// ________ _ _____ _ _ // / ____ \ (_) __ \| | (_) // / / ___| \ _| |__) | |__ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __ // | | | | | | ___/| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ '_ \| \ \/ / // | | |___ | | | | | | | | (_) | __/ | | | |> < // \ \____| / |_|_| |_| |_|\___/ \___|_| |_|_/_/\_\ // \________/ ______ ______ // |______| |______| // // V0.67.0b0 // // (just ask if you want to use my source, I probably won't say no.) /* * Format: [,] * is the text you want the image to replace. * is the name of the file in the /emotes/ folder, minus the .png at the end. */ var emoteReplacements = [ [":P","tounge"], [":)","smile"], [";)","wink"], ["i_i","eyeroll"], [":D","happy"], [":O=","vomit"], ["???","what"], [":o","whistle"], ["!!!","exclamationpoint"], [":(","sad"], ["D:<","angry"], [";P","tounge2"], ["0o","suspicious"], ["o0","suspicious"], [":..(","cry"], ["DX","cry"], [":/ ","upset"] ]; var selectedRoom = "Chat"; var isSignedIn = false; var dataRef; var filters = ["_default"]; var lastMessage = ""; var lastMessageRef; var timestamps = new Array(); var currentMessageTags = ["_default"]; var numDuplicates = 0; var isFirstMessage = true; var notificationStatus = false; var highlightNotificationStatus = true; var lastMessageTime = 0; var isMentioned = false; var room = "_default"; var unread = 0; var unichat_uid2 = null; var preventDouble = false; var numLimit, nLimit; var username = "anonymous"; function getRoom() { var str = location.href; var match = str.match(/\?room=(\w*)/) ? str.match(/\?room=(\w*)/)[1] : "_default"; return /^(\w{1,64})/.test(match) ? match : "_default"; } function checkUsername(callback) { var u = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)unichat_uid2\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") ? document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)unichat_uid2\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") : ((location.href.match(/u=[0-9]*/) ? location.href.match(/u=([0-9]*)/)[1] : false)); console.log(u); unichat_uid2 = u; var n = unichat_uid2; firebase.database().ref("bans/").orderByChild("i").equalTo(n).limitToLast(1).once("value").then(function (a) { a.forEach(function (a) { var n = a.val(), i = (n.t, n.m); if (null !== n && void 0 !== n && n.t >= Date.now()) { var t = n.t, e = ""; "" != i && (e = "?m=" + i + "&t=" + t), window.location.href = "banned/index.html" + e } }) }); if (u && u != "") { document.cookie = "unichat_uid2=" + u + ";expires=" + new Date(Date.now() + 157784760000); firebase.database().ref("users/" + u).transaction(function (d) { d = d ? d : { karma: 0 } d.l = new Date() return d; }).then(function () { firebase.database().ref("uids/" + u).once('value').then(function (s) { var n = s.val(); if (n) { firebase.database().ref("users/" + u + "/u").set(n); username = n; callback(); } else { document.getElementById("contentDiv").innerHTML = '

You do not have an account or you have been signed out. Please log in or create an account here.

' } }); }); } else { if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/bot/g)) { document.getElementById("contentDiv").innerHTML = '

You do not have an account or you have been signed out. Please log in or create an account here.

' } } } function refresh() { var span, text; document.getElementById("filterDisplay").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("tagDisplay").innerHTML = ""; for (var filter = 1; filter < filters.length; filter++) { span = document.createElement("SPAN"); text = document.createTextNode(filters[filter]); span.appendChild(text); document.getElementById("filterDisplay").appendChild(span); } for (var tag = 1; tag < currentMessageTags.length; tag++) { span = document.createElement("SPAN"); text = document.createTextNode(currentMessageTags[tag]); span.appendChild(text); document.getElementById("tagDisplay").appendChild(span); } } function addTag(tag) { toggleArrayItem(currentMessageTags, tag.getAttribute("value")); refresh(); } function toggleArrayItem(a, v) { var i = a.indexOf(v); if (i === -1) a.push(v); else a.splice(i, 1); } function toggleFilter(filter) { var value = filter.getAttribute("value"); toggleArrayItem(filters, value); refresh(); refreshOutput(); } function submitMessage() { var n = unichat_uid2; 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timestamps[timestamps.length] = Date.now(); var n = new Date().getTime(); n /= 15000; n = n.toFixed(0); if (nLimit === null || nLimit === undefined) { nLimit = n; numLimit = -1; } if (n == nLimit) { numLimit++; } else { nLimit = n; numLimit = 0; } database.ref("Data/" + room + "/" + unichat_uid2 + "-" + n + "-" + numLimit).set({ text: messageBox.value, ts: Date.now(), un: unichat_uid2, tag: currentMessageTags, to: recipient, n: 0, v: nLimit, x: numLimit, k: 0 }); database.ref("online/" + room + "/" + unichat_uid2).set(new Date().getTime()); database.ref("users/" + document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)unichat_uid2\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") + "/s").transaction(function (s) { return s + 1 }); lastMessageTime = new Date().getTime(); lastMessageRef = unichat_uid2 + "-" + n + "-" + numLimit; lastMessage = messageBox.value; messageBox.value = ""; currentMessageTags = ["_default"]; refresh(); } else { numDuplicates++; setTimeout(function () { numDuplicates = (numDuplicates != 0) ? numDuplicates - 1 : 0; }, 3000); messageBox.value = ""; database.ref("Data/" + room + "/" + lastMessageRef).transaction(function (message) { message.n++; message.ts = Date.now(); return message; }); } } else { var node = document.createElement("DIV"); var text = document.createTextNode("\n Please do not spam."); node.appendChild(text); document.getElementById("output").appendChild(node); document.getElementById('output').scrollTop = document.getElementById("output").scrollHeight; } } else { messageBox.style.border = "3px solid #f00"; window.setTimeout(function () { messageBox.style.border = "3px solid #ccc"; }, 1000); } } } var formatTime = function (ts) { var dt = new Date(ts); var hours = dt.getHours() % 12; var minutes = dt.getMinutes(); var seconds = dt.getSeconds(); if (hours < 10) hours = '0' + hours; if (minutes < 10) minutes = '0' + minutes; if (seconds < 10) seconds = '0' + seconds; if (hours == '00') hours = '12'; return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } function filter(haystack, arr) { return arr.some(function (v) { return haystack.indexOf(v) > 0; 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document.getElementById("share-chatroom").appendChild(label); var copy = document.createElement("input"); copy.setAttribute("type", "text"); copy.readOnly = true; document.getElementById("share-chatroom").appendChild(copy); copy.value = "https://legend-of-iphoenix.github.io/UniChatDemo/?room=" + room; copy.id = "share-link"; copy.onclick = function () { if (!document.getElementById("share-copied")) { document.getElementById("share-link").select(); document.execCommand("copy"); document.getElementById("share-link").style.border = "3px solid #0f0"; var copied = document.createElement("p"); copied.innerText = "Link Copied!"; copied.id = "share-copied"; document.getElementById("share-chatroom").appendChild(copied); window.setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("share-link").style.border = "3px solid #ccc"; document.getElementById("share-copied").remove(); }, 1000); } } } firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) { if (user) { setInterval(isActive, 60000); setTimeout(isActive, 3000); 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for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] >= number) n++; } return n; } function toggleNotifications() { notificationStatus = !notificationStatus; console.log("Notifications: " + (notificationStatus ? "On" : "Off")); alert("Notfications: " + (notificationStatus ? "On" : "Off")); } function toggleNotificationOnHighlight() { highlightNotificationStatus = !highlightNotificationStatus; console.log("Highlight Notifications: " + (highlightNotificationStatus ? "On" : "Off")); alert("Highlight Notfications: " + (highlightNotificationStatus ? "On" : "Off")); } function interpretMessage(data, key) { var uid = data.un; firebase.database().ref("uids/" + uid.replace(/\W/g,"")).once('value').then(function (un) { data.un = un.val(); if (uid.startsWith('[')) { data.un = uid } var message = data.text; var datePosted = data.ts; var n = ""; if (data.n != 0) { n = "[x" + (data.n + 1) + "]"; } var tempDate = new Date; tempDate.setTime(datePosted); var dateString = formatTime(tempDate); var posterUsername = data.un; if (message != undefined && (filter(data.tag, filters) || (filters.length == 1))) { var node = document.createElement("DIV"); var reg = /\/([\w]*)/; var messageCommand = ""; if (message.match(reg) != null) { messageCommand = message.match(reg)[1]; } var textnode; if (messageCommand === "me" && messageCommand !== "pm") { textnode = n + " *" + posterUsername + ' ' + message.substring(3, message.length); } else { var str = message.substring(4, message.length); var reg = /\w*/; var match = reg.exec(str); var messagePM = message.substring(4 + match[0].length, message.length); if (messageCommand === "pm") { if (match[0] == username) { textnode = "[PM][" + posterUsername + "-> You]: " + messagePM; } else { if (posterUsername == username) { textnode = "[PM][You -> " + match[0] + "]: " + messagePM; } } } else { if (messageCommand !== "pm") { textnode = n + " " + posterUsername + ': ' + message; } } } if (notificationStatus && messageCommand != "pm") { notifyMe(textnode); } node.innerHTML = "[" + dateString + "]" + detectURL(textnode); var textClass = "outputText"; if (message.indexOf(username.substring(0, Math.max(Math.min(username.length, 4), 4))) != -1) { textClass = "highlight"; if (highlightNotificationStatus) notifyMe(textnode); } if (username == "TheLastMillennial" && message.indexOf("TLM") != -1) { textClass = "highlight"; if (highlightNotificationStatus) notifyMe(textnode); } if (isHidden()) { if (!message.startsWith("/pm")) { preventDouble = !preventDouble; if (preventDouble) { unread++; } isMentioned = (textClass == "highlight") || isMentioned; document.title = (isMentioned ? "*" : "+") + " UniChat Beta (" + unread + " unread)"; } } else { unread = 0; isMentioned = false; document.title = "UniChat Beta"; } if (detectURL(textnode) != "undefined") { node.setAttribute("class", textClass); node.setAttribute("name", key); node.setAttribute("id", data.ts); document.getElementById("output").appendChild(node); document.getElementById("output").scrollTop = document.getElementById("output").scrollHeight; } } }); } function interpretChangedMessage(data, key) { if (document.getElementsByName(key)[0] && data.n) { document.getElementsByName(key)[0].remove(); interpretMessage(data, key); } } function cleanse(message) { var n = document.createElement("DIV"); n.innerText = message; return n.innerHTML; } function detectURL(message) { message = cleanse(message); message = message.replace(/\*([^\*]*)\*/g, '
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'); message = emotes(message) if (message !== undefined && message !== null) { var result = ""; var n = ""; //I'm using SAX's URL detection regex, because it works. var url_pattern = 'https?:\\/\\/[A-Za-z0-9\\.\\-\\/?&+=;:%#_~]+'; var pattern = new RegExp(url_pattern, 'g'); var match = message.match(pattern); if (match) { for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { var link = '' + match[i] + ''; var start = message.indexOf(match[i]); var header = message.substring(n.length, start); n += header; n += match[i]; result = result.concat(header); result = result.concat(link); } result += message.substring(n.length, message.length); } else { result = message; } } else { result = ""; } return result } function emotes(message) { message += " "; //Replace each of the emotes with an image tag pointing towards the file name given. emoteReplacements.forEach(function(emote){ message = message.split(emote[0]).join(''+emote[0]+''); }); return message; } function isHidden() { var n = function () { var n = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"]; if ("hidden" in document) return "hidden"; for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (n[e] + "Hidden" in document) return n[e] + "Hidden"; return null }(); return !!n && document[n] }; function redirect(url) { window.open(url, '_self'); } function redirectToNewPrivateRoom() { var roomID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1048576).toString(16) + (new Date().getTime().toString(16).substring(2, 8)) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1048576).toString(16); window.open("https://legend-of-iphoenix.github.io/UniChatDemo/?room=" + roomID) }