const int BUFF_GOOD = 1; const int BUFF_NEUTRAL = 0; const int BUFF_BAD = -1; const int BUFFLIST_SIZE = 70; // You really shouldn't have more than this, it will lag! class lCBuff { var string name; var int bufftype; // GOOD / NEUTRAL / BAD | 1 / 0 / -1 var int targetID; // NPC that is currently affected by this buff var int durationMS; // full duration until the buff runs out var int tickMS; // ms between each tick, first tick at tickMS milliseconds. var int nextTickNr; // e.g. before the first tick this will be 0; OBSOLETE, remove when possible var int OnApply; var int OnTick; var int OnRemoved; var string buffTex; // Currently only used for buffs applied on the hero // var int originID; // Who casted/created this buff? // Internal, no need to set during instance construction var int _startedTime; var int _endTime; // Not rendundant with durationMS because buffs can be refreshed }; func void lCBuff_Archiver(var lCBuff this) { PM_SaveString("name",; PM_SaveInt("bufftype", this.bufftype); PM_SaveInt("targetID", this.targetID); PM_SaveInt("durationMS", this.durationMS); PM_SaveInt("tickMS", this.tickMS); PM_SaveInt("nextTickNr", this.nextTickNr); PM_SaveInt("_startedTime", this._startedTime); PM_SaveInt("_endTime", this._endTime); if (this.OnApply > 0) { PM_SaveFuncID("OnApply", this.OnApply); }; if (this.OnTick > 0) { PM_SaveFuncID("OnTick", this.OnTick); }; if (this.OnRemoved > 0) { PM_SaveFuncID("OnRemoved", this.OnRemoved); }; PM_SaveString("buffTex", this.buffTex); // if (this.originID > 0) { // PM_SaveFuncID("originID", this.originID); // }; }; func void lCBuff_Unarchiver(var lCBuff this) { var int obj; if (PM_Exists("name")) { = PM_LoadString("name"); }; if (PM_Exists("bufftype")) { this.bufftype = PM_Load("bufftype"); }; if (PM_Exists("targetID")) { this.targetID = PM_Load("targetID"); }; if (PM_Exists("durationMS")) { this.durationMS = PM_Load("durationMS"); }; if (PM_Exists("tickMS")) { this.tickMS = PM_Load("tickMS"); }; if (PM_Exists("nextTickNr")) { this.nextTickNr = PM_Load("nextTickNr"); }; if (PM_Exists("_startedTime")) { this._startedTime = PM_Load("_startedTime"); }; if (PM_Exists("_endTime")) { this._endTime = PM_Load("_endTime"); }; if (PM_Exists("OnApply")) { obj = _PM_SearchObj("OnApply"); if (_PM_ObjectType(obj) == _PM_String) { // Compatibility this.OnApply = PM_LoadFuncID("OnApply"); } else { this.OnApply = PM_Load("OnApply"); }; }; if (PM_Exists("OnTick")) { obj = _PM_SearchObj("OnTick"); if (_PM_ObjectType(obj) == _PM_String) { this.OnTick = PM_LoadFuncID("OnTick"); } else { this.OnTick = PM_Load("OnTick"); }; }; if (PM_Exists("OnRemoved")) { obj = _PM_SearchObj("OnRemoved"); if (_PM_ObjectType(obj) == _PM_String) { this.OnRemoved = PM_LoadFuncID("OnRemoved"); } else { this.OnRemoved = PM_Load("OnRemoved"); }; }; if (PM_Exists("buffTex")) { this.buffTex = PM_LoadString("buffTex"); }; // if (PM_Exists("originID")) { // PM_SaveFuncID("originID", this.originID); // obj = _PM_SearchObj("originID"); // if (_PM_ObjectType(obj) == _PM_String) { // this.originID = PM_LoadFuncID("originID"); // } else { // this.originID = PM_Load("originID"); // }; // }; }; /* BUFF DISPLAY FOR HERO BEGINS HERE */ var int bufflist_hero; // @zCArray<@lCBuff> var int bufflist_views[BUFFLIST_SIZE]; // @zCView const int BUFF_Y = 7000; const int BUFF_HEIGHT = 500; func void Bufflist_Init() { if (!Buffs_DisplayForHero) { return; }; Print_GetScreenSize(); var int xsize; xsize = roundf(divf(mkf(BUFF_HEIGHT), Print_Ratio)); bufflist_hero = new(zCArray@); var int k; var int v; repeat(k, BUFFLIST_SIZE); v = View_Create(((100+xsize)*k), BUFF_Y, (100+xsize)*k+xsize, BUFF_Y+BUFF_HEIGHT); MEM_WriteStatArr(bufflist_views, k, v); end; if (BUFF_FadeOut) { FF_ApplyExtGT(_Bufflist_UpdateDurationFade, 0, -1); }; }; func void Bufflist_Add(var int bh) { var zCArray arr; arr = get(bufflist_hero); var lcBuff b; b = get(bh); MEM_ArrayInsert(getPtr(bufflist_hero), bh); var int v; v = MEM_ReadStatArr(bufflist_views, arr.numInArray-1); View_SetTexture(v, b.buffTex); View_Open(v); }; func void Bufflist_Remove(var int bh) { var zCArray arr; arr = get(bufflist_hero); var int index; index = MEM_ArrayIndexOf(getPtr(bufflist_hero), bh); if (arr.numInArray == 1 && index == 0) { View_Close(bufflist_views[0]); }; var string tex; tex = View_GetTexture(MEM_ReadStatArr(bufflist_views, arr.numInArray-1)); View_SetTexture(MEM_ReadStatArr(bufflist_views, index), tex); View_Close(MEM_ReadStatArr(bufflist_views, arr.numInArray-1)); arr.numInArray -= 1; if (index == arr.numInArray) { return; }; MEM_WriteIntArray(arr.array, index, MEM_ReadIntArray(arr.array, arr.numInArray)); }; func void _Bufflist_UpdateDurationFade() { var zCArray arr; arr = get(bufflist_hero); var int viewState; // 0 = Open, 1 = Closed -- retains value through sequential invocations var int changeViews; // set to true if view status should be changed (i.e. view_open/close should be called) if (MEM_Game.showPlayerStatus == viewState) { // The viewState has changed, so we open/close all views viewState = !MEM_Game.showPlayerStatus; changeViews = true; }; var int k; repeat(k, arr.numInArray); var int bl_view; bl_view = MEM_ReadStatArr(bufflist_views, k); if (changeViews) { if (MEM_Game.showPlayerStatus) { View_Open(bl_view); } else { View_Close(bl_view); }; }; var lCBuff buff; buff = get(MEM_ReadIntArray(arr.array, k)); var int now; now = TimerGT(); var zCView view; view = get(bl_view); var int timediff; timediff = buff._endTime-now; if timediff < 0 { timediff = 0; }; var int xf; xf = fracf(timediff, buff.durationMS); // If you don't like this, complain to GiftGrün // 128 - 128/tan(1) * tan(2x-1) var int new_alphaf; new_alphaf = addf(mkf(160), mulf(divf(mkf(128), tan(FLOATEINS)), tan(subf(mulf(mkf(2), xf), FLOATEINS)))); var int new_alpha; new_alpha = roundf(new_alphaf); if new_alpha < 0 { new_alpha = 0; } else if new_alpha > 255 { new_alpha = 255; }; View_SetColor(bl_view, RGBA(255, 255, 255, new_alpha)); end; changeViews = false; }; /* BUFF DISPLAY FOR HERO ENDS HERE */ /* Daedalus braucht mal wieder eine Sonderbehandlung */ func int SAVE_GetFuncID(var func f) { var int i; i = MEM_GetUseInstance(); var int res; res = MEM_GetFuncID(f); MEM_SetUseInstance(i); return res; }; // Buff_Has(npc, buff) checks if a given NPC has a given buff var int Buff_NpcID; var int Buff_BuffHndl; func int _Buff_Check(var int buffh) { var lCBuff b; b = get(buffh); if (Buff_NpcID == b.targetID) { Buff_BuffHndl = buffh; return rBreak; }; return rContinue; }; func int Buff_Has(var c_npc npc, var int buff) { if (npc.aivar[AIV_TALENT]) { Buff_NpcID = Npc_GetID(npc); Buff_BuffHndl = 0; ForeachHndl(buff, _Buff_Check); return +Buff_BuffHndl; }; return 0; }; func void _Buff_Dispatcher(var int bh) { // This is called every tick and is responsible for deleting the object if (!Hlp_IsValidHandle(bh)) { return; }; var lcBuff b; b = get(bh); if (b.nextTickNr > b.durationMS/b.tickMS) { FF_RemoveData(_Buff_Dispatcher, bh); bh; MEM_Call(Buff_Remove); return; }; if (b.onTick) { bh; MEM_CallByID(b.onTick); // Might have been deleted just now if (!Hlp_IsValidHandle(bh)) { return; }; }; b.nextTickNr += 1; }; func int Buff_Apply(var c_npc npc, var int buff) { var int bh; bh = new(buff); var lCBuff b; b = get(bh); b.targetID = Npc_GetID(npc); b._startedTime = TimerGT(); b._endTime = b._startedTime + b.durationMS; if (b.OnApply) { bh; MEM_CallByID(b.OnApply); // Might have been deleted just now (would make little sense) if (!Hlp_IsValidHandle(bh)) { return -1; }; }; b.nextTickNr = 1; if (!b.tickMS) { b.tickMS = b.durationMS+1; /* Increase by one so tickCount is zero */ }; FF_ApplyExtDataGT(_Buff_Dispatcher, b.tickMS, -1, bh); if (Npc_IsPlayer(npc) && Buffs_DisplayForHero) { /* Add this buff to the hero's bufflist, for display */ BuffList_Add(bh); }; return bh; }; func int Buff_ApplyUnique(var c_npc n, var int buff) { if (!Buff_Has(n, buff)) { return Buff_Apply(n, buff); }; return 0; }; func void Buff_Refresh(var int bh) { if (!Hlp_IsValidHandle(bh)) { return; }; var lcBuff b; b = get(bh); b.nextTickNr = 1; b._endTime = TimerGT() + b.durationMS; }; func int Buff_ApplyOrRefresh(var c_npc n, var int buff) { var int bh; bh = Buff_Has(n, buff); if (bh) { Buff_Refresh(bh); return bh; } else { return Buff_Apply(n, buff); }; }; func void Buff_Remove(var int bh) { var lCBuff b; b = get(bh); if (b.onRemoved) { bh; MEM_CallByID(b.onRemoved); }; if (b.targetID == Npc_GetID(hero) && Buffs_DisplayForHero) { Bufflist_Remove(bh); }; if (Hlp_IsValidHandle(bh)) { delete(bh); }; }; func int Buff_GetNpc(var int bh) { var lCBuff b; b = get(bh); return Npc_FindByID(b.targetID); }; func void _Buff_RemoveAll_Sub(var int buffh) { var lCBuff buff; buff = get(buffh); if (buff.targetID == Buff_NpcID) { Buff_Remove(buffh); }; }; func void Buff_RemoveAll(var c_npc n, var int buffInstance) { Buff_NpcID = Npc_GetId(n); ForeachHndl(buffInstance, _Buff_RemoveAll_Sub); };