--[[ Just run this script along with your other scripts if you wish for LevelSpell to work. This only works if you are VIP unfortunately. ]] if not VIP_USER then _G.LevelSpell = function() end return end print("LevelSpell override is active") _G.LevelSpell = function(id) local offsets = { [_Q] = 0xFB, [_W] = 0xEB, [_E] = 0xDB, [_R] = 0xCB, } local p = CLoLPacket(0x10A) p.vTable = 0xEDD384 p:EncodeF(myHero.networkID) for i = 1, 4 do p:Encode1(0x13) end p:Encode1(0x9E) p:Encode1(offsets[id]) for i = 1, 4 do p:Encode1(0x81) end for i = 1, 4 do p:Encode1(0x57) end for i = 1, 4 do p:Encode1(0x00) end SendPacket(p) end --[[Updated for 5.18 - 2015-09-16]]