x14) (ret, data) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x10, [inbuffer], [0x293], [(ptr, size*cnt)], []) return (ret) def FSA_GetStatFile(self, handle, file_handle): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x14, inbuffer, 0x64) return (ret, struct.unpack('>IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', data)) def FSA_CloseFile(self, handle, file_handle): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_word(inbuffer, file_handle, 0x4) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x15, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_ChangeMode(self, handle, path, mode, mask=0x777): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0004) copy_word(inbuffer, mode, 0x0284) copy_word(inbuffer, mask, 0x0288) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x20, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_Rename(self, handle, oldpath, newpath): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, oldpath, 0x4) copy_string(inbuffer, newpath, 0x284) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x09, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_Remove(self, handle, path): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x04) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x08, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_FlushVolume(self, handle, path): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x04) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x1B, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_Format(self, handle, device_path, filesystem, flags): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, device_path, 0x0004) copy_string(inbuffer, filesystem, 0x0284) copy_word(inbuffer, flags, 0x028F) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x69, inbuffer, 0x293) return ret def FSA_GetInfoByQuery(self, handle, path, type): inbuffer = buffer(0x520) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0004) copy_word(inbuffer, type, 0x0284) (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x18, inbuffer, 0x64) return (ret, struct.unpack('>IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', data)) # mcp def MCP_InstallGetInfo(self, handle, path): inbuffer = buffer(0x27F) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0) (ret, data) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x80, [inbuffer], [0x16]) return (ret, struct.unpack('>IIIIIH', data[0])) def MCP_Install(self, handle, path): inbuffer = buffer(0x27F) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0) (ret, _) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x81, [inbuffer], []) return ret def MCP_InstallGetProgress(self, handle): (ret, data) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x82, [], 0x24) return (ret, struct.unpack('>IIIIIIIII', data)) def MCP_DeleteTitle(self, handle, path, flush): inbuffer = buffer(0x38) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0) inbuffer2 = buffer(0x4) copy_word(inbuffer2, flush, 0x0) (ret, _) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x83, [inbuffer, inbuffer2], []) return ret def MCP_CopyTitle(self, handle, path, dst_device_id, flush): inbuffer = buffer(0x27F) copy_string(inbuffer, path, 0x0) inbuffer2 = buffer(0x4) copy_word(inbuffer2, dst_device_id, 0x0) inbuffer3 = buffer(0x4) copy_word(inbuffer3, flush, 0x0) (ret, _) = self.ioctlv(handle, 0x85, [inbuffer, inbuffer2, inbuffer3], []) return ret def MCP_InstallSetTargetDevice(self, handle, device): inbuffer = buffer(0x4) copy_word(inbuffer, device, 0x0) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0x8D, inbuffer, 0) return ret def MCP_InstallSetTargetUsb(self, handle, device): inbuffer = buffer(0x4) copy_word(inbuffer, device, 0x0) (ret, _) = self.ioctl(handle, 0xF1, inbuffer, 0) return ret # syslog (tmp) def dump_syslog(self): syslog_address = struct.unpack('>I', self.read(0x05095ECC, 4))[0] + 0x10 block_size = 0x400 for i in range(0, 0x40000, block_size): data = self.read(syslog_address + i, 0x400) # if 0 in data: # print(data[:data.index(0)].decode('ascii')) # break # else: print(data.decode('ascii')) def mkdir(self, path, flags): if path[0] != '/': path = self.cwd + '/' + path ret = w.FSA_MakeDir(self.fsa_handle, path, flags) if ret == 0: return 0 print('mkdir error (%s, %08X)' % (path, ret)) return ret def chmod(self, filename, flags): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret = w.FSA_ChangeMode(self.fsa_handle, filename, flags) print('chmod returned : ' + hex(ret)) def cd(self, path): if path[0] != '/' and self.cwd[0] == '/': return self.cd(self.cwd + '/' + path) ret, dir_handle = self.FSA_OpenDir(self.fsa_handle, path if path is not None else self.cwd) if ret == 0: self.cwd = path self.FSA_CloseDir(self.fsa_handle, dir_handle) return 0 print('cd error : path does not exist (%s)' % (path)) return -1 def ls(self, path=None, return_data=False): if path is not None and path[0] != '/': path = self.cwd + '/' + path ret, dir_handle = self.FSA_OpenDir(self.fsa_handle, path if path is not None else self.cwd) if ret != 0x0: print('opendir error : ' + hex(ret)) return [] if return_data else None entries = [] while True: ret, data = self.FSA_ReadDir(self.fsa_handle, dir_handle) if ret != 0: break if not(return_data): if data['is_file']: print(' %s' % data['name']) else: print(' %s/' % data['name']) else: entries += [data] ret = self.FSA_CloseDir(self.fsa_handle, dir_handle) return entries if return_data else None def dldir(self, path): if path[0] != '/': path = self.cwd + '/' + path entries = self.ls(path, True) for e in entries: if e['is_file']: print(e['name']) self.dl(path + '/' + e['name'],path[1:]) else: print(e['name'] + '/') self.dldir(path + '/' + e['name']) def cpdir(self, srcpath, dstpath): entries = self.ls(srcpath, True) q = [(srcpath, dstpath, e) for e in entries] while len(q) > 0: _srcpath, _dstpath, e = q.pop() _srcpath += '/' + e['name'] _dstpath += '/' + e['name'] if e['is_file']: print(e['name']) self.cp(_srcpath, _dstpath) else: self.mkdir(_dstpath, 0x600) entries = self.ls(_srcpath, True) q += [(_srcpath, _dstpath, e) for e in entries] def pwd(self): return self.cwd def cp(self, filename_in, filename_out): ret, in_file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename_in, 'r') if ret != 0x0: print('cp error : could not open ' + filename_in) return ret, out_file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename_out, 'w') if ret != 0x0: print('cp error : could not open ' + filename_out) return block_size = 0x10000 buffer = self.alloc(block_size, 0x40) k = 0 while True: ret, _ = self.FSA_ReadFilePtr(self.fsa_handle, in_file_handle, 0x1, block_size, buffer) k += ret ret = self.FSA_WriteFilePtr(self.fsa_handle, out_file_handle, 0x1, ret, buffer) sys.stdout.write(hex(k) + '\r'); sys.stdout.flush(); if ret < block_size: break self.free(buffer) ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, out_file_handle) ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, in_file_handle) def df(self, filename_out, src, size): ret, out_file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename_out, 'w') if ret != 0x0: print('df error : could not open ' + filename_out) return block_size = 0x10000 buffer = self.alloc(block_size, 0x40) k = 0 while k < size: cur_size = min(size - k, block_size) self.memcpy(buffer, src + k, cur_size) k += cur_size ret = self.FSA_WriteFilePtr(self.fsa_handle, out_file_handle, 0x1, cur_size, buffer) sys.stdout.write(hex(k) + ' (%f) ' % (float(k * 100) / size) + '\r'); sys.stdout.flush(); self.free(buffer) ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, out_file_handle) def dl_buf(self, filename, show_progress = True): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'r') if ret != 0x0: print('dl error : could not open ' + filename) return None buf = bytearray() block_size = 0x400 while True: ret, data = self.FSA_ReadFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle, 0x1, block_size) buf += data[:ret] if show_progress: sys.stdout.write(hex(len(buf)) + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() if ret < block_size: break self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) return buf def dl(self, filename, directorypath=None, local_filename=None): buf = self.dl_buf(filename) if buf is None: return -1 if local_filename is None: if '/' in filename: local_filename = filename[[i for i, x in enumerate(filename) if x == '/'][-1]+1:] else: local_filename = filename if directorypath is None: open(local_filename, 'wb').write(buf) else: dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])).replace('\\','/') fullpath = dir_path + '/' + directorypath + '/' fullpath = fullpath.replace('//','/') mkdir_p(fullpath) open(fullpath + local_filename, 'wb').write(buf) return 0 def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass raise exc def fr(self, filename, offset, size): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'r') if ret != 0x0: print('fr error : could not open ' + filename) return buffer = bytearray() block_size = 0x400 while True: ret, data = self.FSA_ReadFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle, 0x1, block_size if (block_size < size) else size) buffer += data[:ret] sys.stdout.write(hex(len(buffer)) + '\r'); sys.stdout.flush(); if len(buffer) >= size: break ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) return buffer def fw(self, filename, offset, buffer): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'r+') if ret != 0x0: print('fw error : could not open ' + filename) return block_size = 0x400 k = 0 while True: cur_size = min(len(buffer) - k, block_size) if cur_size <= 0: break sys.stdout.write(hex(k) + '\r'); sys.stdout.flush(); ret = self.FSA_WriteFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle, buffer[k:(k+cur_size)]) k += cur_size ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) def stat(self, filename): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'r') if ret != 0x0: print('stat error : could not open ' + filename) return (ret, stats) = self.FSA_GetStatFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) if ret != 0x0: print('stat error : ' + hex(ret)) else: print('flags: ' + hex(stats[1])) print('mode: ' + hex(stats[2])) print('owner: ' + hex(stats[3])) print('group: ' + hex(stats[4])) print('size: ' + hex(stats[5])) ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) def askyesno(self): yes = set(['yes', 'ye', 'y']) no = set(['no','n', '']) while True: choice = input().lower() if choice in yes: return True elif choice in no: return False else: print("Please respond with 'y' or 'n'") def rm(self, filename): if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'r') if ret != 0x0: print('rm error : could not open ' + filename + ' (' + hex(ret) + ')') return self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) #print('WARNING: REMOVING A FILE CAN BRICK YOUR CONSOLE, ARE YOU SURE (Y/N)?') #if self.askyesno() == True: ret = self.FSA_Remove(self.fsa_handle, filename) print('rm : ' + hex(ret)) # Credits to Nightkingale at https://nightkingale.com/posts/the-downgrade-of-doom def rmdir(self, path): fsa_handle = w.fsa_handle if path[0] != '/': path = self.cwd + '/' + path ret, dir_handle = self.FSA_OpenDir(fsa_handle, path) if ret != 0x0: print('rmdir error : could not open ' + path + ' (' + hex(ret) + ')') return self.FSA_CloseDir(fsa_handle, dir_handle) if len(self.ls(path, True)) != 0: entries = self.ls(path, True) for e in entries: if e['is_file']: print('deleting: ' + e['name']) self.rm(path + '/' + e['name']) else: print('deleting: ' + e['name'] + '/') self.rmdir(path + '/' + e['name']) ret = self.FSA_Remove(fsa_handle, path) print('rmdir : ' + hex(ret)) def mv(self, srcpath, dstpath): if srcpath[0] != '/': srcpath = self.cwd + '/' + srcpath if dstpath[0] != '/': dstpath = self.cwd + '/' + dstpath print('WARNING: MOVING A FILE OR FOLDER CAN BRICK YOUR CONSOLE, ARE YOU SURE (Y/N)?') if self.askyesno() == True: ret = self.FSA_Rename(self.fsa_handle, srcpath, dstpath) if ret == 0x0: print('moved ' + srcpath + ' to ' + dstpath) else: print('moving ' + srcpath + ' to ' + dstpath + ' failed : ' + hex(ret)) else: print('mv aborted') def up(self, local_filename, filename=None): if filename is None: if '/' in local_filename: filename = local_filename[[i for i, x in enumerate(local_filename) if x == '/'][-1]+1:] else: filename = local_filename if filename[0] != '/': filename = self.cwd + '/' + filename f = open(local_filename, 'rb') ret, file_handle = self.FSA_OpenFile(self.fsa_handle, filename, 'w') if ret != 0x0: print('up error : could not open ' + filename) return progress = 0 block_size = 0x400 while True: data = f.read(block_size) ret = self.FSA_WriteFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle, data) progress += len(data) sys.stdout.write(hex(progress) + '\r'); sys.stdout.flush(); if len(data) < block_size: break ret = self.FSA_CloseFile(self.fsa_handle, file_handle) def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass raise exc def mount_sd(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/sdcard01', '/vol/storage_sdcard', 2) print(hex(ret)) def format_sd(): ret = w.FSA_Format(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/sdcard01', 'fat', 0) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_mlc(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_mlc01', 2) print(hex(ret)) def mount_mlc(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/mlc01', '/vol/storage_mlc01', 2) print(hex(ret)) def format_mlc(): ret = w.FSA_Format(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/mlc01', 'wfs', 0) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_sd(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_sdcard', 2) print(hex(ret)) def mount_slccmpt01(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/slccmpt01', '/vol/storage_slccmpt01', 2) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_slccmpt01(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_slccmpt01', 2) print(hex(ret)) def mount_odd_content(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/odd03', '/vol/storage_odd_content', 2) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_odd_content(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_odd_content', 2) print(hex(ret)) def mount_odd_update(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/odd02', '/vol/storage_odd_update', 2) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_odd_update(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_odd_update', 2) print(hex(ret)) def mount_odd_tickets(): ret = w.FSA_Mount(w.fsa_handle, '/dev/odd01', '/vol/storage_odd_tickets', 2) print(hex(ret)) def unmount_odd_tickets(): ret = w.FSA_Unmount(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_odd_tickets', 2) print(hex(ret)) def get_tik_keys(): base_path = '/vol/system/rights/ticket/apps' entries = w.ls(base_path, True) #parse subfolder contents to get tik location tikFiles = [] for e in entries: if not e['is_file']: path = base_path + '/' + e['name'] subentries = w.ls(path, True) for se in subentries: if se['is_file'] and se['name'].endswith('.tik'): tikFiles.append(path + '/' + se['name']) #go through all tiks tikList = [] for tikF in tikFiles: tikContent = w.dl_buf(tikF, False) if tikContent is None: continue checkTik = True tikP = 0 while checkTik == True: checkTik = False curTik = tikContent[tikP:] if(curTik[0:4] != b'\x00\x01\x00\x04'): print('Unhandled tik start at %i with ticket %s!' % (tikP, tikF)) break titleId = codecs.encode(curTik[0x1DC:0x1E4], 'hex').decode() titleKey = codecs.encode(curTik[0x1BF:0x1CF], 'hex').decode() tikFprint = tikF[tikF.rfind('apps/')+5:] tikList.append(titleId + ' ' + titleKey + ' (' + tikFprint + ' @ ' + hex(tikP) + ')') if(len(curTik) > 0x354): if(curTik[0x2B0:0x2B2] == b'\x00\x00' and curTik[0x2B8:0x2BC] == b'\x00\x01\x00\x04'): tikP += 0x2B8 checkTik = True elif(curTik[0x2B0:0x2B2] == b'\x00\x01' and curTik[0x350:0x354] == b'\x00\x01\x00\x04'): tikP += 0x350 checkTik = True else: print('Unhandled packed tik at %i with ticket %s!' % (tikP, tikF)) #print out all sorted and unique tiks uniqueTiks = sorted(set(tikList)) print('Found %i unique tickets' % len(uniqueTiks)) for tikCnt in uniqueTiks: print(tikCnt) #path=root folder of installed/extracted title, only works if title is deleted #on the destination device beforehand; path can also be a sd card location! def copy_title(path, installToUsb=0, flush=0): mcp_handle = w.open('/dev/mcp', 0) print(hex(mcp_handle)) ret = w.MCP_CopyTitle(mcp_handle, path, installToUsb, flush) print(hex(ret)) ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) #path=path to sd card folder on device root def install_title(path, installToUsb=0): mcp_handle = w.open('/dev/mcp', 0) print(hex(mcp_handle)) ret, data = w.MCP_InstallGetInfo(mcp_handle, '/vol/storage_sdcard/' + path) print('install info : ' + hex(ret), [hex(v) for v in data]) if ret != 0: ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) return ret = w.MCP_InstallSetTargetDevice(mcp_handle, installToUsb) print('install set target device : ' + hex(ret)) if ret != 0: ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) return ret = w.MCP_InstallSetTargetUsb(mcp_handle, installToUsb) print('install set target usb : ' + hex(ret)) if ret != 0: ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) return ret = w.MCP_Install(mcp_handle, '/vol/storage_sdcard/' + path) print('install : ' + hex(ret)) ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) #path=full path, for example '/vol/storage_mlc01/usr/title/00050000/10179C00' def delete_title(path, flush = 0): mcp_handle = w.open('/dev/mcp', 0) print(hex(mcp_handle)) ret = w.MCP_DeleteTitle(mcp_handle, path, flush) print('delete title : ' + hex(ret)) ret = w.close(mcp_handle) print(hex(ret)) def ios_shutdown(): w.svc_and_exit(0x72, [0]) def ios_reset(): w.svc_and_exit(0x72, [1]) def get_nim_status(): nim_handle = w.open('/dev/nim', 0) print(hex(nim_handle)) inbuffer = buffer(0x80) (ret, data) = w.ioctlv(nim_handle, 0x00, [inbuffer], [0x80]) print(hex(ret), ''.join('%02X' % v for v in data[0])) ret = w.close(nim_handle) print(hex(ret)) def read_and_print(adr, size): data = w.read(adr, size) data = struct.unpack('>%dI' % (len(data) // 4), data) for i in range(0, len(data), 4): print(' '.join('%08X' % v for v in data[i:i+4])) def read_and_dump(adr, size): f = open('dump.bin', 'wb') for i in range(0, size, 1024): data = w.read(adr+i, 1024) f.write(data) f.close() def flush_mlc(): ret = w.FSA_FlushVolume(w.fsa_handle, '/vol/storage_mlc01') print(hex(ret)) def remove_system_titles(region, auto_flush=True): if (titles := SYSTEM_TITLES.get(region)) is not None and isinstance(titles, (tuple, list)): for t in titles: w.rmdir(STORAGE_MLC + t.replace('-', '/')) if auto_flush: flush_mlc() if __name__ == '__main__': w = wupclient() mount_sd() # mount_odd_content() # print(w.pwd()) # w.ls() # w.dump_syslog() # w.mkdir('/vol/storage_sdcard/usr', 0x600) # install_title('test') # get_nim_status() # w.kill()