# TODO ## Hunter-Transform Framework 1. ~~incremental compile~~ 2. ~~parallel compile~~ 3. ~~extract and modify jar~~ 4. use cached jar ## Timing Plugin 1. ~~Insert byteCode to get time costed by every method~~ 2. ~~Extension to control blacklist~~ 3. ~~Extension to control whitelist~~ 4. ~~Algorithm to rank blocked method~~ 4. ~~Algorithm to reduce blocked stacktrace~~ ## OkHttp Plugin 1. ~~Global EventListener~~ 2. ~~Global Dns~~ 3. ~~Global Intercepter~~ ## Debug Plugin 1. ~~Print Method Parameter, Method Costed-Time, Method Result~~ 2. Print costed time of every step in a certain method ## Code LineNumber Plugin 1. ~~Add linenumber to logcat output~~ ## Cachable-Method Plugin 1. Memory-Cache Method 2. SharePreference-Cache Method ## Proguard for string in Log module 1. 包体大小; 2. 日志大小; 3. 内存大小; 4. 日志写性能; 5. 日志安全 ## CGLIB in Android Platform 1、Dynamic proxy for any class Finally, your ideas is welcome.