#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2017-2019 HT2 Labs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. ######################################### # PACKING FUNCTIONS # ######################################### # $1 is the path to the tmp dir function apt_package () { echo "creating apt package" } function yum_package () { echo "[LL] creating yum package" } ######################################### # GENERIC FUNCTIONS IRRESPECTIVE OF OS # ######################################### # creating 4GB swp space function create_swap_space () { output "Creating 4GB swapfile and adding to fstab to automatically mount on boot..." fallocate -l 4GB /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile >> $OUTPUT_LOG swapon /swapfile echo "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab >> $OUTPUT_LOG output "done!" } # simple function to symlink useful commands function symlink_commands () { output_log "setting up symlink commands" alias ll-pm2-logs="su - ${LOCAL_USER} -c 'pm2 logs'" } function determine_os_version () { VERSION_FILE=/etc/issue.net REDHAT_FILE=/etc/redhat-release CENTOS_FILE=/etc/centos-release OS_SUBVER=false OS_VERSION=false OS_VNO=false # Make sure that the version is one we know about - if not, there'll likely be some strangeness with the package names if [ ! -f $VERSION_FILE ]; then echo "[LL] Couldn't determine version from $VERSION_FILE, file doesn't exist" exit 0 fi RAW_OS_VERSION=$(cat $VERSION_FILE) if [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"Amazon"* ]]; then OS_VERSION="Redhat" OS_SUBVER="Amazon" OS_ARCH=$(uname -a | awk '{print $12}') output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" elif [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"Debian"* ]]; then OS_VERSION="Debian" output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" elif [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"Ubuntu"* ]]; then OS_VERSION="Ubuntu" OS_VNO=`lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep Release | awk '{print $2}'` if [[ $OS_VNO == "" ]]; then OS_VNO=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "VERSION_ID" | sed 's?VERSION_ID=??' | sed 's?"??g') fi if [[ $OS_VNO == "14.04" ]]; then NODE_OVERRIDE="6.x" PM2_OVERRIDE="ubuntu14" fi output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" elif [[ -f $REDHAT_FILE ]]; then RAW_OS_VERSION=$(cat $REDHAT_FILE) OS_ARCH=$(uname -a | awk '{print $12}') # centos detection if [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"CentOS"* ]]; then OS_VNO=$(cat $CENTOS_FILE | awk '{print $4}' | tr "." " " | awk '{print $1}') if [[ OS_VNO < 6 ]]; then echo "[LL] Versions of CentOS prior to CentOS 6 aren't supported" exit 0 fi OS_VERSION="Redhat" OS_SUBVER="CentOS" output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" # RHEL elif [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"Red Hat Enterprise Linux"* ]]; then OS_VERSION="Redhat" OS_SUBVER="RHEL" OS_VNO=$(cat $REDHAT_FILE | awk '{print $7}') output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" echo output "Sorry, we don't support RHEL at the moment - press 'e' to exit or any other key to continue" read -r -s -n 1 n output_log "user entered ${n}" if [[ $n == "e" ]]; then exit 0 fi echo # Fedora elif [[ $RAW_OS_VERSION == *"Fedora"* ]]; then OS_VERSION="Redhat" OS_SUBVER="Fedora" OS_VNO=$(cat $REDHAT_FILE | awk '{print $3}') output_log "Detected OS: ${OS_VERSION}, subver:${OS_SUBVER}, arch:${OS_ARCH}, vno:${OS_VNO}, NodeOverride: ${NODE_OVERRIDE}, PM2Override:${PM2_OVERRIDE}" if [[ OS_VNO < 24 ]]; then echo output "Sorry, we don't support this version of Fedora at the moment" echo exit 0 fi # unknown redhat - bail else output "Only set up for debian/ubuntu/centos at the moment I'm afraid - exiting" exit 0 fi fi if [[ $OS_VERSION != "Ubuntu" ]]; then printf "||---------------------------------------------------------------||\n" printf "|| ----------------------------------------------------------- ||\n" printf "|| NOTE: THIS SCRIPT ONLY FULLY SUPPORTS UBUNTU 16 & 18 ||\n" printf "|| it may work on other systems, but this is not guaranteed ||\n" printf "|| ||\n" printf "|| Press any key to acknowledge this message. ||\n" printf "|| ----------------------------------------------------------- ||\n" printf "||---------------------------------------------------------------||\n" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -r -s -n 1 n fi return 0 fi if [[ ! $OS_VERSION ]]; then output "Couldn't determind version from $VERSION_FILE, unknown OS: $RAW_OS_VERSION" exit 0 fi } function show_help () { echo "stub for help text" echo "CLI options:" echo " -b {branch name} : specific branch to check out" exit 0 } function show_install_end_text () { echo echo "Thanks for installing Learning Locker v2" echo echo "If you need to add a new superuser (other than one created by the install process) then you can run this command:" echo ' cd ${LOCAL_PATH}; node cli/dist/server createSiteAdmin "EMAIL" "ORG-NAME" "PASSWD"' echo " with replacing the values in capitals with ones you want" echo echo "If you need to restart the services this script has installed then you can run this command:" echo " service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} restart" echo } function print_spinner () { pid=$! s='-\|/' i=0 while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; do i=$(( (i+1) %4 )); printf "\b${s:$i:1}"; sleep .1; done printf "\b."; if [[ $1 == true ]]; then output "done!" false true fi } function output_log () { if [[ -f $OUTPUT_LOG ]]; then echo $1 >> $OUTPUT_LOG fi } # $1 is the message # $2 is true/false to supress newlines # $3 is true/false to supress the [LL] block # $4 is the number of whitespace characters to insert before the text (not working yet) function output () { if [[ $2 == true ]]; then if [[ $3 == true ]]; then echo -n $1 output_log "$1" else MSG="[LL] $1" echo -n $MSG output_log "$MSG" fi else if [[ $3 == true ]]; then echo $1 output_log "$1" else MSG="[LL] $1" echo $MSG output_log "$MSG" fi fi } # simple function to check if the version is greater than a specific other version # $1 is the version to check # $2 is the version to check against # returns '1' if $1>=$2 or '2' otherwise function version_check () { if [[ $1 == $2 ]] then return 1 fi local IFS=. local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2) # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)) do ver1[i]=0 done for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)) do if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]] then # fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros ver2[i]=0 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})) then return 1 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})) then return 2 fi done return 0 } # simple function to check if a webserver is running on this machine on port 80 (our default setup). If it it, we should warn and/or present options to the user function webserver_check () { # first off check if we've got anything running locally if [[ `netstat -lnt | grep ":80 "` ]]; then output "You currently have a webserver running on port 80 on this server. This will need removing / resetting before our nginx config will work." output " If this is an upgrade of an existing install then this is nothing to worry about. Press any key to continue" read n fi } ################################################################################# # LEARNINGLOCKER FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# # $1 is the path to the install directory # $2 is the username to run under function setup_init_script () { if [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then output "path to install directory (${1}) wasn't a valid directory in setup_init_script(), exiting" exit 0 fi if [[ ! `command -v pm2` ]]; then output "Didn't install pm2 or can't find it - the init script will need to be set up by hand. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read n fi return fi output "starting base processes...." true su - $2 -c "cd ${1}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}; pm2 start all.json" output "done" true true output "starting xapi process...." true su - $2 -c "cd ${1}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}; pm2 start xapi.json" output "done" true true su - $2 -c "pm2 save" # I'm going to apologise here for the below line - for some reason when executing the resultant command # from the output of pm2 startup, the system $PATH doesn't seem to be set so we have to force it to be # an absolute path before running the command. It also needs to go into a variable and be run rather than # be run within backticks or the path still isn't substituted correctly. I know, right? it's a pain. output "setting up PM2 startup" if [[ $PM2_OVERRIDE != false ]]; then output "using PM2 startup override of $PM2_OVERRIDE" PM2_STARTUP=$(su - $2 -c "pm2 startup $PM2_OVERRIDE | grep sudo | sed 's?sudo ??' | sed 's?\$PATH?$PATH?'") else PM2_STARTUP=$(su - $2 -c "pm2 startup | grep sudo | sed 's?sudo ??' | sed 's?\$PATH?$PATH?'") fi CHK=$($PM2_STARTUP) if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "fedora" ]]; then output_log "fedora detected, SELinux may get in the way" echo "==========================" echo "| NOTICE |" echo "==========================" echo "As you're on fedora, you may need to either turn off SELinux (not recommended) or add a rule to allow" echo "access to the PIDFile in /etc/systemd/system/pm2-${2}.service or the startup script will fail to run" echo echo "In addition, you'll need to punch a hole in your firewalld config or disable the firewall with:" echo " service stop firewalld" echo echo sleep 5 fi } # this function is needed to fix the lack of a CDN in the unicode-json node module. Essentially we check for a unicode # file in a set of directories and if it doesn't exist, we create a file # $1 is the absolute path to the unicode file we want to copy in function unicode_definition_install () { if [[ -f /usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ -f /usr/share/unicode-data/UnicodeData.txt ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ -f /usr/share/unicode/ucd/UnicodeData.txt ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then output "the path for the unicode file wasn't passed to unicode_definition_install correctly (${1})" sleep 5 return 1 fi mkdir -p /usr/share/unicode cp $1 /usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt chmod 644 /usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt } function base_install () { # if the checkout dir exists, prompt the user for what to do DEFAULT_RM_TMP=y DO_BASE_INSTALL=true if [[ -d ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} ]]; then while true; do output "Temp directory already exists for checkout - should I delete? [y|n] (enter is the default of ${DEFAULT_RM_TMP})" if [[ $JUSTDOIT == true ]]; then output "bypass defaulting to 'y'" rm -R ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} break fi read -r -s -n 1 n if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n=$DEFAULT_RM_TMP fi if [[ $n == "y" ]]; then output "Ok, deleting temp directory...." true rm -R ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} output "done!" false true break elif [[ $n == "n" ]]; then output "ok, not removing it - could cause weirdness though so be warned" sleep 5 DO_BASE_INSTALL=false break fi done fi if [[ ! `command -v git` ]]; then echo output "Can't find git - can't continue" echo exit 0 fi # check if git is too far out of date GIT_VERSION=`git --version | awk '{print $3}'` MIN_GIT_VERSION="1.7.10" MIN_GIT_VERSION_4PT="" output "Git version: ${GIT_VERSION}, minimum: $MIN_GIT_VERSION" version_check $GIT_VERSION $MIN_GIT_VERSION VCHK=$? RV=`echo $GIT_VERSION | awk -F "." '{print NF-1}'` if [[ $VCHK == 2 ]] && [[ $RV -gt 3 ]]; then # stupid double check here but pre-v2 of git had some 4-point releases which won't match the above version_check $GIT_VERSION $MIN_GIT_VERSION_4PT VCHK=$? fi if [[ $VCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Sorry but your version of git is too old. You should be running a minimum of $MIN_GIT_VERSION" exit 0 fi output "Will now try and clone the git repo for the main learninglocker software. May take some time...." # in a while loop to capture the case where a user enters the user/pass incorrectly if [[ $DO_BASE_INSTALL -eq true ]]; then while true; do output_log "running git clone" if [[ $ENTERPRISE == true ]]; then MAIN_REPO=https://github.com/HT2-Labs/ll-enterprise if [[ $GIT_USER != false ]]; then MAIN_REPO=https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/HT2-Labs/ll-enterprise output_log "Cloning main repo with user: ${GIT_USER}" fi else MAIN_REPO=https://github.com/LearningLocker/learninglocker fi # clone repo git clone -q -b ${GIT_BRANCH} $MAIN_REPO ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} # clear the history in case we passed in the user/pass if [[ $GIT_USER != false ]]; then history -c fi if [[ -d ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} ]]; then output_log "no ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} dir after git - problem" break fi done fi cd ${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} GIT_REV=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD` if [[ ! -f .env ]]; then cp .env.example .env if [[ $UPDATE_MODE == false ]]; then output "Copied example env to .env - This will need editing by hand" fi APP_SECRET=`openssl rand -base64 32` sed -i "s?APP_SECRET=?APP_SECRET=${APP_SECRET}?" .env fi output "checking UnicodeData is present..." true unicode_definition_install $PWD/UnicodeData.txt output "done!" false true # yarn install output "running yarn install...." true npm_config_build_from_source=true yarn install --ignore-engines >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true # pm2 - done under npm rather than yarn as yarn does weird stuff on global installs on debian output "adding pm2...." true npm install -g pm2 >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true # yarn build-all output "running yarn build-all (this can take a little while - don't worry, it's not broken)...." true yarn build-all >>$OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true # pm2 logrotate output "installing pm2 logrotate...." true pm2 install pm2-logrotate >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true output "setting up pm2 logrotate...." true pm2 set pm2-logrotate:compress true >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true } function xapi_install () { output "Will now try and clone the git repo for XAPI. May take some time...." # not checking for presence of 'git' command as done in git_clone_base() DO_XAPI_CHECKOUT=true; if [[ -d xapi ]]; then DEFAULT_RM_TMP="y" while true; do output "Tmp directory already exists for checkout of xapi - should I delete? [y|n] (enter is the default of ${DEFAULT_RM_TMP})" if [[ $JUSTDOIT == true ]]; then output "bypass defaulting to 'y'" rm -R ${XAPI_SUBDIR} break fi read n output_log "user entered '${n}'" if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n=$DEFAULT_RM_TMP fi if [[ $n == "y" ]]; then rm -R ${XAPI_SUBDIR} break elif [[ $n == "n" ]]; then output "ok, not removing it - could cause weirdness though so be warned" DO_XAPI_CHECKOUT=false sleep 5 break fi done fi # do the checkout in a loop in case the users enters user/pass incorrectly if [[ $DO_XAPI_CHECKOUT -eq true ]]; then # TODO - make this do a max itteration of say 3 attempts to clone while true; do output_log "attempting git clone for xapi, branch: $XAPI_BRANCH" git clone -q -b ${XAPI_BRANCH} https://github.com/LearningLocker/xapi-service.git ${XAPI_SUBDIR} if [[ ! -d ${XAPI_SUBDIR} ]]; then output_log "git clone appears to have failed" break else output_log "git clone succeeded" break fi done fi cd ${XAPI_SUBDIR}/ # sort out .env if [[ ! -f .env ]]; then cp .env.example .env if [[ $UPDATE_MODE == false ]]; then output "Copied example env to .env - This will need editing by hand" fi fi # npm #output "running npm install...." true #npm install >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & #print_spinner true #output "running npm run build...." true #npm run build >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & #print_spinner true # yarn output "running yarn install...." true yarn install --ignore-engines >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true output "running yarn build...." true yarn build >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true cd ../ } # $1 is the file to reprocess # $2 is the path to the install dir # $3 is the log path - if not passed in we'll assume it's $2/logs/ # $4 is the pid path - if not passed in we'll assume it's $2/pids/ function reprocess_pm2 () { if [[ ! $1 ]]; then output "no file name passed to reprocess_pm2" return elif [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then output "file '${1}' passed to reprocess_pm2() appears to not exist." sleep 10 return fi if [[ ! $2 ]]; then output "no install path passed to reprocess_pm2 - exiting" exit 0 fi LOG_DIR=$2/logs PID_DIR=$2/pids if [[ $3 ]]; then LOG_DIR=$3 fi if [[ $4 ]]; then PID_DIR=$4 fi output_log "pm2 - setting pid dir to $PID_DIR" output_log "pm2 - setting install path to $2" output_log "pm2 - setting log dir to $LOG_DIR" sed -i "s?{INSTALL_DIR}?${2}?g" $1 sed -i "s?{LOG_DIR}?${LOG_DIR}?g" $1 sed -i "s?{PID_DIR}?${PID_DIR}?g" $1 } # central method to read variables from the .env and overwrite into the nginx config # $1 is the nginx config # $2 is the .env to over-write # $3 is the xapi .env # $4 is the path to the install - typically this should be the path to the symlink directory rather than the release dir function setup_nginx_config () { output "Setting up nginx config" if [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then output "Warning :: nginx config in $1 can't be found - will need to be edited manually. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -r -s -n 1 n fi return 0 fi if [[ ! -f $2 ]]; then output "Warning :: .env in $2 can't be found, can't set up nginx config correctly - will need to be edited manually. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -r -s -n 1 n fi return 0 fi if [[ ! -f $3 ]]; then output "Warning :: xapi .env in $3 can't be found, can't set up nginx config correctly - will need to be edited manually. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -r -s -n 1 n fi return 0 fi UI_PORT=`egrep '^UI_PORT(\s)?=' $2 | tail -1 | sed -r 's/UI_PORT(\s)?=(\s)?//' | sed 's/\r//' ` API_PORT=`egrep '^API_PORT(\s)?=' $2 | tail -1 | sed -r 's/API_PORT(\s)?=(\s)?//' | sed 's/\r//' ` XAPI_PORT=`egrep '^EXPRESS_PORT(\s)?=' $3 | tail -1 | sed -r 's/EXPRESS_PORT(\s)?=(\s)?//' | sed 's/\r//' ` output_log "nginx - setting ui port to $UI_PORT" output_log "nginx - setting api port to $API_PORT" output_log "nginx - setting xapi port to $XAPI_PORT" output_log "nginx - setting site root to $4" sed -i "s/UI_PORT/${UI_PORT}/" $1 sed -i "s/:API_PORT/:${API_PORT}/" $1 sed -i "s/XAPI_PORT/${XAPI_PORT}/" $1 sed -i "s?/SITE_ROOT?${4}?" $1 } # $1 is the path to the nginx config file # $2 is the path to the install dir (symlink dir) function setup_nginx_enterprise () { output "Running nginx enterprise setup" if [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then output "Warning :: nginx config in $1 can't be found - will need to be edited manually. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -r -s -n 1 n fi return 0 fi output_log "nginx - setting site root to $2" sed -i "s?/SITE_ROOT?${2}?" $1 } function find_clam_config () { CLAMD_CONFIG=/etc/clamd.conf if [[ -f /etc/clamav/clamd.conf ]]; then CLAMD_CONFIG=/etc/clamav/clamd.conf fi } ################################################################################# # DEBIAN / UBUNTU FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# function debian_install () { export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # debian & ubuntu have a package called cmdtest which we need to uninstall as it'll conflict with yarn apt-get remove cmdtest >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & # we run an apt-get update here in case the distro is out of date if [[ ! `command -v python` ]] || [[ ! `command -v curl` ]] || [[ ! `command -v wget` ]] || [[ ! `command -v git` ]] || [[ ! `command -v gcc` ]] || [[ ! `command -v g++` ]]; then apt-get update >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG if [[ $OS_VNO == "18.04" ]]; then update-ca-certificates >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt-get -y -qq install net-tools curl wget git python build-essential apt-transport-https >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG else update-ca-certificates >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt-get -y -qq install net-tools curl wget git python build-essential xvfb apt-transport-https >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG fi fi if [[ ! `command -v pwgen ` ]]; then if [[ $AUTOSETUPUSER == true ]]; then apt-get -y -qq install pwgen fi fi if [[ ! `command -v python` ]]; then if [[ `command -v python3` ]]; then output "Symlinking python3 to python for Yarn" ln -s `command -v python3` /usr/bin/python else output "Something seems to have gone wrong in installing basic software, can't find python or python3 - exiting" exit 0 fi fi INSTALL_NODE=false if [[ ! `command -v node` ]]; then INSTALL_NODE=true output_log "installing node" elif [[ `node --version | cut -d'.' -f 1` != $NODE_VERSION_STRING ]]; then INSTALL_NODE=true output_log "updating node" else CUR_NODE_VERSION=`node --version | cut -d'.' -f 1` output_log "current node version is found as ${CUR_NODE_VERSION}" fi if [[ $INSTALL_NODE == true ]]; then curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_${NODE_VERSION} | bash - >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt-get -y -qq install nodejs >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG else output "Node.js already installed" fi if [[ `node --version | cut -d'.' -f 1` != $NODE_VERSION_STRING ]]; then output "Something went wrong in installing/updating node. This is likely a fault in your apt config. Can't continue" exit 0 fi INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION=`node --version` if [[ $INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION == "" ]]; then output "ERROR :: node doesn't seem to be installed - exiting" exit 1 fi output "node version - $INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION" if [[ ! `command -v yarn` ]]; then curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list apt-get -qq update >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt-get -y -qq install yarn >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG else output "yarn already installed" fi } # $1 is temp path to the webapp subdir # $2 is the symlink path to the webappsubdir # function debian_nginx () { if [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then output "No temp directory passed to debian_nginx() '${1}', should be impossible - exiting" exit 0 fi while true; do output "The next part of the install process will install nginx and remove any default configs - press 'y' to continue or 'n' to abort (press 'enter' for the default of 'y')" if [[ $BYPASSALL == true ]]; then output "bypassing to 'y'" break fi read -r -s -n 1 n output_log "user entered '${n}'" if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n="y" fi if [[ $n == "y" ]]; then break elif [[ $n == "n" ]]; then output "Can't continue - you'll need to do this step by hand" sleep 5 return fi done output "installing nginx..." output "Setting up nginx repo (Stock Ubuntu version is too old)" cd /tmp/ && wget http://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG && cd - >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt-key add /tmp/nginx_signing.key >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG echo "deb https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ $(lsb_release -cs) nginx" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Nginx.list >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt update >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG apt -qq -y install nginx >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG print_spinner true if [[ ! -f ${1}/nginx.conf.example ]]; then output "default learninglocker nginx config doesn't exist - can't continue. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read n fi return fi NGINX_CONFIG=/etc/nginx/conf.d/learninglocker.conf XAPI_ENV=${PWD}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env BASE_ENV=${PWD}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env # remove default config if it exists if [[ -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf ]]; then rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf fi mv ${1}/nginx.conf.example $NGINX_CONFIG # Update default /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if updated configuration supplied if [[ -f ${1}/__etc__nginx__nginx.conf ]]; then mv ${1}/__etc__nginx__nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf fi # sub in variables from the .envs to the nginx config if [[ $ENTERPRISE == true ]]; then setup_nginx_enterprise $NGINX_CONFIG $2 else setup_nginx_config $NGINX_CONFIG $BASE_ENV $XAPI_ENV $2 service nginx restart fi } function debian_mongo () { D_M_I=false if [[ $OS_VERSION == "Ubuntu" ]]; then output "Setting up mongo repo (Stock Ubuntu version is too old)" apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4 >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG if [[ $OS_VNO == "16.04" ]]; then echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list fi if [[ $OS_VNO == "18.04" ]]; then echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu bionic/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list fi apt-get update >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG systemctl unmask mongod apt-get -qq -y install mongodb-org >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG # Attempt to start via both services - one will likely fail but output "Attempting to start mongod service...." output "If this fails you will need to check how the Mongo service is setup for your system and manually start it" service mongod start systemctl enable mongod.service D_M_I=true fi if [[ $D_M_I == false ]]; then output "installing mongodb...." true apt-get -y -qq install mongodb >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true fi } function debian_redis () { output "installing redis..." redisInstallOldPath=$(pwd) cd /tmp curl -sO http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz tar xzvf redis-stable.tar.gz >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG cd redis-stable make >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG && make install >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG mkdir /etc/redis cp redis.conf /etc/redis sed -i "s/^supervised .*/supervised systemd/" /etc/redis/redis.conf sed -i "s/^dir .*/dir \/var\/lib\/redis/" /etc/redis/redis.conf | grep '^dir' redisServiceFile="/etc/systemd/system/redis.service" printf "[Unit]\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "Description=Redis In-Memory Data Store\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "After=network.target\n\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "[Service]\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "User=redis\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "Group=redis\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/redis-cli shutdown\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "Restart=always\n\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "[Install]\n" >> $redisServiceFile && printf "WantedBy=multi-user.target\n" >> $redisServiceFile adduser --system --group --no-create-home redis >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG && mkdir /var/lib/redis && chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis && chmod 770 /var/lib/redis systemctl enable redis >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG service redis start cd ${redisInstallOldPath} } function debian_clamav () { output "Installing ClamAV...." true apt-get -y -qq install clamav clamav-daemon >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true CLAM_INSTALLED=true } ################################################################################# # REDHAT FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# REDHAT_EPEL_INSTALLED=false function redhat_epel () { if [[ $REDHAT_EPEL_INSTALLED == true ]]; then return fi output "setting up EPEL repository...." true yum -y install epel-release >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true REDHAT_EPEL_INSTALLED=true } function redhat_redis () { output "installing redis" redhat_epel yum -y install redis >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG service redis start >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG } function redhat_mongo () { redhat_epel mkdir -p /data/db output "installing mongodb....." true yum -y install mongodb-server >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true output "setting semanage on mongodb....." true semanage port -a -t mongod_port_t -p tcp 27017 >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG output "done" true true output "starting mongodb...." true service mongod start >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true } function redhat_clamav () { output "Installing ClamAV...." true yum -y install clamav >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true CLAM_INSTALLED=true } function redhat_install () { output "installing base software...." true yum -y install curl wget git python make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel xorg-x11-server-Xvfb git-core >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true if [[ ! `command -v pwmake` ]]; then if [[ $OS_VERSION == Amazon ]]; then yum -y install passwd >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG elif [[ ! `command -v pwgen ` ]]; then if [[ $AUTOSETUPUSER == true ]]; then yum -y install pwgen >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG fi fi fi INSTALL_NODE=false if [[ ! `command -v node` ]]; then output_log "installing node" INSTALL_NODE=true elif [[ `node --version | cut -d'.' -f 1` != $NODE_VERSION_STRING ]]; then output_log "updating node" INSTALL_NODE=true else CUR_NODE_VERSION=`node --version | cut -d'.' -f 1` output_log "current node version is found as ${CUR_NODE_VERSION}" fi if [[ $INSTALL_NODE == true ]]; then output "setting up node repo...." true curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_${NODE_VERSION} | bash - >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true output "installing node...." true yum -y install node >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true else output "Node.js already installed" fi INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION=`node --version` if [[ $INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION == "" ]]; then output "ERROR :: node doesn't seem to be installed - exiting" exit 1 fi output "node version - $INSTALLED_NODE_VERSION" if [[ ! `command -v yarn` ]]; then output "setting up yarn repo...." true wget https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true output "installing yarn...." true yum -y install yarn >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true else output "yarn already installed" fi } function redhat_nginx () { if [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then output "No temp directory passed to centos_nginx(), should be impossible - exiting" exit 0 fi while true; do output "The next part of the install process will install nginx and remove any default configs - press 'y' to continue or 'n' to abort (press 'enter' for the default of 'y')" if [[ $BYPASSALL == true ]]; then output "bypass defaulting to 'y'" break fi read -r -s -n 1 n output_log "user pressed '${n}'" if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n="y" fi if [[ $n == "y" ]]; then break elif [[ $n == "n" ]]; then output "Can't continue - you'll need to do this step by hand" sleep 5 return fi done output "installing nginx...." yum -y install nginx >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true # remove default config if it exists if [[ -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf ]]; then rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf fi if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "Fedora" ]]; then output "Default fedora nginx config needs the server block in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf removing" output "before learninglocker will work properly or it'll clash with the LL config" false false 5 output "Press any key to continue" false false 5 if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read n fi fi if [[ ! -f ${1}/nginx.conf.example ]]; then output "default learninglocker nginx config doesn't exist - can't continue. Press any key to continue" if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read n fi return fi if [[ ! -d /etc/nginx/conf.d ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf.d fi NGINX_CONFIG=/etc/nginx/conf.d/learninglocker.conf XAPI_ENV=${PWD}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env BASE_ENV=${PWD}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env mv ${1}/nginx.conf.example $NGINX_CONFIG # sub in variables from the .envs to the nginx config setup_nginx_config $NGINX_CONFIG $BASE_ENV $XAPI_ENV $2 restorecon -v $NGINX_CONFIG if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "CentOS" ]] || [[ $OS_SUBVER == "Fedora" ]]; then output "I need to punch a hole in selinux to continue. This is running the command:" output "setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1" false false 5 output "press 'y' to continue or 'n' to exit" false false 5 while true; do if [[ $BYPASSALL == true ]]; then output "bypass defaulting to 'y'" setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 break fi read n if [[ $n == "n" ]]; then echo "not doing this, you'll have to run it by hand" sleep 5 break elif [[ $n == "y" ]]; then setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 break fi done fi service nginx restart if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "CentOS" ]]; then output "as you're on CentOS, this may be running with firewalld enabled - you'll either need to punch" output "a hole in the firewall rules or disable firewalld (not recommended) to allow inbound access to" false false 5 output "learning locker. Press any key to continue" false false 5 if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read n fi fi } ################################################################################# # CENTOS FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # AMAZON FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# function amazon_mongo () { MONGO_REPO_FILE=/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.0.repo output "setting up mongo repo in $MONGO_REPO_FILE" echo "[mongodb-org-4.0]" > $MONGO_REPO_FILE echo "name=MongoDB Repository" >> $MONGO_REPO_FILE echo "baseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/amazon/2013.03/mongodb-org/4.0/x86_64/" >> $MONGO_REPO_FILE echo "gpgcheck=1" >> $MONGO_REPO_FILE echo "enabled=1" >> $MONGO_REPO_FILE echo "gpgkey=https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.0.asc" >> $MONGO_REPO_FILE output "installing mongodb...." true yum -y install mongodb-org >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true } ################################################################################# # FEDORA FUNCTIONS # ################################################################################# function fedora_redis () { output "installing redis" yum install redis >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG } function fedora_mongo () { output "installing mongodb" yum -y install mongodb-server >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG } ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # # # END OF FUNCTIONS # # # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # DEFAULT VALUES # ################################################################################# UPI=false LOCAL_INSTALL=false PACKAGE_INSTALL=false DEFAULT_USER=learninglocker DEFAULT_SYMLINK_PATH=/usr/local/learninglocker/current DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH=/usr/local/learninglocker/releases DEFAULT_PID_PATH=/var/run DEFAULT_INSTALL_TYPE=l LOCAL_PATH=false LOCAL_USER=false TMPDIR=$_TD/.tmpdist GIT_BRANCH="master" GIT_USER=false GIT_PASS=false XAPI_BRANCH="master" MIN_REDIS_VERSION="2.8.11" MIN_MONGO_VERSION="3.0.0" BUILDDIR="${_TD}/learninglocker" MONGO_INSTALLED=false REDIS_INSTALLED=false PM2_OVERRIDE=false NODE_OVERRIDE=false NODE_VERSION=10.x NODE_VERSION_STRING=v10 UPDATE_MODE=false GIT_ASK=false GIT_REV=false RELEASE_PATH=false SYMLINK_PATH=false MIN_MEMORY=970 LOG_PATH=/var/log/learninglocker OUTPUT_LOG=${LOG_PATH}/install.log CLAM_INSTALL=false CLAM_PATH=false WEBAPP_SUBDIR="webapp" XAPI_SUBDIR="xapi" ERROR_LOG=$OUTPUT_LOG # placeholder - only want one file for now, may be changed later JUSTDOIT=false # variable set from CLI via the -y flag to just say yes to all the defaults BYPASSALL=false # if -y is set to '2' then we bypass any and all questions AUTOSETUPUSER=false # if -y is set to '3' then we also automatically run through the user setup if we have to WRITE_AUTOSETUP=false # if -y is set to '4' then we will write to the output file (bottom of the script) for the auto generated credentials SETUP_AMI=false # if -y is set to '5' then we bypass all questions, don't set up user but do clone out the deploy repo and prep for an AMI setup ENTERPRISE=false # if true then do things specific to enterprise (ie: don't set up mongo or redis). # this is designed to be mostly the same as the OS model so search for this variable to see differences # Can be set with '-e 1' as a command line param - you'll need to have github access to the private repos for it to work ENTERPRISE_IGNORE_STARTUP=false FORCE_MONGO_NOINSTALL=false FORCE_REDIS_NOINSTALL=false ################################################################################# # START CHECKS # ################################################################################# # cleanup, just in case if [ -d $TMPDIR ]; then rm -R $TMPDIR fi if [ -d "${BUILDDIR}" ]; then echo "clearing old tmp dir" rm -R ${BUILDDIR} fi if [ -d $TMPDIR ]; then output "tmp directory from prior install (${TMPDIR}) still exists - please clear by hand" exit 0 fi # check if root user if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]]; then output "Sorry, you need to be root to run this script (currently normal user)" exit 0 fi if [[ $EUID > 0 ]]; then # THIS EUID check checks if we're sudo - I don't want the script to run a sudo for the time being output "Sorry, you need to be root to run this script (currently sudo)" exit 0 fi if [[ ! `command -v openssl` ]]; then output "Sorry but you need openssl installed to continue" exit 0 fi # check system memory (in MB) SYSTEM_MEMORY=$(free -m | awk '/^Mem/' | awk '{print $2}') if [[ $SYSTEM_MEMORY -lt $MIN_MEMORY ]]; then output "You need a minimum of ${MIN_MEMORY}Mb of system memory to install Learning Locker - can't continue" exit 0 fi # logging if [[ ! -d $LOG_PATH ]]; then mkdir -p $LOG_PATH fi if [[ -f $OUTPUT_LOG ]]; then rm $OUTPUT_LOG touch $OUTPUT_LOG fi # call the create_swap_space function to create 4GB of swap space before disk size check create_swap_space # make sure the tmp dir is large enough of get the user to specify a new one _TD=/tmp MIN_DISK_SPACE=3000000 # check we have enough space available FREESPACE=`df $_TD | awk '/[0-9]%/{print $(NF-2)}'` if [[ $FREESPACE -lt $MIN_DISK_SPACE ]]; then echo "[LL] your temp dir isn't large enough to continue, please enter a new path (pressing enter will exit)" while true; do if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then output "In bypass mode - can't continue" exit 0 fi read n if [[ $n == "" ]]; then exit 0 elif [[ ! -d $n ]]; then echo "[LL] Sorry but the directory '${n}' doesn't exist - please enter a valid one (press enter to exit)" else _TD=$n break fi done fi ################################################################################# # GET USER INPUT # ################################################################################# OPTIND=1 # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell. while getopts ":h:y:b:x:e:m:r:u:p:" OPT; do case "$OPT" in h) show_help ;; y) JUSTDOIT=true if [[ $OPTARG == "2" ]]; then BYPASSALL=true elif [[ $OPTARG == "3" ]]; then BYPASSALL=true AUTOSETUPUSER=true elif [[ $OPTARG == "4" ]]; then BYPASSALL=true AUTOSETUPUSER=true WRITE_AUTOSETUP=true elif [[ $OPTARG == "5" ]]; then BYPASSALL=true SETUP_AMI=true fi ;; b) GIT_BRANCH=$OPTARG ;; x) XAPI_BRANCH=$OPTARG ;; e) if [[ $OPTARG == "1" ]]; then ENTERPRISE=true NODE_VERSION=16.x NODE_VERSION_STRING=v16 elif [[ $OPTARG == "2" ]]; then ENTERPRISE_IGNORE_STARTUP=true ENTERPRISE=true NODE_VERSION=16.x NODE_VERSION_STRING=v16 fi ;; m) if [[ $OPTARG == "1" ]]; then FORCE_MONGO_NOINSTALL=true fi ;; r) if [[ $OPTARG == "1" ]]; then FORCE_REDIS_NOINSTALL=true fi ;; u) if [[ -n $OPTARG ]]; then GIT_USER=$OPTARG fi ;; p) if [[ -n $OPTARG ]]; then GIT_PASS=$OPTARG fi ;; esac done ################################################################################# # ASK QUESTIONS # ################################################################################# if [[ $GIT_ASK == true ]]; then while true; do output "What branch do you want to install? Press 'enter' for the default of ${GIT_BRANCH}" read -r n if [[ $n == "" ]]; then output_log "user didn't select a branch" break else while true; do output "are you sure the branch '${n}' is correct? [y|n] (press enter for the default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi output_log "user entered '${c}'" if [[ $c == "y" ]] || [[ $c == "Y" ]]; then GIT_BRANCH=$n break 2 elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then break fi done fi done fi while true; do #echo "[LL] Do you want to install this locally(l) or create a package(p)? [l|p] (enter for default of '${DEFAULT_INSTALL_TYPE}'" #read -r -s -n 1 n n="l" if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n=$DEFAULT_INSTALL_TYPE fi if [[ $n == "l" ]]; then output_log "NOTE :: Local install selected" LOCAL_INSTALL=true break elif [[ $n == "p" ]]; then output_log "NOTE :: Package install selected" PACKAGE_INSTALL=true break fi done ####################################################################### # LOCAL INSTALL QUESTIONS # ####################################################################### while true; do # entering a while loop here so that if we're on a just do it type of install then we can skip out of the loop rather than # having a bunch of if's everywhere if [[ $LOCAL_INSTALL == true ]]; then webserver_check ####################################################################### # AUTOMATED LOCAL SETUP # ####################################################################### if [[ $JUSTDOIT == true ]]; then RELEASE_PATH=$DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH SYMLINK_PATH=$DEFAULT_SYMLINK_PATH # user LOCAL_USER=$DEFAULT_USER USERDATA=`getent passwd $LOCAL_USER` if [[ $USERDATA != *"$LOCAL_USER"* ]]; then useradd -r -s /bin/bash -d $RELEASE_PATH $LOCAL_USER if [[ ! -d $RELEASE_PATH ]]; then mkdir -p $RELEASE_PATH fi chown ${u}:${u} $RELEASE_PATH fi # symlink if [[ -f $SYMLINK_PATH ]] && [[ ! -L $SYMLINK_PATH ]]; then output "This path appears to already exist and be a regular file rather than a symlink - Can't continue" exit 0 elif [[ -L $SYMLINK_PATH ]]; then output "In update mode" UPDATE_MODE=true fi # mongo if [[ `command -v mongod` ]]; then output "MongoDB is already installed, not installing" CUR_MONGO_VERSION=`mongod --version | grep "db version" | sed "s?db version v??"` output_log "mongo version currently installed: $CUR_MONGO_VERSION" version_check $CUR_MONGO_VERSION $MIN_MONGO_VERSION MONGOCHK=$? if [[ $MONGOCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Warning:: this version of mongo (${CUR_MONGO_VERSION}) is below the minimum requirement of ${MIN_MONGO_VERSION} - you'll need to update this yourself" sleep 5 else MONGO_INSTALLED=true fi else MONGO_INSTALL=true MONGO_INSTALLED=true fi # redis if [[ `command -v redis-server` ]]; then output "Redis is already installed, not installing" CUR_REDIS_VERSION=`redis-server --version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/v=//'` output_log "Redis Version: $CUR_REDIS_VERSION" version_check $CUR_REDIS_VERSION $MIN_REDIS_VERSION REDISCHK=$? if [[ $REDISCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Warning:: this version of redis (${CUR_REDIS_VERSION}) is below the minimum requirement of ${MIN_REDIS_VERSION} - you'll need to update this yourself" sleep 5 else REDIS_INSTALLED=true fi else REDIS_INSTALL=true REDIS_INSTALLED=true fi if [[ $FORCE_MONGO_NOINSTALL == true ]]; then output "forcing no mongo install" MONGO_INSTALL=false fi if [[ $FORCE_REDIS_NOINSTALL == true ]]; then output "forcing no redis install" REDIS_INSTALL=false fi output "automated setup" output "release path: $RELEASE_PATH" output "symlink path: $SYMLINK_PATH" output "user: $LOCAL_USER" # clamav if [[ `command -v clamdscan` ]]; then output "ClamAV already installed" CLAM_PATH=`command -v clamdscan` CLAM_INSTALLED=true else CLAM_INSTALL=true fi break fi ####################################################################### # IN-PERSON LOCAL SETUP # ####################################################################### output " We require a path to install to and a path to symlink to. The reason for this is that the script can be re-run in order to update" output " cleanly. The path we'll ask you for is a base path for the releases to be installed to so if you select the default of:" false true output " $DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH" false true output " then we will create a sub-directory under here for every release and symlink the latest install to the final install path (which" false true output " the nginx config points at. This is so that roll-backs can be done easier and we can perform a complete install before finally" false true output " switching the nginx config over which'll minimise downtime on upgrades" false true while true; do output "What base directory do you want to install to? (Press 'enter' for the default of $DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH)" read -r p if [[ $p == "" ]]; then p=$DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH fi output_log "attempting to use base path of: $DEFAULT_LOCAL_RELEASE_PATH" if [[ ! -d $p ]]; then while true; do output "Directory '${p}' doesn't exist - should we create it? [y|n] (Press enter for default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]] || [[ $c == "y" ]]; then output_log "user opted to proceed" mkdir -p $p if [[ ! -d $p ]]; then output "ERROR : Tried to create directory $p and couldn't, exiting" exit 0 fi RELEASE_PATH=$p break 2 elif [[ $c == n ]]; then output "ERROR : Can't continue without creating releases directory, exiting" exit 0 fi done else RELEASE_PATH=$p break fi done # check where to symlink to while true; do output "What path should the release be symlinked to? (Press enter for the default of $DEFAULT_SYMLINK_PATH)" read -r p if [[ $p == "" ]]; then p=$DEFAULT_SYMLINK_PATH fi SYMLINK_PATH=$p output_log "attempting to use path of: $SYMLINK_PATH" if [[ -f $SYMLINK_PATH ]] && [[ ! -L $SYMLINK_PATH ]]; then output "This path appears to already exist and be a regular file rather than a symlink - Can't continue" exit 0 elif [[ -L $SYMLINK_PATH ]]; then # symlink exists, go into update mode output "It looks like this symlink already exists - do you want to upgrade an existing install? [y|n|e] (Press enter for the default of 'y', 'n' to install regardless ignoring the prior release or 'e' to exit)" while true; do read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "e" ]]; then output "Ok, exiting" exit 0 fi if [[ $c == "y" ]] || [[ $c == "" ]]; then output_log "user pressed '${c}'" output_log "NOTE :: RUNNING IN UPDATE MODE FROM NOW ON" UPDATE_MODE=true break 2 elif [[ $c == n ]]; then while true; do output "Ok, do you want to continue to install anyway? If you select yes then we'll unlink/delete things as needed [y|n] (Press enter for the default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 b if [[ $b == "y" ]] || [[ $b == "" ]]; then output "Ok, continuing on - you won't be prompted for any overrides" break 3 elif [[ $b == "n" ]]; then output "Ok, I can't continue - you'll need to complete the install manually" exit 0 fi done fi done else # no file currently present - bog standard normal install break fi done # determine user to install under while true; do output "I need a user to install the code under - what user would you like me to use? (press enter for the default of '$DEFAULT_USER')" read -r u if [[ $u == "" ]]; then u=$DEFAULT_USER fi USERDATA=`getent passwd $u` if [[ $USERDATA == *"$u"* ]]; then # user exists while true; do output "User '$u' already exists - are you sure you want to continue? [y|n] (enter for default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi if [[ $c == "y" ]]; then output_log "continuing using this user" LOCAL_USER=$u break elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then output "Selected to not continue, exiting" exit 0 fi done else while true; do output "User '$u' doesn't exist - do you want me to create them? [y|n] (enter for default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi if [[ $c == "y" ]]; then output "Creating user '${u}'...." true useradd -r -s /bin/bash -d $RELEASE_PATH $u if [[ ! -d $RELEASE_PATH ]]; then mkdir -p $RELEASE_PATH fi chown ${u}:${u} $RELEASE_PATH output "done!" false true LOCAL_USER=$u break elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then output "Can't create user - can't continue" exit 0 fi done fi break done # check mongo if [[ $FORCE_MONGO_NOINSTALL == true ]]; then MONGO_INSTALL=false output_log "forcing not installing mongodb" elif [[ `command -v mongod` ]]; then output "MongoDB is already installed, not installing" CUR_MONGO_VERSION=`mongod --version | grep "db version" | sed "s?db version v??"` output_log "mongo version currently installed: $CUR_MONGO_VERSION" version_check $CUR_MONGO_VERSION $MIN_MONGO_VERSION MONGOCHK=$? output_log "mongo check is $MONGOCHK" if [[ $MONGOCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Warning:: this version of mongo (${CUR_MONGO_VERSION}) is below the minimum requirement of ${MIN_MONGO_VERSION} - you'll need to update this yourself" sleep 5 else output "Mongo version (${CUR_MONGO_VERSION}) is above minimum of $MIN_MONGO_VERSION - continuing" MONGO_INSTALLED=true fi else while true; do output "MongoDB isn't installed - do you want to install it? [y|n] (press 'enter' for default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi if [[ $c == "y" ]]; then output_log "opted to install mongo" MONGO_INSTALL=true MONGO_INSTALLED=true break elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then output_log "opted not to install mongo" MONGO_INSTALL=false break fi done fi # check redis if [[ $FORCE_REDIS_INSTALL == false ]]; then REDIS_INSTALL=false output_log "forcing not installing redis" elif [[ `command -v redis-server` ]]; then output "Redis is already installed, not installing" CUR_REDIS_VERSION=`redis-server --version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/v=//'` output_log "Redis Version: $CUR_REDIS_VERSION" version_check $CUR_REDIS_VERSION $MIN_REDIS_VERSION REDISCHK=$? if [[ $REDISCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Warning:: this version of redis (${CUR_REDIS_VERSION}) is below the minimum requirement of ${MIN_REDIS_VERSION} - you'll need to update this yourself" sleep 5 else output "Redis version (${CUR_REDIS_VERSION}) is above minimum of $MIN_REDIS_VERSION - continuing" REDIS_INSTALLED=true fi else while true; do output "Redis isn't installed - do you want to install it? [y|n] (press 'enter' for default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi if [[ $c == "y" ]]; then output_log "opted to install redis" REDIS_INSTALL=true REDIS_INSTALLED=true break elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then output_log "opted not to install redis" REDIS_INSTALL=false break fi done fi # check for clamAV if [[ `command -v clamdscan` ]]; then output "ClamAV already installed" CLAM_PATH=`command -v clamdscan` CLAM_INSTALLED=true else CLAM_INSTALLED=false while true; do output "Learning Locker ideally works best with ClamAV (anti virus software) installed but it is not an absolute requirement. Do you want to install it? [y|n] (press 'enter' for the default of 'y')" read -r -s -n 1 c output_log "user entered '${c}'" if [[ $c == "" ]]; then c="y" fi if [[ $c == "y" ]]; then CLAM_INSTALL=true break elif [[ $c == "n" ]]; then CLAM_INSTALL=false break fi done fi fi break done ####################################################################### # PACKAGE INSTALL QUESTIONS # ####################################################################### if [[ $PACKAGE_INSTALL == true ]]; then echo "PACKAGE QUESTIONS GO HERE" fi ################################################################################# # RUN BASE INSTALL TO TMPDIR # ################################################################################# determine_os_version if [[ $NODE_OVERRIDE != false ]]; then NODE_VERSION=$NODE_OVERRIDE fi output "Installing node version: $NODE_VERSION" if [[ $OS_VERSION == "Debian" ]]; then debian_install elif [[ $OS_VERSION == "Ubuntu" ]]; then debian_install elif [[ $OS_VERSION == "Redhat" ]]; then redhat_install fi # make sure dirs exist if [[ ! -d $BUILDDIR ]]; then mkdir -p $BUILDDIR fi # base install & build output "Running install steps" cd $BUILDDIR base_install cd $BUILDDIR xapi_install # create tmp dir output "creating $TMPDIR" if [[ ! -d $TMPDIR ]]; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR fi if [[ ! -d ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ ]]; then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} fi if [[ ! -d ${TMPDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/ ]]; then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR} fi # package.json output "copying modules...." true if [[ ! -f ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/package.json ]]; then output "can't copy file '${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/package.json' as it doesn't exist- exiting" false true exit 0 fi cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/package.json ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ # pm2 loader if [[ ! -f ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/all.json ]]; then output "can't copy file '${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/all.json' as it doesn't exist- exiting" false true exit 0 fi # xapi config if [[ ! -f ${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/pm2/xapi.json.dist ]]; then output "can't copy file '${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/pm2/xapi.json.dist' as it doesn't exist- exiting" false true exit 0 fi if [[ ! -d ${TMPDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR} ]]; then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR} fi # node_modules if [[ ! -d ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/node_modules ]]; then output "can't copy directory '${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/node_modules' as it doesn't exist- exiting" false true exit 0 fi cp -R ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/node_modules $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true # copy the files if [[ $ENTERPRISE == true ]]; then output "Copying enterprise pm2 configs" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/worker.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/worker-groups.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker-groups.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/worker-low-priority.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker-low-priority.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/aggregation-worker.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/aggregation-worker.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/webapp.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/webapp.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/pm2/xapi.json.dist $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json else output "Copying pm2 configs" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/pm2/all.json.dist ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/all.json cp ${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/pm2/xapi.json.dist $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json fi output_log "copying nginx.conf.example to $TMPDIR" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/nginx.conf.example $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ # Check for updated /etc/nginx/nginx.conf output_log "checking for __etc__nginx__nginx.conf" if [[ -f ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/__etc__nginx__nginx.conf ]]; then output_log "copying __etc__nginx__nginx.conf to $TMPDIR" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/__etc__nginx__nginx.conf $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ fi output_log "copying ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.git to $TMPDIR" cp -R ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.git $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ output_log "copying ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env to $TMPDIR" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ output_log "copying ${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env to $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/" cp ${BUILDDIR}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/ # full copy of remaining files output "copying files (may take some time)...." true cp -Rp $BUILDDIR/* $TMPDIR/ output "done!" false true DATESTRING=`date +%Y%m%d` LOCAL_PATH=${RELEASE_PATH}/ll-${DATESTRING}-${GIT_REV} ### ENTERPRISE config if [[ $ENTERPRISE == true ]]; then REDIS_INSTALLED=false MONGO_INSTALLED=false REDIS_INSTALL=false MONGO_INSTALL=false AUTOSETUPUSER=false fi if [[ $LOCAL_INSTALL == true ]] && [[ $UPDATE_MODE == false ]]; then ################################################################################# # LOCAL INSTALL # ################################################################################# # check for the existance of the release path. If it doesn't exist, create it and chown it. # this is because a user could've rm -rf'd the directory after useradd had created it if [[ ! -d $RELEASE_PATH ]]; then mkdir -p $RELEASE_PATH chown $LOCAL_USER:$LOCAL_USER -R $RELEASE_PATH else DIR_USER=`ls -l $RELEASE_PATH | awk '{print $3}'` if [[ $DIR_USER != $LOCAL_USER ]]; then chown $LOCAL_USER:$LOCAL_USER -R $RELEASE_PATH fi fi # UBUNTU & DEBIAN if [[ $OS_VERSION == "Ubuntu" ]] || [[ $OS_VERSION == "Debian" ]]; then debian_nginx ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} if [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == true ]]; then debian_redis fi if [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == true ]]; then debian_mongo fi if [[ $CLAM_INSTALL == true ]]; then debian_clamav fi elif [[ $OS_VERSION == "Redhat" ]]; then # BASE REDHAT stuff redhat_nginx ${TMPDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} if [[ $CLAM_INSTALL == true ]]; then redhat_clamav fi # FEDORA if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "Fedora" ]]; then if [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == true ]]; then fedora_redis fi if [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == true ]]; then fedora_mongo fi # AMAZON elif [[ $OS_SUBVER == "Amazon" ]]; then if [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == true ]]; then output "AWS Linux doesn't ship with Redis in a repository. You'll need to install this yourself. Press any key to continue" REDIS_INSTALL=false REDIS_INSTALLED=false read -n 1 n if [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == true ]]; then while true; do if [[ $BYPASSALL == true ]]; then output "BYPASS - installing mongo even without redis present" break fi output "As redis isn't going to be installed locally, do you still want to install MongoDB? [y|n] (press enter for the default of 'y')" read -s -r -n 1 n output_log "user entered '${n}'" if [[ $n == "n" ]]; then MONGO_INSTALL=false break elif [[ $n == "y" ]]; then MONGO_INSTALL=true break fi done fi fi if [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == true ]]; then amazon_mongo read n fi else # RHEL / GENERIC REDHAT & CENTOS (nothing specific required for centos) if [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == true ]]; then redhat_redis fi if [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == true ]]; then redhat_mongo fi fi fi # get the clamAV path if needed if [[ $CLAM_INSTALL == true ]]; then CLAM_PATH=`command -v clamdscan` fi output "Local install to $LOCAL_PATH" # check redis installed to the right version # if not, then we'll act like we haven't installed it if [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == true ]]; then if [[ ! `command -v redis-server` ]]; then output "Warning :: Can't find the redis-server executable, this means it's not been installed when it looks like it should've been. Press any key to continue" REDIS_INSTALLED=false if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -n 1 n fi else CUR_REDIS_VERSION=`redis-server --version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/v=//'` version_check $CUR_REDIS_VERSION $MIN_REDIS_VERSION output_log "redis version: $CUR_REDIS_VERSION" REDISCHK=$? if [[ $REDISCHK == 2 ]]; then output "Warning:: this version of redis (${CUR_REDIS_VERSION}) is below the minimum requirement of ${MIN_REDIS_VERSION} - you'll need to update this yourself - Press any key to continue" REDIS_INSTALLED=false if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then read -n 1 n fi fi fi fi # extra warning for redis not being installed locally if [[ $REDIS_INSTALLED == false ]]; then output " Learning Locker requires Redis to be installed. As this isn't available on this server you'll need to" output " change the variables in ${LOCAL_PATH}/.env to point to a redis server. The variables you'll need to" false true output " change are 'REDIS_HOST', 'REDIS_PORT', 'REDIS_DB' and possibly 'REDIS_PREFIX'" false true echo if [[ $OS_SUBVER == "Amazon" ]]; then output "As you're running on AWS then you can use 'ElastiCache' to get a Redis instance set up quickly. We can't install" output " Redis on AWS EC2 instances at the moment as there are no official repositories for a copy of Redis. If you want" false true output " to install Redis on this server then we'd recommend you grab the latest version from:" false true output " https://redis.io/download" false true output " and follow the install steps on this page" false true echo fi if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then output "Press any key to continue" false true read -n 1 n fi echo elif [[ $REDIS_INSTALL == false ]] && [[ $REDIS_INSTALLED == true ]] && [[ $ENTERPRISE == false ]]; then # only hit this bit if redis was installed already output "Redis appears to have already been installed on this server. By default, Redis doesn't have a huge amount" output " of security enabled and as such, the default Learning Locker config is set up to use the local copy of Redis" false true output " with the default lack of credentials. If you want to secure Redis more or want to connect to a different" false true output " Redis server then you'll need to edit the redis variables:" false true output " 'REDIS_HOST', 'REDIS_PORT', 'REDIS_DB' and maybe'REDIS_PREFIX'" false true output " in ${LOCAL_PATH}/.env" false true echo if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then output "Press any key to continue" false true read -n 1 n fi echo fi # extra warning for mongodb if [[ $MONGO_INSTALLED == false ]]; then output "Learning Locker requires MongoDB to be installed. As this isn't installed locally on this server you'll" output " need to change the variable in ${LOCAL_PATH}/.env to point to a MongoDB Server. The variable you'll" false true output " have to change is 'MONGODB_PATH'" false true echo if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then output "Press any key to continue" false true read -n 1 n fi echo elif [[ $MONGO_INSTALL == false ]] && [[ $MONGO_INSTALLED == true ]] && [[ $ENTERPRISE == false ]]; then # only hit this bit if mongo was installed already output "MongoDB appears to have already been installed on this server. By default, MongoDB doesn't have a huge amount" output " of security enabled and as such, the default Learning Locker config is set up to use the local copy of MongoDB" false true output " with the default lack of credentials. If you want to secure MongoDB more or want to connect to a different" false true output " MongoDB server then you'll need to edit the 'MONGODB_PATH' variable in ${LOCAL_PATH}/.env" false true echo if [[ $BYPASSALL == false ]]; then output "Press any key to continue" false true read -n 1 n fi echo fi # set up the pid & log directories PID_PATH=$DEFAULT_PID_PATH if [[ $LL_PID_PATH != "" ]]; then PID_PATH=$LL_PID_PATH if [[ ! -d $PID_PATH ]]; then mkdir -p $PID_PATH chown $LOCAL_USER:$LOCAL_USER $PID_PATH -R fi fi chown -R ${LOCAL_USER}:${LOCAL_USER} $LOG_PATH if [[ $ENTERPRISE != true ]]; then output_log "reprocessing $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/all.json" reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/all.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH output_log "reprocessing $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json" reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json ${SYMLINK_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH else output "reprocessing enterprise files" reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/webapp.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker-low-priority.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/aggregation-worker.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json ${SYMLINK_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH reprocess_pm2 $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/worker-groups.json $SYMLINK_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} $LOG_PATH $PID_PATH fi mkdir -p $LOCAL_PATH cp -R $TMPDIR/* $LOCAL_PATH/ # above line doesn't copy the 'dot' files so have to do this manually cp $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env $LOCAL_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env cp -R $TMPDIR/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.git $LOCAL_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.git chown $LOCAL_USER:$LOCAL_USER $LOCAL_PATH -R # update the .env with the path to clamav if [[ $CLAM_INSTALLED == true ]]; then sed -i "s?#CLAMDSCAN_BINARY=/usr/bin/clamscan?CLAMDSCAN_BINARY=${CLAM_PATH}?" $LOCAL_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env find_clam_config sed -i "s?#CLAMDSCAN_CONF=/etc/clamav/clamd.conf?CLAMDSCAN_CONF=${CLAMD_CONFIG}?" $LOCAL_PATH/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env fi # set up symlink if [[ -f $SYMLINK_PATH ]]; then output_log "un-linking symlink of $SYMLINK_PATH" unlink $SYMLINK_PATH fi output_log "creating symlink : $LOCAL_PATH $SYMLINK_PATH" ln -s $LOCAL_PATH $SYMLINK_PATH # set up init script and run any reprocessing we need if [[ $ENTERPRISE != true ]]; then output_log "setting up init script. Path: $LOCAL_PATH user: $LOCAL_USER" setup_init_script $LOCAL_PATH $LOCAL_USER service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} start fi if [ $MONGO_INSTALLED == true ] && [ $REDIS_INSTALLED == true ] && [ $SETUP_AMI == false ]; then RUN_INSTALL_CMD=false output "do you want to set up the organisation now to complete the installation? [y|n] (press enter for the default of 'y')" while true; do if [[ $AUTOSETUPUSER == true ]]; then output "Automatic setup detected" INSTALL_EMAIL="ht2testadmin@ht2labs.com" INSTALL_ORG="testOrg" if [[ `command -v pwgen` ]]; then INSTALL_PASSWD=`pwgen 8 1` elif [[ `command -v pwmake` ]]; then INSTALL_PASSWD=`pwmake 64` else INSTALL_PASSWD="ChangeMeN0w" fi RUN_INSTALL_CMD=true break fi read -r -s -n 1 n output_log "user entered '${n}'" if [[ $n == "" ]]; then n="y" fi if [[ $n == "y" ]]; then while true; do output "please enter the organisation name" read e output_log "user entered '${e}'" if [[ $e != "" ]]; then INSTALL_ORG=$e break fi done while true; do output "please enter the email address for the administrator account" read e output_log "user entered '${e}'" if [[ $e != "" ]]; then INSTALL_EMAIL=$e break fi done while true; do while true; do output "please enter the password for the administrator account" read -r -s e if [[ $e != "" ]]; then INSTALL_PASSWD=$e break fi done while true; do output "please confirm the password for the administrator account" read -r -s e if [[ $e != "" ]]; then if [[ $e == $INSTALL_PASSWD ]]; then output_log "user entered passwords that matched - not writing them to the log for obvious reasons" break 2 else output "Sorry, passwords don't match. Please try again." sleep 1 break fi fi done done while true; do echo output "Is the following information correct?" output " Organisation : $INSTALL_ORG" output " Email address : $INSTALL_EMAIL" output "[y|n]" read -r -s -n 1 e if [[ $e == "y" ]]; then break; elif [[ $e == "n" ]]; then continue 2 fi done RUN_INSTALL_CMD=true break; elif [[ $n == "n" ]]; then break; fi done if [[ $RUN_INSTALL_CMD == true ]]; then d=`pwd` cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} output "Attempting to create your site admin. If this step fails, then it is possible Mongo has not started." output "Attempt to manually start the Mongo service and then run this command:" output "cd ${LOCAL_PATH}; node cli/dist/server createSiteAdmin YOUR.EMAIL@ADDRESS.COM ORGANISATION_NAME YOUR_PASSWORD" node cli/dist/server createSiteAdmin "$INSTALL_EMAIL" "$INSTALL_ORG" "$INSTALL_PASSWD" cd $d fi else echo if [[ $MONGO_INSTALLED == true ]]; then output "Mongo: Installed" else output "Mongo: Not Installed" fi if [[ $REDIS_INSTALLED == true ]]; then output "Redis: Installed" else output "Redis: Not Installed" fi echo output "Everything is installed but either mongoDB and/or Redis are missing from the local installation. Please edit the .env file" output "in $LOCAL_PATH to point to your relevant servers then run this command:" output " cd ${LOCAL_PATH}; node cli/dist/server createSiteAdmin {your.email@address.com} {organisationName} {yourPassword}" echo fi symlink_commands show_install_end_text elif [[ $LOCAL_INSTALL == true ]] && [[ $UPDATE_MODE == true ]]; then ################################################################################# # UPGRADE FROM EXISTING INSTALL # ################################################################################# if [[ -d $LOCAL_PATH ]]; then output "the release directory in $LOCAL_PATH already exists - creating a new directory" i=0 POSSIBLE_PATH=$LOCAL_PATH while true; do i=$((i + 1)) POSSIBLE_PATH=${LOCAL_PATH}_${i} if [[ ! -d $POSSIBLE_PATH ]]; then LOCAL_PATH=$POSSIBLE_PATH output "Created release directory: $LOCAL_PATH" break fi if [[ $i -gt 20 ]]; then output "more than 20 installs today - this looks like something has gone wrong, exiting" exit 0 fi done fi # copy to correct local dir mkdir -p $LOCAL_PATH cp -R $TMPDIR/* $LOCAL_PATH/ # block to determine directory format as it's changed/changing COPYFROMPATH=${SYMLINK_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} FORCEFULLRESTART=false if [[ -f ${SYMLINK_PATH}/.env ]]; then COPYFROMPATH=${SYMLINK_PATH} FORCEFULLRESTART=true fi # copy the .env from the existing install over to the new path output "Copying existing config to new version" cp ${COPYFROMPATH}/.env ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/.env cp ${SYMLINK_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/.env # copy the existing .git over if [[ -d ${COPYFROMPATH}/.git ]]; then cp -R ${COPYFROMPATH}/.git ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/ fi # copy the pm2 files from existing install over cp ${COPYFROMPATH}/all.json ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/all.json cp ${SYMLINK_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/xapi.json # as we're upgrading the install, we need to re-jig the all.json to reflect the new paths if [[ $FORCEFULLRESTART == true ]]; then sed -i "s?$SYMLINK_PATH?${SYMLINK_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}?" ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/all.json fi # copy anything in the storage dirs over output "Copying user uploaded data in storage/ folders to new install....." true cp -nR ${COPYFROMPATH}/storage/* ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}/storage/ if [[ ! -d ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/storage ]]; then mkdir -p ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/storage fi cp -nR ${SYMLINK_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/storage/* ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}/storage/ output "done!" false true chown $LOCAL_USER:$LOCAL_USER $LOCAL_PATH -R # prompt user that we're about to do the swap over UPDATE_RESTART=false UPDATE_RELOAD=false echo "[LL] As we're upgrading, we need to do a few bits of switching over. This carries a risk of downtime so you have two options now" echo " you can select a reload (r) or a complete restart (c). A complete restart will stop running services before starting new ones" echo " whereas a reload will attempt to reload with minimal downtime but runs more of a risk of not being totally clean. If you do" echo " experience any strange effects you should be able to run:" echo " 'service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} restart'" echo " 'service nginx restart'" echo " which'll cause the system to be completely restarted. [r|c] (Press enter for the default of 'c')" echo " Please note: There's a risk of downtime from the moment you select an option" while true; do if [[ $JUSTDOIT == true ]]; then output "defaulting to full restart on update" UPDATE_RESTART=true break fi if [[ $FORCEFULLRESTART == true ]]; then output "Forcing full restart due to change in directory structure on update" UPDATE_RESTART=true break fi read -r -s -n 1 t #t=c if [[ $t == "" ]] || [[ $t == c ]]; then UPDATE_RESTART=true break elif [[ $t == "r" ]]; then UPDATE_RELOAD=true break fi done # complete restart if [[ $UPDATE_RESTART == true ]]; then PM2_PATH=`command -v pm2` echo "[LL] Ok, performing a complete restart" echo echo "[LL] Stopping nginx...." service nginx stop echo "[LL] Stopping pm2 processes...." service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} stop echo "[LL] re-symlinking directory...." unlink $SYMLINK_PATH ln -s $LOCAL_PATH $SYMLINK_PATH echo "[LL] starting PM2 processes...." su - ${LOCAL_USER} -c "cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}; $PM2_PATH start all.json" su - ${LOCAL_USER} -c "cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${XAPI_SUBDIR}; $PM2_PATH start xapi.json" su - ${LOCAL_USER} -c "$PM2_PATH save" service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} restart echo "[LL] PM2 processes restarted" echo "[LL] restarting nginx...." service nginx start fi # reload only if [[ $UPDATE_RELOAD == true ]]; then echo "[LL] Ok, reloading...." echo "[LL] re-symlinking directory...." unlink $SYMLINK_PATH ln -s $LOCAL_PATH $SYMLINK_PATH echo "[LL] reloading nginx" service nginx reload echo "[LL] reloading pm2" service pm2-${LOCAL_USER} reload fi # migration logic DONE_MIGRATIONS=false echo "[LL] We are going to check if there are any migrations that need to be run. This can take some time to run and can be run manually by running" echo " 'cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} && yarn migrate'" echo " If you don't have a valid config yet please skip this step. Do you want to run migrations ? [y|n] (press enter for default of 'y')" while true; do read -r -s -n 1 c if [[ $c == "y" ]] || [[ $c == "Y" ]] || [[ $c == "" ]]; then output "running yarn migrate...." cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} yarn migrate output "done!" DONE_MIGRATIONS=true break elif [[ $c == "n" ]] || [[ $c == "N" ]]; then break fi done elif [[ $PACKAGE_INSTALL == true ]]; then ################################################################################# # PACKAGE INSTALL # ################################################################################# echo "[LL] Package install" # APT if [[ $OS_VERSION == "Debian" ]] || [[ $OS_VERSION == "Ubuntu" ]]; then apt_package $TMPDIR elif [[ $OS_VERSION == "Redhat" ]]; then # Yum yum_package $TMPDIR fi else echo "[LL] Got to a point which should be impossible - not in a package or local install" fi ################################################################################# # CLEANUP # ################################################################################# echo "[LL] cleaning up temp directories" if [[ -d $TMPDIR ]]; then rm -R $TMPDIR fi if [[ -d ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} ]]; then rm -R ${BUILDDIR}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR} fi if [[ $AUTOSETUPUSER == true ]] && [[ $UPDATE_MODE == false ]]; then echo output "Auto-setup an account with following details:" output " email : $INSTALL_EMAIL" output " org : $INSTALL_ORG" output " password : $INSTALL_PASSWD" echo echo fi if [[ $WRITE_AUTOSETUP == true ]] && [[ $UPDATE_MODE == false ]]; then output_file=/usr/local/learninglocker/ll_credentials.txt echo "email : $INSTALL_EMAIL" > $output_file echo "org : $INSTALL_ORG" >> $output_file echo "password : $INSTALL_PASSWD" >> $output_file fi # generic AMI stuff for both OS and enterprise if [[ $SETUP_AMI == true ]]; then output "Cloning out deploy git repo to tmp to seed AMI building" cd /tmp if [[ ! -d /etc/learninglocker ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/learninglocker fi # check required dirs if [[ -d /tmp/deploy ]]; then rm -R /tmp/deploy fi # git clone git clone https://github.com/LearningLocker/deploy deploy fi # Enterprise AMI specific stuff if [[ $SETUP_AMI == true ]] && [[ $ENTERPRISE == true ]]; then # check required dirs #if [[ -d /tmp/devops ]]; then # rm -R /tmp/devops #fi output "Installing awscli & mongo/redis tools...." true apt-get -y -qq install awscli redis-tools mongodb-clients >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG & print_spinner true while true; do DEVOPS_REPO=https://github.com/LearningPool-Infrastructure/learninglocker-devops if [[ $GIT_USER != false ]]; then DEVOPS_REPO=https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/LearningPool-Infrastructure/learninglocker-devops output_log "Cloning devops repo with user: ${GIT_USER}" fi git clone $DEVOPS_REPO /tmp/devops if [[ $GIT_USER != false ]]; then history -c fi if [[ ! -d devops ]]; then output_log "no devops dir after git - problem" else break fi done cd /tmp/devops if [[ $ENTERPRISE_IGNORE_STARTUP == false ]]; then output "setting up env-fetch script" cp startup_env_fetch.sh /usr/sbin/ll_startup_env_fetch.sh chmod 755 /usr/sbin/ll_startup_env_fetch.sh cp startup_env_fetch.service /lib/systemd/system/ll_startup_env_fetch.service systemctl enable ll_startup_env_fetch # tweak nginx loader to load after the new startup script output "setting nginx to require the env fetch first" sed -i "s/After=/Requires=ll_startup_env_fetch.service\nAfter=/g" /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service systemctl daemon-reload fi # load in the aws logs stuff if [[ -f /tmp/devops/awslogs/awslogs.conf ]]; then # figure out the current AWS region EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`curl -s` REGION="`echo \"$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\" | sed -e 's:\([0-9][0-9]*\)[a-z]*\$:\\1:'`" output "determined aws region to be '${REGION}'" # install awslogs cd /tmp output "Installing required tools for cloudwatch...." true apt-get install -y -qq libyaml-dev python-dev python-pip >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG print_spinner true output "installing cloudwatch tools...." curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/AgentDependencies.tar.gz -O tar xvf AgentDependencies.tar.gz -C /tmp/ python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region $REGION --dependency-path /tmp/AgentDependencies -n -c /tmp/devops/awslogs/awslogs.conf >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG if [[ -s /var/awslogs/etc/awslogs.conf ]]; then output "/var/awslogs/etc/awslogs.conf appears to be empty re-running setup" python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region $REGION --dependency-path /tmp/AgentDependencies -n -c /tmp/devops/awslogs/awslogs.conf >> $OUTPUT_LOG 2>>$ERROR_LOG fi else output "No awslogs.conf so can't set up cloudfront" fi # copy the devops folder to a local dir if [[ ! -d /usr/local/learninglocker ]]; then mkdir -p /usr/local/learninglocker fi cp -R /tmp/devops /usr/local/learninglocker/ cd /tmp # open-source AMI stuff elif [[ $SETUP_AMI == true ]]; then cd /tmp/deploy # write install path output "setting the install path in to /etc/learninglocker" echo $SYMLINK_PATH > /etc/learninglocker/install_path # user creation script output "setting up user creation script" if [[ ! -f /var/log/learninglocker/user_setup.log ]]; then touch /var/log/learninglocker/user_setup.log chown ubuntu:ubuntu /var/log/learninglocker/user_setup.log fi # copy the script over to the local filesystem cp startup_user_creation.sh /usr/sbin/ll_startup_user_creation.sh chmod 755 /usr/sbin/ll_startup_user_creation.sh # set up the service output "setting up user creation service" cp startup_user_creation.service /lib/systemd/system/ll_startup_user_creation.service systemctl enable ll_startup_user_creation.service # final output output "done" echo output "if you want to now create an AMI you will need to run:" output '/tmp/deploy/create_ami.sh -n "NAME" -d "DESCRIPTION" -a AWS_ACCOUNT_ID -k USER_KEY -s USER_SECRET -v VISIBILITY -r REGION' output " where visibility is 'public' or 'private' & region is the AWS region name ie: us-east-1" echo fi if [[ $DONE_MIGRATIONS == false ]]; then output_log "Printing migration warning" echo "[LL] Note about migrations:" echo " If you're upgrading from an existing install, no matter if this is on a new server or the same one you will have to perform migrations." echo " These migrations take care of cleaning up the database to support new functionality and can be run before you switch to the new release" echo " as they're non-distructive but they will need to be run for things to function correctly. If you're updating an existing install on this" echo " server you should've been prompted to run the migrations. If you chose to not run them or are upgrading by rolling out a new server" echo " you'll need to do this manually. This can be done by running 'cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/${WEBAPP_SUBDIR}; yarn migrate'" echo fi output "Everything done. Please check the install log in '${OUTPUT_LOG}' for errors."