# All environment parameters have a default value like defined in this file # To change uncomment the line and change to your wishes # Choose environment settings production (default) or development # LEARNINGHOUSE_ENVIRONMENT=production # Set the name of service # default: learningHouse Service # LEARNINGHOUSE_TITLE=learningHouse Service # Define directory where all configuration data goes # default: ./brains # LEARNINGHOUSE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY=./brains # Set listening host and port # default: # LEARNINGHOUSE_HOST= # LEARNINGHOUSE_PORT=5000 # Count of parallel workers for processing # default: 5 # LEARNINGHOUSE_WORKERS=5 # Set base url for external access # default: # LEARNINGHOUSE_BASE_URL= # File url path to OpenAPI json file # LEARNINGHOUSE_OPENAPI_FILE=/learninghouse_api.json # Define url path for interactive documentation # By default /docs is activate # LEARNINGHOUSE_DOCS_URL=/docs # For administration authentication there is a JWT generated # after login. This is signed with this secret. # By default it is generated on startup this will invalid # existing JWTs # LEARNINGHOUSE_JWT_SECRET= # JWTs will expire after given amount of minutes # Default 10 minutes # LEARNINGHOUSE_JWT_EXPIRE_MINUTES=10 # Set logging level to DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL # LEARNINGHOUSE_LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO # Debugger and reload of source will be automatically activated in development environment # For security reasons it is recommended not to activate in production. # LEARNINGHOUSE_DEBUG=False # LEARNINGHOUSE_RELOAD=False