/*! pkcs5pkey-1.0.6.js (c) 2013-2014 Kenji Urushima | kjur.github.com/jsrsasign/license */ /* * pkcs5pkey.js - reading passcode protected PKCS#5 PEM formatted RSA private key * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Kenji Urushima (kenji.urushima@gmail.com) * * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * http://kjur.github.com/jsrsasign/license * * The above copyright and license notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /** * @fileOverview * @name pkcs5pkey-1.0.js * @author Kenji Urushima kenji.urushima@gmail.com * @version pkcs5pkey 1.0.6 (2014-Apr-16) * @since jsrsasign 2.0.0 * @license MIT License */ /** * @name PKCS5PKEY * @class class for PKCS#5 and PKCS#8 private key * @deprecated Since jsrsasign 4.1.3. Please use KEYUTIL class. * @description *
* {@link PKCS5PKEY} class has following features: * * Currently supports only RSA private key and * following symmetric key algorithms to protect private key. * * *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* * @example * Here is an example of PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key. * -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- * Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED * DEK-Info: AES-256-CBC,40555967F759530864FE022E257DE34E * * jV7uXajRw4cccDaliagcqiLOiQEUCe19l761pXRxzgQP+DH4rCi12T4puTdZyy6l * ...(snip)... * qxLS+BASmyGm4DME6m+kltZ12LXwPgNU6+d+XQ4NXSA= *-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- */ var PKCS5PKEY = function() { // ***************************************************************** // *** PRIVATE PROPERTIES AND METHODS ******************************* // ***************************************************************** // shared key decryption ------------------------------------------ var decryptAES = function(dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { return decryptGeneral(CryptoJS.AES, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex); }; var decrypt3DES = function(dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { return decryptGeneral(CryptoJS.TripleDES, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex); }; var decryptGeneral = function(f, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { var data = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(dataHex); var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(keyHex); var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(ivHex); var encrypted = {}; encrypted.key = key; encrypted.iv = iv; encrypted.ciphertext = data; var decrypted = f.decrypt(encrypted, key, { iv: iv }); return CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(decrypted); }; // shared key decryption ------------------------------------------ var encryptAES = function(dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { return encryptGeneral(CryptoJS.AES, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex); }; var encrypt3DES = function(dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { return encryptGeneral(CryptoJS.TripleDES, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex); }; var encryptGeneral = function(f, dataHex, keyHex, ivHex) { var data = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(dataHex); var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(keyHex); var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(ivHex); var msg = {}; var encryptedHex = f.encrypt(data, key, { iv: iv }); var encryptedWA = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(encryptedHex.toString()); var encryptedB64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(encryptedWA); return encryptedB64; }; // other methods and properties ---------------------------------------- var ALGLIST = { 'AES-256-CBC': { 'proc': decryptAES, 'eproc': encryptAES, keylen: 32, ivlen: 16 }, 'AES-192-CBC': { 'proc': decryptAES, 'eproc': encryptAES, keylen: 24, ivlen: 16 }, 'AES-128-CBC': { 'proc': decryptAES, 'eproc': encryptAES, keylen: 16, ivlen: 16 }, 'DES-EDE3-CBC': { 'proc': decrypt3DES, 'eproc': encrypt3DES, keylen: 24, ivlen: 8 } }; var getFuncByName = function(algName) { return ALGLIST[algName]['proc']; }; var _generateIvSaltHex = function(numBytes) { var wa = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(numBytes); var hex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(wa); return hex; }; var _parsePKCS5PEM = function(sPKCS5PEM) { var info = {}; if (sPKCS5PEM.match(new RegExp("DEK-Info: ([^,]+),([0-9A-Fa-f]+)", "m"))) { info.cipher = RegExp.$1; info.ivsalt = RegExp.$2; } if (sPKCS5PEM.match(new RegExp("-----BEGIN ([A-Z]+) PRIVATE KEY-----"))) { info.type = RegExp.$1; } var i1 = -1; var lenNEWLINE = 0; if (sPKCS5PEM.indexOf("\r\n\r\n") != -1) { i1 = sPKCS5PEM.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); lenNEWLINE = 2; } if (sPKCS5PEM.indexOf("\n\n") != -1) { i1 = sPKCS5PEM.indexOf("\n\n"); lenNEWLINE = 1; } var i2 = sPKCS5PEM.indexOf("-----END"); if (i1 != -1 && i2 != -1) { var s = sPKCS5PEM.substring(i1 + lenNEWLINE * 2, i2 - lenNEWLINE); s = s.replace(/\s+/g, ''); info.data = s; } return info; }; var _getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt = function(algName, passcode, ivsaltHex) { //alert("ivsaltHex(2) = " + ivsaltHex); var saltHex = ivsaltHex.substring(0, 16); //alert("salt = " + saltHex); var salt = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(saltHex); var data = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(passcode); //alert("salt = " + salt); //alert("data = " + data); var nRequiredBytes = ALGLIST[algName]['keylen'] + ALGLIST[algName]['ivlen']; var hHexValueJoined = ''; var hLastValue = null; //alert("nRequiredBytes = " + nRequiredBytes); for (;;) { var h = CryptoJS.algo.MD5.create(); if (hLastValue != null) { h.update(hLastValue); } h.update(data); h.update(salt); hLastValue = h.finalize(); hHexValueJoined = hHexValueJoined + CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(hLastValue); //alert("joined = " + hHexValueJoined); if (hHexValueJoined.length >= nRequiredBytes * 2) { break; } } var result = {}; result.keyhex = hHexValueJoined.substr(0, ALGLIST[algName]['keylen'] * 2); result.ivhex = hHexValueJoined.substr(ALGLIST[algName]['keylen'] * 2, ALGLIST[algName]['ivlen'] * 2); return result; }; /* * @param {String} privateKeyB64 base64 string of encrypted private key * @param {String} sharedKeyAlgName algorithm name of shared key encryption * @param {String} sharedKeyHex hexadecimal string of shared key to encrypt * @param {String} ivsaltHex hexadecimal string of IV and salt * @param {String} hexadecimal string of decrypted private key */ var _decryptKeyB64 = function(privateKeyB64, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex) { var privateKeyWA = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(privateKeyB64); var privateKeyHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(privateKeyWA); var f = ALGLIST[sharedKeyAlgName]['proc']; var decryptedKeyHex = f(privateKeyHex, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex); return decryptedKeyHex; }; /* * @param {String} privateKeyHex hexadecimal string of private key * @param {String} sharedKeyAlgName algorithm name of shared key encryption * @param {String} sharedKeyHex hexadecimal string of shared key to encrypt * @param {String} ivsaltHex hexadecimal string of IV and salt * @param {String} base64 string of encrypted private key */ var _encryptKeyHex = function(privateKeyHex, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex) { var f = ALGLIST[sharedKeyAlgName]['eproc']; var encryptedKeyB64 = f(privateKeyHex, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex); return encryptedKeyB64; }; // ***************************************************************** // *** PUBLIC PROPERTIES AND METHODS ******************************* // ***************************************************************** return { // -- UTILITY METHODS ------------------------------------------ /** * decrypt private key by shared key * @name version * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @property {String} version * @description version string of PKCS5PKEY class */ version: "1.0.5", /** * get hexacedimal string of PEM format * @name getHexFromPEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} sPEM PEM formatted string * @param {String} sHead PEM header string without BEGIN/END * @return {String} hexadecimal string data of PEM contents * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getHexFromPEM: function(sPEM, sHead) { var s = sPEM; if (s.indexOf("BEGIN " + sHead) == -1) { throw "can't find PEM header: " + sHead; } s = s.replace("-----BEGIN " + sHead + "-----", ""); s = s.replace("-----END " + sHead + "-----", ""); var sB64 = s.replace(/\s+/g, ''); var dataHex = b64tohex(sB64); return dataHex; }, /** * decrypt private key by shared key * @name getDecryptedKeyHexByKeyIV * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} encryptedKeyHex hexadecimal string of encrypted private key * @param {String} algName name of symmetric key algorithm (ex. 'DES-EBE3-CBC') * @param {String} sharedKeyHex hexadecimal string of symmetric key * @param {String} ivHex hexadecimal string of initial vector(IV). * @return {String} hexadecimal string of decrypted privated key */ getDecryptedKeyHexByKeyIV: function(encryptedKeyHex, algName, sharedKeyHex, ivHex) { var f1 = getFuncByName(algName); return f1(encryptedKeyHex, sharedKeyHex, ivHex); }, /** * parse PEM formatted passcode protected PKCS#5 private key * @name parsePKCS5PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} sEncryptedPEM PEM formatted protected passcode protected PKCS#5 private key * @return {Hash} hash of key information * @description * Resulted hash has following attributes. * * */ parsePKCS5PEM: function(sPKCS5PEM) { return _parsePKCS5PEM(sPKCS5PEM); }, /** * the same function as OpenSSL EVP_BytsToKey to generate shared key and IV * @name getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} algName name of symmetric key algorithm (ex. 'DES-EBE3-CBC') * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypt private key (ex. 'password') * @param {String} hexadecimal string of IV. heading 8 bytes will be used for passcode salt * @return {Hash} hash of key and unused IV (ex. {keyhex:2fe3..., ivhex:3fad..}) */ getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt: function(algName, passcode, ivsaltHex) { return _getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt(algName, passcode, ivsaltHex); }, decryptKeyB64: function(privateKeyB64, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex) { return _decryptKeyB64(privateKeyB64, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex); }, /** * decrypt PEM formatted protected PKCS#5 private key with passcode * @name getDecryptedKeyHex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} sEncryptedPEM PEM formatted protected passcode protected PKCS#5 private key * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypt private key (ex. 'password') * @return {String} hexadecimal string of decrypted RSA priavte key */ getDecryptedKeyHex: function(sEncryptedPEM, passcode) { // 1. parse pem var info = _parsePKCS5PEM(sEncryptedPEM); var publicKeyAlgName = info.type; var sharedKeyAlgName = info.cipher; var ivsaltHex = info.ivsalt; var privateKeyB64 = info.data; //alert("ivsaltHex = " + ivsaltHex); // 2. generate shared key var sharedKeyInfo = _getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt(sharedKeyAlgName, passcode, ivsaltHex); var sharedKeyHex = sharedKeyInfo.keyhex; //alert("sharedKeyHex = " + sharedKeyHex); // 3. decrypt private key var decryptedKey = _decryptKeyB64(privateKeyB64, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex); return decryptedKey; }, /** * read PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromEncryptedPKCS5PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} sEncryptedP5PEM PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypt private key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.2 */ getRSAKeyFromEncryptedPKCS5PEM: function(sEncryptedP5PEM, passcode) { var hPKey = this.getDecryptedKeyHex(sEncryptedP5PEM, passcode); var rsaKey = new RSAKey(); rsaKey.readPrivateKeyFromASN1HexString(hPKey); return rsaKey; }, /** * get PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key from hexadecimal string of plain private key * @name getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} hPrvKey hexadecimal string of plain private key * @param {String} passcode pass code to protect private key (ex. password) * @param {String} sharedKeyAlgName algorithm name to protect private key (ex. AES-256-CBC) * @param {String} ivsaltHex hexadecimal string of IV and salt * @return {String} string of PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.2 * @description *
* generate PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key by hexadecimal string encoded * ASN.1 object of plain RSA private key. * Following arguments can be omitted. * * @example * var pem = * PKCS5PKEY.getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex(plainKeyHex, "password"); * var pem2 = * PKCS5PKEY.getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex(plainKeyHex, "password", "AES-128-CBC"); * var pem3 = * PKCS5PKEY.getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex(plainKeyHex, "password", "AES-128-CBC", "1f3d02..."); */ getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex: function(hPrvKey, passcode, sharedKeyAlgName, ivsaltHex) { var sPEM = ""; // 1. set sharedKeyAlgName if undefined (default AES-256-CBC) if (typeof sharedKeyAlgName == "undefined" || sharedKeyAlgName == null) { sharedKeyAlgName = "AES-256-CBC"; } if (typeof ALGLIST[sharedKeyAlgName] == "undefined") throw "PKCS5PKEY unsupported algorithm: " + sharedKeyAlgName; // 2. set ivsaltHex if undefined if (typeof ivsaltHex == "undefined" || ivsaltHex == null) { var ivlen = ALGLIST[sharedKeyAlgName]['ivlen']; var randIV = _generateIvSaltHex(ivlen); ivsaltHex = randIV.toUpperCase(); } // 3. get shared key //alert("ivsalthex=" + ivsaltHex); var sharedKeyInfo = _getKeyAndUnusedIvByPasscodeAndIvsalt(sharedKeyAlgName, passcode, ivsaltHex); var sharedKeyHex = sharedKeyInfo.keyhex; // alert("sharedKeyHex = " + sharedKeyHex); // 3. get encrypted Key in Base64 var encryptedKeyB64 = _encryptKeyHex(hPrvKey, sharedKeyAlgName, sharedKeyHex, ivsaltHex); var pemBody = encryptedKeyB64.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\r\n"); var sPEM = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"; sPEM += "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\r\n"; sPEM += "DEK-Info: " + sharedKeyAlgName + "," + ivsaltHex + "\r\n"; sPEM += "\r\n"; sPEM += pemBody; sPEM += "\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"; return sPEM; }, /** * get PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key from RSAKey object of private key * @name getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromRSAKey * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {RSAKey} pKey RSAKey object of private key * @param {String} passcode pass code to protect private key (ex. password) * @param {String} alg algorithm name to protect private key (default AES-256-CBC) * @param {String} ivsaltHex hexadecimal string of IV and salt (default generated random IV) * @return {String} string of PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.2 * @description *
* generate PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key by * {@link RSAKey} object of RSA private key and passcode. * Following argument can be omitted. * * @example * var pkey = new RSAKey(); * pkey.generate(1024, '10001'); // generate 1024bit RSA private key with public exponent 'x010001' * var pem = PKCS5PKEY.getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromRSAKey(pkey, "password"); */ getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromRSAKey: function(pKey, passcode, alg, ivsaltHex) { var version = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'int': 0}); var n = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.n}); var e = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'int': pKey.e}); var d = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.d}); var p = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.p}); var q = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.q}); var dmp1 = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.dmp1}); var dmq1 = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.dmq1}); var coeff = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({'bigint': pKey.coeff}); var seq = new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence({'array': [version, n, e, d, p, q, dmp1, dmq1, coeff]}); var hex = seq.getEncodedHex(); return this.getEryptedPKCS5PEMFromPrvKeyHex(hex, passcode, alg, ivsaltHex); }, /** * generate RSAKey and PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key * @name newEncryptedPKCS5PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} passcode pass code to protect private key (ex. password) * @param {Integer} keyLen key bit length of RSA key to be generated. (default 1024) * @param {String} hPublicExponent hexadecimal string of public exponent (default 10001) * @param {String} alg shared key algorithm to encrypt private key (default AES-258-CBC) * @return {String} string of PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#5 private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.2 * @example * var pem1 = PKCS5PKEY.newEncryptedPKCS5PEM("password"); // RSA1024bit/10001/AES-256-CBC * var pem2 = PKCS5PKEY.newEncryptedPKCS5PEM("password", 512); // RSA 512bit/10001/AES-256-CBC * var pem3 = PKCS5PKEY.newEncryptedPKCS5PEM("password", 512, '3'); // RSA 512bit/ 3/AES-256-CBC */ newEncryptedPKCS5PEM: function(passcode, keyLen, hPublicExponent, alg) { if (typeof keyLen == "undefined" || keyLen == null) { keyLen = 1024; } if (typeof hPublicExponent == "undefined" || hPublicExponent == null) { hPublicExponent = '10001'; } var pKey = new RSAKey(); pKey.generate(keyLen, hPublicExponent); var pem = null; if (typeof alg == "undefined" || alg == null) { pem = this.getEncryptedPKCS5PEMFromRSAKey(pkey, passcode); } else { pem = this.getEncryptedPKCS5PEMFromRSAKey(pkey, passcode, alg); } return pem; }, // === PKCS8 =============================================================== /** * read PEM formatted unencrypted PKCS#8 private key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PEM PEM formatted unencrypted PKCS#8 private key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.1 */ getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PEM) { if (pkcs8PEM.match(/ENCRYPTED/)) throw "pem shall be not ENCRYPTED"; var prvKeyHex = this.getHexFromPEM(pkcs8PEM, "PRIVATE KEY"); var rsaKey = this.getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8Hex(prvKeyHex); return rsaKey; }, /** * provide hexadecimal string of unencrypted PKCS#8 private key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} prvKeyHex hexadecimal string of unencrypted PKCS#8 private key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.3 */ getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8Hex: function(prvKeyHex) { var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(prvKeyHex, 0); if (a1.length != 3) throw "outer DERSequence shall have 3 elements: " + a1.length; var algIdTLV =ASN1HEX.getHexOfTLV_AtObj(prvKeyHex, a1[1]); if (algIdTLV != "300d06092a864886f70d0101010500") // AlgId rsaEncryption throw "PKCS8 AlgorithmIdentifier is not rsaEnc: " + algIdTLV; var algIdTLV = ASN1HEX.getHexOfTLV_AtObj(prvKeyHex, a1[1]); var octetStr = ASN1HEX.getHexOfTLV_AtObj(prvKeyHex, a1[2]); var p5KeyHex = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(octetStr, 0); //alert(p5KeyHex); var rsaKey = new RSAKey(); rsaKey.readPrivateKeyFromASN1HexString(p5KeyHex); return rsaKey; }, /** * generate PBKDF2 key hexstring with specified passcode and information * @name parseHexOfEncryptedPKCS8 * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypto private key * @return {Array} info associative array of PKCS#8 parameters * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.3 * @description * The associative array which is returned by this method has following properties: * * Currently, this method only supports PKCS#5v2.0 with PBES2/PBDKF2 of HmacSHA1 and TripleDES. * * @example * // to convert plain PKCS#5 private key to encrypted PKCS#8 private * // key with PBKDF2 with TripleDES * % openssl pkcs8 -in plain_p5.pem -topk8 -v2 -des3 -out encrypted_p8.pem */ parseHexOfEncryptedPKCS8: function(sHEX) { var info = {}; var a0 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, 0); if (a0.length != 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE(0).items != 2: " + a0.length; // 1. ciphertext info.ciphertext = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0[1]); // 2. pkcs5PBES2 var a0_0 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, a0[0]); if (a0_0.length != 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE(0.0).items != 2: " + a0_0.length; // 2.1 check if pkcs5PBES2(1 2 840 113549 1 5 13) if (ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0[0]) != "2a864886f70d01050d") throw "this only supports pkcs5PBES2"; // 2.2 pkcs5PBES2 param var a0_0_1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0[1]); if (a0_0.length != 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE(0.0.1).items != 2: " + a0_0_1.length; // 2.2.1 encryptionScheme var a0_0_1_1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1[1]); if (a0_0_1_1.length != 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE( != 2: " + a0_0_1_1.length; if (ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_1[0]) != "2a864886f70d0307") throw "this only supports TripleDES"; info.encryptionSchemeAlg = "TripleDES"; // IV of encryptionScheme info.encryptionSchemeIV = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_1[1]); // 2.2.2 keyDerivationFunc var a0_0_1_0 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1[0]); if (a0_0_1_0.length != 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE( != 2: " + a0_0_1_0.length; if (ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_0[0]) != "2a864886f70d01050c") throw "this only supports pkcs5PBKDF2"; // pkcs5PBKDF2 param var a0_0_1_0_1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_0[1]); if (a0_0_1_0_1.length < 2) throw "malformed format: SEQUENCE( < 2: " + a0_0_1_0_1.length; // PBKDF2 salt info.pbkdf2Salt = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_0_1[0]); // PBKDF2 iter var iterNumHex = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(sHEX, a0_0_1_0_1[1]); try { info.pbkdf2Iter = parseInt(iterNumHex, 16); } catch(ex) { throw "malformed format pbkdf2Iter: " + iterNumHex; } return info; }, /** * generate PBKDF2 key hexstring with specified passcode and information * @name getPBKDF2KeyHexFromParam * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {Array} info result of {@link parseHexOfEncryptedPKCS8} which has preference of PKCS#8 file * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypto private key * @return {String} hexadecimal string of PBKDF2 key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.3 * @description * As for info, this uses following properties: * * Currently, this method only supports PKCS#5v2.0 with PBES2/PBDKF2 of HmacSHA1 and TripleDES. * * @example * // to convert plain PKCS#5 private key to encrypted PKCS#8 private * // key with PBKDF2 with TripleDES * % openssl pkcs8 -in plain_p5.pem -topk8 -v2 -des3 -out encrypted_p8.pem */ getPBKDF2KeyHexFromParam: function(info, passcode) { var pbkdf2SaltWS = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(info.pbkdf2Salt); var pbkdf2Iter = info.pbkdf2Iter; var pbkdf2KeyWS = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(passcode, pbkdf2SaltWS, { keySize: 192/32, iterations: pbkdf2Iter }); var pbkdf2KeyHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(pbkdf2KeyWS); return pbkdf2KeyHex; }, /** * read PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#8 private key and returns hexadecimal string of plain PKCS#8 private key * @name getPlainPKCS8HexFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PEM PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#8 private key * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypto private key * @return {String} hexadecimal string of plain PKCS#8 private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.3 * @description * Currently, this method only supports PKCS#5v2.0 with PBES2/PBDKF2 of HmacSHA1 and TripleDES. * * @example * // to convert plain PKCS#5 private key to encrypted PKCS#8 private * // key with PBKDF2 with TripleDES * % openssl pkcs8 -in plain_p5.pem -topk8 -v2 -des3 -out encrypted_p8.pem */ getPlainPKCS8HexFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PEM, passcode) { // 1. derHex - PKCS#8 private key encrypted by PBKDF2 var derHex = this.getHexFromPEM(pkcs8PEM, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY"); // 2. info - PKCS#5 PBES info var info = this.parseHexOfEncryptedPKCS8(derHex); // 3. hKey - PBKDF2 key var pbkdf2KeyHex = PKCS5PKEY.getPBKDF2KeyHexFromParam(info, passcode); // 4. decrypt ciphertext by PBKDF2 key var encrypted = {}; encrypted.ciphertext = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(info.ciphertext); var pbkdf2KeyWS = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(pbkdf2KeyHex); var des3IVWS = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(info.encryptionSchemeIV); var decWS = CryptoJS.TripleDES.decrypt(encrypted, pbkdf2KeyWS, { iv: des3IVWS }); var decHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(decWS); return decHex; }, /** * read PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#8 private key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PEM PEM formatted encrypted PKCS#8 private key * @param {String} passcode passcode to decrypto private key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA private key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.3 * @description * Currently, this method only supports PKCS#5v2.0 with PBES2/PBDKF2 of HmacSHA1 and TripleDES. * * @example * // to convert plain PKCS#5 private key to encrypted PKCS#8 private * // key with PBKDF2 with TripleDES * % openssl pkcs8 -in plain_p5.pem -topk8 -v2 -des3 -out encrypted_p8.pem */ getRSAKeyFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PEM, passcode) { var prvKeyHex = this.getPlainPKCS8HexFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM(pkcs8PEM, passcode); var rsaKey = this.getRSAKeyFromPlainPKCS8Hex(prvKeyHex); return rsaKey; }, /** * get RSAKey/ECDSA private key object from encrypted PEM PKCS#8 private key * @name getKeyFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PEM string of PEM formatted PKCS#8 private key * @param {String} passcode passcode string to decrypt key * @return {Object} RSAKey or KJUR.crypto.ECDSA private key object * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getKeyFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PEM, passcode) { var prvKeyHex = this.getPlainPKCS8HexFromEncryptedPKCS8PEM(pkcs8PEM, passcode); var key = this.getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8Hex(prvKeyHex); return key; }, /** * parse hexadecimal string of plain PKCS#8 private key * @name parsePlainPrivatePKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PrvHex hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 plain private key * @return {Array} associative array of parsed key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 * @description * Resulted associative array has following properties: * */ parsePlainPrivatePKCS8Hex: function(pkcs8PrvHex) { var result = {}; result.algparam = null; // 1. sequence if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(0, 2) != "30") throw "malformed plain PKCS8 private key(code:001)"; // not sequence var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, 0); if (a1.length != 3) throw "malformed plain PKCS8 private key(code:002)"; // 2. AlgID if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(a1[1], 2) != "30") throw "malformed PKCS8 private key(code:003)"; // AlgId not sequence var a2 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[1]); if (a2.length != 2) throw "malformed PKCS8 private key(code:004)"; // AlgId not have two elements // 2.1. AlgID OID if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(a2[0], 2) != "06") throw "malformed PKCS8 private key(code:005)"; // AlgId.oid is not OID result.algoid = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a2[0]); // 2.2. AlgID param if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(a2[1], 2) == "06") { result.algparam = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a2[1]); } // 3. Key index if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(a1[2], 2) != "04") throw "malformed PKCS8 private key(code:006)"; // not octet string result.keyidx = ASN1HEX.getStartPosOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[2]); return result; }, /** * get RSAKey/ECDSA private key object from PEM plain PEM PKCS#8 private key * @name getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PEM string of plain PEM formatted PKCS#8 private key * @return {Object} RSAKey or KJUR.crypto.ECDSA private key object * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8PEM: function(prvKeyPEM) { var prvKeyHex = this.getHexFromPEM(prvKeyPEM, "PRIVATE KEY"); var key = this.getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8Hex(prvKeyHex); return key; }, /** * get RSAKey/ECDSA private key object from HEX plain PEM PKCS#8 private key * @name getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} prvKeyHex hexadecimal string of plain PKCS#8 private key * @return {Object} RSAKey or KJUR.crypto.ECDSA private key object * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getKeyFromPlainPrivatePKCS8Hex: function(prvKeyHex) { var p8 = this.parsePlainPrivatePKCS8Hex(prvKeyHex); if (p8.algoid == "2a864886f70d010101") { // RSA this.parsePrivateRawRSAKeyHexAtObj(prvKeyHex, p8); var k = p8.key; var key = new RSAKey(); key.setPrivateEx(k.n, k.e, k.d, k.p, k.q, k.dp, k.dq, k.co); return key; } else if (p8.algoid == "2a8648ce3d0201") { // ECC this.parsePrivateRawECKeyHexAtObj(prvKeyHex, p8); if (KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name[p8.algparam] === undefined) throw "KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name undefined: " + p8.algparam; var curveName = KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name[p8.algparam]; var key = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({'curve': curveName, 'prv': p8.key}); return key; } else { throw "unsupported private key algorithm"; } }, // === PKCS8 RSA Public Key ================================================ /** * read PEM formatted PKCS#8 public key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromPublicPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PubPEM PEM formatted PKCS#8 public key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA public key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.4 */ getRSAKeyFromPublicPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PubPEM) { var pubKeyHex = this.getHexFromPEM(pkcs8PubPEM, "PUBLIC KEY"); var rsaKey = this.getRSAKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex(pubKeyHex); return rsaKey; }, /** * get RSAKey/ECDSA public key object from PEM PKCS#8 public key * @name getKeyFromPublicPKCS8PEM * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcsPub8PEM string of PEM formatted PKCS#8 public key * @return {Object} RSAKey or KJUR.crypto.ECDSA private key object * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getKeyFromPublicPKCS8PEM: function(pkcs8PubPEM) { var pubKeyHex = this.getHexFromPEM(pkcs8PubPEM, "PUBLIC KEY"); var key = this.getKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex(pubKeyHex); return key; }, /** * get RSAKey/ECDSA public key object from hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 public key * @name getKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcsPub8Hex hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 public key * @return {Object} RSAKey or KJUR.crypto.ECDSA private key object * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 */ getKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex: function(pkcs8PubHex) { var p8 = this.parsePublicPKCS8Hex(pkcs8PubHex); if (p8.algoid == "2a864886f70d010101") { // RSA var aRSA = this.parsePublicRawRSAKeyHex(p8.key); var key = new RSAKey(); key.setPublic(aRSA.n, aRSA.e); return key; } else if (p8.algoid == "2a8648ce3d0201") { // ECC if (KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name[p8.algparam] === undefined) throw "KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name undefined: " + p8.algparam; var curveName = KJUR.crypto.OID.oidhex2name[p8.algparam]; var key = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({'curve': curveName, 'pub': p8.key}); return key; } else { throw "unsupported public key algorithm"; } }, /** * parse hexadecimal string of plain PKCS#8 private key * @name parsePublicRawRSAKeyHex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pubRawRSAHex hexadecimal string of ASN.1 encoded PKCS#8 public key * @return {Array} associative array of parsed key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 * @description * Resulted associative array has following properties: * */ parsePublicRawRSAKeyHex: function(pubRawRSAHex) { var result = {}; // 1. Sequence if (pubRawRSAHex.substr(0, 2) != "30") throw "malformed RSA key(code:001)"; // not sequence var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pubRawRSAHex, 0); if (a1.length != 2) throw "malformed RSA key(code:002)"; // not 2 items in seq // 2. public key "N" if (pubRawRSAHex.substr(a1[0], 2) != "02") throw "malformed RSA key(code:003)"; // 1st item is not integer result.n = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pubRawRSAHex, a1[0]); // 3. public key "E" if (pubRawRSAHex.substr(a1[1], 2) != "02") throw "malformed RSA key(code:004)"; // 2nd item is not integer result.e = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pubRawRSAHex, a1[1]); return result; }, /** * parse hexadecimal string of RSA private key * @name parsePrivateRawRSAKeyHexAtObj * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PrvHex hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 private key concluding RSA private key * @return {Array} info associative array to add parsed RSA private key information * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 * @description * Following properties are added to associative array 'info' * */ parsePrivateRawRSAKeyHexAtObj: function(pkcs8PrvHex, info) { var keyIdx = info.keyidx; // 1. sequence if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(keyIdx, 2) != "30") throw "malformed RSA private key(code:001)"; // not sequence var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, keyIdx); if (a1.length != 9) throw "malformed RSA private key(code:002)"; // not sequence // 2. RSA key info.key = {}; info.key.n = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[1]); info.key.e = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[2]); info.key.d = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[3]); info.key.p = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[4]); info.key.q = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[5]); info.key.dp = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[6]); info.key.dq = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[7]); info.key.co = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[8]); }, /** * parse hexadecimal string of ECC private key * @name parsePrivateRawECKeyHexAtObj * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PrvHex hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 private key concluding EC private key * @return {Array} info associative array to add parsed ECC private key information * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.5 * @description * Following properties are added to associative array 'info' * */ parsePrivateRawECKeyHexAtObj: function(pkcs8PrvHex, info) { var keyIdx = info.keyidx; // 1. sequence if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(keyIdx, 2) != "30") throw "malformed ECC private key(code:001)"; // not sequence var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, keyIdx); if (a1.length != 3) throw "malformed ECC private key(code:002)"; // not sequence // 2. EC private key if (pkcs8PrvHex.substr(a1[1], 2) != "04") throw "malformed ECC private key(code:003)"; // not octetstring info.key = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PrvHex, a1[1]); }, /** * parse hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 public key * @name parsePublicPKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PubHex hexadecimal string of PKCS#8 public key * @return {Hash} hash of key information * @description * Resulted hash has following attributes. * */ parsePublicPKCS8Hex: function(pkcs8PubHex) { var result = {}; result.algparam = null; // 1. AlgID and Key bit string var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, 0); if (a1.length != 2) throw "outer DERSequence shall have 2 elements: " + a1.length; // 2. AlgID var idxAlgIdTLV = a1[0]; if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(idxAlgIdTLV, 2) != "30") throw "malformed PKCS8 public key(code:001)"; // AlgId not sequence var a2 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, idxAlgIdTLV); if (a2.length != 2) throw "malformed PKCS8 public key(code:002)"; // AlgId not have two elements // 2.1. AlgID OID if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a2[0], 2) != "06") throw "malformed PKCS8 public key(code:003)"; // AlgId.oid is not OID result.algoid = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a2[0]); // 2.2. AlgID param if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a2[1], 2) == "06") { result.algparam = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a2[1]); } // 3. Key if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a1[1], 2) != "03") throw "malformed PKCS8 public key(code:004)"; // Key is not bit string result.key = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a1[1]).substr(2); // 4. return result assoc array return result; }, /** * provide hexadecimal string of unencrypted PKCS#8 private key and returns RSAKey object * @name getRSAKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex * @memberOf PKCS5PKEY * @function * @param {String} pkcs8PubHex hexadecimal string of unencrypted PKCS#8 public key * @return {RSAKey} loaded RSAKey object of RSA public key * @since pkcs5pkey 1.0.4 */ getRSAKeyFromPublicPKCS8Hex: function(pkcs8PubHex) { var a1 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, 0); if (a1.length != 2) throw "outer DERSequence shall have 2 elements: " + a1.length; var algIdTLV =ASN1HEX.getHexOfTLV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a1[0]); if (algIdTLV != "300d06092a864886f70d0101010500") // AlgId rsaEncryption throw "PKCS8 AlgorithmId is not rsaEncryption"; if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a1[1], 2) != "03") throw "PKCS8 Public Key is not BITSTRING encapslated."; var idxPub = ASN1HEX.getStartPosOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a1[1]) + 2; // 2 for unused bit if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(idxPub, 2) != "30") throw "PKCS8 Public Key is not SEQUENCE."; var a2 = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, idxPub); if (a2.length != 2) throw "inner DERSequence shall have 2 elements: " + a2.length; if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a2[0], 2) != "02") throw "N is not ASN.1 INTEGER"; if (pkcs8PubHex.substr(a2[1], 2) != "02") throw "E is not ASN.1 INTEGER"; var hN = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a2[0]); var hE = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(pkcs8PubHex, a2[1]); var pubKey = new RSAKey(); pubKey.setPublic(hN, hE); return pubKey; }, }; }();