* Word Tree / Roget's Thesaurus * Class I. Words Expressing Abstract Relations ** Section I. Existence *** 1. Being, in The Abstract ***** existence 1 + abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] + absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] + authentic a.真正的;法律证实的 [au-then-tic] + endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] + entity n.实体,统一体 [en-ti-ty] + essential a.本质的;n.要素,实质 [es-sen-tial] + extant a.现存的,传世的 [ex-tant] + prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] + subsistence n.生存,生计;存在 [sub-sist-ence] + substantial a.坚固的,结实的;实质的 [sub-stan-tial] + substantive a.根本的;独立存在的 [sub-stan-tive] ***** inexistence 2 + abeyance n.中止,搁置 [a-bey-ance] + abrogate v.废止,废除 [ab-ro-gate] + annihilate v.消灭 [an-ni-hi-late] + die n.金属模子,印模 [die] + dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] + extinct a.绝种的,不存在的 [ex-tinct] + extinction n.熄灭;消灭 [ex-tinc-tion] + extirpation n.根除,铲除 [ex-tir-pa-tion] + insubstantial a.非实体的;薄弱的 [in-sub-stan-tial] + nil n.无,零 [nil] + nonentity n.不重要之人或事 [non-en-ti-ty] + nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] + obliterate v.涂掉,擦掉 [o-blit-e-rate] + perish v.死,暴卒 [per-ish] + potential a.潜在的,有可能性的 [po-ten-tial] + remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] + spectral a.幽灵的 [spec-tral] + vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] + virtual a.实质上的,实际上的 [vir-tu-al] + visionary a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 [vi-sion-ar-y] *** 2. Being, In The Concrete ***** substantiality 3 + corporeal a.肉体的,身体的;物质的 [cor-po-re-al] + gadget n.小工具,小机械 [gadg-et] + substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - substantial a.坚固的,结实的;实质的 [sub-stan-tial] - substantive a.根本的;独立存在的 [sub-stan-tive] + tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] ***** unsubstantiality 4 + cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] + deadpan a./n.无表情的(脸) [dead-pan] - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] + ethereal a.太空;轻巧的 [e-the-re-al] + evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] + fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] + illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] + inane a.无意义的;空洞的 [in-ane] + incogitant a.无思想的,考虑不周的 [in-cog-i-tant] - insubstantial a.非实体的;薄弱的 [in-sub-stan-tial] - nil n.无,零 [nil] + nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的 [nom-i-nal] - nonentity n.不重要之人或事 [non-en-ti-ty] + phantom n.鬼怪,幽灵;幻像 [phan-tom] - spectral a.幽灵的 [spec-tral] + vacuous a.发呆的,愚笨的 [vac-u-ous] - visionary a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 [vi-sion-ar-y] + void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] *** 3. Formal Existence ***** intrinsicality 5 + characteristic a.有特色的;典型性的;n.与众不同的特征 [char-ac-ter-is-tic] + constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] + core n.果心;核心);v.去掉某物的中心部分 [core] + disposition n.处理;天性,气质 [dis-po-si-tion] - essential a.本质的;n.要素,实质 [es-sen-tial] + ethos n.(个人、团体或民族)道德风貌,思潮,信仰 [e-thos] + fundamental a.最根本的,基本的;十分重要的 [fun-da-men-tal] + gene n.基因 [gene] + gist n.要点,要旨 [gist] + grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] + hereditary a.祖传的,世袭的 [he-red-i-tar-y] + humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] + immanent a.内在的;普遍存在的 [im-ma-nent] + inborn a.天生的,天赋的 [in-born] + incarnate a.具有肉体的;化身的 [in-car-nate] + incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] + indigenous a.土产的,本地的 [in-dig-e-nous] + ingrained a.根深蒂固的 [in-grained] + innate a.生来的,天赋的 [in-nate] + instinctive a.本能的 [in-stinc-tive] + pith n.精髓,要点 [pith] + principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] + sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] + subjective a.主观的,想象的 [sub-jec-tive] + temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - virtual a.实质上的,实际上的 [vir-tu-al] ***** extrinsicality 6 + adventitious a.偶然的 [ad-ven-ti-tious] + contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] + extraneous a.外来的;无关的 [ex-tra-ne-ous] + fortuitous a.偶然的,意外的;幸运的 [for-tu-i-tous] + objective a.客观的;n.目标 [ob-jec-tive] *** 4. Modal Existence ***** state 7 + aspect n.(问题等的)方面;面貌,外表 [as-pect] + category n.类别,范畴 [cat-e-go-ry] - constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] + denim n.粗斜纹棉布 [den-im] + dilemma n.困境,左右为难 [di-lem-ma] + fabric n.纺织品;结构 [fab-ric] + fungi n.菌类,蘑菇 [fun-gi] + guise n.外观,装束 [guise] + lot n.签;命运;v.抽签,划分 [lot] + mode n.样式,时尚;模式 [mode] + mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + plight n.困境,苦境 [plight] + predicament n.困境,窘境 [pre-dic-a-ment] + stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] + tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] + trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] + tuxedo n.礼服,无尾礼服 [tux-e-do] ***** circumstance 8 - adventitious a.偶然的 [ad-ven-ti-tious] + circumstantial a.不重要的,偶然的;描述详细的 [cir-cum-stan-tial] + context n.(语句等的)上下文 [con-text] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] + critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] + emergency n.紧急事件 [e-mer-gen-cy] + occurrence n.事件;发生 [oc-cur-rence] + pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] + posture n.姿势,体态;态度;v.故作姿态 [pos-ture] - predicament n.困境,窘境 [pre-dic-a-ment] + provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] + regime n.政权,政治制度 [re-gime] + specifics n.细小问题,细节 [specifics] + status n.身分,地位 [sta-tus] ** Section II. Relation *** 1. Absolute Relation ***** relation 9 + affinity n.密切关系;吸引力 [af-fin-i-ty] + analogy n.相似;类比 [a-nal-o-gy] + applicable a.生效的,适合的 [ap-pli-ca-ble] + apropos a./adv.适宜的(地);有关 [ap-ro-pos] + associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] + comparison n.比较,对照;比喻 [com-par-i-son] + homogeneity n.同种,同质 [ho-mo-ge-ne-i-ty] + pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] + relate v.讲述;有关联 [re-late] + score n.乐谱 [score] ***** irrelation 10 + arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] + detached a.分开的;超然的 [de-tached] + dissociation n.分离,脱离关系 [dis-so-ci-a-tion] + episodic a.偶然发生的,分散性的 [ep-i-sod-ic] + exotic a.珍奇的;来自异国的 [ex-ot-ic] - extraneous a.外来的;无关的 [ex-tra-ne-ous] + heterogeneous a.异类的,不同的 [het-er-o-ge-ne-ous] + impertinence n.无礼,粗鲁 [im-per-ti-nence] + insular a.岛屿的;心胸狭窄的 [in-su-lar] + intrude v.把(思想等)强加于,闯入 [in-trude] + outlandish a.古怪的 [out-land-ish] ***** consanguinity 11 + affiliation n.联系,联合 [af-fil-i-a-tion] + breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] + collateral a.平行的;旁系的;n.担保品 [col-lat-er-al] + generation n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 [gen-er-a-tion] + kindred a.同类的,种族的 [kin-dred] + lineage n.宗系,血统 [lin-e-age] + nepotism n.裙带关系 [nep-o-tism] + sibling n.兄弟或姊妹 [sib-ling] + stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] ***** correlation 12 + alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] + barter v.易货贸易 [bar-ter] + complementary a.互补的 [com-ple-men-ta-ry] + interchangeable a.可互换的 [in-ter-change-a-ble] + reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的 [re-cip-ro-cal] + reciprocate v.回报,答谢 [re-cip-ro-cate] ***** identity 13 + coalesce v.联合,合并 [co-a-lesce] + coincide v.巧合;一致 [co-in-cide] + equivalent a.相等的,等值的 [e-quiv-a-lent] + monotony n.单调,千篇一律 [mo-not-o-ny] ***** contrariety 14 + antagonism n.反抗,敌意 [an-tag-o-nism] + antagonize v.使对抗;与…对抗 [an-tag-o-nize] + antithesis n.对立;相对 [an-tith-e-sis] + contradict v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tra-dict] + contradictory a.反驳的,反对的,抗辩的 [con-tra-dic-to-ry] + contrast v./n.对比 [con-trast] + contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] + converse v.谈话;a.逆向的n.相反的事物 [con-verse] + foil n.钝剑;箔,锡箔纸 [foil] + hostile a.敌对的,敌意的 [hos-tile] + inverse a.相反的;倒转的 [in-verse] + invert v.上下倒置 [in-vert] + oppose v.反对 [op-pose] + repugnance n.嫌恶,反感 [re-pug-nance] + reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] + synthesis n.综合,合成 [syn-the-sis] + thesis n.论题,论文 [the-sis] ***** difference 15 - characteristic a.有特色的;典型性的;n.与众不同的特征 [char-ac-ter-is-tic] - contrast v./n.对比 [con-trast] + discriminate v.区分 [dis-crim-i-nate] + disparity n.不同,差异 [dis-par-i-ty] + distinction n.区别,差别;知名 [dis-tinc-tion] + distinctive a.出众的,有特色的 [dis-tinc-tive] + diverse a.不同的;多样的 [di-verse] + diversity n.多样,千变万化 [di-ver-si-ty] - heterogeneous a.异类的,不同的 [het-er-o-ge-ne-ous] + incommensurate a.不成比例的,不相称的 [in-com-men-su-rate] + modify v.修改,变更 [mod-i-fy] + nuance n.细微的差异 [nu-ance] + variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] *** 2. Continuous Relation ***** uniformity 16 + accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] + assimilate v.同化;吸收 [as-sim-i-late] + conform (to)v.符合或遵守公认的规则 [con-form] + conformity n.一致,遵从;顺众 [con-form-i-ty] + consistency n.一致性;坚实度,可靠性;不矛盾 [con-sist-en-cy] + consistent a.前后一致的 [con-sist-ent] + even a.平的 [e-ven] - homogeneity n.同种,同质 [ho-mo-ge-ne-i-ty] + homogeneous a.同类的,相似的 [ho-mo-ge-ne-ous] + homogenize v.使均匀,使一致 [ho-mog-e-nize] + monolithic a.巨石的,巨大的 [mon-o-lith-ic] + monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - monotony n.单调,千篇一律 [mo-not-o-ny] + smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] + uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] ***** nonuniformity 16.a - diversity n.多样,千变万化 [di-ver-si-ty] *** 3. Partial Relation ***** similarity 17 - affinity n.密切关系;吸引力 [af-fin-i-ty] + analogous a.类似的 [a-nal-o-gous] - analogy n.相似;类比 [a-nal-o-gy] + approximate a.大约的,估计的 [ap-prox-i-mate] - assimilate v.同化;吸收 [as-sim-i-late] + counterpart n.相对应或具有相同功能的人或物 [coun-ter-part] + exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] + liken v.把…比作… [lik-en] + mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] + parallel a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 [par-al-lel] + parallelism n.平行,类似 [par-al-lel-ism] + parity n.(水平,地位,数量等的)同等,相等 [par-i-ty] + pun n.双关语 [pun] + rhyme n.押韵;v.押韵 [rhyme] + semblance n.外貌;相似 [sem-blance] ***** dissimilarity 18 + disparate a.迥然不同的 [dis-pa-rate] - disparity n.不同,差异 [dis-par-i-ty] + divergent a.分叉的,岔开的,背道而驰的 [di-ver-gent] - diversity n.多样,千变万化 [di-ver-si-ty] + novelty n.新奇(的事物) [nov-el-ty] + original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] + originality n.创造性,独特性 [o-rig-i-nal-i-ty] + unique a.独一无二的,独特的;无与伦比的 [u-nique] + unprecedented a.前所未有的 [un-prec-e-dent-ed] ***** imitation 19 + burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] + caricature n.讽刺画;滑稽模仿 [car-i-ca-ture] + conformist n.尊奉者,英国国教徒 [con-form-ist] + counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 [coun-ter-feit] + emulate v.努力赶上或超越 [em-u-late] + expressly adv.清楚地;特意地 [ex-press-ly] + forgery n.伪造(物) [for-ger-y] + imitation n.赝品;效法,冒充 [im-i-ta-tion] + imitative a.模仿的 [im-i-ta-tive] + impersonate v.模仿;扮演 [im-per-son-ate] + impostor n.冒充者,骗子 [im-pos-tor] + lampoon n.讽刺文章;v.讽刺 [lam-poon] + literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] + mime n.哑剧表演;哑剧(演员) [mime] + mimic v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 [mim-ic] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] - parallel a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 [par-al-lel] + paraphrase v.传译,释义 [par-a-phrase] + parody n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿 [par-o-dy] + pirate n.海盗,剽窃者;v.盗印;掠夺 [pi-rate] + plagiarism n.剽窃,抄袭 [pla-gia-rism] + poseur n.装模作样的人 [po-seur] + reflect v.反射;仔细考虑 [re-flect] - semblance n.外貌;相似 [sem-blance] + simulate v.假装,模仿 [sim-u-late] + transcribe v.抄写,转录 [tran-scribe] + travesty v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 [trav-es-ty] ***** nonimitation 20 + exceptional a.特别(好)的 [ex-cep-tion-al] + inimitable a.无法仿效的,不可比拟的 [in-im-i-ta-ble] + innovative a.革新的 [in-no-va-tive] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] - originality n.创造性,独特性 [o-rig-i-nal-i-ty] - unique a.独一无二的,独特的;无与伦比的 [u-nique] ***** variation 20.a + aberration n.离开正路,脱离常轨;变形 [ab-er-ra-tion] - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] + deviate v.越轨,脱离 [de-vi-ate] + deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] + discrepancy n.不同,矛盾 [dis-crep-an-cy] + diverge v.分歧,分开 [di-verge] + innovation n.创新,改革 [in-no-va-tion] + swerve v.突然改变方向 [swerve] ***** copy 21 - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] - caricature n.讽刺画;滑稽模仿 [car-i-ca-ture] + cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + conscientious a.尽责的;小心谨慎的 [con-sci-en-tious] - counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 [coun-ter-feit] - counterpart n.相对应或具有相同功能的人或物 [coun-ter-part] + derivation n.发展,起源;词源 [der-i-va-tion] + derivative a.派生的;无创意的 [de-riv-a-tive] - imitation n.赝品;效法,冒充 [im-i-ta-tion] - imitative a.模仿的 [im-i-ta-tive] - paraphrase v.传译,释义 [par-a-phrase] - parody n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿 [par-o-dy] + pastiche n.混合拼凑的作品 [pas-tiche] - plagiarism n.剽窃,抄袭 [pla-gia-rism] - semblance n.外貌;相似 [sem-blance] - travesty v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 [trav-es-ty] ***** prototype 22 + archetype n.原型;典型例子 [ar-che-type] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] + matrix n.模子;矩阵 [ma-trix] + mint n.大量;巨额 [mint] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] + paradigm n.范例,示范 [par-a-digm] + prototype n.原型;典型 [pro-to-type] + punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] *** 4. General Relation ***** agreement 23 + accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] + adapt v.使…适应;修改 [a-dapt] + adjust v.整顿,整理;适应 [ad-just] - applicable a.生效的,适合的 [ap-pli-ca-ble] + apposite a.适当的,恰当的 [ap-po-site] + appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] - apropos a./adv.适宜的(地);有关 [ap-ro-pos] + apt a.易于…的,恰当的 [apt] + aptitude n.适宜;才能,资质 [ap-ti-tude] - assimilate v.同化;吸收 [as-sim-i-late] + coherent a.连贯的,一致的 [co-her-ent] + commensurate a.同样大小的;相称的 [com-men-su-rate] + compatible a.和谐共处的,相容的 [com-pat-i-ble] + concord n.和睦;公约 [con-cord] - conformity n.一致,遵从;顺众 [con-form-i-ty] + congenial a.意气相投的;性情好的 [con-gen-ial] + congruent a.全等的,一致的 [con-gru-ent] + congruous a.一致的,符合的;[数]全等的 [con-gru-ous] + consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] - consistency n.一致性;坚实度,可靠性;不矛盾 [con-sist-en-cy] - consistent a.前后一致的 [con-sist-ent] + consonant a.调和的,一致的 [con-so-nant] + correspondent a.符合的;n.记者 [cor-re-spond-ent] + deft a.灵巧的,熟练的 [deft] + felicitous a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 [fe-lic-i-tous] + germane a.有密切关系的;贴切的 [ger-mane] + graduated a.按等级(高度,困难等)分的 [grad-u-a-ted] + harmony n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 [har-mo-ny] + meet a.合适的 [meet] - parallelism n.平行,类似 [par-al-lel-ism] + pertinent a.有关的,相关的 [per-ti-nent] + propriety n.礼节;适当 [pro-pri-e-ty] + rapport n.和睦,意见一致 [rap-port] + reconcile v.和解,调和 [rec-on-cile] + regulate v.管制;调整 [reg-u-late] + square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] + tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] ***** disagreement 24 + clash v.冲突,撞击 [clash] + conflict v./n.斗争,战斗;冲突,抵触 [con-flict] + discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] - discrepancy n.不同,矛盾 [dis-crep-an-cy] - disparity n.不同,差异 [dis-par-i-ty] - divergent a.分叉的,岔开的,背道而驰的 [di-ver-gent] - exceptional a.特别(好)的 [ex-cep-tion-al] - hostile a.敌对的,敌意的 [hos-tile] + incompatible a.不能和谐共存的 [in-com-pat-i-ble] + incongruity n.不协调,不相称 [in-con-gru-i-ty] + interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] - intrude v.把(思想等)强加于,闯入 [in-trude] + irreconcilable a.不能协调的,矛盾的 [ir-rec-on-cil-a-ble] + irreducible a.不能约的 [ir-re-duc-i-ble] + jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] + jarring a.声音刺耳的 [jar-ring] + odds n.机会,可能性 [odds] - repugnance n.嫌恶,反感 [re-pug-nance] + repugnant a.令人厌恶的 [re-pug-nant] + unbecoming a.不合身的;不得体的 [un-be-com-ing] - variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] ** Section III. Quantity *** 1. Simple Quantity ***** quantity 25 + amplitude n.广大,广阔 [am-pli-tude] + batch n.一批,一炉 [batch] - category n.类别,范畴 [cat-e-go-ry] + dose n.剂量,一剂 [dose] + enumerate v.列举,枚举 [e-nu-mer-ate] - lot n.签;命运;v.抽签,划分 [lot] + magnitude n.重要;星球的光亮度 [mag-ni-tude] + quantum n.量子;定量 [quan-tum] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] ***** degree 26 - amplitude n.广大,广阔 [am-pli-tude] + compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] + gradation n.渐变;阶段,等级 [gra-da-tion] + pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] + scope n.眼界;范围 [scope] + stint v.吝惜,节省 [stint] - tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] *** 2. Comparative Quantity ***** equality 27 - accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - adapt v.使…适应;修改 [a-dapt] - adjust v.整顿,整理;适应 [ad-just] + convertible a.可转换的;n.敞篷车 [con-vert-i-ble] + coordinate n.同等物,坐标;v.使各部分协调; a.同等的 [co-or-di-nate] + coterminous a.毗连的,有共同边界的 [co-ter-mi-nous] + equate v.认为…相等或相仿 [e-quate] + equation n.等式;等同,相等 [e-qua-tion] + equilibrium n.平衡 [e-qui-lib-ri-um] - equivalent a.相等的,等值的 [e-quiv-a-lent] - even a.平的 [e-ven] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - monotony n.单调,千篇一律 [mo-not-o-ny] - parity n.(水平,地位,数量等的)同等,相等 [par-i-ty] + peer n.同等之人,同辈 [peer] + poise v.使相等,使平衡;n.泰然自若,镇定 [poise] + symmetry n.对称;均衡 [sym-me-try] + tantamount a.与…相等的 [tan-ta-mount] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] ***** inequality 28 - disparate a.迥然不同的 [dis-pa-rate] - disparity n.不同,差异 [dis-par-i-ty] + inequity n.不公正,不公平 [in-eq-ui-ty] + lopsided a.倾向一方的,不平衡的 [lop-sid-ed] - odds n.机会,可能性 [odds] + partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] + partiality n.偏袒,偏心 [par-ti-al-i-ty] + superiority n.优越(感) [su-pe-ri-or-i-ty] + topple v.倾覆,推倒 [top-ple] ***** mean 29 + commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] + compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] + generality n.概述 [gen-er-al-i-ty] + mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + mediocre a.平庸的,平凡的 [me-di-o-cre] + mediocrity n.平庸,碌碌无为 [me-di-oc-ri-ty] + medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] - mode n.样式,时尚;模式 [mode] ***** compensation 30 + albeit conj. 虽然,尽管 [al-be-it] + ballast n.(船等)压舱物 [bal-last] + bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] + compensate v.补偿,赔偿 [com-pen-sate] + compensatory a.补偿性的,报酬的 [com-pen-sa-to-ry] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] + counteract v.消除,抵消 [coun-ter-act] + counterbalance v.起平衡作用 [coun-ter-bal-ance] - equation n.等式;等同,相等 [e-qua-tion] - equivalent a.相等的,等值的 [e-quiv-a-lent] + hedge n.树篱;限制 [hedge] + indemnify v.赔偿,偿付 [in-dem-ni-fy] + indemnity n.赔偿;保证 [in-dem-ni-ty] + neutralize v.使无效;中和 [neu-tral-ize] - nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] + offset v.补偿,抵消 [off-set] + redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] + retaliation n.报复 [re-tal-i-a-tion] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] *** 1 Quantity by Comparison with a Standard ***** greatness 31 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] + abundance n.充裕,多量 [a-bun-dance] + abundant a.丰富的,盛产的 [a-bun-dant] + ample a.富足的;充足的 [am-ple] + arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] + arresting a.显著的,引人注意的 [ar-rest-ing] + august a.威严的,高贵的 [au-gust] + bulk n.体积;数量;大多数;大身躯 [bulk] + cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物 [car-go] + considerable a.相当多的;值得考虑的 [con-sid-er-a-ble] + consummate a.完全的,完善的;v.完成 [con-sum-mate] + crass a.愚钝的,粗糙的 [crass] + desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] + enormity n.极恶;暴行;巨大 [e-nor-mi-ty] + enormous a.极大的,巨大的 [e-nor-mous] - essential a.本质的;n.要素,实质 [es-sen-tial] + exorbitant a.过分的,过度的 [ex-or-bi-tant] + far-reaching a.影响深远的 [far-reach-ing] + flagrant a.臭的,恶名昭彰的 [fla-grant] + full-bodied a.(味道等)浓郁而强烈的 [full-bod-ied] + gargantuan a.巨大的,庞大的 [gar-gan-tu-an] + grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] + gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] + harshly adv.严酷地,无情地 [harsh-ly] + immense a.极大的;无限的 [im-mense] + immensity n.巨大之物;无限 [im-men-si-ty] + ineffable a.妙不可言的 [in-ef-fa-ble] + infinity n.无限的时间或空间 [in-fin-i-ty] + inordinate a.过度的,过分的 [in-or-di-nate] - magnitude n.重要;星球的光亮度 [mag-ni-tude] + majestic a.雄伟的,庄严的 [ma-jes-tic] + marked a.明显的;被监视的 [marked] + mighty a.强有力的,强大的 [might-y] + peck v.啄食;轻啄 [peck] + preposterous a.荒谬的 [pre-pos-ter-ous] + prodigious a.巨大的 [pro-di-gious] + profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] + rag n.旧布,碎布;破旧衣服 [rag] + scrap n.小片,碎屑;v.废弃 [scrap] + signal n.信号;v.发信号;a.显著的 [sig-nal] + slew v.(使)旋转;n.大量 [slew] + soar v.高飞,翱翔;猛增 [soar] + stark a.(外表)僵硬的;完全的 [stark] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] + stunning a.极富魅力的 [stun-ning] + sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] + tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] + transcend v.超越,胜过 [tran-scend] + unconscionable a.无节制的,过度的 [un-con-scion-a-ble] + uninitiated a.外行的,缺乏经验的 [un-in-i-ti-at-ed] + unspoiled a.未损坏的,未宠坏的 [un-spoiled] + utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] ***** smallness 32 + bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] + bit n.钻头 [bit] + brink n.(峭壁的)边沿,边缘 [brink] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] + corpuscle n.血球,细胞 [cor-pus-cle] + crumb n.饼屑,面包屑;碎裂的东西 [crumb] + droplet n.小水滴 [drop-let] + dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] + evanescent a.迅速消失的,短暂的 [ev-a-nes-cent] + fraction n.碎片;小部分 [frac-tion] + fragment n.碎片;分裂 [frag-ment] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - harshly adv.严酷地,无情地 [harsh-ly] + inappreciable a.微不足道的 [in-ap-pre-ci-a-ble] + inch v.慢慢前进,慢慢移动 [inch] + infinitesimal a.极微小的;n.极小量 [in-fin-i-tes-i-mal] + iota n.极小量,极少 [i-o-ta] + jot v.摘要记录 [jot] + limited a.有限的 [lim-it-ed] + low v.牛叫 [low] + meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] - mediocrity n.平庸,碌碌无为 [me-di-oc-ri-ty] + microorganism n.微生物,细菌 [mi-cro-or-gan-ism] + microscopic a.极小的;显微镜的 [mi-cro-scop-ic] + minutia n.细枝末节,细节 [mi-nu-ti-a] + mite n.极小量;小虫 [mite] + modest a.谦虚的,谨慎的;适度的 [mod-est] + modicum n.少量 [mod-i-cum] + molecule n.分子 [mol-e-cule] + morsel n.一小块(食物);小量 [mor-sel] + mote n.微粒,微尘 [mote] + neutron n.中子 [neu-tron] + paltry a.无价值的,微不足道的 [pal-try] + patch n.补丁;一小片(土地) [patch] + paucity n.小量,缺乏 [pau-ci-ty] + petty a.琐碎的;小心眼的 [pet-ty] + pinpoint v.精确地找出或描述;a.非常精确的 [pin-point] + preposition n.介词,前置词 [prep-o-si-tion] + scant a.不足的,缺乏的 [scant] + scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] + shard n.(陶器等)碎片 [shard] + sheer a.完全的;陡峭的;极薄的 [sheer] + sip v.啜饮 [sip] + slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + sliver n.长条;v.裂成细片 [sliv-er] + snatch n./v.强夺,攫取 [snatch] + snip v.剪断 [snip] + sop n.泡过的食品;安慰品 [sop] + sparing a.节俭的 [spar-ing] + spark n.火花,火星 [spark] + speck n.斑点;少量 [speck] - stark a.(外表)僵硬的;完全的 [stark] + stolid a.无动于衷的 [stol-id] + subtle a.微妙的,精巧的 [sub-tle] + tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] + trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] + unjustly adv.不义地,不法地 [un-just-ly] *** 2 Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object ***** superiority 33 + beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + climax n.顶点,高潮 [cli-max] + culmination n.顶点;结果 [cul-mi-na-tion] + distinguished a.著名的,卓越的 [dis-tin-guished] - even a.平的 [e-ven] + exceed v.超过;超出 [ex-ceed] + excel v.善于,擅长于 [ex-cel] + excess n.过分,过度 [ex-cess] + optimum a.最好的,最有利的 [op-ti-mum] + outshine v.要求比…更好 [out-shine] + outstrip v.超过;跑过 [out-strip] + override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] + paramount a.最重要的,最高权力的 [par-a-mount] - partiality n.偏袒,偏心 [par-ti-al-i-ty] + precede v.在…之前,早于 [pre-cede] + predominate v.支配,统治;占优势 [pre-dom-i-nate] + preeminent a.出类拔萃的 [pre-em-i-nent] + preponderate v.(重量上,重要性上)压倒,超过 [pre-pon-der-ate] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] + sovereign n.最高统治者,元首 [sov-er-eign] - superiority n.优越(感) [su-pe-ri-or-i-ty] + supremacy n.至高无上,霸权 [su-prem-a-cy] + supreme a.至高的;极度的 [su-preme] + surpass v.超过 [sur-pass] + surplus a.过剩的;盈余的 [sur-plus] - transcend v.超越,胜过 [tran-scend] + transcendent a.超越的,卓越的,出众的 [tran-scend-ent] + transcendental a.超越经验的 [tran-scen-den-tal] ***** inferiority 34 + deficiency n.缺陷;不足 [de-fi-cien-cy] + deflated a.灰心丧气的 [de-flat-ed] + inferior a.下级的,低等的,质次的,较差的 [in-fe-ri-or] + want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] *** 3 Changes in Quantity ***** increase 35 + accretion n.自然的增加;增加物 [ac-cre-tion] + aggrandize v.增大,扩张;吹棒 [ag-gran-dize] + aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] + augment v.增大,增值 [aug-ment] + crescendo n.(音乐)渐强,高潮 [cre-scen-do] + dilate v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 [di-late] + enhance v.提高,增加,改善 [en-hance] + exacerbate v.加重,恶化 [ex-ac-er-bate] + exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] + exalt v.(高度)赞扬,歌颂 [ex-alt] + exasperate v.激怒,使恼怒 [ex-as-per-ate] + hike v.高涨,上升;n.徒步旅行 [hike] + increment n.增值,增加 [in-cre-ment] + intensify v.加剧 [in-ten-si-fy] + magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] + maximize v.使增至最大限度 [max-i-mize] + produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] + proliferate v.繁殖;激增 [pro-lif-er-ate] + sprout v.长出,萌芽;n.嫩芽 [sprout] + upswing n.上升,增长 [up-swing] + wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** nonincrease, decrease 36 + abate v.减轻,减少 [a-bate] + abridge v.删减;缩短 [a-bridge] + anticlimax n.令人扫兴的结局 [an-ti-cli-max] + attenuate v.变薄 [at-ten-u-ate] + crumble v.弄碎;崩毁 [crum-ble] + decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] + depreciate v.轻视;贬值 [de-pre-ci-ate] + descend v.下来,下降 [de-scend] + descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] + deterioration n.恶化,堕落 [de-te-ri-o-ra-tion] + diminution n.减少,缩减 [dim-i-nu-tion] + discount n.折扣 [dis-count] + downplay v.贬低,不予重视 [downplay] + dwarf n.侏儒;矮小的植物;v.使变矮小 [dwarf] + ebb v.退潮;衰退 [ebb] + extenuate v.掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过 [ex-ten-u-ate] + languish v.变得消瘦;衰弱 [lan-guish] + mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] + shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] + subside v.(建筑物等)下陷 [sub-side] + subtract v.减去,减掉 [sub-tract] + underplay v.淡化…的重要性;表演(角色)不充分 [un-der-play] + wane v.减少,衰微 [wane] + waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] *** 3. Conjunctive Quantity ***** addition 37 + accessory a.附属的,次要的 [ac-ces-so-ry] + accrue v.(利息等)增大;增多 [ac-crue] + addition n.增加,附加 [ad-di-tion] + additive n.添加剂 [ad-di-tive] + affix v.粘上,贴上;在合同上添写某事物;n.词缀 [af-fix] + annexation n.并吞,合并 [an-nex-a-tion] - augment v.增大,增值 [aug-ment] + inclusive a.包含一切的,范围广的 [in-clu-sive] - increment n.增值,增加 [in-cre-ment] + insert v.插入 [in-sert] + junction n.交叉路口;连接 [junc-tion] + reinforce v.加强力量,增援 [re-in-force] + saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] + supplement v./n.增补,补充 [sup-ple-ment] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] ***** nonaddition, subtraction 38 + abrade v.磨损,磨小 [a-brade] + abrasion n.表面磨损 [a-bra-sion] + abscission n.[医]切除,截去;[植]脱离 [ab-scis-sion] + curtail v.削减,缩短 [cur-tail] + decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] + deduce v.演绎,推断 [de-duce] + deduct v.减去,扣除;演绎 [de-duct] + eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] + excise v.切除,删去 [ex-cise] + exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] + file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + garble v.曲解,窜改 [gar-ble] + jigsaw n.拼图游戏 [jig-saw] + pare v.削;修剪;削减,缩减 [pare] + prune n.梅干;v.修剪 [prune] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] + retrench v.节省,紧缩费用 [re-trench] + scissor n.剪刀 [scis-sor] - subtract v.减去,减掉 [sub-tract] + withdraw v.撤退,收回;隐居 [with-draw] ***** adjunct 39 - accessory a.附属的,次要的 [ac-ces-so-ry] + addendum n.补充,附录 [ad-den-dum] - addition n.增加,附加 [ad-di-tion] + adjunct n.附加物,附件 [ad-junct] - affix v.粘上,贴上;在合同上添写某事物;n.词缀 [af-fix] - augment v.增大,增值 [aug-ment] + coda n.乐曲的尾声 [co-da] + continuation n.继续,延续 [con-tin-u-a-tion] + garnish v.装饰 [gar-nish] - increment n.增值,增加 [in-cre-ment] + rider n.骑手;附文,附件 [rid-er] + skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] - supplement v./n.增补,补充 [sup-ple-ment] ***** remainder 40 + dregs n.糟粕,沉淀废物 [dregs] - exceed v.超过;超出 [ex-ceed] - excess n.过分,过度 [ex-cess] + petroglyph n.岩石雕刻 [pet-ro-glyph] + relic n.遗物,遗迹 [rel-ic] + remainder n.剩余物 [re-main-der] + remains n.遗址,废墟 [re-mains] + remnant n.残余物;零头布料 [rem-nant] + residual a.残余的,剩余的 [re-sid-u-al] + residue n.剩余 [res-i-due] + shavings n.刨花 [shavings] + superfluity n.多余的量 [su-per-flu-i-ty] + superfluous a.多余的,累赘的 [su-per-flu-ous] - surplus a.过剩的;盈余的 [sur-plus] + survive v.幸存 [sur-vive] ***** decrement 40.a + defect n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 [de-fect] - discount n.折扣 [dis-count] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** mixture 41 + adulterate v.掺假 [a-dul-ter-ate] + amalgam n.混合物 [a-mal-gam] + amalgamate v.合并;混合 [a-mal-gam-ate] + ambivalent a.(对人或物)有矛盾看法的 [am-biv-a-lent] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + commingle v.搀和,混合 [com-min-gle] + compound n.复合物;v.搀和 [com-pound] + cross a.生气的 [cross] + emulsify v.使乳化 [e-mul-si-fy] - heterogeneous a.异类的,不同的 [het-er-o-ge-ne-ous] + hybrid n.杂种;混血人 [hy-brid] + imbue v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 [im-bue] + infiltrate v.渗透,渗入 [in-fil-trate] + infuse v.灌输;鼓励 [in-fuse] + instill v.滴注;逐渐灌输 [in-still] + intermingle v.混合,掺杂 [in-ter-min-gle] + intertwine v.纠缠,缠,绕 [in-ter-twine] + jumble v.混杂,掺杂;n.混杂,掺杂 [jum-ble] - junction n.交叉路口;连接 [junc-tion] + knead v.揉制,捏制 [knead] + mash v.捣成糊状 [mash] + medley n.混合歌曲;混杂;各种各样的集团 [med-ley] + mingle v.混合 [min-gle] + mongrel n.杂种动物;混血儿 [mon-grel] + mosaic n.马赛克;镶嵌细工(把小块玻璃石头等镶嵌成图画) [mo-sa-ic] + motley a.混杂的;杂色的 [mot-ley] - pastiche n.混合拼凑的作品 [pas-tiche] + potpourri n.混杂;杂文集 [pot-pour-ri] + seasoning n.调味品,佐料 [sea-son-ing] + sophistication n.诡辩,强词夺理;久经世故,老练,精明 [so-phis-ti-ca-tion] + suffuse v.(色彩等)弥漫,染遍 [suf-fuse] ***** simpleness 42 + bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] + disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] + elementary a.初级的 [el-e-men-ta-ry] - eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] + exclude v.排斥;排除 [ex-clude] - exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] - homogeneity n.同种,同质 [ho-mo-ge-ne-i-ty] - homogeneous a.同类的,相似的 [ho-mo-ge-ne-ous] + purify v.使洁净,净化 [pu-ri-fy] + purity n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 [pu-ri-ty] - sheer a.完全的;陡峭的;极薄的 [sheer] + sift v.筛,过滤 [sift] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] + winnow v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 [win-now] ***** junction 43 - affix v.粘上,贴上;在合同上添写某事物;n.词缀 [af-fix] + airtight a.密闭的,不透气的 [air-tight] - annexation n.并吞,合并 [an-nex-a-tion] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + attach v.将某物系在(另一物)上 [at-ta-ch] + bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] + brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] + bracket n.托架,支架 [brack-et] + braid n.穗子;发辫;v.编成辫子 [braid] + clamp n.钳子;v.钳紧 [clamp] + clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] + clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] + compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] + concatenate v.连结;连锁 [con-cat-e-nate] + conjoin v.使结合 [con-join] + conjunction n.联合;连词 [con-junc-tion] + corporate a.团体的;共同的 [cor-po-rate] + embody v.(作品等)表达,体现 [em-bod-y] + entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] + fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] + fasten v.使…固定(to fix sth. firmly) [fas-ten] + fetter n./v.(带)脚镣;束缚 [fet-ter] + fixate v.使固定,使不变;注视,凝视 [fix-ate] + graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] + harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] + hinge n.铰链;关键 [hinge] + impact n.冲击,影响 [im-pact] - intertwine v.纠缠,缠,绕 [in-ter-twine] - junction n.交叉路口;连接 [junc-tion] + knit v.编织 [knit] + lace n.鞋带,系带;网眼花边,透孔织品 [lace] + lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] + meld v.(使)混合,(使)合并 [meld] + needlework n.缝纫,刺绣 [nee-dle-work] + rivet n.铆钉;v.吸引(注意力) [riv-et] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] + screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] + seam n.缝,接缝 [seam] + secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] + solder v.焊接,焊合 [sol-der] + span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] + splice v.接合,衔接 [splice] + stitch n.(缝纫时的)一针,一钩;v.缝合 [stitch] + suture n.(伤口的)缝线;v.缝合 [su-ture] + symbiosis n.共生(关系) [sym-bi-o-sis] + taut a.绷紧的 [taut] + tether v.用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n.(拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围 [teth-er] + truss n.桁架,支架;干草的一捆 [truss] + unify v.统一,使成一体;使相同 [u-ni-fy] + yoke n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 [yoke] ***** disjunction 44 - abscission n.[医]切除,截去;[植]脱离 [ab-scis-sion] + abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] + asunder a./adv.分离的;化为碎片 [a-sun-der] + breach n.裂缝,缺口;v.打破,裂开;违背 [breach] + canyon n.峡谷 [can-yon] + carve v.雕刻 [carve] - chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] + cleavage n.裂缝;分裂 [cleav-age] + cleave v.劈开;分裂 [cleave] + crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] + debrief v.向…询问情况,听取汇报 [de-brief] + decomposition n.分解,腐烂,崩溃 [de-com-po-si-tion] + detach v.分离,分遣 [de-tach] + differentiate v.辨别,区别 [dif-fer-en-ti-ate] + discrete a.个别的;不连续的 [dis-crete] + disengage v.脱离,解开 [dis-en-gage] - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] + disjunction n.分离,分裂 [dis-junc-tion] + disjunctive a.分离的,相反的 [dis-junc-tive] + dislocate v.使脱臼;把…弄乱 [dis-lo-cate] - disparate a.迥然不同的 [dis-pa-rate] + disperse v.消散,驱散 [dis-perse] + dissect v.解剖 [dis-sect] + distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] + fissure n.裂缝,裂隙 [fis-sure] + fracture n.骨折;折断;裂口 [frac-ture] + gash n.深长的伤口,裂缝 [gash] + hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] + hew v.砍伐;遵守 [hew] + incise v.切,切割 [in-cise] + incision n.切口;切割 [in-ci-sion] - insular a.岛屿的;心胸狭窄的 [in-su-lar] + insularity "n.岛国状态,岛屿生活状况,与外界隔绝的生活状况;(思想, 观点等的)偏狭,性僵化" [in-su-lar-i-ty] + insulate v.使绝缘;使隔离 [in-su-late] + isolate v.孤立;将…从其种群中隔离 [i-so-late] - jigsaw n.拼图游戏 [jig-saw] + lacerate v.撕裂;深深伤害 [lac-er-ate] + mangle v.毁损;撕成碎片,压碎 [man-gle] + mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] + nib n.钢笔尖 [nib] + nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] + oasis n.绿洲 [o-a-sis] + rend v.撕裂;猛拉 [rend] + rent n.裂缝;(意见)分歧 [rent] + rescind v.废除,取消 [re-scind] + rescission n.废除 [re-scis-sion] + rift n.裂口,断裂;矛盾 [rift] + rive v.撕开,分裂 [rive] + rupture n./v.破裂,断裂 [rup-ture] - scissor n.剪刀 [scis-sor] + scuff v.拖着脚走 [scuff] + separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] + sever v.切断,脱离 [sev-er] + slice v.切成片;n.薄片 [slice] - snip v.剪断 [snip] + split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] + sunder v.分裂,分离 [sun-der] + tear v.撕裂 [tear] + unfasten v.解开 [un-fas-ten] + unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] + whittle v.削(木头);削减 [whit-tle] + wrench v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 [wrench] ***** connection 45 + anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] - bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] - bracket n.托架,支架 [brack-et] - braid n.穗子;发辫;v.编成辫子 [braid] + cement n.水泥;胶粘剂;v.粘合,巩固 [ce-ment] - clamp n.钳子;v.钳紧 [clamp] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - concatenate v.连结;连锁 [con-cat-e-nate] + cord n.考得(木材堆的体积单位,等于128立方英尺,3.6246立方米);绳索 [cord] + cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] + denture n.假牙 [den-ture] + girder n.大梁 [gird-er] + girth n.腰身;周长 [girth] + gum n.树胶,橡皮 [gum] + guy n.(铁塔等的)支索,牵索 [guy] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] - hinge n.铰链;关键 [hinge] + hyphen n.连字号(即“-”) [hy-phen] + isthmus n.地峡 [isth-mus] - junction n.交叉路口;连接 [junc-tion] + lasso n.套索(捕捉牛、马用) [las-so] + mortar n.小臼,乳钵;迫击炮 [mor-tar] + nexus n.(看法等的)联系,连结 [nex-us] + plaster n.灰泥,石膏;v.抹灰泥 [plas-ter] + prop n.支撑物,靠山;v.支持 [prop] + rein n.缰绳;v.控制 [rein] - rivet n.铆钉;v.吸引(注意力) [riv-et] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] + seine n.拉网,大捕鱼网 [seine] + shackle n.脚镣,枷锁 [shack-le] + skewer n.(烤肉用的)穿肉杆;v.用杆穿好 [skew-er] - solder v.焊接,焊合 [sol-der] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] + stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] + staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] + tackle v.处理;n.滑车 [tack-le] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] - yoke n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 [yoke] ***** coherence 46 + adhere v.粘着 [ad-here] + adhesive a.带粘性的,胶粘的;n.胶合剂 [ad-he-sive] + agglomerate v.凝聚,结块 [ag-glom-er-ate] - cement n.水泥;胶粘剂;v.粘合,巩固 [ce-ment] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - cleave v.劈开;分裂 [cleave] + cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] + cohesive a.凝聚的 [co-he-sive] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] + concrete a.具体存在的;n.混凝土 [con-crete] + conglomerate v.集聚成团 [con-glom-er-ate] + consolidate v.巩固;(使)坚强;合并 [con-sol-i-date] + consolidation n.合并,巩固 [con-sol-i-da-tion] - gum n.树胶,橡皮 [gum] + hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - solder v.焊接,焊合 [sol-der] + tenacious a.坚韧不拔的 [te-na-cious] + tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] + weld v.焊接,熔接;结合 [weld] ***** incoherence 47 - detach v.分离,分遣 [de-tach] - detached a.分开的;超然的 [de-tached] - disjunction n.分离,分裂 [dis-junc-tion] + drizzly a.毛毛细雨的 [driz-zly] + loosen v.变松,松开 [loos-en] + relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] + slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] + slacken v.(使)松弛,放松 [slack-en] ***** combination 48 + absorb v.吸收;同化;吸引…的注意 [ab-sorb] - amalgam n.混合物 [a-mal-gam] - amalgamate v.合并;混合 [a-mal-gam-ate] + centralization n.集中;集权化 [cen-tral-i-za-tion] - coalesce v.联合,合并 [co-a-lesce] - compound n.复合物;v.搀和 [com-pound] - consolidate v.巩固;(使)坚强;合并 [con-sol-i-date] - embody v.(作品等)表达,体现 [em-bod-y] - emulsify v.使乳化 [e-mul-si-fy] + fusion n.熔合;聚变 [fu-sion] + incorporate v.合并,并入 [in-cor-po-rate] - ingrained a.根深蒂固的 [in-grained] + interlocking a.连锁的 [interlocking] - junction n.交叉路口;连接 [junc-tion] - meld v.(使)混合,(使)合并 [meld] - synthesis n.综合,合成 [syn-the-sis] + unification n.统一,一致 [u-ni-fi-ca-tion] ***** decomposition 49 + analyze v.分析,分解 [an-a-lyze] + decompose v.(使)腐烂 [de-com-pose] - decomposition n.分解,腐烂,崩溃 [de-com-po-si-tion] - disjunction n.分离,分裂 [dis-junc-tion] - disperse v.消散,驱散 [dis-perse] + disruptive a.制造混乱的 [dis-rup-tive] - dissect v.解剖 [dis-sect] - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] + solvent a.有偿债能力的;n.溶剂 [sol-vent] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] *** 4. Concrete Quantity ***** whole 50 + aggregate v.集合;合计 [ag-gre-gate] + amass v.积聚 [a-mass] - bulk n.体积;数量;大多数;大身躯 [bulk] + comprehensive a.全面的,综合的 [com-pre-hen-sive] - embody v.(作品等)表达,体现 [em-bod-y] + ensemble n.全体;大合唱 [en-sem-ble] + entirety n.整体,全面 [en-tire-ty] + full-fledged a.羽毛丰满的;成熟的 [full-fledged] + hulk n.废船,船壳;笨重之人或物 [hulk] + hull n.外壳;荚;船身;v.剥去外壳 [hull] + individual a.单独的,特有的;n.个人,个体 [in-di-vid-u-al] + intact a.完整的,未动过的 [in-tact] + integral a.构成整体所必需的;完整的 [in-te-gral] + integrate v.使成整体 [in-te-grate] + integrity n.正直,诚实;完整 [in-teg-ri-ty] + lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] + tissue n.细胞组织;薄纸,棉纸 [tis-sue] + trunk n.树干;大衣箱 [trunk] ***** part 51 + burgeon v.迅速成长,发展 [bur-geon] - chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] + clause n.从句;(法律等)条款 [clause] + compartment n.隔间,车厢 [com-part-ment] + debris n.废墟,残骸 [de-bris] + detritus n.碎屑;废墟 [de-tri-tus] - dose n.剂量,一剂 [dose] - fraction n.碎片;小部分 [frac-tion] - fragment n.碎片;分裂 [frag-ment] + frond n.羊齿、棕榈等的叶子 [frond] + limb n.肢(手或脚),翼 [limb] + lobe n.耳垂;(肺、肝等的)叶 [lobe] - lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] - morsel n.一小块(食物);小量 [mor-sel] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] + particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] + partition n.隔开;隔墙 [par-ti-tion] + petal n.花瓣 [pet-al] + scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] + scion n.嫩芽;子孙 [sci-on] + segment n.部分 [seg-ment] - slice v.切成片;n.薄片 [slice] + sprig n.嫩枝,小枝 [sprig] + twig n.小枝,嫩枝 [twig] - unjustly adv.不义地,不法地 [un-just-ly] + verse n.诗歌 [verse] ***** completeness 52 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] - abundant a.丰富的,盛产的 [a-bun-dant] - consummate a.完全的,完善的;v.完成 [con-sum-mate] - entirety n.整体,全面 [en-tire-ty] + exhaustive a.彻底的,无遗漏的 [ex-haus-tive] + fraught a.充满…的 [fraught] - full-fledged a.羽毛丰满的;成熟的 [full-fledged] + replenish v.补充,再装满 [re-plen-ish] + replete a.饱满的,塞满的 [re-plete] + saturate v.浸透;使充满 [sat-u-rate] + saturated a.渗透的,饱和的 [sat-u-rat-ed] - sheer a.完全的;陡峭的;极薄的 [sheer] + solidarity n.团结,一致 [sol-i-dar-i-ty] - stark a.(外表)僵硬的;完全的 [stark] - supplement v./n.增补,补充 [sup-ple-ment] + unmitigated a.未缓和的,未减轻的,全然的 [un-mit-i-gat-ed] + unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] - unspoiled a.未损坏的,未宠坏的 [un-spoiled] ***** incompleteness 53 - defect n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 [de-fect] - deficiency n.缺陷;不足 [de-fi-cien-cy] + deficit n.不足,赤字 [def-i-cit] + garbled a.引起误解的;窜改的 [garbled] - meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] + perfunctory a.草率的,敷衍的 [per-func-to-ry] + sketchy a.概略的,粗略的 [sketch-y] ***** composition 54 + admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] + compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] + composed a.镇定的,沉着的 [com-posed] + comprehend v.理解;包括 [com-pre-hend] + constitute v.组成,构成;建立 [con-sti-tute] - constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] + contain v.包含,含有;控制;阻止,遏制 [con-tain] - embody v.(作品等)表达,体现 [em-bod-y] + embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] + formation n.组织,形成;(军队)编队 [for-ma-tion] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + implicate v.牵连(于罪行中) [im-pli-cate] + subsume v.包含,包容 [sub-sume] ***** exclusion 55 + banish v.放逐某人 [ban-ish] + bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] - exclude v.排斥;排除 [ex-clude] - exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] - garble v.曲解,窜改 [gar-ble] + omit v.省略,遗漏;疏忽 [o-mit] + relegate v.降级,贬谪 [rel-e-gate] + repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] + weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] - winnow v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 [win-now] ***** component 56 + component n.成分,零部件 [com-po-nent] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] + constituent n.成分;选区内的选民 [con-stit-u-ent] - constitute v.组成,构成;建立 [con-sti-tute] + feature n.特色,特点,特征 [fea-ture] - inclusive a.包含一切的,范围广的 [in-clu-sive] + ingredient n.成分 [in-gre-di-ent] + leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] + personnel n.全体人员,员工 [per-son-nel] ***** extraneousness 57 - exceptional a.特别(好)的 [ex-cep-tion-al] - extraneous a.外来的;无关的 [ex-tra-ne-ous] + rookie n.新兵,新手 [rook-ie] + slant v.倾斜;n.斜面;看法 [slant] ** Section IV. Order *** 1. Order in General ***** order 58 - adjust v.整顿,整理;适应 [ad-just] + array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] - disposition n.处理;天性,气质 [dis-po-si-tion] - gradation n.渐变;阶段,等级 [gra-da-tion] + methodical a.细心的,有条不紊的 [me-thod-i-cal] - regulate v.管制;调整 [reg-u-late] + shipshape a.整洁的,井然有序的 [ship-shape] - symmetry n.对称;均衡 [sym-me-try] + tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] ***** disorder 59 + anarchy n.无政府;政治上的混乱 [an-ar-chy] + anomalous a.反常的;不规则的 [a-nom-a-lous] + anomaly n.异常,反常 [a-nom-a-ly] + bedlam n.混乱,骚乱 [bed-lam] + brawl v./n.争吵,打架 [brawl] + chaos n.混乱 [cha-os] + convulsion n.骚动;痉挛 [con-vul-sion] + deranged a.精神错乱的,有精神病的 [de-ranged] + desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] + disarray n.混乱,漫无秩序 [dis-ar-ray] + discomfited a.困惑的,尴尬的 [discomfited] - discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] + ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] + fracas n.喧嚷,吵闹 [fra-cas] + gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] + hodgepodge n.混淆;杂菜 [hodge-podge] + imbroglio n.纠纷,纠葛 [im-bro-gli-o] - jumble v.混杂,掺杂;n.混杂,掺杂 [jum-ble] + litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] + lumber v.蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n.杂物;木材 [lum-ber] - mash v.捣成糊状 [mash] - medley n.混合歌曲;混杂;各种各样的集团 [med-ley] + pandemonium n.喧嚣,大混乱 [pan-de-mo-ni-um] + pell-mell adv.混乱地 [pell-mell] + ravel v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 [rav-el] + rhubarb n.(植物)大黄;v./n.喧闹争吵 [rhu-barb] + riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] + riotous a.暴乱的;蛮横的 [ri-ot-ous] + ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] + rumple v.弄皱,弄乱 [rum-ple] + tumult n.乱哄哄 [tu-mult] + turmoil n.混乱,骚乱 [tur-moil] + uproar n.喧闹,骚动 [up-roar] ***** complexity 59.a + complicate v.使某事复杂化 [com-pli-cate] + gnarled a.(树木)多节的;粗糙的 [gnarled] + implication n.暗示 [im-pli-ca-tion] + intricacy n.错综,复杂,纷乱 [in-tri-ca-cy] + intricate a.复杂难懂的 [in-tri-cate] - irreducible a.不能约的 [ir-re-duc-i-ble] + labyrinth n.迷宫 [lab-y-rinth] ***** arrangement 60 + align v.将某物排列在一条直线上;与某人结盟 [a-lign] + classify v.分类,归类 [clas-si-fy] - coordinate n.同等物,坐标;v.使各部分协调; a.同等的 [co-or-di-nate] + digestion n.消化,吸收 [di-ges-tion] - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] + disposal n.清除,处理 [dis-pos-al] + dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - disposition n.处理;天性,气质 [dis-po-si-tion] + distribute v.分发,分配某事物 [dis-trib-ute] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] - graduated a.按等级(高度,困难等)分的 [grad-u-a-ted] + group v.使…集合;n.群,集 [group] + indices n.指数 [in-di-ces] + marshal v.整理,安排,设置 [mar-shal] - methodical a.细心的,有条不紊的 [me-thod-i-cal] + organism n.生物;有机体 [or-gan-ism] + pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] + rally v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 [ral-ly] - ravel v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 [rav-el] - regulate v.管制;调整 [reg-u-late] + riddle n.谜语 [rid-dle] + settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] - sift v.筛,过滤 [sift] + synopsis n.摘要,概要 [syn-op-sis] + table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] + thread n.螺纹 [thread] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] ***** derangement 61 + befuddlement n.迷惑不解 [be-fud-dle-ment] - complicate v.使某事复杂化 [com-pli-cate] + confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] + convulse v.使震动,震惊 [con-vulse] - deranged a.精神错乱的,有精神病的 [de-ranged] + discombobulate v.扰乱,使困惑 [dis-com-bob-u-late] + discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] + disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] - dislocate v.使脱臼;把…弄乱 [dis-lo-cate] + displace v.换置;使某人某物离开原位 [dis-place] - entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] + fumble v.摸索,笨拙搜寻;弄乱,搞糟 [fum-ble] - jumble v.混杂,掺杂;n.混杂,掺杂 [jum-ble] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] + random a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 [ran-dom] - ravel v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 [rav-el] - riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - rumple v.弄皱,弄乱 [rum-ple] + scatter v.散开,驱散 [scat-ter] + tangle v.缠结;n.纷乱 [tan-gle] + toss v.投,掷;使摇动 [toss] + unsettle v.使不安宁,搅乱 [un-set-tle] *** 2. Consecutive Order ***** precedence 62 + antecedence n.居先,优先 [an-te-ced-ence] + antecedent n.前事;前辈;a.先行的 [an-te-ced-ent] + anterior a.较早的,以前的 [an-te-ri-or] - precede v.在…之前,早于 [pre-cede] + precursor n.先驱,先兆 [pre-cur-sor] + preface n.序言 [pref-ace] + preliminary a.预备的;初步的,开始的 [pre-lim-i-nar-y] + prelude n.序幕,前奏 [prel-ude] + premise n.前提 [prem-ise] + priority n.在先,居前;优先权 [pri-or-i-ty] - superiority n.优越(感) [su-pe-ri-or-i-ty] ***** sequence 63 - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] - continuation n.继续,延续 [con-tin-u-a-tion] + ensue v.继而发生 [en-sue] + proximate a.最接近的,直接的 [prox-i-mate] + sequential a.连续的,一连串的 [se-quen-tial] + subsequent a.随后的,后来的,连续的 [sub-se-quent] ***** precursor 64 - antecedent n.前事;前辈;a.先行的 [an-te-ced-ent] + avant-garde n.(艺术)先锋派 [a-vant-garde] + bellwether n.领导者,领头羊 [bell-weth-er] + forerunner n.预兆,前兆;先驱 [fore-run-ner] + harbinger n.先驱,先兆 [har-bin-ger] + inaugural a.就职的,开幕的 [in-au-gu-ral] + overture n.前奏曲,序曲 [o-ver-ture] + preamble n.前言,序言;先兆 [pre-am-ble] - precursor n.先驱,先兆 [pre-cur-sor] + predecessor n.前任,前辈;原先的东西 [pre-de-ces-sor] - preface n.序言 [pref-ace] - preliminary a.预备的;初步的,开始的 [pre-lim-i-nar-y] - prelude n.序幕,前奏 [prel-ude] + prologue n.开场白;序幕 [pro-logue] + symphony n.交响乐,交响曲 [sym-pho-ny] ***** sequel 65 - continuation n.继续,延续 [con-tin-u-a-tion] + epilogue n.收场白;尾声 [ep-i-logue] + outgrowth n.自然结果;生长物 [out-growth] + queue v.排队;n.长队 [queue] + retinue n.侍从,随员团 [ret-i-nue] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] ***** beginning 66 + broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] + brunt n.主要冲击力或影响 [brunt] + bud n.芽;花蕾 [bud] + caption n.标题 [cap-tion] + commence v.开始,倡导 [com-mence] + commencement n.开始;(大学的)毕业典礼 [com-mence-ment] + conceive v.想像,构想;怀孕 [con-ceive] + debut n.初次登台,初次露面 [de-but] + entrance v.使出神,使入迷 [en-trance] + entry n.条目;登录;报关手续;入口 [en-try] + fetus n.胎儿 [fe-tus] + foyer n.门厅,休息室 [foy-er] + genesis n.创始,起源 [gen-e-sis] + germ n.胚芽,芽孢;微生物,细菌 [germ] - inaugural a.就职的,开幕的 [in-au-gu-ral] + inaugurate v.举行就职典礼;开创 [in-au-gu-rate] + inception n.开端,开始;取得学位 [in-cep-tion] + inchoate a.刚开始的;未发展的 [in-cho-ate] + incipient a.初期的,刚出现的 [in-cip-i-ent] + initial a.开始的,最初的;n.(姓名的)首字母 [in-i-tial] + initiate v.发起,创始;接纳或介绍某人加入某团体等 [in-i-ti-ate] + initiative n.主动;首创精神 [in-i-ti-a-tive] + materialize v.赋予形体,使具体化;实现 [ma-te-ri-al-ize] + nascent a.初生的,萌芽的 [nas-cent] + natal a.出生的,诞生时的 [na-tal] + onset n.(坏情况)开始发作 [on-set] + outset n.开始,开头 [out-set] + premiere n./v.首次公演 [pre-miere] + provenance n.(艺术等的)出处,起源 [prov-e-nance] + resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] + ventilate v.使…通风,透风 [ven-ti-late] ***** end 67 - coda n.乐曲的尾声 [co-da] + conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] + definitive a.明确的,有权威的 [de-fin-i-tive] + denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 [de-noue-ment] + determination n.决心;确定;预测 [de-ter-mi-na-tion] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] + expiration n.期满,终止 [ex-pi-ra-tion] + expire v.期满;去世 [ex-pire] - extinction n.熄灭;消灭 [ex-tinc-tion] + finale n.最后,最终;乐曲的最后部分 [fi-na-le] - nib n.钢笔尖 [nib] + penultimate a.倒数第二的 [pe-nul-ti-mate] + settled a.固定的 [settled] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] + terminal a.末端的;n.终点站,终端 [ter-mi-nal] + terminate v.终止,结束 [ter-mi-nate] + termination n.终点 [ter-mi-na-tion] + terminus n.(火车,汽车)终点站 [ter-mi-nus] + ultimate a.最后的 [ul-ti-mate] ***** middle 68 + equator n.赤道 [e-qua-tor] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + mediate v.调停 [me-di-ate] - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] - neutron n.中子 [neu-tron] + nucleus n.(原子)核 [nu-cle-us] ***** continuity 69 + ancestry n.家系 [an-ces-try] - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] + collate v.对照,核对 [col-late] + colonnade n.柱廊 [col-on-nade] + constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + genealogy n.家谱学 [ge-ne-al-o-gy] - gradation n.渐变;阶段,等级 [gra-da-tion] - lineage n.宗系,血统 [lin-e-age] + linear a.线的;成直线的 [lin-e-ar] - nexus n.(看法等的)联系,连结 [nex-us] + perennial a.终年的;永久的 [per-en-ni-al] + procession n.行列;前进 [pro-ces-sion] - retinue n.侍从,随员团 [ret-i-nue] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - sequential a.连续的,一连串的 [se-quen-tial] + serial a.连续的,一系列的 [se-ri-al] - thread n.螺纹 [thread] + unremitting a.不间断的,持续的 [un-re-mit-ting] ***** discontinuity 70 - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] + arrhythmic a.无节奏的;不规则的 [arrhyth-mic] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] - discrete a.个别的;不连续的 [dis-crete] - disjunction n.分离,分裂 [dis-junc-tion] - disjunctive a.分离的,相反的 [dis-junc-tive] + fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] + flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] - fracture n.骨折;折断;裂口 [frac-ture] + intermission n.暂停,间歇 [in-ter-mis-sion] + intermittent a.断断续续的,间歇的 [in-ter-mit-tent] + interpose v.置于…之间;使介入 [in-ter-pose] + interrupt v.暂时中止;打断,打扰 [in-ter-rupt] + intervene v.干涉,介入 [in-ter-vene] + scrappy a.碎片的;好斗的;坚毅的 [scrap-py] + seismic a.地震的 [seis-mic] ***** term 71 - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - status n.身分,地位 [sta-tus] *** 3. Collective Order ***** assemblage 72 + accumulate v.积聚,积累 [ac-cu-mu-late] - agglomerate v.凝聚,结块 [ag-glom-er-ate] - aggregate v.集合;合计 [ag-gre-gate] - amass v.积聚 [a-mass] - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] + assemble v.集合,聚集 [as-sem-ble] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + bale n.大包裹;灾祸,不幸 [bale] + band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] - batch n.一批,一炉 [batch] + budget n.预算 [budg-et] + cluster n.串,束,群;v.成群,成串 [clus-ter] + collection n.收藏品 [col-lec-tion] + colloquium n.学术讨论会 [col-lo-qui-um] + compile v.汇集;编辑 [com-pile] + concentrate v.集中,浓缩 [con-cen-trate] + conclave n.秘密会议 [con-clave] - conglomerate v.集聚成团 [con-glom-er-ate] + congregate v.聚集,集合 [con-gre-gate] + convoke v.召集 [con-voke] + cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] + deluge n.大洪水;暴雨 [del-uge] + drove n.畜群;人群 [drove] + flock n.羊群;鸟群 [flock] + galaxy n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 [gal-ax-y] + gavel n.(法官所用的)槌,小木槌 [gav-el] - group v.使…集合;n.群,集 [group] + herd n.兽群;v.聚集 [herd] + levee n.防洪堤;堤岸 [lev-ee] + levy v./n.征税;征兵 [lev-y] - lot n.签;命运;v.抽签,划分 [lot] - lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] - meet a.合适的 [meet] + muster v.召集,聚集 [mus-ter] - pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] + populous a.人口稠密的 [pop-u-lous] + posse n.武装团队 [pos-se] + precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] + press v.挤压 [press] + rabble n.乌合之众;下等人 [rab-ble] + rendezvous n.约会;约会地点 [ren-dez-vous] + resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] + school n.鱼群 [school] + serried a.密集的 [ser-ried] + shoal n.浅滩,浅水处;一群(鱼等);a.水浅的 [shoal] - slew v.(使)旋转;n.大量 [slew] + snowdrift n.雪堆 [snow-drift] + spate n.大批,大量;(水)泛滥 [spate] + stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] + surge v.波涛汹涌,波动 [surge] + tamp v.捣实,砸实 [tamp] + throng n.一大群;v.拥挤 [throng] - tissue n.细胞组织;薄纸,棉纸 [tis-sue] + troupe n.歌唱团,剧团 [troupe] - truss n.桁架,支架;干草的一捆 [truss] - unify v.统一,使成一体;使相同 [u-ni-fy] + volley n.齐发,群射;v.齐发,群射;(足球、网球)截击 [vol-ley] ***** nonassemblage, dispersion 73 + aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 [as-per-sion] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射;a.漫射的,散漫的 [dif-fuse] - disjunction n.分离,分裂 [dis-junc-tion] + dispel v.驱散,消除 [dis-pel] + dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - disperse v.消散,驱散 [dis-perse] + disseminate v.散布,传播 [dis-sem-i-nate] - distribute v.分发,分配某事物 [dis-trib-ute] - drizzly a.毛毛细雨的 [driz-zly] + epidemic a.传染性的,流行性的 [ep-i-dem-ic] + intersperse v.散布;点缀 [in-ter-sperse] + issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + retail v.零售;n.零售 [re-tail] - scatter v.散开,驱散 [scat-ter] + shed v.流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子) [shed] + sow n.母猪;v.播种 [sow] + sparse a.稀少的,贫乏的 [sparse] + sporadic a.不定时发生的 [spo-rad-ic] + stray v.偏离,迷路;a.迷了路的;零落的 [stray] + strew v.撒,散播 [strew] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] ***** focus 74 - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - rendezvous n.约会;约会地点 [ren-dez-vous] *** 4. Distributive Order ***** class 75 - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] + caste n.社会等级,等级 [caste] - category n.类别,范畴 [cat-e-go-ry] + denomination n.命名;(长度,币值的)单位 [de-nom-i-na-tion] + designation n.指定;名称,称呼 [des-ig-na-tion] + domain n.领土;领域 [do-main] + genus n.(动植物的)属 [ge-nus] + incubate v.孵化 [in-cu-bate] + kidney n.肾 [kid-ney] + kin n.亲属 [kin] + terminology n.术语,术语学 [ter-mi-nol-o-gy] ***** inclusion 76 - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] - comprehend v.理解;包括 [com-pre-hend] - contain v.包含,含有;控制;阻止,遏制 [con-tain] - embody v.(作品等)表达,体现 [em-bod-y] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - inclusive a.包含一切的,范围广的 [in-clu-sive] - pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] - subsume v.包含,包容 [sub-sume] ***** exclusion 77 ***** generality 78 + catholic a.普遍的;广泛的;(人)宽厚的 [cath-o-lic] - comprehensive a.全面的,综合的 [com-pre-hen-sive] + cosmopolitanism n.世界性,世界主义 [cos-mo-pol-i-tan-ism] + customary a.合乎习俗的 [cus-tom-ar-y] - epidemic a.传染性的,流行性的 [ep-i-dem-ic] - generality n.概述 [gen-er-al-i-ty] + generalize v.归纳 [gen-er-al-ize] + generic a.种类的,类属的 [ge-ner-ic] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] + rife a.流行的,普遍的 [rife] - transcendental a.超越经验的 [tran-scen-den-tal] ***** speciality 79 - appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] - characteristic a.有特色的;典型性的;n.与众不同的特征 [char-ac-ter-is-tic] + definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] + denote v.表示;指示意义 [de-note] + endemic a.地方性的 [en-dem-ic] + esoteric a.秘传的;神秘的 [es-o-ter-ic] - exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] + hallmark n.(在金银上的)纯度印记;特征 [hall-mark] + indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] - individual a.单独的,特有的;n.个人,个体 [in-di-vid-u-al] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] + particularize v.详述,列举 [par-tic-u-lar-ize] + singularity n.独特;奇点(天文学上密度无穷大、体积无穷小的点) [sin-gu-lar-i-ty] + specialize v.专门研究 [spe-cial-ize] + specialized a.专门的 [spe-cial-ized] + trait n.人的显著特性 [trait] + wit n.智力,机智 [wit] *** 5. Order as Regards Categories ***** normality 80 - customary a.合乎习俗的 [cus-tom-ar-y] + familiarity n.精通;亲近;不拘礼仪 [fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty] ***** multiformity 81 + assorted a.混杂的 [as-sort-ed] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] - diverse a.不同的;多样的 [di-verse] - diversity n.多样,千变万化 [di-ver-si-ty] - heterogeneous a.异类的,不同的 [het-er-o-ge-ne-ous] + manifold a.繁多的;多种的 [man-i-fold] - mosaic n.马赛克;镶嵌细工(把小块玻璃石头等镶嵌成图画) [mo-sa-ic] - motley a.混杂的;杂色的 [mot-ley] + protean a.变化多端的,多变的 [pro-te-an] ***** conformity 82 - accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - adapt v.使…适应;修改 [a-dapt] + canonical a.符合规定的;经典的 [ca-non-i-cal] + cite v.引用,引述 [cite] + comply v.遵循,顺从 [com-ply] - conform (to)v.符合或遵守公认的规则 [con-form] - conformity n.一致,遵从;顺众 [con-form-i-ty] + conventional a.因循守旧的,传统的 [con-ven-tion-al] + elucidate v.阐明,说明 [e-lu-ci-date] + exemplify v.是…的典型 [ex-em-pli-fy] + illustrate v.为…作插图或图表;说明,阐明 [il-lus-trate] - nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的 [nom-i-nal] + orthodox a.正统的 [or-tho-dox] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] + purported a.谣传的,声张的,号称的 [purported] + quote v.引用,引述 [quote] + rigid a.硬性的,刚硬的 [rig-id] - shipshape a.整洁的,井然有序的 [ship-shape] + specimen n.范例,样品,标本 [spec-i-men] - tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] ***** unconformity 83 + aberrant a.越轨的;异常的 [ab-er-rant] - aberration n.离开正路,脱离常轨;变形 [ab-er-ra-tion] + amorphous a.无定形的 [a-mor-phous] - anomalous a.反常的;不规则的 [a-nom-a-lous] - anomaly n.异常,反常 [a-nom-a-ly] - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] + asymmetric a.不对称的 [a-sym-met-ric] + bewildering a.令人迷惑的;费解的 [bewildering] + bizarre a.奇异的,古怪的 [bi-zarre] - breach n.裂缝,缺口;v.打破,裂开;违背 [breach] + centaur n.人头马怪物 [cen-taur] + chimera n.神话怪物;梦幻 [chi-me-ra] + deviant a.越出常规的 [de-vi-ant] + eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] + egregious a.(缺点等)过分的,惊人的 [e-gre-gious] - exceptional a.特别(好)的 [ex-cep-tion-al] - exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] - exotic a.珍奇的;来自异国的 [ex-ot-ic] - heterogeneous a.异类的,不同的 [het-er-o-ge-ne-ous] - hybrid n.杂种;混血人 [hy-brid] + miracle n.奇事,奇迹 [mir-a-cle] - mongrel n.杂种动物;混血儿 [mon-grel] + nonconformist adj./n.不遵照传统生活的(人) [non-con-form-ist] - oasis n.绿洲 [o-a-sis] + offbeat a.不规则的,不平常的 [off-beat] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] - originality n.创造性,独特性 [o-rig-i-nal-i-ty] - outlandish a.古怪的 [out-land-ish] + pariah n.贱民,被社会遗弃者 [pa-ri-ah] + phenomenal a.显著的,非凡的 [phe-nom-e-nal] + phoenix n.凤凰,永生或再生的象征 [phoe-nix] + preternatural a.异常的);超自然的 [pre-ter-nat-u-ral] + prodigy n.奇事;奇才 [prod-i-gy] + quaint a.离奇有趣的 [quaint] + qualified a.有资格的;有限制的 [qual-i-fied] - singularity n.独特;奇点(天文学上密度无穷大、体积无穷小的点) [sin-gu-lar-i-ty] - stray v.偏离,迷路;a.迷了路的;零落的 [stray] + unicorn n.(传说中的)独角兽 [u-ni-corn] - unique a.独一无二的,独特的;无与伦比的 [u-nique] - unprecedented a.前所未有的 [un-prec-e-dent-ed] + unwonted a.不寻常的,不习惯的 [un-wont-ed] ** Section V. Number *** 1. Number, in the Abstract ***** number 84 + base a.卑鄙的 [base] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] - comparison n.比较,对照;比喻 [com-par-i-son] - complementary a.互补的 [com-ple-men-ta-ry] + digit n.手指,足趾;数字,数码 [dig-it] + exponent n.说明者,支持者;指数 [ex-po-nent] + finite a.有限的 [fi-nite] + formula n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 [for-mu-la] - fraction n.碎片;小部分 [frac-tion] - integral a.构成整体所必需的;完整的 [in-te-gral] + multiple a.多样的,多重的 [mul-ti-ple] + prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] + rational a.理性的;合理的 [ra-tion-al] - reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的 [re-cip-ro-cal] ***** numeration 85 - addition n.增加,附加 [ad-di-tion] + audit v.审计,核对;旁听 [au-dit] + calculus n.微积分学;结石 [cal-cu-lus] + census n.人口统计 [cen-sus] + check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] - commensurate a.同样大小的;相称的 [com-men-su-rate] + demonstrate v.证明,论证;示威 [dem-on-strate] - enumerate v.列举,枚举 [e-nu-mer-ate] - incommensurate a.不成比例的,不相称的 [in-com-men-su-rate] + multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖 [mul-ti-ply] - muster v.召集,聚集 [mus-ter] + overhaul v.彻底检查;大修 [o-ver-haul] + poll n.民意测验;选举投票 [poll] + recapitulate v.扼要重述 [re-ca-pit-u-late] - score n.乐谱 [score] - subtract v.减去,减掉 [sub-tract] + summation n.总结,概要;总数,合计 [sum-ma-tion] - tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] ***** list 86 + agenda n.议程 [a-gen-da] + catalog n.目录;系列 [cat-a-log] - census n.人口统计 [cen-sus] - collate v.对照,核对 [col-late] - enumerate v.列举,枚举 [e-nu-mer-ate] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + glossary n.词汇表;难词表 [glos-sa-ry] - indices n.指数 [in-di-ces] + inventory n.详细目录;存货清单 [in-ven-to-ry] + ledger n.账簿 [ledg-er] + list v./n.倾斜 [list] + outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] + panel n.专门小组;仪表板 [pan-el] + roster n.值班表,花名册 [ros-ter] + scenario n.剧情说明书;剧本 [sce-nar-i-o] - score n.乐谱 [score] - synopsis n.摘要,概要 [syn-op-sis] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] - tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] - terminology n.术语,术语学 [ter-mi-nol-o-gy] *** 2. Determinate Number ***** unity 87 - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] + dreary a.沉闷的,乏味的 [drear-y] - individual a.单独的,特有的;n.个人,个体 [in-di-vid-u-al] - insular a.岛屿的;心胸狭窄的 [in-su-lar] - interlocking a.连锁的 [interlocking] - isolate v.孤立;将…从其种群中隔离 [i-so-late] + solitary a.孤独的;n.隐士 [sol-i-tar-y] + solitude n.孤独 [sol-i-tude] + unidimensional a.一方面的;一维的 [unidimensional] - unification n.统一,一致 [u-ni-fi-ca-tion] - unique a.独一无二的,独特的;无与伦比的 [u-nique] ***** accompaniment 88 - accessory a.附属的,次要的 [ac-ces-so-ry] + accompany v.伴随,陪伴 [ac-com-pa-ny] - adjunct n.附加物,附件 [ad-junct] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + attribute n.属性,品质;v.把…归于 [at-trib-ute] + companion n.同伴,同伙;受雇的陪伴人 [com-pan-ion] + concomitant a.伴随而来的 [con-com-i-tant] - context n.(语句等的)上下文 [con-text] + insider n.局内人,圈内人 [in-sid-er] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + synergic a.协同作用的 [synergic] ***** duality 89 + ambivalence n.矛盾心理 [am-biv-a-lence] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] - bracket n.托架,支架 [brack-et] + dual a.双重的 [du-al] + duet n.二重唱 [du-et] + duplicity n.欺骗,口是心非 [du-plic-i-ty] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + polarity n.极端性,二极分化 [po-lar-i-ty] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] - yoke n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 [yoke] ***** duplication 90 ***** bisection 91 + bifurcate v.分为两支,分叉 [bi-fur-cate] + cleft n.裂缝;a.劈开的 [cleft] + fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] + ramify v.分支,分叉 [ram-i-fy] + riven a.撕裂的,分裂的 [riv-en] - separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] ***** triality 92 + trilogy n.三部曲 [tril-o-gy] + trio n.三重奏,三重唱;三人一组 [tri-o] + tripod n.画架,三脚架 [tri-pod] ***** triplication 93 - trilogy n.三部曲 [tril-o-gy] ***** trisection 94 ***** four 95 + quartet n.四重奏,四重唱 [quar-tet] + rectangle n.长方形,矩形 [rec-tan-gle] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] ***** quadruplication 96 ***** quadrisection 97 + gallon n.加仑 [gal-lon] ***** five, &c 98 - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] + myriad a.许多的,无数的 [myr-i-ad] - score n.乐谱 [score] + secular a.世俗的,尘世的 [sec-u-lar] ***** quinquesection, &c 99 - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] *** 3. Indeterminate Number ***** plurality 100 ***** fraction 100.a - fraction n.碎片;小部分 [frac-tion] - infinitesimal a.极微小的;n.极小量 [in-fin-i-tes-i-mal] ***** zero 101 - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] - void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] ***** multitude 102 - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] + brood n.一窝幼鸟;v.孵蛋;冥想 [brood] + creep v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 [creep] - drove n.畜群;人群 [drove] + flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - flock n.羊群;鸟群 [flock] - galaxy n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 [gal-ax-y] - herd n.兽群;v.聚集 [herd] + hive n.蜂房;忙碌之地 [hive] + legion n.兵团;一大群 [le-gion] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] - manifold a.繁多的;多种的 [man-i-fold] - multiple a.多样的,多重的 [mul-ti-ple] + multiplicity n.多样性 [mul-ti-plic-i-ty] - multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖 [mul-ti-ply] + numerous a.许多的,很多的 [nu-mer-ous] - peck v.啄食;轻啄 [peck] - populous a.人口稠密的 [pop-u-lous] + profuse a.很多的;浪费的 [pro-fuse] - shoal n.浅滩,浅水处;一群(鱼等);a.水浅的 [shoal] ***** fewness 103 - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] - eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] - paucity n.小量,缺乏 [pau-ci-ty] - scant a.不足的,缺乏的 [scant] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] ***** repetition 104 + bromide n.平庸的人或话 [bro-mide] + frequent v.时常来访;a.惯常的 [fre-quent] + hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] + incessant a.无间断的,连续的 [in-ces-sant] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - monotony n.单调,千篇一律 [mo-not-o-ny] - recapitulate v.扼要重述 [re-ca-pit-u-late] + redundancy n.过剩;备份;似乎多余其实重要的后备力量 [re-dun-dan-cy] + redundant a.累赘的,多余的 [re-dun-dant] + refrain v.抑制;n.歌曲的反复句,叠句 [re-frain] + rehearsal n.排演,演习 [re-hears-al] + rehearse v.排练,预演;详述 [re-hearse] + reiterate v.重申,反复地说 [re-it-er-ate] - resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] + revert v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 [re-vert] + thematic a.主题的 [the-mat-ic] ***** infinity 105 - immense a.极大的;无限的 [im-mense] + inexhaustible a.用不完的,取之不竭的 [in-ex-haust-i-ble] - infinity n.无限的时间或空间 [in-fin-i-ty] + interminable a.无尽头的 [in-ter-mi-na-ble] + perpetual a.连续不断的;永久的 [per-pet-u-al] + untold a.无数的,数不清的 [un-told] ** Section VI. Time *** 1. Absolute Time ***** time 106 + duration n.持续的时间 [du-ra-tion] + epoch n.纪元;重大的事件 [e-poch] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + interim n.中间时期,过渡时期;a.暂时的 [in-ter-im] + interlude n.(活动间的)暂时休息 [in-ter-lude] - intermission n.暂停,间歇 [in-ter-mis-sion] + interregnum n.无王时期 [in-ter-reg-num] - intervene v.干涉,介入 [in-ter-vene] + moment n.瞬间;重要 [mo-ment] + pending a.即将发生的;未决的 [pend-ing] + permanent a.长久的,永久的 [per-ma-nent] + respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] + scythe n.大镰刀 [scythe] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] + spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] ***** neverness 107 ***** period 108 - epoch n.纪元;重大的事件 [e-poch] - generation n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 [gen-er-a-tion] ***** contingent duration 108.a ***** course 109 - duration n.持续的时间 [du-ra-tion] - expire v.期满;去世 [ex-pire] + flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] + glide v.滑行,滑动 [glide] + lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - press v.挤压 [press] ***** diuturnity 110 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] + chronic a.慢性的,长期的 [chron-ic] - endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] + lasting a.持久的,永久的 [last-ing] + long-winded a.冗长的 [long-wind-ed] + longevity n.长寿 [lon-gev-i-ty] - perennial a.终年的;永久的 [per-en-ni-al] + permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - permanent a.长久的,永久的 [per-ma-nent] - perpetual a.连续不断的;永久的 [per-pet-u-al] + persistence n.坚持不懈,持续 [per-sis-tence] + prolong v.延长,拉长 [pro-long] + protract v.延长,拖长 [pro-tract] + spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] - survive v.幸存 [sur-vive] + tauten v.拉紧,绷紧 [taut-en] + temporize v.拖延;见风使舵 [tem-po-rize] - unremitting a.不间断的,持续的 [un-re-mit-ting] ***** transientness 111 + airborne a.空气传播的;空运的 [air-borne] + brisk a.敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的 [brisk] + cursory a.粗略的,草率的 [cur-so-ry] + deciduous a.非永久的;短暂的;脱落的;落叶的 [de-cid-u-ous] + ephemeral a.朝生暮死的;生命短暂的 [e-phem-er-al] - evanescent a.迅速消失的,短暂的 [ev-a-nes-cent] - evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] + extemporaneous a.即席的,没有准备的 [ex-tem-po-ra-ne-ous] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] + fleeting a.短暂的,飞逝的 [fleet-ing] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] + impermanent a.暂时的 [im-per-ma-nent] + instantaneous a.立即的;瞬间发生的 [in-stan-ta-ne-ous] - interregnum n.无王时期 [in-ter-reg-num] + mortality n.死亡率 [mor-tal-i-ty] + precarious a.不稳的,危险的 [pre-car-i-ous] - provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] + provisory a.有附带条件的 [pro-vi-so-ry] + slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] + summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] + temporal a.时间的;世俗的 [tem-po-ral] + transience n.短暂 [tran-sience] + transient a.短暂的,转瞬即逝的 [tran-si-ent] + transitory a.短暂的 [tran-si-to-ry] + velocity n.速度;迅速 [ve-loc-i-ty] ***** perpetuity 112 + eternal a.永久的,永恒的 [e-ter-nal] - incessant a.无间断的,连续的 [in-ces-sant] - interminable a.无尽头的 [in-ter-mi-na-ble] - permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - perpetual a.连续不断的;永久的 [per-pet-u-al] + perpetuate v.使永存,使永记不忘 [per-pet-u-ate] ***** instantaneity 113 + coup n.意外而成功的行动 [cou-p] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - epoch n.纪元;重大的事件 [e-poch] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] + hasty a.急急忙忙的 [has-ty] - instantaneous a.立即的;瞬间发生的 [in-stan-ta-ne-ous] - moment n.瞬间;重要 [mo-ment] + precipitant n.沉淀剂 [pre-cip-i-tant] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] + swift a.迅速的;敏捷的 [swift] ***** chronometry 114 + annals n.编年史 [an-nals] - epoch n.纪元;重大的事件 [e-poch] + pendulum n.摆,钟摆 [pen-du-lum] ***** anachronism 115 + anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + overdue a.过期未付的;逾期的 [o-ver-due] *** 2. Relative Time *** 1. Time with Reference to Succession ***** priority 116 - antecedence n.居先,优先 [an-te-ced-ence] - antecedent n.前事;前辈;a.先行的 [an-te-ced-ent] - anterior a.较早的,以前的 [an-te-ri-or] - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + erstwhile a.从前的,过去的 [erst-while] + forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止 [fore-stall] - precede v.在…之前,早于 [pre-cede] - precursor n.先驱,先兆 [pre-cur-sor] + presage n.预感;v.预示 [pres-age] + previous a.在先的,以前的 [pre-vi-ous] - priority n.在先,居前;优先权 [pri-or-i-ty] ***** posteriority 117 - ensue v.继而发生 [en-sue] - remainder n.剩余物 [re-main-der] - subsequent a.随后的,后来的,连续的 [sub-se-quent] ***** the present time 118 - epoch n.纪元;重大的事件 [e-poch] - extant a.现存的,传世的 [ex-tant] ***** different time 119 ***** synchronism 120 - accompany v.伴随,陪伴 [ac-com-pa-ny] + coeval a.同年代的 [co-e-val] - concomitant a.伴随而来的 [con-com-i-tant] + concur v.意见相同,一致 [con-cur] - coterminous a.毗连的,有共同边界的 [co-ter-mi-nous] - interim n.中间时期,过渡时期;a.暂时的 [in-ter-im] + simultaneous a.同时发生的 [si-mul-ta-ne-ous] + synchronous a.同时发生的 [syn-chro-nous] ***** futurity 121 - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + approach v.接近,靠近;着手处理;n.方法 [ap-proach] - brink n.(峭壁的)边沿,边缘 [brink] + foresight n.远见,深谋远虑 [fore-sight] - forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止 [fore-stall] + prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] ***** the past 122 - ancestry n.家系 [an-ces-try] + antediluvian a.史前的;陈旧的 [an-te-di-lu-vi-an] + antiquity n.古;古人;古迹 [an-tiq-ui-ty] + archaeology n.考古学 [ar-chae-ol-o-gy] - erstwhile a.从前的,过去的 [erst-while] - extinct a.绝种的,不存在的 [ex-tinct] + hitherto adv.到目前为止 [hith-er-to] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] + neolithic a.新石器时代的 [neolithic] + obsolete a.废弃的;过时的 [ob-so-lete] + paleontology n.古生物学 [pa-le-on-tol-o-gy] + pristine a.太古的;纯洁的;新鲜的 [pris-tine] *** 2. Time with Reference to a Particular Period ***** newness 123 + green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - innovation n.创新,改革 [in-no-va-tion] + mushroom n.蘑菇;v.雨后春笋般迅速发展 [mush-room] - nascent a.初生的,萌芽的 [nas-cent] - novelty n.新奇(的事物) [nov-el-ty] + untapped a.未开发的,未利用的 [un-tapped] ***** oldness 124 - antediluvian a.史前的;陈旧的 [an-te-di-lu-vi-an] + antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的 [an-ti-quat-ed] + antique a.古时的,古老的;n.古物,古董 [an-tique] - antiquity n.古;古人;古迹 [an-tiq-ui-ty] - customary a.合乎习俗的 [cus-tom-ar-y] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - erstwhile a.从前的,过去的 [erst-while] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] + immemorial a.太古的,极古的 [im-me-mo-ri-al] + inveterate a.积习已深的 [in-vet-er-ate] + maturity n.成熟,完备 [ma-tur-i-ty] + medieval a.中世纪的,中古的 [me-di-e-val] + obsolescent a.即将过时的 [ob-so-les-cent] - obsolete a.废弃的;过时的 [ob-so-lete] + outmoded a.不再流行的 [out-mod-ed] + paleolithic a.旧石器时代的 [paleolithic] - petroglyph n.岩石雕刻 [pet-ro-glyph] + prehistoric a.史前的 [pre-his-tor-ic] + prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] + stale a.不新鲜的,陈腐的 [stale] ***** morning 125 + lark n./v.玩乐,嬉耍 [lark] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] ***** evening 126 + nocturnal a.夜晚的,夜间发生的 [noc-tur-nal] ***** youth 127 + callow a.(鸟)未生羽毛的;(人)未成熟的 [cal-low] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] + incubator n.孵卵器;早产婴儿保育箱 [in-cu-ba-tor] + juvenile a.少年的,似少年的 [ju-ve-nile] ***** age 128 - antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的 [an-ti-quat-ed] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] + decrepit a.衰老的,破旧的 [de-crep-it] + dodder v.蹒跚,摇摆 [dod-der] + doting a.溺爱的 [dot-ing] + doyen n.老前辈 [doy-en] + effete a.无生产力;虚弱的 [ef-fete] + hoary a.(头发)灰白的;古老的 [hoar-y] - longevity n.长寿 [lon-gev-i-ty] - obsolescent a.即将过时的 [ob-so-les-cent] - outmoded a.不再流行的 [out-mod-ed] - wane v.减少,衰微 [wane] ***** infant 129 + brat n.孩子;顽童 [brat] + cadet n.军校或警官学校的学生 [ca-det] - callow a.(鸟)未生羽毛的;(人)未成熟的 [cal-low] + caterpillar n.毛毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫 [cat-er-pil-lar] + cocoon n.茧 [co-coon] + coltish a.似小马的;不受拘束的 [colt-ish] + conifer n.针叶树 [co-ni-fer] + cub n.幼兽;年轻无经验的人 [cub] + duckling n.雏鸭,小鸭 [duck-ling] + fledgling n.正在学习飞行的幼鸟;无经验的人 [fledg-ling] + infant n.婴儿 [in-fant] + infantile a.幼稚的,孩子气的 [in-fan-tile] + larva n.(昆虫的)幼虫 [lar-va] + puerile a.幼稚的;儿童的 [pu-er-ile] + pullet n.小母鸡 [pul-let] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] - scion n.嫩芽;子孙 [sci-on] + seedling n.幼苗 [seed-ling] + tadpole n.蝌蚪 [tad-pole] ***** veteran 130 + octogenarian n.80~89岁的老人 [oc-to-ge-nar-i-an] + veteran n.老兵,老手;a.经验丰富的 [vet-er-an] ***** adolescence 131 + adolescent a.青春期的;n.青少年 [ad-o-les-cent] + mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] + nubile a.(女孩)到婚嫁年龄的;吸引人的 [nu-bile] *** 3. Time with Reference to an Effect or Purpose ***** earliness 132 + accelerate v.加速;促进 [ac-cel-er-ate] - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + anticipatory a.预想的,预期的 [an-tic-i-pa-to-ry] - forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止 [fore-stall] + forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] + offhand adv./a.事先无准备地(的);随便地(的) [off-hand] + perfunctorily adv.敷衍地,潦草地,表面地 [per-func-to-ri-ly] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] + precipitation n.降水(量) [pre-cip-i-ta-tion] + precocious a.早熟的 [pre-co-cious] + premature a.过早的,早熟的 [pre-ma-ture] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] + prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] + summarily adv.概括地;仓促地 [sum-mar-i-ly] - summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] ***** punctuality 132.a - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] + timely a.适时的,及时的 [time-ly] ***** lateness 133 + adjourn v.使延期,推迟;休会 [ad-journ] + anachronistic a.年代出错的 [a-nach-ro-nis-tic] + belated a.来得太迟的 [be-lat-ed] + dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 [dal-ly] + dawdle v.闲荡,虚度 [daw-dle] + defer v.推延;听从 [de-fer] + dilatory a.慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 [di-la-to-ry] + linger v.逗留,留恋 [lin-ger] + moratorium n.停止偿付;禁止活动 [mor-a-to-ri-um] + postpone v.使延期,推迟 [post-pone] + procrastinate v.耽搁,拖延 [pro-cras-ti-nate] - prolong v.延长,拉长 [pro-long] - protract v.延长,拖长 [pro-tract] + reprieve v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 [re-prieve] + reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] + retard v.妨碍;减速 [re-tard] - spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] + stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] + suspend v.暂缓,中止;吊,悬 [sus-pend] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] + tardy a.缓慢的,迟缓的 [tar-dy] - temporize v.拖延;见风使舵 [tem-po-rize] + untimely a.过早的;不适时的 [un-time-ly] ***** occasion 134 + auspicious a.幸运的;吉兆的 [aus-pi-cious] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] + favorable a.有利的;赞成的 [fa-vor-a-ble] + opportune a.合适的,适当的 [op-por-tune] + propitious a.吉利的;顺利的 [pro-pi-tious] + providential a.幸运的;恰到好处的 [prov-i-den-tial] - timely a.适时的,及时的 [time-ly] ***** untimeliness 135 - anachronistic a.年代出错的 [a-nach-ro-nis-tic] + infelicitous a.不幸的,不妥当的 [in-fe-lic-i-tous] - intrude v.把(思想等)强加于,闯入 [in-trude] - premature a.过早的,早熟的 [pre-ma-ture] - untimely a.过早的;不适时的 [un-time-ly] + untoward a.不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 [un-to-ward] *** 3. Recurrent Time ***** frequency 136 + boring a.无趣的,乏味的 [bor-ing] - conformity n.一致,遵从;顺众 [con-form-i-ty] - constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - customary a.合乎习俗的 [cus-tom-ar-y] - formula n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 [for-mu-la] + frequency n.频率 [fre-quen-cy] - frequent v.时常来访;a.惯常的 [fre-quent] - incessant a.无间断的,连续的 [in-ces-sant] - perpetual a.连续不断的;永久的 [per-pet-u-al] + trivial a.琐细的 [triv-i-al] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] ***** infrequency 137 - unprecedented a.前所未有的 [un-prec-e-dent-ed] ***** regularity of recurrence 138 - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + bout n.一回合,一阵 [bout] + cyclical a.循环的 [cy-cli-cal] + diurnal a.白昼的,白天的 [di-ur-nal] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - intermittent a.断断续续的,间歇的 [in-ter-mit-tent] + periodical n.期刊 [pe-ri-od-i-cal] + pulse v.搏动,跳动;n.脉搏;脉冲 [pulse] + quotidian a.每日的;平凡的 [quo-tid-i-an] + reportorial a.记者的;记实的 [re-por-to-ri-al] + rhythmic a.有节奏的 [rhyth-mic] - secular a.世俗的,尘世的 [sec-u-lar] - serial a.连续的,一系列的 [se-ri-al] - thematic a.主题的 [the-mat-ic] ***** irregularity of recurrence 139 + capricious a.变化无常的,任性的 [ca-pri-cious] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] ** Section VII. Change *** 1. Simple Change ***** change 140 + alter v.改变,更改 [al-ter] - deviate v.越轨,脱离 [de-vi-ate] - deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] - innovation n.创新,改革 [in-no-va-tion] + metamorphose v.变形 [met-a-mor-phose] - modify v.修改,变更 [mod-i-fy] + modulate v.调整(音的强弱) [mod-u-late] + mutate v.变异 [mu-tate] + realign v.重新组合(排列) [re-a-lign] + recast v.重铸;更换演员 [re-cast] - resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] - swerve v.突然改变方向 [swerve] + tamper v.损害,窜改 [tam-per] + transfigure v.美化,改观 [trans-fig-ure] + transmute v.变化,变作 [trans-mute] + veer v.转向,改变(话题等) [veer] + warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] ***** permanence 141 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] + conservative a.保守的,守旧的 [con-serv-a-tive] - endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - intact a.完整的,未动过的 [in-tact] + maintenance n.维持,维护 [main-te-nance] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] + obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] - permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - permanent a.长久的,永久的 [per-ma-nent] - persistence n.坚持不懈,持续 [per-sis-tence] + stationary a.静止的,不动的 [sta-tion-ar-y] - survive v.幸存 [sur-vive] + unfailing a.无尽的,无穷的 [un-fail-ing] ***** cessation 142 - abeyance n.中止,搁置 [a-bey-ance] + arrest v.依法逮捕;阻止,抑制 [ar-rest] + blockage n.障碍物 [block-age] + cessation n.中止,(短暂的)停止 [ces-sa-tion] + cloture n.辩论的终结 [clo-ture] + colon n.冒号 [co-lon] + comma n.逗号 [com-ma] + deactivate v.使无效 [de-ac-ti-vate] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - intermission n.暂停,间歇 [in-ter-mis-sion] - interregnum n.无王时期 [in-ter-reg-num] - interrupt v.暂时中止;打断,打扰 [in-ter-rupt] + lull n.活动的暂停;v.使平静 [lull] - respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] - suspend v.暂缓,中止;吊,悬 [sus-pend] + suspense n.悬念;挂念 [sus-pense] + truce n.停战,休战(协定) [truce] ***** continuance in action 143 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] - continuation n.继续,延续 [con-tin-u-a-tion] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] - perpetuate v.使永存,使永记不忘 [per-pet-u-ate] - persistence n.坚持不懈,持续 [per-sis-tence] + pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] + sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] + sustained a.持久的,经久不衰的 [sustained] + uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] ***** conversion 144 + alchemy n.炼金术 [al-che-my] + apostate n.背教者;变节者 [a-pos-tate] - assimilate v.同化;吸收 [as-sim-i-late] + assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] + caldron n.(煮汤用的)大锅 [cal-dron] + convert v.使改变(信仰等);n.改变信仰的人 [con-vert] - convertible a.可转换的;n.敞篷车 [con-vert-i-ble] + flux n.不断的变动,动荡不定 [flux] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + osmosis n.渗透;潜移默化 [os-mo-sis] + render v.呈递,表现;提供 [ren-der] + renegade n.叛教者,叛徒 [ren-e-gade] + retort v.反驳 [re-tort] + transition n.过渡时期,转变 [tran-si-tion] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** reversion 145 + reactionary a.保守的,反动的 [re-ac-tion-ar-y] + recessive a.隐性遗传的;后退的 [re-ces-sive] + recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] + regress v.使倒退,复原,逆行 [re-gress] + regressive a.退步的,退化的 [re-gres-sive] + relapse n.旧病复发;再恶化;v.旧病复发,再恶化 [re-lapse] + restore v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 [re-store] + retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - revert v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 [re-vert] ***** revolution 146 + cataclysm n.剧变,灾难(常指大洪水或地震) [cat-a-clysm] - convulsion n.骚动;痉挛 [con-vul-sion] + jerk n./v.突然猛拉 [jerk] + legerdemain n.手法;戏法 [leg-er-de-main] + plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] - recast v.重铸;更换演员 [re-cast] ***** substitution 147 + commute v.交换;坐公交车上下班 [com-mute] + dummy n.人体模型,假人 [dum-my] - equivalent a.相等的,等值的 [e-quiv-a-lent] + ersatz a.代用的,假的 [er-satz] + metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻 [met-a-phor] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] + substitute n.代替品;v.代替 [sub-sti-tute] + supersede v.淘汰,取代 [su-per-sede] + supplant v.排挤,取代 [sup-plant] + understudy n.预备演员,替角;v.充当…的替角 [un-der-stud-y] + vicarious a.替代的,代理的 [vi-car-i-ous] ***** interchange 148 - barter v.易货贸易 [bar-ter] - commute v.交换;坐公交车上下班 [com-mute] - interchangeable a.可互换的 [in-ter-change-a-ble] + interplay v./n.相互影响 [in-ter-play] - reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的 [re-cip-ro-cal] - reciprocate v.回报,答谢 [re-cip-ro-cate] + recombine v.重组,再结合 [re-com-bine] + requite v.报答;报复 [re-quite] + retaliate v.报复,反击 [re-tal-i-ate] + transpose v.变换位置,调换 [trans-pose] *** 2. Complex Change ***** changeableness 149 + agitated a.被鼓动的;不安的 [ag-i-tat-ed] - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] - arrhythmic a.无节奏的;不规则的 [arrhyth-mic] - capricious a.变化无常的,任性的 [ca-pri-cious] + chameleon n.变色龙,蜥蜴;善变之人 [cha-me-le-on] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] + erratic a.反复无常的;古怪的 [er-rat-ic] + fickle a.(爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的 [fick-le] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] + flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] + fluctuate v.波动;变化 [fluc-tu-ate] + flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] + inconstancy n.(指人)反复无常 [in-con-stan-cy] + labile a.不稳定的 [la-bile] + mobile a.易于移动的 [mo-bile] + mobility n.可动性,流动性 [mo-bil-i-ty] + oscillate v.摆动;犹豫 [os-cil-late] - protean a.变化多端的,多变的 [pro-te-an] + restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] + spineless a.没骨气的,懦弱的 [spine-less] + teeter v.摇摆,踌躇 [tee-ter] + totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] - transient a.短暂的,转瞬即逝的 [tran-si-ent] + vacillate v.游移不定,踌躇 [vac-il-late] + vagrant a.漂泊的;n.流浪汉,无赖 [va-grant] + versatile a.多才多艺的;多用途的 [ver-sa-tile] + vibrancy n.生机勃勃,活泼 [vi-bran-cy] + vicissitudinous a.有变化的,变迁的 [vicissitudinous] + waffle n.蛋奶烘饼;v.胡扯,唠叨 [waf-fle] + waver v.摇摆,犹豫 [wa-ver] ***** stability 150 - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] + aplomb n.沉着,镇静 [a-plomb] - constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - deterioration n.恶化,堕落 [de-te-ri-o-ra-tion] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - fasten v.使…固定(to fix sth. firmly) [fas-ten] + homeostasis n.体内平衡 [ho-me-o-sta-sis] + incontrovertible a.无可辩驳的 [in-con-tro-vert-i-ble] + incorruptible a.(道德上)不受腐蚀的 [in-cor-rupt-i-ble] + indelible a.擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭的 [in-del-i-ble] - inveterate a.积习已深的 [in-vet-er-ate] - irreducible a.不能约的 [ir-re-duc-i-ble] + irrevocable a.无法取消的 [ir-rev-o-ca-ble] - monolithic a.巨石的,巨大的 [mon-o-lith-ic] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] + obstinate a.固执的,倔强的 [ob-sti-nate] - perennial a.终年的;永久的 [per-en-ni-al] - permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - permanent a.长久的,永久的 [per-ma-nent] - perpetuate v.使永存,使永记不忘 [per-pet-u-ate] + pillar n.柱子 [pil-lar] + quiescent a.不动的,静止的 [qui-es-cent] + retain v.保留,保持;留住 [re-tain] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] - settled a.固定的 [settled] + steadfast a.忠实的;不变的 [stead-fast] + stranded a.搁浅的,进退两难的 [stranded] + unflappable a.不惊慌的,镇定的 [un-flap-pa-ble] ***** eventuality 151 + advent n.到来,来临 [ad-vent] + casualty n.伤亡事故;伤亡者 [cas-u-al-ty] + consequence n.结果;重要性;价值 [con-se-quence] + dealing n.生意行为;作风 [deal-ing] - emergency n.紧急事件 [e-mer-gen-cy] + encounter v.遭遇 [en-coun-ter] - endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] - ensue v.继而发生 [en-sue] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - meet a.合适的 [meet] + momentous a.极重要的,严重的 [mo-men-tous] - occurrence n.事件;发生 [oc-cur-rence] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] - signal n.信号;v.发信号;a.显著的 [sig-nal] + transaction n.办理,交易 [trans-ac-tion] ***** destiny 152 - approach v.接近,靠近;着手处理;n.方法 [ap-proach] + imminent a.即将发生的,逼近的 [im-mi-nent] + impending a.行将发生的,逼近的 [im-pend-ing] + loom n.织布机;v.(威胁性)隐约出现 [loom] + predestine v.注定 [pre-des-tine] + pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] ** Section VIII. Causation *** 1. Constancy of Sequence in Events ***** cause 153 - broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] - bud n.芽;花蕾 [bud] + causal a.原因的,因果关系的 [caus-al] + crux n.关键,症结所在 [crux] - derivation n.发展,起源;词源 [der-i-va-tion] - descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] + determinant n.决定因素;a.决定性的 [de-ter-mi-nant] + elicit v.引出,探出 [e-lic-it] + entail v.需要,需求,必须 [en-tail] + evoke v.引起;唤起 [e-voke] - fetus n.胎儿 [fe-tus] + fulcrum n.杠杆支点,支柱 [ful-crum] - genesis n.创始,起源 [gen-e-sis] - germ n.胚芽,芽孢;微生物,细菌 [germ] - hinge n.铰链;关键 [hinge] + hormone n.荷尔蒙,激素 [hor-mone] - incubator n.孵卵器;早产婴儿保育箱 [in-cu-ba-tor] + induce v.诱导;引起 [in-duce] + institute v.制定,创立(社团,规章);n.学院,协会 [in-sti-tute] + kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] + lever n.杠杆;v.撬动 [lev-er] - nucleus n.(原子)核 [nu-cle-us] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] + pollen n.花粉 [pol-len] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] + procure v.取得,获得 [pro-cure] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - provenance n.(艺术等的)出处,起源 [prov-e-nance] + seminal a.有创意的 [sem-i-nal] + stem n.(植物的)茎,叶柄;v.阻止,遏制(水流等) [stem] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - trunk n.树干;大衣箱 [trunk] + tuber n.块茎,球根 [tu-ber] ***** effect 154 + artifact n.人工制品 [ar-ti-fact] - bud n.芽;花蕾 [bud] - consequence n.结果;重要性;价值 [con-se-quence] - denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 [de-noue-ment] - derivation n.发展,起源;词源 [der-i-va-tion] - derivative a.派生的;无创意的 [de-riv-a-tive] - fabric n.纺织品;结构 [fab-ric] - hereditary a.祖传的,世袭的 [he-red-i-tar-y] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + offspring n.儿女,后代 [off-spring] - outgrowth n.自然结果;生长物 [out-growth] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] + traceable a.可追踪的 [trace-a-ble] ***** attribution 155 - affiliation n.联系,联合 [af-fil-i-a-tion] + ascribe v.归功于;归咎于 [as-cribe] - attribute n.属性,品质;v.把…归于 [at-trib-ute] - traceable a.可追踪的 [trace-a-ble] ***** chance 156 - adventitious a.偶然的 [ad-ven-ti-tious] + casual a.偶然的 [cas-u-al] - casualty n.伤亡事故;伤亡者 [cas-u-al-ty] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] - fortuitous a.偶然的,意外的;幸运的 [for-tu-i-tous] + haphazard a.任意的 [hap-haz-ard] + hazard n.危险 [haz-ard] + indeterminate a.不确定的,不明确的 [in-de-ter-mi-nate] + lottery n.彩票,抽彩给奖法 [lot-ter-y] - odds n.机会,可能性 [odds] - random a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 [ran-dom] *** 2. Connection between Cause and Effect ***** power 157 + adequate a.足够的 [ad-e-quate] - attribute n.属性,品质;v.把…归于 [at-trib-ute] + charisma n.(大众爱戴的)领袖气质;魅力 [cha-ris-ma] + clout n.用手猛击;权力,影响力 [clout] + cogent a.有说服力的 [co-gent] + compel v.强迫 [com-pel] + control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] + efficacious a.有效的 [ef-fi-ca-cious] + efficacy n.功效,有效性 [ef-fi-ca-cy] + empower v.授权给某人采取行动 [em-pow-er] + endow v.资助,捐助 [en-dow] + expertise n.专门技术,专业知识 [ex-per-tise] + faculty n.全体教员;官能 [fac-ul-ty] + gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] + know-how n.专业技能,知识 [know-how] + omnipotent a.全能的,万能的 [om-nip-o-tent] - pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] - potential a.潜在的,有可能性的 [po-ten-tial] + productivity n.生产力;生产率 [pro-duc-tiv-i-ty] + puissance n.权力 [pu-is-sance] + puissant a.强有力的,强大的 [pu-is-sant] + susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] + sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] + virtuosity n.精湛技巧,高超 [vir-tu-os-i-ty] ***** impotence 158 - alter v.改变,更改 [al-ter] + apoplectic a.中风的;愤怒的 [ap-o-plec-tic] + collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] + deaden v.减低某物的力量或强度 [dead-en] + disarm v.使…解除武器;使…缓和 [dis-arm] - dummy n.人体模型,假人 [dum-my] + enervate v.使虚弱,使无力 [en-er-vate] + exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] - gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] + impuissance n.无力,虚弱 [im-pu-is-sance] + incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] + ineffectual a.无效的,徒劳无益的 [in-ef-fec-tu-al] + inept a.无能的;不适当的 [in-ept] + ineptitude n.无能,不称职 [in-ept-i-tude] + mollycoddle v.过分爱惜,娇惯;n.娇生惯养的人 [mol-ly-cod-dle] + nugatory a.无价值的,琐碎的 [nu-ga-to-ry] + prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] + shattered a.粉碎的;破坏的 [shattered] + sprain v.扭伤 [sprain] + sterilize v.使不育;杀菌 [ster-i-lize] - unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] ***** strength 159 + acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员 [ac-ro-bat] + adamant a.强硬的;固执的 [ad-a-mant] + athletics n.运动,体育 [ath-let-ics] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] + fortify v.加强防卫 [for-ti-fy] + grit n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 [grit] + harden v.变硬,变坚强 [hard-en] + hardy a.耐寒的;强壮的 [har-dy] + impregnable a.攻不破的,征服不了的 [im-preg-na-ble] + invigorate v.鼓舞,激励 [in-vig-or-ate] - mighty a.强有力的,强大的 [might-y] + muscle n.肌肉;肌肉的力量 [mus-cle] + muscular a.肌肉的;强健的 [mus-cu-lar] + nerve n.勇气;v.给予力量或勇气 [nerve] + oak n.橡树 [oak] + overpowering a.压倒性的,不可抗拒的 [o-ver-pow-er-ing] - pith n.精髓,要点 [pith] + pithiness n.简洁 [pith-i-ness] - puissant a.强有力的,强大的 [pu-is-sant] + recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] + refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] - reinforce v.加强力量,增援 [re-in-force] + robust a.健壮的 [ro-bust] + sinew n.腱,肌肉);力量 [sin-ew] - sovereign n.最高统治者,元首 [sov-er-eign] + stalwart a.健壮的,坚定的 [stal-wart] + stout a.肥胖的;强壮的 [stout] + stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] + sturdy a.(身体)强健的;结实的 [stur-dy] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] + tension n.紧张,焦虑;张力 [ten-sion] + vigorous a.精力旺盛的,健壮的 [vig-or-ous] ***** weakness 160 + anemia n.贫血,贫血症 [a-ne-mi-a] + aspen n.白杨 [as-pen] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] + cranky a.怪癖的,任性的;不稳的 [crank-y] - crumble v.弄碎;崩毁 [crum-ble] + debilitate v.使衰弱 [de-bil-i-tate] - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - decrepit a.衰老的,破旧的 [de-crep-it] + delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] + dilute v.把(液体)弄稀,弄淡 [di-lute] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - effete a.无生产力;虚弱的 [ef-fete] - enervate v.使虚弱,使无力 [en-er-vate] + enfeeble v.使衰弱 [en-fee-ble] - extenuate v.掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过 [ex-ten-u-ate] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] + feeble a.虚弱的 [fee-ble] + flaccid a.松弛的;软弱的 [flac-cid] + flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] + flimsy a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 [flim-sy] + fragile a.易碎的,易坏的 [frag-ile] + frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] + hydrate n.水化物;v.水化 [hy-drate] + impoverish v.使成赤贫 [im-pov-er-ish] - infant n.婴儿 [in-fant] + infirm a.虚弱的 [in-firm] - insubstantial a.非实体的;薄弱的 [in-sub-stan-tial] + languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 [lan-guid] - languish v.变得消瘦;衰弱 [lan-guish] + languor n.身心疲惫 [lan-guor] + limp v.跛行;a.软弱的,松软的 [limp] + reed n.芦苇;簧片 [reed] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] + rickety a.不牢靠的,摇摇欲坠的 [rick-et-y] + rotten a.腐败的;糟糕的 [rot-ten] - shattered a.粉碎的;破坏的 [shattered] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - spineless a.没骨气的,懦弱的 [spine-less] - sprain v.扭伤 [sprain] - thread n.螺纹 [thread] - totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] *** 3. Power in Operation ***** production 161 + accomplish v.完成,做成功 [ac-com-plish] - artifact n.人工制品 [ar-ti-fact] - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] - carve v.雕刻 [carve] + chisel n.凿子;v.凿;欺骗 [chis-el] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - constitute v.组成,构成;建立 [con-sti-tute] + construct v.建筑,构成 [con-struct] + contrive v.计划,设计 [con-trive] + edifice n.宏伟的建筑(如宫殿、教堂) [ed-i-fice] + edify v.陶冶,启发 [ed-i-fy] + engender v.产生,引起 [en-gen-der] + erect a.竖立的,笔直的,直立的 [e-rect] + evolve v.使逐渐形成,进化 [e-volve] - fabric n.纺织品;结构 [fab-ric] + fabricate v.捏造;制造 [fab-ri-cate] + forge n.铁匠铺;v.锤炼;伪造 [forge] - formation n.组织,形成;(军队)编队 [for-ma-tion] - fraught a.充满…的 [fraught] + gardenia n.栀子花 [gar-de-ni-a] + generate v.造成;产生 [gen-er-ate] - generation n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 [gen-er-a-tion] - genesis n.创始,起源 [gen-e-sis] + genetic a.遗传的;起源的 [ge-net-ic] + genial a.愉快的,脾气好的 [ge-ni-al] + hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] - induce v.诱导;引起 [in-duce] - institute v.制定,创立(社团,规章);n.学院,协会 [in-sti-tute] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] + pancreas n.胰腺 [pan-cre-as] - pollen n.花粉 [pol-len] + pollinate v.给…授粉 [pol-li-nate] - pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - proliferate v.繁殖;激增 [pro-lif-er-ate] + prolific a.多产的,多结果的 [pro-lif-ic] + propagate v.繁殖;传播 [prop-a-gate] + propagation n.繁殖 [prop-a-ga-tion] ***** destruction 162 + abolition n.废除,革除 [ab-o-li-tion] - annihilate v.消灭 [an-ni-hi-late] + blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] - cataclysm n.剧变,灾难(常指大洪水或地震) [cat-a-clysm] - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] + debacle n.解冻;崩溃 [de-ba-cle] + demolish v.破坏;拆除 [de-mol-ish] + demolition n.破坏,毁坏 [dem-o-li-tion] + devastate v.摧毁,破坏 [dev-as-tate] + devour v.吞食;贪婪地享受 [de-vour] + dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] - dispel v.驱散,消除 [dis-pel] + disrupt v.弄乱,扰乱 [dis-rupt] + dissipate v.(使)驱散;浪费 [dis-si-pate] - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] + engulf v.吞噬 [en-gulf] + eradicate v.根除;扑灭 [e-rad-i-cate] + erase v.擦掉,抹去 [e-rase] + expunge v.删除 [ex-punge] + exterminate v.消灭,灭绝 [ex-ter-mi-nate] - extinct a.绝种的,不存在的 [ex-tinct] - extinction n.熄灭;消灭 [ex-tinc-tion] + extinguish v.使…熄灭;使…不复存在 [ex-tin-guish] - extirpation n.根除,铲除 [ex-tir-pa-tion] + fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] + havoc n.大破坏,混乱 [hav-oc] + incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] - nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] - nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] + overthrow v./n.推翻;终止 [o-ver-throw] + overturn v.翻倒;推翻 [o-ver-turn] + overwhelm v.泛滥;压倒 [o-ver-whelm] - perish v.死,暴卒 [per-ish] + perishing a.严寒的 [per-ish-ing] + pestle n.杵,乳钵槌 [pes-tle] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] + quash v.镇压;取消 [quash] + quell v.制止,镇压 [quell] + quench v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) [quench] + ravage v.摧毁,使荒废 [rav-age] + raze v.彻底破坏 [raze] + sabotage n.阴谋破坏,颠覆活动 [sab-o-tage] + sacrifice n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 [sac-ri-fice] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] + squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] + squelch v.压制,镇压 [squelch] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] + subversive a.颠覆性的,破坏性的 [sub-ver-sive] + subvert v.颠覆,推翻 [sub-vert] + swamp n.沼泽;v.使陷入;淹没 [swamp] - topple v.倾覆,推倒 [top-ple] + trample v.踩坏,践踏 [tram-ple] + vandalism n.(对公物等)恶意破坏 [van-dal-ism] + vandalize v.肆意破坏 [van-dal-ize] + vaporize v.(使)蒸发 [va-por-ize] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** reproduction 163 - generation n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 [gen-er-a-tion] - multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖 [mul-ti-ply] - phoenix n.凤凰,永生或再生的象征 [phoe-nix] + renovate v.修复,装修,翻新 [ren-o-vate] - restore v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 [re-store] + resurgence n.再起,复活,再现 [re-sur-gence] + resurrect v.使复活;复兴 [res-ur-rect] + resuscitate v.使复活,使苏醒 [re-sus-ci-tate] + revitalize v.使重新充满活力 [re-vi-tal-ize] + revive v.使苏醒;再流 [re-vive] ***** producer 164 + architect n.建筑师 [ar-chi-tect] + catalyst n.催化剂;促使事情发展的因素 [cat-a-lyst] + founder v.(船)沉没;(计划)失败 [found-er] + generator n.发电机 [gen-er-a-tor] ***** destroyer 165 + iconoclast n.攻击传统观念或风俗的人 [i-con-o-clast] ***** paternity 166 + ancestor n.祖先,祖宗 [an-ces-tor] - ancestry n.家系 [an-ces-try] - descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] + elm n.榆树 [elm] + eucalyptus n.桉树 [eu-ca-lyp-tus] - genealogy n.家谱学 [ge-ne-al-o-gy] - lineage n.宗系,血统 [lin-e-age] - linear a.线的;成直线的 [lin-e-ar] + maple n.枫树(枫树是加拿大的国树) [ma-ple] + maternal a.母性的 [ma-ter-nal] + pecan n.山核桃 [pe-can] - stem n.(植物的)茎,叶柄;v.阻止,遏制(水流等) [stem] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - trunk n.树干;大衣箱 [trunk] ***** posterity 167 - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] - brood n.一窝幼鸟;v.孵蛋;冥想 [brood] + descendant n.后代,后裔 [de-scend-ant] - frond n.羊齿、棕榈等的叶子 [frond] + heir n.继承人 [heir] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - lineage n.宗系,血统 [lin-e-age] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] - offspring n.儿女,后代 [off-spring] + progeny n.后代,子女 [prog-e-ny] - scion n.嫩芽;子孙 [sci-on] + shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] + spat n.口角,小争论 [spat] + spawn n.(鱼等)卵子;v.大量生产 [spawn] - sprout v.长出,萌芽;n.嫩芽 [sprout] ***** productiveness 168 - conceive v.想像,构想;怀孕 [con-ceive] + fecundity n.多产,富饶;繁殖力,生殖力 [fe-cun-di-ty] + fertile a.多产的;肥沃的 [fer-tile] + fertilize v.受精,受粉;施肥 [fer-ti-lize] - generate v.造成;产生 [gen-er-ate] + luxuriant a.繁茂的;肥沃的 [lux-u-ri-ant] - multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖 [mul-ti-ply] - pollen n.花粉 [pol-len] - pollinate v.给…授粉 [pol-li-nate] - pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - prolific a.多产的,多结果的 [pro-lif-ic] - propagation n.繁殖 [prop-a-ga-tion] ***** unproductiveness 169 + arid a.干旱的;枯燥的 [ar-id] + barren a.不育的;贫瘠的;不结果实的 [bar-ren] + desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] + fallow n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 [fal-low] + sterile a.贫瘠且无植被的;不孕的;无细菌的 [ster-ile] - sterilize v.使不育;杀菌 [ster-i-lize] + unproductive a.徒然的,无成效的 [un-pro-duc-tive] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** agency 170 - efficacious a.有效的 [ef-fi-ca-cious] + interaction n.相互作用(影响) [in-ter-ac-tion] - maintenance n.维持,维护 [main-te-nance] + operative a.(计划等)实施中的;生效的 [op-er-a-tive] + procurement n.获得,接收 [pro-cure-ment] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] + swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] ***** physical energy 171 + acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] + acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] - brisk a.敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的 [brisk] + caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] + corrosive a.腐蚀性的,腐蚀的,蚀坏的 [cor-ro-sive] + drastic a.猛烈的,激烈的 [dras-tic] + exert v.运用(力量等) [ex-ert] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] + fermentation n.发酵 [fer-men-ta-tion] + harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] + incisive a.一针见血的 [in-ci-sive] + inflame v.使燃烧;激怒(某人) [in-flame] - intensify v.加剧 [in-ten-si-fy] + irritation n.愤怒,急躁,刺激 [ir-ri-ta-tion] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] + kinetic a.运动的 [ki-net-ic] + mordant a.讥讽的,尖酸的 [mor-dant] + poignant a.伤心的;尖锐的 [poign-ant] + racy a.活泼的,生动的 [rac-y] + scathing a.苛刻的,严厉的 [scath-ing] - seasoning n.调味品,佐料 [sea-son-ing] + severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - specifics n.细小问题,细节 [specifics] + stir v.刺激 [stir] + strident a.尖声的,刺耳的 [stri-dent] + stringent a.(规定)严格的,苛刻的;缺钱的 [strin-gent] + trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] + virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] + vitriolic a.刻薄的,强烈的 [vit-ri-ol-ic] + vivid a.清晰的,鲜艳的;大胆的,活泼的,逼真的 [viv-id] ***** physical inertness 172 + blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] + damped a.减震的,压低(声音)的 [damped] + dormancy n.休眠状态 [dor-man-cy] + dormant a.冬眠的;静止的 [dor-mant] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] + inert a.惰性的;行动迟钝的 [in-ert] + inertia n.惰性;懒惰 [in-er-tia] - languor n.身心疲惫 [lan-guor] + latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] + latent a.潜伏的 [la-tent] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] + passive a.被动的,缺乏活力的 [pas-sive] - permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] + sloth n.懒惰;树獭(一种动物) [sloth] + stasis n.停滞 [sta-sis] + tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] + torpid a.懒散的,死气沉沉的 [tor-pid] + torpor n.死气沉沉 [tor-por] + torrential a.奔流的,洪流的 [tor-ren-tial] ***** violence 173 - accelerate v.加速;促进 [ac-cel-er-ate] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] - aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] + annoy v.惹恼;打搅,骚扰 [an-noy] - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] + bluster v.(指风)猛刮 [blus-ter] + blustering a.大吵大闹的 [blustering] + boisterous a.喧闹的;猛烈的 [bois-ter-ous] + brusque a.唐突的,鲁莽的 [brusque] - climax n.顶点,高潮 [cli-max] - convulse v.使震动,震惊 [con-vulse] - convulsion n.骚动;痉挛 [con-vul-sion] - debacle n.解冻;崩溃 [de-ba-cle] - desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] + detonation n.爆炸,爆炸声 [det-o-na-tion] + discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] + effervesce v.冒泡;热情洋溢 [ef-fer-vesce] - exacerbate v.加重,恶化 [ex-ac-er-bate] - exasperate v.激怒,使恼怒 [ex-as-per-ate] + explosive n.炸药;a.爆炸性的;使人冲动的 [ex-plo-sive] + feral a.凶猛的,野的 [fe-ral] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] + flare n./v.(火焰)摇曳,闪耀 [flare] + foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] + frantic a.疯狂的,狂乱的 [fran-tic] + fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] + fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] + headlong adj./adv.轻率的(地),迅猛的(地) [head-long] + headstrong a.刚愎自用的 [head-strong] + impetuous a.冲动的,鲁莽的 [im-pet-u-ous] + incite v.激发,刺激 [in-cite] - inflame v.使燃烧;激怒(某人) [in-flame] + infuriate v.使(人)极为愤怒 [in-fu-ri-ate] + irrepressible a.无法约束或阻止的 [ir-re-press-i-ble] + irritate v.激怒;刺激 [ir-ri-tate] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] - lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] + meteoric a.流星的;昙花一现的 [me-te-or-ic] + obstreperous a.吵闹的,难管束的 [ob-strep-er-ous] + outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - pandemonium n.喧嚣,大混乱 [pan-de-mo-ni-um] + paroxysm n.(感情等)突发 [par-ox-ysm] + rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] + rambunctious a.骚乱的;(兴奋)控制不了的 [ram-bunc-tious] + rampage v.狂暴地乱冲;n.暴怒 [ram-page] + rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] - riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] - riotous a.暴乱的;蛮横的 [ri-ot-ous] + savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] - seismic a.地震的 [seis-mic] + squall n.短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴;短暂的骚动 [squall] + tantrum n.发脾气,发怒 [tan-trum] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] + tempest n.暴风雨;骚动 [tem-pest] + torrent n.洪流,急流 [tor-rent] + turbulent a.导致动乱的;骚乱的 [tur-bu-lent] - turmoil n.混乱,骚乱 [tur-moil] - unmitigated a.未缓和的,未减轻的,全然的 [un-mit-i-gat-ed] - uproar n.喧闹,骚动 [up-roar] + uproarious a.骚动的,喧嚣的;令人捧腹的 [up-roar-i-ous] - volley n.齐发,群射;v.齐发,群射;(足球、网球)截击 [vol-ley] ***** moderation 174 + allay v.减轻,缓和 [al-lay] + alleviate v.缓和,减轻 [al-le-vi-ate] + anesthetic n.麻醉剂;a.麻醉的 [an-es-thet-ic] + appease v.使平静,安抚 [ap-pease] + assuage v.缓和,减轻 [as-suage] + balm n.香油,药膏;镇痛剂 [balm] + bland a.(人)情绪平稳的;(食物)无味的 [bland] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] + curb n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 [curb] + damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] + dampen v.(使)潮湿;使沮丧,泼凉水 [damp-en] - deaden v.减低某物的力量或强度 [dead-en] + defuse v.从(爆破装置)中卸除引信;缓和紧张状态或危急局面 [de-fuse] - downplay v.贬低,不予重视 [downplay] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] + gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] + gingerly adj./adv.小心的(地);谨慎的(地) [gin-ger-ly] + halcyon a.平静的;愉快的 [hal-cy-on] + hush v./n.肃静,安静 [hush] + hypnotic a.催眠的;n.催眠药 [hyp-not-ic] + lenient a.宽大的;仁慈的 [le-ni-ent] - lull n.活动的暂停;v.使平静 [lull] + lullaby n.摇篮曲 [lull-a-by] + measured a.精确的;慎重的 [meas-ured] + milk v.榨取 [milk] - mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] + mollify v.安慰,安抚 [mol-li-fy] + pacifist n.和平主义者,反战主义者 [pac-i-fist] + pacify v.使安静,抚慰 [pac-i-fy] + palliative n.缓释剂;a.减轻的,缓和的 [pal-li-a-tive] + piano a.(音乐)轻柔的 [pi-a-no] - quell v.制止,镇压 [quell] + rebate n.折扣,回扣 [re-bate] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] + relent v.动怜悯心;减弱 [re-lent] + sedative a.(药物)镇静的;n.镇静剂 [sed-a-tive] + sheathe v.将(刀,剑等)插入鞘 [sheathe] - slacken v.(使)松弛,放松 [slack-en] + slake v.解渴,消渴 [slake] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] + sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] + sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] + soothe v.抚慰;减轻 [soothe] + subdue v.征服;压制;减轻 [sub-due] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - underplay v.淡化…的重要性;表演(角色)不充分 [un-der-play] *** 4. Indirect Power ***** influence 175 + auspices n.资助,赞助 [aus-pi-ces] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] + dominant a.显性的,优势的 [dom-i-nant] + dominate v.控制,支配 [dom-i-nate] + domination n.控制,支配,管辖 [dom-i-na-tion] + malfunction v.发生故障;n.故障,障碍 [mal-func-tion] + patronage n.赞助,惠顾 [pat-ron-age] + pervade v.弥漫,普及 [per-vade] + predominant a.有势力的 [pre-dom-i-nant] - predominate v.支配,统治;占优势 [pre-dom-i-nate] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] + purchase n.支点(阻止东西下滑) [pur-chase] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] + reign n.统治时期;王朝;领域 [reign] - rife a.流行的,普遍的 [rife] - sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] *** 175.a. Absence Of Influence ***** tendency 176 - aptitude n.适宜;才能,资质 [ap-ti-tude] + bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] + calculated a.蓄意的 [cal-cu-lat-ed] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + conducive a.有助于…的 [con-du-cive] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] + liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] + predisposition n.倾向,癖性 [pre-dis-po-si-tion] + promote v.提升;促进 [pro-mote] + propensity n.嗜好,习性 [pro-pen-si-ty] + subsidiary a.辅助的;次要的 [sub-sid-i-ar-y] - susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] + tend v.照料,看顾 [tend] + trend v./n.趋势,倾向 [trend] ***** liability 177 - apt a.易于…的,恰当的 [apt] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] + exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] + incur v.招惹 [in-cur] - liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] + obnoxious a.令人不愉快的;可憎的 [ob-nox-ious] + subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] *** 5. Combinations of Causes ***** concurrence 178 - coincide v.巧合;一致 [co-in-cide] + collaborate v.合作,协作;通敌 [col-lab-o-rate] - concur v.意见相同,一致 [con-cur] - consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] + conspire v.阴谋,共谋 [con-spire] ***** counteraction 179 - antagonism n.反抗,敌意 [an-tag-o-nism] - antagonize v.使对抗;与…对抗 [an-tag-o-nize] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - clash v.冲突,撞击 [clash] + collision n.碰撞,冲突 [col-li-sion] - conflict v./n.斗争,战斗;冲突,抵触 [con-flict] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] - counteract v.消除,抵消 [coun-ter-act] - cross a.生气的 [cross] + friction n.摩擦;矛盾,冲突 [fric-tion] + hinder v.阻碍,妨碍 [hin-der] + incorrigibility n.无可救药 [in-cor-ri-gi-bil-i-ty] - interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] - neutralize v.使无效;中和 [neu-tral-ize] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] - polarity n.极端性,二极分化 [po-lar-i-ty] - reactionary a.保守的,反动的 [re-ac-tion-ar-y] + stultify v.使变得荒谬可笑;使无用 [stul-ti-fy] + traverse v.横穿过,横跨 [trav-erse] + withstand v.顶住;经受住 [with-stand] * Class II. Words Relating to Space ** Section I. Space in General *** 1. Abstract Space ***** space 180 - ample a.富足的;充足的 [am-ple] + arena n.(角斗的)竞技场 [a-re-na] - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] + dimension n.维度,尺寸 [di-men-sion] + expansive a.(指人)健谈的,开朗的;可扩大的,可伸展的 [ex-pan-sive] - far-reaching a.影响深远的 [far-reach-ing] - infinity n.无限的时间或空间 [in-fin-i-ty] + latitude n.言行自由;纬度 [lat-i-tude] + margin n.页边空白,边缘;差额;余地;利润 [mar-gin] - purchase n.支点(阻止东西下滑) [pur-chase] - scope n.眼界;范围 [scope] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] + tolerance n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 [tol-er-ance] - void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** inextension 180.a ***** region 181 - arena n.(角斗的)竞技场 [a-re-na] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + biosphere n.生命层,生物圈 [bi-o-sphere] + circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] - compartment n.隔间,车厢 [com-part-ment] + court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + district n.地区,行政区,(美国各州的)众议院选区 [dis-trict] + hemisphere n.半球 [hem-i-sphere] - latitude n.言行自由;纬度 [lat-i-tude] - patch n.补丁;一小片(土地) [patch] + plot n.情节;阴谋;策划 [plot] + provincial a.偏狭的,粗俗的 [pro-vin-cial] + realm n.王国;领域,范围 [realm] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] + soil n./v.弄脏,污损 [soil] + zone v.分成区 [zone] ***** place 182 - compartment n.隔间,车厢 [com-part-ment] + locus n.地点,所在地 [lo-cus] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] *** 2. Relative Space ***** situation 183 - aspect n.(问题等的)方面;面貌,外表 [as-pect] + backdrop n.(事情的)背景,背景幕布 [back-drop] + locale n.事件发生的现场、地点 [lo-cale] - locus n.地点,所在地 [lo-cus] + pose v.摆姿势;造作 [pose] - posture n.姿势,体态;态度;v.故作姿态 [pos-ture] - status n.身分,地位 [sta-tus] ***** location 184 + adopt v.收养;采纳 [a-dopt] - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] + colonize v.建立殖民地 [col-o-nize] + colony n.菌群;殖民地 [col-o-ny] + deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] + domesticate v.驯养 [do-mes-ti-cate] + embed v.牢牢插入,嵌于 [em-bed] + freight n.货物;v.装货于(船等) [freight] - graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] + habitat n.自然环境,栖息地 [hab-i-tat] - hive n.蜂房;忙碌之地 [hive] + inhabit v.栖居于,占据 [in-hab-it] + install v.安装,装置;使就职 [in-stall] + instate v.任命,安置 [in-state] - pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] + perch v.(鸟)栖息 [perch] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + shelve v.搁置 [shelve] + squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] - tether v.用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n.(拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围 [teth-er] ***** displacement 185 + dislodge v.逐出,取出 [dis-lodge] - dispel v.驱散,消除 [dis-pel] - displace v.换置;使某人某物离开原位 [dis-place] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] + transfer v.转移,传递;调任,转让 [trans-fer] *** 3. Existence in Space ***** presence 186 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] + bystander n.旁观者 [by-stand-er] + cohabit v.共栖 [co-hab-it] - frequent v.时常来访;a.惯常的 [fre-quent] + haunt v.常去;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头;n.常去的地方 [haunt] - inhabit v.栖居于,占据 [in-hab-it] + occupation n.工作,职业;占领 [oc-cu-pa-tion] + omnipresent a.无处不在的 [om-ni-pres-ent] - perch v.(鸟)栖息 [perch] + permeate v.扩散;渗透 [per-me-ate] - pervade v.弥漫,普及 [per-vade] - populous a.人口稠密的 [pop-u-lous] + reside v.居住 [re-side] + resident n.居民;a.定居的,常驻的 [res-i-dent] - resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] + tenant n.房客 [ten-ant] + ubiquitous a.无所不在的 [u-biq-ui-tous] ***** absence 187 + absenteeism n.旷课,旷工 [ab-sen-tee-ism] + alibi n.某人当时不在犯罪现场的申辩或证明 [al-i-bi] - barren a.不育的;贫瘠的;不结果实的 [bar-ren] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] + deserted a.荒芜的,无人的 [de-sert-ed] + devoid a.空的,缺少的 [de-void] + hiatus n.空隙,裂缝 [hi-a-tus] - sterile a.贫瘠且无植被的;不孕的;无细菌的 [ster-ile] + truancy n.逃学,旷课 [tru-an-cy] - vacuous a.发呆的,愚笨的 [vac-u-ous] - void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] - withdraw v.撤退,收回;隐居 [with-draw] ***** inhabitant 188 - colony n.菌群;殖民地 [col-o-ny] + compatriot n.同胞,同国人 [com-pa-tri-ot] + denizen n.居民;外籍居民 [den-i-zen] + incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] - indigenous a.土产的,本地的 [in-dig-e-nous] - inhabit v.栖居于,占据 [in-hab-it] + inhabitant n.居民;栖息的动物 [in-hab-it-ant] - natal a.出生的,诞生时的 [na-tal] - resident n.居民;a.定居的,常驻的 [res-i-dent] + scotch v.镇压,粉碎 [scotch] - tenant n.房客 [ten-ant] + vernacular n.本国语,地方语 [ver-nac-u-lar] ***** abode 189 + address v.处理,对付,着手解决;致词 [ad-dress] + aviary n.大鸟笼,鸟舍 [a-vi-ar-y] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] + barn n.谷仓,牲口棚 [barn] - biosphere n.生命层,生物圈 [bi-o-sphere] + cloister n.修道院 [clois-ter] - cohabit v.共栖 [co-hab-it] - colonnade n.柱廊 [col-on-nade] + coop n.(鸡)笼,栏 [co-op] + cosmopolitan n.世界主义者,四海为家的人 [cos-mo-pol-i-tan] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + covert a.秘密的,隐密的 [cov-ert] + den n.兽穴,窝 [den] + domicile n.住处,住所 [dom-i-cile] + dwelling n.住处 [dwell-ing] + enclosure n.圈地,围占 [en-clo-sure] + folly n.愚蠢;愚蠢的行为,思想或做法 [fol-ly] - foyer n.门厅,休息室 [foy-er] + grove n.小树林,树丛 [grove] - habitat n.自然环境,栖息地 [hab-i-tat] + harbor n.港,避难所;v.包庇,隐匿 [har-bor] - haunt v.常去;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头;n.常去的地方 [haunt] - hive n.蜂房;忙碌之地 [hive] + hovel n.茅舍;肮脏的小屋 [hov-el] - inhabit v.栖居于,占据 [in-hab-it] + kennel n.狗舍,狗窝 [ken-nel] + lair n.野兽的巢穴;躲藏处 [lair] + lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] + mansion n.公馆;大厦 [man-sion] + metropolis n.大城市 [me-trop-o-lis] + metropolitan a.大都市的,首都的 [met-ro-pol-i-tan] + palatial a.宫殿般的;宏伟的 [pa-la-tial] + pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] - perch v.(鸟)栖息 [perch] - provincial a.偏狭的,粗俗的 [pro-vin-cial] + purlieu n.(常作复数)邻近地区 [pur-lieu] + quay n.码头 [quay] - resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] + rural a.乡村的 [ru-ral] + rustic a.乡村的,乡土气的 [rus-tic] - shed v.流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子) [shed] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] + stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] + terrace n.一层梯田;阳台 [ter-race] + throne n.宝座;王位 [throne] ***** contents 190 - bale n.大包裹;灾祸,不幸 [bale] - cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物 [car-go] - freight n.货物;v.装货于(船等) [freight] ***** receptacle 191 + alcove n.凹室 [al-cove] + attic n.阁楼,顶楼 [at-tic] + bail n.保释金 [bail] + bin n.大箱子 [bin] + bucket >n.圆桶 [buck-et] - budget n.预算 [budg-et] + butt v.用头抵撞,顶撞;n.粗大的一端;烟蒂 [butt] + cabinet n.橱柜;内阁 [cab-i-net] - caldron n.(煮汤用的)大锅 [cal-dron] + capsule n.荚;胶囊 [cap-sule] + carafe n.玻璃瓶 [ca-rafe] + cellar n.地下室;酒窖 [cel-lar] + chalice n.大酒杯;圣餐杯 [chal-ice] + cistern n.贮水池 [cis-tern] + closet n.壁橱;a.秘密的 [clos-et] - compartment n.隔间,车厢 [com-part-ment] + conservatory n.温室;音乐学院 [con-serv-a-to-ry] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + crate n.篓,板条箱 [crate] + cubicle n.大房间中隔出的小室 [cu-bi-cle] - den n.兽穴,窝 [den] + ewer n.大口水罐 [ew-er] + flask n.烧瓶,细颈瓶 [flask] + flatcar n.平台型铁路货车 [flat-car] + folder n.文件夹,纸夹 [fold-er] + four-poster n.有四柱的床 [four-post-er] + goblet n.高脚酒杯 [gob-let] + greenhouse n.花房,温室 [green-house] + grotto n.洞穴 [grot-to] + hamper v.妨碍,阻挠;n.有盖提篮 [ham-per] + hangar n.飞机库 [hang-ar] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + horn n.角,角质;喇叭 [horn] + imperial a.帝王的,至尊的 [im-pe-ri-al] - jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] - knit v.编织 [knit] + lobby n.大厅,休息厅 [lob-by] + lounge v.懒散地斜靠;n.休息室 [lounge] + marsupial n./a.有袋动物(的) [mar-su-pi-al] + pan v.严厉批评 [pa-n] + pantry n.食品室 [pan-try] + pitcher n.有柄水罐 [pitch-er] + pod n.豆荚;v.剥掉(豆荚) [pod] + poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] + portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] - press v.挤压 [press] + quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] + receptacle n.容器 [re-cep-ta-cle] + recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] + recipient n.接受者,收受者 [re-cip-i-ent] + refectory n.(学院)餐厅,食堂 [re-fec-to-ry] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] + scabbard n.(刀剑)鞘 [scab-bard] + sheath n.(刀、剑)鞘、套 [sheath] + skillet n.煎锅 [skil-let] + spatula n.(调拌等用的)抹刀 [spat-u-la] - stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] + stomach v.吃得下;容忍 [stom-ach] + syringe n.注射器 [sy-ringe] - terrace n.一层梯田;阳台 [ter-race] + trowel 泥刀,小铲子 [trow-el] - trunk n.树干;大衣箱 [trunk] + vascular a.血管的,脉管的 [vas-cu-lar] + vault n.拱顶;地窖 [vault] + vessel n.血管;容器;船只 [ves-sel] ** Section II. Dimensions *** 1. General Dimensions ***** size 192 - ample a.富足的;充足的 [am-ple] - amplitude n.广大,广阔 [am-pli-tude] + astronomical a.庞大的 [as-tro-nom-i-cal] - bulk n.体积;数量;大多数;大身躯 [bulk] + colossal a.巨大的,庞大的 [co-los-sal] + colossus n.巨人;巨型雕像 [co-los-sus] - comprehensive a.全面的,综合的 [com-pre-hen-sive] - considerable a.相当多的;值得考虑的 [con-sid-er-a-ble] - cord n.考得(木材堆的体积单位,等于128立方英尺,3.6246立方米);绳索 [cord] - dimension n.维度,尺寸 [di-men-sion] + elephantine a.笨拙的,庞大的 [el-e-phan-tine] - enormity n.极恶;暴行;巨大 [e-nor-mi-ty] - enormous a.极大的,巨大的 [e-nor-mous] - full-bodied a.(味道等)浓郁而强烈的 [full-bod-ied] - gargantuan a.巨大的,庞大的 [gar-gan-tu-an] - immense a.极大的;无限的 [im-mense] - immensity n.巨大之物;无限 [im-men-si-ty] + loaf n.一条(面包);v.虚度光阴 [loaf] - lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] + magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的;高尚的 [mag-nif-i-cent] - magnitude n.重要;星球的光亮度 [mag-ni-tude] + mammoth a.巨大的 [mam-moth] + massive a.巨大的,厚重的 [mas-sive] - mighty a.强有力的,强大的 [might-y] + monumental a.极大的;纪念碑的 [mon-u-men-tal] + nova n.新星 [no-va] + obese a.极肥胖的 [o-bese] + paunchy a.大肚子的 [paunch-y] + plankton n.浮游生物 [plank-ton] - prodigious a.巨大的 [pro-di-gious] - stalwart a.健壮的,坚定的 [stal-wart] - stout a.肥胖的;强壮的 [stout] + supernova n.超新星 [su-per-no-va] + titanic a.巨人的,力大无比的 [ti-tan-ic] + unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 [un-wield-y] + voluminous a.长篇的;多产的 [vo-lu-mi-nous] ***** littleness 193 + bacteria n.细菌,培养基 [bac-te-ri-a] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] + dapper a.整洁漂亮的;动作敏捷的 [dap-per] - dwarf n.侏儒;矮小的植物;v.使变矮小 [dwarf] + epitome n.典型;梗概 [e-pit-o-me] - evanescent a.迅速消失的,短暂的 [ev-a-nes-cent] - fragment n.碎片;分裂 [frag-ment] + impalpable a.无法触及的;不易理解的 [im-pal-pa-ble] - inappreciable a.微不足道的 [in-ap-pre-ci-a-ble] - infinitesimal a.极微小的;n.极小量 [in-fin-i-tes-i-mal] + intangible a.不可触摸的 [in-tan-gi-ble] - limited a.有限的 [lim-it-ed] + microbe n.微生物 [mi-crobe] - microorganism n.微生物,细菌 [mi-cro-or-gan-ism] + microscope n.显微镜 [mi-cro-scope] - microscopic a.极小的;显微镜的 [mi-cro-scop-ic] + miniature n.小画像;缩影 [min-i-a-ture] + minnow n.鲦鱼,小淡水鱼 [min-now] - minutia n.细枝末节,细节 [mi-nu-ti-a] - mite n.极小量;小虫 [mite] - petty a.琐碎的;小心眼的 [pet-ty] + puny a.弱小的,发育不良的 [pu-ny] + rudimentary a.初步的,未充分发展的 [ru-di-men-ta-ry] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - scant a.不足的,缺乏的 [scant] - squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] - trivial a.琐细的 [triv-i-al] + vestigial a.退化的 [ves-tig-i-al] ***** expansion 194 - accretion n.自然的增加;增加物 [ac-cre-tion] - aggrandize v.增大,扩张;吹棒 [ag-gran-dize] + amplify v.放大;详述 [am-pli-fy] - bud n.芽;花蕾 [bud] + bulb n.植物的球茎;灯泡 [bulb] - burgeon v.迅速成长,发展 [bur-geon] - cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] - dilate v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 [di-late] + distend v.(使)膨胀,胀大 [dis-tend] + distension n.膨胀 [dis-ten-sion] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] + expand v.扩大,膨胀 [ex-pand] - expansive a.(指人)健谈的,开朗的;可扩大的,可伸展的 [ex-pan-sive] + extend v.延展,延长 [ex-tend] + fatten v.使长肥;使土壤肥沃;装满 [fat-ten] + germinate v.发芽;发展 [ger-mi-nate] - hike v.高涨,上升;n.徒步旅行 [hike] - increment n.增值,增加 [in-cre-ment] + inflate v.使充气,使膨胀 [in-flate] - magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] + mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - maximize v.使增至最大限度 [max-i-mize] - obese a.极肥胖的 [o-bese] - paunchy a.大肚子的 [paunch-y] + rarefaction n.稀薄 [rar-e-fac-tion] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] + sprawling a.植物蔓生的,(城市)无计划地扩展的 [sprawling] - sprout v.长出,萌芽;n.嫩芽 [sprout] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - surpass v.超过 [sur-pass] + swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] + turgid a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 [tur-gid] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** contraction 195 - abrade v.磨损,磨小 [a-brade] + astringent a.止血的,收缩的;n.收缩剂,止血剂 [as-trin-gent] + atrophy n.萎缩,衰退 [at-ro-phy] - attenuate v.变薄 [at-ten-u-ate] - chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] + circumscribe v.限制 [cir-cum-scribe] - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] + compendium n.简要,概略 [com-pen-di-um] + compress v.压缩,浓缩 [com-press] + condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] + constrict v.压缩,收缩 [con-strict] + contract n.合同;v.订合同;收缩 [con-tract] + corrugate v.(使)起波浪形,起皱纹 [cor-ru-gate] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] - deflated a.灰心丧气的 [de-flat-ed] - diminution n.减少,缩减 [dim-i-nu-tion] - dwarf n.侏儒;矮小的植物;v.使变矮小 [dwarf] + dwindle v.变小 [dwin-dle] - ebb v.退潮;衰退 [ebb] + emaciate v.使…瘦弱;消瘦 [e-ma-ci-ate] + emaciation n.消瘦,衰弱 [e-ma-ci-a-tion] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] + holster n.手枪皮套 [hol-ster] - pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] - pare v.削;修剪;削减,缩减 [pare] - pestle n.杵,乳钵槌 [pes-tle] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] + restrain v.克制,抑制 [re-strain] + shear v.剪(羊毛),剪发 [shear] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] + squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] - wane v.减少,衰微 [wane] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] + wither v.枯萎,凋零 [with-er] + wizened a.干皱的,干巴巴的 [wiz-ened] ***** distance 196 + aloof a.冷淡的,疏远的 [a-loof] - asunder a./adv.分离的;化为碎片 [a-sun-der] + distant a.疏远的,冷淡的 [dis-tant] - extend v.延展,延长 [ex-tend] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] + stride v.大步行走 [stride] ***** nearness 197 + adjacent a.接近的,毗连的 [ad-ja-cent] - approach v.接近,靠近;着手处理;n.方法 [ap-proach] - approximate a.大约的,估计的 [ap-prox-i-mate] - brink n.(峭壁的)边沿,边缘 [brink] - bystander n.旁观者 [by-stand-er] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] + contiguous a.接壤的,接近的 [con-tig-u-ous] + converge v.会聚,集中于一点 [con-verge] + earshot n.听力所及范围 [ear-shot] + intimate a.亲密的;n.密友;v.暗示 [in-ti-mate] - proximate a.最接近的,直接的 [prox-i-mate] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] + vicinity n.附近,接近 [vi-cin-i-ty] ***** interval 198 + abnegate v.否认,放弃 [ab-ne-gate] - breach n.裂缝,缺口;v.打破,裂开;违背 [breach] + canon n.经典,真作 [ca-non] - canyon n.峡谷 [can-yon] + chasm n.深渊,大沟;大差别 [chasm] - cleft n.裂缝;a.劈开的 [cleft] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] + creek n.小湾,小溪 [creek] + defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] - fissure n.裂缝,裂隙 [fis-sure] - flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] + furrow n.犁沟;皱纹 [fur-row] + gape v.裂开;目瞪口呆地凝视 [gape] - gash n.深长的伤口,裂缝 [gash] + gorge n.峡谷 [gorge] + gully n.雨水冲成的沟壑 [gul-ly] - hiatus n.空隙,裂缝 [hi-a-tus] - interim n.中间时期,过渡时期;a.暂时的 [in-ter-im] - interregnum n.无王时期 [in-ter-reg-num] + leak v.泄漏;n.泄漏;漏出量,漏洞 [leak] + mesh v.用网捕捉;齿合 [mesh] + ravine n.深谷,峡谷 [ra-vine] - rent n.裂缝;(意见)分歧 [rent] - rift n.裂口,断裂;矛盾 [rift] - riven a.撕裂的,分裂的 [riv-en] + strait n.海峡;a.狭窄的 [strait] - void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] ***** contiguity 199 + abut v.接界,毗连 [a-but] - adhere v.粘着 [ad-here] - coincide v.巧合;一致 [co-in-cide] + contact n./v.接触;互通信息 [con-tact] - contiguous a.接壤的,接近的 [con-tig-u-ous] + graze v.(动物)吃(地上长的)草;放牧 [graze] + juxtapose v.并排,并置 [jux-ta-pose] - meet a.合适的 [meet] + tangential a.切线的;离题的 [tan-gen-tial] *** 2. Linear Dimensions ***** length 200 - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] + cartographer n.绘制地图者 [car-tog-ra-pher] - distend v.(使)膨胀,胀大 [dis-tend] + drawl v./n.慢吞吞地说话(态度) [drawl] + elongate v.延长,伸长 [e-lon-gate] - extend v.延展,延长 [ex-tend] + fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] - inch v.慢慢前进,慢慢移动 [inch] - interminable a.无尽头的 [in-ter-mi-na-ble] - linear a.线的;成直线的 [lin-e-ar] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - prolong v.延长,拉长 [pro-long] - protract v.延长,拖长 [pro-tract] + radius n.半径 [ra-di-us] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] - spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] + spoke n.(车轮上)辐条 [spoke] + streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - tauten v.拉紧,绷紧 [taut-en] - tension n.紧张,焦虑;张力 [ten-sion] ***** shortness 201 + abbreviate v.缩短;缩写 [ab-bre-vi-ate] - abridge v.删减;缩短 [a-bridge] + clip n.夹子,别针;v.修剪 [clip] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] - compress v.压缩,浓缩 [com-press] + concise a.简洁的 [con-cise] + curt a.(言词、行为)简略而草率的 [curt] - curtail v.削减,缩短 [cur-tail] + ellipsis n.省略 [el-lip-sis] - epitome n.典型;梗概 [e-pit-o-me] + epitomize v.概括,摘要 [e-pit-o-mize] - hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] - hew v.砍伐;遵守 [hew] - hydrate n.水化物;v.水化 [hy-drate] - nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] - prune n.梅干;v.修剪 [prune] + reap v.收割,收获 [reap] - retrench v.节省,紧缩费用 [re-trench] - shear v.剪(羊毛),剪发 [shear] + snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] + stocky a.矮胖的,粗壮的 [stock-y] + stunt v.阻碍(成长);n.特技,绝技 [stunt] - summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] + truncate v.把(某物)截短,去尾 [trun-cate] ***** breadth, thickness 202 - ample a.富足的;充足的 [am-ple] - amplitude n.广大,广阔 [am-pli-tude] + bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] + breadth n.宽度 [breadth] + calibrate v.量…口径;校准 [cal-i-brate] + diameter n.直径 [di-am-e-ter] - expand v.扩大,膨胀 [ex-pand] - latitude n.言行自由;纬度 [lat-i-tude] - radius n.半径 [ra-di-us] - squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] ***** narrowness, thinness 203 - contract n.合同;v.订合同;收缩 [con-tract] + delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - emaciation n.消瘦,衰弱 [e-ma-ci-a-tion] + gossamer n.蛛丝;薄纱;a.轻而薄的 [gos-sa-mer] - isthmus n.地峡 [isth-mus] + lank a.瘦削的;长而软的 [lank] - meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] - ravine n.深谷,峡谷 [ra-vine] + ridge n.脊(如屋脊,山脊等);隆起物 [ridge] - scant a.不足的,缺乏的 [scant] + skeleton n.骨架,骨骼;提纲 [skel-e-ton] + spindly a.细长的,纤弱的 [spin-dly] - streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] + stricture n.严厉谴责;束缚 [stric-ture] + strip v.剥去;n.狭长的一片 [strip] + svelte a.(女人)体态苗条的 [svelte] + taper n.细蜡烛;v.(长形物体的)逐渐变细 [ta-per] + willowy a.苗条的 [wil-low-y] ***** layer 204 - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - foil n.钝剑;箔,锡箔纸 [foil] + membrane n.薄膜;细胞膜 [mem-brane] - pare v.削;修剪;削减,缩减 [pare] + patina n.绿锈;光亮的外表 [pat-i-na] + peel v.削去…的皮;剥落;n.外皮 [peel] - petal n.花瓣 [pet-al] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] + slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] - slice v.切成片;n.薄片 [slice] + stratify v.(使)层化 [strat-i-fy] + stratum n.地层;社会阶层 [stra-tum] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] + veneer n.(镶于劣质东西上的)镶面板;外表 [ve-neer] - zone v.分成区 [zone] ***** filament 205 - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] + capillary n.毛细血管 [ca-pil-lar-y] - cord n.考得(木材堆的体积单位,等于128立方英尺,3.6246立方米);绳索 [cord] + flax n.亚麻 [flax] - gossamer n.蛛丝;薄纱;a.轻而薄的 [gos-sa-mer] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] + strand n.绳线的一股;v.搁浅 [strand] - strip v.剥去;n.狭长的一片 [strip] - thread n.螺纹 [thread] + yarn n.纱线 [yarn] ***** height 206 + aerial a.空中的,空气中的 [aer-i-al] + aloft adv.在空中,在头顶上 [a-loft] - aloof a.冷淡的,疏远的 [a-loof] + apogee n.远地点 [ap-o-gee] + cape n.披肩,短斗篷;海角 [cape] - colossus n.巨人;巨型雕像 [co-los-sus] + dome n.圆顶屋 [dome] + down n.绒毛;汗毛 [down] + dune n.沙丘 [dune] + eminence n.卓越,杰出 [em-i-nence] + eminent a.著名的,显著的 [em-i-nent] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] + hover v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 [hov-er] - incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] + lofty a.崇高的,高尚的 [loft-y] + mast n.船桅,旗杆 [mast] + minaret n.清真寺的尖塔 [min-a-ret] + mountainous a.多山的;巨大的 [moun-tain-ous] + peak v.憔悴,消瘦 [peak] - perch v.(鸟)栖息 [perch] - pillar n.柱子 [pil-lar] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] + prominent a.显著的;著名的 [prom-i-nent] + pylon n.高压电线架;桥塔 [py-lon] - ridge n.脊(如屋脊,山脊等);隆起物 [ridge] + skyscraper n.摩天大楼 [sky-scrap-er] - soar v.高飞,翱翔;猛增 [soar] + spire n.(教堂)尖顶 [spire] + stature n.身高,身材 [stat-ure] + surmount v.克服,战胜 [sur-mount] + turret n.塔楼,角塔 [tur-ret] + vantage n.优势,有利地位 [van-tage] ***** lowness 207 - cellar n.地下室;酒窖 [cel-lar] + crouch v.蹲伏,弯腰 [crouch] + depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] + grovel v.摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 [grov-el] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - low v.牛叫 [low] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] + slouch n.没精打采的样子;v.没精打采地坐(站、走) [slouch] - squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] ***** depth 208 + abysmal a.极深的;糟透的 [a-bys-mal] + crater n.火山口;弹坑 [cra-ter] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] + plumb adv.精确地;v.深入了解;测水深 [plumb] + plummet v.垂直或突然坠下 [plum-met] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] + probe v.探索,探测 [probe] - profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] + saboteur n.从事破坏活动者 [sab-o-teur] + subterranean a.地下的 [sub-ter-ra-ne-an] ***** shallowness 209 - shoal n.浅滩,浅水处;一群(鱼等);a.水浅的 [shoal] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 [su-per-fi-cial] ***** summit 210 + Antarctic a.南极的 [Ant-arc-tic] + acme n.顶点,极点 [ac-me] + apex n.顶点,最高点 [a-pex] - apogee n.远地点 [ap-o-gee] - climax n.顶点,高潮 [cli-max] + crest n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 [crest] + crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - culmination n.顶点;结果 [cul-mi-na-tion] + frieze n.(在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)横条,饰带 [frieze] - nib n.钢笔尖 [nib] - peak v.憔悴,消瘦 [peak] + pinnacle n.尖塔;山峰,顶峰 [pin-na-cle] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] + polar a.地极的,两极的;磁极的 [po-lar] - supreme a.至高的;极度的 [su-preme] + vertex n.(三角形等)顶角;顶点 [ver-tex] + zenith n.天顶;极点 [ze-nith] ***** base 211 - base a.卑鄙的 [base] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - fundamental a.最根本的,基本的;十分重要的 [fun-da-men-tal] + grounded a.有理由的;adv.地面上 [grounded] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + hoof n.(牛马的)蹄 [hoof] + nadir n.最低点 [na-dir] + plinth n.柱脚,底座 [plinth] ***** verticality 212 - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - erect a.竖立的,笔直的,直立的 [e-rect] + perpendicular a.垂直的 [per-pen-dic-u-lar] - plumb adv.精确地;v.深入了解;测水深 [plumb] - plummet v.垂直或突然坠下 [plum-met] + precipice n.悬崖 [prec-i-pice] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] + upright a.垂直的;正直的 [up-right] + vertical a.垂直的 [ver-ti-cal] ***** horizontality 213 - even a.平的 [e-ven] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] + flatten v.变平;彻底打败某人 [flat-ten] + horizontal a.水平的 [hor-i-zon-tal] + loll v.懒洋洋地坐或卧 [loll] + mesa n.高台地,平顶山 [me-sa] + plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] + plane n.刨子;平面;v.刨 [plane] + plateau n.高原;平稳的状态 [pla-teau] + prone a.俯卧的;倾向于…的 [prone] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] + recumbent a.侧卧的;休息的 [re-cum-bent] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] - sprawling a.植物蔓生的,(城市)无计划地扩展的 [sprawling] - stratum n.地层;社会阶层 [stra-tum] + supine a.仰卧的;懒散的 [su-pine] - terrace n.一层梯田;阳台 [ter-race] ***** pendency 214 - fasten v.使…固定(to fix sth. firmly) [fas-ten] - pendulum n.摆,钟摆 [pen-du-lum] - skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] - suspend v.暂缓,中止;吊,悬 [sus-pend] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] + talon n.猛禽的锐爪 [tal-on] ***** support 215 - abut v.接界,毗连 [a-but] + anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] + axis n.轴(常为虚构之线,如地球轴) [ax-is] + axle n.轮轴(连接两个车轮的轴) [ax-le] - bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] + banister n.(楼梯的)栏杆 [ban-is-ter] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] + baton n.指挥棒(指挥家用);警棍 [ba-ton] + beam n.(房屋等)大梁;光线 [beam] - bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] + bench n.法官席;长凳 [bench] + bolster n.枕垫;v.支持,鼓励 [bol-ster] + boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] - bracket n.托架,支架 [brack-et] + buttress n.拱墙,拱壁;v.支持 [but-tress] + console v.安慰,抚慰 [con-sole] + crutch n.拐杖;v.支撑 [crutch] + cushion n.坐垫;v.缓冲 [cush-ion] + easel n.黑板,画架 [ea-sel] - embed v.牢牢插入,嵌于 [em-bed] + flange n.(火车车轮的)凸缘,轮缘 [flange] + foodstuff n.食料,食品 [food-stuff] - four-poster n.有四柱的床 [four-post-er] - fulcrum n.杠杆支点,支柱 [ful-crum] - fundamental a.最根本的,基本的;十分重要的 [fun-da-men-tal] - girder n.大梁 [gird-er] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - horn n.角,角质;喇叭 [horn] + jamb n.门窗的侧柱 [jamb] - lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] - loll v.懒洋洋地坐或卧 [loll] - mast n.船桅,旗杆 [mast] + mattress n.床垫 [mat-tress] + pedestal n.(柱石或雕像的)基座 [ped-es-tal] - perch v.(鸟)栖息 [perch] - pillar n.柱子 [pil-lar] - plinth n.柱脚,底座 [plinth] + podium n.讲坛,指挥台 [po-di-um] - prop n.支撑物,靠山;v.支持 [prop] + rafter n.椽子 [raft-er] + repose n./v.躺着休息,安睡 [re-pose] + rib n.肋骨;伞骨 [rib] + rung n.梯子横挡,梯级 [rung] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] + scaffold n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子) [scaf-fold] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + shoulder n.肩;路肩 [shoul-der] + sill n.门槛;窗台 [sill] - skeleton n.骨架,骨骼;提纲 [skel-e-ton] - slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] + splint n.(固定断骨的)夹板,托板 [splint] - stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] - throne n.宝座;王位 [throne] - tripod n.画架,三脚架 [tri-pod] - truss n.桁架,支架;干草的一捆 [truss] + undergird v.加强 [un-der-gird] - uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] - upright a.垂直的;正直的 [up-right] ***** parallelism 216 - parallel a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 [par-al-lel] - parallelism n.平行,类似 [par-al-lel-ism] ***** perpendicularity 216.a - perpendicular a.垂直的 [per-pen-dic-u-lar] ***** obliquity 217 - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] + intersect v.横截,横断 [in-ter-sect] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] + lurch n.突然向前或旁边倒;v.蹒跚而行 [lurch] - slant v.倾斜;n.斜面;看法 [slant] + tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] ***** inversion 218 - inverse a.相反的;倒转的 [in-verse] - invert v.上下倒置 [in-vert] - overturn v.翻倒;推翻 [o-ver-turn] + pirouette n./v.(舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋转 [pir-ou-ette] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] - subvert v.颠覆,推翻 [sub-vert] - supine a.仰卧的;懒散的 [su-pine] - transpose v.变换位置,调换 [trans-pose] ***** crossing 219 - braid n.穗子;发辫;v.编成辫子 [braid] - cross a.生气的 [cross] + crucial a.决定性的 [cru-cial] - entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] + filigree n.金银丝做的工艺品 [fil-i-gree] + grating a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 [grat-ing] - intersect v.横截,横断 [in-ter-sect] - intertwine v.纠缠,缠,绕 [in-ter-twine] - lace n.鞋带,系带;网眼花边,透孔织品 [lace] + lattice n.(做篱笆或爬藤架等的)格子架 [lat-tice] + linen n.亚麻织品,亚麻布 [lin-en] - mesh v.用网捕捉;齿合 [mesh] - needlework n.缝纫,刺绣 [nee-dle-work] + plait n.发辫;v.编成辫 [plait] - ravel v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 [rav-el] - splice v.接合,衔接 [splice] - tangle v.缠结;n.纷乱 [tan-gle] + thwart v.阻挠,使…受挫 [thwart] - tissue n.细胞组织;薄纸,棉纸 [tis-sue] *** 3. Centrical Dimensions *** 1. General. ***** exteriority 220 - eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] + facet n.(宝石等的)小平面;侧面 [fac-et] + peripheral a.不重要的,外围的 [pe-riph-er-al] + spatial a.有关空间的,在空间的 [spa-tial] - superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 [su-per-fi-cial] ***** interiority 221 - endemic a.地方性的 [en-dem-ic] + intern v.拘禁,软禁;n.实习生 [in-tern] - lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] - pith n.精髓,要点 [pith] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - vernacular n.本国语,地方语 [ver-nac-u-lar] ***** centrality 222 - centralization n.集中;集权化 [cen-tral-i-za-tion] - concentrate v.集中,浓缩 [con-cen-trate] - converge v.会聚,集中于一点 [con-verge] - core n.果心;核心);v.去掉某物的中心部分 [core] - fixate v.使固定,使不变;注视,凝视 [fix-ate] + kernel n.果仁;核心 [ker-nel] - nucleus n.(原子)核 [nu-cle-us] - pith n.精髓,要点 [pith] - symmetry n.对称;均衡 [sym-me-try] ***** covering 223 + awning n.遮阳蓬,雨蓬 [awn-ing] - bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] + bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] + canopy n.蚊帐,华盖 [can-o-py] - capsule n.荚;胶囊 [cap-sule] + conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒 [con-ceal] + crust n.硬的表面;(一片)面包片;地壳 [crust] + cuticle n.表皮 [cu-ti-cle] + enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 [e-nam-el] + epidermis n.表皮,外皮 [ep-i-der-mis] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] + galvanize v.电镀;通电;激励 [gal-va-nize] + gild v.镀金;虚饰 [gild] + hide n.兽皮 [hide] + husk n.外壳;皮,荚 [husk] + ironclad a.装铁甲的;坚固的 [i-ron-clad] + linoleum n.油毡 [li-no-le-um] + lint n.绷带用麻布,皮棉 [lint] + mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] + ointment n.油膏,软膏 [oint-ment] + otter n.水獭 [ot-ter] + parka n.派克大衣(毛皮风雪大衣) [par-ka] - patina n.绿锈;光亮的外表 [pat-i-na] - peel v.削去…的皮;剥落;n.外皮 [peel] - plaster n.灰泥,石膏;v.抹灰泥 [plas-ter] - pod n.豆荚;v.剥掉(豆荚) [pod] + rind n.(西瓜等)外皮 [rind] + robe n.长袍,礼服 [robe] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - sheath n.(刀、剑)鞘、套 [sheath] - shed v.流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子) [shed] + shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] + shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] + shuck n.(植物的)壳,夹;无用之物 [shuck] + superimpose v.加在上面 [su-per-im-pose] + tarpaulin n.防水油布 [tar-pau-lin] + thatch v.以茅草覆盖;n.茅草屋顶,茅草 [thatch] - tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] - tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] + varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] + veil n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 [veil] - veneer n.(镶于劣质东西上的)镶面板;外表 [ve-neer] ***** lining 224 + padding n.衬垫,填料 [pad-ding] ***** clothing 225 + apparel n.(精致的)衣服 [ap-par-el] + apron n.围裙 [a-pron] - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] + bonnet n.圆帽,扁平软帽 [bon-net] - cape n.披肩,短斗篷;海角 [cape] + cardinal a.最重要的;n.红衣主教 [car-di-nal] + clog n.障碍; v.阻塞 [clog] + cobbler n.补鞋匠 [cob-bler] + collar n.衣领;戴在动物颈部的项圈 [col-lar] + costume n.服装;剧装 [cos-tume] + cravat n.领巾,领结 [cra-vat] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] + encapsulate v.装入胶囊;压缩 [en-cap-su-late] + garment n.衣服 [gar-ment] - gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] - guise n.外观,装束 [guise] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] + helmet n.头盔,钢盔 [hel-met] - lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] - linen n.亚麻织品,亚麻布 [lin-en] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] + masquerade n.化装舞会;v.伪装 [mas-quer-ade] + mitten n.(四指套在一起拇指分开的)连指手套 [mit-ten] + muffler n.消音器;围巾 [muf-fler] + overlap v.(部分地)重叠 [o-ver-lap] + pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - parka n.派克大衣(毛皮风雪大衣) [par-ka] + poncho n.斗篷;雨衣 [pon-cho] + rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] - robe n.长袍,礼服 [robe] + sandal n.凉鞋,拖鞋 [san-dal] + sartorial a.裁缝的,缝制的 [sar-to-ri-al] + scarf n.围巾,披肩 [scarf] - sheath n.(刀、剑)鞘、套 [sheath] - skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] - snip v.剪断 [snip] + sock v.重击,痛打 [sock] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] - veil n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 [veil] + vestment n.(作礼拜时教士的)法衣,官服 [vest-ment] + wardrobe n.衣橱;全部服装 [ward-robe] ***** divestment 226 - bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] - callow a.(鸟)未生羽毛的;(人)未成熟的 [cal-low] + denude v.脱去;剥蚀;剥夺 [de-nude] - dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] + divest v.卸下盛装;剥夺 [di-vest] + doff v.脱掉 [doff] + excoriate v.撕去皮;严厉批评 [ex-co-ri-ate] + molt v.换羽,脱毛;n.换羽(期),脱毛(期) [molt] - pare v.削;修剪;削减,缩减 [pare] - peel v.削去…的皮;剥落;n.外皮 [peel] + ragged a.破烂的 [rag-ged] + shopworn a.在商店中陈列旧了的 [shop-worn] - shuck n.(植物的)壳,夹;无用之物 [shuck] - strip v.剥去;n.狭长的一片 [strip] + threadbare a.磨破的,陈腐的 [thread-bare] ***** circumjacence 227 + beset v.镶嵌;困扰 [be-set] + circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] + encompass v.包围,围绕 [en-com-pass] + environ v.包围,围绕 [en-vi-ron] - lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] + outskirts n.郊区,郊外 [out-skirts] - peripheral a.不重要的,外围的 [pe-riph-er-al] - skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] - vicinity n.附近,接近 [vi-cin-i-ty] ***** interposition 228 - episodic a.偶然发生的,分散性的 [ep-i-sod-ic] + import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] - infiltrate v.渗透,渗入 [in-fil-trate] + insinuate v.暗指,暗示 [in-sin-u-ate] - interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] + interjection n.插入语;感叹词 [in-ter-jec-tion] + intermediary n.仲裁者;中间物;a.中间的,媒介的 [in-ter-me-di-ar-y] + interpolate v.插入;篡改 [in-ter-po-late] - interpose v.置于…之间;使介入 [in-ter-pose] - intersperse v.散布;点缀 [in-ter-sperse] - intervene v.干涉,介入 [in-ter-vene] - intrude v.把(思想等)强加于,闯入 [in-trude] - panel n.专门小组;仪表板 [pan-el] - partition n.隔开;隔墙 [par-ti-tion] - permeate v.扩散;渗透 [per-me-ate] + smuggle v.走私,私运 [smug-gle] - splice v.接合,衔接 [splice] ***** circumscription 229 - circumscribe v.限制 [cir-cum-scribe] + confine v.限制,禁闭 [con-fine] + containment n.阻止,遏制 [con-tain-ment] + corral n.(牛、马等)畜栏 [cor-ral] - encapsulate v.装入胶囊;压缩 [en-cap-su-late] + landlocked a.被陆地包围的 [land-locked] ***** outline 230 - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] - circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] + circumference n.周围;圆周;周长 [cir-cum-fer-ence] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - girth n.腰身;周长 [girth] - outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] + perimeter n.周长 [pe-rim-e-ter] + periphery n.不重要的部分;外围 [pe-riph-er-y] + profile n.外形;轮廓侧面像 [pro-file] - zone v.分成区 [zone] ***** edge 231 - brink n.(峭壁的)边沿,边缘 [brink] - confine v.限制,禁闭 [con-fine] - flange n.(火车车轮的)凸缘,轮缘 [flange] + fringe n.(窗帘等)须边;边缘 [fringe] + hem v.包围;n.袖边,边缘;interj.吞吞吐吐地说 [hem] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] - margin n.页边空白,边缘;差额;余地;利润 [mar-gin] + marginal a.书页空白处的;不重要的 [mar-gin-al] + motif n.(作品)主题,主旨 [mo-tif] - skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] ***** inclosure 232 + barricade v.设栅阻挡;n.栅栏 [bar-ri-cade] + barrier n.路障;障碍 [bar-ri-er] - bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] - circumscribe v.限制 [cir-cum-scribe] - corral n.(牛、马等)畜栏 [cor-ral] - fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] + fosse n.护城河 [fosse] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] - hedge n.树篱;限制 [hedge] + moat n.壕沟;护城河 [moat] - pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] + rail n.栏杆;铁轨;v.咒骂,猛烈指责 [rail] ***** limit 233 - confine v.限制,禁闭 [con-fine] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] - determinant n.决定因素;a.决定性的 [de-ter-mi-nant] + floodgate n.(水闸的)闸门 [flood-gate] + landmark n.陆标;里程碑 [land-mark] + sluice n.水门,水闸;v.冲洗 [sluice] - stint v.吝惜,节省 [stint] - terminal a.末端的;n.终点站,终端 [ter-mi-nal] - termination n.终点 [ter-mi-na-tion] - terminus n.(火车,汽车)终点站 [ter-mi-nus] + watershed n.分水岭,转折点 [wa-ter-shed] *** 2. Special ***** front 234 - anterior a.较早的,以前的 [an-te-ri-or] + confront v.面临;对抗 [con-front] + countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] + facade n. 建筑物的正面;(虚伪)外表 [fa-cade] + obverse n./a.正面(的) [ob-verse] + rostrum n.讲台,讲坛 [ros-trum] - stem n.(植物的)茎,叶柄;v.阻止,遏制(水流等) [stem] ***** rear 235 - backdrop n.(事情的)背景,背景幕布 [back-drop] + dorsal a.背部的 [dor-sal] - hinder v.阻碍,妨碍 [hin-der] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] + stern n.船尾 [stern] ***** laterality 236 + abreast adv.并列,并排 [a-breast] - beam n.(房屋等)大梁;光线 [beam] - collateral a.平行的;旁系的;n.担保品 [col-lat-er-al] + lateral a.侧面的 [lat-er-al] + orient a.上升的;v.确定方向;使熟悉情况 [o-ri-ent] - profile n.外形;轮廓侧面像 [pro-file] - skirt v.环绕,逃避 [skirt] ***** contraposition 237 + arctic a.北极的;极寒的 [arc-tic] - converse v.谈话;a.逆向的n.相反的事物 [con-verse] - counterpart n.相对应或具有相同功能的人或物 [coun-ter-part] - inverse a.相反的;倒转的 [in-verse] - polarity n.极端性,二极分化 [po-lar-i-ty] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] ***** dextrality 238 + ambidextrous a.十分灵巧的 [am-bi-dex-trous] ***** sinistrality 239 ** Section III. Form *** 1. General Form ***** form 240 - carve v.雕刻 [carve] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - chisel n.凿子;v.凿;欺骗 [chis-el] + configuration n.结构,配置;轮廓 [con-fig-u-ra-tion] - feature n.特色,特点,特征 [fea-ture] - formation n.组织,形成;(军队)编队 [for-ma-tion] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - hew v.砍伐;遵守 [hew] - knead v.揉制,捏制 [knead] - labile a.不稳定的 [la-bile] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] - pose v.摆姿势;造作 [pose] - posture n.姿势,体态;态度;v.故作姿态 [pos-ture] - protean a.变化多端的,多变的 [pro-te-an] + sculpt v.雕刻 [sculpt] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] ***** amorphism 241 - amorphous a.无定形的 [a-mor-phous] + barbarous a.野蛮的;残暴的 [bar-ba-rous] + blemish v.损害;玷污;n.瑕疵,缺点 [blem-ish] - chaos n.混乱 [cha-os] + deface v.损坏 [de-face] + disfigure v.毁容 [dis-fig-ure] + mar v.破坏,损伤 [mar] - truncate v.把(某物)截短,去尾 [trun-cate] ***** symmetry 242 + arboreal a.树木的 [ar-bo-re-al] + chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - parallel a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 [par-al-lel] - parallelism n.平行,类似 [par-al-lel-ism] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - symmetry n.对称;均衡 [sym-me-try] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] ***** distortion 243 - asymmetric a.不对称的 [a-sym-met-ric] + awry a.扭曲的,走样的 [a-wry] + contort v.(使)扭曲(deform);曲解 [con-tort] + distort v.扭曲,弄歪 [dis-tort] + grimace v./n.做鬼脸,面部歪扭 [gri-mace] + marred a.受伤的;毁坏变形的 [marred] + misshapen a.畸形的,奇形怪状的 [mis-shap-en] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] + wry a.扭曲的;冷嘲性幽默的 [wry] *** 2. Special Form ***** angularity 244 + angular a.有角的;(指人)瘦削的 [an-gu-lar] - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] - bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] - bifurcate v.分为两支,分叉 [bi-fur-cate] + cone n.松果;圆锥体 [cone] - crutch n.拐杖;v.支撑 [crutch] + elbow n.肘 [el-bow] + fluke n.侥幸;意想不到的事 [fluke] - fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] + hexagon n.六角形,六边形 [hex-a-gon] + jagged a.锯齿状的,不整齐的 [jag-ged] + notch n.V字形刻痕 [notch] + oblique a.间接的;斜的 [o-blique] - recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] - rectangle n.长方形,矩形 [rec-tan-gle] - scythe n.大镰刀 [scythe] + serrate a.锯齿状的 [ser-rate] + serrated a.呈锯齿状的 [ser-rat-ed] + sextant n.六分仪(航海定向仪器) [sex-tant] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] + zigzag n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 [zig-zag] ***** curvature 245 - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + billowy a.如波浪般翻滚的 [bil-low-y] - carve v.雕刻 [carve] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] + circular a.圆形的 [cir-cu-lar] + crook v.使弯曲;n.钩状物 [crook] + deflect v.偏离,转向 [de-flect] + detour n.弯路;绕行之路 [de-tour] - deviate v.越轨,脱离 [de-vi-ate] - deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] + devious a.不正直的;弯曲的 [de-vi-ous] + loop n.圈,金属线圈 [loop] - oblique a.间接的;斜的 [o-blique] + parabola n.抛物线 [pa-rab-o-la] - scatter v.散开,驱散 [scat-ter] + skew a.不直的,歪斜的 [skew] - sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] - vault n.拱顶;地窖 [vault] ***** straightness 246 - even a.平的 [e-ven] + rectify v.改正,调正;提纯 [rec-ti-fy] + unbend v.弄直;放松 [un-bend] + unfold v.展开,打开;逐渐呈现 [un-fold] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] ***** circularity 247 - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] + bracelet n.手镯,臂镯 [brace-let] - circular a.圆形的 [cir-cu-lar] - collar n.衣领;戴在动物颈部的项圈 [col-lar] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] + elliptical a.椭圆的;晦涩的;省略的 [el-lip-ti-cal] + hoop n.(桶之)箍,铁环 [hoop] + hub n.轴心;中心 [hub] - lasso n.套索(捕捉牛、马用) [las-so] - loop n.圈,金属线圈 [loop] + rhinestone n.水晶石,莱茵石 [rhine-stone] + ringlet n.卷发 [ring-let] + sash n.肩带 [sash] - sextant n.六分仪(航海定向仪器) [sex-tant] - zone v.分成区 [zone] ***** convolution 248 + Byzantine a.像迷宫似的;难变更的 [Byz-an-tine] - billowy a.如波浪般翻滚的 [bil-low-y] - circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] - contort v.(使)扭曲(deform);曲解 [con-tort] + convoluted a.旋绕的;费解的 [con-vo-lut-ed] + indent v.切割成锯齿状 [in-dent] - intricate a.复杂难懂的 [in-tri-cate] - labyrinth n.迷宫 [lab-y-rinth] + maze n.迷宫 [maze] + meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] + sinuous a.蜿蜒的,迂回的 [sin-u-ous] + tortuous a.弯弯曲曲的 [tor-tu-ous] + winding a.蜿蜒的,迂回的 [wind-ing] + wrinkle n.皱纹;窍门 [wrin-kle] ***** rotundity 249 + boulder n.巨砾 [boul-der] - bulb n.植物的球茎;灯泡 [bulb] - cone n.松果;圆锥体 [cone] + cylinder n.圆柱 [cyl-in-der] - horn n.角,角质;喇叭 [horn] + marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] *** 3. Superficial Form ***** convexity 250 - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] - bulb n.植物的球茎;灯泡 [bulb] + bulge n./v.膨胀,鼓起 [bulge] + cameo n.浮雕宝石;生动刻画;(演员)出演 [cam-e-o] - cape n.披肩,短斗篷;海角 [cape] + chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] + convex a.凸出的 [con-vex] - dome n.圆顶屋 [dome] - elbow n.肘 [el-bow] + emboss v.加浮雕花纹于,使凸出 [em-boss] - flange n.(火车车轮的)凸缘,轮缘 [flange] - hub n.轴心;中心 [hub] + hunch n.直觉,预感 [hunch] + molar n.臼齿 [mo-lar] - poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] + pout v.噘嘴,板脸 [pout] + proboscis n.(象)长鼻;(昆虫等)吸管 [pro-bos-cis] + projection n.凸出物 [pro-jec-tion] - prominent a.显著的;著名的 [prom-i-nent] + protuberance n.凸出,隆起 [protuberance] + protuberant a.突出的,隆起的 [pro-tu-ber-ant] - rib n.肋骨;伞骨 [rib] - ridge n.脊(如屋脊,山脊等);隆起物 [ridge] + salient a.显著的,突出的 [sa-li-ent] - shoulder n.肩;路肩 [shoul-der] + spur v.刺激,激励;用马刺刺马 [spur] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - tuber n.块茎,球根 [tu-ber] ***** flatness 251 - even a.平的 [e-ven] - flatten v.变平;彻底打败某人 [flat-ten] + flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - plane n.刨子;平面;v.刨 [plane] - slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] ***** concavity 252 - alcove n.凹室 [al-cove] - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] + cavern n.大洞穴 [cav-ern] + cavity n.(牙齿等的)洞,腔 [cav-i-ty] + concave a.凹的 [con-cave] - crater n.火山口;弹坑 [cra-ter] + delve v.深入探究,钻研 [delve] + dent n.缺口,凹痕;v.弄凹 [dent] + depressed a.消沉的;凹陷的 [de-pressed] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] + dimple n.酒窝,笑靥 [dim-ple] + excavate v.挖掘;挖出 [ex-ca-vate] + glade n.林中的空地 [glade] + gouge n.半圆凿;v.挖出;敲竹杠 [gouge] - grotto n.洞穴 [grot-to] - grove n.小树林,树丛 [grove] - gully n.雨水冲成的沟壑 [gul-ly] + implode v.内爆;剧减 [im-plode] + porous a.可渗透的;多孔的 [po-rous] + retiring a.隐居的,不喜欢社交的 [re-tir-ing] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] + scoop n.小铲,勺子;v.(用勺子)取出,舀出 [scoop] - tamp v.捣实,砸实 [tamp] + undermine v.破坏,损坏 [un-der-mine] ***** sponge 252.a + filter n.滤纸;v.过滤 [fil-ter] - porous a.可渗透的;多孔的 [po-rous] + spongy a.像海绵的;不坚实的 [spon-gy] ***** sharpness 253 + acuity n.(尤指思想或感官)敏锐 [a-cu-i-ty] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] + awl n.(钻皮革的)尖钻 [awl] + barb n.(鱼钩的)倒钩;严厉的批评 [barb] + blade n.刀锋,刀口 [blade] + bristle n.短而硬的毛发;v.(毛)竖起;发怒 [bris-tle] - chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] - chisel n.凿子;v.凿;欺骗 [chis-el] + cleaver n.切肉刀 [cleav-er] - crest n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 [crest] + cutlery n.(刀、叉、匙等)餐具 [cut-ler-y] + gadfly n.虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 [gad-fly] - grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] + guillotine n.断头台 [guil-lo-tine] + heckle v.诘问,困扰 [heck-le] + hone n.磨刀石;v.磨刀 [hone] - horn n.角,角质;喇叭 [horn] + lancet n.手术刀 [lan-cet] + needle n.针;针叶 [nee-dle] - nib n.钢笔尖 [nib] - petal n.花瓣 [pet-al] + porcupine n.豪猪,箭猪 [por-cu-pine] + razor n.剃刀,刮胡刀 [ra-zor] - salient a.显著的,突出的 [sa-li-ent] + scalpel n.外科手术刀,解剖刀 [scal-pel] - scythe n.大镰刀 [scythe] + spike n.长钉,大钉 [spike] + spiny a.针状的;多刺的,棘手的 [spin-y] - spire n.(教堂)尖顶 [spire] - spoke n.(车轮上)辐条 [spoke] - spur v.刺激,激励;用马刺刺马 [spur] + tined a.尖端的 [tined] + tusk n.(象)长牙 [tusk] + whet v.磨快;刺激 [whet] - whittle v.削(木头);削减 [whit-tle] ***** bluntness 254 - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] + obtuse a.愚笨的;不锐利的 [ob-tuse] ***** smoothness 255 + abrasive a.磨损的;生硬粗暴的 [a-bra-sive] + burnish v.擦亮,磨光 [bur-nish] - down n.绒毛;汗毛 [down] - even a.平的 [e-ven] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + glaze v.装玻璃于;上釉彩;n.釉 [glaze] + gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] + glossy a.光泽的,光滑的 [gloss-y] + lubricate v.润滑 [lu-bri-cate] - mangle v.毁损;撕成碎片,压碎 [man-gle] - plane n.刨子;平面;v.刨 [plane] + polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] + slick a.熟练的;圆滑的;光滑的 [slick] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] ***** roughness 256 + asperity n.严酷;粗鲁 [as-per-i-ty] - corrugate v.(使)起波浪形,起皱纹 [cor-ru-gate] + corrugated a.起皱纹的 [cor-ru-gat-ed] - crest n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 [crest] + crumple v.弄皱;破裂 [crum-ple] - down n.绒毛;汗毛 [down] + fluffy a.有绒毛的;空洞的 [fluff-y] - fringe n.(窗帘等)须边;边缘 [fringe] - gnarled a.(树木)多节的;粗糙的 [gnarled] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] + hirsute a.多毛的 [hir-sute] - imperial a.帝王的,至尊的 [im-pe-ri-al] + panache n.羽饰;炫耀 [pa-nache] + plume n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛;搔首弄姿 [plume] + plush a.豪华的 [plush] - ringlet n.卷发 [ring-let] + ripple v.起涟漪;n.细浪,涟漪 [rip-ple] + roughen v.变得粗糙,变得不平 [rough-en] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - rumple v.弄皱,弄乱 [rum-ple] + texture n.质地;结构 [tex-ture] - tined a.尖端的 [tined] + toupee n.男用假发 [tou-pee] ***** notch 257 - dent n.缺口,凹痕;v.弄凹 [dent] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - dimple n.酒窝,笑靥 [dim-ple] - indent v.切割成锯齿状 [in-dent] + nick n.小伤口,刻痕 [nick] - notch n.V字形刻痕 [notch] - scotch v.镇压,粉碎 [scotch] - serrate a.锯齿状的 [ser-rate] - serrated a.呈锯齿状的 [ser-rat-ed] ***** fold 258 - corrugate v.(使)起波浪形,起皱纹 [cor-ru-gate] + crease n.折缝,皱痕 [crease] - crumple v.弄皱;破裂 [crum-ple] - elbow n.肘 [el-bow] - fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] - hem v.包围;n.袖边,边缘;interj.吞吞吐吐地说 [hem] - plait n.发辫;v.编成辫 [plait] + pleat n.(衣服上的)褶 [pleat] + pucker v.起皱;n.皱褶 [puck-er] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - rumple v.弄皱,弄乱 [rum-ple] - wrinkle n.皱纹;窍门 [wrin-kle] ***** furrow 259 - corrugated a.起皱纹的 [cor-ru-gat-ed] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] + engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻 [en-grave] + etch v.蚀刻);铭记 [etch] - fosse n.护城河 [fosse] - furrow n.犁沟;皱纹 [fur-row] + groove n.凹线;(刻出的)线条;习惯 [groove] + gutter n.水槽;街沟 [gut-ter] - incise v.切,切割 [in-cise] - incision n.切口;切割 [in-ci-sion] - kennel n.狗舍,狗窝 [ken-nel] - moat n.壕沟;护城河 [moat] - ravine n.深谷,峡谷 [ra-vine] - score n.乐谱 [score] - streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] + striated a.有条纹的 [stri-at-ed] ***** opening 260 - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] - chasm n.深渊,大沟;大差别 [chasm] + colander n.滤器,漏勺 [col-an-der] + drill n.钻;钻床 [drill] + esophagus n.食道,食管 [e-soph-a-gus] + gangway n.(上下船的)跳板 [gang-way] - gape v.裂开;目瞪口呆地凝视 [gape] - glade n.林中的空地 [glade] - gully n.雨水冲成的沟壑 [gul-ly] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] + impale v.刺入,刺中 [im-pale] + lance n.长矛;鱼叉 [lance] - lattice n.(做篱笆或爬藤架等的)格子架 [lat-tice] + loophole n.枪眼,小窗,换气孔 [loop-hole] + outlet n.出口 [out-let] + patent a.显而易见的;n.专利权(证书) [pa-tent] + perforate v.打洞 [per-fo-rate] + permeable a.可渗透的(penetrable) [per-me-a-ble] + pervious a.可渗透的 [per-vi-ous] + pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] + piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] + pore n.毛孔,气孔 [pore] - porous a.可渗透的;多孔的 [po-rous] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] + puncture v.刺穿,刺破;n.刺孔,穿孔 [punc-ture] - pylon n.高压电线架;桥塔 [py-lon] - riddle n.谜语 [rid-dle] + slot n.狭孔 [slot] + spear n.矛;嫩叶;v.刺戳 [spear] - spike n.长钉,大钉 [spike] + vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] - vessel n.血管;容器;船只 [ves-sel] + vista n.远景;展望 [vis-ta] + yawn v.打呵欠 [yawn] ***** closure 261 - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] + blockade v./n.封锁 [block-ade] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] + choke v.(使)窒息,阻塞 [choke] - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] + congest v.使拥挤;充血 [con-gest] - cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] + impasse n.僵局;死路 [im-passe] + impenetrable a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 [im-pen-e-tra-ble] + impermeability n.不能渗透 [im-per-me-a-bil-i-ty] + impermeable a.不可渗透的,透不过的 [im-per-me-a-ble] + impervious a.不能渗透的;不为所动的 [im-per-vi-ous] + obstruct v.阻塞,截断 [ob-struct] + obstruction n.阻碍(物),妨碍 [ob-struc-tion] + occlude v.使闭塞 [oc-clude] - plumb adv.精确地;v.深入了解;测水深 [plumb] + snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] ***** perforator 262 - awl n.(钻皮革的)尖钻 [awl] - chisel n.凿子;v.凿;欺骗 [chis-el] - drill n.钻;钻床 [drill] - gouge n.半圆凿;v.挖出;敲竹杠 [gouge] - lancet n.手术刀 [lan-cet] - needle n.针;针叶 [nee-dle] - probe v.探索,探测 [probe] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] - scoop n.小铲,勺子;v.(用勺子)取出,舀出 [scoop] - spear n.矛;嫩叶;v.刺戳 [spear] ***** stopper 263 + faucet n.水龙头 [fau-cet] - padding n.衬垫,填料 [pad-ding] - spike n.长钉,大钉 [spike] + tourniquet n.止血带 [tour-ni-quet] + valve n.活门,阀门 [valve] ** Section IV. Motion *** 1. Motion in General ***** motion 264 + budge v.移动一点儿;改变立场 [budge] - clip n.夹子,别针;v.修剪 [clip] + dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - erratic a.反复无常的;古怪的 [er-rat-ic] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] - flux n.不断的变动,动荡不定 [flux] + gait n.步法,步态 [gait] - glide v.滑行,滑动 [glide] + hie v.疾走,催促 [hie] + impel v.推进;驱使 [im-pel] + locomotion n.运动,移动 [lo-co-mo-tion] + mercurial a.善变的;活泼的 [mer-cu-ri-al] - mobile a.易于移动的 [mo-bile] - mobility n.可动性,流动性 [mo-bil-i-ty] + motility n.运动性 [mo-til-i-ty] + movement n.(交响乐)乐章 [move-ment] + nomadic a.游牧的 [no-mad-ic] + propel v.推进 [pro-pel] - restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] - stir v.刺激 [stir] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - stride v.大步行走 [stride] - velocity n.速度;迅速 [ve-loc-i-ty] ***** quiescence 265 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] + embargo n.禁运令,封港令 [em-bar-go] + haven n.安息所,避难所 [ha-ven] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - hush v./n.肃静,安静 [hush] - lull n.活动的暂停;v.使平静 [lull] - quell v.制止,镇压 [quell] - quiescent a.不动的,静止的 [qui-es-cent] - repose n./v.躺着休息,安睡 [re-pose] + sedentary a.久坐的 [sed-en-tar-y] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + stagnant a.停滞的 [stag-nant] - stationary a.静止的,不动的 [sta-tion-ar-y] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] + stymie v.妨碍,阻挠 [sty-mie] + tranquility n.宁静,安静 [tran-quil-i-ty] + unmoved a.无动于衷的,冷漠的;镇定的 [un-moved] ***** journey 266 + amble n./v.漫步,缓行 [am-ble] - circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] + constitutional a.章程的,法规的;素质上的,本质的 [con-sti-tu-tion-al] - defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] + discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] + emigrate v.自本国移居他国 [em-i-grate] + excursion n.短途旅游 [ex-cur-sion] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] - glide v.滑行,滑动 [glide] - hie v.疾走,催促 [hie] - hover v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 [hov-er] + itinerant a.巡回的,流动的 [i-tin-er-ant] + itinerary n.行程表;旅行路线 [i-tin-er-ar-y] + jaunt n./v.短程旅游 [jaunt] - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] + locomotive a.移动的;n.机车,火车头 [lo-co-mo-tive] + lope n.轻快的步伐;v.使大步慢跑;跳跃 [lope] + migratory a.迁移的,流浪的 [mi-gra-to-ry] + odyssey n.长途的冒险旅行 [odyssey] + perambulate v.巡视;漫步 [per-am-bu-late] + peregrination n.游历(尤指在国外) [per-e-gri-na-tion] + peripatetic a.巡游的 [per-i-pa-tet-ic] - plane n.刨子;平面;v.刨 [plane] + plod v.重步走;吃力地干 [plod] - procession n.行列;前进 [pro-ces-sion] + promenade v./n.散步;开车兜风 [prom-e-nade] + prowl v.潜行于,偷偷地漫游 [prowl] + ramble n./v.漫步 [ram-ble] - resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] + saunter n./v.闲逛,漫步 [saun-ter] - scuff v.拖着脚走 [scuff] + skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] + slither v.(蛇)滑动,扭动前进 [slith-er] + stalk v.隐伏跟踪(猎物) [stalk] - stride v.大步行走 [stride] + stroll v.漫步,闲逛 [stroll] + strut v.趾高气扬地走;n.支柱 [strut] - traverse v.横穿过,横跨 [trav-erse] + trudge v.跋涉 [trudge] + vagrancy n.游荡,流浪 [va-gran-cy] - vagrant a.漂泊的;n.流浪汉,无赖 [va-grant] + vehicle n.交通工具;传播媒介 [ve-hi-cle] + wag v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 [wag] + wanderlust n.漫游癖,旅游热 [wan-der-lust] ***** navigation 267 - aerial a.空中的,空气中的 [aer-i-al] - airborne a.空气传播的;空运的 [air-borne] + balloon n.气球;v.快速增加 [bal-loon] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] + canvas n.画布;帆布 [can-vas] - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] - glide v.滑行,滑动 [glide] + headway n.进步,进展 [head-way] - hover v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 [hov-er] + maritime a.沿海的;海上的 [mar-i-time] + nautical a.船员的,航海的 [nau-ti-cal] + navigate v.航海,导航 [nav-i-gate] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] - skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] - soar v.高飞,翱翔;猛增 [soar] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] ***** traveler 268 + asteroid n.小行星 [as-ter-oid] + cavalier >n.骑士,武士 [cav-a-lier] - itinerant a.巡回的,流动的 [i-tin-er-ant] + jockey n.骑师;v.用计谋获取 [jock-ey] + nomad n.流浪者;游牧部落的人 [no-mad] + pedestrian a.徒步的;缺乏想像的;n.行人 [pe-des-tri-an] - peripatetic a.巡游的 [per-i-pa-tet-ic] + pilgrim n.朝圣客,香客 [pil-grim] + refugee n.难民,流亡者 [ref-u-gee] - rider n.骑手;附文,附件 [rid-er] - vagrant a.漂泊的;n.流浪汉,无赖 [va-grant] + wastrel n.挥霍无度的人 [wast-rel] ***** mariner 269 + marine a.海的;海中的 [ma-rine] + pilot n.飞行员;领航员;领导人 [pi-lot] ***** transference 270 + conduct n.品德,行为;v.领导,引导 [con-duct] + consign v.托运;托人看管 [con-sign] + contagious a.传染的,有感染力的 [con-ta-gious] + convey v.运载,运送;表达 [con-vey] + delegate n.代表;v.委派…为代表,授权 [del-e-gate] + deportation n.驱逐出境 [de-por-ta-tion] - displace v.换置;使某人某物离开原位 [dis-place] + draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - freight n.货物;v.装货于(船等) [freight] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] - infuse v.灌输;鼓励 [in-fuse] - osmosis n.渗透;潜移默化 [os-mo-sis] - relegate v.降级,贬谪 [rel-e-gate] + shunt v.使(火车)转到另一轨道,转移方向 [shunt] - transfer v.转移,传递;调任,转让 [trans-fer] - transition n.过渡时期,转变 [tran-si-tion] + transmit v.传送,传播 [trans-mit] + transplantation n.移植 [transplantation] + transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - transpose v.变换位置,调换 [trans-pose] + waft v.飘浮,飘荡 [waft] ***** carrier 271 - barb n.(鱼钩的)倒钩;严厉的批评 [barb] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] + cob n.玉米棒子;雄天鹅 [cob] + equine a.马的,似马的 [e-quine] + filly n.小母马 [fil-ly] - hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] + jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - locomotive a.移动的;n.机车,火车头 [lo-co-mo-tive] + mare n.母马,母驴 [ma-re] + nag v.唠叨,烦扰 [nag] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] ***** vehicle 272 - caterpillar n.毛毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫 [cat-er-pil-lar] - crate n.篓,板条箱 [crate] + diligence n.勤勉,勤奋 [dil-i-gence] - flatcar n.平台型铁路货车 [flat-car] - hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] + hoe n.锄头 [hoe] + hurdle n.跳栏;障碍;v.克服(障碍) [hur-dle] + limber a.易弯曲的;敏捷的 [lim-ber] + limousine n.大型轿车,大客车 [lim-ou-sine] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] - random a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 [ran-dom] - rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] + sleigh n.(马拉的)雪橇 [sleigh] - spatula n.(调拌等用的)抹刀 [spat-u-la] + sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - unicorn n.(传说中的)独角兽 [u-ni-corn] - vehicle n.交通工具;传播媒介 [ve-hi-cle] ***** ship 273 - balloon n.气球;v.快速增加 [bal-loon] + barge n.平底货船,驳船 [barge] - bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] + baste v.倒油脂于(烤肉上,以防烤干) [baste] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + belabor v.过分冗长地做或说;痛打 [be-la-bor] + bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] + clipper n.大剪刀;快速帆船 [clip-per] + craft n.行业;手艺 [craft] + dandy n.花花公子,好打扮的人 [dan-dy] + dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] + galley n.船上的厨房 [gal-ley] - hulk n.废船,船壳;笨重之人或物 [hulk] - marine a.海的;海中的 [ma-rine] - poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] + skiff n.轻舟,小船 [skiff] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - vessel n.血管;容器;船只 [ves-sel] + yacht n.帆船,游艇 [yacht] *** 2. Degrees of Motion ***** velocity 274 - accelerate v.加速;促进 [ac-cel-er-ate] + agile a.敏捷的,灵活的 [ag-ile] - amble n./v.漫步,缓行 [am-ble] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] + chipmunk n.花栗鼠(像松鼠的美洲小动物) [chip-munk] + dart n.飞镖;v.急驰;投射 [dart] + expeditious a.迅速的,敏捷的 [ex-pe-di-tious] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] + hasten v.催促,促进 [has-ten] - hie v.疾走,催促 [hie] + log n./v.日志,记录;n.一段大木头;圆木 [log] - lope n.轻快的步伐;v.使大步慢跑;跳跃 [lope] - mercurial a.善变的;活泼的 [mer-cu-ri-al] + odometer n.(汽车)里程表 [o-dom-e-ter] + ostrich n.鸵鸟;不接受现实的人 [os-trich] - outstrip v.超过;跑过 [out-strip] + scorch v.烤焦,烧焦 [scorch] + scurry v.急跑,疾行 [scur-ry] - skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] + spank v.打,拍打(在屁股上) [spank] + squirrel n.松鼠 [squir-rel] - swift a.迅速的;敏捷的 [swift] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] - torrent n.洪流,急流 [tor-rent] - velocity n.速度;迅速 [ve-loc-i-ty] ***** slowness 275 - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - creep v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 [creep] - curb n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 [curb] - dawdle v.闲荡,虚度 [daw-dle] + deliberate a.深思熟虑的,故意的;v.慎重考虑 [de-lib-er-ate] - dilatory a.慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 [di-la-to-ry] - drawl v./n.慢吞吞地说话(态度) [drawl] + falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] + glacial a.冰期的,冰河期的;寒冷的 [gla-ci-al] - grovel v.摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 [grov-el] + lag v.落后,滞留 [lag] - languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 [lan-guid] - languor n.身心疲惫 [lan-guor] + leisureliness n.悠然,从容 [lei-sure-li-ness] - limp v.跛行;a.软弱的,松软的 [limp] - linger v.逗留,留恋 [lin-ger] - lumber v.蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n.杂物;木材 [lum-ber] - mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] - piano a.(音乐)轻柔的 [pi-a-no] - plod v.重步走;吃力地干 [plod] - retard v.妨碍;减速 [re-tard] - saunter n./v.闲逛,漫步 [saun-ter] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - slacken v.(使)松弛,放松 [slack-en] - slither v.(蛇)滑动,扭动前进 [slith-er] - slouch n.没精打采的样子;v.没精打采地坐(站、走) [slouch] + sluggard n.懒鬼 [slug-gard] - tardy a.缓慢的,迟缓的 [tar-dy] - trudge v.跋涉 [trudge] + waddle v.(鸭子等)摇摇摆摆地走 [wad-dle] *** 3. Motion Conjoined with Force ***** impulse 276 - baste v.倒油脂于(烤肉上,以防烤干) [baste] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - belabor v.过分冗长地做或说;痛打 [be-la-bor] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] - brunt n.主要冲击力或影响 [brunt] - butt v.用头抵撞,顶撞;n.粗大的一端;烟蒂 [butt] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] - clash v.冲突,撞击 [clash] - clip n.夹子,别针;v.修剪 [clip] - clout n.用手猛击;权力,影响力 [clout] - collision n.碰撞,冲突 [col-li-sion] + concussion n.脑震荡;强烈震动 [con-cus-sion] + dynamic a.动态的;有活力的 [dy-nam-ic] - elbow n.肘 [el-bow] - encounter v.遭遇 [en-coun-ter] + flail n.连枷(打谷工具);v.打,打击 [flail] + foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - impact n.冲击,影响 [im-pact] - impel v.推进;驱使 [im-pel] + impetus n.推动力;刺激 [im-pe-tus] + impinge v.侵犯;撞击 [im-pinge] + impulse n.冲动;刺激 [im-pulse] + impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] + jolt v.颠簸着移动;n.震动,摇晃 [jolt] + maul v.撕裂皮肉,伤害 [maul] + momentum n.推进力,势头 [mo-men-tum] - poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] + prod v.刺,捅;激励 [prod] + propulsion n.推进力 [pro-pul-sion] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] + ram n.公羊;撞锤,猛击;填塞 [ram] - shoulder n.肩;路肩 [shoul-der] + shove v.推挤,猛推 [shove] - squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] + stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] - tamp v.捣实,砸实 [tamp] + thrust v.猛力推;刺,戳 [thrust] ***** recoil 277 - reactionary a.保守的,反动的 [re-ac-tion-ar-y] + rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] + recalcitrant a.顽抗的 [re-cal-ci-trant] - recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] + repercussion n.反响;影响;回声 [re-per-cus-sion] + repulse v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 [re-pulse] + reverberate v.起回声,反响 [re-ver-ber-ate] *** 4. Motion with Reference to Direction ***** direction 278 - bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] - conduct n.品德,行为;v.领导,引导 [con-duct] + diagonal a.对角的;n.对角线 [di-ag-o-nal] + incidence n.事情发生;发生率 [in-ci-dence] + straightforward a.正直的;易懂的;直截了当的 [straight-for-ward] - tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] - trend v./n.趋势,倾向 [trend] ***** deviation 279 - aberrant a.越轨的;异常的 [ab-er-rant] - aberration n.离开正路,脱离常轨;变形 [ab-er-ra-tion] - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + circuitous a.迂回的,绕圈子的 [cir-cu-i-tous] - crook v.使弯曲;n.钩状物 [crook] - deflect v.偏离,转向 [de-flect] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] - detour n.弯路;绕行之路 [de-tour] - deviant a.越出常规的 [de-vi-ant] - deviate v.越轨,脱离 [de-vi-ate] - deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] - devious a.不正直的;弯曲的 [de-vi-ous] + digress v.离题 [di-gress] + digression n.离题,题外话 [di-gres-sion] - discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] - diverge v.分歧,分开 [di-verge] + divert v.使某事物转向;使娱乐 [di-vert] - dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - erratic a.反复无常的;古怪的 [er-rat-ic] + excursive a.离题的,随意的 [ex-cur-sive] - meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] - mutate v.变异 [mu-tate] - ramble n./v.漫步 [ram-ble] + refraction n.折射 [re-frac-tion] - shunt v.使(火车)转到另一轨道,转移方向 [shunt] - skew a.不直的,歪斜的 [skew] - slew v.(使)旋转;n.大量 [slew] - stray v.偏离,迷路;a.迷了路的;零落的 [stray] - swerve v.突然改变方向 [swerve] - trend v./n.趋势,倾向 [trend] + undirected a.未受指导的 [un-di-rect-ed] - vagrancy n.游荡,流浪 [va-gran-cy] - vagrant a.漂泊的;n.流浪汉,无赖 [va-grant] - veer v.转向,改变(话题等) [veer] - waddle v.(鸭子等)摇摇摆摆地走 [wad-dle] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] - zigzag n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 [zig-zag] ***** precession 280 - outstrip v.超过;跑过 [out-strip] - precede v.在…之前,早于 [pre-cede] - precursor n.先驱,先兆 [pre-cur-sor] - priority n.在先,居前;优先权 [pri-or-i-ty] ***** sequence 281 - beset v.镶嵌;困扰 [be-set] - pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] - subsequent a.随后的,后来的,连续的 [sub-se-quent] ***** progression 282 - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - headway n.进步,进展 [head-way] - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] - press v.挤压 [press] - wag v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 [wag] ***** regression 283 + balk n.大方木料;v.妨碍;(因困难等)不愿前进或从事某事 [balk] - deterioration n.恶化,堕落 [de-te-ri-o-ra-tion] - ebb v.退潮;衰退 [ebb] - reactionary a.保守的,反动的 [re-ac-tion-ar-y] + recede v.后退,收回(诺言) [re-cede] - recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] + recession n.经济萧条时期;撤回,退回 [re-ces-sion] - recessive a.隐性遗传的;后退的 [re-ces-sive] - regress v.使倒退,复原,逆行 [re-gress] - regressive a.退步的,退化的 [re-gres-sive] - relapse n.旧病复发;再恶化;v.旧病复发,再恶化 [re-lapse] + resilient a.有弹性的;能恢复活力的,适应力强的 [re-sil-i-ent] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - revert v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 [re-vert] + setback n.挫折 [setback] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] + throwback n.返祖现象,复旧 [throw-back] - withdraw v.撤退,收回;隐居 [with-draw] ***** propulsion 284 - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - dart n.飞镖;v.急驰;投射 [dart] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] + expel v.排出;开除 [ex-pel] + flirt v.挑逗,调戏 [flirt] - fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] + hurl v.猛投;大声叫骂 [hurl] - impel v.推进;驱使 [im-pel] - jerk n./v.突然猛拉 [jerk] - lance n.长矛;鱼叉 [lance] + missile n.发射物;导弹 [mis-sile] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] + projectile n.抛射物,发射体 [pro-jec-tile] - projection n.凸出物 [pro-jec-tion] - propel v.推进 [pro-pel] + propeller n.螺旋桨;推进器 [pro-pel-ler] - propulsion n.推进力 [pro-pul-sion] + release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] - shove v.推挤,猛推 [shove] - tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] - toss v.投,掷;使摇动 [toss] ***** traction 285 - jerk n./v.突然猛拉 [jerk] + lug v./n.拖,拉 [lug] - wrench v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 [wrench] ***** approach 286 + access n.通路;途径 [ac-cess] - advent n.到来,来临 [ad-vent] + affluent a.富裕的,丰富的 [af-flu-ent] - approach v.接近,靠近;着手处理;n.方法 [ap-proach] - approximate a.大约的,估计的 [ap-prox-i-mate] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - imminent a.即将发生的,逼近的 [im-mi-nent] - impending a.行将发生的,逼近的 [im-pend-ing] - pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] ***** recession 287 - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - recede v.后退,收回(诺言) [re-cede] - recession n.经济萧条时期;撤回,退回 [re-ces-sion] - recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] - shunt v.使(火车)转到另一轨道,转移方向 [shunt] - withdraw v.撤退,收回;隐居 [with-draw] ***** attraction 288 - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] + static a.静态的,呆板的 [stat-ic] ***** repulsion 289 - chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] - dispel v.驱散,消除 [dis-pel] + repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] + repellent a.令人厌恶的 [re-pel-lent] - repulse v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 [re-pulse] + repulsion n.厌恶,反感;排斥力 [re-pul-sion] ***** convergence 290 - concentrate v.集中,浓缩 [con-cen-trate] - concur v.意见相同,一致 [con-cur] - converge v.会聚,集中于一点 [con-verge] + convergent a.会聚的 [con-ver-gent] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] ***** divergence 291 - aberrant a.越轨的;异常的 [ab-er-rant] - aberration n.离开正路,脱离常轨;变形 [ab-er-ra-tion] - deviate v.越轨,脱离 [de-vi-ate] - deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] - disperse v.消散,驱散 [dis-perse] - diverge v.分歧,分开 [di-verge] - divergent a.分叉的,岔开的,背道而驰的 [di-ver-gent] - ramify v.分支,分叉 [ram-i-fy] - scatter v.散开,驱散 [scat-ter] ***** arrival 292 - advent n.到来,来临 [ad-vent] + attain v.达到,实现 [at-tain] + debark v.下船,下飞机,下车,卸载 [de-bark] - encounter v.遭遇 [en-coun-ter] + hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] - harbor n.港,避难所;v.包庇,隐匿 [har-bor] - haven n.安息所,避难所 [ha-ven] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - terminal a.末端的;n.终点站,终端 [ter-mi-nal] - terminus n.(火车,汽车)终点站 [ter-mi-nus] ***** departure 293 + abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] + abscond v.潜逃,逃亡 [ab-scond] + debouch v.流出,进入(开阔地区) [de-bouch] + evacuate v.撤退;撤离 [e-vac-u-ate] + exodus n.大批离去,成群外出 [ex-o-dus] + farewell interj.再会,再见;n.辞行,告别 [fare-well] - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - outset n.开始,开头 [out-set] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] + valediction n.告别演说 [val-e-dic-tion] + valedictory a.告别的,离别的 [val-e-dic-to-ry] - withdraw v.撤退,收回;隐居 [with-draw] ***** ingress 294 - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] + conduit n.渠道,引水道;水管 [con-duit] - entrance v.使出神,使入迷 [en-trance] - entry n.条目;登录;报关手续;入口 [en-try] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] - infiltrate v.渗透,渗入 [in-fil-trate] + influx n.注入,涌入 [in-flux] + inroad n.突袭;消耗 [in-road] - insert v.插入 [in-sert] - intrude v.把(思想等)强加于,闯入 [in-trude] + invade v.侵犯,侵入 [in-vade] + penetrate v.刺穿;渗入;了解 [pen-e-trate] ***** egress 295 - conduit n.渠道,引水道;水管 [con-duit] - debouch v.流出,进入(开阔地区) [de-bouch] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] + distill v.蒸馏 [dis-till] + drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] + drainage n.排水;污水 [drain-age] + egress n.出去,出口 [e-gress] + emanate v.散发,发出,发源 [em-a-nate] + escapism n.逃避现实(的习气) [es-cap-ism] - evacuate v.撤退;撤离 [e-vac-u-ate] - exodus n.大批离去,成群外出 [ex-o-dus] + exude v.使慢慢流出;四溢 [ex-ude] - filter n.滤纸;v.过滤 [fil-ter] - floodgate n.(水闸的)闸门 [flood-gate] + gush v.涌出;滔滔不绝地说 [gush] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - leak v.泄漏;n.泄漏;漏出量,漏洞 [leak] + leakage n.渗漏,漏出 [leak-age] + outgoing a.友善的;即将离去的 [out-go-ing] - outlet n.出口 [out-let] + perspire v.流汗 [per-spire] - pore n.毛孔,气孔 [pore] + seep v.(液体等)渗漏 [seep] - sluice n.水门,水闸;v.冲洗 [sluice] + trickle v.一滴滴地流;n.细流 [trick-le] - vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] ***** reception 296 - absorb v.吸收;同化;吸引…的注意 [ab-sorb] - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] - engulf v.吞噬 [en-gulf] + gulp v.吞食,咽下 [gulp] + imbibe v.饮;吸入 [im-bibe] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] + ingest v.咽下,吞下 [in-gest] + ingestion n.摄取,吸收;容纳 [in-ges-tion] + inhale v.吸气 [in-hale] - interjection n.插入语;感叹词 [in-ter-jec-tion] - pancreas n.胰腺 [pan-cre-as] + slurp v.大声地啜喝 [slurp] + swallow v.吞下,咽下;忍受 [swal-low] ***** ejection 297 - abnegate v.否认,放弃 [ab-ne-gate] - bale n.大包裹;灾祸,不幸 [bale] - banish v.放逐某人 [ban-ish] + boycott v.抵制(贸易) [boy-cott] - broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] + demote v.降级,降职 [de-mote] + deplete v.倒空;耗尽 [de-plete] + deport v.(将外国人、罪犯等)驱逐出境 [de-port] - deportation n.驱逐出境 [de-por-ta-tion] + deracinate v.根除,杜绝 [de-rac-in-ate] + discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] + disgorge v.呕出;(水)流走 [dis-gorge] - dislodge v.逐出,取出 [dis-lodge] + dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] - drainage n.排水;污水 [drain-age] + drivel n./v.说废话 [driv-el] - eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] + emit v.放射(光、热、味等) [e-mit] + erupt v.爆发;喷出(熔岩、水、气体、泥浆等) [e-rupt] + evict v.(依法)驱逐 [e-vict] + eviction n.(对房客或佃户的)驱逐 [e-vic-tion] + excrete v.排泄,分泌 [ex-crete] + exhale v.呼出(气) [ex-hale] - expel v.排出;开除 [ex-pel] + expend v.花费;用光 [ex-pend] + hawk n.隼,鹰 [hawk] + oust v.驱逐;把…赶走 [oust] - perspire v.流汗 [per-spire] + purge v.清洗,洗涤 [purge] - relegate v.降级,贬谪 [rel-e-gate] + secrete v.隐藏;分泌 [se-crete] - shed v.流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子) [shed] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] + unearth v.挖出;发现 [un-earth] - void a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 [void] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] ***** food 298 + alimentary a.饮食的,营养的 [al-i-men-ta-ry] + appetizer n.开胃品 [ap-pe-tiz-er] + bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] + banquet n.宴会,盛宴 [ban-quet] + barbecue n.烤肉架;烤肉 [bar-be-cue] + beverage n.饮料 [bev-er-age] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] + carnivorous a.肉食动物的 [car-niv-o-rous] + carouse n.狂饮寻乐 [ca-rouse] + cereal n.谷类;谷类食品 [ce-re-al] + clam n.蛤蜊,蛤肉;守秘密之人 [clam] + cuisine n.烹饪 [cui-sine] + culinary a.厨房的;烹调的 [cu-li-nar-y] + dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - devour v.吞食;贪婪地享受 [de-vour] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] + drench v.使湿透 [drench] + flip v.用指轻弹;蹦跳;a.无礼的 [flip] - foodstuff n.食料,食品 [food-stuff] + forage n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草;v.搜寻,翻寻 [for-age] + gnaw v.啃,咬 [gnaw] - graze v.(动物)吃(地上长的)草;放牧 [graze] - gulp v.吞食,咽下 [gulp] + herbivorous a.食草的 [her-biv-o-rous] - lap v.舔食;泼溅 [lap] + masticate v.咀嚼;把…磨成浆 [mas-ti-cate] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] - mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] - morsel n.一小块(食物);小量 [mor-sel] + mumble v.咕哝,含糊不清地说 [mum-ble] + nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃 [nib-ble] - nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] + nurture v.抚育,给…营养物,教养;n.养育,营养物;(总称)环境因素 [nur-ture] + nutrient n.滋养物质 [nu-tri-ent] + omelet n.煎蛋卷 [om-e-let] + pastry n.糕点,点心 [pas-try] - peck v.啄食;轻啄 [peck] + potable a.适于饮用的 [po-ta-ble] + potation n.畅饮;饮料 [po-ta-tion] + prey n.被捕食的动物 [prey] + provender n.(牛马吃的)草料,粮秣 [prov-en-der] + provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] + purvey v.(大量)供给,供应 [pur-vey] + quaff v.痛饮,畅饮 [quaff] + ration n.定量配给;v.配给 [ra-tion] + regale v.款待;使…享受 [re-gale] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] - sip v.啜饮 [sip] - slurp v.大声地啜喝 [slurp] - sop n.泡过的食品;安慰品 [sop] - subsistence n.生存,生计;存在 [sub-sist-ence] + sustenance n.食物,粮食;生计 [sus-te-nance] - swallow v.吞下,咽下;忍受 [swal-low] + swill v.冲洗;痛饮 [swill] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] + vanilla n.香草,香子兰 [va-nil-la] - waffle n.蛋奶烘饼;v.胡扯,唠叨 [waf-fle] - whet v.磨快;刺激 [whet] ***** excretion 299 + catharsis n.宣泄,净化 [ca-thar-sis] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - emanate v.散发,发出,发源 [em-a-nate] - excrete v.排泄,分泌 [ex-crete] + hemorrhage n.出血(尤指大出血) [hem-or-rhage] + lava n.熔岩 [la-va] + saliva n.唾液,口水 [sa-li-va] ***** insertion 300 - bud n.芽;花蕾 [bud] - graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] - imbue v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 [im-bue] + immerse v.浸入;沉浸于 [im-merse] - impact n.冲击,影响 [im-pact] + implant v.注入;灌输 [im-plant] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] - infuse v.灌输;鼓励 [in-fuse] + injection n.注射;注射剂 [in-jec-tion] + inoculate v.预防注射 [in-oc-u-late] - insert v.插入 [in-sert] - instill v.滴注;逐渐灌输 [in-still] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] - press v.挤压 [press] + soak v.浸泡,渗透 [soak] ***** extraction 301 - deracinate v.根除,杜绝 [de-rac-in-ate] - elicit v.引出,探出 [e-lic-it] - eliminate v.除去,淘汰 [e-lim-i-nate] - eradicate v.根除;扑灭 [e-rad-i-cate] - evolve v.使逐渐形成,进化 [e-volve] - extirpation n.根除,铲除 [ex-tir-pa-tion] + extort v.强索,敲诈 [ex-tort] + extract v.拔出;强索 [ex-tract] + extricate v.拯救,救出 [ex-tri-cate] + pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] - press v.挤压 [press] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] - wrench v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 [wrench] ***** passage 302 - conduit n.渠道,引水道;水管 [con-duit] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - egress n.出去,出口 [e-gress] + ford n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水 [ford] - odyssey n.长途的冒险旅行 [odyssey] - penetrate v.刺穿;渗入;了解 [pen-e-trate] - perforate v.打洞 [per-fo-rate] - permeate v.扩散;渗透 [per-me-ate] - thread n.螺纹 [thread] - transmit v.传送,传播 [trans-mit] - traverse v.横穿过,横跨 [trav-erse] ***** transcursion 303 - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + encroach v.侵占,蚕食 [en-croach] - exceed v.超过;超出 [ex-ceed] + infringe v.违反,侵害 [in-fringe] - outstrip v.超过;跑过 [out-strip] - overlap v.(部分地)重叠 [o-ver-lap] + overreach v.做事过头 [o-ver-reach] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - redundancy n.过剩;备份;似乎多余其实重要的后备力量 [re-dun-dan-cy] - soar v.高飞,翱翔;猛增 [soar] - surmount v.克服,战胜 [sur-mount] - surpass v.超过 [sur-pass] - transcend v.超越,胜过 [tran-scend] + transgress v.冒犯,违背 [trans-gress] + transgression n.违法,罪过 [trans-gres-sion] + trespass v.侵犯,闯入私人领地 [tres-pass] ***** shortcoming 304 - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] + default v./n.拖债;未履行的责任 [de-fault] - implode v.内爆;剧减 [im-plode] - perfunctory a.草率的,敷衍的 [per-func-to-ry] - want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] ***** ascent 305 + aspire v.向往,有志于 [as-pire] + buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] + elevate v.将…举起 [el-e-vate] - hover v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 [hov-er] - lark n./v.玩乐,嬉耍 [lark] - plane n.刨子;平面;v.刨 [plane] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - soar v.高飞,翱翔;猛增 [soar] - spire n.(教堂)尖顶 [spire] - surge v.波涛汹涌,波动 [surge] - surmount v.克服,战胜 [sur-mount] + upgrade v.提升,给…升级 [up-grade] ***** descent 306 + avalanche n.雪崩 [av-a-lanche] - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - debacle n.解冻;崩溃 [de-ba-cle] - deciduous a.非永久的;短暂的;脱落的;落叶的 [de-cid-u-ous] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - descend v.下来,下降 [de-scend] - descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] + droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] + landslide n.山崩;压倒性胜利 [land-slide] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - lurch n.突然向前或旁边倒;v.蹒跚而行 [lurch] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - plummet v.垂直或突然坠下 [plum-met] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + slippage n.滑动,下降 [slip-page] - tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] - topple v.倾覆,推倒 [top-ple] ***** elevation 307 + buoy n.浮标;救生圈;v.支持,鼓励 [bu-oy] - elevate v.将…举起 [el-e-vate] - erect a.竖立的,笔直的,直立的 [e-rect] + escalate v.(战争等)升级;扩大,上升 [es-ca-late] + escalation n.逐步上升,逐步增强 [es-ca-la-tion] - exalt v.(高度)赞扬,歌颂 [ex-alt] + exaltation n.(成功带来的)得意,高兴 [ex-al-ta-tion] + hoist v.吊高,升起;n.起重机 [hoist] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - lever n.杠杆;v.撬动 [lev-er] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] + stilted a.(文章,谈话)不自然的;夸张的 [stilt-ed] + upheaval n.动乱,大变动 [up-heav-al] ***** depression 308 - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + cower v.畏缩,蜷缩 [cow-er] - crouch v.蹲伏,弯腰 [crouch] + debase v.贬低,贬损 [de-base] - depressed a.消沉的;凹陷的 [de-pressed] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] + obeisance n.鞠躬,敬礼 [o-bei-sance] - overthrow v./n.推翻;终止 [o-ver-throw] - overturn v.翻倒;推翻 [o-ver-turn] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - precipitation n.降水(量) [pre-cip-i-ta-tion] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - raze v.彻底破坏 [raze] - squat v.蹲下;a.矮胖的 [squat] - subvert v.颠覆,推翻 [sub-vert] ***** leap 309 + buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] + cavort v.腾越,欢跃 [ca-vort] + frisky a.活泼的,快活的 [frisk-y] + kangaroo n.袋鼠 [kan-ga-roo] + salmon n.大麻哈鱼;鲜肉色 [salm-on] - vault n.拱顶;地窖 [vault] ***** plunge 310 + diver n.潜水员 [div-er] + douse v.把…浸入水中;熄灭 [douse] - engulf v.吞噬 [en-gulf] - founder v.(船)沉没;(计划)失败 [found-er] - immerse v.浸入;沉浸于 [im-merse] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] + welter n.混乱,杂乱无章 [wel-ter] ***** circuition 311 - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] - circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] - circuitous a.迂回的,绕圈子的 [cir-cu-i-tous] + circulate v.循环;流通;发行 [cir-cu-late] + circulation n.循环,流通;发行额 [cir-cu-la-tion] - circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] - excursion n.短途旅游 [ex-cur-sion] - meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] - wrench v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 [wrench] ***** rotation 312 + augur n.占卜师;v.占卜 [au-gur] - axis n.轴(常为虚构之线,如地球轴) [ax-is] - axle n.轮轴(连接两个车轮的轴) [ax-le] - circulate v.循环;流通;发行 [cir-cu-late] - circulation n.循环,流通;发行额 [cir-cu-la-tion] + cyclone n.气旋,飓风 [cy-clone] - drill n.钻;钻床 [drill] + eddy n.漩涡,涡流 [ed-dy] - gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] + gyrate a.旋转的;v.旋转 [gy-rate] - hinge n.铰链;关键 [hinge] - hub n.轴心;中心 [hub] - pirouette n./v.(舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋转 [pir-ou-ette] + rotate v.旋转,转动;轮流,交替 [ro-tate] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] - spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] - surge v.波涛汹涌,波动 [surge] + tire n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 [tire] + tornado n.飓风,龙卷风 [tor-na-do] + vertigo n.眩晕 [ver-ti-go] - welter n.混乱,杂乱无章 [wel-ter] + whirlpool n.漩涡 [whirl-pool] ***** evolution 313 - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] - evolve v.使逐渐形成,进化 [e-volve] - unfold v.展开,打开;逐渐呈现 [un-fold] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] ***** oscillation 314 - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + brandish v.(威胁性地)挥舞 [bran-dish] - dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] + flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - fluctuate v.波动;变化 [fluc-tu-ate] + jazz n.爵士乐;喧闹 [jazz] - lurch n.突然向前或旁边倒;v.蹒跚而行 [lurch] - oscillate v.摆动;犹豫 [os-cil-late] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - pulse v.搏动,跳动;n.脉搏;脉冲 [pulse] + quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] + ragtime n.拉格泰姆音乐;a.使人发笑的,滑稽的 [rag-time] + reel n.卷轴,旋转;v.卷…于轴上 [reel] - rhythmic a.有节奏的 [rhyth-mic] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] - teeter v.摇摆,踌躇 [tee-ter] - toss v.投,掷;使摇动 [toss] - totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] - vacillate v.游移不定,踌躇 [vac-il-late] - vibrancy n.生机勃勃,活泼 [vi-bran-cy] + vibrate v.颤动,振动 [vi-brate] - wag v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 [wag] + wobble v.动摇;犹豫 [wob-ble] - zigzag n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 [zig-zag] ***** agitation 315 + agitate v.搅动,煽动;使不安,使焦虑 [ag-i-tate] - agitated a.被鼓动的;不安的 [ag-i-tat-ed] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + bicker v.为小事争吵 [bick-er] - brandish v.(威胁性地)挥舞 [bran-dish] - chaos n.混乱 [cha-os] + commotion n.骚动,动乱 [com-mo-tion] - convulse v.使震动,震惊 [con-vulse] - convulsion n.骚动;痉挛 [con-vul-sion] - desultory a.不连贯的,散漫的 [des-ul-to-ry] + ebullience n.兴冲冲,亢奋 [e-bul-lience] - effervesce v.冒泡;热情洋溢 [ef-fer-vesce] + enzyme n.酵素,酶 [en-zyme] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - fermentation n.发酵 [fer-men-ta-tion] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] + fuss n.大惊小怪 [fuss] - jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] - jerk n./v.突然猛拉 [jerk] - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] - jolt v.颠簸着移动;n.震动,摇晃 [jolt] + maelstrom n.大漩涡;大混乱 [mael-strom] + palpitate v.(心脏)急速而不规则地跳动 [pal-pi-tate] - quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] + redistribution n.重新分配 [re-dis-tri-bu-tion] - reel n.卷轴,旋转;v.卷…于轴上 [reel] - restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] - ripple v.起涟漪;n.细浪,涟漪 [rip-ple] - stir v.刺激 [stir] - sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] + swirl v.旋转;n.漩 [swirl] - tempest n.暴风雨;骚动 [tem-pest] - toss v.投,掷;使摇动 [toss] - totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] + tremor n.震动,地震 [trem-or] + trepidation n.恐惧,惶恐 [trep-i-da-tion] - tumult n.乱哄哄 [tu-mult] - turmoil n.混乱,骚乱 [tur-moil] - wag v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 [wag] - whirlpool n.漩涡 [whirl-pool] + wield v.支配,掌权 [wield] - wobble v.动摇;犹豫 [wob-ble] * Class III. Words Relating to Matter ** Section I. Matter in General ***** materiality 316 - corporeal a.肉体的,身体的;物质的 [cor-po-re-al] + mechanics n.力学 [me-chan-ics] - objective a.客观的;n.目标 [ob-jec-tive] + palpable a.可触知的,明显的 [pal-pa-ble] + ponderable a.可估量的 [pon-der-a-ble] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] + sensible a.明智的;可感觉到的 [sen-si-ble] + somatic a.肉体的 [so-mat-ic] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - substantial a.坚固的,结实的;实质的 [sub-stan-tial] - tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] ***** immateriality 317 + disembodied a.无实体的,空洞的 [dis-em-bod-ied] - incorporate v.合并,并入 [in-cor-po-rate] + intangibility n.无形,不可接触 [in-tan-gi-bil-i-ty] + spiritual a.精神的 [spir-it-u-al] - subjective a.主观的,想象的 [sub-jec-tive] + unearthly a.奇异的 [un-earth-ly] ***** world 318 - asteroid n.小行星 [as-ter-oid] - astronomical a.庞大的 [as-tro-nom-i-cal] + celestial a.天体的,天上的 [ce-les-ti-al] + constellation n.星座,星群 [con-stel-la-tion] + cosmic a.宇宙的 [cos-mic] + cosmos n.宇宙 [cos-mos] + earthly a.现世的,尘世的 [earth-ly] + empyreal a.天空的 [em-pyr-e-al] - equator n.赤道 [e-qua-tor] - galaxy n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 [gal-ax-y] + lunar a.月亮的 [lu-nar] + mundane a.现世的,世俗的 [mun-dane] + observatory n.天文台 [ob-ser-va-to-ry] + planet n.行星 [plan-et] + sidereal a.恒星的 [si-de-re-al] + stellar a.星的,星球的 [stel-lar] + terrestrial a.地球的;陆地的 [ter-res-tri-al] ***** gravity 319 + acorn n.橡子,橡果 [a-corn] - ballast n.(船等)压舱物 [bal-last] - beam n.(房屋等)大梁;光线 [beam] + cumbersome a.笨重的 [cum-ber-some] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] - incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] - lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] - massive a.巨大的,厚重的 [mas-sive] - poise v.使相等,使平衡;n.泰然自若,镇定 [poise] - ponderable a.可估量的 [pon-der-a-ble] + ponderous a.笨重的,笨拙的 [pon-der-ous] - press v.挤压 [press] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] + trapeze n.空中秋千 [tra-peze] - unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 [un-wield-y] ***** levity 320 - balloon n.气球;v.快速增加 [bal-loon] - buoy n.浮标;救生圈;v.支持,鼓励 [bu-oy] - buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] - down n.绒毛;汗毛 [down] - ethereal a.太空;轻巧的 [e-the-re-al] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - gossamer n.蛛丝;薄纱;a.轻而薄的 [gos-sa-mer] + imponderable a.(重量等)无法衡量的 [im-pon-der-a-ble] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] + levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] - mote n.微粒,微尘 [mote] + thermal a.热的,热量的;温暖的n.热气流 [ther-mal] + volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] + yeast n.酵母;兴奋 [yeast] ** Section II. Inorganic Matter *** 1. Solid Matter ***** density 321 + clot n.凝块;v.使凝结成块 [clot] + coagulate v.使凝结 [co-ag-u-late] + coagulation n.凝固 [co-ag-u-la-tion] - coherent a.连贯的,一致的 [co-her-ent] + cohesion n.内聚力;凝聚力 [co-he-sion] - cohesive a.凝聚的 [co-he-sive] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] - compress v.压缩,浓缩 [com-press] - concrete a.具体存在的;n.混凝土 [con-crete] - condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] + congeal v.冻结,凝固 [con-geal] - conglomerate v.集聚成团 [con-glom-er-ate] - consolidate v.巩固;(使)坚强;合并 [con-sol-i-date] - consolidation n.合并,巩固 [con-sol-i-da-tion] + curdle v.使凝结,变稠 [cur-dle] - gnarled a.(树木)多节的;粗糙的 [gnarled] + gristle n.软骨;肉中难吃的硬组织 [gris-tle] - impenetrable a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 [im-pen-e-tra-ble] - impermeability n.不能渗透 [im-per-me-a-bil-i-ty] - impermeable a.不可渗透的,透不过的 [im-per-me-a-ble] + insoluble a.不溶解的;不能解决的 [in-sol-u-ble] + knotty a.有节疤的 [knot-ty] + limestone n.石灰岩 [lime-stone] - lump n.一块,肿块;v.形成块状 [lump] - massive a.巨大的,厚重的 [mas-sive] + nonporous a.无孔的,不渗透的 [non-po-rous] - nova n.新星 [no-va] + packed a.充满人的,拥挤的 [packed] + petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - precipitation n.降水(量) [pre-cip-i-ta-tion] - serried a.密集的 [ser-ried] + solidify v.巩固,(使)凝固,(使)团结 [so-lid-i-fy] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] + stuffy a.(空气)不新鲜的,闷气的 [stuff-y] - substantial a.坚固的,结实的;实质的 [sub-stan-tial] - supernova n.超新星 [su-per-no-va] ***** rarity 322 - dilate v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 [di-late] - expand v.扩大,膨胀 [ex-pand] - flimsy a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 [flim-sy] - intangibility n.无形,不可接触 [in-tan-gi-bil-i-ty] - rarefaction n.稀薄 [rar-e-fac-tion] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] - spongy a.像海绵的;不坚实的 [spon-gy] - svelte a.(女人)体态苗条的 [svelte] + tenuous a.细薄的,稀薄的;空洞的 [ten-u-ous] + vaporization n.蒸发 [va-por-i-za-tion] ***** hardness 323 - adamant a.强硬的;固执的 [ad-a-mant] + carbohydrate n.碳水化合物 [car-bo-hy-drate] - cement n.水泥;胶粘剂;v.粘合,巩固 [ce-ment] - concrete a.具体存在的;n.混凝土 [con-crete] + flint n.打火石,燧石 [flint] + granite n.花岗石 [gran-ite] - harden v.变硬,变坚强 [hard-en] + indurate v.使坚硬;使习惯于 [in-du-rate] + intransigent a.不妥协的 [in-tran-si-gent] - limestone n.石灰岩 [lime-stone] - marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] + osseous a.骨的,多骨的 [os-se-ous] + ossify v.硬化,骨化;使(传统)僵化 [os-si-fy] - petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - rigid a.硬性的,刚硬的 [rig-id] + starchy a.含淀粉的;刻板的 [starch-y] - stark a.(外表)僵硬的;完全的 [stark] + stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - tined a.尖端的 [tined] + vitrify v.使成玻璃 [vit-ri-fy] ***** softness 324 - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + clay n.黏土 [clay] - cushion n.坐垫;v.缓冲 [cush-ion] - down n.绒毛;汗毛 [down] - flaccid a.松弛的;软弱的 [flac-cid] + flexible a.易弯曲的,灵活的 [flex-i-ble] - flimsy a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 [flim-sy] + foolproof a.容易懂的,简易而不会误用的 [fool-proof] + inelasticity n.无弹性,无伸缩性 [in-e-las-tic-i-ty] - knead v.揉制,捏制 [knead] - limber a.易弯曲的;敏捷的 [lim-ber] - limp v.跛行;a.软弱的,松软的 [limp] + lissome a.姿态优雅的,柔软的 [lis-some] + lithe a.柔软的,易弯曲的;敏捷的,轻快的 [lithe] + malleable a.可塑的,易改变的 [mal-le-a-ble] - mash v.捣成糊状 [mash] - mollify v.安慰,安抚 [mol-li-fy] + other-directed a.受人支配的 [oth-er-di-rect-ed] - padding n.衬垫,填料 [pad-ding] + pliable a.易弯的,柔软的 [pli-a-ble] + pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] + receptive a.善于接受的;从善如流的 [re-cep-tive] - relent v.动怜悯心;减弱 [re-lent] + scrutable a.可以理解的 [scru-ta-ble] - spongy a.像海绵的;不坚实的 [spon-gy] - squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] + supple a.伸屈自如的 [sup-ple] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] + tractability n.温顺 [tractability] + tractable a.易于驾驭的,温顺的 [trac-ta-ble] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] - willowy a.苗条的 [wil-low-y] + yielding a.弯曲自如的;柔顺的 [yield-ing] ***** elasticity 325 - buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] - distend v.(使)膨胀,胀大 [dis-tend] - extend v.延展,延长 [ex-tend] - flexible a.易弯曲的,灵活的 [flex-i-ble] + resilience n.弹性,弹力 [re-sil-ience] - resilient a.有弹性的;能恢复活力的,适应力强的 [re-sil-i-ent] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] ***** inelasticity 326 - inelasticity n.无弹性,无伸缩性 [in-e-las-tic-i-ty] ***** tenacity 327 - cement n.水泥;胶粘剂;v.粘合,巩固 [ce-ment] - gristle n.软骨;肉中难吃的硬组织 [gris-tle] - stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] + tackiness n.胶粘性 [tack-i-ness] - tenacious a.坚韧不拔的 [te-na-cious] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] ***** brittleness 328 + brittle a.易碎的,脆弱的 [brit-tle] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - crumble v.弄碎;崩毁 [crum-ble] - fragile a.易碎的,易坏的 [frag-ile] - frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] ***** texture 329 + anatomical a.解剖学的 [an-a-tom-i-cal] - cleavage n.裂缝;分裂 [cleav-age] + coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] - constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - denim n.粗斜纹棉布 [den-im] - fabric n.纺织品;结构 [fab-ric] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] + histology n.细胞组织学 [his-tol-o-gy] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + neurology n.神经学 [neu-rol-o-gy] - organism n.生物;有机体 [or-gan-ism] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - texture n.质地;结构 [tex-ture] - tissue n.细胞组织;薄纸,棉纸 [tis-sue] ***** pulverulence 330 - abrade v.磨损,磨小 [a-brade] - abrasion n.表面磨损 [a-bra-sion] - abrasive a.磨损的;生硬粗暴的 [a-bra-sive] - attenuate v.变薄 [at-ten-u-ate] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + bruise v.受伤,擦伤 [bruise] - crumb n.饼屑,面包屑;碎裂的东西 [crumb] - crumble v.弄碎;崩毁 [crum-ble] - debris n.废墟,残骸 [de-bris] - detritus n.碎屑;废墟 [de-tri-tus] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + filings n.锉屑 [fil-ings] + friable a.易碎的 [fri-a-ble] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] + grate v.发出“吱嘎”声;磨碎;使人烦躁 [grate] - grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] - grit n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 [grit] - impalpable a.无法触及的;不易理解的 [im-pal-pa-ble] + mill n.磨坊;压榨机;制造厂 [mill] - neutron n.中子 [neu-tron] - pestle n.杵,乳钵槌 [pes-tle] - preposition n.介词,前置词 [prep-o-si-tion] + pulverize v.压成细粉;彻底击败 [pul-ver-ize] + sawdust n.锯屑 [saw-dust] - shard n.(陶器等)碎片 [shard] + shingle n.木瓦,屋顶板;木质小招牌 [shin-gle] ***** friction 331 - abrasion n.表面磨损 [a-bra-sion] - abrasive a.磨损的;生硬粗暴的 [a-bra-sive] + contrition n.悔罪,痛悔 [con-tri-tion] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] - friction n.摩擦;矛盾,冲突 [fric-tion] - gnaw v.啃,咬 [gnaw] - graze v.(动物)吃(地上长的)草;放牧 [graze] - grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] + scrub n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗 [scrub] ***** lubrication 332 + grease n.(炼出的)动物油脂;滑脂 [grease] - lubricate v.润滑 [lu-bri-cate] - saliva n.唾液,口水 [sa-li-va] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] *** 2. Fluid Matter *** 1. Fluids In General ***** fluidity 333 + antibody n.抗体(身体中的抗病物质) [an-ti-bod-y] - condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] + liquefy v.(使)液化,(使)溶解 [liq-ue-fy] + liquid a.清澈的 [liq-uid] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] + soluble a.可溶的;可以解决的 [sol-u-ble] ***** gaseity 334 - aerial a.空中的,空气中的 [aer-i-al] - diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射;a.漫射的,散漫的 [dif-fuse] - ethereal a.太空;轻巧的 [e-the-re-al] - evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] + gaseous a.似气体的 [gas-e-ous] + reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] - vaporize v.(使)蒸发 [va-por-ize] + vaporous a.无实质的 [va-por-ous] - volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] ***** liquefaction 335 - condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] - flux n.不断的变动,动荡不定 [flux] - liquefy v.(使)液化,(使)溶解 [liq-ue-fy] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - soluble a.可溶的;可以解决的 [sol-u-ble] - solvent a.有偿债能力的;n.溶剂 [sol-vent] + thaw v.解冻,溶化 [thaw] ***** vaporization 336 + aerate v.充气,让空气进入 [aer-ate] - distill v.蒸馏 [dis-till] - effervesce v.冒泡;热情洋溢 [ef-fer-vesce] - evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] - exhale v.呼出(气) [ex-hale] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] + fumigate v.以烟熏消毒 [fu-mi-gate] + gasification n.气化 [gas-i-fi-ca-tion] - reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] - sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] - vaporization n.蒸发 [va-por-i-za-tion] - vaporize v.(使)蒸发 [va-por-ize] - volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] *** 2. Specific Fluids ***** water 337 + aquatic a.水生的,水中的 [a-quat-ic] + dabble v.涉足,浅赏 [dab-ble] - deluge n.大洪水;暴雨 [del-uge] - dilute v.把(液体)弄稀,弄淡 [di-lute] - douse v.把…浸入水中;熄灭 [douse] - drench v.使湿透 [drench] + hemostat n.止血器;止血剂 [he-mo-stat] - immerse v.浸入;沉浸于 [im-merse] + inundate v.淹没;泛滥 [in-un-date] + irrigate v.灌溉 [ir-ri-gate] + lave v.洗浴;慢慢冲刷 [lave] + macerate v.浸软;消瘦 [mac-er-ate] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] - reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] - soak v.浸泡,渗透 [soak] + sopping a.浑身湿透的 [sop-ping] + steep v.浸泡,浸透 [steep] - syringe n.注射器 [sy-ringe] ***** air 338 - aerial a.空中的,空气中的 [aer-i-al] + barometer n.气压计;晴雨表 [ba-rom-e-ter] + isotope n.同位素 [i-so-tope] + meteorology n.气象学 [me-te-or-ol-o-gy] - ventilate v.使…通风,透风 [ven-ti-late] + weather v.经受住,平安度过危难 [weath-er] + windy a.有风的;长篇累牍的 [wind-y] ***** moisture 339 - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] - drench v.使湿透 [drench] + humid a.湿润的 [hu-mid] + humidity n.湿度,湿气 [hu-mid-i-ty] - imbue v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 [im-bue] - infiltrate v.渗透,渗入 [in-fil-trate] + marsh n.沼泽地,湿地 [marsh] - perspire v.流汗 [per-spire] - saturate v.浸透;使充满 [sat-u-rate] - saturated a.渗透的,饱和的 [sat-u-rat-ed] + sloppy a.邋遢的,不整洁的 [slop-py] - soak v.浸泡,渗透 [soak] + sodden a.浸透了的 [sod-den] + soggy a.湿透的 [sog-gy] - sopping a.浑身湿透的 [sop-ping] + sultry a.闷热的;(人)风骚的 [sul-try] ***** dryness 340 + anhydrous a.无水的 [an-hy-drous] - arid a.干旱的;枯燥的 [ar-id] + dehydrate v.除去水分,脱水 [de-hy-drate] + desiccate v.(使)完全干涸,脱水 [des-ic-cate] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - drainage n.排水;污水 [drain-age] + drought n.干旱;干旱时期 [drought] + husky a.声音沙哑的 [husk-y] + parch v.烘烤;烤焦 [parch] + sear v.(以烈火)烧灼 [sear] + sere a.干枯的,凋萎的 [sere] ***** ocean 341 - marine a.海的;海中的 [ma-rine] - maritime a.沿海的;海上的 [mar-i-time] + siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] ***** land 342 - clay n.黏土 [clay] - clot n.凝块;v.使凝结成块 [clot] + continent a.自制的;n.大陆 [con-ti-nent] - debark v.下船,下飞机,下车,卸载 [de-bark] + delta n.三角洲 [del-ta] + derelict a.荒废的;玩忽职守的;n.被遗弃的人 [der-e-lict] + earthy a.粗俗的,粗陋的 [earth-y] + gravel n.碎石,砂砾 [grav-el] - isthmus n.地峡 [isth-mus] - levee n.防洪堤;堤岸 [lev-ee] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] - oasis n.绿洲 [o-a-sis] + peninsula n.半岛 [pen-in-su-la] - soil n./v.弄脏,污损 [soil] - strand n.绳线的一股;v.搁浅 [strand] + terrain n.地势,地形 [ter-rain] ***** gulf, lake 343 - creek n.小湾,小溪 [creek] + puddle n.水坑,洼 [pud-dle] - slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] - strait n.海峡;a.狭窄的 [strait] ***** plain 344 - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - mesa n.高台地,平顶山 [me-sa] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - plateau n.高原;平稳的状态 [pla-teau] - plot n.情节;阴谋;策划 [plot] + sod n.草地,草坪 [sod] + spartan a.简朴的;刻苦的 [spartan] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** marsh 345 + bog n.沼泽;v.使…陷入泥沼 [bog] - marsh n.沼泽地,湿地 [marsh] - sloppy a.邋遢的,不整洁的 [slop-py] + slough v.(蛇等)蜕皮;n.(蛇等的)蜕皮 [slough] - squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] - swamp n.沼泽;v.使陷入;淹没 [swamp] ***** island 346 + archipelago n.群岛 [ar-chi-pel-a-go] - insular a.岛屿的;心胸狭窄的 [in-su-lar] *** 3. Fluids in Motion ***** stream 347 - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] ***** river 348 - affluent a.富裕的,丰富的 [af-flu-ent] + babble v.胡言乱语;牙牙学语;喋喋不休 [bab-ble] - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] + brook n.小河 [brook] - cataclysm n.剧变,灾难(常指大洪水或地震) [cat-a-clysm] + cloudburst n.大暴雨,豪雨 [cloud-burst] - creek n.小湾,小溪 [creek] - debacle n.解冻;崩溃 [de-ba-cle] - deluge n.大洪水;暴雨 [del-uge] - distill v.蒸馏 [dis-till] + downpour n.暴雨 [down-pour] - drench v.使湿透 [drench] + drizzle v.下毛毛雨;n.毛毛雨 [driz-zle] - eddy n.漩涡,涡流 [ed-dy] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] + fluvial a.河流的,生长在河中的 [flu-vi-al] - flux n.不断的变动,动荡不定 [flux] + geyser n.天然热喷泉 [gey-ser] - gush v.涌出;滔滔不绝地说 [gush] - hemostat n.止血器;止血剂 [he-mo-stat] + hurricane n.飓风 [hur-ri-cane] + hydrant n.(消防)水龙头;消防栓 [hy-drant] - inundate v.淹没;泛滥 [in-un-date] - irrigate v.灌溉 [ir-ri-gate] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] + murmur v.柔声地说,喃喃而言 [mur-mur] - obstruct v.阻塞,截断 [ob-struct] + overflow v.溢出;洋溢 [o-ver-flow] + rapids n.急流,湍流 [rap-ids] - ripple v.起涟漪;n.细浪,涟漪 [rip-ple] + rivulet n.小溪,小河 [riv-u-let] - seep v.(液体等)渗漏 [seep] - sluice n.水门,水闸;v.冲洗 [sluice] - spate n.大批,大量;(水)泛滥 [spate] + stanch v.制止(血液),止住 [stanch] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - surge v.波涛汹涌,波动 [surge] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - syringe n.注射器 [sy-ringe] - torrent n.洪流,急流 [tor-rent] - trickle v.一滴滴地流;n.细流 [trick-le] - whirlpool n.漩涡 [whirl-pool] ***** wind 349 - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] + blizzard n.暴风雪 [bliz-zard] - blustering a.大吵大闹的 [blustering] - boisterous a.喧闹的;猛烈的 [bois-ter-ous] - cyclone n.气旋,飓风 [cy-clone] + gust n.阵风;一阵(情绪) [gust] - hurricane n.飓风 [hur-ri-cane] - inflate v.使充气,使膨胀 [in-flate] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + monsoon n.季雨,季风 [mon-soon] - squall n.短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴;短暂的骚动 [squall] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - tempest n.暴风雨;骚动 [tem-pest] + tempestuous a.狂暴的 [tem-pes-tu-ous] - tornado n.飓风,龙卷风 [tor-na-do] - ventilate v.使…通风,透风 [ven-ti-late] - waft v.飘浮,飘荡 [waft] + whiff v./n.轻吹,轻风 [whiff] - windy a.有风的;长篇累牍的 [wind-y] + zephyr n.和风;西风 [zeph-yr] ***** conduit 350 + aorta n.主动脉 [a-or-ta] + aqueduct n.引水渠;高架渠 [aq-ue-duct] + arroyo n.干涸的河床;小河 [ar-roy-o] + artery n.动脉,命脉 [ar-ter-y] - conduit n.渠道,引水道;水管 [con-duit] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] + duct n.管道,槽 [duct] + gargoyle n.(雕刻成怪兽状的)滴水嘴;面貌丑恶的人 [gar-goyle] - gully n.雨水冲成的沟壑 [gul-ly] - gutter n.水槽;街沟 [gut-ter] - kennel n.狗舍,狗窝 [ken-nel] - moat n.壕沟;护城河 [moat] - pore n.毛孔,气孔 [pore] + sewer n.排水沟,下水道 [sew-er] - sluice n.水门,水闸;v.冲洗 [sluice] - valve n.活门,阀门 [valve] - vascular a.血管的,脉管的 [vas-cu-lar] ***** airpipe 351 - vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] *** 3. Imperfect Fluids ***** semiliquidity 352 + glutinous a.粘的,胶状的 [glu-ti-nous] + graphite n.石墨 [graph-ite] - gum n.树胶,橡皮 [gum] + lactic a.乳汁的 [lac-tic] - lava n.熔岩 [la-va] + margarine n.人造黄油 [mar-ga-rine] - marsh n.沼泽地,湿地 [marsh] - mash v.捣成糊状 [mash] - milk v.榨取 [milk] - slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] - squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] - starchy a.含淀粉的;刻板的 [starch-y] + stodgy a.乏味的 [stodg-y] + viscid a.粘性的 [vis-cid] + viscous a.粘的 [vis-cous] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** bubble; cloud 353 - aerate v.充气,让空气进入 [aer-ate] + cumulus n.积云 [cu-mu-lus] - effervesce v.冒泡;热情洋溢 [ef-fer-vesce] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - fermentation n.发酵 [fer-men-ta-tion] + frothy a.起泡的;空洞的 [froth-y] - geyser n.天然热喷泉 [gey-ser] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] + nebulous a.模糊不清的;云状的 [neb-u-lous] - vaporous a.无实质的 [va-por-ous] - yeast n.酵母;兴奋 [yeast] ***** pulpiness 354 + pulp n.果肉酱;纸浆 [pulp] ***** unctuousness 355 - ointment n.油膏,软膏 [oint-ment] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] + unctuous a.油质的;油腔滑调的 [unc-tu-ous] ***** oil 356 + bauxite n.铝土岩(产铝的矿土、石) [baux-ite] - graphite n.石墨 [graph-ite] - grease n.(炼出的)动物油脂;滑脂 [grease] - margarine n.人造黄油 [mar-ga-rine] - ointment n.油膏,软膏 [oint-ment] + petroleum n.石油 [pe-tro-le-um] + unguent n.药膏,软膏 [un-guent] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** resin 356.a - gum n.树胶,橡皮 [gum] + iodine n.碘;碘酒 [i-o-dine] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] + resin n.树脂 [res-in] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] ** Section III. Organic Matter *** 1. Vitality **** 1. Vitality in General ***** organization 357 + botany n.植物学 [bot-a-ny] + chromosome n.染色体 [chro-mo-some] + cytology n.[生]细胞学 [cy-tol-o-gy] + ecologist n.生态学家,生态学者 [e-col-o-gist] + genome n.基因组,染色体组 [ge-nome] + metabolism n.新陈代谢 [me-tab-o-lism] - organism n.生物;有机体 [or-gan-ism] + physiological a.生理的;生理学上的 [phys-i-o-log-i-cal] - pollen n.花粉 [pol-len] ***** inorganization 358 + fossilize v.使…成为化石;使…过时 [fos-sil-ize] + inanimate a.无生命的 [in-an-i-mate] + petrology n.岩石学 [pe-trol-o-gy] ***** life 359 + animated a.活泼的,生动的 [an-i-mat-ed] + animation n.活泼,有生气;卡通制作 [an-i-ma-tion] - cytology n.[生]细胞学 [cy-tol-o-gy] - gene n.基因 [gene] + genetics n.遗传学 [ge-net-ics] - microbe n.微生物 [mi-crobe] + pathogen n.病原体 [path-o-gen] - physiological a.生理的;生理学上的 [phys-i-o-log-i-cal] - pulse v.搏动,跳动;n.脉搏;脉冲 [pulse] + respiration n.呼吸 [res-pi-ra-tion] - revive v.使苏醒;再流 [re-vive] + viability n.生存能力,存活力 [vi-a-bil-i-ty] + viable a.可行的;能活下去的 [vi-a-ble] + vital a.极其重要的;充满活力的 [vi-tal] + vitalize v.激发活力 [vi-tal-ize] ***** death 360 + demise n.死亡;财产转让 [de-mise] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] - expire v.期满;去世 [ex-pire] - extinct a.绝种的,不存在的 [ex-tinct] - inanimate a.无生命的 [in-an-i-mate] + moribund a.即将结束的;垂死的 [mor-i-bund] - mortality n.死亡率 [mor-tal-i-ty] + mortuary n.停尸间,太平间 [mor-tu-ar-y] + nonviable a.无法生存的 [non-vi-a-ble] + obituary n.讣闻,讣告 [o-bi-tu-ar-y] - perish v.死,暴卒 [per-ish] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] ***** killing 361 - antibody n.抗体(身体中的抗病物质) [an-ti-bod-y] + asphyxiate v.(使)无法呼吸,窒息而死 [as-phyx-i-ate] - casualty n.伤亡事故;伤亡者 [cas-u-al-ty] - chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] - choke v.(使)窒息,阻塞 [choke] - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] + fatal a.致命的;灾难性的 [fa-tal] + fungicide n.杀真菌剂 [fun-gi-cide] + fusillade n./v. (枪炮)齐射,连发 [fu-sil-lade] + germicide n.杀菌剂 [ger-mi-cide] + herbicide n.除草剂 [herb-i-cide] + immolate v.牺牲,焚祭 [im-mo-late] + immunize v.使免疫 [im-mu-nize] + insecticide n.杀虫剂 [in-sec-ti-cide] + internecine a.内讧的,两败俱伤的 [in-ter-ne-cine] + lethal a.致命的 [le-thal] + massacre n.大屠杀 [mas-sa-cre] + pesticide n.杀虫剂 [pes-ti-cide] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + shale n.页岩(一种由似泥土细粒的沉淀物层组成的易分裂的岩石) [shale] + shambles n.凌乱景象,杂乱无章 [sham-bles] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] + slaughter v./n.屠杀,屠宰 [slaugh-ter] + smother v.覆盖;(使)闷死 [smoth-er] + sport v.炫耀,卖弄 [sport] + stifle v.感到窒息;抑止 [sti-fle] + suffocate v.(使)窒息而死 [suf-fo-cate] + underdog n.受欺负者,弱者 [un-der-dog] + vaccinate v.给…接种疫苗 [vac-ci-nate] + victimize v.使受害,迫害 [vic-tim-ize] ***** corpse 362 + carrion n.腐肉 [car-ri-on] - clay n.黏土 [clay] - remains n.遗址,废墟 [re-mains] - skeleton n.骨架,骨骼;提纲 [skel-e-ton] ***** interment 363 + burial n.埋葬,埋藏 [bur-i-al] + cypress n.柏树 [cy-press] + dirge n.哀歌 [dirge] + disinter v.挖出,挖掘 [dis-in-ter] + elegy n.哀歌,挽歌 [el-e-gy] + epitaph n.墓志铭 [ep-i-taph] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] + inter v.埋葬 [in-ter] - mortuary n.停尸间,太平间 [mor-tu-ar-y] + mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] + plaque n.匾;血小板 [plaque] + pyre n.火葬用的柴堆 [pyre] + sepulchral a.坟墓的;阴深的 [se-pul-chral] - shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] + shrine n.神龛,圣地 [shrine] + shroud n.寿衣;遮蔽物;v.覆盖 [shroud] + tombstone n.墓碑,墓石 [tomb-stone] - unearth v.挖出;发现 [un-earth] - vault n.拱顶;地窖 [vault] **** 2. Special Vitality ***** animality 364 - animation n.活泼,有生气;卡通制作 [an-i-ma-tion] - corporeal a.肉体的,身体的;物质的 [cor-po-re-al] ***** vegetability 365 + asparagus [植]芦笋,龙须菜(可作蔬菜) [as-par-a-gus] + lush a.繁茂的,茂盛的 [lush] ***** animal 366 + amphibian n.两栖动物;水陆两用飞行器 [am-phib-i-an] + biped n.二足动物 [bi-ped] + brute n./a.野兽(的);残忍的(人) [brute] - buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] + canary n.金丝雀;女歌星 [ca-nar-y] + canine a.犬的,似犬的 [ca-nine] + cow v.威胁 [cow] - duckling n.雏鸭,小鸭 [duck-ling] + ewe n.母羊 [ewe] + grouse n.松鸡;v.牢骚,诉苦 [grouse] + invertebrate adj./n.无脊椎的(动物) [in-ver-te-brate] + mammal n.哺乳动物 [mam-mal] + maverick n.想法与众不同的人 [mav-er-ick] - microbe n.微生物 [mi-crobe] - mongrel n.杂种动物;混血儿 [mon-grel] + mosquito n.蚊子 [mos-qui-to] - otter n.水獭 [ot-ter] + pest n.害虫;讨厌的人或物 [pest] - rail n.栏杆;铁轨;v.咒骂,猛烈指责 [rail] - ram n.公羊;撞锤,猛击;填塞 [ram] + reptile n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 [rep-tile] + roe n.鱼卵 [roe] + ruminant a.(动物)反刍的;沉思的 [ru-mi-nant] - sow n.母猪;v.播种 [sow] + steer v.操舵,驾驶;n.公牛,食用牛 [steer] + swine n.猪 [swine] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] + vaccine n.牛痘苗,疫苗 [vac-cine] ***** vegetable 367 - arboreal a.树木的 [ar-bo-re-al] + arboretum n.植物园 [ar-bo-re-tum] + brake n.刹车;v.减速,阻止 [brake] - chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] - conifer n.针叶树 [co-ni-fer] - elm n.榆树 [elm] - eucalyptus n.桉树 [eu-ca-lyp-tus] - exotic a.珍奇的;来自异国的 [ex-ot-ic] + fern n.羊齿植物,蕨 [fern] + flora n.(某地区或时代的)植物群 [flo-ra] + foliage n.叶子(总称) [fo-li-age] + forestry n.森林学;林产;林地 [for-est-ry] - fungi n.菌类,蘑菇 [fun-gi] - gardenia n.栀子花 [gar-de-ni-a] - grove n.小树林,树丛 [grove] + herbaceous a.草本植物的 [her-ba-ceous] + ligneous a.木质的,木头的 [lig-ne-ous] + maize n.玉米 [maize] - maple n.枫树(枫树是加拿大的国树) [ma-ple] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] - mushroom n.蘑菇;v.雨后春笋般迅速发展 [mush-room] - pecan n.山核桃 [pe-can] - perennial a.终年的;永久的 [per-en-ni-al] - plankton n.浮游生物 [plank-ton] - pulse v.搏动,跳动;n.脉搏;脉冲 [pulse] - scrub n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗 [scrub] + shrub n.灌木 [shrub] - stem n.(植物的)茎,叶柄;v.阻止,遏制(水流等) [stem] + thicket n.树丛,灌木丛 [thick-et] + timber n.木材;(人)品质 [tim-ber] + verdant a.青葱的,翠绿的 [ver-dant] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] ***** zoology 368 + anthropologist n.人类学家 [an-thro-pol-o-gist] - cytology n.[生]细胞学 [cy-tol-o-gy] + demography n.人口统计,人口学 [de-mog-ra-phy] - ecologist n.生态学家,生态学者 [e-col-o-gist] + herpetologist n.爬行动物学家 [her-pe-tol-o-gist] + ornithologist n.鸟类学家,鸟类学者 [or-ni-thol-o-gist] + ornithology n.鸟类学 [or-ni-thol-o-gy] - paleontology n.古生物学 [pa-le-on-tol-o-gy] ***** botany 369 - botany n.植物学 [bot-a-ny] - flora n.(某地区或时代的)植物群 [flo-ra] ***** husbandry 370 + apiary n.养蜂场,蜂房 [a-pi-ar-y] - aviary n.大鸟笼,鸟舍 [a-vi-ar-y] - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] + bridle n.马笼头;v.抑制,控制 [bri-dle] + bucolic a.乡村的;牧羊的 [bu-col-ic] - domesticate v.驯养 [do-mes-ti-cate] - hive n.蜂房;忙碌之地 [hive] + husbandry n.耕种,务农;节敛管理 [hus-band-ry] + pastoral a.田园生活的;宁静的 [pas-to-ral] + runic a.北欧古代文字的;神秘的 [ru-nic] - sacrifice n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 [sac-ri-fice] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - tend v.照料,看顾 [tend] + veterinary a.兽医的 [vet-er-i-nar-y] ***** agriculture 371 + agrarian a.土地的 [a-grar-i-an] + agronomy n.农学,农艺学 [a-gron-o-my] + arable a.可耕的,适合种植的 [ar-a-ble] - arboretum n.植物园 [ar-bo-re-tum] - conservatory n.温室;音乐学院 [con-serv-a-to-ry] + cultivate v.种植;向…讨好 [cul-ti-vate] - delve v.深入探究,钻研 [delve] - forestry n.森林学;林产;林地 [for-est-ry] - habitat n.自然环境,栖息地 [hab-i-tat] + harrow n.耙;v.使痛苦 [har-row] - hoe n.锄头 [hoe] + horticulture n.园艺学 [hor-ti-cul-ture] - husbandry n.耕种,务农;节敛管理 [hus-band-ry] + manure n.粪肥;v.给…施肥 [ma-nure] + orchard n.果园 [or-chard] + plough n.犁;v.犁地 [plough] - reap v.收割,收获 [reap] + reaper n.收割者 [reap-er] - rural a.乡村的 [ru-ral] - rustic a.乡村的,乡土气的 [rus-tic] - sow n.母猪;v.播种 [sow] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] ***** mankind 372 + commonwealth n.共和国,联邦 [com-mon-wealth] + communal a.全体共用的,共享的 [com-mu-nal] - cosmopolitan n.世界主义者,四海为家的人 [cos-mo-pol-i-tan] + ethnology n.人种学,人类文化学 [eth-nol-o-gy] - generation n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 [gen-er-a-tion] - individual a.单独的,特有的;n.个人,个体 [in-di-vid-u-al] - mortality n.死亡率 [mor-tal-i-ty] - realm n.王国;领域,范围 [realm] - supernova n.超新星 [su-per-no-va] ***** man 373 - blade n.刀锋,刀口 [blade] - buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] + husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] - steer v.操舵,驾驶;n.公牛,食用牛 [steer] ***** woman 374 - cow v.威胁 [cow] - ewe n.母羊 [ewe] + feminist n.女权运动者 [fem-i-nist] - mare n.母马,母驴 [ma-re] - mollycoddle v.过分爱惜,娇惯;n.娇生惯养的人 [mol-ly-cod-dle] - roe n.鱼卵 [roe] - sow n.母猪;v.播种 [sow] + suffragist n.参政权扩大论者;妇女政权论者 [suf-fra-gist] ***** sexuality 374.a - climax n.顶点,高潮 [cli-max] - deviation n.背离 [de-vi-a-tion] + lust n.强烈的欲望 [lust] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + narcissism n.自恋,自爱 [nar-cis-sism] + passionate a.充满激情的 [pas-sion-ate] *** 2. sensation **** 1. Sensation in General ***** physical sensibility 375 - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] + aesthetic a.美学的,有审美感的 [aes-thet-ic] - cultivate v.种植;向…讨好 [cul-ti-vate] + impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] + sensation n.知觉;轰动(的事) [sen-sa-tion] - sensible a.明智的;可感觉到的 [sen-si-ble] + sensitive a.敏感的 [sen-si-tive] + sentient a.有知觉的;知悉的 [sen-ti-ent] + tutor n.助教;监护人;v.辅导 [tu-tor] - vivid a.清晰的,鲜艳的;大胆的,活泼的,逼真的 [viv-id] ***** physical insensibility 376 - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] + callous a.结硬块的 [cal-lous] + coma n.昏迷状态 [co-ma] + comatose a.昏迷的 [co-ma-tose] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] + insentient a.无知觉的,无生命的 [in-sen-ti-ent] + menthol n.薄荷醇 [men-thol] + numb a.麻木的 [numb] - obtuse a.愚笨的;不锐利的 [ob-tuse] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] ***** physical pleasure 377 + agreeable a.令人喜悦的;欣然同意的 [a-gree-a-ble] - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] + luxurious a.奢侈的,豪华的 [lux-u-ri-ous] + luxury n.奢侈(品) [lux-u-ry] - regale v.款待;使…享受 [re-gale] + relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] - snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] + sybaritic a.放纵的 [sybaritic] + voluptuous a.撩人的;沉溺于酒色的 [vo-lup-tu-ous] ***** physical pain 378 + agony n.极大痛苦 [ag-o-ny] + anguish n.极大痛苦 [an-guish] + arthritis n.关节炎 [ar-thri-tis] + asthma n.哮喘症 [asth-ma] + chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] - convulse v.使震动,震惊 [con-vulse] - convulsion n.骚动;痉挛 [con-vul-sion] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] + fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] + gall n.胆汁;怨恨 [gall] - gnaw v.啃,咬 [gnaw] - grate v.发出“吱嘎”声;磨碎;使人烦躁 [grate] + gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] + hypertension n.高血压 [hy-per-ten-sion] - immunize v.使免疫 [im-mu-nize] - lacerate v.撕裂;深深伤害 [lac-er-ate] + malaise n.不适,不舒服 [ma-laise] + nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事 [night-mare] + pang n.一阵剧痛 [pang] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] + smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] + sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] - stitch n.(缝纫时的)一针,一钩;v.缝合 [stitch] + torment n.折磨,痛苦 [tor-ment] + twinge n.(生理,心理上的)剧痛 [twinge] - vaccinate v.给…接种疫苗 [vac-ci-nate] + wince v.避开,畏缩 [wince] **** 2. Special Sensation **** (1) Touch ***** touch 379 + antenna n.触角;天线 [an-ten-na] - fumble v.摸索,笨拙搜寻;弄乱,搞糟 [fum-ble] + grope v.摸索,探索 [grope] + handle n.柄,把手;v.处理 [han-dle] + manipulate v.操纵 [ma-nip-u-late] - palpable a.可触知的,明显的 [pal-pa-ble] + tact n.机智;圆滑 [tact] + tactile a.有触觉的 [tac-tile] - tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] - wield v.支配,掌权 [wield] ***** sensations of touch 380 - creep v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 [creep] - sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] ***** numbness 381 - impalpable a.无法触及的;不易理解的 [im-pal-pa-ble] - intangible a.不可触摸的 [in-tan-gi-ble] - numb a.麻木的 [numb] **** (2) Heat ***** heat 382 + ardent a.热心的,热烈的 [ar-dent] + bask v.晒太阳,取暖 [bask] + calorie n.卡路里;卡(热量单位) [cal-o-rie] + fervid a.炽热的,热情的 [fer-vid] + fervor n.热诚,热心 [fer-vor] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] - genial a.愉快的,脾气好的 [ge-ni-al] + glow v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 [glow] + glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] + hectic a.兴奋的;繁忙的 [hec-tic] + igneous a.火的,火绒的 [ig-ne-ous] + incandescence n.白炽,炽热发光 [in-can-des-cence] + inflamed a.发炎的 [in-flamed] + lukewarm a.微温的,不热心的 [luke-warm] - parch v.烘烤;烤焦 [parch] + perfervid a.非常热心的 [per-fer-vid] - reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] + scalding a.滚烫的 [scalding] + seethe v.沸腾,汹涌 [seethe] - spark n.火花,火星 [spark] - stuffy a.(空气)不新鲜的,闷气的 [stuff-y] - sultry a.闷热的;(人)风骚的 [sul-try] + sweltering a.酷热的 [swel-ter-ing] + tangy a.强烈的,扑鼻的 [tang-y] + tepid a.微温的 [tep-id] - thaw v.解冻,溶化 [thaw] - thermal a.热的,热量的;温暖的n.热气流 [ther-mal] ***** cold 383 - arctic a.北极的;极寒的 [arc-tic] + bleak a.寒冷的;阴沉的;阴郁的,暗淡的 [bleak] - deadpan a./n.无表情的(脸) [dead-pan] + fresco n.壁画 [fres-co] + frigid a.寒冷的;死板的 [frig-id] + frigidity n.寒冷;冷淡 [fri-gid-i-ty] - glacial a.冰期的,冰河期的;寒冷的 [gla-ci-al] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] + icicle n.冰柱,冰垂 [i-ci-cle] + inclement a.(天气)严酷的;严厉的 [in-clem-ent] - lukewarm a.微温的,不热心的 [luke-warm] - numb a.麻木的 [numb] + offish a.冷淡的 [of-fish] - piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] + rigor n.严酷;严格,苛刻;严密,精确 [ri-gor] + shudder v./n.战栗,发抖 [shud-der] - tepid a.微温的 [tep-id] ***** calefaction 384 + alkali n.碱 [al-ka-li] + arson n.纵火,放火 [ar-son] + brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] + cauterize v.(用腐蚀性物质或烙铁)烧灼(表皮组织)以消毒或止血 [cau-ter-ize] + ceramics n.制陶业);陶器 [ce-ram-ics] - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] + char v.烧焦;使…燃烧成焦炭 [char] + cinder n.余烬,矿渣 [cin-der] + combustible a.易燃的;易激动的 [com-bus-ti-ble] + conflagration n.建筑物或森林大火 [con-fla-gra-tion] + corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀 [cor-rode] + crockery n.陶器,瓦器 [crock-er-y] + flammable a.易燃的 [flam-ma-ble] - foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] + furnace n.锅炉 [fur-nace] - fusion n.熔合;聚变 [fu-sion] - geyser n.天然热喷泉 [gey-ser] + grill v.烤;拷问;n.烤架 [grill] + ignite v.发光;点燃,燃烧 [ig-nite] - incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] + incinerate v.焚化,毁弃 [in-cin-er-ate] - inflame v.使燃烧;激怒(某人) [in-flame] + inflammation n.激怒;炽热;炎症 [in-flam-ma-tion] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] - liquefy v.(使)液化,(使)溶解 [liq-ue-fy] + molten v.熔化;a.熔化的 [mol-ten] + oxidize v.氧化,生锈 [ox-i-dize] - parch v.烘烤;烤焦 [parch] + porcelain n.瓷;瓷器 [por-ce-lain] + pottery n.制陶;陶器 [pot-ter-y] + refinery n.提炼厂,精炼厂 [re-fin-er-y] - residue n.剩余 [res-i-due] - scorch v.烤焦,烧焦 [scorch] - sear v.(以烈火)烧灼 [sear] - seethe v.沸腾,汹涌 [seethe] + singe v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦 [singe] + slag n.炉渣,矿渣 [slag] - sodden a.浸透了的 [sod-den] + soot n.黑烟灰,油烟 [soot] + stoke v.给…添加燃料 [stoke] - thaw v.解冻,溶化 [thaw] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] ***** refrigeration 385 - congeal v.冻结,凝固 [con-geal] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] - extinguish v.使…熄灭;使…不复存在 [ex-tin-guish] - nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] - petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] ***** furnace 386 - caldron n.(煮汤用的)大锅 [cal-dron] - conservatory n.温室;音乐学院 [con-serv-a-to-ry] - forge n.铁匠铺;v.锤炼;伪造 [forge] - furnace n.锅炉 [fur-nace] - grate v.发出“吱嘎”声;磨碎;使人烦躁 [grate] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] + tongs n.夹子,钳子 [tongs] ***** refrigerator 387 ***** fuel 388 - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] - cinder n.余烬,矿渣 [cin-der] - combustible a.易燃的;易激动的 [com-bus-ti-ble] - flammable a.易燃的 [flam-ma-ble] + incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - log n./v.日志,记录;n.一段大木头;圆木 [log] + lumen n.流明(光通量单位) [lu-men] - petroleum n.石油 [pe-tro-le-um] + tinder n.火绒,火种 [tin-der] - wax n.蜡;v.给…打蜡;盈,增大 [wax] + wick n.蜡烛芯;灯芯 [wick] ***** insulation, fire extinction 388.a - bucket >n.圆桶 [buck-et] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] - douse v.把…浸入水中;熄灭 [douse] - extinguish v.使…熄灭;使…不复存在 [ex-tin-guish] + nonflammable a.不易燃的 [non-flam-ma-ble] - quench v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) [quench] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - smother v.覆盖;(使)闷死 [smoth-er] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] ***** thermometer 389 **** (3) Taste ***** taste 390 - gust n.阵风;一阵(情绪) [gust] + gustation n.品尝;味觉 [gus-ta-tion] + gustatory a.味觉的,品尝的 [gus-ta-to-ry] + palate n.上腭;口味;爱好 [pal-ate] - relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] - stomach v.吃得下;容忍 [stom-ach] ***** insipidity 391 - bland a.(人)情绪平稳的;(食物)无味的 [bland] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] + halfhearted a.不认真的,不热心的 [half-heart-ed] + insipid a.乏味的,枯燥的 [in-sip-id] + mawkish a.自作多情的;淡而无味的,令人作呕的 [mawk-ish] - stale a.不新鲜的,陈腐的 [stale] + vapid a.索然无味的 [vap-id] ***** pungency 392 + acrid a.辛辣的,刻薄的 [ac-rid] + acrimonious a.尖刻的,严厉的 [ac-ri-mo-ni-ous] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] - mordant a.讥讽的,尖酸的 [mor-dant] + nicotine n.尼古丁 [nic-o-tine] - nip v.小口啜饮 [nip] + piquant a.辛辣的,开胃的;兴奋的 [pi-quant] + pungent a.味道刺激的;苛刻的 [pun-gent] - racy a.活泼的,生动的 [rac-y] + seasoned a.有经验的,训练有素的 [seasoned] - seasoning n.调味品,佐料 [sea-son-ing] - tangy a.强烈的,扑鼻的 [tang-y] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] ***** saltiness 392.a - racy a.活泼的,生动的 [rac-y] ***** bitterness 392.b + acerbic a.苦涩的;刻薄的 [a-cer-bic] - acrid a.辛辣的,刻薄的 [ac-rid] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] - alkali n.碱 [al-ka-li] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] - gall n.胆汁;怨恨 [gall] ***** condiment 393 - appetizer n.开胃品 [ap-pe-tiz-er] - balm n.香油,药膏;镇痛剂 [balm] + ginger n.姜;活力 [gin-ger] - relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] + sage a.智慧的;n.智者 [sage] - seasoning n.调味品,佐料 [sea-son-ing] ***** savoriness 394 - appetizer n.开胃品 [ap-pe-tiz-er] + appetizing a.美味可口的,促进食欲的 [ap-pe-tiz-ing] - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] + delectable a.赏心悦目的 [de-lec-ta-ble] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] + exquisite a.精致的;近乎完美的 [ex-qui-site] + nice a.精密的 [nice] + plutocracy n.财阀统治 [plu-toc-ra-cy] - relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] + tasty a.味道好的 [tast-y] + zest n.刺激性;热心,兴趣 [zest] ***** unsavoriness 395 - acrid a.辛辣的,刻薄的 [ac-rid] - acrimonious a.尖刻的,严厉的 [ac-ri-mo-ni-ous] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] + austerity n.朴素,艰苦 [aus-ter-i-ty] + disgust n.反感,厌恶 [dis-gust] + fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] + nauseate v.使作呕,使厌恶 [nau-se-ate] + offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] + rue n.后悔,遗憾 [rue] + unpalatable a.令人讨厌的 [un-pal-at-a-ble] ***** sweetness 396 - carbohydrate n.碳水化合物 [car-bo-hy-drate] + confection n.甜食,糖果 [con-fec-tion] + conserve v.保全,保存 [con-serve] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] + glucose n.葡萄糖 [glu-cose] - lush a.繁茂的,茂盛的 [lush] - pastry n.糕点,点心 [pas-try] + saccharin n.糖精 [sac-cha-rin] + tart a.酸的;尖酸的 [tart] ***** sourness 397 + crab n.蟹,螃蟹;v.抱怨,发脾气 [crab] + crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - hydrate n.水化物;v.水化 [hy-drate] - tart a.酸的;尖酸的 [tart] **** (4) Odor ***** odor 398 - exhale v.呼出(气) [ex-hale] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] + fragrance n.香料;香味 [fra-grance] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] - inhale v.吸气 [in-hale] + olfaction n.嗅觉 [ol-fac-tion] - pungent a.味道刺激的;苛刻的 [pun-gent] + redolent a.芬芳的,芳香的 [red-o-lent] - reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] ***** inodorousness 399 ***** fragrance 400 + aroma n.芳香,香气 [a-ro-ma] + aromatic a.芬芳的,芳香的 [ar-o-mat-ic] - balm n.香油,药膏;镇痛剂 [balm] + balmy a.(气候)温和的;芳香的 [balm-y] + bouquet n.花束;芳香 [bou-quet] - fragrance n.香料;香味 [fra-grance] + fragrant a.芳香的;愉快的 [fra-grant] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - mint n.大量;巨额 [mint] - potpourri n.混杂;杂文集 [pot-pour-ri] - redolent a.芬芳的,芳香的 [red-o-lent] ***** fetor 401 + cloying a.甜得发腻的 [cloy-ing] + fetid a.有恶臭的 [fet-id] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] + fusty a.陈腐的,霉臭的 [fus-ty] + noisome a.恶臭的;令人不快的 [noi-some] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] + rancid a.不新鲜的,变味的 [ran-cid] + stench n.臭气,恶臭(stink) [stench] ***** acridity 401.a - acrid a.辛辣的,刻薄的 [ac-rid] - astringent a.止血的,收缩的;n.收缩剂,止血剂 [as-trin-gent] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] **** (5) sound **** (I) Sound in General ***** sound 402 + audible a.听得见的 [au-di-ble] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] + phonetic a.语音的 [pho-net-ic] + resonant a.(声音)洪亮的;共鸣的 [res-o-nant] + resound v.回荡着声音;鸣响 [re-sound] ***** silence 403 - hush v./n.肃静,安静 [hush] - lull n.活动的暂停;v.使平静 [lull] + muffle v.使声音降低;裹住 [muf-fle] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] + solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - stifle v.感到窒息;抑止 [sti-fle] ***** loudness 404 - bedlam n.混乱,骚乱 [bed-lam] - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] + blatant a.厚颜无耻的;显眼的;炫耀的 [bla-tant] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] + din n.喧闹声,嘈杂声 [din] + earsplitting a.震耳欲聋的 [ear-split-ting] - fracas n.喧嚷,吵闹 [fra-cas] - fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] - obstreperous a.吵闹的,难管束的 [ob-strep-er-ous] - pandemonium n.喧嚣,大混乱 [pan-de-mo-ni-um] - piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] + plangent a.轰鸣的;悲哀的 [plan-gent] - resound v.回荡着声音;鸣响 [re-sound] + stentorian a.(指声音)极响亮的 [sten-to-ri-an] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - uproar n.喧闹,骚动 [up-roar] - uproarious a.骚动的,喧嚣的;令人捧腹的 [up-roar-i-ous] ***** faintness 405 - babble v.胡言乱语;牙牙学语;喋喋不休 [bab-ble] - damped a.减震的,压低(声音)的 [damped] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] - husky a.声音沙哑的 [husk-y] - liquid a.清澈的 [liq-uid] - low v.牛叫 [low] + muffled a.(声音)压低的 [muffled] - murmur v.柔声地说,喃喃而言 [mur-mur] + muted a.(声音)减弱的,变得轻柔的 [mut-ed] + mutter v.咕哝,嘀咕 [mut-ter] - piano a.(音乐)轻柔的 [pi-a-no] - ripple v.起涟漪;n.细浪,涟漪 [rip-ple] + whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] **** (II) Specific Sounds ***** snap 406 - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] - clash v.冲突,撞击 [clash] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - detonation n.爆炸,爆炸声 [det-o-na-tion] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - volley n.齐发,群射;v.齐发,群射;(足球、网球)截击 [vol-ley] ***** roll 407 - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + feedback n.(信息的)反馈 [feed-back] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] + rattle v.使格格作响;使慌乱 [rat-tle] + toll n.过路(桥)费;伤亡人数,损失;v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲 [toll] ***** resonance 408 + diva n.歌剧中的首席女主角 [di-va] + gong n.锣 [gong] - plangent a.轰鸣的;悲哀的 [plan-gent] - resonant a.(声音)洪亮的;共鸣的 [res-o-nant] - resound v.回荡着声音;鸣响 [re-sound] - reverberate v.起回声,反响 [re-ver-ber-ate] - sepulchral a.坟墓的;阴深的 [se-pul-chral] - squelch v.压制,镇压 [squelch] + vibrant a.振动的;明快的;生机勃勃的 [vi-brant] ***** nonresonance 408.a - muffled a.(声音)压低的 [muffled] ***** sibilation 409 - feedback n.(信息的)反馈 [feed-back] + hiss v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 [hiss] - mosquito n.蚊子 [mos-qui-to] + sibilant a.发出咝咝声的 [sib-i-lant] - squash v.压碎,挤压;n.南瓜 [squash] + whistle n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨 [whis-tle] ***** stridor 410 - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] + atonal a.(音乐)无调的 [a-ton-al] + cacophonous a.发音不和谐的,不协调的 [ca-coph-o-nous] + cacophony n.难听的声音 [ca-coph-o-ny] - carafe n.玻璃瓶 [ca-rafe] - coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] - discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] - earsplitting a.震耳欲聋的 [ear-split-ting] - grate v.发出“吱嘎”声;磨碎;使人烦躁 [grate] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] + off-key a.走调的,不和谐的 [off-key] - piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] - sepulchral a.坟墓的;阴深的 [se-pul-chral] - tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] ***** cry 411 - bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] - brawl v./n.争吵,打架 [brawl] + chorus n.合唱队,歌舞团 [cho-rus] + clamor v./n.吵闹,喧哗 [clam-or] + exclaim v.惊叫,呼喊 [ex-claim] + groan v./n.呻吟,叹息 [groan] + grumble v.喃喃诉苦,发怨言 [grum-ble] - hoop n.(桶之)箍,铁环 [hoop] + moan v./n.(痛苦地/的)呻吟;(不满地/的)抱怨 [moan] + shriek v.尖叫 [shriek] - squall n.短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴;短暂的骚动 [squall] - stentorian a.(指声音)极响亮的 [sten-to-ri-an] + whine v.哀号,号哭 [whine] ***** ululation 412 - bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] - blatant a.厚颜无耻的;显眼的;炫耀的 [bla-tant] + chuckle v.轻声地笑 [chuck-le] + croak n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 [croak] + drone v.嗡嗡地响,单调地说;n.单调的低音 [drone] + gaggle n.鹅群 [gag-gle] + gobble v.贪婪地吃,吞没 [gob-ble] - hiss v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 [hiss] - low v.牛叫 [low] + quack n.冒充内行之人;庸医 [quack] + snarl n./v.纠缠,混乱 [snarl] - whistle n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨 [whis-tle] **** (III) Musical Sounds ***** melody concord 413 - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] + cello n.大提琴 [cel-lo] + chord n.和弦,和音 [chord] + chromatic a.彩色的,五彩的 [chro-mat-ic] + composer n.作曲家 [com-pos-er] - concord n.和睦;公约 [con-cord] - consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] - consonant a.调和的,一致的 [con-so-nant] - dominant a.显性的,优势的 [dom-i-nant] - drone v.嗡嗡地响,单调地说;n.单调的低音 [drone] + euphonious a.悦耳的 [eu-pho-ni-ous] - gallon n.加仑 [gal-lon] - harmony n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 [har-mo-ny] - measured a.精确的;慎重的 [meas-ured] + mellifluous a.(音乐等)柔美流畅的 [mel-lif-lu-ous] + melody n.旋律;歌曲 [mel-o-dy] + musicologist n.音乐学者 [mu-si-col-o-gist] - pitch n.沥青,柏油;音调 [pitch] - quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] - rhyme n.押韵;v.押韵 [rhyme] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - spatial a.有关空间的,在空间的 [spa-tial] - stratify v.(使)层化 [strat-i-fy] + tempo n.(动作、生活的)步调,速度 [tem-po] + timbre n.音色,音质 [tim-bre] + tonic n.增进健康之物,补品;a.滋补的 [ton-ic] - transpose v.变换位置,调换 [trans-pose] ***** discord 414 - atonal a.(音乐)无调的 [a-ton-al] - cacophonous a.发音不和谐的,不协调的 [ca-coph-o-nous] - cacophony n.难听的声音 [ca-coph-o-ny] - discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] + dissonant a.不和谐的,不一致的 [dis-so-nant] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] - jarring a.声音刺耳的 [jar-ring] - off-key a.走调的,不和谐的 [off-key] - strident a.尖声的,刺耳的 [stri-dent] ***** music 415 + aria n.独唱曲,咏叹调 [a-ri-a] + attune (to)v.使调和 [at-tune] + ballad n.歌谣,小曲 [bal-lad] - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] + bravura >n.华美乐段;a.华美的;显示技巧的 [bra-vu-ra] - canon n.经典,真作 [ca-non] + carol n.赞美诗,颂歌;v.欢唱 [car-ol] + chant n.圣歌;v.歌唱或背诵 [chant] - chorus n.合唱队,歌舞团 [cho-rus] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - composer n.作曲家 [com-pos-er] + concerto n.协奏曲 [con-cer-to] - crescendo n.(音乐)渐强,高潮 [cre-scen-do] - dirge n.哀歌 [dirge] + ditty n.小曲,小调 [dit-ty] - drone v.嗡嗡地响,单调地说;n.单调的低音 [drone] - duet n.二重唱 [du-et] + hymn n.赞美诗 [hymn] + idyll n.田园生活;田园诗 [i-dyll] + instrumental a.有帮助的,有作用的 [in-stru-men-tal] - jazz n.爵士乐;喧闹 [jazz] + limerick n.五行打油诗 [lim-er-ick] - lullaby n.摇篮曲 [lull-a-by] + lyric a.抒情的;n.抒情诗;歌词 [lyr-ic] + madrigal n.抒情短诗,情歌,合唱曲 [mad-ri-gal] - melody n.旋律;歌曲 [mel-o-dy] + minuet n.小步舞 [min-u-et] - movement n.(交响乐)乐章 [move-ment] + operetta n.小歌剧 [op-er-et-ta] + oratorio n.清唱剧(没有舞台行动、道具的戏剧) [or-a-to-ri-o] + orchestra n.管弦乐队 [or-ches-tra] - overture n.前奏曲,序曲 [o-ver-ture] - pastoral a.田园生活的;宁静的 [pas-to-ral] - potpourri n.混杂;杂文集 [pot-pour-ri] - quartet n.四重奏,四重唱 [quar-tet] - ragtime n.拉格泰姆音乐;a.使人发笑的,滑稽的 [rag-time] - score n.乐谱 [score] + solo a.单独的;n.独唱 [so-lo] + sonata n.奏鸣曲 [so-na-ta] + staccato a.(音乐)断音的,不连贯的 [stac-ca-to] - symphony n.交响乐,交响曲 [sym-pho-ny] - tempo n.(动作、生活的)步调,速度 [tem-po] - trio n.三重奏,三重唱;三人一组 [tri-o] ***** musician 416 - accompany v.伴随,陪伴 [ac-com-pa-ny] - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] + bard n.吟游诗人 [bard] - carol n.赞美诗,颂歌;v.欢唱 [car-ol] - chant n.圣歌;v.歌唱或背诵 [chant] + choir n.(教堂的)歌唱队 [choir] - chorus n.合唱队,歌舞团 [cho-rus] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - composer n.作曲家 [com-pos-er] - diva n.歌剧中的首席女主角 [di-va] + doodle v.胡乱画;混时间 [doo-dle] + execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] + instrumentalist n.乐器演奏者 [in-stru-men-tal-ist] - musicologist n.音乐学者 [mu-si-col-o-gist] - quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] + vocalist n.流行歌手,声乐家 [vo-cal-ist] - whistle n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨 [whis-tle] ***** musical instruments 417 - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] - cello n.大提琴 [cel-lo] + clarion a.声音高而清晰的;n.尖音小号声;尖音小号 [clar-i-on] - gong n.锣 [gong] + harp n.竖琴;v.喋喋不休地说或写 [harp] + harpsichord n.键琴(钢琴前身) [harp-si-chord] - horn n.角,角质;喇叭 [horn] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] - orchestra n.管弦乐队 [or-ches-tra] - piano a.(音乐)轻柔的 [pi-a-no] - rattle v.使格格作响;使慌乱 [rat-tle] - reed n.芦苇;簧片 [reed] + tambourine n.铃鼓,手鼓 [tam-bou-rine] - tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] + trumpet n.喇叭,小号 [trum-pet] - whistle n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨 [whis-tle] **** (IV) Perception Of Sound ***** hearing 418 + acoustic a.听觉的,有关声音的 [a-cous-tic] + audience n.听众,观众;读者 [au-di-ence] - earshot n.听力所及范围 [ear-shot] + eavesdrop v.偷听,窃听 [eaves-drop] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] - lug v./n.拖,拉 [lug] + stethoscope n.听诊器 [steth-o-scope] + stylus n.铁笔 [sty-lus] ***** deafness 419 **** (6) light **** (I) Light in General ***** light 420 - beam n.(房屋等)大梁;光线 [beam] - breadth n.宽度 [breadth] + effulgent a.灿烂的 [ef-ful-gent] + enlighten v.启发,开导,教导,授予…知识 [en-light-en] + explicate v.详细解说 [ex-pli-cate] - flare n./v.(火焰)摇曳,闪耀 [flare] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] + garish a.俗丽的,过于艳丽的 [gar-ish] + glare v.发出眩目光芒;怒目而视 [glare] + glimmer v.发微光;n.摇曳的微光 [glim-mer] + glisten v.闪烁,闪耀 [glis-ten] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - glossy a.光泽的,光滑的 [gloss-y] - glow v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 [glow] + graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] + halo n.(日、月等)晕,神像之光环 [ha-lo] + illuminate v.阐明,解释;照亮 [il-lu-mi-nate] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] + lucid a.表达清楚的,明白易懂的 [lu-cid] + lustrous a.有光泽的 [lus-trous] - meteoric a.流星的;昙花一现的 [me-te-or-ic] - orient a.上升的;v.确定方向;使熟悉情况 [o-ri-ent] - refraction n.折射 [re-frac-tion] + refulgent a.辉煌的,灿烂的 [re-ful-gent] + resplendent a.华丽的,辉煌的 [re-splend-ent] - spark n.火花,火星 [spark] + splendor n.壮丽;辉煌 [splen-dor] - streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - vivid a.清晰的,鲜艳的;大胆的,活泼的,逼真的 [viv-id] ***** darkness 421 + adumbrate v.(对将来事件)预示 [ad-um-brate] + dim v.使暗淡,使模糊 [dim] - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] - extinction n.熄灭;消灭 [ex-tinc-tion] - extinguish v.使…熄灭;使…不复存在 [ex-tin-guish] + gloom n.黑暗;忧郁 [gloom] + gloomy a.阴暗的;没有希望的;阴郁的 [gloom-y] + lurid a.耀眼的;骇人听闻的 [lu-rid] + murky a.黑暗的;朦胧的 [murk-y] - nocturnal a.夜晚的,夜间发生的 [noc-tur-nal] + obfuscate v.使困惑,使迷惑 [ob-fus-cate] + obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] + obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] + overshadow v.遮蔽,使失色 [o-ver-shad-ow] + somber a.忧郁的;阴暗的 [som-ber] ***** dimness 422 - dim v.使暗淡,使模糊 [dim] - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] - glimmer v.发微光;n.摇曳的微光 [glim-mer] + lackluster a.无光泽的;呆滞的 [lack-lus-ter] - loom n.织布机;v.(威胁性)隐约出现 [loom] - lurid a.耀眼的;骇人听闻的 [lu-rid] - nebulous a.模糊不清的;云状的 [neb-u-lous] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] ***** luminary 423 - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] + chandelier n.枝形吊灯(烛台) [chan-de-lier] - constellation n.星座,星群 [con-stel-la-tion] + firefly n.萤火虫 [fire-fly] + fluorescent a.萤光的,发光的 [flu-o-res-cent] - galaxy n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 [gal-ax-y] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] - illuminate v.阐明,解释;照亮 [il-lu-mi-nate] - lumen n.流明(光通量单位) [lu-men] + luminary n.杰出人物,名人 [lu-mi-nar-y] - spark n.火花,火星 [spark] - taper n.细蜡烛;v.(长形物体的)逐渐变细 [ta-per] - wick n.蜡烛芯;灯芯 [wick] ***** shade 424 - awning n.遮阳蓬,雨蓬 [awn-ing] - glade n.林中的空地 [glade] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] + umbrage n.不快,愤怒 [um-brage] - veil n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 [veil] ***** transparency 425 + clarity n.清楚 [clar-i-ty] + diaphanous a.精致的,透明的 [di-aph-a-nous] + limpid a.清澈的;透明的 [lim-pid] - lucid a.表达清楚的,明白易懂的 [lu-cid] + pellucid a.清晰的,清澈的 [pel-lu-cid] + revealing a.暴露的,裸露的;揭露性的 [revealing] + serene a.清澈的,晴朗的,安静的 [se-rene] + translucent a.(半)透明的 [trans-lu-cent] + transparent a.透明的;直率的 [trans-par-ent] ***** opacity 426 - dim v.使暗淡,使模糊 [dim] - murky a.黑暗的;朦胧的 [murk-y] - obfuscate v.使困惑,使迷惑 [ob-fus-cate] + opacity n.不透明性,晦涩 [o-pac-i-ty] + opaque a.不透明的;难懂的 [o-paque] - vaporous a.无实质的 [va-por-ous] ***** turbidity 426.a - murky a.黑暗的;朦胧的 [murk-y] - obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] - vaporous a.无实质的 [va-por-ous] ***** semitransparency 427 + opalescence n.(不透明的)乳白光 [opalescence] - translucent a.(半)透明的 [trans-lu-cent] **** (II) Specific Light ***** color 428 - acorn n.橡子,橡果 [a-corn] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - chromatic a.彩色的,五彩的 [chro-mat-ic] + coloration n.着色法,染色法;颜色,色泽 [col-or-a-tion] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] + florid a.华丽的;(脸)红润的 [flor-id] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - garish a.俗丽的,过于艳丽的 [gar-ish] + gaudy a.俗丽的 [gaud-y] - glow v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 [glow] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] + hue n.色彩,色泽 [hue] - illuminate v.阐明,解释;照亮 [il-lu-mi-nate] - imbue v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 [im-bue] - maize n.玉米 [maize] - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] + melon n.甜瓜 [mel-on] + monochromatic a.单色的 [mon-o-chro-mat-ic] - mordant a.讥讽的,尖酸的 [mor-dant] + pastel n.彩色粉笔或蜡笔画;柔和的色彩 [pas-tel] + pigment n.天然色素;干粉颜料 [pig-ment] + raisin n.葡萄干 [rai-sin] + spectrum n.光谱;范围 [spec-trum] + stain v.玷污;染色 [stain] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] + tint n.色泽;v.给…淡淡地着色 [tint] - vivid a.清晰的,鲜艳的;大胆的,活泼的,逼真的 [viv-id] ***** achromatism 429 + blanch v.使变白;使(脸色)变苍白 [blanch] + bleach v.漂白 [bleach] - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] - lackluster a.无光泽的;呆滞的 [lack-lus-ter] + monochrome a.单色的,单色画的 [mon-o-chrome] + pallid a.苍白的,没血色的 [pal-lid] + tarnish n./v.失去光泽,晦暗 [tar-nish] + wan a.虚弱的;病态的 [wan] ***** whiteness 430 + alabaster a.雪白的 [al-a-bas-ter] - blanch v.使变白;使(脸色)变苍白 [blanch] - bleach v.漂白 [bleach] + candid a.率直的 [can-did] - hoary a.(头发)灰白的;古老的 [hoar-y] + ivory n.象牙,长牙 [i-vo-ry] - lactic a.乳汁的 [lac-tic] - milk v.榨取 [milk] ***** blackness 431 + blotch n.(皮肤上的)红斑点;(墨水等)大斑点 [blotch] - buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] + denigrate v.污蔑,诽谤 [den-i-grate] - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] - murky a.黑暗的;朦胧的 [murk-y] - nocturnal a.夜晚的,夜间发生的 [noc-tur-nal] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] - somber a.忧郁的;阴暗的 [som-ber] - soot n.黑烟灰,油烟 [soot] ***** gray 432 - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] + drab a.枯黄色的;无聊的 [drab] + ferrous a.含铁的 [fer-rous] - somber a.忧郁的;阴暗的 [som-ber] ***** brown 433 + maroon n./a.栗色(的) [ma-roon] + tan v.鞣(革) [tan] ***** redness 434 + blush v.因某事物脸红;n.因羞愧等脸上泛出的红晕 [blush] + extrovert n.性格外向者 [ex-tro-vert] - florid a.华丽的;(脸)红润的 [flor-id] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - inflamed a.发炎的 [in-flamed] - lurid a.耀眼的;骇人听闻的 [lu-rid] + magenta n./a.紫红色(的);n.紫红色的染料 [ma-gen-ta] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - maroon n./a.栗色(的) [ma-roon] - melon n.甜瓜 [mel-on] - raisin n.葡萄干 [rai-sin] + rubicund a.(脸色)红润的 [ru-bi-cund] - salmon n.大麻哈鱼;鲜肉色 [salm-on] + sanguine a.乐观的 [san-guine] ***** greenness 435 - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] + novice n.生手,新手 [nov-ice] - verdant a.青葱的,翠绿的 [ver-dant] + verdigris n.铜锈,铜绿 [ver-di-gris] ***** yellowness 436 - fallow n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 [fal-low] + jaundice n.偏见;黄疸 [jaun-dice] + jaundiced a.有偏见的 [jaun-diced] ***** purple 437 + mauve a.淡紫色的 [mauve] + violet a.紫罗兰色的;n.紫罗兰 [vi-o-let] ***** blueness 438 + blue a.忧伤的,沮丧的 [blue] - retiring a.隐居的,不喜欢社交的 [re-tir-ing] + sapphire n.青石,蓝宝石;a.天蓝色的 [sap-phire] + turquoise n.绿松石;a.碧绿的 [tur-quoise] ***** orange 439 - gild v.镀金;虚饰 [gild] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] ***** variegation 440 - braid n.穗子;发辫;v.编成辫子 [braid] - chameleon n.变色龙,蜥蜴;善变之人 [cha-me-le-on] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] + crochet n.钩针织物;v.用钩针编织 [cro-chet] + dappled a.有斑点的,斑驳的 [dap-pled] + embroider v.刺绣,修饰 [em-broi-der] + iridescent a.闪彩光的,现晕光的 [ir-i-des-cent] + maculated a.有斑点的 [mac-u-lat-ed] - marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] - monochromatic a.单色的 [mon-o-chro-mat-ic] - mosaic n.马赛克;镶嵌细工(把小块玻璃石头等镶嵌成图画) [mo-sa-ic] - motley a.混杂的;杂色的 [mot-ley] + mottled a.有杂色的,斑驳的 [mot-tled] + pied a.杂色的 [pied] - spectrum n.光谱;范围 [spec-trum] + stipple v.点画,点描 [stip-ple] - streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] + striate v.在…加上条纹 [stri-ate] - striated a.有条纹的 [stri-at-ed] + variegate v.使…多样化 [var-i-e-gate] + variegation n.杂色,班驳 [var-i-e-ga-tion] **** (III) Perceptions of Light ***** vision 441 - arena n.(角斗的)竞技场 [a-re-na] + contemplate v.深思 [con-tem-plate] + descry v.远远看到,望见 [de-scry] + discern v.(费劲)识别,看出 [dis-cern] + espionage n.间谍活动 [es-pi-o-nage] + espy v.(从远处等)突然看到 [es-py] + gaze v./n.凝视,注视 [gaze] + glance v./n.一瞥 [glance] - glare v.发出眩目光芒;怒目而视 [glare] + gloat v.幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜 [gloat] + grandstand n.大看台;v.哗众取宠 [grand-stand] - hawk n.隼,鹰 [hawk] + ken n.视野范围;知识范围 [ken] + leer v.斜眼看,送秋波 [leer] - loophole n.枪眼,小窗,换气孔 [loop-hole] + ogle v.送秋波;n.媚眼 [o-gle] - peer n.同等之人,同辈 [peer] + periscope n.潜望镜 [per-i-scope] + pry v.刺探;撬开 [pry] + reconnaissance n.侦察,预先探索 [re-con-nais-sance] + speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] + squint v.斜视 [squint] - vista n.远景;展望 [vis-ta] + witness n.目击者;v.目击 [wit-ness] ***** blindness 442 + hoodwink v.蒙混,欺骗 [hood-wink] + wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] ***** dimsightedness 443 + apparition n.幽灵,神奇的现象 [ap-pa-ri-tion] - glare v.发出眩目光芒;怒目而视 [glare] + glower v.怒目而视 [glow-er] + hemophilia n.血友病,出血不止 [he-mo-phil-i-a] + illusion n.假象,错觉 [il-lu-sion] - loom n.织布机;v.(威胁性)隐约出现 [loom] + mirage n.幻影,海市蜃楼 [mi-rage] + myopia n.近视;缺乏远见 [my-o-pi-a] + myopic a.近视眼的;缺乏辨别力的 [my-op-ic] - phantom n.鬼怪,幽灵;幻像 [phan-tom] - refraction n.折射 [re-frac-tion] + specter n.鬼魂,幽灵;恐惧 [spec-ter] - spectrum n.光谱;范围 [spec-trum] - squint v.斜视 [squint] - wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] ***** spectator 444 + beholder n.目睹者,旁观者 [be-hold-er] - bystander n.旁观者 [by-stand-er] + sentinel n.哨兵,卫兵 [sen-ti-nel] + spectator n.观众,观看者 [spec-ta-tor] - witness n.目击者;v.目击 [wit-ness] ***** optical instruments 445 + kaleidoscope n.万花筒;产生有趣的对称效果 [ka-lei-do-scope] - microscope n.显微镜 [mi-cro-scope] + monocle n.单片眼镜 [mon-o-cle] ***** visibility 446 + conspicuous a.显著的,显而易见的 [con-spic-u-ous] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] + discernible a.可识别的,依稀可辨的 [dis-cern-i-ble] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] - exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] - glare v.发出眩目光芒;怒目而视 [glare] - glimmer v.发微光;n.摇曳的微光 [glim-mer] - loom n.织布机;v.(威胁性)隐约出现 [loom] + manifestation n.表明,显示 [man-i-fes-ta-tion] - materialize v.赋予形体,使具体化;实现 [ma-te-ri-al-ize] + obvious a.明显的,显而易见的 [ob-vi-ous] - palpable a.可触知的,明显的 [pal-pa-ble] - peer n.同等之人,同辈 [peer] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - spartan a.简朴的;刻苦的 [spartan] ***** invisibility 447 - conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒 [con-ceal] - covert a.秘密的,隐密的 [cov-ert] - dim v.使暗淡,使模糊 [dim] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] + lurk v.潜伏,埋伏 [lurk] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] ***** appearance 448 - aspect n.(问题等的)方面;面貌,外表 [as-pect] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] - exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] - guise n.外观,装束 [guise] + insignia n.徽章,袖章 [in-sig-ni-a] + ostensible a.表面上的 [os-ten-si-ble] - outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] + pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧 [pag-eant] + panorama n.概观,全景 [pan-o-ra-ma] + perspective n.(判断事物的)角度,方法;透视法 [per-spec-tive] - phantom n.鬼怪,幽灵;幻像 [phan-tom] - profile n.外形;轮廓侧面像 [pro-file] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] + stance n.站姿;立场 [stance] + superficiality n.浅薄 [superficiality] - vantage n.优势,有利地位 [van-tage] - vista n.远景;展望 [vis-ta] ***** disappearance 449 - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] + efface v.擦掉,抹去 [ef-face] - evanescent a.迅速消失的,短暂的 [ev-a-nes-cent] - evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] - vaporize v.(使)蒸发 [va-por-ize] * Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties * Division I. Formation of Ideas ** Section I. Operations of Intellect in General ***** intellect 450 - anthropologist n.人类学家 [an-thro-pol-o-gist] + appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] + cerebral a.大脑的;深思的 [cer-e-bral] + conception n.概念;开始 [con-cep-tion] - demography n.人口统计,人口学 [de-mog-ra-phy] + highbrow n.自以为文化修养很高的人 [high-brow] + ideology n.思想体系,思想意识,意识形态 [i-de-ol-o-gy] + intellect n.智力,思维能力 [in-tel-lect] + intellectual a.智力的,理智的;n.知识分子 [in-tel-lec-tu-al] + intuition n.直觉 [in-tu-i-tion] + metaphysical a.形而上学的,玄学的 [met-a-phys-i-cal] + metaphysics n.形而上学,玄学 [met-a-phys-ics] + paranoid a.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的 [par-a-noid] + psyche n.心智,精神 [psy-che] + psychology n.心理学,心理状态 [psy-chol-o-gy] + ratiocination n.推理;推论 [ra-ti-oc-i-na-tion] - rational a.理性的;合理的 [ra-tion-al] - spiritual a.精神的 [spir-it-u-al] - subjective a.主观的,想象的 [sub-jec-tive] + subliminal a.潜意识的 [sub-lim-i-nal] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] ***** absence of Intellect 450.a - asparagus [植]芦笋,龙须菜(可作蔬菜) [as-par-a-gus] - mimic v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 [mim-ic] ***** thought 451 + application n.请求,申请;应用,应用程序 [ap-pli-ca-tion] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] + cogitate v.慎重思考,思索 [cog-i-tate] + commune n.公社;v.与某人亲密地交谈 [com-mune] - contemplate v.深思 [con-tem-plate] - deliberate a.深思熟虑的,故意的;v.慎重考虑 [de-lib-er-ate] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] + introspective a.自省的 [in-tro-spec-tive] + meditate v.沉思,反省 [med-i-tate] + meditation n.沉思,冥想 [med-i-ta-tion] + meditative a.沉思的,善于思考的 [meditative] + muse v.沉思,冥想 [muse] + ponder v.仔细考虑 [pon-der] - ratiocination n.推理;推论 [ra-ti-oc-i-na-tion] - reflect v.反射;仔细考虑 [re-flect] + reverie n.幻想,梦幻曲 [rev-er-ie] - ruminant a.(动物)反刍的;沉思的 [ru-mi-nant] + sedate a.镇静的 [se-date] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] + speculative a.投机的;推理的,思索的 [spec-u-la-tive] + wistful a.惆怅的,渴望的 [wist-ful] ***** incogitancy 452 + fatuity n.愚蠢,愚昧 [fa-tu-i-ty] - incogitant a.无思想的,考虑不周的 [in-cog-i-tant] - vacuous a.发呆的,愚笨的 [vac-u-ous] ***** idea 453 - archetype n.原型;典型例子 [ar-che-type] + conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] - conception n.概念;开始 [con-cep-tion] - ethos n.(个人、团体或民族)道德风貌,思潮,信仰 [e-thos] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] + perception n.感觉;洞察力 [per-cep-tion] + sentiment n.多愁善感;思想感情 [sen-ti-ment] ***** topic 454 - motif n.(作品)主题,主旨 [mo-tif] - motility n.运动性 [mo-til-i-ty] + proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - thesis n.论题,论文 [the-sis] ** Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations ***** curiosity 455 - gape v.裂开;目瞪口呆地凝视 [gape] + inquisitive a.过分好问的;好奇的 [in-quis-i-tive] - intellectual a.智力的,理智的;n.知识分子 [in-tel-lec-tu-al] + lionize v.崇拜,看重 [li-on-ize] - pry v.刺探;撬开 [pry] + sampler n.刺绣花样;取样员 [sam-pler] ***** incuriosity 456 - aloof a.冷淡的,疏远的 [a-loof] + boredom n.厌烦;令人厌烦的事物 [bore-dom] - detached a.分开的;超然的 [de-tached] + ennui n.倦怠,无聊;v.使无聊 [en-nui] + foreknowledge n.预知 [fore-knowl-edge] + impassive a.无动于衷的,冷漠的 [im-pas-sive] + indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] ***** attention 457 + alert a.警惕的,机警的; n.警报 [a-lert] - contemplate v.深思 [con-tem-plate] - diligence n.勤勉,勤奋 [dil-i-gence] - eavesdrop v.偷听,窃听 [eaves-drop] - glance v./n.一瞥 [glance] + hearken v.倾听 [heark-en] + heed v.注意,留心;n.关心 [heed] - indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] + inspection n.检查,细看 [in-spec-tion] + intent a.专心的,渴望的;n.目的,意向 [in-tent] + obsessed a.心神不宁的 [obsessed] - overhaul v.彻底检查;大修 [o-ver-haul] + rapt a.专心致志的,全神贯注的 [rapt] - revert v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 [re-vert] + revise n./v.改变,修正 [re-vise] + riveting a.非常精彩的 [riv-et-ing] + scrutinize v.详细检查;细读 [scru-ti-nize] - skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] - steadfast a.忠实的;不变的 [stead-fast] ***** inattention 458 - abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] + bewilder v.迷惑,混乱 [be-wil-der] - cursory a.粗略的,草率的 [cur-so-ry] - discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] - disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] + disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] + distracted a.心烦意乱的,精神不集中的 [dis-tract-ed] + feckless a.无目标无计划的 [feck-less] + giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] + inadvertence n.漫不经心 [in-ad-vert-ence] + inadvertently adv.不小心地,非故意地 [in-ad-vert-ent-ly] + listless a.无精打采的 [list-less] - offhand adv./a.事先无准备地(的);随便地(的) [off-hand] + overlook v.忽视;俯视 [o-ver-look] + preoccupation n.全神贯注;使人专注的东西 [pre-oc-cu-pa-tion] - rapt a.专心致志的,全神贯注的 [rapt] - reverie n.幻想,梦幻曲 [rev-er-ie] - superficiality n.浅薄 [superficiality] ***** care 459 + accuracy n.精确,准确 [ac-cu-ra-cy] + accurate a.精确的,准确的 [ac-cu-rate] - alert a.警惕的,机警的; n.警报 [a-lert] - gingerly adj./adv.小心的(地);谨慎的(地) [gin-ger-ly] - heed v.注意,留心;n.关心 [heed] + oversee v.监督 [o-ver-see] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] + provident a.深谋远虑的;节俭的 [prov-i-dent] + prudence n.谨慎,小心 [pru-dence] + prudent a.审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的 [pru-dent] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] + solicitude n.关怀,牵挂 [so-lic-i-tude] - tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] + vigilant a.机警的,警惕的 [vig-i-lant] - wistful a.惆怅的,渴望的 [wist-ful] ***** neglect 460 + connive v.默许;纵容 [con-nive] - default v./n.拖债;未履行的责任 [de-fault] - disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] + distract v.分心,转移;使发狂,困扰 [dis-tract] - divert v.使某事物转向;使娱乐 [di-vert] + improvident a.无远见的,不节俭的 [im-prov-i-dent] + imprudent a.轻率的;不智的 [im-pru-dent] + insouciant a.漫不经心的 [in-sou-ci-ant] + negligence n.粗心,疏忽 [neg-li-gence] + nonchalance n.冷漠,缺少关怀;沉着 [non-cha-lance] - offhand adv./a.事先无准备地(的);随便地(的) [off-hand] - omit v.省略,遗漏;疏忽 [o-mit] - overlook v.忽视;俯视 [o-ver-look] - perfunctorily adv.敷衍地,潦草地,表面地 [per-func-to-ri-ly] - perfunctory a.草率的,敷衍的 [per-func-to-ry] + remiss a.疏忽的,不留心的 [re-miss] - shelve v.搁置 [shelve] - skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] + skimp v.节省花费 [skimp] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + slur v.含糊不清地讲 [slur] - supine a.仰卧的;懒散的 [su-pine] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] - trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] + unnoticed a.不引人注意的 [un-no-ticed] - wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] ***** inquiry 461 - agitate v.搅动,煽动;使不安,使焦虑 [ag-i-tate] - analyze v.分析,分解 [an-a-lyze] - audit v.审计,核对;旁听 [au-dit] + canvass v.细查;拉选票 [can-vass] + demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - dissect v.解剖 [dis-sect] - dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - espionage n.间谍活动 [es-pi-o-nage] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] + ferret n.雪貂;v.用雪貂猎取;搜寻 [fer-ret] + induction n.就职,入伍仪式;归纳 [in-duc-tion] + inquiry n.询问 [in-quir-y] - inquisitive a.过分好问的;好奇的 [in-quis-i-tive] - inspection n.检查,细看 [in-spec-tion] + interrogate v.审问,审讯 [in-ter-ro-gate] + interrogative a.疑问的 [in-ter-rog-a-tive] + investigate v.调查 [in-ves-ti-gate] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - overhaul v.彻底检查;大修 [o-ver-haul] + parse v.对…作语法分析 [parse] - peer n.同等之人,同辈 [peer] + pollster n.民意测验家 [poll-ster] - probe v.探索,探测 [probe] - pry v.刺探;撬开 [pry] - pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] + quest v.搜寻,探求;n.探求 [quest] - reconnaissance n.侦察,预先探索 [re-con-nais-sance] + request n.要求,请求;v.要求,请求 [re-quest] - sampler n.刺绣花样;取样员 [sam-pler] - scrutinize v.详细检查;细读 [scru-ti-nize] - sift v.筛,过滤 [sift] + track n.足迹,踪迹;轨道;小道;v.跟踪 [track] - unearth v.挖出;发现 [un-earth] - winnow v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 [win-now] ***** answer 462 + acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] + oracle n.代神发布神谕的人 [or-a-cle] + rebuttal n.反驳,反证 [re-but-tal] + repartee n.机灵的回答 [rep-ar-tee] + respondent n.被告 [re-spond-ent] + response n.反应,响应,回答 [re-sponse] + responsive a.敏感的,反应快的 [re-spon-sive] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] ***** experiment 463 + assay v./n.试验,测定 [as-say] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] + criterion n.评判的标准,尺度 [cri-te-ri-on] + empirical a.经验的,实证的 [em-pir-i-cal] + empiricism n.经验主义 [em-pir-i-cism] - fumble v.摸索,笨拙搜寻;弄乱,搞糟 [fum-ble] - grope v.摸索,探索 [grope] - induction n.就职,入伍仪式;归纳 [in-duc-tion] + ordeal n.严峻考验,痛苦经验 [or-deal] - poll n.民意测验;选举投票 [poll] - probe v.探索,探测 [probe] + protocol n.外交礼节;协议,草案 [pro-to-col] - provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] + reagent n.试剂(导致化学反应) [re-a-gent] - rehearse v.排练,预演;详述 [re-hearse] - speculative a.投机的;推理的,思索的 [spec-u-la-tive] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] + tentative a.试探性的,尝试性的 [ten-ta-tive] + verify v.证明,证实 [ver-i-fy] ***** comparison 464 + allegory n.寓言 [al-le-go-ry] - analogy n.相似;类比 [a-nal-o-gy] - collate v.对照,核对 [col-late] - comparison n.比较,对照;比喻 [com-par-i-son] - confront v.面临;对抗 [con-front] - contrast v./n.对比 [con-trast] - juxtapose v.并排,并置 [jux-ta-pose] - liken v.把…比作… [lik-en] - parallel a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 [par-al-lel] ***** incomparability 464.a - incommensurate a.不成比例的,不相称的 [in-com-men-su-rate] ***** discrimination 465 + critique n.批评性的分析 [cri-tique] - discriminate v.区分 [dis-crim-i-nate] - distinction n.区别,差别;知名 [dis-tinc-tion] - distinctive a.出众的,有特色的 [dis-tinc-tive] - nice a.精密的 [nice] + nicety n.准确,精确 [ni-ce-ty] + nitpick v.挑剔,吹毛求疵 [nitpick] + quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] - separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] - sift v.筛,过滤 [sift] - tact n.机智;圆滑 [tact] ***** indiscrimination 465.a - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] ***** identification 465.b - classify v.分类,归类 [clas-si-fy] + cognizance n.认识,察识,知识 [cog-ni-zance] + recall v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回 [re-call] ***** measurement 466 + appraise v.评价,鉴定 [ap-praise] + appreciable a.明显的 [ap-pre-ci-a-ble] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] - assay v./n.试验,测定 [as-say] + assess v.确定,评定;估计…的质量 [as-sess] + assessment n.估计,评价 [as-sess-ment] + astrolabe n.星盘(古代星位观测仪) [as-tro-labe] - barometer n.气压计;晴雨表 [ba-rom-e-ter] + calipers n.测径器,双脚规 [calipers] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] + comprehensible a.能充分理解的 [com-pre-hen-si-ble] + draftsmanship n.起草术,制图术 [drafts-man-ship] + evaluation n.评价,评估 [e-val-u-a-tion] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] + gauge n.标准规格;测量仪;v.测量 [gauge] - landmark n.陆标;里程碑 [land-mark] + mete v.给予,分配;测量;n.边界 [mete] + metrical a.测量的;韵律的 [met-ri-cal] - odometer n.(汽车)里程表 [o-dom-e-ter] + parameter n.参量,变量 [pa-ram-e-ter] - plumb adv.精确地;v.深入了解;测水深 [plumb] - ponderable a.可估量的 [pon-der-a-ble] - probe v.探索,探测 [probe] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - span n.跨度;两个界限间的距离 [span] - watershed n.分水岭,转折点 [wa-ter-shed] ** Section III. Materials for Reasoning ***** evidence 467 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] + allege v.(无证据)陈述,宣称 [al-lege] + appeal v.恳求;吸引;上诉 [ap-peal] + attest (to)v.证明 [at-test] + certification n.证明 [cer-ti-fi-ca-tion] - cite v.引用,引述 [cite] + confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] + corroborate v.支持或证实;强化 [cor-rob-o-rate] - criterion n.评判的标准,尺度 [cri-te-ri-on] + deed n.行为;(土地或建筑物的)转让契约、证书 [deed] + depose v.免职;作证 [de-pose] - deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] + document v.为…提供书面证明 [doc-u-ment] + evince v.表明,表示 [e-vince] - grounded a.有理由的;adv.地面上 [grounded] - indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] + indicative a.暗示的 [in-dic-a-tive] + plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 [plead] - quote v.引用,引述 [quote] + ratification n.正式批准 [ratification] - repose n./v.躺着休息,安睡 [re-pose] + substantiate v.证实,确证 [sub-stan-ti-ate] + testify v.见证,证实 [tes-ti-fy] + testimony n.证言,证明 [tes-ti-mo-ny] - undergird v.加强 [un-der-gird] - uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] + validate v.使…生效 [val-i-date] - verify v.证明,证实 [ver-i-fy] + warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] + warranty n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 [war-ran-ty] - witness n.目击者;v.目击 [wit-ness] ***** counter evidence 468 - contradict v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tra-dict] - contradictory a.反驳的,反对的,抗辩的 [con-tra-dic-to-ry] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] + disproof n.反证,反驳 [dis-proof] - mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] + negation n.否定,拒绝 [ne-ga-tion] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] - subvert v.颠覆,推翻 [sub-vert] ***** qualification 469 + allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] - discount n.折扣 [dis-count] + equivocate v.模棱两可地说,支吾其词,说谎 [e-quiv-o-cate] - even a.平的 [e-ven] - exceptional a.特别(好)的 [ex-cep-tion-al] + hypothetical a.假设的 [hy-po-thet-i-cal] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] - modify v.修改,变更 [mod-i-fy] - modulate v.调整(音的强弱) [mod-u-late] - parameter n.参量,变量 [pa-ram-e-ter] + prerequisite n.先决条件 [pre-req-ui-site] - provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] - qualified a.有资格的;有限制的 [qual-i-fied] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] + stipulation n.规定,约定 [stip-u-la-tion] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - waffle n.蛋奶烘饼;v.胡扯,唠叨 [waf-fle] ***** possibility 470 + accessible a.易达到的;易受影响的 [ac-ces-si-ble] - compatible a.和谐共处的,相容的 [com-pat-i-ble] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] + credible a.可信的,可靠的 [cred-i-ble] + feasible a.可行的,可能的 [fea-si-ble] + obtainable a.能得到的 [obtainable] ***** impossibility 471 + absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的 [ab-surd] - desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] - impervious a.不能渗透的;不为所动的 [im-per-vi-ous] + implausible a.难以置信的 [im-plau-si-ble] - incompatible a.不能和谐共存的 [in-com-pat-i-ble] - prodigious a.巨大的 [pro-di-gious] - visionary a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 [vi-sion-ar-y] ***** probability 472 - credible a.可信的,可靠的 [cred-i-ble] + flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - odds n.机会,可能性 [odds] - ostensible a.表面上的 [os-ten-si-ble] + plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] + presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] - semblance n.外貌;相似 [sem-blance] + specious a.似是而非的;华而不实的 [spe-cious] ***** improbability 473 - bizarre a.奇异的,古怪的 [bi-zarre] ***** certainty 474 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] + assertive a.过分自信的;有进取心的 [as-ser-tive] + assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] + assured a.自信的;确定的 [as-sured] - authentic a.真正的;法律证实的 [au-then-tic] + bigot n.(宗教、政治等的)盲信者;心胸狭窄者 [big-ot] + categorical a.无条件的,绝对的;分类的 [cat-e-gor-i-cal] + certainty n.确定的事情 [cer-tain-ty] + certitude n.确定无疑 [cer-ti-tude] - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] + doctrinaire n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 [doc-tri-naire] + dogmatism n.教条主义,武断 [dog-ma-tism] + ensure v.确保,担保 [en-sure] + factual a.真实的,事实的 [fac-tu-al] + gospel n.教义,信条 [gos-pel] - incontrovertible a.无可辩驳的 [in-con-tro-vert-i-ble] + indubitable a.不容置疑的 [in-du-bi-ta-ble] + ineluctable a.不能逃避的 [in-e-luc-ta-ble] + scripture n.经文,圣典 [scrip-ture] + trustworthy a.值得信赖的,可靠的 [trust-wor-thy] + unimpeachable a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 [un-im-peach-a-ble] + univocal a.意思明确的 [u-ni-vo-cal] - unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] ***** uncertainty 475 + ambiguous a.含糊的 [am-big-u-ous] - ambivalent a.(对人或物)有矛盾看法的 [am-biv-a-lent] + apocryphal a.假冒的,虚假的 [a-poc-ry-phal] + astray a.迷路的,误入歧途的 [a-stray] - bewilder v.迷惑,混乱 [be-wil-der] - casual a.偶然的 [cas-u-al] - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] - dilemma n.困境,左右为难 [di-lem-ma] - distracted a.心烦意乱的,精神不集中的 [dis-tract-ed] + distraught a.心神狂乱的 [dis-traught] + dubious a.可疑的;名声不大好的 [du-bi-ous] + embarrass v.使忸怩,使难堪 [em-bar-rass] + fallibility n.易于出错,出错性 [fal-li-bil-i-ty] + fallible a.会犯错的,易犯错的 [fal-li-ble] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] - hypothetical a.假设的 [hy-po-thet-i-cal] + ignorant a.无知的,愚昧的 [ig-no-rant] + imprecise a.不精确的,不严密的 [im-pre-cise] + indecisive a.非决定性的,迟疑不决的 [in-de-ci-sive] - indeterminate a.不确定的,不明确的 [in-de-ter-mi-nate] + mystic a.神秘的,不可思议的;n.神秘主义者 [mys-tic] - obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] - pose v.摆姿势;造作 [pose] - precarious a.不稳的,危险的 [pre-car-i-ous] - provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] - random a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 [ran-dom] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - suspense n.悬念;挂念 [sus-pense] + ticklish a.怕痒的;易怒的 [tick-lish] + timidity n.胆怯 [ti-mid-i-ty] + unsubstantiated a.未经证实的,无事实根据的 [un-sub-stan-ti-at-ed] - untold a.无数的,数不清的 [un-told] + vague a.模糊的 [vague] ** Section IV. Reasoning Processes ***** reasoning 476 - canvass v.细查;拉选票 [can-vass] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] + contend v.与对手竞争;据理力争 [con-tend] + contention n.争论;论点 [con-ten-tion] + controversial a.引起或可能引起争论的 [con-tro-ver-sial] + controvert v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tro-vert] + debate n.正式的辩论,讨论 [de-bate] + deductive a.推理的,演绎的 [de-duc-tive] - dilemma n.困境,左右为难 [di-lem-ma] - discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] + dispute v.争论 [dis-pute] - induction n.就职,入伍仪式;归纳 [in-duc-tion] + infer v.推断,推定 [in-fer] - inquiry n.询问 [in-quir-y] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + polemical a.挑起论战的 [polemical] + postulate v.假定;要求 [pos-tu-late] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] - proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - ratiocination n.推理;推论 [ra-ti-oc-i-na-tion] - synthesis n.综合,合成 [syn-the-sis] + wrangler n.口角者,争论者;牧马者 [wran-gler] ***** intuition 477 + assume v.假定 [as-sume] + astrology n.占星术;占星学 [as-trol-o-gy] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] + cavil v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 [cav-il] + chicanery n.诡计,狡诈 [chi-can-er-y] + elude v.逃避;搞不清 [e-lude] - equivocate v.模棱两可地说,支吾其词,说谎 [e-quiv-o-cate] + equivocation n.模棱两可的话,含糊话 [e-quiv-o-ca-tion] + evade v.逃避;规避 [e-vade] + evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] + evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] + fallacious a.欺骗的;谬误的 [fal-la-cious] + fallacy n.谬误,错误 [fal-la-cy] - fallible a.会犯错的,易犯错的 [fal-li-ble] - feeble a.虚弱的 [fee-ble] - flimsy a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 [flim-sy] + frivolous a.轻薄的,轻佻的 [friv-o-lous] + gratuitous a.无缘无故的;免费的 [gra-tu-i-tous] - hunch n.直觉,预感 [hunch] + illusive a.迷惑人的,迷幻的 [il-lu-sive] - illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] + inconsequential a.不重要的,微不足道的 [in-con-se-quen-tial] - instinctive a.本能的 [in-stinc-tive] - intuition n.直觉 [in-tu-i-tion] + intuitive a.直觉的 [in-tu-i-tive] + misrepresent v.误传,歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sent] + nonsensical a.荒唐的,无意义的 [non-sen-si-cal] - plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] + premonition n.预感,预兆 [pre-mo-ni-tion] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] + quirk n.奇事;怪癖 [quirk] + sophism n.诡辩;诡辩法(术) [soph-ism] + sophistry n.诡辩 [soph-ist-ry] - specious a.似是而非的;华而不实的 [spe-cious] + subterfuge n.诡计,托辞 [sub-ter-fuge] + unsound a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 [un-sound] - unsubstantiated a.未经证实的,无事实根据的 [un-sub-stan-ti-at-ed] + unwarranted a.没有根据的 [un-war-rant-ed] - vague a.模糊的 [vague] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] ***** demonstration 478 - categorical a.无条件的,绝对的;分类的 [cat-e-gor-i-cal] - cogent a.有说服力的 [co-gent] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] - confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] + consequential a.傲慢的,自以为是的 [con-se-quen-tial] + conviction n.判罪;坚信 [con-vic-tion] + convince v.使某人确信;说服 [con-vince] - corroborate v.支持或证实;强化 [cor-rob-o-rate] - crucial a.决定性的 [cru-cial] - deductive a.推理的,演绎的 [de-duc-tive] - demonstrate v.证明,论证;示威 [dem-on-strate] + demonstrative a.证明性的;喜怒形于色的 [de-mon-stra-tive] - evince v.表明,表示 [e-vince] + externalize v.使…表面化 [ex-ter-nal-ize] + manifest a.显然的 [man-i-fest] - substantiate v.证实,确证 [sub-stan-ti-ate] - verify v.证明,证实 [ver-i-fy] ***** confutation 479 - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] - controvert v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tro-vert] - conviction n.判罪;坚信 [con-vic-tion] - demolish v.破坏;拆除 [de-mol-ish] - disproof n.反证,反驳 [dis-proof] + disprove v.证明…有误 [dis-prove] + exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] - overthrow v./n.推翻;终止 [o-ver-throw] + parry v.挡开,避开(武器,问题等) [par-ry] + refute v.驳斥 [re-fute] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] + undercut v.削价与(竞争者)抢生意 [un-der-cut] ** Section V. Results Of Reasoning ***** judgment 480 - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] + arbiter n.权威人士,泰斗 [ar-bi-ter] + arbitrate v.仲裁,公断 [ar-bi-trate] - assess v.确定,评定;估计…的质量 [as-sess] - assessment n.估计,评价 [as-sess-ment] + censor v.审查,检查(书报) [cen-sor] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] - confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] + connoisseur n.鉴赏家,行家 [con-nois-seur] + critic n.批评者 [crit-ic] - critique n.批评性的分析 [cri-tique] - deduce v.演绎,推断 [de-duce] - determination n.决心;确定;预测 [de-ter-mi-na-tion] - evaluation n.评价,评估 [e-val-u-a-tion] + faultfinder n.喜欢挑剔的人 [fault-find-er] - investigate v.调查 [in-ves-ti-gate] + judicious a.有判断力的;明智的 [ju-di-cious] + referee n.裁判员;仲裁者 [ref-er-ee] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + umpire n.裁判;v.对…进行仲裁 [um-pire] + verdict n.判决,决定 [ver-dict] ***** discovery 480.a - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] + decode v.译解(密码) [de-code] + detection n.查出,探获 [de-tec-tion] + disclose v.使某物显露 [dis-close] - disinter v.挖出,挖掘 [dis-in-ter] - elicit v.引出,探出 [e-lic-it] - elucidate v.阐明,说明 [e-lu-ci-date] - evolve v.使逐渐形成,进化 [e-volve] - explicate v.详细解说 [ex-pli-cate] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] - ferret n.雪貂;v.用雪貂猎取;搜寻 [fer-ret] - meet a.合适的 [meet] + revelation n.显示;泄露的事实 [rev-e-la-tion] - unearth v.挖出;发现 [un-earth] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] - verify v.证明,证实 [ver-i-fy] ***** misjudgment 481 - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] + chauvinistic a.沙文主义的,过分爱国主义的 [chau-vin-is-tic] + credulous a.轻信的,易信的 [cred-u-lous] + cronyism n.任人唯亲;对好朋友的偏袒 [cro-ny-ism] + discriminatory a.歧视的,差别待遇的 [dis-crim-i-na-to-ry] - doctrinaire n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 [doc-tri-naire] + fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚 [fad] + fussy a.爱挑剔的 [fuss-y] + infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] - jaundiced a.有偏见的 [jaun-diced] + opinionated a.固执己见的 [o-pin-ion-at-ed] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] - partiality n.偏袒,偏心 [par-ti-al-i-ty] + predilection n.偏袒,爱好 [pre-di-lec-tion] + prejudice n.偏见,成见;v.使产生偏见 [prej-u-dice] + prestige n.威信,威望,声望 [pres-tige] + presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - quirk n.奇事;怪癖 [quirk] - superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 [su-per-fi-cial] + tendentious a.有偏见的 [ten-den-tious] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] ***** overestimation 482 + eulogize v.称赞,颂扬 [eu-lo-gize] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] + exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] + extol v.赞美 [ex-tol] - magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] + optimism n.乐观主义 [op-ti-mism] + pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义 [pes-si-mism] + vanity n.虚荣,自负 [van-i-ty] ***** underestimation 483 + belittle v.轻视,贬抑 [be-lit-tle] - depreciate v.轻视;贬值 [de-pre-ci-ate] + disparage v.贬抑,轻蔑 [dis-par-age] + minimize v.把…减至最低数量或程度 [min-i-mize] - pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义 [pes-si-mism] + ridicule n.奚落;v.嘲笑 [rid-i-cule] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + underestimated a.低估的 [underestimated] + underrate v.低估,轻视 [un-der-rate] ***** belief 484 + apprehend v.逮捕;恐惧 [ap-pre-hend] + assent v.同意,赞成 [as-sent] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] - assured a.自信的;确定的 [as-sured] - certainty n.确定的事情 [cer-tain-ty] - conceive v.想像,构想;怀孕 [con-ceive] - conception n.概念;开始 [con-cep-tion] + confidence n.信任,自信,信心 [con-fi-dence] - convert v.使改变(信仰等);n.改变信仰的人 [con-vert] + convict v.定罪;n.罪犯 [con-vict] - conviction n.判罪;坚信 [con-vic-tion] - convince v.使某人确信;说服 [con-vince] + credence n.相信,信任 [cre-dence] - credible a.可信的,可靠的 [cred-i-ble] + credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - credulous a.轻信的,易信的 [cred-u-lous] + doctrine n.教义,主义;学说 [doc-trine] + dogma n.教条,信条 [dog-ma] + foster v.培养,鼓励;领养 [fos-ter] - hazard n.危险 [haz-ard] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + hubris n.过分自傲,目中无人 [hu-bris] + impressed a.被打动的;被感动的 [impressed] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] + indoctrinate v.教导;灌输思想 [in-doc-tri-nate] + opine v.想,以为 [o-pine] - presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] + proselytize v.使…皈依 [pros-e-lyt-ize] + reliance n.信赖,信任 [re-li-ance] - school n.鱼群 [school] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] + surmise n.推测,猜测;v.推测 [sur-mise] - swallow v.吞下,咽下;忍受 [swal-low] + tenet n.信念;信条;教义 [ten-et] - trustworthy a.值得信赖的,可靠的 [trust-wor-thy] + wean v.(孩子)断奶;戒掉 [wean] ***** unbelief doubt 485 - cavil v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 [cav-il] + discredit v.怀疑;n.丧失名誉 [dis-cred-it] - dispute v.争论 [dis-pute] + dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] - fallible a.会犯错的,易犯错的 [fal-li-ble] - implausible a.难以置信的 [im-plau-si-ble] + incredulity n.怀疑,不相信 [in-cre-du-li-ty] + jealousy n.猜忌,嫉妒 [jeal-ous-y] + misgiving n.担心,疑虑 [mis-giv-ing] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] + startle v.使吃惊 [star-tle] + suspect v.怀疑;n.嫌疑犯;a.可疑的 [sus-pect] + suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] + suspicious a.怀疑的 [sus-pi-cious] - waver v.摇摆,犹豫 [wa-ver] ***** credulity 486 - credulous a.轻信的,易信的 [cred-u-lous] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] + gullible a.易受骗的 [gul-li-ble] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] - swallow v.吞下,咽下;忍受 [swal-low] ***** incredulity 487 + cynic n.犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者 [cyn-ic] + heretic n.异教徒 [her-e-tic] - incredulity n.怀疑,不相信 [in-cre-du-li-ty] - suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] - suspicious a.怀疑的 [sus-pi-cious] ***** assent 488 + accede v.同意 [ac-cede] - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] + acquiesce v.勉强同意,默许 [ac-qui-esce] - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] + affirm v.确认;肯定 [af-firm] - assent v.同意,赞成 [as-sent] + avow v.承认;公开宣称 [a-vow] - chorus n.合唱队,歌舞团 [cho-rus] - coincide v.巧合;一致 [co-in-cide] + concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] - concord n.和睦;公约 [con-cord] - concur v.意见相同,一致 [con-cur] + confess v.承认,供认 [con-fess] - confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] - conform (to)v.符合或遵守公认的规则 [con-form] + consensus n.意见一致 [con-sen-sus] - consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] + content a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意 [con-tent] - corroborate v.支持或证实;强化 [cor-rob-o-rate] - defer v.推延;听从 [de-fer] - ratification n.正式批准 [ratification] - reciprocate v.回报,答谢 [re-cip-ro-cate] + unanimous a.全体意见一致的 [u-nan-i-mous] ***** dissent 489 - cavil v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 [cav-il] - contradict v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tra-dict] + demur v.表示异议,反对 [de-mur] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] + dissident n.唱反调者 [dis-si-dent] - heretic n.异教徒 [her-e-tic] + heterodox a.异端的,非正统的 [het-er-o-dox] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - nonconformist adj./n.不遵照传统生活的(人) [non-con-form-ist] + protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] + recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) [re-cant] + recantation n.改变宗教信仰 [recantation] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] + revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] + schism n.组织分裂 [schism] + secede v.正式脱离或退出(组织) [se-cede] - variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] ***** knowledge 490 + accomplished a.完成了的;有技巧的,有造诣的 [ac-com-plished] + acquaintance n.熟知;熟人 [ac-quaint-ance] + acquainted a.对某事物熟悉的;对某人认识的 [ac-quaint-ed] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] - apprehend v.逮捕;恐惧 [ap-pre-hend] - blue a.忧伤的,沮丧的 [blue] - cognizance n.认识,察识,知识 [cog-ni-zance] + cognizant a.知道的,认识的 [cog-ni-zant] - commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] - comprehend v.理解;包括 [com-pre-hend] - conceive v.想像,构想;怀孕 [con-ceive] + conscience n.良心,是非感 [con-science] + conversant a.精通的,熟知的 [con-ver-sant] - discern v.(费劲)识别,看出 [dis-cern] - doctrine n.教义,主义;学说 [doc-trine] + encyclopedia n.百科全书 [en-cy-clo-pe-di-a] + erudite a.博学的,饱学的 [er-u-dite] - familiarity n.精通;亲近;不拘礼仪 [fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty] - fathom n.英寻(量水深用,相当于1.83米);v.彻底明白,了解 [fath-om] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - glimmer v.发微光;n.摇曳的微光 [glim-mer] + hackneyed a.陈腐的,平常的 [hack-neyed] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] + informed a.见多识广的;消息灵通的 [in-formed] + inkling n.暗示,迹象;略知,模糊概念 [ink-ling] - intuition n.直觉 [in-tu-i-tion] - ken n.视野范围;知识范围 [ken] + literate a.有读写能力的;有文化修养的 [lit-er-ate] + notorious a.臭名昭著的 [no-to-ri-ous] + omniscient a.无所不知的,博识的 [om-nis-ci-ent] - perception n.感觉;洞察力 [per-cep-tion] + proficient a.熟练的,精通的 [pro-fi-cient] - profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] + savant n.博学之士,大学士 [sa-vant] + savvy a.有见识和精明能干的 [sav-vy] - school n.鱼群 [school] + shrewd a.判断敏捷的,精明的 [shrewd] - suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] + trite a.陈腐的,陈词滥调的 [trite] - trivial a.琐细的 [triv-i-al] ***** ignorance 491 + amateurish a.业余爱好的,不熟练的 [am-a-teur-ish] - belated a.来得太迟的 [be-lat-ed] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - ignorant a.无知的,愚昧的 [ig-no-rant] + illiterate a.文盲的 [il-lit-er-ate] + philistine n.庸人,市侩 [philistine] + smattering n.略知;少数 [smat-ter-ing] - superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 [su-per-fi-cial] + unconscious a.不省人事的;未意识到的 [un-con-scious] + unenlightened a.愚昧无知的;不文明的 [un-en-light-ened] - uninitiated a.外行的,缺乏经验的 [un-in-i-ti-at-ed] + untutored a.未经教育的 [un-tu-tored] + unwitting a.无心的,不经意的 [un-wit-ting] ***** scholar 492 + academician n.院士;学会会员 [a-cad-e-mi-cian] + bibliophile n.爱书者,藏书家 [bib-li-o-phile] - connoisseur n.鉴赏家,行家 [con-nois-seur] - doctrinaire n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 [doc-tri-naire] + illuminati n.先觉者,智者 [il-lu-mi-na-ti] + lexicographer n.词典编纂人 [lex-i-cog-ra-pher] + literati n.文人;学者(复数) [lit-e-ra-ti] - neolithic a.新石器时代的 [neolithic] + pedagogue n.教师,教育者 [ped-a-gogue] + pedant n.迂腐之人,书呆子 [ped-ant] + pundit n.权威人士,专家 [pun-dit] - sage a.智慧的;n.智者 [sage] - savant n.博学之士,大学士 [sa-vant] - wrangler n.口角者,争论者;牧马者 [wran-gler] ***** ignoramus 493 + aesthete n.审美家 [aes-thete] + amateur n.业余爱好者 [am-a-teur] + charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子 [char-la-tan] + dilettante n.半瓶醋,业余爱好者 [dil-et-tan-te] - ignorant a.无知的,愚昧的 [ig-no-rant] - jerk n./v.突然猛拉 [jerk] - novice n.生手,新手 [nov-ice] - pedant n.迂腐之人,书呆子 [ped-ant] + tyro n.新手 [ty-ro] ***** truth 494 - accuracy n.精确,准确 [ac-cu-ra-cy] - accurate a.精确的,准确的 [ac-cu-rate] - authentic a.真正的;法律证实的 [au-then-tic] + authenticity n.确实性,真实性 [au-then-tic-i-ty] - constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] + down-to-earth n.脚踏实地的,实际的 [down-to-earth] + draconian a.严厉的,严酷的 [draconian] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] + exactitude n.极端的正确性或精确性 [ex-act-i-tude] - expressly adv.清楚地;特意地 [ex-press-ly] - factual a.真实的,事实的 [fac-tu-al] + genuine a.真的;真诚的 [gen-u-ine] - gospel n.教义,信条 [gos-pel] + legitimate a.合法的;正当的 [le-git-i-mate] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - nice a.精密的 [nice] - nicety n.准确,精确 [ni-ce-ty] - orthodox a.正统的 [or-tho-dox] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] - pinpoint v.精确地找出或描述;a.非常精确的 [pin-point] + precise a.精确的 [pre-cise] - rigid a.硬性的,刚硬的 [rig-id] - rigor n.严酷;严格,苛刻;严密,精确 [ri-gor] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - substantial a.坚固的,结实的;实质的 [sub-stan-tial] - substantiate v.证实,确证 [sub-stan-ti-ate] - tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] + unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] - unimpeachable a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 [un-im-peach-a-ble] + veracious a.诚实的,说真话的 [ve-ra-cious] + veracity n.真实性,诚实 [ve-rac-i-ty] + verified a.检验的,核实的 [ver-i-fied] + verisimilar a.好像真实的;可能的 [ver-i-sim-i-lar] + veritable a.确实的,名副其实的 [ver-i-ta-ble] ***** error 495 - aberrant a.越轨的;异常的 [ab-er-rant] - apocryphal a.假冒的,虚假的 [a-poc-ry-phal] - astray a.迷路的,误入歧途的 [a-stray] + blunder v.犯大错;笨拙地做;n.愚蠢之举 [blun-der] + delude v.欺骗,哄骗 [de-lude] + delusion n.欺骗,幻想 [de-lu-sion] + err v.犯错误,出错 [err] - fallacious a.欺骗的;谬误的 [fal-la-cious] - fallacy n.谬误,错误 [fal-la-cy] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] + hallucination n.幻觉,幻视 [hal-lu-ci-na-tion] + heresy n.异端邪说 [her-e-sy] + heretical a.异端邪说的 [he-ret-i-cal] - illusion n.假象,错觉 [il-lu-sion] - illusive a.迷惑人的,迷幻的 [il-lu-sive] - illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] + misinform v.向…提供错误信息 [mis-in-form] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] + snare n.罗网,陷阱 [snare] + spurious a.假的;伪造的 [spu-ri-ous] + typo n.排印错误 [ty-po] - unsound a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 [un-sound] ***** maxim 496 + adage n.格言,古训 [ad-age] + aphorism n.格言 [aph-o-rism] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] + axiom n.公理;定理 [ax-i-om] - bromide n.平庸的人或话 [bro-mide] - formula n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 [for-mu-la] + motto n.座右铭;箴言 [mot-to] - postulate v.假定;要求 [pos-tu-late] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] ***** absurdity 497 - absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的 [ab-surd] - anticlimax n.令人扫兴的结局 [an-ti-cli-max] - blunder v.犯大错;笨拙地做;n.愚蠢之举 [blun-der] - egregious a.(缺点等)过分的,惊人的 [e-gre-gious] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] + extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] + farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] + jargon n.暗语;行话 [jar-gon] - jazz n.爵士乐;喧闹 [jazz] - nonsensical a.荒唐的,无意义的 [non-sen-si-cal] + paradox n.矛盾;似矛盾而正确的说法 [par-a-dox] - preposterous a.荒谬的 [pre-pos-ter-ous] - pun n.双关语 [pun] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] + quixotic a.不切实际的,空想的 [quix-ot-ic] - sophism n.诡辩;诡辩法(术) [soph-ism] + vagary n.奇想,异想天开 [va-gar-y] ***** intelligence, wisdom 498 + acumen n.敏锐,精明 [a-cu-men] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] - aplomb n.沉着,镇静 [a-plomb] - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] + astute a.机敏的,精明的 [as-tute] - ballast n.(船等)压舱物 [bal-last] + calculating a.深谋远虑的,精明的 [cal-cu-lat-ing] + canny a.精明仔细的 [can-ny] + commonsense a.具有常识的 [com-mon-sense] + cunning a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 [cun-ning] - discern v.(费劲)识别,看出 [dis-cern] + discerning a.识别力强的 [dis-cern-ing] - discriminate v.区分 [dis-crim-i-nate] - down-to-earth n.脚踏实地的,实际的 [down-to-earth] + expedient n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 [ex-pe-di-ent] - foresight n.远见,深谋远虑 [fore-sight] + hardheaded a.(商业上)现实的,精明的 [hard-head-ed] + impartial a.公平的,无私的 [im-par-tial] + inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - intellect n.智力,思维能力 [in-tel-lect] - judicious a.有判断力的;明智的 [ju-di-cious] + judiciousness n.明智 [ju-di-cious-ness] - literate a.有读写能力的;有文化修养的 [lit-er-ate] + manipulative a.操纵别人的,老于世故的 [ma-nip-u-la-tive] + noncommittal a.态度暖味的;不承担义务的 [non-com-mit-tal] - penetrate v.刺穿;渗入;了解 [pen-e-trate] + perspicacious a.独具慧眼的 [per-spi-ca-cious] - piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] + pragmatic a.实际的,实用主义的 [prag-mat-ic] - profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] - provident a.深谋远虑的;节俭的 [prov-i-dent] - prudence n.谨慎,小心 [pru-dence] - prudent a.审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的 [pru-dent] - rational a.理性的;合理的 [ra-tion-al] + sagacious a.聪明的,睿智的 [sa-ga-cious] - sage a.智慧的;n.智者 [sage] + sapient a.有智慧的 [sa-pi-ent] - sensible a.明智的;可感觉到的 [sen-si-ble] + sensitivity n.敏感,灵敏性 [sen-si-tiv-i-ty] - shrewd a.判断敏捷的,精明的 [shrewd] - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] - tact n.机智;圆滑 [tact] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] ***** imbecility folly 499 - absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的 [ab-surd] + bathetic a.假作悲伤的;陈腐的 [ba-thet-ic] - blatant a.厚颜无耻的;显眼的;炫耀的 [bla-tant] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] + dote v.溺爱;昏聩 [dote] - drivel n./v.说废话 [driv-el] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] + extremist n.极端主义者 [ex-trem-ist] - fatuity n.愚蠢,愚昧 [fa-tu-i-ty] + fatuous a.愚昧而不自知的 [fat-u-ous] - folly n.愚蠢;愚蠢的行为,思想或做法 [fol-ly] - frivolous a.轻薄的,轻佻的 [friv-o-lous] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] + idle a.(指人)无所事事的;无效的;v.懒散,无所事事 [i-dle] - inept a.无能的;不适当的 [in-ept] - ineptitude n.无能,不称职 [in-ept-i-tude] - infantile a.幼稚的,孩子气的 [in-fan-tile] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] + insensate a.无感觉的;蠢笨的 [in-sen-sate] + maudlin a.感情脆弱的,爱哭的 [maud-lin] - nonsensical a.荒唐的,无意义的 [non-sen-si-cal] + oafishness n.痴呆 [oafishness] - obtuse a.愚笨的;不锐利的 [ob-tuse] + prosaic a.单调的,无趣的 [pro-sa-ic] - puerile a.幼稚的;儿童的 [pu-er-ile] - ramble n./v.漫步 [ram-ble] - sophistry n.诡辩 [soph-ist-ry] - stolid a.无动于衷的 [stol-id] - stultify v.使变得荒谬可笑;使无用 [stul-ti-fy] - trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] - unenlightened a.愚昧无知的;不文明的 [un-en-light-ened] ***** sage 500 - highbrow n.自以为文化修养很高的人 [high-brow] - intellectual a.智力的,理智的;n.知识分子 [in-tel-lec-tu-al] - luminary n.杰出人物,名人 [lu-mi-nar-y] - oracle n.代神发布神谕的人 [or-a-cle] - sage a.智慧的;n.智者 [sage] ***** fool 501 + dolt n.傻瓜 [dolt] - doodle v.胡乱画;混时间 [doo-dle] - incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] - infant n.婴儿 [in-fant] + loon n.愚人;疯子 [loon] + owl n.猫头鹰 [owl] + simpleton n.笨蛋 [sim-ple-ton] - sop n.泡过的食品;安慰品 [sop] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] ***** sanity 502 - commonsense a.具有常识的 [com-mon-sense] - down-to-earth n.脚踏实地的,实际的 [down-to-earth] + levelheaded a.头脑冷静的,稳健的 [levelheaded] - lucid a.表达清楚的,明白易懂的 [lu-cid] - rational a.理性的;合理的 [ra-tion-al] + sane a.神志清楚的,明智的 [sane] + sanity n.神志清楚 [san-i-ty] - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] ***** insanity 503 - aberration n.离开正路,脱离常轨;变形 [ab-er-ra-tion] - agitated a.被鼓动的;不安的 [ag-i-tat-ed] + daft a.傻的 [daft] + delirious a.精神错乱的 [de-lir-i-ous] + delirium n.精神错乱 [de-lir-i-um] - delusion n.欺骗,幻想 [de-lu-sion] - depressed a.消沉的;凹陷的 [de-pressed] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - deranged a.精神错乱的,有精神病的 [de-ranged] - distracted a.心烦意乱的,精神不集中的 [dis-tract-ed] - distraught a.心神狂乱的 [dis-traught] - dote v.溺爱;昏聩 [dote] - doting a.溺爱的 [dot-ing] - drivel n./v.说废话 [driv-el] - eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] - flip v.用指轻弹;蹦跳;a.无礼的 [flip] - frantic a.疯狂的,狂乱的 [fran-tic] + frenetic a.狂乱的,发狂的 [fre-net-ic] + frenzy n.极度激动的状态,狂暴 [fren-zy] + furor n.轰动;盛怒 [fu-ror] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] - hallucination n.幻觉,幻视 [hal-lu-ci-na-tion] + hysteria n.歇斯底里症 [hys-te-ri-a] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] - insensate a.无感觉的;蠢笨的 [in-sen-sate] + lunatic n.疯子;a.极蠢的 [lu-na-tic] + mania n.癫狂;狂热 [ma-ni-a] + monomania n.偏狂症,狂热病 [mon-o-ma-ni-a] + paranoia n.偏执狂 [par-a-noi-a] + possessed a.着迷的;疯狂的 [pos-sessed] + rabid a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 [rab-id] + rabies n.狂犬病;恐水病 [ra-bies] - ramble n./v.漫步 [ram-ble] + rave n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 [rave] - vertigo n.眩晕 [ver-ti-go] ***** madman 504 + fanatic n.狂热者 [fa-nat-ic] - lunatic n.疯子;a.极蠢的 [lu-na-tic] ** Section VI. Extension of Thought *** 1. To the Past ***** memory 505 + celebrity n.名声;知名人士 [ce-leb-ri-ty] + commemorate v.纪念(伟人、大事件等) [com-mem-o-rate] + evocative a.唤起的,激起的 [e-voc-a-tive] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - indelible a.擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭的 [in-del-i-ble] + memorial n.纪念碑,纪念物;a.纪念的,悼念的 [me-mo-ri-al] + minutes n.会议记录 [min-utes] + mnemonics n.记忆法,记忆规则 [mne-mon-ics] - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] + rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - recall v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回 [re-call] + recollection n.记忆力;记忆中的往事 [rec-ol-lec-tion] - relic n.遗物,遗迹 [rel-ic] + reminder n.提醒人记忆之物 [reminder] + reminisce v.追忆,怀旧 [rem-i-nisce] + renown n.名望,声誉 [re-nown] + reputation n.名声 [rep-u-ta-tion] + retrace v.回顾,追想 [re-trace] + souvenir n.纪念品 [sou-ve-nir] + suggestive a.暗示的 [sug-ges-tive] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] + tickler n.棘手的问题,难题 [tick-ler] ***** oblivion 506 + amnesia n.健忘症 [am-ne-si-a] + amnesty n.大赦,特赦 [am-nes-ty] - efface v.擦掉,抹去 [ef-face] + oblivious a.遗忘的,疏忽的 [o-bliv-i-ous] *** 2. To the Future ***** expectation 507 - abeyance n.中止,搁置 [a-bey-ance] - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] - auspices n.资助,赞助 [aus-pi-ces] - confidence n.信任,自信,信心 [con-fi-dence] - contemplate v.深思 [con-tem-plate] - foresight n.远见,深谋远虑 [fore-sight] - forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止 [fore-stall] - impending a.行将发生的,逼近的 [im-pend-ing] - perspective n.(判断事物的)角度,方法;透视法 [per-spec-tive] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] + ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] - reliance n.信赖,信任 [re-li-ance] - suspense n.悬念;挂念 [sus-pense] - vista n.远景;展望 [vis-ta] ***** inexpectation 508 - startle v.使吃惊 [star-tle] ***** disappointment 509 - anticlimax n.令人扫兴的结局 [an-ti-cli-max] - balk n.大方木料;v.妨碍;(因困难等)不愿前进或从事某事 [balk] + bilk v.躲债;骗取 [bilk] + discomfit v.使懊恼;使难堪 [dis-com-fit] + frustrate v.挫折,使沮丧 [frus-trate] + tantalize v.挑惹,挑逗 [tan-ta-lize] ***** foresight 510 - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + forecast v.预报,预测;n.预测 [fore-cast] - foreknowledge n.预知 [fore-knowl-edge] - foresight n.远见,深谋远虑 [fore-sight] + prescience n.预知,先见 [pre-sci-ence] + preview v./n.预演,预展 [pre-view] + prognosis n.预后,对疾病的发作及结果的预言(forecast of the likely course of a disease or an illness) [prog-no-sis] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] - provident a.深谋远虑的;节俭的 [prov-i-dent] - prudence n.谨慎,小心 [pru-dence] - sagacious a.聪明的,睿智的 [sa-ga-cious] ***** prediction 511 + announce v.宣布,发表;通报…的到来 [an-nounce] - astrology n.占星术;占星学 [as-trol-o-gy] - augur n.占卜师;v.占卜 [au-gur] + augury n.预言,征兆,占卜 [au-gu-ry] - auspices n.资助,赞助 [aus-pi-ces] - auspicious a.幸运的;吉兆的 [aus-pi-cious] + divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] + extrapolate v.预测,推测 [ex-trap-o-late] + forebode v.预感,凶兆 [fore-bode] - forecast v.预报,预测;n.预测 [fore-cast] + foreshadow v.预示 [fore-shad-ow] + ominous a.预兆的,不祥的 [om-i-nous] - oracle n.代神发布神谕的人 [or-a-cle] + portentous a.凶兆的,有危险的 [por-ten-tous] - precursor n.先驱,先兆 [pre-cur-sor] - pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - premise n.前提 [prem-ise] - premonition n.预感,预兆 [pre-mo-ni-tion] - presage n.预感;v.预示 [pres-age] - prognosis n.预后,对疾病的发作及结果的预言(forecast of the likely course of a disease or an illness) [prog-no-sis] + prophecy n.预言 [proph-e-cy] + prophetic a.先知的,预言的,预示的 [pro-phet-ic] - prototype n.原型;典型 [pro-to-type] + significant a.相当数量的;意义重大的 [sig-nif-i-cant] + signify v.表示;有重要性 [sig-ni-fy] ***** omen 512 - augury n.预言,征兆,占卜 [au-gu-ry] - harbinger n.先驱,先兆 [har-bin-ger] - presage n.预感;v.预示 [pres-age] ***** oracle 513 - augur n.占卜师;v.占卜 [au-gur] - oracle n.代神发布神谕的人 [or-a-cle] + prophet n.先知,预言家 [proph-et] + sibyl n.女预言家,女先知 [sib-yl] ** Section VII. Creative Thought ***** supposition 514 + academic a.学院的,学术的;理论的 [ac-a-dem-ic] + allude v.间接提到,暗指 [al-lude] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] + conjecture v./n.推测,臆测 [con-jec-ture] + connotation n.言外之意,含蓄义 [con-no-ta-tion] - deductive a.推理的,演绎的 [de-duc-tive] - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] - gratuitous a.无缘无故的;免费的 [gra-tu-i-tous] - hazard n.危险 [haz-ard] + hypothesis n.假设,假说 [hy-poth-e-sis] - hypothetical a.假设的 [hy-po-thet-i-cal] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] - inkling n.暗示,迹象;略知,模糊概念 [ink-ling] + posit v.断定,认为 [pos-it] - postulate v.假定;要求 [pos-tu-late] - presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] + presupposition n.预先假定,臆测 [presupposition] + proposal n.提案,建议 [pro-po-sal] - proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] - speculative a.投机的;推理的,思索的 [spec-u-la-tive] + submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] - suggestive a.暗示的 [sug-ges-tive] - surmise n.推测,猜测;v.推测 [sur-mise] - suspect v.怀疑;n.嫌疑犯;a.可疑的 [sus-pect] - suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] + theoretical a.不切实际的;理论(上)的 [the-o-ret-i-cal] - thesis n.论题,论文 [the-sis] ***** analogy 514.a - analogy n.相似;类比 [a-nal-o-gy] - metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻 [met-a-phor] ***** imagination 515 - chimera n.神话怪物;梦幻 [chi-me-ra] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] - conceive v.想像,构想;怀孕 [con-ceive] - conception n.概念;开始 [con-cep-tion] + devise v.发明,设计;图谋;遗赠给 [de-vise] + ecstasy n.狂喜;激情状态 [ec-sta-sy] + envision v.想象,预想 [en-vi-sion] - fabricate v.捏造;制造 [fab-ri-cate] - fanatic n.狂热者 [fa-nat-ic] + fantasy n.想象,幻想 [fan-ta-sy] - fertile a.多产的;肥沃的 [fer-tile] + figment n.虚构的东西 [fig-ment] - frenzy n.极度激动的状态,狂暴 [fren-zy] - illusion n.假象,错觉 [il-lu-sion] - illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] + improvise v.即席而作 [im-pro-vise] - innovative a.革新的 [in-no-va-tive] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - muse v.沉思,冥想 [muse] - nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事 [night-mare] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] - originality n.创造性,独特性 [o-rig-i-nal-i-ty] - phantom n.鬼怪,幽灵;幻像 [phan-tom] - quixotic a.不切实际的,空想的 [quix-ot-ic] - reverie n.幻想,梦幻曲 [rev-er-ie] + trance n.恍惚,昏睡状态 [trance] + utopia n.理想国,理想的完美境界 [utopia] + utopian a.乌托邦式的,梦想的 [utopian] - vagary n.奇想,异想天开 [va-gar-y] + verve n.(艺术作品的)神韵;(人)生机 [verve] - visionary a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 [vi-sion-ar-y] + whim n.多变,怪念头 [whim] + whimsical a.古怪的,异想天开的 [whim-si-cal] + whimsy n.古怪,异想天开 [whimsy] * Division II. Communication of Ideas ** Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated ***** meaning 516 - allude v.间接提到,暗指 [al-lude] + allusion n.暗示,间接提示 [al-lu-sion] - bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] - connotation n.言外之意,含蓄义 [con-no-ta-tion] - convey v.运载,运送;表达 [con-vey] + explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - gist n.要点,要旨 [gist] - implication n.暗示 [im-pli-ca-tion] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] - indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] + intelligible a.可了解的,清晰的 [in-tel-li-gi-ble] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + pithy a.(讲话或文章)简练的 [pith-y] + relevance n.相关 [rel-e-vance] - scope n.眼界;范围 [scope] - significant a.相当数量的;意义重大的 [sig-nif-i-cant] - signify v.表示;有重要性 [sig-ni-fy] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - suggestive a.暗示的 [sug-ges-tive] - tantamount a.与…相等的 [tan-ta-mount] - tenor n.男高音;要点,要旨 [ten-or] ***** unmeaningness 517 - babble v.胡言乱语;牙牙学语;喋喋不休 [bab-ble] + bombast n.高调,夸大之辞 [bom-bast] + jabber v.快而不清楚地说 [jab-ber] - jargon n.暗语;行话 [jar-gon] - nonsensical a.荒唐的,无意义的 [non-sen-si-cal] + platitude n.陈词滥调 [plat-i-tude] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] + rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] + tacit a.心照不宣的 [tac-it] - trivial a.琐细的 [triv-i-al] + verbiage n.罗嗦,冗长 [ver-bi-age] ***** intelligibility 518 - comprehend v.理解;包括 [com-pre-hend] - comprehensible a.能充分理解的 [com-pre-hen-si-ble] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] - elucidate v.阐明,说明 [e-lu-ci-date] - explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] - intelligible a.可了解的,清晰的 [in-tel-li-gi-ble] - lucid a.表达清楚的,明白易懂的 [lu-cid] - obvious a.明显的,显而易见的 [ob-vi-ous] + perspicuity n.明晰;聪明睿智 [per-spi-cu-i-ty] + perspicuous a.明晰的;明了的 [per-spic-u-ous] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - transparent a.透明的;直率的 [trans-par-ent] - univocal a.意思明确的 [u-ni-vo-cal] ***** unintelligibility 519 + abstruse a.难懂的,深奥的 [ab-struse] - ambiguous a.含糊的 [am-big-u-ous] + arcane a.神秘的,秘密的 [ar-cane] - conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒 [con-ceal] - crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - dim v.使暗淡,使模糊 [dim] - garbled a.引起误解的;窜改的 [garbled] + hermetic a.密封的;深奥的 [her-met-ic] - impenetrable a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 [im-pen-e-tra-ble] + indecipherable a.无法破译的 [in-de-ci-pher-a-ble] + inexplicable a.无法解释的 [in-ex-pli-ca-ble] + inscrutable a.高深莫测的,神秘的 [in-scru-ta-ble] - insoluble a.不溶解的;不能解决的 [in-sol-u-ble] - jargon n.暗语;行话 [jar-gon] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] - latent a.潜伏的 [la-tent] - mystic a.神秘的,不可思议的;n.神秘主义者 [mys-tic] - nebulous a.模糊不清的;云状的 [neb-u-lous] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] - obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] + occult a.秘密的,不公开的 [oc-cult] - opaque a.不透明的;难懂的 [o-paque] - paradox n.矛盾;似矛盾而正确的说法 [par-a-dox] + recondite a.深奥的 [re-con-dite] - riddle n.谜语 [rid-dle] - transcendental a.超越经验的 [tran-scen-den-tal] - vague a.模糊的 [vague] ***** equivocalness 520 - ambiguous a.含糊的 [am-big-u-ous] + anagram n.变形词 [an-a-gram] + conundrum n.(答案有双关意义的)谜语;难题 [co-nun-drum] - equivocate v.模棱两可地说,支吾其词,说谎 [e-quiv-o-cate] - equivocation n.模棱两可的话,含糊话 [e-quiv-o-ca-tion] - indeterminate a.不确定的,不明确的 [in-de-ter-mi-nate] - pun n.双关语 [pun] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] ***** metaphor 521 - adumbrate v.(对将来事件)预示 [ad-um-brate] - allegory n.寓言 [al-le-go-ry] - allude v.间接提到,暗指 [al-lude] - allusion n.暗示,间接提示 [al-lu-sion] - application n.请求,申请;应用,应用程序 [ap-pli-ca-tion] + colloquial a.口语的,口头的 [col-lo-qui-al] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - externalize v.使…表面化 [ex-ter-nal-ize] + figurative a.比喻的,借喻的 [fig-ur-a-tive] + hyperbole n.夸张法;a.夸张的 [hy-per-bo-le] + irony n.反话 [i-ro-ny] - metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻 [met-a-phor] + parable n.寓言,比喻 [par-a-ble] + personification n.典型,化身,完美榜样 [per-son-i-fi-ca-tion] ***** interpretation 522 + annotate v.注解 [an-no-tate] + clarify v.澄清 [clar-i-fy] + commentary n.实况报道;(对书等的)集注 [com-men-tar-y] + construe v.解释;翻译 [con-strue] + decipher v.解开(疑团);破译(密码) [de-ci-pher] - decode v.译解(密码) [de-code] + definition n.(轮廓等)清晰;定义 [def-i-ni-tion] + diagnose v.判断,诊断 [di-ag-nose] - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] - elucidate v.阐明,说明 [e-lu-ci-date] + enlightening a.有启迪作用的;使人领悟的 [enlightening] - equivalent a.相等的,等值的 [e-quiv-a-lent] - exemplify v.是…的典型 [ex-em-pli-fy] - explicate v.详细解说 [ex-pli-cate] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] + expository a.说明的 [ex-pos-i-to-ry] + expound v.解释;阐述 [ex-pound] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - illustrate v.为…作插图或图表;说明,阐明 [il-lus-trate] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - paraphrase v.传译,释义 [par-a-phrase] - render v.呈递,表现;提供 [ren-der] + rendering n.演出;翻译 [ren-der-ing] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - unfold v.展开,打开;逐渐呈现 [un-fold] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] ***** misinterpretation 523 - distort v.扭曲,弄歪 [dis-tort] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - garble v.曲解,窜改 [gar-ble] - misrepresent v.误传,歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sent] + misrepresentation n.歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion] - parody n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿 [par-o-dy] - travesty v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 [trav-es-ty] + understatement n.轻描淡写的陈述,不充分的陈述 [un-der-state-ment] ***** interpreter 524 - exponent n.说明者,支持者;指数 [ex-po-nent] ** Section II. Modes of Communication ***** manifestation 525 - arresting a.显著的,引人注意的 [ar-rest-ing] - bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] + barefaced a.厚颜无耻的,公然的 [bare-faced] - candid a.率直的 [can-did] - comprehensible a.能充分理解的 [com-pre-hen-si-ble] - conspicuous a.显著的,显而易见的 [con-spic-u-ous] + defined a.定义的;清晰的 [de-fined] - definite a.清楚的,明确的 [def-i-nite] - demonstrate v.证明,论证;示威 [dem-on-strate] - demonstrative a.证明性的;喜怒形于色的 [de-mon-stra-tive] - disclose v.使某物显露 [dis-close] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] - elicit v.引出,探出 [e-lic-it] - explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - flagrant a.臭的,恶名昭彰的 [fla-grant] - indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] - indubitable a.不容置疑的 [in-du-bi-ta-ble] - intelligible a.可了解的,清晰的 [in-tel-li-gi-ble] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - manifest a.显然的 [man-i-fest] - manifestation n.表明,显示 [man-i-fes-ta-tion] + notable a.明显的,出众的,重要的 [no-ta-ble] - notorious a.臭名昭著的 [no-to-ri-ous] - obvious a.明显的,显而易见的 [ob-vi-ous] - ostensible a.表面上的 [os-ten-si-ble] + overt a.公开的,非秘密的 [o-vert] - palpable a.可触知的,明显的 [pal-pa-ble] - patent a.显而易见的;n.专利权(证书) [pa-tent] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - premiere n./v.首次公演 [pre-miere] + proclaim v.宣告,宣布;显示 [pro-claim] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - prominent a.显著的;著名的 [prom-i-nent] + pronounced a.(观点等)强硬的,明显的 [pro-nounced] - salient a.显著的,突出的 [sa-li-ent] + striking a.引人注目的,明显的 [strik-ing] + unreserved a.无限制的;未被预定的 [un-re-served] ***** latency, implication 526 - allude v.间接提到,暗指 [al-lude] - allusion n.暗示,间接提示 [al-lu-sion] - covert a.秘密的,隐密的 [cov-ert] - dormant a.冬眠的;静止的 [dor-mant] - entail v.需要,需求,必须 [en-tail] - impenetrable a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 [im-pen-e-tra-ble] - implication n.暗示 [im-pli-ca-tion] + implicit a.含蓄的,不言而喻的 [im-plic-it] - infer v.推断,推定 [in-fer] + innuendo n.含沙射影,暗讽 [in-nu-en-do] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] - latent a.潜伏的 [la-tent] - lurk v.潜伏,埋伏 [lurk] - muffled a.(声音)压低的 [muffled] - occult a.秘密的,不公开的 [oc-cult] - saboteur n.从事破坏活动者 [sab-o-teur] - tacit a.心照不宣的 [tac-it] + underlying a.在下面的,根本的 [un-der-ly-ing] - untold a.无数的,数不清的 [un-told] - whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] ***** information 527 + acquaint v.使…熟知;通知 [ac-quaint] - acquaintance n.熟知;熟人 [ac-quaint-ance] - allude v.间接提到,暗指 [al-lude] - announce v.宣布,发表;通报…的到来 [an-nounce] + apprise v.通知,告诉 [ap-prise] - bit n.钻头 [bit] + blurt v.脱口而出 [blurt] + communicate v.传送信息,沟通 [com-mu-ni-cate] + cue v.暗示,提示;n.暗示,提示 [cue] + debunk v.揭穿真相,暴露 [de-bunk] + disabuse v.打消(某人的)错误念头;纠正 [dis-a-buse] - disclose v.使某物显露 [dis-close] - enlighten v.启发,开导,教导,授予…知识 [en-light-en] - explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - exponent n.说明者,支持者;指数 [ex-po-nent] - expository a.说明的 [ex-pos-i-to-ry] + gazetteer n.地名词典,地名表 [gaz-et-teer] + gesture n.姿势,手势,姿态 [ges-ture] - glance v./n.一瞥 [glance] + impart v.传授,告知 [im-part] - informed a.见多识广的;消息灵通的 [in-formed] - inkling n.暗示,迹象;略知,模糊概念 [ink-ling] - innuendo n.含沙射影,暗讽 [in-nu-en-do] - insinuate v.暗指,暗示 [in-sin-u-ate] - intimate a.亲密的;n.密友;v.暗示 [in-ti-mate] - itinerary n.行程表;旅行路线 [i-tin-er-ar-y] + pedagogy n.教育学,教学法 [ped-a-go-gy] - pilot n.飞行员;领航员;领导人 [pi-lot] - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] - retail v.零售;n.零售 [re-tail] - segment n.部分 [seg-ment] - signify v.表示;有重要性 [sig-ni-fy] - tickler n.棘手的问题,难题 [tick-ler] - transmit v.传送,传播 [trans-mit] - whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] ***** correction 527.a - enlighten v.启发,开导,教导,授予…知识 [en-light-en] ***** concealment 528 + anonymity n.无名,匿名 [an-o-nym-i-ty] - arcane a.神秘的,秘密的 [ar-cane] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] + clandestine a.秘密的,暗中从事的 [clan-des-tine] - conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒 [con-ceal] + confidential a.机密的 [con-fi-den-tial] - covert a.秘密的,隐密的 [cov-ert] + cryptic a.秘密的,神秘的 [cryp-tic] + disguise v.假扮;掩饰 [dis-guise] + ensconce v.安置,安坐 [en-sconce] - esoteric a.秘传的;神秘的 [es-o-ter-ic] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] + furtive a. 偷偷的,秘密的 [fur-tive] - hermetic a.密封的;深奥的 [her-met-ic] - hide n.兽皮 [hide] - hoodwink v.蒙混,欺骗 [hood-wink] + inviolable a.不可侵犯的;不可亵渎的 [in-vi-o-la-ble] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] - lurk v.潜伏,埋伏 [lurk] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] - masquerade n.化装舞会;v.伪装 [mas-quer-ade] - muffle v.使声音降低;裹住 [muf-fle] - mystic a.神秘的,不可思议的;n.神秘主义者 [mys-tic] - occult a.秘密的,不公开的 [oc-cult] - prowl v.潜行于,偷偷地漫游 [prowl] - recondite a.深奥的 [re-con-dite] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] + reticent a.沉默不语的 [ret-i-cent] - secrete v.隐藏;分泌 [se-crete] + secretive a.守口如瓶的 [se-cre-tive] - shroud n.寿衣;遮蔽物;v.覆盖 [shroud] + sly a.狡猾的,鬼鬼祟祟的 [sly] - smother v.覆盖;(使)闷死 [smoth-er] + stealth n.秘密的行动 [stealth] - stifle v.感到窒息;抑止 [sti-fle] + stowaway n.(藏于轮船、飞机中的)偷乘者 [stow-a-way] + surreptitious a.鬼鬼祟祟的 [sur-rep-ti-tious] + taciturn a.沉默寡言的 [tac-i-turn] - tortuous a.弯弯曲曲的 [tor-tu-ous] + underhanded a.不光明的,卑鄙的 [un-der-hand-ed] - untold a.无数的,数不清的 [un-told] - veil n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 [veil] - whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] + withhold v.扣留,保留 [with-hold] ***** disclosure 529 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - avow v.承认;公开宣称 [a-vow] - bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] + betray v.背叛;暴露 [be-tray] - blurt v.脱口而出 [blurt] - canary n.金丝雀;女歌星 [ca-nar-y] - concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] - confess v.承认,供认 [con-fess] - creep v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 [creep] - debunk v.揭穿真相,暴露 [de-bunk] - denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 [de-noue-ment] - disabuse v.打消(某人的)错误念头;纠正 [dis-a-buse] - disclose v.使某物显露 [dis-close] + divulge v.泄露,透露 [di-vulge] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] + grant v.同意给予 [grant] - leak v.泄漏;n.泄漏;漏出量,漏洞 [leak] - revealing a.暴露的,裸露的;揭露性的 [revealing] - revelation n.显示;泄露的事实 [rev-e-la-tion] + snitch v.告密;偷 [snitch] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] - unfold v.展开,打开;逐渐呈现 [un-fold] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] - vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] ***** ambush 530 + ambush v.埋伏;伏击 [am-bush] + camouflage n./v.掩饰,伪装 [cam-ou-flage] - closet n.壁橱;a.秘密的 [clos-et] - disguise v.假扮;掩饰 [dis-guise] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - lurk v.潜伏,埋伏 [lurk] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] + pitfall n.陷阱,未料到的危险或困难 [pit-fall] - recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - veil n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 [veil] ***** publication 531 + advertise v.做广告 [ad-ver-tise] + blazon n.纹章,装饰;v.精确描绘 [bla-zon] + blurb n.简介;印在书籍封套上的推荐广告 [blurb] - broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] + bruit v.散布(谣言) [bruit] - circular a.圆形的 [cir-cu-lar] - circulate v.循环;流通;发行 [cir-cu-late] - circulation n.循环,流通;发行额 [cir-cu-la-tion] - diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射;a.漫射的,散漫的 [dif-fuse] - disseminate v.散布,传播 [dis-sem-i-nate] - emit v.放射(光、热、味等) [e-mit] - flagrant a.臭的,恶名昭彰的 [fla-grant] + imprint v.盖印,刻印 [im-print] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + manifesto n.宣言,声明 [man-i-fes-to] - notorious a.臭名昭著的 [no-to-ri-ous] + poster n.海报,招贴画 [post-er] - press v.挤压 [press] - proclaim v.宣告,宣布;显示 [pro-claim] + proclamation n.宣布,公告 [proc-la-ma-tion] + promulgate v.颁布(法令);宣传 [prom-ul-gate] - propagate v.繁殖;传播 [prop-a-gate] - propagation n.繁殖 [prop-a-ga-tion] + publicize v.宣传,引人注意 [pub-li-cize] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] ***** news 532 - bruit v.散布(谣言) [bruit] - correspondent a.符合的;n.记者 [cor-re-spond-ent] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] + errand n.差使;差事 [er-rand] - press v.挤压 [press] - publicize v.宣传,引人注意 [pub-li-cize] - rife a.流行的,普遍的 [rife] + scandal n.丑闻;恶意诽谤 [scan-dal] + tract n.传单;大片土地 [tract] ***** secret 533 - anagram n.变形词 [an-a-gram] + charade n.用动作等表演文字意义的字谜游戏 [cha-rade] - confidential a.机密的 [con-fi-den-tial] - conundrum n.(答案有双关意义的)谜语;难题 [co-nun-drum] - intricacy n.错综,复杂,纷乱 [in-tri-ca-cy] - labyrinth n.迷宫 [lab-y-rinth] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] - maze n.迷宫 [maze] - meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] - paradox n.矛盾;似矛盾而正确的说法 [par-a-dox] + rebus n.(以音、画等提示的)字谜,画谜 [re-bus] - riddle n.谜语 [rid-dle] ***** messenger 534 + emissary n.密使;特使 [em-is-sar-y] - marshal v.整理,安排,设置 [mar-shal] ***** affirmation 535 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] + affidavit n.宣誓书 [af-fi-da-vit] - affirm v.确认;肯定 [af-firm] - allege v.(无证据)陈述,宣称 [al-lege] - announce v.宣布,发表;通报…的到来 [an-nounce] + assert v.断言,主张 [as-sert] - assertive a.过分自信的;有进取心的 [as-ser-tive] - assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] - assured a.自信的;确定的 [as-sured] - attest (to)v.证明 [at-test] + aver v.极力声明;断言;确证 [a-ver] - avow v.承认;公开宣称 [a-vow] - broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] - categorical a.无条件的,绝对的;分类的 [cat-e-gor-i-cal] - contend v.与对手竞争;据理力争 [con-tend] - definitive a.明确的,有权威的 [de-fin-i-tive] - depose v.免职;作证 [de-pose] - deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] - dogmatism n.教条主义,武断 [dog-ma-tism] + emphatic a.重视的,强调的 [em-phat-ic] + enunciate v.发音;(清楚地)表达 [e-nun-ci-ate] - explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - marked a.明显的;被监视的 [marked] + oath n.誓言;咒骂 [oath] + peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] - posit v.断定,认为 [pos-it] + pretend v.假装;装扮 [pre-tend] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - stance n.站姿;立场 [stance] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] + vouch v.担保,证明 [vouch] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] ***** negation 536 + belie v.掩饰;证明为假 [be-lie] - contradict v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tra-dict] - contradictory a.反驳的,反对的,抗辩的 [con-tra-dic-to-ry] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] - controvert v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tro-vert] + disclaim v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 [dis-claim] - dispute v.争论 [dis-pute] + gainsay v.否认 [gain-say] + impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑 [im-pugn] + negate v.取消;否认 [ne-gate] - negation n.否定,拒绝 [ne-ga-tion] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) [re-cant] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - traverse v.横穿过,横跨 [trav-erse] ***** teaching 537 - academic a.学院的,学术的;理论的 [ac-a-dem-ic] + acclimate v.使服水土; 使适应 [ac-cli-mate] - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] - convince v.使某人确信;说服 [con-vince] - cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] + curriculum n.(全部的)课程 [cur-ric-u-lum] + didactic a.教诲的;说教的 [di-dac-tic] + discipline v.训练,训导;n.纪律;惩罚,处分 [dis-ci-pline] + discourse n.演讲,论述 [dis-course] - disseminate v.散布,传播 [dis-sem-i-nate] - drill n.钻;钻床 [drill] - edify v.陶冶,启发 [ed-i-fy] - enlighten v.启发,开导,教导,授予…知识 [en-light-en] - enlightening a.有启迪作用的;使人领悟的 [enlightening] - expound v.解释;阐述 [ex-pound] - graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] + habituate v.使习惯于 [ha-bit-u-ate] - imbue v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 [im-bue] - implant v.注入;灌输 [im-plant] + inculcate v.灌输,谆谆教诲 [in-cul-cate] - indoctrinate v.教导;灌输思想 [in-doc-tri-nate] - infiltrate v.渗透,渗入 [in-fil-trate] - infuse v.灌输;鼓励 [in-fuse] - initiate v.发起,创始;接纳或介绍某人加入某团体等 [in-i-ti-ate] - inoculate v.预防注射 [in-oc-u-late] - instill v.滴注;逐渐灌输 [in-still] + instructive a.传授知识的,启蒙的 [in-struc-tive] - nurture v.抚育,给…营养物,教养;n.养育,营养物;(总称)环境因素 [nur-ture] - parable n.寓言,比喻 [par-a-ble] - pedagogy n.教育学,教学法 [ped-a-go-gy] + preach v.传教,讲道 [preach] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] - school n.鱼群 [school] - score n.乐谱 [score] + sermon n.布道;说教,训诫 [ser-mon] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - tutor n.助教;监护人;v.辅导 [tu-tor] ***** misteaching 538 - bewilder v.迷惑,混乱 [be-wil-der] - misinform v.向…提供错误信息 [mis-in-form] - misrepresent v.误传,歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sent] - sophistry n.诡辩 [soph-ist-ry] ***** learning 539 - acquaint v.使…熟知;通知 [ac-quaint] - apt a.易于…的,恰当的 [apt] - aptitude n.适宜;才能,资质 [ap-ti-tude] + attainment n.成就 [at-tain-ment] - cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] + docile a.驯服的,听话的 [doc-ile] - expel v.排出;开除 [ex-pel] - grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] + industrious a.勤劳的,勤勉的 [in-dus-tri-ous] - informed a.见多识广的;消息灵通的 [in-formed] - inquiry n.询问 [in-quir-y] - inspection n.检查,细看 [in-spec-tion] + peruse v.细读,精读 [pe-ruse] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - transfer v.转移,传递;调任,转让 [trans-fer] ***** teacher 540 + guru n.古鲁(印度的宗教领袖);(受尊敬的)教师或权威 [gu-ru] + mentor n.导师 [men-tor] - pedagogue n.教师,教育者 [ped-a-gogue] - tutor n.助教;监护人;v.辅导 [tu-tor] ***** learner 541 - amateur n.业余爱好者 [am-a-teur] + apprentice n.学徒 [ap-pren-tice] + disciple n.信徒,弟子 [dis-ci-ple] - fledgling n.正在学习飞行的幼鸟;无经验的人 [fledg-ling] - intern v.拘禁,软禁;n.实习生 [in-tern] + neophyte n.初学者,新手 [ne-o-phyte] - novice n.生手,新手 [nov-ice] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - remove v.移走;脱掉;迁移 [re-move] - resident n.居民;a.定居的,常驻的 [res-i-dent] - rookie n.新兵,新手 [rook-ie] - school n.鱼群 [school] - tyro n.新手 [ty-ro] ***** school 542 - academic a.学院的,学术的;理论的 [ac-a-dem-ic] + auditorium n.礼堂;观众席 [au-di-to-ri-um] - encyclopedia n.百科全书 [en-cy-clo-pe-di-a] + forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛 [fo-rum] - institute v.制定,创立(社团,规章);n.学院,协会 [in-sti-tute] + institution n.公共机构,协会;制度 [in-sti-tu-tion] + lectern n.教堂里的读经台 [lec-tern] - podium n.讲坛,指挥台 [po-di-um] - rostrum n.讲台,讲坛 [ros-trum] - school n.鱼群 [school] + seminary n.神学院 [sem-i-nar-y] ***** veracity 543 - candid a.率直的 [can-did] + candor n.坦白,率直 [can-dor] + forthright a.直率的 [forth-right] + guileless a.厚道的,老实的 [guile-less] + ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的 [in-gen-u-ous] + outspoken a.直言不讳的 [out-spo-ken] + probity n.刚直,正直 [pro-bi-ty] + sincere a.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的 [sin-cere] - straightforward a.正直的;易懂的;直截了当的 [straight-for-ward] - trustworthy a.值得信赖的,可靠的 [trust-wor-thy] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] + unfeigned a.真实的;不作假的 [unfeigned] - unreserved a.无限制的;未被预定的 [un-re-served] - veracious a.诚实的,说真话的 [ve-ra-cious] - veracity n.真实性,诚实 [ve-rac-i-ty] ***** falsehood 544 + affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] + artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - belie v.掩饰;证明为假 [be-lie] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] + contrived a.不自然的,做作的 [con-trived] - counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 [coun-ter-feit] + deceit n.欺骗,欺诈 [de-ceit] + deception n.欺骗手段 [de-cep-tion] - disguise v.假扮;掩饰 [dis-guise] + dissemble v.隐藏,掩饰(感受、意图) [dis-sem-ble] + dissimulate v.隐藏,掩饰 [dis-sim-u-late] - distort v.扭曲,弄歪 [dis-tort] + duplicitous a.搞两面派的,奸诈的 [duplicitous] - duplicity n.欺骗,口是心非 [du-plic-i-ty] - embroider v.刺绣,修饰 [em-broi-der] - equivocate v.模棱两可地说,支吾其词,说谎 [e-quiv-o-cate] - equivocation n.模棱两可的话,含糊话 [e-quiv-o-ca-tion] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - fabricate v.捏造;制造 [fab-ri-cate] + falsehood n.谎言 [false-hood] + feign v.假装,伪装 [feign] - forgery n.伪造(物) [for-ger-y] + fraud n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 [fraud] + fraudulent a.欺骗的,不诚实的 [fraud-u-lent] - garble v.曲解,窜改 [gar-ble] + guile n.欺诈,狡猾 [guile] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] + hypocritical a.虚伪的 [hyp-o-crit-i-cal] + insincerity n.伪善 [in-sin-cer-i-ty] + malinger v.装病以逃避工作 [ma-lin-ger] + mendacious a.不真的;撒谎的 [mendacious] + mendacity n.虚假 [men-dac-i-ty] - misrepresent v.误传,歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sent] - misrepresentation n.歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion] + palter v.含糊其词 [pal-ter] + perfidious a.不忠的,背信弃义的 [per-fid-i-ous] + perfidy n.不忠,背叛 [per-fi-dy] + perjure v.作伪证,发假誓 [per-jure] + perjury n.作伪证,发假誓 [per-ju-ry] - plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] - pretend v.假装;装扮 [pre-tend] + prevaricate v.支吾其词,说谎 [pre-var-i-cate] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] + sham n.虚假;v.伪装 [sham] - simulate v.假装,模仿 [sim-u-late] - sincere a.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的 [sin-cere] - spurious a.假的;伪造的 [spu-ri-ous] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] + understate v.掩饰地说,轻描淡写地说 [un-der-state] - understatement n.轻描淡写的陈述,不充分的陈述 [un-der-state-ment] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] ***** deception 545 + abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] - ambush v.埋伏;伏击 [am-bush] - artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] - balk n.大方木料;v.妨碍;(因困难等)不愿前进或从事某事 [balk] - betray v.背叛;暴露 [be-tray] - bilk v.躲债;骗取 [bilk] + bogus a.假装的,假的 [bo-gus] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] + cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗 [ca-jole] - chicanery n.诡计,狡诈 [chi-can-er-y] - circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] + conjure v.恳求,祈求;变魔术,变戏法 [con-jure] + contraband n.违禁品,走私货 [con-tra-band] - counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 [coun-ter-feit] + cozen "v.欺骗, 哄骗" [co-zen] - cunning a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 [cun-ning] - deceit n.欺骗,欺诈 [de-ceit] - deception n.欺骗手段 [de-cep-tion] + defraud v.欺骗某人 [de-fraud] - delude v.欺骗,哄骗 [de-lude] - delusion n.欺骗,幻想 [de-lu-sion] - disguise v.假扮;掩饰 [dis-guise] - dissemble v.隐藏,掩饰(感受、意图) [dis-sem-ble] - divert v.使某事物转向;使娱乐 [di-vert] + dupe n.易上当的人 [dupe] + elusive a.难懂的 [e-lu-sive] + enmesh v.通常被动)绊住,陷入网 [en-mesh] - entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] + feigned a.假装的;不真诚的 [feigned] + feint v./n.佯攻,佯击 [feint] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - forgery n.伪造(物) [for-ger-y] - fraud n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 [fraud] - fraudulent a.欺骗的,不诚实的 [fraud-u-lent] + gimmick n.吸引人的花招,噱头 [gim-mick] - guile n.欺诈,狡猾 [guile] - gum n.树胶,橡皮 [gum] + hoax n./v.骗局,欺骗 [hoax] - hoodwink v.蒙混,欺骗 [hood-wink] + illegitimate a.不合法的;私生的 [il-le-git-i-mate] - illusion n.假象,错觉 [il-lu-sion] - illusive a.迷惑人的,迷幻的 [il-lu-sive] - illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] + imposture n.冒充 [im-pos-ture] + insidious a.隐藏诡计的 [in-sid-i-ous] + inveigle v.诱骗,诱使 [in-vei-gle] - jockey n.骑师;v.用计谋获取 [jock-ey] + kidnap v.诱拐,绑架,勒赎 [kid-nap] - legerdemain n.手法;戏法 [leg-er-de-main] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] - masquerade n.化装舞会;v.伪装 [mas-quer-ade] + meretricious a.华而不实的,俗艳的 [mer-e-tri-cious] - mirage n.幻影,海市蜃楼 [mi-rage] - misinform v.向…提供错误信息 [mis-in-form] - misrepresentation n.歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] - nick n.小伤口,刻痕 [nick] - overreach v.做事过头 [o-ver-reach] - pitfall n.陷阱,未料到的危险或困难 [pit-fall] + ploy n.花招,策略 [ploy] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] + prestigious a.有名望的,有威信的 [pres-tig-ious] - seine n.拉网,大捕鱼网 [seine] - sham n.虚假;v.伪装 [sham] + shiftiness n.奸诈 [shift-i-ness] - snare n.罗网,陷阱 [snare] + snide a.讽刺的,含沙射影的 [snide] + sophisticated a.老于世故的;(仪器)精密的 [so-phis-ti-cat-ed] + spoof v.揶揄,嘲讽 [spoof] - spurious a.假的;伪造的 [spu-ri-ous] + stratagem n.谋略,策略 [strat-a-gem] - surreptitious a.鬼鬼祟祟的 [sur-rep-ti-tious] + swindle v.诈骗 [swin-dle] - trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] - unsound a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 [un-sound] - veneer n.(镶于劣质东西上的)镶面板;外表 [ve-neer] - victimize v.使受害,迫害 [vic-tim-ize] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] ***** untruth 546 - disguise v.假扮;掩饰 [dis-guise] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - falsehood n.谎言 [false-hood] - farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] + fictitious a.假的;虚构的 [fic-ti-tious] - forgery n.伪造(物) [for-ger-y] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - illusory a.虚幻的 [il-lu-so-ry] - irony n.反话 [i-ro-ny] - misrepresentation n.歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion] + pretext n.借口 [pre-text] - sham n.虚假;v.伪装 [sham] - subterfuge n.诡计,托辞 [sub-ter-fuge] - surreptitious a.鬼鬼祟祟的 [sur-rep-ti-tious] + unfounded a.无事实根据的 [un-found-ed] ***** dupe 547 - credulous a.轻信的,易信的 [cred-u-lous] - dupe n.易上当的人 [dupe] ***** deceiver 548 - charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子 [char-la-tan] - fraud n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 [fraud] + hypocrite n.伪善者,伪君子 [hyp-o-crite] - impostor n.冒充者,骗子 [im-pos-tor] - jockey n.骑师;v.用计谋获取 [jock-ey] + knave n.流氓,恶棍 [knave] - poseur n.装模作样的人 [po-seur] - quack n.冒充内行之人;庸医 [quack] ***** exaggeration 549 - aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] - amplify v.放大;详述 [am-pli-fy] + bombastic a.夸夸其谈的 [bom-bas-tic] - caricature n.讽刺画;滑稽模仿 [car-i-ca-ture] - egregious a.(缺点等)过分的,惊人的 [e-gre-gious] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - fringe n.(窗帘等)须边;边缘 [fringe] - hyperbole n.夸张法;a.夸张的 [hy-per-bo-le] - magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] + overstate v.夸张,对…言过其实 [o-ver-state] + overwrought a.紧张过度的 [o-ver-wrought] - preposterous a.荒谬的 [pre-pos-ter-ous] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - yarn n.纱线 [yarn] ** Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas *** 1. Natural Means ***** indication 550 - address v.处理,对付,着手解决;致词 [ad-dress] + apostrophe n.书写中撇号(’)(表示省略或所有格) [a-pos-tro-phe] + appellation n.名称,称呼 [ap-pel-la-tion] + asterisk n.星号 [as-ter-isk] - attest (to)v.证明 [at-test] + badge n.徽章(如校徽等) [badge] + beacon n.烽火;灯塔 [bea-con] - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] - certification n.证明 [cer-ti-fi-ca-tion] - characteristic a.有特色的;典型性的;n.与众不同的特征 [char-ac-ter-is-tic] + characterization n.描绘,刻画 [char-ac-ter-i-za-tion] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - chip n.薄片,碎片;集成电路片 [chip] + choreography n.舞蹈;舞蹈编排 [cho-re-og-ra-phy] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] - colon n.冒号 [co-lon] - comma n.逗号 [com-ma] - crest n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 [crest] - criterion n.评判的标准,尺度 [cri-te-ri-on] - cue v.暗示,提示;n.暗示,提示 [cue] + delimit v.定界,划界 [de-lim-it] - demonstrative a.证明性的;喜怒形于色的 [de-mon-stra-tive] - denote v.表示;指示意义 [de-note] - diagonal a.对角的;n.对角线 [di-ag-o-nal] - differentiate v.辨别,区别 [dif-fer-en-ti-ate] + emblematic a.作为象征的 [em-blem-at-ic] - engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻 [en-grave] + ensign n.舰旗(船上表示所属国家的旗帜) [en-sign] + epaulet n.肩章,肩饰 [ep-au-let] - exponent n.说明者,支持者;指数 [ex-po-nent] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - feature n.特色,特点,特征 [fea-ture] + figurehead n.名义领袖;傀儡 [fig-ure-head] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - gauge n.标准规格;测量仪;v.测量 [gauge] - gesture n.姿势,手势,姿态 [ges-ture] - glance v./n.一瞥 [glance] - hallmark n.(在金银上的)纯度印记;特征 [hall-mark] - hyphen n.连字号(即“-”) [hy-phen] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] - imprint v.盖印,刻印 [im-print] - indelible a.擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭的 [in-del-i-ble] - indicate v.显示,指出;象征 [in-di-cate] - indicative a.暗示的 [in-dic-a-tive] - individual a.单独的,特有的;n.个人,个体 [in-di-vid-u-al] - insignia n.徽章,袖章 [in-sig-ni-a] - landmark n.陆标;里程碑 [land-mark] - leer v.斜眼看,送秋波 [leer] - marked a.明显的;被监视的 [marked] + milestone n.里程碑;转折点 [mile-stone] - minutes n.会议记录 [min-utes] - motto n.座右铭;箴言 [mot-to] - nick n.小伤口,刻痕 [nick] - notch n.V字形刻痕 [notch] + nudge v.(用肘)轻触,轻推 [nudge] + pantomime n.哑剧 [pan-to-mime] + pennant n.(船上用的)信号旗 [pen-nant] - score n.乐谱 [score] - shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] + shrug v.耸肩(表示怀疑等) [shrug] - signal n.信号;v.发信号;a.显著的 [sig-nal] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] + stereotype n.固定形式,老套 [ste-re-o-type] - streak n.线条,条纹;v.加线条 [streak] - striate v.在…加上条纹 [stri-ate] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] - tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] - testify v.见证,证实 [tes-ti-fy] + totem n.图腾,徽章 [to-tem] - trait n.人的显著特性 [trait] + trophy n.奖品,战利品 [tro-phy] + underscore v.在…之下划线;强调 [un-der-score] - uniform n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 [u-ni-form] - wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] - witness n.目击者;v.目击 [wit-ness] ***** record 551 - affidavit n.宣誓书 [af-fi-da-vit] - annals n.编年史 [an-nals] + archive n.档案室 [ar-chive] - commemorate v.纪念(伟人、大事件等) [com-mem-o-rate] - deed n.行为;(土地或建筑物的)转让契约、证书 [deed] - deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] - document v.为…提供书面证明 [doc-u-ment] + dossier n.卷宗,档案 [dos-si-er] - entry n.条目;登录;报关手续;入口 [en-try] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] - folder n.文件夹,纸夹 [fold-er] - gazetteer n.地名词典,地名表 [gaz-et-teer] - insert v.插入 [in-sert] - ledger n.账簿 [ledg-er] + legend n.地图里的说明文字或图例 [leg-end] - log n./v.日志,记录;n.一段大木头;圆木 [log] + medal n.奖牌,勋章 [med-al] - memorial n.纪念碑,纪念物;a.纪念的,悼念的 [me-mo-ri-al] - minutes n.会议记录 [min-utes] - notch n.V字形刻痕 [notch] - pillar n.柱子 [pil-lar] - plaque n.匾;血小板 [plaque] - portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] - relic n.遗物,遗迹 [rel-ic] - remains n.遗址,废墟 [re-mains] + scroll n.卷轴,纸卷;画卷 [scroll] - slab n.厚板,厚块 [slab] - tombstone n.墓碑,墓石 [tomb-stone] - trophy n.奖品,战利品 [tro-phy] + vestige n.痕迹,遗迹 [ves-tige] ***** obliteration 552 - deface v.损坏 [de-face] - efface v.擦掉,抹去 [ef-face] - erase v.擦掉,抹去 [e-rase] + erasure n.擦掉,擦痕 [e-ras-ure] - expunge v.删除 [ex-punge] - extinction n.熄灭;消灭 [ex-tinc-tion] - obliterate v.涂掉,擦掉 [o-blit-e-rate] - raze v.彻底破坏 [raze] ***** recorder 553 ***** representation 554 - adumbrate v.(对将来事件)预示 [ad-um-brate] + blueprint n.蓝图;方案 [blue-print] + bust n.半身(雕)像 [bust] - cartographer n.绘制地图者 [car-tog-ra-pher] - carve v.雕刻 [carve] - characterization n.描绘,刻画 [char-ac-ter-i-za-tion] - choreography n.舞蹈;舞蹈编排 [cho-re-og-ra-phy] + collage n.拼贴画 [col-lage] + crayon >n.彩色腊笔、粉笔或其绘画 [cray-on] + daguerreotype n.(早期)银版照相 [da-guerre-o-type] + delineate v.描画 [de-lin-e-ate] + depict v.描绘,描画 [de-pict] + diagram n.图解,图表 [di-a-gram] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - drought n.干旱;干旱时期 [drought] - engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻 [en-grave] - figurative a.比喻的,借喻的 [fig-ur-a-tive] + figurine n.小塑像,小雕像 [fig-u-rine] - graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] + hieroglyphic n.象形文字 [hi-er-o-glyph-ic] + icon n.圣像,偶像 [i-con] - illustrate v.为…作插图或图表;说明,阐明 [il-lus-trate] - imitation n.赝品;效法,冒充 [im-i-ta-tion] - imitative a.模仿的 [im-i-ta-tive] - impersonate v.模仿;扮演 [im-per-son-ate] + limn v.描写;画 [limn] + marionette n.木偶 [mar-i-on-ette] - mimic v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 [mim-ic] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + montage n.蒙太奇;拼集画 [mon-tage] - outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] - personification n.典型,化身,完美榜样 [per-son-i-fi-ca-tion] - plot n.情节;阴谋;策划 [plot] + portray v.描绘,描述 [por-tray] - projection n.凸出物 [pro-jec-tion] - scenario n.剧情说明书;剧本 [sce-nar-i-o] + schematize v.扼要表示 [sche-ma-tize] + scheme n.阴谋;(作品等)体系,结构 [scheme] ***** misrepresentation 555 - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] - caricature n.讽刺画;滑稽模仿 [car-i-ca-ture] - distort v.扭曲,弄歪 [dis-tort] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - lampoon n.讽刺文章;v.讽刺 [lam-poon] - misrepresent v.误传,歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sent] - misrepresentation n.歪曲 [mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion] - parody n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿 [par-o-dy] - travesty v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 [trav-es-ty] - understatement n.轻描淡写的陈述,不充分的陈述 [un-der-state-ment] ***** painting 556 - canvas n.画布;帆布 [can-vas] + cartoon n.漫画 [car-toon] - collage n.拼贴画 [col-lage] - cosmopolitanism n.世界性,世界主义 [cos-mo-pol-i-tan-ism] - crayon >n.彩色腊笔、粉笔或其绘画 [cray-on] - daguerreotype n.(早期)银版照相 [da-guerre-o-type] - depict v.描绘,描画 [de-pict] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - draftsmanship n.起草术,制图术 [drafts-man-ship] - easel n.黑板,画架 [ea-sel] - enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 [e-nam-el] + etching n.蚀刻术;蚀刻板画 [etch-ing] - fresco n.壁画 [fres-co] + genre n.(文艺的)类型 [gen-re] - graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] - limn v.描写;画 [limn] - miniature n.小画像;缩影 [min-i-a-ture] - monochrome a.单色的,单色画的 [mon-o-chrome] - montage n.蒙太奇;拼集画 [mon-tage] - mosaic n.马赛克;镶嵌细工(把小块玻璃石头等镶嵌成图画) [mo-sa-ic] - outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] + palette n.调色板,颜料配置 [pal-ette] - panorama n.概观,全景 [pan-o-ra-ma] - pastel n.彩色粉笔或蜡笔画;柔和的色彩 [pas-tel] - perspective n.(判断事物的)角度,方法;透视法 [per-spec-tive] + pictorial a.绘画的;有图片的,用图片表示的 [pic-to-ri-al] - profile n.外形;轮廓侧面像 [pro-file] - prospect v.勘探;n.期望;前景 [pros-pect] - school n.鱼群 [school] + stencil n.(用以刻写图案、文字的)模板;v.用模板刻写 [sten-cil] - stipple v.点画,点描 [stip-ple] + tapestry n.挂毯 [tap-es-try] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] ***** sculpture 557 - cameo n.浮雕宝石;生动刻画;(演员)出演 [cam-e-o] - carve v.雕刻 [carve] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + ceramic n.陶瓷制品;a.陶器的 [ce-ram-ic] - chisel n.凿子;v.凿;欺骗 [chis-el] - enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 [e-nam-el] - marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] - medal n.奖牌,勋章 [med-al] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] - porcelain n.瓷;瓷器 [por-ce-lain] - pottery n.制陶;陶器 [pot-ter-y] - sculpt v.雕刻 [sculpt] + statuary n.雕像;雕塑艺术 [stat-u-ar-y] ***** engraving 558 - denture n.假牙 [den-ture] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] - engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻 [en-grave] - etch v.蚀刻);铭记 [etch] - etching n.蚀刻术;蚀刻板画 [etch-ing] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] - stereotype n.固定形式,老套 [ste-re-o-type] - stipple v.点画,点描 [stip-ple] ***** artist 559 + designer n.设计者,构思者 [de-sign-er] - enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 [e-nam-el] - hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] + sculptor n.雕刻家 [sculp-tor] - statuary n.雕像;雕塑艺术 [stat-u-ar-y] *** 2. Conventional Means *** 1. Language Generally ***** language 560 + bilingual a.(说)两种语言的 [bi-lin-gual] + dialect n.方言 [di-a-lect] + linguistic a.语言的 [lin-guis-tic] + linguistics n.语言学 [lin-guis-tics] - pantomime n.哑剧 [pan-to-mime] - vernacular n.本国语,地方语 [ver-nac-u-lar] ***** letter 561 - affix v.粘上,贴上;在合同上添写某事物;n.词缀 [af-fix] + alphabetical a.按字母表顺序的 [al-pha-bet-i-cal] - anagram n.变形词 [an-a-gram] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] + clinical a.临床的;冷静客观的 [clin-i-cal] - consonant a.调和的,一致的 [con-so-nant] + hieroglyph n.象形文字,图画文字 [hi-er-o-glyph] - hieroglyphic n.象形文字 [hi-er-o-glyph-ic] - liquid a.清澈的 [liq-uid] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] + minuscule a.极小的 [mi-nus-cule] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] - muted a.(声音)减弱的,变得轻柔的 [mut-ed] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] ***** word 562 - derivation n.发展,起源;词源 [der-i-va-tion] - derivative a.派生的;无创意的 [de-riv-a-tive] + etymology n.语源学 [et-y-mol-o-gy] - glossary n.词汇表;难词表 [glos-sa-ry] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的 [nom-i-nal] - terminology n.术语,术语学 [ter-mi-nol-o-gy] + titular a.有名无实的,名义上的 [tit-u-lar] + verbal a.口头的;与言辞有关的 [ver-bal] ***** neologism 563 - anagram n.变形词 [an-a-gram] + argot n.隐语,黑话 [ar-got] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] - colloquial a.口语的,口头的 [col-lo-qui-al] - dialect n.方言 [di-a-lect] + idiom n.习语,语言的习惯用法;特色 [id-i-om] - jargon n.暗语;行话 [jar-gon] + jingoism n.沙文主义;侵略主义 [jin-go-ism] + malapropism n.字的误用 [mal-a-prop-ism] + neologism n.新字,新义 [ne-ol-o-gism] - obsolete a.废弃的;过时的 [ob-so-lete] + pseudonym n.假名,笔名 [pseu-do-nym] - pun n.双关语 [pun] - vernacular n.本国语,地方语 [ver-nac-u-lar] ***** nomenclature 564 - appellation n.名称,称呼 [ap-pel-la-tion] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] - caption n.标题 [cap-tion] + characterize v.描述或刻画…的特点 [char-ac-ter-ize] - denomination n.命名;(长度,币值的)单位 [de-nom-i-na-tion] - designation n.指定;名称,称呼 [des-ig-na-tion] + entitle v.使有权(做某事) [en-ti-tle] + epithet n.(贬低人的)短语或形容词 [ep-i-thet] - nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的 [nom-i-nal] + surrealism n.超现实主义 [sur-re-al-ism] - titular a.有名无实的,名义上的 [tit-u-lar] ***** misnomer 565 + alias n.化名,别名 [a-li-as] + anonymous a.匿名的 [a-non-y-mous] + misnomer n.名字的误用 [mis-no-mer] - pseudonym n.假名,笔名 [pseu-do-nym] ***** phrase 566 - idiom n.习语,语言的习惯用法;特色 [id-i-om] - motto n.座右铭;箴言 [mot-to] - paraphrase v.传译,释义 [par-a-phrase] ***** grammar 567 - parse v.对…作语法分析 [parse] ***** solecism 568 ***** style 569 ***** perspicuity 570 - definition n.(轮廓等)清晰;定义 [def-i-ni-tion] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - explicit a.清楚明确的 [ex-plic-it] - lucid a.表达清楚的,明白易懂的 [lu-cid] - perspicuity n.明晰;聪明睿智 [per-spi-cu-i-ty] ***** obscurity 571 - crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] - obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] ***** conciseness 572 - abridge v.删减;缩短 [a-bridge] - abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] - concise a.简洁的 [con-cise] - condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] - curt a.(言词、行为)简略而草率的 [curt] - ellipsis n.省略 [el-lip-sis] - elliptical a.椭圆的;晦涩的;省略的 [el-lip-ti-cal] - epitome n.典型;梗概 [e-pit-o-me] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - holster n.手枪皮套 [hol-ster] + laconic a.简洁的 [la-con-ic] - pithy a.(讲话或文章)简练的 [pith-y] - pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - quaint a.离奇有趣的 [quaint] + succinct a.简明的,简洁的 [suc-cinct] - summarily adv.概括地;仓促地 [sum-mar-i-ly] - summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] + terse a.简洁的,简明的 [terse] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] ***** diffuseness 573 - amplify v.放大;详述 [am-pli-fy] + circumlocution n.迂回累赘的陈述 [cir-cum-lo-cu-tion] + copious a.丰富的,多产的 [co-pi-ous] - diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射;a.漫射的,散漫的 [dif-fuse] - digress v.离题 [di-gress] - dilate v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 [di-late] - discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] - excursive a.离题的,随意的 [ex-cur-sive] - expand v.扩大,膨胀 [ex-pand] + exuberance n.愉快;茁壮 [ex-u-ber-ance] + exuberant a.(人)充满活力的(植物)茂盛的 [ex-u-ber-ant] - frothy a.起泡的;空洞的 [froth-y] - inflate v.使充气,使膨胀 [in-flate] - long-winded a.冗长的 [long-wind-ed] - profuse a.很多的;浪费的 [pro-fuse] + prolix a.啰嗦的,冗长的 [pro-lix] + prolixity n.罗嗦 [pro-lix-i-ty] + prose n.散文 [prose] - protract v.延长,拖长 [pro-tract] - ramble n./v.漫步 [ram-ble] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - redundancy n.过剩;备份;似乎多余其实重要的后备力量 [re-dun-dan-cy] - spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - verbiage n.罗嗦,冗长 [ver-bi-age] + verbose a.冗长的,罗嗦的 [ver-bose] ***** vigor 574 - antithesis n.对立;相对 [an-tith-e-sis] + eloquence n.雄辩,精彩演讲 [el-o-quence] - glow v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 [glow] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] + impassioned a.慷慨激昂的 [im-pas-sioned] - incisive a.一针见血的 [in-ci-sive] - intellectual a.智力的,理智的;n.知识分子 [in-tel-lec-tu-al] - lofty a.崇高的,高尚的 [loft-y] + petulant a.性急的,暴躁的 [pet-u-lant] - piquant a.辛辣的,开胃的;兴奋的 [pi-quant] - pithy a.(讲话或文章)简练的 [pith-y] - pungent a.味道刺激的;苛刻的 [pun-gent] - racy a.活泼的,生动的 [rac-y] - sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] - verve n.(艺术作品的)神韵;(人)生机 [verve] - vigorous a.精力旺盛的,健壮的 [vig-or-ous] ***** feebleness 575 - bland a.(人)情绪平稳的;(食物)无味的 [bland] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - feeble a.虚弱的 [fee-ble] - frigid a.寒冷的;死板的 [frig-id] - halfhearted a.不认真的,不热心的 [half-heart-ed] + jejune a.空洞的;不成熟的 [je-june] - languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 [lan-guid] - lukewarm a.微温的,不热心的 [luke-warm] - meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - prosaic a.单调的,无趣的 [pro-sa-ic] - puerile a.幼稚的;儿童的 [pu-er-ile] - sketchy a.概略的,粗略的 [sketch-y] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + slipshod a.马虎的,草率的 [slip-shod] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - vapid a.索然无味的 [vap-id] ***** plainness 576 - chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - prosaic a.单调的,无趣的 [pro-sa-ic] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] ***** ornament 577 - antithesis n.对立;相对 [an-tith-e-sis] - artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] - bombast n.高调,夸大之辞 [bom-bast] - bombastic a.夸夸其谈的 [bom-bas-tic] + declamation n.雄辩,高调 [dec-la-ma-tion] + euphemism n.婉言,委婉的说法 [eu-phe-mism] - figurative a.比喻的,借喻的 [fig-ur-a-tive] + flamboyant a.艳丽的,炫耀的 [flam-boy-ant] - florid a.华丽的;(脸)红润的 [flor-id] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - frothy a.起泡的;空洞的 [froth-y] + grandiose a.宏伟的;夸大的 [gran-di-ose] + ornate a.华美的;充满装饰的 [or-nate] + pompous a.自大的 [pomp-ous] + pretension n.自命不凡,夸耀 [pre-ten-sion] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - stilted a.(文章,谈话)不自然的;夸张的 [stilt-ed] - turgid a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 [tur-gid] ***** elegance 578 - antithesis n.对立;相对 [an-tith-e-sis] - chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - euphemism n.婉言,委婉的说法 [eu-phe-mism] - euphonious a.悦耳的 [eu-pho-ni-ous] - felicitous a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 [fe-lic-i-tous] + grace n.优美 [grace] - mellifluous a.(音乐等)柔美流畅的 [mel-lif-lu-ous] - purity n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 [pu-ri-ty] - scrutable a.可以理解的 [scru-ta-ble] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] + understated a.不完全陈述的,轻描淡写的 [un-der-stat-ed] ***** inelegance 579 - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] - artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] + awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - barbarous a.野蛮的;残暴的 [bar-ba-rous] - cacophony n.难听的声音 [ca-coph-o-ny] + halting a.踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的 [halt-ing] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] + heavy-handedness n.笨拙,粗劣 [heav-y-hand-ed-ness] + labored a.吃力的;(文体等)不自然的 [la-bored] + mannered a.做作的 [man-nered] - ponderous a.笨重的,笨拙的 [pon-der-ous] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - turgid a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 [tur-gid] + uncouth a.粗野笨拙的 [un-couth] *** 2. Spoken Language ***** voice 580 + accentuate v.重读;强调 [ac-cen-tu-ate] + articulate v.清楚说话 [ar-tic-u-late] - distinct a.清楚的,明显的 [dis-tinct] - enunciate v.发音;(清楚地)表达 [e-nun-ci-ate] - euphonious a.悦耳的 [eu-pho-ni-ous] + exclamation n.惊叹词,惊呼 [ex-cla-ma-tion] - phonetic a.语音的 [pho-net-ic] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] + ventriloquist n.口技表演者,会口技的人 [ven-tril-o-quist] ***** aphony 581 - dummy n.人体模型,假人 [dum-my] - husky a.声音沙哑的 [husk-y] - muffle v.使声音降低;裹住 [muf-fle] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] + raucous a.(声音)沙哑的,粗糙的 [rau-cous] - sepulchral a.坟墓的;阴深的 [se-pul-chral] - smother v.覆盖;(使)闷死 [smoth-er] - whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] ***** speech 582 + declaim v.高谈阔论 [de-claim] - declamation n.雄辩,高调 [dec-la-ma-tion] - discourse n.演讲,论述 [dis-course] + elocution n.演说术 [el-o-cu-tion] - eloquence n.雄辩,精彩演讲 [el-o-quence] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] + harangue n.长篇指责性演说 [ha-rangue] + homiletics n.讲道术,说教术 [hom-i-let-ics] + oration n.正式演说,演讲 [o-ra-tion] + oratory n.演讲术 [or-a-to-ry] - outspoken a.直言不讳的 [out-spo-ken] + parlance n.说法,用语,词汇 [par-lance] - phonetic a.语音的 [pho-net-ic] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - rave n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 [rave] + rhetoric n.修辞学,浮夸的言语 [rhet-o-ric] - sermon n.布道;说教,训诫 [ser-mon] + tirade n.长篇的攻击性讲话 [ti-rade] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] ***** stammering 583 - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] - croak n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 [croak] - drawl v./n.慢吞吞地说话(态度) [drawl] - falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - jabber v.快而不清楚地说 [jab-ber] - mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] - muffle v.使声音降低;裹住 [muf-fle] - mumble v.咕哝,含糊不清地说 [mum-ble] - mutter v.咕哝,嘀咕 [mut-ter] + stammer v.口吃,结巴 [stam-mer] + stutter n./v.口吃,结巴 [stut-ter] - whisper v.耳语,低声说话 [whis-per] ***** loquacity 584 - babble v.胡言乱语;牙牙学语;喋喋不休 [bab-ble] + flippant a.无礼的;轻率的 [flip-pant] + garrulity n.唠叨,饶舌 [gar-ru-li-ty] + garrulous a.唠叨的,多话的 [gar-ru-lous] + glib a.流利圆滑的,善辩的 [glib] + gregariousness n.群居;合群 [gre-gar-i-ous-ness] - jabber v.快而不清楚地说 [jab-ber] + loquacious a.多嘴的,饶舌的 [lo-qua-cious] + magpie n.鹊;饶舌的人 [mag-pie] - poll n.民意测验;选举投票 [poll] + prate v.瞎扯,胡说 [prate] - prose n.散文 [prose] - rattle v.使格格作响;使慌乱 [rat-tle] + voluble a.健谈的;易旋转的 [vol-u-ble] + windbag n.饶舌之人 [wind-bag] ***** taciturnity 585 - curt a.(言词、行为)简略而草率的 [curt] - hush v./n.肃静,安静 [hush] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - reticent a.沉默不语的 [ret-i-cent] - taciturn a.沉默寡言的 [tac-i-turn] ***** allocution 586 + accost v.搭话 [ac-cost] - address v.处理,对付,着手解决;致词 [ad-dress] - apostrophe n.书写中撇号(’)(表示省略或所有格) [a-pos-tro-phe] - appeal v.恳求;吸引;上诉 [ap-peal] - audience n.听众,观众;读者 [au-di-ence] + invoke v.祈求;恳求;(法律的)实施生效 [in-voke] + salutation n.招呼,致意,敬礼 [sal-u-ta-tion] + salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] ***** response 587 ***** conversation 588 - audience n.听众,观众;读者 [au-di-ence] - babble v.胡言乱语;牙牙学语;喋喋不休 [bab-ble] - colloquial a.口语的,口头的 [col-lo-qui-al] - commune n.公社;v.与某人亲密地交谈 [com-mune] + confer v.讨论,商谈;赠予 [con-fer] + conference n.讨论会,协商会 [con-fer-ence] - converse v.谈话;a.逆向的n.相反的事物 [con-verse] - debate n.正式的辩论,讨论 [de-bate] - discourse n.演讲,论述 [dis-course] - discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] - pollster n.民意测验家 [poll-ster] - prate v.瞎扯,胡说 [prate] ***** soliloquy 589 - apostrophe n.书写中撇号(’)(表示省略或所有格) [a-pos-tro-phe] + monologue n.独白;个人长篇演说 [mon-o-logue] *** 3. Written Language ***** writing 590 + artistry n.艺术技巧 [art-ist-ry] + calligraphy n.书法 [cal-lig-ra-phy] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] + dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] - dossier n.卷宗,档案 [dos-si-er] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] + engross v.全神贯注于 [en-gross] - hieroglyph n.象形文字,图画文字 [hi-er-o-glyph] - hieroglyphic n.象形文字 [hi-er-o-glyph-ic] + inscribe v.在某物上写,题 [in-scribe] - manifold a.繁多的;多种的 [man-i-fold] + manuscript n.手稿;手抄本 [man-u-script] - marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] + papyrus n.莎草;莎草纸 [pa-py-rus] - pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] - pillar n.柱子 [pil-lar] + quill n.(豪猪等动物的)刺 [quill] + scrawl v.潦草地写,乱涂 [scrawl] + scribble v.乱写,乱涂 [scrib-ble] + script n.剧本,脚本 [script] + slate n.石板;候选人名单;v.提名 [slate] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] - transcribe v.抄写,转录 [tran-scribe] ***** printing 591 + bourgeois a.中产阶级的;自私拜物的 [bour-geois] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - context n.(语句等的)上下文 [con-text] - distribute v.分发,分配某事物 [dis-trib-ute] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] + justification n.正当理由,好的(正义的)原因;辨护 [jus-ti-fi-ca-tion] - matrix n.模子;矩阵 [ma-trix] - offset v.补偿,抵消 [off-set] - press v.挤压 [press] - revise n./v.改变,修正 [re-vise] - scale n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶 [scale] - shoulder n.肩;路肩 [shoul-der] - stereotype n.固定形式,老套 [ste-re-o-type] + typographical a.印刷上的 [ty-po-graph-i-cal] ***** correspondence 592 - circular a.圆形的 [cir-cu-lar] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] ***** book 593 + bibliography n.文献学;参考书目 [bib-li-og-ra-phy] + brochure n.小册子,说明书 [bro-chure] - circular a.圆形的 [cir-cu-lar] - clause n.从句;(法律等)条款 [clause] - encyclopedia n.百科全书 [en-cy-clo-pe-di-a] - folder n.文件夹,纸夹 [fold-er] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] + libretto n.(歌剧等)歌词;剧本 [li-bret-to] + pamphlet n.小册子 [pam-phlet] - pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] - periodical n.期刊 [pe-ri-od-i-cal] - portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] - press v.挤压 [press] + ream n.令(纸张的计数单位) [ream] - reportorial a.记者的;记实的 [re-por-to-ri-al] - serial a.连续的,一系列的 [se-ri-al] - tract n.传单;大片土地 [tract] + treatise n.论文 [trea-tise] ***** description 594 + anecdote n.短故事;轶事 [an-ec-dote] - annals n.编年史 [an-nals] + autobiography n.自传 [au-to-bi-og-ra-phy] - characterize v.描述或刻画…的特点 [char-ac-ter-ize] + epic n.叙事诗,史诗;a.英雄的;大规模的 [ep-ic] - graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] - legend n.地图里的说明文字或图例 [leg-end] + memoir n.回忆录,自传;记事录 [mem-oir] + narrative a.叙述的,讲故事的 [nar-ra-tive] - obituary n.讣闻,讣告 [o-bi-tu-ar-y] - parable n.寓言,比喻 [par-a-ble] - particularize v.详述,列举 [par-tic-u-lar-ize] - portray v.描绘,描述 [por-tray] + raconteur n.善于讲故事的人 [rac-on-teur] - recapitulate v.扼要重述 [re-ca-pit-u-late] + recital n.独奏;吟诵 [re-cit-al] - rehearsal n.排演,演习 [re-hears-al] - rehearse v.排练,预演;详述 [re-hearse] - relate v.讲述;有关联 [re-late] - suggestive a.暗示的 [sug-ges-tive] - trait n.人的显著特性 [trait] ***** dissertation 595 - commentary n.实况报道;(对书等的)集注 [com-men-tar-y] - critic n.批评者 [crit-ic] - critique n.批评性的分析 [cri-tique] - discourse n.演讲,论述 [dis-course] - discursive a.散漫的,无层次的 [dis-cur-sive] + dissertation n.专题论文 [dis-ser-ta-tion] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - expository a.说明的 [ex-pos-i-to-ry] - memoir n.回忆录,自传;记事录 [mem-oir] - sermon n.布道;说教,训诫 [ser-mon] - thesis n.论题,论文 [the-sis] - tract n.传单;大片土地 [tract] - treatise n.论文 [trea-tise] ***** compendium 596 - abbreviate v.缩短;缩写 [ab-bre-vi-ate] - abridge v.删减;缩短 [a-bridge] - abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] + anthology n.诗集,文选 [an-thol-o-gy] - compendium n.简要,概略 [com-pen-di-um] - compile v.汇集;编辑 [com-pile] - condense v.浓缩 [con-dense] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - epitome n.典型;梗概 [e-pit-o-me] - epitomize v.概括,摘要 [e-pit-o-mize] - recapitulate v.扼要重述 [re-ca-pit-u-late] - resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] - skim v.从液体表面撇去;浏览,略读 [skim] - summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] + syllabus n.教学纲要 [syl-la-bus] - synopsis n.摘要,概要 [syn-op-sis] + synoptic a.摘要的 [syn-op-tic] ***** poetry 597 - anthology n.诗集,文选 [an-thol-o-gy] - ballad n.歌谣,小曲 [bal-lad] - bard n.吟游诗人 [bard] - bucolic a.乡村的;牧羊的 [bu-col-ic] + canto n.(长诗的)篇 [can-to] + doggerel n.歪诗,打油诗 [dog-ger-el] - elegy n.哀歌,挽歌 [el-e-gy] - epic n.叙事诗,史诗;a.英雄的;大规模的 [ep-ic] - idyll n.田园生活;田园诗 [i-dyll] - limerick n.五行打油诗 [lim-er-ick] - lullaby n.摇篮曲 [lull-a-by] - lyric a.抒情的;n.抒情诗;歌词 [lyr-ic] - madrigal n.抒情短诗,情歌,合唱曲 [mad-ri-gal] - metrical a.测量的;韵律的 [met-ri-cal] + ode n.长诗,颂歌 [ode] - pastoral a.田园生活的;宁静的 [pas-to-ral] - rhyme n.押韵;v.押韵 [rhyme] - rhythmic a.有节奏的 [rhyth-mic] - runic a.北欧古代文字的;神秘的 [ru-nic] + sonnet n.十四行诗 [son-net] + stanza n.(诗)节,段 [stan-za] - verse n.诗歌 [verse] ***** prose 598 - bromide n.平庸的人或话 [bro-mide] - prosaic a.单调的,无趣的 [pro-sa-ic] - prose n.散文 [prose] ***** drama 599 - acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员 [ac-ro-bat] - auditorium n.礼堂;观众席 [au-di-to-ri-um] - backdrop n.(事情的)背景,背景幕布 [back-drop] + ballerina n.芭蕾舞女演员 [bal-le-ri-na] + buffoon n.演出时的丑角;粗俗而愚蠢的人 [buf-foon] - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] - charade n.用动作等表演文字意义的字谜游戏 [cha-rade] + comedienne n.说笑话、演滑稽剧等的女演员 [co-me-di-enne] + comic a.可笑的;喜剧的;n.喜剧演员 [com-ic] + emote v.激动地表达感情 [e-mote] + enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] + entrepreneur n.企业家,创业人 [en-tre-pre-neur] - epilogue n.收场白;尾声 [ep-i-logue] - farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] - gesture n.姿势,手势,姿态 [ges-ture] + histrionic a.演戏的;剧院的 [his-tri-on-ic] + impresario n.(剧院或乐团等)经理人,主办者 [im-pre-sa-ri-o] - induction n.就职,入伍仪式;归纳 [in-duc-tion] - interlude n.(活动间的)暂时休息 [in-ter-lude] - libretto n.(歌剧等)歌词;剧本 [li-bret-to] + melodrama n.情节剧;音乐戏剧 [mel-o-dra-ma] - mime n.哑剧表演;哑剧(演员) [mime] - mimic v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 [mim-ic] - mute a.沉默的;v.减弱声音;n.弱音器 [mute] - nova n.新星 [no-va] + offstage adv./a.台后(的),幕后(的) [off-stage] - orchestra n.管弦乐队 [or-ches-tra] - pantomime n.哑剧 [pan-to-mime] + parquet n.镶木地板 [par-quet] - preview v./n.预演,预展 [pre-view] - prologue n.开场白;序幕 [pro-logue] + protagonist n.提议者,支持者 [pro-tag-o-nist] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - rehearse v.排练,预演;详述 [re-hearse] + repertoire n.(剧团等)常备剧目 [rep-er-toire] + revue n.时事讽刺剧 [re-vue] + sideshow n.杂耍,穿插表演 [side-show] - sock v.重击,痛打 [sock] + tragedy n.悲剧,惨事,灾难 [trag-e-dy] + upstage a.骄傲的,高傲的 [up-stage] * Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers * Division I. Individual Volition ** Section I. Volition in General *** 1. Acts Of Volition ***** will 600 - determination n.决心;确定;预测 [de-ter-mi-na-tion] + discretion n.谨慎,审慎 [dis-cre-tion] + discretionary a.自由决定的 [dis-cre-tion-ar-y] + enjoin v.命令,吩咐 [en-join] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] + optional a.可自由选择的 [op-tion-al] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] - originality n.创造性,独特性 [o-rig-i-nal-i-ty] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + spontaneity n.自然,自发 [spon-ta-ne-i-ty] + spontaneous a.自发的;自然的 [spon-ta-ne-ous] + volition n.决断力,意志 [vo-li-tion] + willful a.任性的;故意的 [will-ful] ***** necessity 601 - compel v.强迫 [com-pel] + compulsion n.强迫;难以抗拒的冲动 [com-pul-sion] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] + inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] - instinctive a.本能的 [in-stinc-tive] + involuntary a.无意的 [in-vol-un-tar-y] - irrevocable a.无法取消的 [ir-rev-o-ca-ble] + mechanical a.机械的,机械制造的;机械似的,呆板的,体力的 [me-chan-i-cal] + obligation n.责任;债务,欠的人情 [ob-li-ga-tion] - planet n.行星 [plan-et] - predestine v.注定 [pre-des-tine] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - unconscious a.不省人事的;未意识到的 [un-con-scious] - unwitting a.无心的,不经意的 [un-wit-ting] ***** willingness 602 - acquiesce v.勉强同意,默许 [ac-qui-esce] + alacrity n.乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼 [a-lac-ri-ty] + animus n.敌意,憎恨 [an-i-mus] - aptitude n.适宜;才能,资质 [ap-ti-tude] + asset n.财产;可取之处 [as-set] - bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] + compliance n.顺从,遵从 [com-pli-ance] - comply v.遵循,顺从 [com-ply] - content a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意 [con-tent] + disposed a.愿意的,想干的 [dis-posed] - disposition n.处理;天性,气质 [dis-po-si-tion] - docile a.驯服的,听话的 [doc-ile] + earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] + facile a.容易做的;肤浅的 [fac-ile] - favorable a.有利的;赞成的 [fa-vor-a-ble] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - genial a.愉快的,脾气好的 [ge-ni-al] + goodwill n.友好 [good-will] + gracious a.大方的,和善的;奢华的 [gra-cious] - gratuitous a.无缘无故的;免费的 [gra-tu-i-tous] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] + penchant n.爱好,嗜好 [pen-chant] - ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] - receptive a.善于接受的;从善如流的 [re-cep-tive] + responsiveness n.应答,响应 [re-spon-sive-ness] - spontaneous a.自发的;自然的 [spon-ta-ne-ous] - tractability n.温顺 [tractability] - tractable a.易于驾驭的,温顺的 [trac-ta-ble] ***** unwillingness 603 + adverse a.不利的,相反的;敌对 [ad-verse] + averse a.不愿的,反对的 [a-verse] + avoid v.避开,躲避 [a-void] + begrudge v.吝啬,勉强给 [be-grudge] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - demur v.表示异议,反对 [de-mur] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] - involuntary a.无意的 [in-vol-un-tar-y] + loath a.不情愿的,勉强的 [loath] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] + qualms n.疑虑(尤指有关良心问题的) [qualms] - recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] - remiss a.疏忽的,不留心的 [re-miss] - repugnant a.令人厌恶的 [re-pug-nant] + restive a.不安静的,不安宁的 [res-tive] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - swerve v.突然改变方向 [swerve] ***** resolution 604 - aplomb n.沉着,镇静 [a-plomb] - definitive a.明确的,有权威的 [de-fin-i-tive] - determination n.决心;确定;预测 [de-ter-mi-na-tion] - earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] - grit n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 [grit] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] - obstinate a.固执的,倔强的 [ob-sti-nate] - peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] + relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] - tackiness n.胶粘性 [tack-i-ness] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] ***** perseverance 604.a - adhere v.粘着 [ad-here] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] - constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - grit n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 [grit] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - homeostasis n.体内平衡 [ho-me-o-sta-sis] + indefatigable a.不知疲倦的 [in-de-fat-i-ga-ble] - industrious a.勤劳的,勤勉的 [in-dus-tri-ous] - permanence n.永久,持久 [per-ma-nence] - persistence n.坚持不懈,持续 [per-sis-tence] + pertinacious a.固执的;无法驾御的;不妥协的 [per-ti-na-cious] - plod v.重步走;吃力地干 [plod] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] + sedulity n.勤奋,勤勉 [se-du-li-ty] - stanch v.制止(血液),止住 [stanch] - steadfast a.忠实的;不变的 [stead-fast] - sturdy a.(身体)强健的;结实的 [stur-dy] - unremitting a.不间断的,持续的 [un-re-mit-ting] ***** irresolution 605 - alternate a.轮流的,交替的;v.轮流,交替n.候选人,替代性选择 [al-ter-nate] - ambivalence n.矛盾心理 [am-biv-a-lence] - ambivalent a.(对人或物)有矛盾看法的 [am-biv-a-lent] + boggle v.畏缩不前;使退缩 [bog-gle] + caprice n.奇思怪想,变化无常,任性 [ca-price] - capricious a.变化无常的,任性的 [ca-pri-cious] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] - dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 [dal-ly] - dawdle v.闲荡,虚度 [daw-dle] - debate n.正式的辩论,讨论 [de-bate] - demur v.表示异议,反对 [de-mur] - facile a.容易做的;肤浅的 [fac-ile] - falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - fickle a.(爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的 [fick-le] - fluctuate v.波动;变化 [fluc-tu-ate] - frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] - frothy a.起泡的;空洞的 [froth-y] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] - hover v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 [hov-er] - levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] - palter v.含糊其词 [pal-ter] - pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] + retract v.缩回,收回 [re-tract] - suspense n.悬念;挂念 [sus-pense] + timid a.胆怯的 [tim-id] - timidity n.胆怯 [ti-mid-i-ty] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] - volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] ***** obstinacy 606 - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] - bigot n.(宗教、政治等的)盲信者;心胸狭窄者 [big-ot] - chauvinistic a.沙文主义的,过分爱国主义的 [chau-vin-is-tic] + contumacious a.违抗的,不服从的 [con-tu-ma-cious] + diehard n.顽固分子 [die-hard] + dogged a.顽强的 [dog-ged] - dogmatism n.教条主义,武断 [dog-ma-tism] - fanatic n.狂热者 [fa-nat-ic] - headstrong a.刚愎自用的 [head-strong] + hidebound a.顽固的,心胸狭窄的 [hide-bound] - impervious a.不能渗透的;不为所动的 [im-per-vi-ous] - incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] - inert a.惰性的;行动迟钝的 [in-ert] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] + intractable a.倔强的;难管的 [in-trac-ta-ble] - intransigent a.不妥协的 [in-tran-si-gent] - monomania n.偏狂症,狂热病 [mon-o-ma-ni-a] + mulish a.骡一样的,执拗的 [mul-ish] + obdurate a.固执的,顽固的 [ob-du-rate] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] - obstinate a.固执的,倔强的 [ob-sti-nate] + refractory a.倔强的;反应迟钝的 [re-frac-to-ry] - restive a.不安静的,不安宁的 [res-tive] + restiveness n.倔强;难以驾御 [res-tive-ness] + stickler n.坚持细节之人 [stick-ler] - stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] + sullen a.忧郁的 [sul-len] - tenacious a.坚韧不拔的 [te-na-cious] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] - tendentious a.有偏见的 [ten-den-tious] - unmoved a.无动于衷的,冷漠的;镇定的 [un-moved] - willful a.任性的;故意的 [will-ful] + xenophobe n.惧外者;排外者 [xen-o-phobe] + zealotry n.狂热行为 [zeal-ot-ry] ***** tergiversation 607 + abjure v.发誓放弃 [ab-jure] - ambidextrous a.十分灵巧的 [am-bi-dex-trous] + apostasy n.背教,脱党 [a-pos-ta-sy] - apostate n.背教者;变节者 [a-pos-tate] - convert v.使改变(信仰等);n.改变信仰的人 [con-vert] + deserter n.背弃者,逃亡者 [de-sert-er] + flinch v.畏缩,退缩 [flinch] - reactionary a.保守的,反动的 [re-ac-tion-ar-y] - recall v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回 [re-call] - recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) [re-cant] - recantation n.改变宗教信仰 [recantation] - reminisce v.追忆,怀旧 [rem-i-nisce] - renegade n.叛教者,叛徒 [ren-e-gade] + renege v.背信,违约 [re-nege] + renounce v.(正式)放弃 [re-nounce] - rescind v.废除,取消 [re-scind] - retract v.缩回,收回 [re-tract] - swerve v.突然改变方向 [swerve] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] + turncoat n.背叛者,变节者 [turn-coat] - vacillate v.游移不定,踌躇 [vac-il-late] - waver v.摇摆,犹豫 [wa-ver] ***** caprice 608 - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] - caprice n.奇思怪想,变化无常,任性 [ca-price] - capricious a.变化无常的,任性的 [ca-pri-cious] + captious a.吹毛求疵的 [cap-tious] - eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] - erratic a.反复无常的;古怪的 [er-rat-ic] - fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚 [fad] - fickle a.(爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的 [fick-le] - frivolous a.轻薄的,轻佻的 [friv-o-lous] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] + prank n.恶作剧,玩笑 [prank] - quirk n.奇事;怪癖 [quirk] - vagary n.奇想,异想天开 [va-gar-y] - vicissitudinous a.有变化的,变迁的 [vicissitudinous] - volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] - whim n.多变,怪念头 [whim] - whimsical a.古怪的,异想天开的 [whim-si-cal] - whimsy n.古怪,异想天开 [whimsy] ***** choice 609 - adopt v.收养;采纳 [a-dopt] + choice a.上等的;精选的 [choice] - dilemma n.困境,左右为难 [di-lem-ma] - discretion n.谨慎,审慎 [dis-cre-tion] + eclectic a.折衷的,综合性的 [ec-lec-tic] + eclecticism n.折衷主义 [ec-lec-ti-cism] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] + espouse v.支持,拥护 [es-pouse] + glean v.拾落穗;收集(材料等) [glean] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] - optional a.可自由选择的 [op-tion-al] - poll n.民意测验;选举投票 [poll] - predilection n.偏袒,爱好 [pre-di-lec-tion] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] - winnow v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 [win-now] ***** absence of choice 609.a + coercion n.强制,高压统治 [co-er-cion] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] ***** rejection 610 - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - disclaim v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 [dis-claim] - exclude v.排斥;排除 [ex-clude] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - spin v.旋转;纺,纺纱;n.旋转 [spin] ***** predetermination 611 - calculated a.蓄意的 [cal-cu-lat-ed] - cunning a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 [cun-ning] - predestine v.注定 [pre-des-tine] + premeditate v.预先想过,预谋 [pre-med-i-tate] + premeditated a.预谋的,事先计划的 [pre-med-i-tat-ed] + studied a.慎重的;认真习得的 [stud-ied] ***** impulse 612 - extemporaneous a.即席的,没有准备的 [ex-tem-po-ra-ne-ous] + extemporize v.即席演说 [ex-tem-po-rize] + impromptu a.即席的,即兴的 [im-promp-tu] - improvise v.即席而作 [im-pro-vise] + improvised a.临时准备的,即席而作的 [im-pro-vised] - impulse n.冲动;刺激 [im-pulse] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - instinctive a.本能的 [in-stinc-tive] - offhand adv./a.事先无准备地(的);随便地(的) [off-hand] - spontaneous a.自发的;自然的 [spon-ta-ne-ous] + unpremeditated a.非预谋的 [un-pre-med-i-tat-ed] ***** habit 613 - acclimate v.使服水土; 使适应 [ac-cli-mate] + addict v./n.沉溺;上瘾(者) [ad-dict] - adhere v.粘着 [ad-here] + banal a.陈腐的 [ba-nal] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] - commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] - conformity n.一致,遵从;顺众 [con-form-i-ty] - conventional a.因循守旧的,传统的 [con-ven-tion-al] + devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] + etiquette n.礼仪;礼节 [et-i-quette] - frequent v.时常来访;a.惯常的 [fre-quent] - groove n.凹线;(刻出的)线条;习惯 [groove] - habituate v.使习惯于 [ha-bit-u-ate] - hackneyed a.陈腐的,平常的 [hack-neyed] - harden v.变硬,变坚强 [hard-en] - ingrained a.根深蒂固的 [in-grained] - inveterate a.积习已深的 [in-vet-er-ate] - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] + knack n.特殊能力;窍门 [knack] - mode n.样式,时尚;模式 [mode] + mores n.风俗习惯,道德观念 [mo-res] - permanent a.长久的,永久的 [per-ma-nent] - prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] - seasoned a.有经验的,训练有素的 [seasoned] - seasoning n.调味品,佐料 [sea-son-ing] - shopworn a.在商店中陈列旧了的 [shop-worn] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - trite a.陈腐的,陈词滥调的 [trite] - vernacular n.本国语,地方语 [ver-nac-u-lar] + vogue n.时髦,时尚;a.流行的 [vogue] ***** desuetude 614 - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - unwonted a.不寻常的,不习惯的 [un-wont-ed] *** 2. Causes of Volition ***** motive 615 + advocacy n.拥护,支持 [ad-vo-ca-cy] + advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] + animate a.活的,有生命的;v.赋予生命 [an-i-mate] + arouse v.唤醒;激发 [a-rouse] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] + blandishment n.奉承,甘言劝诱 [blan-dish-ment] - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] - cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗 [ca-jole] + captivate v.迷惑,吸引 [cap-ti-vate] - catalyst n.催化剂;促使事情发展的因素 [cat-a-lyst] - charisma n.(大众爱戴的)领袖气质;魅力 [cha-ris-ma] + charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] + coax v.哄诱,巧言诱哄 [co-ax] - concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] + conciliate v.安抚,驯服 [con-cil-i-ate] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - disposed a.愿意的,想干的 [dis-posed] + enlist v.(使)入伍从军,征募 [en-list] + entice v.怂恿,引诱 [en-tice] + exhort v.力劝,勉励 [ex-hort] - foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] - gadfly n.虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 [gad-fly] + goad n.赶牛棒;v./n.刺激,激励 [goad] + hortative a.激励的 [hor-ta-tive] - impel v.推进;驱使 [im-pel] - impulse n.冲动;刺激 [im-pulse] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] - incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] + incentive n.刺激,鼓励;刺激因素 [in-cen-tive] - incite v.激发,刺激 [in-cite] - induce v.诱导;引起 [in-duce] - inoculate v.预防注射 [in-oc-u-late] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] + inspired a.有创见的,有灵感的 [in-spired] + instigate v.发起,煽动 [in-sti-gate] - inveigle v.诱骗,诱使 [in-vei-gle] - lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] - lobby n.大厅,休息厅 [lob-by] - press v.挤压 [press] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] - procure v.取得,获得 [pro-cure] - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] - propel v.推进 [pro-pel] - proselytize v.使…皈依 [pros-e-lyt-ize] + provocation n.挑衅,激怒 [prov-o-ca-tion] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] - sop n.泡过的食品;安慰品 [sop] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - spur v.刺激,激励;用马刺刺马 [spur] + stimulus n.刺激物,激励 [stim-u-lus] + suborn v.收买,贿赂 [sub-orn] - susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] - sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] - tamper v.损害,窜改 [tam-per] - tantalize v.挑惹,挑逗 [tan-ta-lize] + temptation n.诱惑,诱惑物 [temp-ta-tion] + wheedle v.(用花言巧语)哄骗 [whee-dle] - whet v.磨快;刺激 [whet] ***** absence of motive 615.a - caprice n.奇思怪想,变化无常,任性 [ca-price] - capricious a.变化无常的,任性的 [ca-pri-cious] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] - whimsical a.古怪的,异想天开的 [whim-si-cal] ***** dissuasion 616 - averse a.不愿的,反对的 [a-verse] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - curb n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 [curb] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] + deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] + deter v.威慑,吓住;阻止 [de-ter] - disabuse v.打消(某人的)错误念头;纠正 [dis-a-buse] + disaffect v.使不满;使不忠 [dis-af-fect] + disenchant v.对…不再抱幻想,使清醒 [dis-en-chant] + disillusion v.梦想破灭,醒悟 [dis-il-lu-sion] + dissuade v.劝阻,阻止 [dis-suade] + expostulate v.(对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫 [ex-pos-tu-late] - quench v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) [quench] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] + repressed a.被压制的,被压抑的 [repressed] - repugnant a.令人厌恶的 [re-pug-nant] ***** pretext 617 - allege v.(无证据)陈述,宣称 [al-lege] - cue v.暗示,提示;n.暗示,提示 [cue] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - guise n.外观,装束 [guise] - handle n.柄,把手;v.处理 [han-dle] - plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 [plead] - pretend v.假装;装扮 [pre-tend] - pretension n.自命不凡,夸耀 [pre-ten-sion] - pretext n.借口 [pre-text] - purported a.谣传的,声张的,号称的 [purported] - subterfuge n.诡计,托辞 [sub-ter-fuge] *** 3. Objects of Volition ***** good 618 + boon n.恩惠,天赐福利 [boon] ***** evil 619 - awry a.扭曲的,走样的 [a-wry] - bale n.大包裹;灾祸,不幸 [bale] + bane n.祸根 [bane] - bruise v.受伤,擦伤 [bruise] + calamity n.大灾祸,不幸之事 [ca-lam-i-ty] - casualty n.伤亡事故;伤亡者 [cas-u-al-ty] + catastrophe n.突如其来的大灾难 [ca-tas-tro-phe] + disaster n.灾难,大不幸 [dis-as-ter] - gash n.深长的伤口,裂缝 [gash] + grievance n.委屈,抱怨 [griev-ance] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - prejudice n.偏见,成见;v.使产生偏见 [prej-u-dice] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] - tragedy n.悲剧,惨事,灾难 [trag-e-dy] ** Section II. Prospective Volition *** 1. Conceptional Volition ***** intention 620 - animus n.敌意,憎恨 [an-i-mus] - anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - aspire v.向往,有志于 [as-pire] - butt v.用头抵撞,顶撞;n.粗大的一端;烟蒂 [butt] - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] - contemplate v.深思 [con-tem-plate] - determination n.决心;确定;预测 [de-ter-mi-na-tion] - intent a.专心的,渴望的;n.目的,意向 [in-tent] + intentional a.存心的,故意的 [in-ten-tion-al] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - meditate v.沉思,反省 [med-i-tate] - premeditate v.预先想过,预谋 [pre-med-i-tate] - prey n.被捕食的动物 [prey] - proposal n.提案,建议 [pro-po-sal] - pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] + quarry n.猎物 [quar-ry] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] ***** chance 621 - fluke n.侥幸;意想不到的事 [fluke] - fortuitous a.偶然的,意外的;幸运的 [for-tu-i-tous] + gamble v./n.赌博;孤注一掷 [gam-ble] - haphazard a.任意的 [hap-haz-ard] - hazard n.危险 [haz-ard] - lot n.签;命运;v.抽签,划分 [lot] + raffle n.(尤指为公益事业举办的)抽奖售物(活动) [raf-fle] - random a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 [ran-dom] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] - speculative a.投机的;推理的,思索的 [spec-u-la-tive] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] - undirected a.未受指导的 [un-di-rect-ed] - unpremeditated a.非预谋的 [un-pre-med-i-tat-ed] ***** pursuit 622 - chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + enterprise n.公司,事业单位;进取心 [en-ter-prise] - press v.挤压 [press] + prosecute v.告发,检举 [pros-e-cute] + prosecution n.起诉;实行,经营 [pros-e-cu-tion] - prowl v.潜行于,偷偷地漫游 [prowl] - pursue v.追赶,追求,追踪 [pur-sue] - quest v.搜寻,探求;n.探求 [quest] - sport v.炫耀,卖弄 [sport] + wage v.开始,进行(战争,运动) [wage] ***** avoidance 623 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] - abscond v.潜逃,逃亡 [ab-scond] + abstain v.禁绝,放弃 [ab-stain] + abstention n.节制 [ab-sten-tion] - avoid v.避开,躲避 [a-void] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] - dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - elude v.逃避;搞不清 [e-lude] - elusive a.难懂的 [e-lu-sive] + eschew v.避开,戒绝 [es-chew] - evade v.逃避;规避 [e-vade] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - flinch v.畏缩,退缩 [flinch] - flit v.掠过,迅速飞过 [flit] - maroon n./a.栗色(的) [ma-roon] - parry v.挡开,避开(武器,问题等) [par-ry] - recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] - refrain v.抑制;n.歌曲的反复句,叠句 [re-frain] - refugee n.难民,流亡者 [ref-u-gee] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] + shirk v.逃避,规避 [shirk] + shun v.避免,闪避 [shun] - truancy n.逃学,旷课 [tru-an-cy] + weasel n.黄鼠狼,鼬;v.逃避 [wea-sel] ***** relinquishment 624 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] + cession n.割让,转让 [ces-sion] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] + desertion n.离弃,遗弃 [de-ser-tion] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] + forsake v.遗弃,放弃 [for-sake] + relinquish v.放弃,废除 [re-lin-quish] - renounce v.(正式)放弃 [re-nounce] + resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] ***** business 625 - anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + commission n.委托;佣金 [com-mis-sion] - craft n.行业;手艺 [craft] - cue v.暗示,提示;n.暗示,提示 [cue] - errand n.差使;差事 [er-rand] - faculty n.全体教员;官能 [fac-ul-ty] + functional a.起作用的,能运转的;实用的 [func-tion-al] - occupation n.工作,职业;占领 [oc-cu-pa-tion] + vocation n.擅长;工作,职业 [vo-ca-tion] ***** plan 626 - agenda n.议程 [a-gen-da] + artifice n.巧办法;诡计 [ar-ti-fice] - blueprint n.蓝图;方案 [blue-print] + cabal n.政治阴谋小集团 [ca-bal] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + conspiracy n.共谋,阴谋 [con-spir-a-cy] - contrive v.计划,设计 [con-trive] - coup n.意外而成功的行动 [cou-p] - designer n.设计者,构思者 [de-sign-er] - devise v.发明,设计;图谋;遗赠给 [de-vise] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - expedient n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 [ex-pe-di-ent] - forecast v.预报,预测;n.预测 [fore-cast] - germ n.胚芽,芽孢;微生物,细菌 [germ] - gimmick n.吸引人的花招,噱头 [gim-mick] - graphic a.图表的;生动的 [graph-ic] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] + intrigue v.密谋;引起…极大兴趣 [in-trigue] - loophole n.枪眼,小窗,换气孔 [loop-hole] + machination n.阴谋 [mach-i-na-tion] - mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] + nostrum n.家传秘方;万灵丹 [nos-trum] - outline n.轮廓;梗概 [out-line] - plot n.情节;阴谋;策划 [plot] + projector n.电影放映机,幻灯机 [pro-jec-tor] - proposal n.提案,建议 [pro-po-sal] - proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - protocol n.外交礼节;协议,草案 [pro-to-col] - recast v.重铸;更换演员 [re-cast] + receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] - revise n./v.改变,修正 [re-vise] - scenario n.剧情说明书;剧本 [sce-nar-i-o] + schematic a.纲要的,图解的 [sche-mat-ic] - schematize v.扼要表示 [sche-ma-tize] - scheme n.阴谋;(作品等)体系,结构 [scheme] - skeleton n.骨架,骨骼;提纲 [skel-e-ton] - stratagem n.谋略,策略 [strat-a-gem] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] + tactic n.(达到目的的)手段;战术 [tac-tic] ***** method 627 - approach v.接近,靠近;着手处理;n.方法 [ap-proach] - artery n.动脉,命脉 [ar-ter-y] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] + drawbridge n.吊挢 [draw-bridge] - ford n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水 [ford] - gait n.步法,步态 [gait] - gangway n.(上下船的)跳板 [gang-way] - guise n.外观,装束 [guise] - lobby n.大厅,休息厅 [lob-by] - mode n.样式,时尚;模式 [mode] - track n.足迹,踪迹;轨道;小道;v.跟踪 [track] + trajectory n.(抛射物)弹道轨道 [tra-jec-to-ry] + viaduct n.高架桥 [vi-a-duct] ***** mid-course 628 - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] ***** circuit 629 + backhanded a.间接的;反手击球的 [back-hand-ed] - circuit n.环行,环行道;线路;电路 [cir-cuit] - circuitous a.迂回的,绕圈子的 [cir-cu-i-tous] - detour n.弯路;绕行之路 [de-tour] - digression n.离题,题外话 [di-gres-sion] - loop n.圈,金属线圈 [loop] - meander v.蜿蜒而流;漫步 [me-an-der] - winding a.蜿蜒的,迂回的 [wind-ing] - zigzag n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 [zig-zag] ***** requirement 630 + claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - essential a.本质的;n.要素,实质 [es-sen-tial] + exigent a.需要立即采取行动的 [ex-i-gent] + imperative a.急需的 [im-per-a-tive] + indispensability n.不可缺少 [in-dis-pen-sa-bil-i-ty] + injunction n.命令,强制令 [in-junc-tion] + mandate n.命令,指令 [man-date] + mandatory a.命令的,强迫的 [man-da-to-ry] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] + precept n.箴言,格言 [pre-cept] - prerequisite n.先决条件 [pre-req-ui-site] + pressing a.紧迫的,迫切的;恳切要求的 [press-ing] + requisite n.必需物;a.必要的 [req-ui-site] + taxing a.繁重的 [taxing] + urgent a.迫切的,紧急的 [ur-gent] - want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] *** 2. Subservience to Ends **** 1. Actual Subservience ***** instrumentality 631 + cardiologist n.心脏病专家 [car-di-ol-o-gist] - conducive a.有助于…的 [con-du-cive] - expedient n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 [ex-pe-di-ent] - instrumental a.有帮助的,有作用的 [in-stru-men-tal] - intervene v.干涉,介入 [in-ter-vene] - mediate v.调停 [me-di-ate] - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] + pander v.怂恿,迎合(不良欲望) [pan-der] - tend v.照料,看顾 [tend] - vehicle n.交通工具;传播媒介 [ve-hi-cle] ***** means 632 - instrumental a.有帮助的,有作用的 [in-stru-men-tal] - mechanical a.机械的,机械制造的;机械似的,呆板的,体力的 [me-chan-i-cal] - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] - provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] + revenue n.总收入;国家的税收收入 [rev-e-nue] ***** instrument 633 + apparatus n.仪器,设备 [ap-pa-rat-us] - blade n.刀锋,刀口 [blade] + facilities n.(使事情便利的)设备、工具 [facilities] - gadget n.小工具,小机械 [gadg-et] - gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] + glut v./n.过多;供过于求 [glut] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - handle n.柄,把手;v.处理 [han-dle] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] + implement n.工具,器具;v.实现,实施 [im-ple-ment] - instrumental a.有帮助的,有作用的 [in-stru-men-tal] + lathe n.车床 [lathe] - lever n.杠杆;v.撬动 [lev-er] - limb n.肢(手或脚),翼 [limb] - mechanical a.机械的,机械制造的;机械似的,呆板的,体力的 [me-chan-i-cal] + mechanism n.结构,机制 [mech-a-nism] - mill n.磨坊;压榨机;制造厂 [mill] + pedal n.踏板,脚蹬;v.骑脚踏车 [pe-dal] + pulley n.滑轮;滑车 [pul-ley] - rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] + screwdriver n.螺丝起子;改锥 [screw-driv-er] - tackle v.处理;n.滑车 [tack-le] + trigger n.扳机;v.引发,导致 [trig-ger] ***** substitute 634 + deputy n.代表;副警长 [dep-u-ty] - substitute n.代替品;v.代替 [sub-sti-tute] ***** materials 635 + adobe n.泥砖,土坯 [a-do-be] - bauxite n.铝土岩(产铝的矿土、石) [baux-ite] - cement n.水泥;胶粘剂;v.粘合,巩固 [ce-ment] - clay n.黏土 [clay] - concrete a.具体存在的;n.混凝土 [con-crete] + dynamo n.发电机 [dy-na-mo] + munition n.军火,弹药 [mu-ni-tion] + ore n.矿,矿石 [o-re] - shale n.页岩(一种由似泥土细粒的沉淀物层组成的易分裂的岩石) [shale] - shingle n.木瓦,屋顶板;木质小招牌 [shin-gle] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - timber n.木材;(人)品质 [tim-ber] ***** store 636 - accumulate v.积聚,积累 [ac-cu-mu-late] - amass v.积聚 [a-mass] + armory n.军械库 [ar-mor-y] + arsenal n.军械库 [ar-se-nal] - attic n.阁楼,顶楼 [at-tic] - budget n.预算 [budg-et] + cache n.贮藏处;v.将…藏于 [cache] - cistern n.贮水池 [cis-tern] - conservatory n.温室;音乐学院 [con-serv-a-to-ry] - dynamo n.发电机 [dy-na-mo] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + garner v.收藏,积累 [gar-ner] + hoard v./n.贮藏,秘藏 [hoard] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] + larder n.食品室 [lar-der] + lode n.矿脉 [lode] - lumber v.蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n.杂物;木材 [lum-ber] - portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] - quarry n.猎物 [quar-ry] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - untapped a.未开发的,未利用的 [un-tapped] + warehouse n.仓库,货栈 [ware-house] ***** provision 637 + cater v.迎合;提供饮食及服务 [ca-ter] + donate v.捐赠,赠送 [do-nate] - forage n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草;v.搜寻,翻寻 [for-age] - provender n.(牛马吃的)草料,粮秣 [prov-en-der] - provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] - purvey v.(大量)供给,供应 [pur-vey] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - replenish v.补充,再装满 [re-plen-ish] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] ***** waste 638 - deplete v.倒空;耗尽 [de-plete] - disperse v.消散,驱散 [dis-perse] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - ebb v.退潮;衰退 [ebb] - exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] - expend v.花费;用光 [ex-pend] + expenditure n.消耗,支出 [ex-pend-i-ture] - impoverish v.使成赤贫 [im-pov-er-ish] - leak v.泄漏;n.泄漏;漏出量,漏洞 [leak] - leakage n.渗漏,漏出 [leak-age] + squander v.浪费,挥霍 [squan-der] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** sufficiency 639 - abundance n.充裕,多量 [a-bun-dance] - abundant a.丰富的,盛产的 [a-bun-dant] - adequate a.足够的 [ad-e-quate] + affluence n.充裕,富足 [af-flu-ence] - affluent a.富裕的,丰富的 [af-flu-ent] - ample a.富足的;充足的 [am-ple] - amplitude n.广大,广阔 [am-pli-tude] - bristle n.短而硬的毛发;v.(毛)竖起;发怒 [bris-tle] - commensurate a.同样大小的;相称的 [com-men-su-rate] + competence n.胜任,能力 [com-pe-tence] - copious a.丰富的,多产的 [co-pi-ous] + cornucopia n.象征丰收的羊角(羊角装饰器内装满花、果、谷物等以示富饶) [cor-nu-co-pi-a] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - inexhaustible a.用不完的,取之不竭的 [in-ex-haust-i-ble] + lavish a.浪费的;丰富的 [lav-ish] - luxuriant a.繁茂的;肥沃的 [lux-u-ri-ant] - measured a.精确的;慎重的 [meas-ured] - mediocrity n.平庸,碌碌无为 [me-di-oc-ri-ty] + plenitude n.完全;大量 [plen-i-tude] - replenish v.补充,再装满 [re-plen-ish] - replete a.饱满的,塞满的 [re-plete] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] + suffice v.足够,(食物)满足 [suf-fice] + sufficient a.足够的 [suf-fi-cient] - tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] + unstinting a.极为慷慨的,大方的 [un-stint-ing] ***** insufficiency 640 - bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] + bereft a.被剥夺的;缺少的 [be-reft] + dearth n.缺乏,短缺 [dearth] - deficiency n.缺陷;不足 [de-fi-cien-cy] - devoid a.空的,缺少的 [de-void] - drought n.干旱;干旱时期 [drought] + famine n.饥荒 [fam-ine] - impoverish v.使成赤贫 [im-pov-er-ish] - incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] + indigence n.贫穷 [in-di-gence] + insolvency n.无力偿还;破产 [in-sol-ven-cy] + insufficient a.不足的 [in-suf-fi-cient] - jejune a.空洞的;不成熟的 [je-june] - meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] - mite n.极小量;小虫 [mite] - paucity n.小量,缺乏 [pau-ci-ty] - perfunctory a.草率的,敷衍的 [per-func-to-ry] + pittance n.微薄的薪俸,少量的收入 [pit-tance] - scant a.不足的,缺乏的 [scant] + scarcity n.不足,缺乏 [scar-ci-ty] + scurvy a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 [scurvy] - skimp v.节省花费 [skimp] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - sparing a.节俭的 [spar-ing] + stingy a.吝啬的,小气的 [stin-gy] - stint v.吝惜,节省 [stint] - want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] ***** redundancy 641 - avalanche n.雪崩 [av-a-lanche] - bristle n.短而硬的毛发;v.(毛)竖起;发怒 [bris-tle] - choke v.(使)窒息,阻塞 [choke] - creep v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 [creep] - deluge n.大洪水;暴雨 [del-uge] - drench v.使湿透 [drench] + drenched a.湿透的 [drenched] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] - excess n.过分,过度 [ex-cess] - exorbitant a.过分的,过度的 [ex-or-bi-tant] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] - exuberance n.愉快;茁壮 [ex-u-ber-ance] - exuberant a.(人)充满活力的(植物)茂盛的 [ex-u-ber-ant] - glut v./n.过多;供过于求 [glut] - gorge n.峡谷 [gorge] - inordinate a.过度的,过分的 [in-or-di-nate] - inundate v.淹没;泛滥 [in-un-date] - lavish a.浪费的;丰富的 [lav-ish] - luxury n.奢侈(品) [lux-u-ry] - margin n.页边空白,边缘;差额;余地;利润 [mar-gin] - obese a.极肥胖的 [o-bese] + overdose n.(药物)过大的剂量 [o-ver-dose] - overflow v.溢出;洋溢 [o-ver-flow] - overwhelm v.泛滥;压倒 [o-ver-whelm] - packed a.充满人的,拥挤的 [packed] + plethora n.过量,过剩 [pleth-o-ra] + prodigal a.挥霍的;n.挥霍者 [prod-i-gal] - profuse a.很多的;浪费的 [pro-fuse] - redundancy n.过剩;备份;似乎多余其实重要的后备力量 [re-dun-dan-cy] - redundant a.累赘的,多余的 [re-dun-dant] - remainder n.剩余物 [re-main-der] - replete a.饱满的,塞满的 [re-plete] - suffocate v.(使)窒息而死 [suf-fo-cate] - superfluity n.多余的量 [su-per-flu-i-ty] - superfluous a.多余的,累赘的 [su-per-flu-ous] + surcharge v.对…收取额外费用;n.附加费 [sur-charge] + surfeit n.(食物)过量,过度;v.使过量 [sur-feit] - surplus a.过剩的;盈余的 [sur-plus] - turgid a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 [tur-gid] **** 2. Degree of Subservience ***** importance 642 - accentuate v.重读;强调 [ac-cen-tu-ate] - arresting a.显著的,引人注意的 [ar-rest-ing] - cardinal a.最重要的;n.红衣主教 [car-di-nal] - consequence n.结果;重要性;价值 [con-se-quence] - considerable a.相当多的;值得考虑的 [con-sid-er-a-ble] - core n.果心;核心);v.去掉某物的中心部分 [core] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] - earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] - egregious a.(缺点等)过分的,惊人的 [e-gre-gious] - emphatic a.重视的,强调的 [em-phat-ic] - essential a.本质的;n.要素,实质 [es-sen-tial] - evocative a.唤起的,激起的 [e-voc-a-tive] - gist n.要点,要旨 [gist] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] - import n./v.进口,输入;意义 [im-port] + imposing a.壮丽的,雄伟的 [im-pos-ing] - kernel n.果仁;核心 [ker-nel] - marked a.明显的;被监视的 [marked] - moment n.瞬间;重要 [mo-ment] - momentous a.极重要的,严重的 [mo-men-tous] - neutron n.中子 [neu-tron] - notable a.明显的,出众的,重要的 [no-ta-ble] - nucleus n.(原子)核 [nu-cle-us] + overriding a.最主要的,优先的 [o-ver-rid-ing] - paramount a.最重要的,最高权力的 [par-a-mount] - pregnant a.怀孕的;充满的 [preg-nant] - pressing a.紧迫的,迫切的;恳切要求的 [press-ing] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] + principal a.主要的,重要的 [prin-ci-pal] - prominent a.显著的;著名的 [prom-i-nent] - relevance n.相关 [rel-e-vance] - salient a.显著的,突出的 [sa-li-ent] - signal n.信号;v.发信号;a.显著的 [sig-nal] - significant a.相当数量的;意义重大的 [sig-nif-i-cant] - signify v.表示;有重要性 [sig-ni-fy] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] + solemnity n.庄严,肃穆 [so-lem-ni-ty] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] - superiority n.优越(感) [su-pe-ri-or-i-ty] + telling a.有效的,显著的 [tell-ing] + totalitarian a.极权主义的 [to-tal-i-tar-i-an] - trapeze n.空中秋千 [tra-peze] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] - underlying a.在下面的,根本的 [un-der-ly-ing] - urgent a.迫切的,紧急的 [ur-gent] - vital a.极其重要的;充满活力的 [vi-tal] ***** unimportance 643 - banal a.陈腐的 [ba-nal] + chaff n.谷物的皮壳,米糠 [chaff] - cipher n.零;无影响力的人;密码 [ci-pher] - commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] + contemptible a.令人轻视的 [con-tempt-i-ble] + fig n.无花果;一点儿 [fig] - flimsy a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 [flim-sy] - frivolous a.轻薄的,轻佻的 [friv-o-lous] - frothy a.起泡的;空洞的 [froth-y] - idle a.(指人)无所事事的;无效的;v.懒散,无所事事 [i-dle] - inane a.无意义的;空洞的 [in-ane] - inappreciable a.微不足道的 [in-ap-pre-ci-a-ble] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] + jest v./n.说笑,玩笑 [jest] - jot v.摘要记录 [jot] - levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] - meager a.贫乏的;削瘦的 [mea-ger] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + measly a.患麻疹的;小得可怜的 [mea-sly] - mediocre a.平庸的,平凡的 [me-di-o-cre] - mill n.磨坊;压榨机;制造厂 [mill] - nonentity n.不重要之人或事 [non-en-ti-ty] - paltry a.无价值的,微不足道的 [pal-try] - petty a.琐碎的;小心眼的 [pet-ty] + piddling a.琐碎的,微不足道的 [pid-dling] + pitiful a.值得同情的,可怜的 [pit-i-ful] - puerile a.幼稚的;儿童的 [pu-er-ile] + reptilian a.爬虫类的;卑下的 [rep-til-i-an] - scurvy a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 [scurvy] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + tatty a.简陋的,不整洁的 [tat-ty] + tightfisted a.吝啬的 [tight-fist-ed] + toy v.不认真考虑,玩弄 [toy] - trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] + trinket n.小装饰品;不值钱的珠宝 [trin-ket] - trivial a.琐细的 [triv-i-al] - vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] - vanity n.虚荣,自负 [van-i-ty] + vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] + wretched a.可怜的 [wretch-ed] ***** utility 644 + adaptable a.有适应能力的;可改编的 [a-dapt-a-ble] - adequate a.足够的 [ad-e-quate] - applicable a.生效的,适合的 [ap-pli-ca-ble] + available a.可用的,可得到的 [a-vail-a-ble] + commodious a.宽敞的 [com-mo-di-ous] - conducive a.有助于…的 [con-du-cive] - efficacious a.有效的 [ef-fi-ca-cious] - efficacy n.功效,有效性 [ef-fi-ca-cy] - expedient n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 [ex-pe-di-ent] - pragmatic a.实际的,实用主义的 [prag-mat-ic] - prolific a.多产的,多结果的 [pro-lif-ic] - ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] + remunerative a.报酬高的,有利润的 [re-mu-ner-a-tive] + serviceable a.可用的,耐用的 [ser-vice-a-ble] - subsidiary a.辅助的;次要的 [sub-sid-i-ar-y] - tangible a.可触摸的 [tan-gi-ble] ***** inutility 645 + bootless a.无益处的;无用的 [boot-less] + counterproductive a.事与愿违的 [coun-ter-pro-duc-tive] - debris n.废墟,残骸 [de-bris] - detritus n.碎屑;废墟 [de-tri-tus] - dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] + dispensable a.不必要的,可有可无的 [dis-pen-sa-ble] + disposable a.一次性使用的;可动用的 [dis-pos-a-ble] - dregs n.糟粕,沉淀废物 [dregs] - effete a.无生产力;虚弱的 [ef-fete] - feckless a.无目标无计划的 [feck-less] + futile a.无效的,无用的;(人)没出息的;琐细的 [fu-tile] + futility n.无用,无益 [fu-til-i-ty] - inane a.无意义的;空洞的 [in-ane] - incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] - ineffectual a.无效的,徒劳无益的 [in-ef-fec-tu-al] - inept a.无能的;不适当的 [in-ept] - ineptitude n.无能,不称职 [in-ept-i-tude] - litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物) [lit-ter] - lumber v.蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n.杂物;木材 [lum-ber] - obsolete a.废弃的;过时的 [ob-so-lete] + shoddy n.劣质的,冒充好货的 [shod-dy] - superfluous a.多余的,累赘的 [su-per-flu-ous] - unproductive a.徒然的,无成效的 [un-pro-duc-tive] - vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] - vanity n.虚荣,自负 [van-i-ty] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** expedience 646 + advisable a.适当的,可行的 [ad-vis-a-ble] - applicable a.生效的,适合的 [ap-pli-ca-ble] - conform (to)v.符合或遵守公认的规则 [con-form] + desirable a.值得要的 [de-sir-a-ble] + eligible a.合格的 [el-i-gi-ble] + expediency n.方便;权宜之计 [ex-pe-di-en-cy] - expedient n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 [ex-pe-di-ent] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - opportune a.合适的,适当的 [op-por-tune] - propriety n.礼节;适当 [pro-pri-e-ty] + seemly a.得体的,适宜的 [seem-ly] ***** inexpedience 647 - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] + clumsy a.笨拙的;拙劣的 [clum-sy] - cumbersome a.笨重的 [cum-ber-some] - disposable a.一次性使用的;可动用的 [dis-pos-a-ble] - embarrass v.使忸怩,使难堪 [em-bar-rass] + undesirable a.令人不悦的,讨厌的 [un-de-sir-a-ble] + unseemly a.不适当的,不宜的 [un-seem-ly] - unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 [un-wield-y] ***** goodness 648 - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - cardinal a.最重要的;n.红衣主教 [car-di-nal] + champion n.冠军;斗士;拥护者;v.拥护 [cham-pi-on] - choice a.上等的;精选的 [choice] + chrysanthemum n.菊,菊花 [chry-san-the-mum] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] + elite n.精华,中坚 [e-lite] - emulate v.努力赶上或超越 [em-u-late] + estimable a.值得尊敬的;可估计的 [es-ti-ma-ble] - excel v.善于,擅长于 [ex-cel] - exquisite a.精致的;近乎完美的 [ex-qui-site] - favorable a.有利的;赞成的 [fa-vor-a-ble] + gem n.宝石,珠宝;精华 [gem] - genuine a.真的;真诚的 [gen-u-ine] - inimitable a.无法仿效的,不可比拟的 [in-im-i-ta-ble] + innocuous a.(行为,言论等)无害的 [in-noc-u-ous] + merit v.值得 [mer-it] - nice a.精密的 [nice] - optimum a.最好的,最有利的 [op-ti-mum] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] - prodigy n.奇事;奇才 [prod-i-gy] - propitious a.吉利的;顺利的 [pro-pi-tious] + rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] + salutary a.有益的,有益健康的 [sal-u-tar-y] - serviceable a.可用的,耐用的 [ser-vice-a-ble] - superiority n.优越(感) [su-pe-ri-or-i-ty] - tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] - transcend v.超越,胜过 [tran-scend] + unexceptionable a.无可非议的 [un-ex-cep-tion-a-ble] + vie v.竞争 [vie] ***** badness 649 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] + aggrieve v.使受委屈;使痛苦 [ag-grieve] + baleful a.邪恶的,恶意的 [bale-ful] - bane n.祸根 [bane] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] - bruise v.受伤,擦伤 [bruise] - cloying a.甜得发腻的 [cloy-ing] - corrosive a.腐蚀性的,腐蚀的,蚀坏的 [cor-ro-sive] - counterproductive a.事与愿违的 [coun-ter-pro-duc-tive] + deleterious a.(对身心)有害的,有毒的 [del-e-te-ri-ous] + depraved a.堕落的,腐化的 [de-praved] + depravity n.堕落,恶习 [de-prav-i-ty] + detrimental a.损害的,造成伤害的 [det-ri-men-tal] + dire a.可怕的 [dire] + execrable a.极坏的 [ex-e-cra-ble] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] + grievous a.严重伤害的 [griev-ous] + guilt n.罪行;内疚 [guilt] + heartrending a.令人心碎的 [heart-rend-ing] - incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] + injurious a.有害的 [in-ju-ri-ous] + irremediable a.无法治愈的,无法纠正的 [ir-re-me-di-a-ble] + malign v.诽谤,中伤;a.邪恶的 [ma-lign] - maul v.撕裂皮肉,伤害 [maul] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + mischievous a.淘气的;有害处的 [mis-chie-vous] - noisome a.恶臭的;令人不快的 [noi-some] + noxious a.有害的,有毒的 [nox-ious] - obnoxious a.令人不愉快的;可憎的 [ob-nox-ious] + onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的 [on-er-ous] + oppress v.压迫,压制 [op-press] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] + pernicious a.有害的,致命的 [per-ni-cious] + persecute v.迫害 [per-se-cute] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - pitiful a.值得同情的,可怜的 [pit-i-ful] + poisonous a.有毒的;有害的 [poi-son-ous] + reprehensible a.应受谴责的 [rep-re-hen-si-ble] - rotten a.腐败的;糟糕的 [rot-ten] - untoward a.不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 [un-to-ward] - victimize v.使受害,迫害 [vic-tim-ize] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] - virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] - wretched a.可怜的 [wretch-ed] ***** perfection 650 - consummate a.完全的,完善的;v.完成 [con-sum-mate] - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] + immaculate a.洁净的,无瑕的 [im-mac-u-late] + impeccable a.无瑕疵的 [im-pec-ca-ble] - inimitable a.无法仿效的,不可比拟的 [in-im-i-ta-ble] - intact a.完整的,未动过的 [in-tact] - mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] + paragon n.模范,典型 [par-a-gon] + ripen v.使成熟 [rip-en] - transcend v.超越,胜过 [tran-scend] ***** imperfection 651 - adequate a.足够的 [ad-e-quate] - blemish v.损害;玷污;n.瑕疵,缺点 [blem-ish] + decent a.适当的,可接受的;得体的 [de-cent] - defect n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 [de-fect] - deficiency n.缺陷;不足 [de-fi-cien-cy] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] - frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] - imprecise a.不精确的,不严密的 [im-pre-cise] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] - inferior a.下级的,低等的,质次的,较差的 [in-fe-ri-or] - mediocre a.平庸的,平凡的 [me-di-o-cre] - mediocrity n.平庸,碌碌无为 [me-di-oc-ri-ty] - unsound a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 [un-sound] ***** cleanness 652 + ablution n.(宗教的)净礼,沐浴 [ab-lu-tion] - buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] - catharsis n.宣泄,净化 [ca-thar-sis] - clarify v.澄清 [clar-i-fy] + detergent a.净化的;n.清洁剂 [de-ter-gent] + disinfect v.杀菌,消毒 [dis-in-fect] + disinfectant n.消毒剂 [dis-in-fect-ant] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - drainage n.排水;污水 [drain-age] + expurgate v.删除;使纯洁 [ex-pur-gate] - filter n.滤纸;v.过滤 [fil-ter] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - fumigate v.以烟熏消毒 [fu-mi-gate] - immaculate a.洁净的,无瑕的 [im-mac-u-late] - lave v.洗浴;慢慢冲刷 [lave] + laxative a.(药)通便的;放松的;n.轻泻药 [lax-a-tive] + purgative n.泻药 [pur-ga-tive] - purge v.清洗,洗涤 [purge] - purify v.使洁净,净化 [pu-ri-fy] - purity n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 [pu-ri-ty] + redemptive a.赎回的,救赎的,救世的 [redemptive] - riddle n.谜语 [rid-dle] - scrub n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗 [scrub] - sift v.筛,过滤 [sift] + spruce n.云杉;a.整洁的 [spruce] - tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] + unspotted a.清白的,无污点的 [un-spot-ted] - ventilate v.使…通风,透风 [ven-ti-late] - weed n.杂草,野草;v.除草 [weed] - winnow v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 [win-now] ***** uncleanness 653 + besmirch v.诽谤 [be-smirch] + blur n.模糊不清的事物;v.使…模糊 [blur] - bog n.沼泽;v.使…陷入泥沼 [bog] - carrion n.腐肉 [car-ri-on] - cloying a.甜得发腻的 [cloy-ing] - coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] + coarsen v.使某物变粗糙 [coars-en] + compost n.混合肥料 [com-post] + contaminate v.使…受污染 [con-tam-i-nate] + corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 [cor-rupt] - dabble v.涉足,浅赏 [dab-ble] - debase v.贬低,贬损 [de-base] - defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] - den n.兽穴,窝 [den] - drab a.枯黄色的;无聊的 [drab] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - dregs n.糟粕,沉淀废物 [dregs] + dross n.浮渣;糟粕 [dross] - effete a.无生产力;虚弱的 [ef-fete] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] + fertilizer n.肥料,化肥 [fer-ti-liz-er] + fester v.(指伤口)溃烂,化脓 [fes-ter] - fetid a.有恶臭的 [fet-id] + filth n.肮脏;粗语 [filth] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - fusty a.陈腐的,霉臭的 [fus-ty] - grit n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 [grit] - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] - lair n.野兽的巢穴;躲藏处 [lair] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] - manure n.粪肥;v.给…施肥 [ma-nure] + mire n.泥沼;困境;v.使…陷入困境 [mire] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + moldy a.发霉的 [mold-y] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] + pathological a.病态的;病理的 [path-o-log-i-cal] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - rancid a.不新鲜的,变味的 [ran-cid] - rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - reek v.发臭味;冒烟 [reek] + roil v.煽动,搅浑 [roil] - rotten a.腐败的;糟糕的 [rot-ten] - scrub n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗 [scrub] - scurvy a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 [scurvy] + sediment n.沉淀物,渣 [sed-i-ment] - sewer n.排水沟,下水道 [sew-er] - shavings n.刨花 [shavings] + silt n.淤泥,淤沙 [silt] - slag n.炉渣,矿渣 [slag] - slough v.(蛇等)蜕皮;n.(蛇等的)蜕皮 [slough] + smear n.油渍,污点;v.弄脏,玷污 [smear] + smudge n.渍痕;v.弄脏 [smudge] - soil n./v.弄脏,污损 [soil] - soot n.黑烟灰,油烟 [soot] - spawn n.(鱼等)卵子;v.大量生产 [spawn] + squalid a.污秽的,肮脏的 [squal-id] + squalor n.不洁,污秽 [squal-or] - stain v.玷污;染色 [stain] + tare n.莠草,杂草 [tare] - tarnish n./v.失去光泽,晦暗 [tar-nish] + unkempt a.(衣服、头发)不整洁的 [un-kempt] + unscrupulousness n.狂妄,肆无忌惮 [un-scru-pu-lous-ness] ***** health 654 + euphoria n.幸福愉快感 [eu-pho-ri-a] - florid a.华丽的;(脸)红润的 [flor-id] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] + hale a.健壮的,矍铄的 [hale] - hardy a.耐寒的;强壮的 [har-dy] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - robust a.健壮的 [ro-bust] - sanity n.神志清楚 [san-i-ty] - stanch v.制止(血液),止住 [stanch] + tinker n.补锅工人;v.拙劣修补 [tink-er] + unscathed a.未受损伤的,未遭伤害的 [un-scathed] - vigorous a.精力旺盛的,健壮的 [vig-or-ous] ***** disease 655 - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] + ail v.生病 [ail] + allergic a.过敏的;对…讨厌的 [al-ler-gic] + allergy n.过敏症;厌恶 [al-ler-gy] - anemia n.贫血,贫血症 [a-ne-mi-a] - apoplectic a.中风的;愤怒的 [ap-o-plec-tic] - arthritis n.关节炎 [ar-thri-tis] - asthma n.哮喘症 [asth-ma] - atrophy n.萎缩,衰退 [at-ro-phy] - bacteria n.细菌,培养基 [bac-te-ri-a] + bacterium n.细菌 [bac-te-ri-um] + brash a.性急的;无礼的 [brash] - cranky a.怪癖的,任性的;不稳的 [crank-y] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - decrepit a.衰老的,破旧的 [de-crep-it] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] + dyspeptic a.消化不良的;不高兴的 [dys-pep-tic] - endemic a.地方性的 [en-dem-ic] - epidemic a.传染性的,流行性的 [ep-i-dem-ic] - fester v.(指伤口)溃烂,化脓 [fes-ter] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] + flagging a.下垂的;衰弱的 [flag-ging] - halting a.踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的 [halt-ing] - hemophilia n.血友病,出血不止 [he-mo-phil-i-a] - hypertension n.高血压 [hy-per-ten-sion] + infection n.传染,感染 [in-fec-tion] - infirm a.虚弱的 [in-firm] - inflammation n.激怒;炽热;炎症 [in-flam-ma-tion] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - languish v.变得消瘦;衰弱 [lan-guish] + morbid a.病态的,不正常的 [mor-bid] - moribund a.即将结束的;垂死的 [mor-i-bund] + mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] + pandemic a.(病)大范围流行的 [pan-dem-ic] - pathogen n.病原体 [path-o-gen] - pathological a.病态的;病理的 [path-o-log-i-cal] + pathology n.病理学 [pa-thol-o-gy] - peak v.憔悴,消瘦 [peak] + pine n.松树;v.(因疾病等)憔悴;渴望 [pine] + plague n.瘟疫;讨厌的人或物;v.烦扰 [plague] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - rotten a.腐败的;糟糕的 [rot-ten] - rupture n./v.破裂,断裂 [rup-ture] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] + suitcase n.手提箱,箱子 [suit-case] + syndrome n.综合症状 [syn-drome] + ulcer n.溃疡;腐烂物 [ul-cer] - unsound a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 [un-sound] + virus n.病毒 [vi-rus] ***** salubrity 656 + aseptic a.洁净的;无菌的 [a-sep-tic] - assimilate v.同化;吸收 [as-sim-i-late] + benign a.慈祥的 [be-nign] + bracing a.令人振奋的 [brac-ing] - innocuous a.(行为,言论等)无害的 [in-noc-u-ous] + invigorating a.使人有精神的,使人健壮的 [in-vig-or-at-ing] + salubrious a.有益健康的 [sa-lu-bri-ous] - salutary a.有益的,有益健康的 [sal-u-tar-y] - tonic n.增进健康之物,补品;a.滋补的 [ton-ic] + wholesome a.促进健康的 [whole-some] ***** insalubrity 657 - contagious a.传染的,有感染力的 [con-ta-gious] - deleterious a.(对身心)有害的,有毒的 [del-e-te-ri-ous] - epidemic a.传染性的,流行性的 [ep-i-dem-ic] + narcotic n.催眠药;a.催眠的 [nar-cot-ic] - noisome a.恶臭的;令人不快的 [noi-some] - noxious a.有害的,有毒的 [nox-ious] - pathological a.病态的;病理的 [path-o-log-i-cal] + pestilent a.致死的;有害的 [pes-ti-lent] - poisonous a.有毒的;有害的 [poi-son-ous] + septic a.受感染的,腐败的 [sep-tic] + taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] + toxic a.有毒的,中毒的 [tox-ic] - virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] ***** improvement 658 + ameliorate v.改善,改良 [a-me-lio-rate] + amend v.修正;通常向更好的方向变化 [a-mend] + amendment n.改正,修正;[法]修正案 [a-mend-ment] + boost v.往上推;增加,提高 [boost] + convalesce v.(病)康复,复原 [con-va-lesce] - cultivate v.种植;向…讨好 [cul-ti-vate] + elaborate a.精致的,复杂的;v.详尽地说明,阐明 [e-lab-o-rate] + elaboration n.详细的细节,详尽阐述 [e-lab-o-ra-tion] + emend v.订正,校订 [e-mend] - enhance v.提高,增加,改善 [en-hance] - fatten v.使长肥;使土壤肥沃;装满 [fat-ten] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - foster v.培养,鼓励;领养 [fos-ter] - invigorate v.鼓舞,激励 [in-vig-or-ate] - mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] + mend v.修改,改进 [mend] - mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] + palliate v.减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) [pal-li-ate] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] - promote v.提升;促进 [pro-mote] - prune n.梅干;v.修剪 [prune] - purify v.使洁净,净化 [pu-ri-fy] - rally v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 [ral-ly] - realign v.重新组合(排列) [re-a-lign] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - rectify v.改正,调正;提纯 [rec-ti-fy] + recuperate v.恢复(健康),复原 [re-cu-per-ate] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] + reparable a.能补救的,可挽回的 [rep-a-ra-ble] - revise n./v.改变,修正 [re-vise] - ripen v.使成熟 [rip-en] - upgrade v.提升,给…升级 [up-grade] - upswing n.上升,增长 [up-swing] ***** deterioration 659 - adulterate v.掺假 [a-dul-ter-ate] - aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] - atrophy n.萎缩,衰退 [at-ro-phy] - blemish v.损害;玷污;n.瑕疵,缺点 [blem-ish] + blight n.植物枯萎病;v.使…枯萎 [blight] + blighted a.枯萎的;衰老的 [blighted] - coarsen v.使某物变粗糙 [coars-en] - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - commission n.委托;佣金 [com-mis-sion] - contaminate v.使…受污染 [con-tam-i-nate] - corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀 [cor-rode] - corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 [cor-rupt] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - cronyism n.任人唯亲;对好朋友的偏袒 [cro-ny-ism] - crumble v.弄碎;崩毁 [crum-ble] - debase v.贬低,贬损 [de-base] + decadence n.衰落,颓废 [dec-a-dence] - deciduous a.非永久的;短暂的;脱落的;落叶的 [de-cid-u-ous] - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - decrepit a.衰老的,破旧的 [de-crep-it] - deface v.损坏 [de-face] - defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] + degradation n.降低身份,受辱 [deg-ra-da-tion] - deleterious a.(对身心)有害的,有毒的 [del-e-te-ri-ous] + demoralize v.使士气低落 [de-mor-al-ize] - depraved a.堕落的,腐化的 [de-praved] - depravity n.堕落,恶习 [de-prav-i-ty] + deteriorate v.(使)变坏,恶化 [de-te-ri-o-rate] - deterioration n.恶化,堕落 [de-te-ri-o-ra-tion] - die n.金属模子,印模 [die] + dilapidate v.(使)荒废,(使)毁坏 [di-lap-i-date] + dilapidated a.破旧的,倒塌的 [di-lap-i-da-ted] - disfigure v.毁容 [dis-fig-ure] - dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] - droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] - ebb v.退潮;衰退 [ebb] - effete a.无生产力;虚弱的 [ef-fete] - emaciate v.使…瘦弱;消瘦 [e-ma-ci-ate] - exacerbate v.加重,恶化 [ex-ac-er-bate] - fade v.褪色,消失,凋谢 [fade] - gnaw v.啃,咬 [gnaw] - havoc n.大破坏,混乱 [hav-oc] + impair v.损害,使弱 [im-pair] - inroad n.突袭;消耗 [in-road] - jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] - maculated a.有斑点的 [mac-u-lat-ed] - mangle v.毁损;撕成碎片,压碎 [man-gle] - mar v.破坏,损伤 [mar] - moldy a.发霉的 [mold-y] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - oxidize v.氧化,生锈 [ox-i-dize] - perish v.死,暴卒 [per-ish] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - prejudice n.偏见,成见;v.使产生偏见 [prej-u-dice] - rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - ravage v.摧毁,使荒废 [rav-age] - recession n.经济萧条时期;撤回,退回 [re-ces-sion] - rotten a.腐败的;糟糕的 [rot-ten] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] - scotch v.镇压,粉碎 [scotch] - sere a.干枯的,凋萎的 [sere] - shopworn a.在商店中陈列旧了的 [shop-worn] - slippage n.滑动,下降 [slip-page] + spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] - stain v.玷污;染色 [stain] - stale a.不新鲜的,陈腐的 [stale] - syndrome n.综合症状 [syn-drome] - tamper v.损害,窜改 [tam-per] - tatty a.简陋的,不整洁的 [tat-ty] - threadbare a.磨破的,陈腐的 [thread-bare] - totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] - undermine v.破坏,损坏 [un-der-mine] - vandalize v.肆意破坏 [van-dal-ize] + vitiate v.削弱,损害 [vi-ti-ate] - wane v.减少,衰微 [wane] - warp v./n.翘起,弯曲 [warp] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] + wilt v.使…凋谢,枯萎 [wilt] - wither v.枯萎,凋零 [with-er] ***** restoration 660 + caulk v.填塞(隙缝使不漏水) [caulk] - cobbler n.补鞋匠 [cob-bler] - convalesce v.(病)康复,复原 [con-va-lesce] + convalescent a./n.康复中的(病人) [con-va-les-cent] - emend v.订正,校订 [e-mend] + heal v.治愈 [heal] - rally v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 [ral-ly] + reclaim v.纠正;开垦(土地) [re-claim] + reconstitute v.再组成;用水泡 [re-con-sti-tute] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - rectify v.改正,调正;提纯 [rec-ti-fy] - recuperate v.恢复(健康),复原 [re-cu-per-ate] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - redemptive a.赎回的,救赎的,救世的 [redemptive] - redistribution n.重新分配 [re-dis-tri-bu-tion] + redress n.改正,修正 [re-dress] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] + rehabilitate v.修复,恢复(职业等) [re-ha-bil-i-tate] - reinforce v.加强力量,增援 [re-in-force] + reinstate v.恢复(原职) [re-in-state] + rejuvenate v.使返老还童 [re-ju-ve-nate] - renovate v.修复,装修,翻新 [ren-o-vate] - reparable a.能补救的,可挽回的 [rep-a-ra-ble] + reparation n.赔偿,补偿 [rep-a-ra-tion] + repatriate v.(自异国)遣返 [re-pa-tri-ate] + rescue n./v.解救;把…从法律监管下强行夺回 [res-cue] + restitution n.归偿;赔偿 [res-ti-tu-tion] - restore v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 [re-store] + restored a.恢复的,复修的 [re-stored] - resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] - resurgence n.再起,复活,再现 [re-sur-gence] - resurrect v.使复活;复兴 [res-ur-rect] - resuscitate v.使复活,使苏醒 [re-sus-ci-tate] + retouch v.修描;润色 [re-touch] + retrieve v./n.寻回,取回;挽回(错误) [re-trieve] - revitalize v.使重新充满活力 [re-vi-tal-ize] - revive v.使苏醒;再流 [re-vive] - splice v.接合,衔接 [splice] - stanch v.制止(血液),止住 [stanch] - survive v.幸存 [sur-vive] - tinker n.补锅工人;v.拙劣修补 [tink-er] ***** relapse 661 - deterioration n.恶化,堕落 [de-te-ri-o-ra-tion] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - relapse n.旧病复发;再恶化;v.旧病复发,再恶化 [re-lapse] - throwback n.返祖现象,复旧 [throw-back] ***** remedy 662 - alimentary a.饮食的,营养的 [al-i-men-ta-ry] + analgesic n.镇痛剂;a.止痛的 [an-al-ge-sic] - anesthetic n.麻醉剂;a.麻醉的 [an-es-thet-ic] + antibiotic n.抗生素 [an-ti-bi-ot-ic] + antidote n.解毒药 [an-ti-dote] + antiseptic n.杀菌剂;a.防腐的 [an-ti-sep-tic] + apothecary n.药剂师 [a-poth-e-car-y] - balm n.香油,药膏;镇痛剂 [balm] - bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] - cardiologist n.心脏病专家 [car-di-ol-o-gist] - clinical a.临床的;冷静客观的 [clin-i-cal] - compress v.压缩,浓缩 [com-press] + dermatologist n.皮肤病学家 [der-ma-tol-o-gist] - detergent a.净化的;n.清洁剂 [de-ter-gent] - diagnose v.判断,诊断 [di-ag-nose] - disinfectant n.消毒剂 [dis-in-fect-ant] - dose n.剂量,一剂 [dose] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] + emollient n.润肤剂 [e-mol-lient] - excise v.切除,删去 [ex-cise] - fungicide n.杀真菌剂 [fun-gi-cide] - germicide n.杀菌剂 [ger-mi-cide] + gerontology n.老人病学 [ger-on-tol-o-gy] - herbicide n.除草剂 [herb-i-cide] - hypnotic a.催眠的;n.催眠药 [hyp-not-ic] - incise v.切,切割 [in-cise] - injection n.注射;注射剂 [in-jec-tion] - insecticide n.杀虫剂 [in-sec-ti-cide] - iodine n.碘;碘酒 [i-o-dine] - laxative a.(药)通便的;放松的;n.轻泻药 [lax-a-tive] + lubricant n.润滑剂 [lu-bri-cant] - narcotic n.催眠药;a.催眠的 [nar-cot-ic] - nostrum n.家传秘方;万灵丹 [nos-trum] - nutrient n.滋养物质 [nu-tri-ent] - ointment n.油膏,软膏 [oint-ment] + orthodontics n.畸齿矫正学 [or-tho-don-tics] - palliate v.减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) [pal-li-ate] - palliative n.缓释剂;a.减轻的,缓和的 [pal-li-a-tive] + panacea n.万灵药 [pan-a-ce-a] - paranoid a.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的 [par-a-noid] + pediatrics n.小儿科 [pe-di-at-rics] + penicillin n.盘尼西林,青霉素 [pen-i-cil-lin] + pharmaceutical a.制药的 [phar-ma-ceu-ti-cal] + pharmacology n.药理学,药物学 [phar-ma-col-o-gy] + placebo n.安慰剂 [pla-ce-bo] - plaster n.灰泥,石膏;v.抹灰泥 [plas-ter] + podiatrist n.足医 [po-di-a-trist] - prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - quack n.冒充内行之人;庸医 [quack] - receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] + recipe n.食谱 [rec-i-pe] - redress n.改正,修正 [re-dress] - restore v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 [re-store] + salve n.药膏;v.减轻,缓和 [sal-ve] - sedative a.(药物)镇静的;n.镇静剂 [sed-a-tive] - stethoscope n.听诊器 [steth-o-scope] + stimulant n.兴奋剂,刺激物 [stim-u-lant] + surgeon n.外科医师;军医,船上的医生 [sur-geon] + therapeutic a.治病的 [ther-a-peu-tic] - tonic n.增进健康之物,补品;a.滋补的 [ton-ic] - vaccine n.牛痘苗,疫苗 [vac-cine] ***** bane 663 - bane n.祸根 [bane] + fang n.(毒蛇的)尖牙 [fang] - leaven n.发酵剂;影响力;v.发酵;影响 [leav-en] + nettle n.荨麻;v.烦忧,激恼 [net-tle] - nicotine n.尼古丁 [nic-o-tine] - pest n.害虫;讨厌的人或物 [pest] - poisonous a.有毒的;有害的 [poi-son-ous] + scourge n.鞭笞;磨难;v.鞭笞,磨难 [scourge] - sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] + thorn n.刺;荆棘 [thorn] + toxin n.毒素,毒质 [tox-in] **** 3. Contingent Subservience ***** safety 664 - airtight a.密闭的,不透气的 [air-tight] - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] - auspices n.资助,赞助 [aus-pi-ces] - confidence n.信任,自信,信心 [con-fi-dence] + custodian n.管理员,监护人 [cus-to-di-an] + custody n.监管,保管 [cus-to-dy] - ensconce v.安置,安坐 [en-sconce] - impenetrable a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 [im-pen-e-tra-ble] - impregnable a.攻不破的,征服不了的 [im-preg-na-ble] + impunity n.免除惩罚 [im-pu-ni-ty] + invulnerable a.无法伤害的 [in-vul-ner-a-ble] + preservative a.防腐的;n.防腐剂 [pre-serv-a-tive] + quarantine n.隔离检疫期,隔离 [quar-an-tine] + safeguard n.防范措施 [safe-guard] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] - sentinel n.哨兵,卫兵 [sen-ti-nel] + shelter n.掩蔽处,掩蔽;v.庇护,保护 [shel-ter] - shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] - shroud n.寿衣;遮蔽物;v.覆盖 [shroud] - snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] + tenable a.站得住脚的,无懈可击的 [ten-a-ble] - trustworthy a.值得信赖的,可靠的 [trust-wor-thy] - unscathed a.未受损伤的,未遭伤害的 [un-scathed] + unthreatening a.不威胁的 [un-threat-en-ing] ***** danger 665 - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] - explosive n.炸药;a.爆炸性的;使人冲动的 [ex-plo-sive] - exposure n.暴露,显露,曝光 [ex-po-sure] - hazard n.危险 [haz-ard] + hazardous a.危险的 [haz-ard-ous] + jeopardize v.危及,危害 [jeop-ard-ize] + jeopardy n.危险 [jeop-ard-y] - ominous a.预兆的,不祥的 [om-i-nous] + peril n.危险 [per-il] + perilous a.危险的,冒险的 [per-i-lous] - precarious a.不稳的,危险的 [pre-car-i-ous] + ramshackle a.摇摇欲坠的 [ram-shack-le] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - spindly a.细长的,纤弱的 [spin-dly] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] - ticklish a.怕痒的;易怒的 [tick-lish] - totter v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 [tot-ter] + vulnerable a.易受攻击的 [vul-ner-a-ble] ***** refuge 666 - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] + asylum n.避难所,庇护所 [a-sy-lum] - ballast n.(船等)压舱物 [bal-last] - barrier n.路障;障碍 [bar-ri-er] - covert a.秘密的,隐密的 [cov-ert] + fastness n.要塞,城堡 [fast-ness] - harbor n.港,避难所;v.包庇,隐匿 [har-bor] - haven n.安息所,避难所 [ha-ven] + interlock v.连锁,连串 [in-ter-lock] - quay n.码头 [quay] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - safeguard n.防范措施 [safe-guard] - shelter n.掩蔽处,掩蔽;v.庇护,保护 [shel-ter] - shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] ***** pitfall 667 - ambush v.埋伏;伏击 [am-bush] - latency n.潜伏期 [la-ten-cy] - pitfall n.陷阱,未料到的危险或困难 [pit-fall] - precipice n.悬崖 [prec-i-pice] ***** warning 668 + admonish v.训诫;警告 [ad-mon-ish] - beacon n.烽火;灯塔 [bea-con] + caveat n.警告,告诫 [ca-ve-at] - croak n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 [croak] - grandstand n.大看台;v.哗众取宠 [grand-stand] + menace v./n.威胁,危险 [men-ace] + moralistic a.道学气的 [mor-al-is-tic] - premonition n.预感,预兆 [pre-mo-ni-tion] - sentinel n.哨兵,卫兵 [sen-ti-nel] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] ***** alarm 669 ***** preservation 670 - additive n.添加剂 [ad-di-tive] - aseptic a.洁净的;无菌的 [a-sep-tic] - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] - concentrate v.集中,浓缩 [con-cen-trate] - conservative a.保守的,守旧的 [con-serv-a-tive] - evaporate v.(使某物)蒸发掉 [e-vap-o-rate] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] - intact a.完整的,未动过的 [in-tact] - maintenance n.维持,维护 [main-te-nance] + pasteurize v.加热杀菌,消毒 [pas-teur-ize] - preservative a.防腐的;n.防腐剂 [pre-serv-a-tive] - rescue n./v.解救;把…从法律监管下强行夺回 [res-cue] - sterilize v.使不育;杀菌 [ster-i-lize] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] ***** escape 671 - drawbridge n.吊挢 [draw-bridge] - elude v.逃避;搞不清 [e-lude] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - flight n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 [flight] - impunity n.免除惩罚 [im-pu-ni-ty] - loophole n.枪眼,小窗,换气孔 [loop-hole] - refugee n.难民,流亡者 [ref-u-gee] - reprieve v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 [re-prieve] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] - vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] ***** deliverance 672 + emancipate v.解放,解除 [e-man-ci-pate] + extricable a.可解救的,能脱险的 [ex-tri-ca-ble] - extricate v.拯救,救出 [ex-tri-cate] + ransom n.赎金;赎身;v.赎回 [ran-som] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - reprieve v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 [re-prieve] - rescue n./v.解救;把…从法律监管下强行夺回 [res-cue] - respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] - retrieve v./n.寻回,取回;挽回(错误) [re-trieve] *** 3. Precursory Measures ***** preparation 673 - adjust v.整顿,整理;适应 [ad-just] - alert a.警惕的,机警的; n.警报 [a-lert] - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] - anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] - attune (to)v.使调和 [at-tune] - barbecue n.烤肉架;烤肉 [bar-be-cue] - breed v.繁殖;教养;n.品种,种类 [breed] - digestion n.消化,吸收 [di-ges-tion] - elaborate a.精致的,复杂的;v.详尽地说明,阐明 [e-lab-o-rate] - elaboration n.详细的细节,详尽阐述 [e-lab-o-ra-tion] + fledge v.小鸟长飞羽,变得羽毛丰满 [fledge] - forecast v.预报,预测;n.预测 [fore-cast] - garnish v.装饰 [gar-nish] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] - hatch n.船舱盖;v.孵化 [hatch] - inchoate a.刚开始的;未发展的 [in-cho-ate] - incubate v.孵化 [in-cu-bate] + incubation n.孵卵期;潜伏期 [in-cu-ba-tion] - labored a.吃力的;(文体等)不自然的 [la-bored] - mature a.成熟的;深思熟虑的 [ma-ture] - maturity n.成熟,完备 [ma-tur-i-ty] - nurture v.抚育,给…营养物,教养;n.养育,营养物;(总称)环境因素 [nur-ture] - pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] - predisposition n.倾向,癖性 [pre-dis-po-si-tion] + preen v.整理羽毛;(人)打扮修饰 [preen] - preliminary a.预备的;初步的,开始的 [pre-lim-i-nar-y] - prime n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的 [prime] + primp v.(妇女)刻意打扮 [primp] - provident a.深谋远虑的;节俭的 [prov-i-dent] - provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] - provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] - ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] + refurbish v.刷新,擦亮 [re-fur-bish] - rehearsal n.排演,演习 [re-hears-al] - rehearse v.排练,预演;详述 [re-hearse] - rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] - ripen v.使成熟 [rip-en] - scaffold n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子) [scaf-fold] - snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] - table v.搁置,不加考虑 [ta-ble] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] ***** nonpreparation 674 - amateurish a.业余爱好的,不熟练的 [am-a-teur-ish] - coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] + crudity n.粗糙,生硬 [cru-di-ty] - dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] - extemporaneous a.即席的,没有准备的 [ex-tem-po-ra-ne-ous] - extemporize v.即席演说 [ex-tem-po-rize] - fallow n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 [fal-low] - gear n.齿轮;装备;仪器 [gear] - germ n.胚芽,芽孢;微生物,细菌 [germ] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - improvident a.无远见的,不节俭的 [im-prov-i-dent] - improvise v.即席而作 [im-pro-vise] - improvised a.临时准备的,即席而作的 [im-pro-vised] - precocious a.早熟的 [pre-co-cious] - premature a.过早的,早熟的 [pre-ma-ture] + shiftless a.没有决断力的;偷懒的;无能的 [shift-less] - spontaneous a.自发的;自然的 [spon-ta-ne-ous] - unpremeditated a.非预谋的 [un-pre-med-i-tat-ed] - unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] - untutored a.未经教育的 [un-tu-tored] ***** essay 675 - debut n.初次登台,初次露面 [de-but] - empirical a.经验的,实证的 [em-pir-i-cal] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] + strive v.奋斗,努力 [strive] - tentative a.试探性的,尝试性的 [ten-ta-tive] ***** undertaking 676 - anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - apprentice n.学徒 [ap-pren-tice] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] - contract n.合同;v.订合同;收缩 [con-tract] - enterprise n.公司,事业单位;进取心 [en-ter-prise] - tackle v.处理;n.滑车 [tack-le] ***** use 677 - absorb v.吸收;同化;吸引…的注意 [ab-sorb] - application n.请求,申请;应用,应用程序 [ap-pli-ca-tion] - disposal n.清除,处理 [dis-pos-al] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - exert v.运用(力量等) [ex-ert] - expend v.花费;用光 [ex-pend] - handle n.柄,把手;v.处理 [han-dle] - manipulate v.操纵 [ma-nip-u-late] - mold n.模子;(美)霉;v.塑造 [mold] + recourse n.求助,依靠 [re-course] - resort n.度假胜地 [re-sort] + utilize v.利用,使用 [u-ti-lize] - wield v.支配,掌权 [wield] ***** disuse 678 - abstain v.禁绝,放弃 [ab-stain] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - dismantle v.拆除 [dis-man-tle] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] + forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] + forgo v.放弃,抛弃 [for-go] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - shelve v.搁置 [shelve] - supersede v.淘汰,取代 [su-per-sede] - untapped a.未开发的,未利用的 [un-tapped] ***** misuse 679 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] + desecrate v.玷辱,亵渎 [des-e-crate] + profane v.亵渎,玷污 [pro-fane] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ** Section III. Voluntary Action *** 1. Simple Voluntary Action ***** action 680 - bout n.一回合,一阵 [bout] + commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - coup n.意外而成功的行动 [cou-p] - deed n.行为;(土地或建筑物的)转让契约、证书 [deed] - emote v.激动地表达感情 [e-mote] - enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] + exploit v.剥削;开发利用;n.英勇行为 [ex-ploit] + feat n.功绩,壮举 [feat] + inflict v.遭受 [in-flict] - movement n.(交响乐)乐章 [move-ment] - prosecute v.告发,检举 [pros-e-cute] - stitch n.(缝纫时的)一针,一钩;v.缝合 [stitch] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] ***** inaction 681 - fallow n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 [fal-low] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - passive a.被动的,缺乏活力的 [pas-sive] - refrain v.抑制;n.歌曲的反复句,叠句 [re-frain] + sinecure n.挂名差事,闲职 [si-ne-cure] ***** activity 682 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] - agile a.敏捷的,灵活的 [ag-ile] + agility n.敏捷 [a-gil-i-ty] - agitate v.搅动,煽动;使不安,使焦虑 [ag-i-tate] - alacrity n.乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼 [a-lac-ri-ty] - alert a.警惕的,机警的; n.警报 [a-lert] - animated a.活泼的,生动的 [an-i-mat-ed] - animation n.活泼,有生气;卡通制作 [an-i-ma-tion] - arouse v.唤醒;激发 [a-rouse] + assiduous a.勤勉的;专心的 [as-sid-u-ous] - brisk a.敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的 [brisk] + devotee n.爱好者 [dev-o-tee] - diligence n.勤勉,勤奋 [dil-i-gence] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] + drudgery n.苦工,苦活 [drudg-er-y] - expeditious a.迅速的,敏捷的 [ex-pe-di-tious] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] + fidget v.坐立不安;n.烦躁之人 [fidg-et] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - frisky a.活泼的,快活的 [frisk-y] - fuss n.大惊小怪 [fuss] - fussy a.爱挑剔的 [fuss-y] - hasten v.催促,促进 [has-ten] - indefatigable a.不知疲倦的 [in-de-fat-i-ga-ble] - industrious a.勤劳的,勤勉的 [in-dus-tri-ous] + insomnia n.失眠症 [in-som-ni-a] - intent a.专心的,渴望的;n.目的,意向 [in-tent] - interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] - interpose v.置于…之间;使介入 [in-ter-pose] - intrigue v.密谋;引起…极大兴趣 [in-trigue] + meddle v.干涉,干预 [med-dle] + meddlesome a.爱管闲事的 [med-dle-some] - movement n.(交响乐)乐章 [move-ment] - notable a.明显的,出众的,重要的 [no-ta-ble] + officious a.爱发命令的,好忠告的;过度殷勤的 [of-fi-cious] + painstaking a.煞费苦心的 [pains-tak-ing] + perky a.神气的;活泼的 [perk-y] - plod v.重步走;吃力地干 [plod] - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] - ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] - restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] - sedulity n.勤奋,勤勉 [se-du-li-ty] + sedulous a.聚精会神的,勤勉的 [sed-u-lous] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - stir v.刺激 [stir] - tamper v.损害,窜改 [tam-per] - toll n.过路(桥)费;伤亡人数,损失;v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲 [toll] - velocity n.速度;迅速 [ve-loc-i-ty] + vivacious a.活泼的,快活的 [vi-va-cious] ***** inactivity 683 - balmy a.(气候)温和的;芳香的 [balm-y] - coma n.昏迷状态 [co-ma] - comatose a.昏迷的 [co-ma-tose] - dabble v.涉足,浅赏 [dab-ble] - dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 [dal-ly] - dawdle v.闲荡,虚度 [daw-dle] - dilatory a.慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 [di-la-to-ry] - dormancy n.休眠状态 [dor-man-cy] - dormant a.冬眠的;静止的 [dor-mant] - drawl v./n.慢吞吞地说话(态度) [drawl] - drone v.嗡嗡地响,单调地说;n.单调的低音 [drone] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - dummy n.人体模型,假人 [dum-my] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - flagging a.下垂的;衰弱的 [flag-ging] + goldbrick v.逃避责任,偷懒 [gold-brick] + hibernate v.冬眠,蛰伏 [hi-ber-nate] - hypnotic a.催眠的;n.催眠药 [hyp-not-ic] - idle a.(指人)无所事事的;无效的;v.懒散,无所事事 [i-dle] + indolent a.懒惰的 [in-do-lent] - inert a.惰性的;行动迟钝的 [in-ert] + jaded a.疲惫的;厌倦的;(胶卷)暴光过分的 [jad-ed] + lackadaisical a.无精打采的;无兴趣的 [lack-a-dai-si-cal] - lag v.落后,滞留 [lag] - languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 [lan-guid] - languish v.变得消瘦;衰弱 [lan-guish] - languor n.身心疲惫 [lan-guor] - leisureliness n.悠然,从容 [lei-sure-li-ness] + lethargic a.昏睡的 [le-thar-gic] + lethargy n.昏睡;倦怠;呆滞懒散 [leth-ar-gy] - listless a.无精打采的 [list-less] - loaf n.一条(面包);v.虚度光阴 [loaf] - loll v.懒洋洋地坐或卧 [loll] - lounge v.懒散地斜靠;n.休息室 [lounge] - lull n.活动的暂停;v.使平静 [lull] - lullaby n.摇篮曲 [lull-a-by] - maudlin a.感情脆弱的,爱哭的 [maud-lin] - mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] - poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] - remiss a.疏忽的,不留心的 [re-miss] - sedative a.(药物)镇静的;n.镇静剂 [sed-a-tive] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] - sloth n.懒惰;树獭(一种动物) [sloth] - slouch n.没精打采的样子;v.没精打采地坐(站、走) [slouch] - sluggard n.懒鬼 [slug-gard] + slumber v.睡眠,安睡;n.安睡 [slum-ber] + soporific a.催眠的;n.安眠药 [sop-o-rif-ic] - stasis n.停滞 [sta-sis] + stupor n.昏迷,不醒人事 [stu-por] - supine a.仰卧的;懒散的 [su-pine] - torpid a.懒散的,死气沉沉的 [tor-pid] - torpor n.死气沉沉 [tor-por] - trance n.恍惚,昏睡状态 [trance] - yawn v.打呵欠 [yawn] ***** haste 684 - accelerate v.加速;促进 [ac-cel-er-ate] - boisterous a.喧闹的;猛烈的 [bois-ter-ous] - brusque a.唐突的,鲁莽的 [brusque] - cursory a.粗略的,草率的 [cur-so-ry] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] - fidget v.坐立不安;n.烦躁之人 [fidg-et] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] - fuss n.大惊小怪 [fuss] - fussy a.爱挑剔的 [fuss-y] - hasten v.催促,促进 [has-ten] - hasty a.急急忙忙的 [has-ty] - headlong adj./adv.轻率的(地),迅猛的(地) [head-long] - impetuous a.冲动的,鲁莽的 [im-pet-u-ous] - pell-mell adv.混乱地 [pell-mell] - plunge v.投入;俯冲 [plunge] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - precipitation n.降水(量) [pre-cip-i-ta-tion] - press v.挤压 [press] - scurry v.急跑,疾行 [scur-ry] - urgent a.迫切的,紧急的 [ur-gent] - velocity n.速度;迅速 [ve-loc-i-ty] ***** leisure 685 + convenience n.便利,有益;方便(的用具,机械等) [con-ven-i-ence] - deliberate a.深思熟虑的,故意的;v.慎重考虑 [de-lib-er-ate] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] - repose n./v.躺着休息,安睡 [re-pose] ***** exertion 686 - drudgery n.苦工,苦活 [drudg-er-y] - elaborate a.精致的,复杂的;v.详尽地说明,阐明 [e-lab-o-rate] - exert v.运用(力量等) [ex-ert] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - painstaking a.煞费苦心的 [pains-tak-ing] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - strive v.奋斗,努力 [strive] + toil v./n.辛苦,辛勤劳作 [toil] + wearisome a.使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 [wea-ri-some] ***** repose 687 - recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] - repose n./v.躺着休息,安睡 [re-pose] - respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] - slacken v.(使)松弛,放松 [slack-en] - unbend v.弄直;放松 [un-bend] ***** fatigue 688 - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] - exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] + fatigue n.疲乏,劳累 [fa-tigue] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] + harass v.侵扰,烦忧 [har-ass] + irk v.使苦恼的,厌烦 [irk] + irksome a.令人苦恼的,讨厌的 [irk-some] - jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - jaded a.疲惫的;厌倦的;(胶卷)暴光过分的 [jad-ed] + lassitude n.无力;没精打采 [las-si-tude] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - shattered a.粉碎的;破坏的 [shattered] + succumb v.屈从;因…死亡 [suc-cumb] - tire n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 [tire] - wearisome a.使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 [wea-ri-some] + weary a.疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v.厌烦 [wea-ry] - wilt v.使…凋谢,枯萎 [wilt] - yawn v.打呵欠 [yawn] ***** refreshment 689 - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] - brace v.使稳固,架稳;n.支撑物 [brace] - bracing a.令人振奋的 [brac-ing] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] ***** agent 690 - architect n.建筑师 [ar-chi-tect] + bricklayer n.砌砖盖房者,泥瓦匠 [brick-lay-er] + carpenter n.木匠 [car-pen-ter] + factotum n.杂役,听差 [fac-to-tum] + forger n.伪造者;打铁匠 [forg-er] - hack v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人 [hack] + mason n.泥瓦匠,石匠 [ma-son] - operative a.(计划等)实施中的;生效的 [op-er-a-tive] - personnel n.全体人员,员工 [per-son-nel] + plumber n.管子工,铅管工 [plumb-er] + practitioner n.开业者;从事某种手艺者 [prac-ti-tion-er] + silversmith n.银匠 [sil-ver-smith] + termite n.白蚁 [ter-mite] ***** workshop 691 - armory n.军械库 [ar-mor-y] - cabinet n.橱柜;内阁 [cab-i-net] - caldron n.(煮汤用的)大锅 [cal-dron] - forge n.铁匠铺;v.锤炼;伪造 [forge] - furnace n.锅炉 [fur-nace] - hive n.蜂房;忙碌之地 [hive] - loom n.织布机;v.(威胁性)隐约出现 [loom] - matrix n.模子;矩阵 [ma-trix] - mill n.磨坊;压榨机;制造厂 [mill] - mint n.大量;巨额 [mint] - refinery n.提炼厂,精炼厂 [re-fin-er-y] *** 2. Complex Voluntary Action ***** conduct 692 + acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] + campaign n.战役;竞选活动 [cam-paign] - conduct n.品德,行为;v.领导,引导 [con-duct] - dealing n.生意行为;作风 [deal-ing] + demean v.贬抑,降低 [de-mean] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] - enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] - guise n.外观,装束 [guise] - husbandry n.耕种,务农;节敛管理 [hus-band-ry] - regime n.政权,政治制度 [re-gime] + supervise v.监督,管理 [su-per-vise] - transaction n.办理,交易 [trans-ac-tion] ***** direction 693 - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] - conduct n.品德,行为;v.领导,引导 [con-duct] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] + legislation n.法律,法规,立法 [leg-is-la-tion] + legislature n.立法机关,立法团体 [leg-is-la-ture] - needle n.针;针叶 [nee-dle] - overlook v.忽视;俯视 [o-ver-look] - oversee v.监督 [o-ver-see] - pilot n.飞行员;领航员;领导人 [pi-lot] - portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] + prescribe v.开处方;规定 [pre-scribe] + preside v.担任主席;负责;指挥 [pre-side] - regulate v.管制;调整 [reg-u-late] + rudder n.船舵;领导者 [rud-der] - steer v.操舵,驾驶;n.公牛,食用牛 [steer] + superintend v.监督 [su-per-in-tend] - supervise v.监督,管理 [su-per-vise] - tackle v.处理;n.滑车 [tack-le] ***** director 694 - arbiter n.权威人士,泰斗 [ar-bi-ter] - bellwether n.领导者,领头羊 [bell-weth-er] + demagogue n.蛊惑民心的政客 [dem-a-gogue] - factotum n.杂役,听差 [fac-to-tum] + functionary n.小官,低级公务员 [func-tion-ar-y] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] - oversee v.监督 [o-ver-see] - pilot n.飞行员;领航员;领导人 [pi-lot] - principal a.主要的,重要的 [prin-ci-pal] + proctor n.代理人,学监 [proc-tor] + ranger n.森林管理员;巡逻骑警 [rang-er] + surveyor n.测量员 [sur-vey-or] + vicar n.教区牧师 [vic-ar] ***** advice 695 - admonish v.训诫;警告 [ad-mon-ish] - advocacy n.拥护,支持 [ad-vo-ca-cy] - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - arbiter n.权威人士,泰斗 [ar-bi-ter] - confer v.讨论,商谈;赠予 [con-fer] - conference n.讨论会,协商会 [con-fer-ence] - deliberate a.深思熟虑的,故意的;v.慎重考虑 [de-lib-er-ate] - dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] - enjoin v.命令,吩咐 [en-join] - exhort v.力劝,勉励 [ex-hort] - expostulate v.(对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫 [ex-pos-tu-late] - hortative a.激励的 [hor-ta-tive] - injunction n.命令,强制令 [in-junc-tion] - mentor n.导师 [men-tor] - prescribe v.开处方;规定 [pre-scribe] - prompt v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的 [prompt] ***** council 696 - assemble v.集合,聚集 [as-sem-ble] - bench n.法官席;长凳 [bench] - cabinet n.橱柜;内阁 [cab-i-net] + caucus n.政党高层会议 [cau-cus] + clique n.朋党派系,小集团 [clique] - colloquium n.学术讨论会 [col-lo-qui-um] - conclave n.秘密会议 [con-clave] - confer v.讨论,商谈;赠予 [con-fer] - conference n.讨论会,协商会 [con-fer-ence] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - meet a.合适的 [meet] ***** precept 697 - canon n.经典,真作 [ca-non] + code n.密码;法典;v.将某事物编写成密码 [code] - formula n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 [for-mu-la] + norm n.规范,准则 [norm] - precept n.箴言,格言 [pre-cept] - prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] - recipe n.食谱 [rec-i-pe] + statute n.法规,法令 [stat-ute] ***** skill 698 - accomplished a.完成了的;有技巧的,有造诣的 [ac-com-plished] - address v.处理,对付,着手解决;致词 [ad-dress] + adroit a.熟练的,灵巧的 [a-droit] - ambidextrous a.十分灵巧的 [am-bi-dex-trous] - apt a.易于…的,恰当的 [apt] - aptitude n.适宜;才能,资质 [ap-ti-tude] - artistry n.艺术技巧 [art-ist-ry] - attainment n.成就 [at-tain-ment] - competence n.胜任,能力 [com-pe-tence] - conversant a.精通的,熟知的 [con-ver-sant] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - craft n.行业;手艺 [craft] - cunning a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 [cun-ning] - deft a.灵巧的,熟练的 [deft] + dexterity n.纯熟,灵巧 [dex-ter-i-ty] + dexterous a.灵巧的,熟练的 [dex-ter-ous] + discreet a.言行谨慎的 [dis-creet] - discretion n.谨慎,审慎 [dis-cre-tion] - faculty n.全体教员;官能 [fac-ul-ty] - felicitous a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 [fe-lic-i-tous] + finesse n.技巧;计谋;手段 [fi-nesse] + forte n.长处,擅长;a.(音乐)强音的 [for-te] - hackneyed a.陈腐的,平常的 [hack-neyed] + ingenious a.聪明的,有发明天才的 [in-gen-ious] + ingenuity n.巧思,聪敏 [in-ge-nu-i-ty] - knack n.特殊能力;窍门 [knack] - know-how n.专业技能,知识 [know-how] - manipulative a.操纵别人的,老于世故的 [ma-nip-u-la-tive] - mechanics n.力学 [me-chan-ics] - proficient a.熟练的,精通的 [pro-fi-cient] - qualified a.有资格的;有限制的 [qual-i-fied] - ready a.机敏的,迅速的 [read-y] + resourceful a.机智的 [re-source-ful] - shipshape a.整洁的,井然有序的 [ship-shape] - shrewd a.判断敏捷的,精明的 [shrewd] - slick a.熟练的;圆滑的;光滑的 [slick] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - specialized a.专门的 [spe-cial-ized] - tact n.机智;圆滑 [tact] - virtuosity n.精湛技巧,高超 [vir-tu-os-i-ty] ***** unskillfulness 699 - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - blunder v.犯大错;笨拙地做;n.愚蠢之举 [blun-der] - boggle v.畏缩不前;使退缩 [bog-gle] + bungle v.粗制滥造 [bun-gle] - clumsy a.笨拙的;拙劣的 [clum-sy] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] - folly n.愚蠢;愚蠢的行为,思想或做法 [fol-ly] - fumble v.摸索,笨拙搜寻;弄乱,搞糟 [fum-ble] + gaffe n.(社交上令人不快的)失言,失态 [gaffe] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] - green a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 [green] - incompetent a.无能力的,不能胜任的 [in-com-pe-tent] - infelicitous a.不幸的,不妥当的 [in-fe-lic-i-tous] + infelicity n.不幸;不恰当 [in-fe-lic-i-ty] + maladroit a.笨拙的 [mal-a-droit] - sabotage n.阴谋破坏,颠覆活动 [sab-o-tage] - shiftless a.没有决断力的;偷懒的;无能的 [shift-less] - stultify v.使变得荒谬可笑;使无用 [stul-ti-fy] - uninitiated a.外行的,缺乏经验的 [un-in-i-ti-at-ed] - unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] ***** proficient 700 - acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员 [ac-ro-bat] + adept a.老练的,精通的 [a-dept] - connoisseur n.鉴赏家,行家 [con-nois-seur] + maven n.专家,内行 [ma-ven] - proficient a.熟练的,精通的 [pro-fi-cient] - protagonist n.提议者,支持者 [pro-tag-o-nist] - veteran n.老兵,老手;a.经验丰富的 [vet-er-an] ***** bungler 701 - amateur n.业余爱好者 [am-a-teur] - novice n.生手,新手 [nov-ice] - quack n.冒充内行之人;庸医 [quack] + yokel n.乡巴佬 [yo-kel] ***** cunning 702 - Byzantine a.像迷宫似的;难变更的 [Byz-an-tine] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] - arch n.拱门,拱形 [arch] - artifice n.巧办法;诡计 [ar-ti-fice] - artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] - astute a.机敏的,精明的 [as-tute] - canny a.精明仔细的 [can-ny] - chicanery n.诡计,狡诈 [chi-can-er-y] - circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] - contrive v.计划,设计 [con-trive] - craft n.行业;手艺 [craft] - cunning a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 [cun-ning] + diplomatic a.外交的;圆滑的 [dip-lo-mat-ic] - dodge v.闪开,躲避 [dodge] - duplicity n.欺骗,口是心非 [du-plic-i-ty] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] - finesse n.技巧;计谋;手段 [fi-nesse] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] + gerrymander v.(为使某政党在选举中取得优势)不公正地将(某地区)划成选区 [ger-ry-man-der] - gimmick n.吸引人的花招,噱头 [gim-mick] - guile n.欺诈,狡猾 [guile] - insidious a.隐藏诡计的 [in-sid-i-ous] - intrigue v.密谋;引起…极大兴趣 [in-trigue] + leery a.机警的,怀疑的 [leer-y] - machination n.阴谋 [mach-i-na-tion] - overreach v.做事过头 [o-ver-reach] - plot n.情节;阴谋;策划 [plot] - ploy n.花招,策略 [ploy] - profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] - resourceful a.机智的 [re-source-ful] + ruse n.骗术,诡计 [ruse] - shiftiness n.奸诈 [shift-i-ness] - shrewd a.判断敏捷的,精明的 [shrewd] + sidestep v.横跨一步以躲避;回避 [side-step] - sly a.狡猾的,鬼鬼祟祟的 [sly] - stratagem n.谋略,策略 [strat-a-gem] - subterfuge n.诡计,托辞 [sub-ter-fuge] - subtle a.微妙的,精巧的 [sub-tle] - tactic n.(达到目的的)手段;战术 [tac-tic] - temporize v.拖延;见风使舵 [tem-po-rize] - underhanded a.不光明的,卑鄙的 [un-der-hand-ed] - undermine v.破坏,损坏 [un-der-mine] + wily a.狡猾的 [wil-y] ***** artlessness 703 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] + aboveboard a./adv.光明正大的(地) [a-bove-board] + artless a.粗俗的;自然的 [art-less] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - candid a.率直的 [can-did] - candor n.坦白,率直 [can-dor] - forthright a.直率的 [forth-right] - guileless a.厚道的,老实的 [guile-less] - ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的 [in-gen-u-ous] + innocence n.无辜,清白 [in-no-cence] + naive a.天真的,纯朴的 [na-ive] - outspoken a.直言不讳的 [out-spo-ken] - sincere a.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的 [sin-cere] - straightforward a.正直的;易懂的;直截了当的 [straight-for-ward] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] - unreserved a.无限制的;未被预定的 [un-re-served] - untutored a.未经教育的 [un-tu-tored] - verisimilar a.好像真实的;可能的 [ver-i-sim-i-lar] ** Section IV. Antagonism *** 1. Conditional Antagonism ***** difficulty 704 - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - boggle v.畏缩不前;使退缩 [bog-gle] - brunt n.主要冲击力或影响 [brunt] - crab n.蟹,螃蟹;v.抱怨,发脾气 [crab] - crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] - crux n.关键,症结所在 [crux] + curmudgeon n.脾气暴躁之人 [cur-mudg-eon] + deadlock n.相持不下,僵局 [dead-lock] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] - dilemma n.困境,左右为难 [di-lem-ma] - embarrass v.使忸怩,使难堪 [em-bar-rass] - emergency n.紧急事件 [e-mer-gen-cy] + encumber v.妨害,阻碍 [en-cum-ber] - enmesh v.通常被动)绊住,陷入网 [en-mesh] - entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] + formidable a.可怕的;困难的 [for-mi-da-ble] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - gravel n.碎石,砂砾 [grav-el] + grueling a.繁重而累人的 [gru-el-ing] - imbroglio n.纠纷,纠葛 [im-bro-gli-o] - intractable a.倔强的;难管的 [in-trac-ta-ble] - intricacy n.错综,复杂,纷乱 [in-tri-ca-cy] - intricate a.复杂难懂的 [in-tri-cate] - irksome a.令人苦恼的,讨厌的 [irk-some] - knotty a.有节疤的 [knot-ty] - maze n.迷宫 [maze] + nonplus v.使窘困迷惑;n.迷惑,窘境 [non-plus] - onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的 [on-er-ous] - paradox n.矛盾;似矛盾而正确的说法 [par-a-dox] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] - pose v.摆姿势;造作 [pose] + quandary n.困惑,进退两难 [quan-da-ry] - ravel v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 [rav-el] - refractory a.倔强的;反应迟钝的 [re-frac-to-ry] - slough v.(蛇等)蜕皮;n.(蛇等的)蜕皮 [slough] - strait n.海峡;a.狭窄的 [strait] - stranded a.搁浅的,进退两难的 [stranded] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] - stymie v.妨碍,阻挠 [sty-mie] - ticklish a.怕痒的;易怒的 [tick-lish] - unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 [un-wield-y] ***** facility 705 - accessible a.易达到的;易受影响的 [ac-ces-si-ble] - disengage v.脱离,解开 [dis-en-gage] - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] - emancipate v.解放,解除 [e-man-ci-pate] + exonerate v.免除责任;确定无罪 [ex-on-er-ate] - extricate v.拯救,救出 [ex-tri-cate] - facile a.容易做的;肤浅的 [fac-ile] + facilitate v.使容易,促进 [fa-cil-i-tate] - feasible a.可行的,可能的 [fea-si-ble] - foolproof a.容易懂的,简易而不会误用的 [fool-proof] - glib a.流利圆滑的,善辩的 [glib] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - lissome a.姿态优雅的,柔软的 [lis-some] - lubricate v.润滑 [lu-bri-cate] - pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] + readily adv.不迟疑地;迅速地,轻易地 [read-i-ly] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] - tractable a.易于驾驭的,温顺的 [trac-ta-ble] - unravel v.解开,拆散 [un-rav-el] - yielding a.弯曲自如的;柔顺的 [yield-ing] *** 2. Active Antagonism ***** hindrance 706 + avert v.避免,防止 [a-vert] - balk n.大方木料;v.妨碍;(因困难等)不愿前进或从事某事 [balk] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - barricade v.设栅阻挡;n.栅栏 [bar-ri-cade] - barrier n.路障;障碍 [bar-ri-er] - blockade v./n.封锁 [block-ade] - blockage n.障碍物 [block-age] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - choke v.(使)窒息,阻塞 [choke] - circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] - clog n.障碍; v.阻塞 [clog] - congest v.使拥挤;充血 [con-gest] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] - counteract v.消除,抵消 [coun-ter-act] - cramp n.铁箍,夹子;v.把…箍紧 [cramp] - cumbersome a.笨重的 [cum-ber-some] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] - dampen v.(使)潮湿;使沮丧,泼凉水 [damp-en] - deserted a.荒芜的,无人的 [de-sert-ed] - discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] - disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] - disrupt v.弄乱,扰乱 [dis-rupt] - embarrass v.使忸怩,使难堪 [em-bar-rass] - encumber v.妨害,阻碍 [en-cum-ber] - faucet n.水龙头 [fau-cet] + faze v.使…狼狈,折磨 [faze] - foil n.钝剑;箔,锡箔纸 [foil] - frustrate v.挫折,使沮丧 [frus-trate] - hamper v.妨碍,阻挠;n.有盖提篮 [ham-per] - hinder v.阻碍,妨碍 [hin-der] - impasse n.僵局;死路 [im-passe] + impede v.妨碍 [im-pede] + impediment n.妨碍,阻碍物 [im-ped-i-ment] + incubus n.恶梦;梦魇般的精神压力,负担 [in-cu-bus] + inhibit v.抑制 [in-hib-it] + intercept v.中途拦截,截取 [in-ter-cept] - interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] - interpose v.置于…之间;使介入 [in-ter-pose] - interrupt v.暂时中止;打断,打扰 [in-ter-rupt] + killjoy n.令人扫兴的人 [killjoy] - lumber v.蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n.杂物;木材 [lum-ber] - mar v.破坏,损伤 [mar] - nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事 [night-mare] + objection n.厌恶,反对 [ob-jec-tion] + obstacle n.障碍,干扰 [ob-sta-cle] - obstruct v.阻塞,截断 [ob-struct] - obstruction n.阻碍(物),妨碍 [ob-struc-tion] + obviate v.排除(困难) [ob-vi-ate] - onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的 [on-er-ous] + opponent n.对手,敌手 [op-po-nent] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - pack n.狼群;一群动物 [pack] + preclude v.避免,排除 [pre-clude] + restraint n.克制 [re-straint] - retard v.妨碍;减速 [re-tard] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] - setback n.挫折 [setback] - shackle n.脚镣,枷锁 [shack-le] - slacken v.(使)松弛,放松 [slack-en] - snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] - spoke n.(车轮上)辐条 [spoke] + stonewall v.拖延议事,设置障碍 [stone-wall] - stricture n.严厉谴责;束缚 [stric-ture] - stymie v.妨碍,阻挠 [sty-mie] - tether v.用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n.(拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围 [teth-er] - thwart v.阻挠,使…受挫 [thwart] - traverse v.横穿过,横跨 [trav-erse] - undermine v.破坏,损坏 [un-der-mine] ***** aid 707 + abet v.教唆,鼓励,帮助 [a-bet] - accessory a.附属的,次要的 [ac-ces-so-ry] - accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - adjunct n.附加物,附件 [ad-junct] - advocacy n.拥护,支持 [ad-vo-ca-cy] - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] + amicable a.友好的 [am-i-ca-ble] + ancillary a.辅助的;n.助手 [an-cil-lar-y] + auxiliary a.辅助的,协助的 [aux-il-ia-ry] - bolster n.枕垫;v.支持,鼓励 [bol-ster] - boost v.往上推;增加,提高 [boost] + championship n.冠军地位;锦标赛 [cham-pi-on-ship] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] - cultivate v.种植;向…讨好 [cul-ti-vate] - favorable a.有利的;赞成的 [fa-vor-a-ble] - foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - foster v.培养,鼓励;领养 [fos-ter] - hasten v.催促,促进 [has-ten] + hearten v.鼓励,激励 [heart-en] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - manure n.粪肥;v.给…施肥 [ma-nure] + nourish v.滋养,怀有(希望等) [nour-ish] - nurture v.抚育,给…营养物,教养;n.养育,营养物;(总称)环境因素 [nur-ture] + nutrition n.营养 [nu-tri-tion] + oblige v.束缚;恩惠于… [o-blige] + obliging a.恳切的,热心助人的 [o-blig-ing] - pander v.怂恿,迎合(不良欲望) [pan-der] - patronage n.赞助,惠顾 [pat-ron-age] + patronize v.以高人一等的态度对待;光顾,惠顾 [pa-tron-ize] - promote v.提升;促进 [pro-mote] - prop n.支撑物,靠山;v.支持 [prop] - propitious a.吉利的;顺利的 [pro-pi-tious] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - reinforce v.加强力量,增援 [re-in-force] - rescue n./v.解救;把…从法律监管下强行夺回 [res-cue] - subsidiary a.辅助的;次要的 [sub-sid-i-ar-y] + succor v./n.救助,援助 [suc-cor] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] - tend v.照料,看顾 [tend] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] - uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] ***** opposition 708 - adverse a.不利的,相反的;敌对 [ad-verse] - antagonism n.反抗,敌意 [an-tag-o-nism] - antagonize v.使对抗;与…对抗 [an-tag-o-nize] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - belie v.掩饰;证明为假 [be-lie] - collision n.碰撞,冲突 [col-li-sion] - conflict v./n.斗争,战斗;冲突,抵触 [con-flict] - confront v.面临;对抗 [con-front] - contend v.与对手竞争;据理力争 [con-tend] - contradict v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tra-dict] - contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等) [con-tra-vene] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] - counteract v.消除,抵消 [coun-ter-act] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - emulate v.努力赶上或超越 [em-u-late] - encounter v.遭遇 [en-coun-ter] - even a.平的 [e-ven] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - hinder v.阻碍,妨碍 [hin-der] - hostile a.敌对的,敌意的 [hos-tile] + inimical a.敌意的,不友善的 [in-im-i-cal] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] + polarize v.使…两极分化 [po-lar-ize] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - restraint n.克制 [re-straint] - rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] + rivalry n.竞争,对抗 [ri-val-ry] - stem n.(植物的)茎,叶柄;v.阻止,遏制(水流等) [stem] - stream n.小溪;水流;v.倾注,涌流 [stream] - thwart v.阻挠,使…受挫 [thwart] - undermine v.破坏,损坏 [un-der-mine] - variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] + vying a.竞争的 [vy-ing] - withstand v.顶住;经受住 [with-stand] ***** cooperation 709 - additive n.添加剂 [ad-di-tive] + affiliate v.加入;联合 [af-fil-i-ate] - align v.将某物排列在一条直线上;与某人结盟 [a-lign] + coalition n.结合,联合 [co-a-li-tion] - collaborate v.合作,协作;通敌 [col-lab-o-rate] + collude v.串通,共谋 [col-lude] - communal a.全体共用的,共享的 [com-mu-nal] - concord n.和睦;公约 [con-cord] - concur v.意见相同,一致 [con-cur] - conspire v.阴谋,共谋 [con-spire] + cooperate v.与他人合作 [co-op-er-ate] + cooperative a.联营的,合作的;愿意协助的 [co-op-er-a-tive] - favorable a.有利的;赞成的 [fa-vor-a-ble] - fusion n.熔合;聚变 [fu-sion] + morale n.士气,精神力量 [mo-rale] - symbiosis n.共生(关系) [sym-bi-o-sis] ***** opponent 710 - demagogue n.蛊惑民心的政客 [dem-a-gogue] - diehard n.顽固分子 [die-hard] + malcontent a.不满的;n.不满分子,反抗者 [mal-con-tent] - opponent n.对手,敌手 [op-po-nent] - rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] - wrangler n.口角者,争论者;牧马者 [wran-gler] ***** auxiliary 711 - accessory a.附属的,次要的 [ac-ces-so-ry] + accomplice n.同谋者,帮凶 [ac-com-plice] + adherent n.拥护者,信徒 [ad-her-ent] - adjunct n.附加物,附件 [ad-junct] - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] - auxiliary a.辅助的,协助的 [aux-il-ia-ry] - champion n.冠军;斗士;拥护者;v.拥护 [cham-pi-on] - dupe n.易上当的人 [dupe] - marshal v.整理,安排,设置 [mar-shal] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] + presenter n.主持人 [presenter] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] + testator n.立遗嘱的人 [tes-ta-tor] + votary n.崇拜者,热心支持者 [vo-ta-ry] ***** party 712 - affiliate v.加入;联合 [af-fil-i-ate] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] - cabal n.政治阴谋小集团 [ca-bal] - clique n.朋党派系,小集团 [clique] - coalition n.结合,联合 [co-a-li-tion] + confederacy n.联盟或同盟 [con-fed-er-a-cy] + coterie n.(有共同兴趣的)小团体 [co-te-rie] - denomination n.命名;(长度,币值的)单位 [de-nom-i-na-tion] + faction n.派系;派系斗争 [fac-tion] - group v.使…集合;n.群,集 [group] - institute v.制定,创立(社团,规章);n.学院,协会 [in-sti-tute] - institution n.公共机构,协会;制度 [in-sti-tu-tion] - meld v.(使)混合,(使)合并 [meld] - posse n.武装团队 [pos-se] - solidarity n.团结,一致 [sol-i-dar-i-ty] ***** discord 713 - bicker v.为小事争吵 [bick-er] - brawl v./n.争吵,打架 [brawl] - breach n.裂缝,缺口;v.打破,裂开;违背 [breach] - clash v.冲突,撞击 [clash] - commotion n.骚动,动乱 [com-mo-tion] - conflict v./n.斗争,战斗;冲突,抵触 [con-flict] + contentious a.好辩的,善争吵的 [con-ten-tious] - controversial a.引起或可能引起争论的 [con-tro-ver-sial] - controvert v.反驳,驳斥 [con-tro-vert] - discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] - dispute v.争论 [dis-pute] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] + enmity n.敌意,仇恨 [en-mi-ty] - entangle v.使纠缠,卷入 [en-tan-gle] - faction n.派系;派系斗争 [fac-tion] + feud n.宿怨,不和 [feud] + flak n.高射炮;指责 [flak] - fracas n.喧嚷,吵闹 [fra-cas] - imbroglio n.纠纷,纠葛 [im-bro-gli-o] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - jar v.冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声 [jar] - jarring a.声音刺耳的 [jar-ring] + litigant n.诉讼当事人 [lit-i-gant] + litigation n.诉讼 [lit-i-ga-tion] - nag v.唠叨,烦扰 [nag] - odds n.机会,可能性 [odds] + polemic n.争论,论战 [po-lem-ic] + raspy a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 [rasp-y] - riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] - rupture n./v.破裂,断裂 [rup-ture] - schism n.组织分裂 [schism] - snarl n./v.纠缠,混乱 [snarl] - spat n.口角,小争论 [spat] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] + squabble n.争吵 [squab-ble] - squall n.短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴;短暂的骚动 [squall] + strife n.纷争,冲突 [strife] + tiff n.吵嘴,呕气 [tiff] - variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] ***** concord 714 - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] + amity n.(人或国之间的)友好关系 [am-i-ty] - assent v.同意,赞成 [as-sent] - chord n.和弦,和音 [chord] + conciliatory a.抚慰的,调和的 [con-cil-i-a-to-ry] - concord n.和睦;公约 [con-cord] - congenial a.意气相投的;性情好的 [con-gen-ial] - congruent a.全等的,一致的 [con-gru-ent] + empathy n.心意相通,(感情等)融为一体 [em-pa-thy] - harmony n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 [har-mo-ny] + intercessor n.仲裁者 [in-ter-ces-sor] - rapport n.和睦,意见一致 [rap-port] + rapprochement n.和好,和睦 [rap-proche-ment] - reciprocate v.回报,答谢 [re-cip-ro-cate] - response n.反应,响应,回答 [re-sponse] + sensitization n.敏化 [sen-si-ti-za-tion] - symphony n.交响乐,交响曲 [sym-pho-ny] - synergic a.协同作用的 [synergic] ***** defiance 715 - bluster v.(指风)猛刮 [blus-ter] + defiance n.挑战,违抗,反抗 [de-fi-ance] + defy v.违抗,藐视 [de-fy] + threat n.威胁,恐吓;凶兆 [threat] ***** attack 716 + aggression n.侵略;敌对的情绪或行为 [ag-gres-sion] + aggressive a.好斗的;进取的 [ag-gres-sive] + aggressor n.侵略者,攻击者 [ag-gres-sor] + assail v.抨击;猛攻 [as-sail] + assault n.突然袭击;猛袭 [as-sault] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] + barrage n.弹幕 [bar-rage] + beleaguer v.围攻;骚扰 [be-lea-guer] + besiege v.围攻,困扰 [be-siege] - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] - butt v.用头抵撞,顶撞;n.粗大的一端;烟蒂 [butt] - fusillade n./v. (枪炮)齐射,连发 [fu-sil-lade] + harry v.掠夺,袭扰,折磨 [har-ry] - hawk n.隼,鹰 [hawk] - hurl v.猛投;大声叫骂 [hurl] - impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑 [im-pugn] - inroad n.突袭;消耗 [in-road] - invade v.侵犯,侵入 [in-vade] - malign v.诽谤,中伤;a.邪恶的 [ma-lign] + obsession n.入迷;固执的念头 [ob-ses-sion] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] - onset n.(坏情况)开始发作 [on-set] - poke v.刺,戳;嘲弄 [poke] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] + raid n.突然袭击 [raid] - sap n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽 [sap] - shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] + siege n.包围,围攻 [siege] - thrust v.猛力推;刺,戳 [thrust] - tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] - volley n.齐发,群射;v.齐发,群射;(足球、网球)截击 [vol-ley] ***** defense 717 + aegis n.盾;保护,庇护 [ae-gis] - apron n.围裙 [a-pron] - asylum n.避难所,庇护所 [a-sy-lum] - barrage n.弹幕 [bar-rage] - barricade v.设栅阻挡;n.栅栏 [bar-ri-cade] - barrier n.路障;障碍 [bar-ri-er] + bodyguard n.保镖,侍卫 [bod-y-guard] - boom n.繁荣昌盛时期;v.发出深沉有回响的声音 [boom] - buttress n.拱墙,拱壁;v.支持 [but-tress] - camouflage n./v.掩饰,伪装 [cam-ou-flage] + carapace n.(蟹或龟等的)甲壳 [car-a-pace] - champion n.冠军;斗士;拥护者;v.拥护 [cham-pi-on] + defense n.防御,防护 [de-fense] - enclosure n.圈地,围占 [en-clo-sure] - fastness n.要塞,城堡 [fast-ness] + fender n.挡泥板;护舷的垫子等 [fend-er] - fosse n.护城河 [fosse] - helmet n.头盔,钢盔 [hel-met] - hinder v.阻碍,妨碍 [hin-der] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - incorrigibility n.无可救药 [in-cor-ri-gi-bil-i-ty] - interlock v.连锁,连串 [in-ter-lock] - ironclad a.装铁甲的;坚固的 [i-ron-clad] - loophole n.枪眼,小窗,换气孔 [loop-hole] - mask n.假面具;v.隐藏(感情) [mask] - moat n.壕沟;护城河 [moat] - munition n.军火,弹药 [mu-ni-tion] + mural a.墙壁的;n.壁画 [mu-ral] - parry v.挡开,避开(武器,问题等) [par-ry] + rampart n.壁垒;城墙 [ram-part] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - safeguard n.防范措施 [safe-guard] - shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] - shroud n.寿衣;遮蔽物;v.覆盖 [shroud] + stockade n.栅栏,围栏 [stock-ade] ***** retaliation 718 - even a.平的 [e-ven] - reciprocate v.回报,答谢 [re-cip-ro-cate] + reprisal n.(政治或军事的)报复 [re-pris-al] - retaliate v.报复,反击 [re-tal-i-ate] - retaliation n.报复 [re-tal-i-a-tion] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] + retribution n.报应,惩罚 [ret-ri-bu-tion] + revenge n.报复,报仇 [re-venge] ***** resistance 719 - confront v.面临;对抗 [con-front] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + insurrection n.造反,叛乱 [in-sur-rec-tion] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] - polarize v.使…两极分化 [po-lar-ize] + rebellious a.反抗的,难控制的 [re-bel-lious] - rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] - recalcitrant a.顽抗的 [re-cal-ci-trant] - refractory a.倔强的;反应迟钝的 [re-frac-to-ry] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - repulse v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 [re-pulse] - revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] - riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] - strive v.奋斗,努力 [strive] - stubborn a.固执的;难以改变的 [stub-born] - withstand v.顶住;经受住 [with-stand] ***** contention 720 - athletics n.运动,体育 [ath-let-ics] + bellicose a.好战的,好斗的 [bel-li-cose] + belligerence n.交战;好战性,斗争性 [bel-lig-er-ence] - bout n.一回合,一阵 [bout] - chauvinistic a.沙文主义的,过分爱国主义的 [chau-vin-is-tic] - collision n.碰撞,冲突 [col-li-sion] + combat n./v.格斗,搏斗 [com-bat] + compete v.竞争,对抗 [com-pete] - conflict v./n.斗争,战斗;冲突,抵触 [con-flict] - contend v.与对手竞争;据理力争 [con-tend] - contention n.争论;论点 [con-ten-tion] - contentious a.好辩的,善争吵的 [con-ten-tious] + contest v.竞争;对…表示怀疑 [con-test] - debate n.正式的辩论,讨论 [de-bate] + duel n.决斗 [du-el] - emulate v.努力赶上或超越 [em-u-late] - encounter v.遭遇 [en-coun-ter] - fracas n.喧嚷,吵闹 [fra-cas] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - jingoism n.沙文主义;侵略主义 [jin-go-ism] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] - litigation n.诉讼 [lit-i-ga-tion] - mill n.磨坊;压榨机;制造厂 [mill] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] + pugilism n.拳击,搏击 [pu-gi-lism] + pugnacious a.好斗的 [pug-na-cious] - rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] - rivalry n.竞争,对抗 [ri-val-ry] + skirmish n.小战,小争吵 [skir-mish] + sparring n.拳击,争斗 [spar-ring] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] - strife n.纷争,冲突 [strife] - strive v.奋斗,努力 [strive] - tilt v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 [tilt] + tournament n.比赛;(旧时)骑士比武大会 [tour-na-ment] + tussle v./n.扭打,搏斗;争辩 [tus-sle] - vie v.竞争 [vie] - vying a.竞争的 [vy-ing] ***** peace 721 - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] - amity n.(人或国之间的)友好关系 [am-i-ty] - halcyon a.平静的;愉快的 [hal-cy-on] - harmony n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 [har-mo-ny] - pacifist n.和平主义者,反战主义者 [pac-i-fist] - tranquility n.宁静,安静 [tran-quil-i-ty] - truce n.停战,休战(协定) [truce] ***** warfare 722 - bellicose a.好战的,好斗的 [bel-li-cose] - belligerence n.交战;好战性,斗争性 [bel-lig-er-ence] - campaign n.战役;竞选活动 [cam-paign] - chauvinistic a.沙文主义的,过分爱国主义的 [chau-vin-is-tic] + chivalrous a.武士精神的;对女人彬彬有礼的 [chiv-al-rous] - clarion a.声音高而清晰的;n.尖音小号声;尖音小号 [clar-i-on] - combat n./v.格斗,搏斗 [com-bat] - contend v.与对手竞争;据理力争 [con-tend] - contentious a.好辩的,善争吵的 [con-ten-tious] + crusade n.维护理想、原则而进行的运动或斗争 [cru-sade] - enlist v.(使)入伍从军,征募 [en-list] - internecine a.内讧的,两败俱伤的 [in-ter-ne-cine] + logistics n.后勤学;后勤 [lo-gis-tics] + martial a.战争的,军事的 [mar-tial] - scrappy a.碎片的;好斗的;坚毅的 [scrap-py] - trumpet n.喇叭,小号 [trum-pet] ***** pacification 723 - allay v.减轻,缓和 [al-lay] - amnesty n.大赦,特赦 [am-nes-ty] + armistice n.休战,停战 [ar-mi-stice] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] - conciliate v.安抚,驯服 [con-cil-i-ate] - conciliatory a.抚慰的,调和的 [con-cil-i-a-to-ry] - defuse v.从(爆破装置)中卸除引信;缓和紧张状态或危急局面 [de-fuse] - pacify v.使安静,抚慰 [pac-i-fy] + placate v.抚慰,平息(愤怒) [pla-cate] + propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - reconcile v.和解,调和 [rec-on-cile] - truce n.停战,休战(协定) [truce] ***** mediation 724 - arbitrate v.仲裁,公断 [ar-bi-trate] + bargain n.交易; 物美价廉的东西;v.讨价还价 [bar-gain] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] + intercede v.说好话,代为求情 [in-ter-cede] - intercessor n.仲裁者 [in-ter-ces-sor] - interference n.干涉,妨碍 [in-ter-fer-ence] - interpose v.置于…之间;使介入 [in-ter-pose] - intervene v.干涉,介入 [in-ter-vene] - mediate v.调停 [me-di-ate] + negotiate v.商议,谈判,交涉 [ne-go-ti-ate] - umpire n.裁判;v.对…进行仲裁 [um-pire] ***** submission 725 - bend v.弯曲;屈服 [bend] + capitulate v.(有条件地)投降 [ca-pit-u-late] + cede v.割让(土地权利),放弃 [cede] - cession n.割让,转让 [ces-sion] + craven a.懦弱的,畏缩的 [cra-ven] + cringe v.畏缩;谄媚 [cringe] - defer v.推延;听从 [de-fer] + homage n.效忠,崇敬 [hom-age] + humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] - obeisance n.鞠躬,敬礼 [o-bei-sance] - pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] + resigned a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 [re-signed] - retreat n./v.撤退;隐居处 [re-treat] + submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] - succumb v.屈从;因…死亡 [suc-cumb] + surrender v.投降;放弃;归还 [sur-ren-der] - yielding a.弯曲自如的;柔顺的 [yield-ing] ***** combatant 726 + armada n.舰队 [ar-ma-da] - auxiliary a.辅助的,协助的 [aux-il-ia-ry] + battalion n.军营,军队 [bat-tal-i-on] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - cadet n.军校或警官学校的学生 [ca-det] + cavalry n.骑兵部队,装甲部队 [cav-al-ry] - champion n.冠军;斗士;拥护者;v.拥护 [cham-pi-on] - companion n.同伴,同伙;受雇的陪伴人 [com-pan-ion] + conscript v.强行征兵,征召 [con-script] - ensign n.舰旗(船上表示所属国家的旗帜) [en-sign] - file n.锉刀;v.锉平 [file] + gladiator n.角斗士,与野兽搏斗者 [glad-i-a-tor] + infantry n.步兵 [in-fan-try] - ironclad a.装铁甲的;坚固的 [i-ron-clad] - legion n.兵团;一大群 [le-gion] - levy v./n.征税;征兵 [lev-y] - litigant n.诉讼当事人 [lit-i-gant] - marine a.海的;海中的 [ma-rine] + mercenary a.惟利是图的;n.雇佣兵 [mer-ce-nar-y] + militia n.民兵 [mi-li-tia] - partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] - polemic n.争论,论战 [po-lem-ic] + pugilist n.拳击手,拳师 [pu-gil-ist] - recruit n.新兵;新成员;v.征募 [re-cruit] - rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - veteran n.老兵,老手;a.经验丰富的 [vet-er-an] ***** arms 727 - armory n.军械库 [ar-mor-y] - blade n.刀锋,刀口 [blade] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] + cane n.拐杖 [cane] + dagger n.短剑,匕首 [dag-ger] - dart n.飞镖;v.急驰;投射 [dart] - explosive n.炸药;a.爆炸性的;使人冲动的 [ex-plo-sive] + firearm n.(便携式)枪支 [fire-arm] - foil n.钝剑;箔,锡箔纸 [foil] + grenade n.手榴弹 [gre-nade] - lance n.长矛;鱼叉 [lance] - missile n.发射物;导弹 [mis-sile] - mortar n.小臼,乳钵;迫击炮 [mor-tar] + musket n.旧式步枪 [mus-ket] + ordnance n.大炮;军械 [ord-nance] - partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] + pistol n.手枪 [pis-tol] - projectile n.抛射物,发射体 [pro-jec-tile] - reed n.芦苇;簧片 [reed] + rifle n.步枪;v.抢劫 [ri-fle] - shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] - spear n.矛;嫩叶;v.刺戳 [spear] - sprig n.嫩枝,小枝 [sprig] ***** arena 728 - arena n.(角斗的)竞技场 [a-re-na] - canvas n.画布;帆布 [can-vas] - purlieu n.(常作复数)邻近地区 [pur-lieu] - terrain n.地势,地形 [ter-rain] ** Section V. Results of Voluntary Action ***** completion 729 - accomplish v.完成,做成功 [ac-com-plish] - catastrophe n.突如其来的大灾难 [ca-tas-tro-phe] - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] - compass n.指南针,罗盘;界限,范围 [com-pass] - conclusive a.最后的,结论的;确凿的,消除怀疑的 [con-clu-sive] - consummate a.完全的,完善的;v.完成 [con-sum-mate] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - culmination n.顶点;结果 [cul-mi-na-tion] - denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 [de-noue-ment] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - elaborate a.精致的,复杂的;v.详尽地说明,阐明 [e-lab-o-rate] - elaboration n.详细的细节,详尽阐述 [e-lab-o-ra-tion] - enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] - exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] - exhaustive a.彻底的,无遗漏的 [ex-haus-tive] - finale n.最后,最终;乐曲的最后部分 [fi-na-le] + fulfil v.履行;满足,符合 [ful-fil] - hammer n.锤子,槌 [ham-mer] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - ripen v.使成熟 [rip-en] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] - terminus n.(火车,汽车)终点站 [ter-mi-nus] + wrought a.做成的,精炼的 [wrought] ***** noncompletion 730 - anvil n.铁砧 [an-vil] - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - sketchy a.概略的,粗略的 [sketch-y] ***** success 731 - accomplish v.完成,做成功 [ac-com-plish] + ascendancy n.统治权,支配力量 [as-cend-an-cy] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - circumvent v.回避;用计谋战胜或规避 [cir-cum-vent] - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] + conquer v.以武力征服 [con-quer] + conquest n.征服;战利品 [con-quest] - contrive v.计划,设计 [con-trive] - discomfit v.使懊恼;使难堪 [dis-com-fit] - elude v.逃避;搞不清 [e-lude] - felicitous a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 [fe-lic-i-tous] - nonplus v.使窘困迷惑;n.迷惑,窘境 [non-plus] + outmaneuver v.以策略制胜 [out-ma-neu-ver] + outwit v.以机智胜过 [out-wit] - overreach v.做事过头 [o-ver-reach] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - overthrow v./n.推翻;终止 [o-ver-throw] - prevail v.战胜;盛行 [pre-vail] + prosperous a.繁荣富强的 [pros-per-ous] - quell v.制止,镇压 [quell] - score n.乐谱 [score] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + stalemate n.和棋局面,僵局 [stale-mate] - stonewall v.拖延议事,设置障碍 [stone-wall] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] - subdue v.征服;压制;减轻 [sub-due] + subjugate v.征服,镇压 [sub-ju-gate] - surpass v.超过 [sur-pass] - swamp n.沼泽;v.使陷入;淹没 [swamp] + triumph v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 [tri-umph] + vanquish v.征服 [van-quish] - victimize v.使受害,迫害 [vic-tim-ize] ***** failure 732 + bankrupt a.破产的 [bank-rupt] - blunder v.犯大错;笨拙地做;n.愚蠢之举 [blun-der] - bootless a.无益处的;无用的 [boot-less] - collapse v.坍塌,塌陷;虚脱,晕倒 [col-lapse] - discomfited a.困惑的,尴尬的 [discomfited] + discomfiture n.狼狈,难堪 [dis-com-fi-ture] - falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] + fiasco n.大失败,惨败 [fi-as-co] - flounder v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 [floun-der] - founder v.(船)沉没;(计划)失败 [found-er] - grounded a.有理由的;adv.地面上 [grounded] - inconsequential a.不重要的,微不足道的 [in-con-se-quen-tial] - ineffectual a.无效的,徒劳无益的 [in-ef-fec-tu-al] - insufficient a.不足的 [in-suf-fi-cient] - limp v.跛行;a.软弱的,松软的 [limp] - lurch n.突然向前或旁边倒;v.蹒跚而行 [lurch] - nugatory a.无价值的,琐碎的 [nu-ga-to-ry] - overthrow v./n.推翻;终止 [o-ver-throw] - rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] - repulse v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 [re-pulse] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] - stalemate n.和棋局面,僵局 [stale-mate] - stranded a.搁浅的,进退两难的 [stranded] - succumb v.屈从;因…死亡 [suc-cumb] - typo n.排印错误 [ty-po] ***** trophy 733 - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - insignia n.徽章,袖章 [in-sig-ni-a] - medal n.奖牌,勋章 [med-al] - triumph v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 [tri-umph] - trophy n.奖品,战利品 [tro-phy] ***** prosperity 734 - affluence n.充裕,富足 [af-flu-ence] - agreeable a.令人喜悦的;欣然同意的 [a-gree-a-ble] - auspicious a.幸运的;吉兆的 [aus-pi-cious] - buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] - fatten v.使长肥;使土壤肥沃;装满 [fat-ten] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - halcyon a.平静的;愉快的 [hal-cy-on] - mushroom n.蘑菇;v.雨后春笋般迅速发展 [mush-room] + palmy a.繁荣的;棕榈的 [palm-y] - propitious a.吉利的;顺利的 [pro-pi-tious] + prosperity n.繁荣;幸运;健康 [pros-per-i-ty] - prosperous a.繁荣富强的 [pros-per-ous] - providential a.幸运的;恰到好处的 [prov-i-den-tial] + thrive v.茁壮成长 [thrive] - utopia n.理想国,理想的完美境界 [utopia] ***** adversity 735 - adverse a.不利的,相反的;敌对 [ad-verse] + affliction n.悲痛,受难的起因 [af-flic-tion] + backset n.倒退 [back-set] - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] - blight n.植物枯萎病;v.使…枯萎 [blight] - calamity n.大灾祸,不幸之事 [ca-lam-i-ty] - casualty n.伤亡事故;伤亡者 [cas-u-al-ty] - catastrophe n.突如其来的大灾难 [ca-tas-tro-phe] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] - dire a.可怕的 [dire] - disaster n.灾难,大不幸 [dis-as-ter] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] - untoward a.不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 [un-to-ward] - wane v.减少,衰微 [wane] ***** mediocrity 736 - jog v.慢而平静地前进 [jog] - mediocrity n.平庸,碌碌无为 [me-di-oc-ri-ty] * Division II. Intersocial Volition ** Section I. General Intersocial Volition ***** authority 737 - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] - commission n.委托;佣金 [com-mis-sion] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - deputy n.代表;副警长 [dep-u-ty] + despotism n.专制,暴政 [des-pot-ism] - dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] - dominant a.显性的,优势的 [dom-i-nant] - dominate v.控制,支配 [dom-i-nate] - gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] + hegemony n.霸权,领导权 [he-gem-o-ny] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,裁判权 [ju-ris-dic-tion] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - overriding a.最主要的,优先的 [o-ver-rid-ing] + overrule v.(高位的人)否决(低位的人或事) [o-ver-rule] - paramount a.最重要的,最高权力的 [par-a-mount] - patronage n.赞助,惠顾 [pat-ron-age] - predominant a.有势力的 [pre-dom-i-nant] - preponderate v.(重量上,重要性上)压倒,超过 [pre-pon-der-ate] + prerogative n.特权 [pre-rog-a-tive] - prestige n.威信,威望,声望 [pres-tige] - stringent a.(规定)严格的,苛刻的;缺钱的 [strin-gent] - supreme a.至高的;极度的 [su-preme] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] ***** government 737.a - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] + aristocracy n.贵族;贵族政府,贵族统治 [ar-is-toc-ra-cy] + authoritarian n.独裁主义者;极权主义者 [au-thor-i-tar-i-an] + autocracy n.独裁政府 [au-toc-ra-cy] + autonomy n.自治,独立 [au-ton-o-my] + bureaucracy n.官僚政治 [bu-reau-cra-cy] - cabinet n.橱柜;内阁 [cab-i-net] + calcium n.钙 [cal-ci-um] - commonwealth n.共和国,联邦 [com-mon-wealth] - commune n.公社;v.与某人亲密地交谈 [com-mune] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] - defense n.防御,防护 [de-fense] - domain n.领土;领域 [do-main] - domination n.控制,支配,管辖 [dom-i-na-tion] + gerontocracy n.老人统治的政府 [ger-on-toc-ra-cy] - hegemony n.霸权,领导权 [he-gem-o-ny] + hierarchy n.阶层;等级制度 [hi-er-ar-chy] - imperative a.急需的 [im-per-a-tive] - imperial a.帝王的,至尊的 [im-pe-ri-al] + imperious a.傲慢的,专横的 [im-pe-ri-ous] - lathe n.车床 [lathe] - legislature n.立法机关,立法团体 [leg-is-la-ture] - mandatory a.命令的,强迫的 [man-da-to-ry] + monarchy n.君主制 [mon-ar-chy] + oligarchy n.寡头政治 [ol-i-gar-chy] - peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] - realm n.王国;领域,范围 [realm] - regime n.政权,政治制度 [re-gime] - reign n.统治时期;王朝;领域 [reign] + royalty n.版税 [roy-al-ty] - sovereign n.最高统治者,元首 [sov-er-eign] + sovereignty n.主权,统治权 [sov-er-eign-ty] - supremacy n.至高无上,霸权 [su-prem-a-cy] - sway v.摇动,摇摆;影响使改变;n.摇动 [sway] + theocracy n.神权政治 [the-oc-ra-cy] - totalitarian a.极权主义的 [to-tal-i-tar-i-an] - tract n.传单;大片土地 [tract] ***** politics 737.b + aspirant n.有抱负者 [as-pir-ant] + ballot n./v.投票 [bal-lot] - campaign n.战役;竞选活动 [cam-paign] + candidacy n.候选人的资格 [can-di-da-cy] + candidate n.候选人;参加考试的人 [can-di-date] - ideology n.思想体系,思想意识,意识形态 [i-de-ol-o-gy] - incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] - initiative n.主动;首创精神 [in-i-ti-a-tive] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] - poll n.民意测验;选举投票 [poll] - recall v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回 [re-call] - slate n.石板;候选人名单;v.提名 [slate] + suffrage n.选举权,投票权 [suf-frage] - testator n.立遗嘱的人 [tes-ta-tor] - theocracy n.神权政治 [the-oc-ra-cy] - underdog n.受欺负者,弱者 [un-der-dog] ***** laxity 738 + abdicate v.退位,辞职,放弃 [ab-di-cate] - anarchy n.无政府;政治上的混乱 [an-ar-chy] - depose v.免职;作证 [de-pose] - deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] - interregnum n.无王时期 [in-ter-reg-num] + license n.放肆,自由;许可证,执照 [li-cense] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] - remiss a.疏忽的,不留心的 [re-miss] - slack a.懒散的,懈怠的;(绳)松弛的;v.松懈,怠惰 [slack] ***** severity 739 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] + arrogance n.傲慢,自大 [ar-ro-gance] + arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的 [ar-ro-gant] + arrogate v.冒称具有…权利 [ar-ro-gate] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] + austere a.朴素的 [aus-tere] - austerity n.朴素,艰苦 [aus-ter-i-ty] - authoritarian n.独裁主义者;极权主义者 [au-thor-i-tar-i-an] - autocracy n.独裁政府 [au-toc-ra-cy] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] + coerce v.强迫;压制 [co-erce] - coercion n.强制,高压统治 [co-er-cion] + despot n.暴君 [des-pot] - despotism n.专制,暴政 [des-pot-ism] + dour a.严厉的,脸色阴沉的 [dour] - draconian a.严厉的,严酷的 [draconian] + exacting a.苛求的;要求严格的 [ex-act-ing] - exigent a.需要立即采取行动的 [ex-i-gent] - gerontocracy n.老人统治的政府 [ger-on-toc-ra-cy] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - harshly adv.严酷地,无情地 [harsh-ly] + haughty a.傲慢的,自大的 [haugh-ty] - imperative a.急需的 [im-per-a-tive] - inclement a.(天气)严酷的;严厉的 [in-clem-ent] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] - inflict v.遭受 [in-flict] - intransigent a.不妥协的 [in-tran-si-gent] - obdurate a.固执的,顽固的 [ob-du-rate] - oppress v.压迫,压制 [op-press] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] + predator n.食肉动物 [pred-a-tor] - relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] - rigid a.硬性的,刚硬的 [rig-id] - rigor n.严酷;严格,苛刻;严密,精确 [ri-gor] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - stern n.船尾 [stern] - stickler n.坚持细节之人 [stick-ler] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - stringent a.(规定)严格的,苛刻的;缺钱的 [strin-gent] + tyranny n.暴政,专制统治;暴行 [tyr-an-ny] + tyrant n.暴君 [ty-rant] + usurp v.篡夺,霸占 [u-surp] + vulture n.秃鹫 [vul-ture] ***** lenity 740 + clemency n.温和;仁慈,宽厚 [clem-en-cy] + clement a.仁慈的;温和的 [clem-ent] + compassion n.同情,怜悯 [com-pas-sion] - forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] - gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] + indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] + leniency n.温和,宽容 [le-ni-en-cy] - lenient a.宽大的;仁慈的 [le-ni-ent] - spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] - tolerance n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 [tol-er-ance] ***** command 741 + appoint v.任命,指定;约会 [ap-point] + bid v.命令;出价,投标 [bid] - caveat n.警告,告诫 [ca-ve-at] - cite v.引用,引述 [cite] - claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] - dispatch v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 [dis-patch] - enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] - enjoin v.命令,吩咐 [en-join] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] + fiat n.命令 [fi-at] + impose v.征税;强加 [im-pose] - injunction n.命令,强制令 [in-junc-tion] - mandate n.命令,指令 [man-date] + ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] + ordinance n.法令,条例 [or-di-nance] - precept n.箴言,格言 [pre-cept] - prescribe v.开处方;规定 [pre-scribe] - prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - reclaim v.纠正;开垦(土地) [re-claim] - request n.要求,请求;v.要求,请求 [re-quest] + subpoena n.(法律)传票;v.传讯 [sub-poe-na] + summon v.召见;召集 [sum-mon] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] + writ n.命令状,书面命令 [writ] ***** disobedience 742 + anarchist n.无政府主义者 [an-ar-chist] - contumacious a.违抗的,不服从的 [con-tu-ma-cious] - defiance n.挑战,违抗,反抗 [de-fi-ance] - demagogue n.蛊惑民心的政客 [dem-a-gogue] - extremist n.极端主义者 [ex-trem-ist] - incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] + infraction n.违法 [in-frac-tion] - infringe v.违反,侵害 [in-fringe] + insubordinate a.不服从的,反抗的 [in-sub-or-di-nate] + insurgent a.叛乱的,起事的;n.叛乱分子 [in-sur-gent] - insurrection n.造反,叛乱 [in-sur-rec-tion] + mutineer n.反叛者,背叛者 [mu-ti-neer] + quisling n.卖国贼,内奸 [quis-ling] - rebellious a.反抗的,难控制的 [re-bel-lious] - recalcitrant a.顽抗的 [re-cal-ci-trant] - refractory a.倔强的;反应迟钝的 [re-frac-to-ry] - renegade n.叛教者,叛徒 [ren-e-gade] - restive a.不安静的,不安宁的 [res-tive] - revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] - riot v.参加暴动 [ri-ot] - riotous a.暴乱的;蛮横的 [ri-ot-ous] - secede v.正式脱离或退出(组织) [se-cede] - shirk v.逃避,规避 [shirk] + traitor n.卖国贼,叛徒 [trai-tor] + treason n.叛国罪 [trea-son] - tumult n.乱哄哄 [tu-mult] + violate v.违反,触犯 [vi-o-late] ***** obedience 743 + allegiance n.忠诚,拥护 [al-le-giance] - compliance n.顺从,遵从 [com-pli-ance] + compliant a.服从的,顺从的 [com-pli-ant] - comply v.遵循,顺从 [com-ply] + deference n.敬意,尊重 [def-er-ence] - devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] - homage n.效忠,崇敬 [hom-age] + loyal a.忠诚的,忠贞的,忠心的 [loy-al] + obedient a.服从的,顺从的 [o-be-di-ent] - other-directed a.受人支配的 [oth-er-di-rect-ed] - passive a.被动的,缺乏活力的 [pas-sive] - pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - resigned a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 [re-signed] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] ***** compulsion 744 - coerce v.强迫;压制 [co-erce] - coercion n.强制,高压统治 [co-er-cion] - compel v.强迫 [com-pel] + compelling a.引起兴趣的 [com-pel-ling] - compulsion n.强迫;难以抗拒的冲动 [com-pul-sion] + constrain v.束缚,强迫;限制 [con-strain] + constraint n.强制,强迫;对感情的压抑 [con-straint] + duress n.胁迫 [du-ress] - extort v.强索,敲诈 [ex-tort] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] + obligatory a.强制性的,义务的 [ob-lig-a-to-ry] - oblige v.束缚;恩惠于… [o-blige] - peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] - press v.挤压 [press] - restrain v.克制,抑制 [re-strain] - restraint n.克制 [re-straint] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] - stringent a.(规定)严格的,苛刻的;缺钱的 [strin-gent] ***** master 745 + autocrat n.独裁者 [au-to-crat] - cadet n.军校或警官学校的学生 [ca-det] + centurion n.古罗马的百人队长 [cen-tu-ri-on] + chancellor n.大臣,总理,首席法官,大学校长 [chan-cel-lor] + chef n.厨师 [chef] - despot n.暴君 [des-pot] - ensign n.舰旗(船上表示所属国家的旗帜) [en-sign] - marshal v.整理,安排,设置 [mar-shal] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + mogul n.显要人物,权势之人 [mo-gul] + monarch n.君主,帝王 [mon-arch] + potentate n.统治者,当权者 [po-ten-tate] - sovereign n.最高统治者,元首 [sov-er-eign] - tyrant n.暴君 [ty-rant] ***** servant 746 - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + groom n.马夫;新郎 [groom] - jockey n.骑师;v.用计谋获取 [jock-ey] - mercenary a.惟利是图的;n.雇佣兵 [mer-ce-nar-y] + parasite n.食客;寄生物 [par-a-site] + retainer n.侍从 [re-tain-er] - retinue n.侍从,随员团 [ret-i-nue] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - subsidiary a.辅助的;次要的 [sub-sid-i-ar-y] - tend v.照料,看顾 [tend] + underling n.下属,手下 [un-der-ling] ***** scepter 747 - baton n.指挥棒(指挥家用);警棍 [ba-ton] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - flag v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 [flag] - instate v.任命,安置 [in-state] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - portfolio n.文件夹;股份单 [port-fo-li-o] + talisman n.避邪物,护身符 [tal-is-man] - throne n.宝座;王位 [throne] - tuxedo n.礼服,无尾礼服 [tux-e-do] ***** freedom 748 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] + autonomous a.自治的 [au-ton-o-mous] - autonomy n.自治,独立 [au-ton-o-my] - denizen n.居民;外籍居民 [den-i-zen] - discretionary a.自由决定的 [dis-cre-tion-ar-y] + exempt a.被免除的;v.使免除 [ex-empt] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] + immunity n.免疫;豁免 [im-mu-ni-ty] - irrepressible a.无法约束或阻止的 [ir-re-press-i-ble] - latitude n.言行自由;纬度 [lat-i-tude] + liberty n.随意,冒失 [lib-er-ty] - license n.放肆,自由;许可证,执照 [li-cense] - malfunction v.发生故障;n.故障,障碍 [mal-func-tion] - margin n.页边空白,边缘;差额;余地;利润 [mar-gin] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] - scope n.眼界;范围 [scope] - spontaneous a.自发的;自然的 [spon-ta-ne-ous] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] + uncommitted a.不受约束的,不承担责任的 [un-com-mit-ted] - unmitigated a.未缓和的,未减轻的,全然的 [un-mit-i-gat-ed] ***** subjection 749 + bondage n.奴役,束缚 [bond-age] - conquest n.征服;战利品 [con-quest] + constrained a.束缚的,节制的 [con-strained] - constraint n.强制,强迫;对感情的压抑 [con-straint] - liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] + servitude n.奴役,劳役 [ser-vi-tude] - sport v.炫耀,卖弄 [sport] - subject n.受支配的人,隶属 [sub-ject] - subjugate v.征服,镇压 [sub-ju-gate] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - yoke n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 [yoke] ***** liberation 750 + absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] + acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释 [ac-quit-tal] - debrief v.向…询问情况,听取汇报 [de-brief] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - disengage v.脱离,解开 [dis-en-gage] - disentangle v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 [dis-en-tan-gle] - emancipate v.解放,解除 [e-man-ci-pate] - escapism n.逃避现实(的习气) [es-cap-ism] - extricate v.拯救,救出 [ex-tri-cate] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] + liberate v.释放,解放 [lib-er-ate] - loosen v.变松,松开 [loos-en] + manumit v.解放(奴隶) [man-u-mit] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - uncommitted a.不受约束的,不承担责任的 [un-com-mit-ted] - unfasten v.解开 [un-fas-ten] + unleash v.发泄,释放 [un-leash] ***** restraint 751 - arrest v.依法逮捕;阻止,抑制 [ar-rest] - blockade v./n.封锁 [block-ade] - bridle n.马笼头;v.抑制,控制 [bri-dle] - captivate v.迷惑,吸引 [cap-ti-vate] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - cloister n.修道院 [clois-ter] - coerce v.强迫;压制 [co-erce] - coercion n.强制,高压统治 [co-er-cion] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - confine v.限制,禁闭 [con-fine] - constrain v.束缚,强迫;限制 [con-strain] - constrained a.束缚的,节制的 [con-strained] - constraint n.强制,强迫;对感情的压抑 [con-straint] - control n.实验对照组 [con-trol] - coop n.(鸡)笼,栏 [co-op] - curb n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 [curb] - custody n.监管,保管 [cus-to-dy] - discipline v.训练,训导;n.纪律;惩罚,处分 [dis-ci-pline] - duress n.胁迫 [du-ress] - fasten v.使…固定(to fix sth. firmly) [fas-ten] - fetter n./v.(带)脚镣;束缚 [fet-ter] - hidebound a.顽固的,心胸狭窄的 [hide-bound] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + immure v.监禁 [im-mure] + incarcerate v.下狱,监禁 [in-car-cer-ate] - inhibit v.抑制 [in-hib-it] + monopoly n.专利权,垄断 [mo-nop-o-ly] - pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] - restrain v.克制,抑制 [re-strain] - restraint n.克制 [re-straint] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] - shackle n.脚镣,枷锁 [shack-le] - smother v.覆盖;(使)闷死 [smoth-er] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - subjugate v.征服,镇压 [sub-ju-gate] - tether v.用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n.(拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围 [teth-er] - withhold v.扣留,保留 [with-hold] ***** prison 752 - band n.带子;收音机波段 [band] - bandage n.绷带;v.用绷带包扎 [band-age] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - barricade v.设栅阻挡;n.栅栏 [bar-ri-cade] - barrier n.路障;障碍 [bar-ri-er] - bit n.钻头 [bit] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - brake n.刹车;v.减速,阻止 [brake] - bridle n.马笼头;v.抑制,控制 [bri-dle] - collar n.衣领;戴在动物颈部的项圈 [col-lar] - coop n.(鸡)笼,栏 [co-op] - cord n.考得(木材堆的体积单位,等于128立方英尺,3.6246立方米);绳索 [cord] - curb n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 [curb] - den n.兽穴,窝 [den] - fetter n./v.(带)脚镣;束缚 [fet-ter] - fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] - guy n.(铁塔等的)支索,牵索 [guy] - harness n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 [har-ness] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - pen n.围栏;监禁;母天鹅 [pen] - rail n.栏杆;铁轨;v.咒骂,猛烈指责 [rail] - rein n.缰绳;v.控制 [rein] - shackle n.脚镣,枷锁 [shack-le] - tether v.用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n.(拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围 [teth-er] - yoke n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 [yoke] ***** keeper 753 - bodyguard n.保镖,侍卫 [bod-y-guard] - custodian n.管理员,监护人 [cus-to-di-an] + lumberjack n.伐木工 [lum-ber-jack] - ranger n.森林管理员;巡逻骑警 [rang-er] - sentinel n.哨兵,卫兵 [sen-ti-nel] ***** prisoner 754 ***** commission 755 - appoint v.任命,指定;约会 [ap-point] + charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - commission n.委托;佣金 [com-mis-sion] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - consign v.托运;托人看管 [con-sign] + coronation n.加冕 [cor-o-na-tion] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - delegate n.代表;v.委派…为代表,授权 [del-e-gate] - deputy n.代表;副警长 [dep-u-ty] - designation n.指定;名称,称呼 [des-ig-na-tion] - empower v.授权给某人采取行动 [em-pow-er] - enlist v.(使)入伍从军,征募 [en-list] + entrust v.委托;托付 [en-trust] - errand n.差使;差事 [er-rand] - inaugurate v.举行就职典礼;开创 [in-au-gu-rate] + induct v.使就职;使入伍 [in-duct] - install v.安装,装置;使就职 [in-stall] - instate v.任命,安置 [in-state] + nominate v.提名;任命,指定 [nom-i-nate] - ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] ***** abrogation 756 + abolish v.废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) [a-bol-ish] - abolition n.废除,革除 [ab-o-li-tion] - abrogate v.废止,废除 [ab-ro-gate] + annul v.宣告无效;取消 [an-nul] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] + countermand v.撤回(命令),取消(订货) [coun-ter-mand] - demote v.降级,降职 [de-mote] - depose v.免职;作证 [de-pose] - deposition n.免职;沉积;作证 [dep-o-si-tion] + disbar v.取消律师资格 [dis-bar] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - disclaim v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 [dis-claim] - dissolve v.使固体溶解 [dis-solve] - divest v.卸下盛装;剥夺 [di-vest] - negate v.取消;否认 [ne-gate] - nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] - oust v.驱逐;把…赶走 [oust] - override v.不理会;蹂躏,践踏 [o-ver-ride] - overrule v.(高位的人)否决(低位的人或事) [o-ver-rule] - quash v.镇压;取消 [quash] - recall v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回 [re-call] - recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) [re-cant] - recantation n.改变宗教信仰 [recantation] - renege v.背信,违约 [re-nege] + repeal v.废除(法律) [re-peal] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - rescind v.废除,取消 [re-scind] - rescission n.废除 [re-scis-sion] - retract v.缩回,收回 [re-tract] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] ***** resignation 757 - abdicate v.退位,辞职,放弃 [ab-di-cate] - abjure v.发誓放弃 [ab-jure] - abrogate v.废止,废除 [ab-ro-gate] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] - disclaim v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 [dis-claim] - renounce v.(正式)放弃 [re-nounce] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - retract v.缩回,收回 [re-tract] ***** consignee 758 - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] + attorney n.律师 [at-tor-ney] + broker n.经纪人 [bro-ker] + consul n.领事 [con-sul] + curator n.(博物馆等)馆长 [cu-ra-tor] - delegate n.代表;v.委派…为代表,授权 [del-e-gate] - emissary n.密使;特使 [em-is-sar-y] - factotum n.杂役,听差 [fac-to-tum] - functionary n.小官,低级公务员 [func-tion-ar-y] - proctor n.代理人,学监 [proc-tor] - referee n.裁判员;仲裁者 [ref-er-ee] - resident n.居民;a.定居的,常驻的 [res-i-dent] ***** deputy 759 - champion n.冠军;斗士;拥护者;v.拥护 [cham-pi-on] - chancellor n.大臣,总理,首席法官,大学校长 [chan-cel-lor] - consul n.领事 [con-sul] - delegate n.代表;v.委派…为代表,授权 [del-e-gate] - deputy n.代表;副警长 [dep-u-ty] - substitute n.代替品;v.代替 [sub-sti-tute] + surrogate n.代替品;代理人 [sur-ro-gate] - understudy n.预备演员,替角;v.充当…的替角 [un-der-stud-y] - vicar n.教区牧师 [vic-ar] ** Section II. Special Intersocial Volition ***** permission 760 - absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] + authorization n.授权,认可 [au-thor-i-za-tion] - charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] + concession n.让步 [con-ces-sion] - connive v.默许;纵容 [con-nive] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - empower v.授权给某人采取行动 [em-pow-er] - exonerate v.免除责任;确定无罪 [ex-on-er-ate] - grace n.优美 [grace] - grant v.同意给予 [grant] + gratify v.使高兴,使满足 [grat-i-fy] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] - legitimate a.合法的;正当的 [le-git-i-mate] - liberty n.随意,冒失 [lib-er-ty] - license n.放肆,自由;许可证,执照 [li-cense] - patent a.显而易见的;n.专利权(证书) [pa-tent] + permissive a.过分纵容的 [per-mis-sive] - precept n.箴言,格言 [pre-cept] + privilege n.特权,特别利益 [priv-i-lege] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] + sanction n./v.批准,认可 [sanc-tion] - tolerance n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 [tol-er-ance] - validate v.使…生效 [val-i-date] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] - warranty n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 [war-ran-ty] - wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] ***** prohibition 761 + ban n.禁令 [ban] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] - circumscribe v.限制 [cir-cum-scribe] - contraband n.违禁品,走私货 [con-tra-band] - embargo n.禁运令,封港令 [em-bar-go] - enjoin v.命令,吩咐 [en-join] - exclude v.排斥;排除 [ex-clude] - exclusive a.(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的 [ex-clu-sive] + forbid v.不许,禁止;妨碍,阻止 [for-bid] + forbidding a.(表情)冷峻的;形势险恶的 [for-bid-ding] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + illegal a.违法的 [il-le-gal] - inhibit v.抑制 [in-hib-it] - injunction n.命令,强制令 [in-junc-tion] + interdict v.禁止;切断(补给线) [in-ter-dict] + prohibitive a.抑制的;价格贵得买不起的 [pro-hib-i-tive] + proscribe v.禁止 [pro-scribe] - restrain v.克制,抑制 [re-strain] + taboo a.讳忌的;n.禁忌 [ta-boo] + veto n.否决,禁止 [ve-to] - withhold v.扣留,保留 [with-hold] ***** consent 762 - accede v.同意 [ac-cede] - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - acquiesce v.勉强同意,默许 [ac-qui-esce] - assent v.同意,赞成 [as-sent] - compliance n.顺从,遵从 [com-pli-ance] - comply v.遵循,顺从 [com-ply] - concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] - concession n.让步 [con-ces-sion] - consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] + deign v.屈尊,惠允(做某事) [deign] - grant v.同意给予 [grant] - ratification n.正式批准 [ratification] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] ***** offer 763 - bid v.命令;出价,投标 [bid] - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - overture n.前奏曲,序曲 [o-ver-ture] + presentation n.表演,介绍,描述 [pres-en-ta-tion] - press v.挤压 [press] + proffer n./v.献出,赠送;提议,建议 [prof-fer] - proposal n.提案,建议 [pro-po-sal] - proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] ***** refusal 764 - begrudge v.吝啬,勉强给 [be-grudge] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - decline v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 [de-cline] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - disclaim v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 [dis-claim] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - repulse v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 [re-pulse] - rescind v.废除,取消 [re-scind] - restive a.不安静的,不安宁的 [res-tive] ***** request 765 - address v.处理,对付,着手解决;致词 [ad-dress] - apostrophe n.书写中撇号(’)(表示省略或所有格) [a-pos-tro-phe] - appeal v.恳求;吸引;上诉 [ap-peal] - application n.请求,申请;应用,应用程序 [ap-pli-ca-tion] - beset v.镶嵌;困扰 [be-set] - besiege v.围攻,困扰 [be-siege] + cadge v.乞讨;占便宜 [cadge] - canvass v.细查;拉选票 [can-vass] - claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - conjure v.恳求,祈求;变魔术,变戏法 [con-jure] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + entreat v.恳求 [en-treat] + entreaty n.恳求,哀求 [en-treat-y] - evoke v.引起;唤起 [e-voke] + implore v.哀求,恳求 [im-plore] + importune v.强求,不断请求 [im-por-tune] + incantation n.咒语 [in-can-ta-tion] - invoke v.祈求;恳求;(法律的)实施生效 [in-voke] - overture n.前奏曲,序曲 [o-ver-ture] + petition n.请愿;请愿书 [pe-ti-tion] - plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 [plead] - press v.挤压 [press] - proposal n.提案,建议 [pro-po-sal] - proposition n.看法;提议 [prop-o-si-tion] - request n.要求,请求;v.要求,请求 [re-quest] + solicit v.恳求;教唆 [so-lic-it] + suppliant a.恳求的,哀求的;n.恳求者 [sup-pli-ant] + supplicant n.乞求者,恳求者 [sup-pli-cant] + supplicate v.恳求,乞求 [sup-pli-cate] + tout v.招徕顾客;极力赞扬 [tout] - urgent a.迫切的,紧急的 [ur-gent] ***** deprecation 766 - deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] - expostulate v.(对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫 [ex-pos-tu-late] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] ***** petitioner 767 + applicant n.申请人 [ap-pli-cant] - aspirant n.有抱负者 [as-pir-ant] - candidate n.候选人;参加考试的人 [can-di-date] + mendicant a.行乞的;n.乞丐 [men-di-cant] + pauper n.贫民,乞丐 [pau-per] + petitioner n.请愿人 [pe-ti-tion-er] - suppliant a.恳求的,哀求的;n.恳求者 [sup-pli-ant] - supplicant n.乞求者,恳求者 [sup-pli-cant] - tout v.招徕顾客;极力赞扬 [tout] ** Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition ***** promise 768 - assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] - attest (to)v.证明 [at-test] + betroth v.许配,和…订婚 [be-troth] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] + committed a.(对事业,本职工作等)尽忠的 [com-mit-ted] - contract n.合同;v.订合同;收缩 [con-tract] + covenant n.契约;v.立书保证 [cov-e-nant] + espousal n.拥护,支持 [es-pous-al] + guarantee v.保证,担保 [guar-an-tee] - oath n.誓言;咒骂 [oath] - obligation n.责任;债务,欠的人情 [ob-li-ga-tion] + pledge n.誓言,保证;v.发誓 [pledge] - plight n.困境,苦境 [plight] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] - stipulation n.规定,约定 [stip-u-la-tion] + underwrite v.同意负担…的费用;为…保险 [un-der-write] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] - warranty n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 [war-ran-ty] ***** release from engagement 768.a - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] ***** compact 769 - bargain n.交易; 物美价廉的东西;v.讨价还价 [bar-gain] - charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - compact a.结实的;简洁的;n.合同,协议 [com-pact] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] - confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] - contract n.合同;v.订合同;收缩 [con-tract] - conventional a.因循守旧的,传统的 [con-ven-tion-al] - covenant n.契约;v.立书保证 [cov-e-nant] + endorse v.背书;赞同 [en-dorse] - indent v.切割成锯齿状 [in-dent] + indenture n.契约,合同 [in-den-ture] - negotiate v.商议,谈判,交涉 [ne-go-ti-ate] + pact n.协定,条约 [pact] - protocol n.外交礼节;协议,草案 [pro-to-col] - ratification n.正式批准 [ratification] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] + stipulate v.要求以…为条件;约定 [stip-u-late] - stipulation n.规定,约定 [stip-u-la-tion] + treaty n.条约;协议 [trea-ty] - underwrite v.同意负担…的费用;为…保险 [un-der-write] ***** conditions 770 - covenant n.契约;v.立书保证 [cov-e-nant] - obligation n.责任;债务,欠的人情 [ob-li-ga-tion] - provisional a.暂时的,临时的 [pro-vi-sion-al] - stipulate v.要求以…为条件;约定 [stip-u-late] - stipulation n.规定,约定 [stip-u-la-tion] ***** security 771 - assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] - bail n.保释金 [bail] - charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - collateral a.平行的;旁系的;n.担保品 [col-lat-er-al] - covenant n.契约;v.立书保证 [cov-e-nant] - deed n.行为;(土地或建筑物的)转让契约、证书 [deed] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] - guarantee v.保证,担保 [guar-an-tee] - indenture n.契约,合同 [in-den-ture] + lien n.扣押权;留置权 [li-en] + mortgage n.抵押贷款;抵押证书;v.用…作抵押 [mort-gage] - pledge n.誓言,保证;v.发誓 [pledge] - plight n.困境,苦境 [plight] - receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] - stamp v./n.跺脚;在…上盖印 [stamp] + testament n.遗嘱;证明 [tes-ta-ment] - underwrite v.同意负担…的费用;为…保险 [un-der-write] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] - warranty n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 [war-ran-ty] ***** observance 772 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释 [ac-quit-tal] - adhere v.粘着 [ad-here] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] - compliance n.顺从,遵从 [com-pli-ance] - comply v.遵循,顺从 [com-ply] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] - fulfil v.履行;满足,符合 [ful-fil] - literal a.字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的 [lit-er-al] - loyal a.忠诚的,忠贞的,忠心的 [loy-al] - meet a.合适的 [meet] + punctilious a.谨小慎微的 [punc-til-i-ous] ***** nonobservance 773 - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - elude v.逃避;搞不清 [e-lude] - elusive a.难懂的 [e-lu-sive] - evade v.逃避;规避 [e-vade] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - evasive a.迥避的,逃避的,托辞的 [e-va-sive] + forfeit v.丧失,被罚没收;n.丧失物 [for-feit] - infraction n.违法 [in-frac-tion] - infringe v.违反,侵害 [in-fringe] - nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] - omit v.省略,遗漏;疏忽 [o-mit] - palter v.含糊其词 [pal-ter] - pirate n.海盗,剽窃者;v.盗印;掠夺 [pi-rate] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - retract v.缩回,收回 [re-tract] - transgress v.冒犯,违背 [trans-gress] - transgression n.违法,罪过 [trans-gres-sion] - violate v.违反,触犯 [vi-o-late] ***** compromise 774 - adjust v.整顿,整理;适应 [ad-just] - commute v.交换;坐公交车上下班 [com-mute] - compound n.复合物;v.搀和 [com-pound] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] ** Section IV. Possessive Relations *** 1. Property In General ***** acquisition 775 - accrue v.(利息等)增大;增多 [ac-crue] + acquired a.后天习得的 [ac-quired] - descent n.降落;侵袭;血统 [de-scent] - glean v.拾落穗;收集(材料等) [glean] + inherit v.继承 [in-her-it] + lucrative a.赚钱的,有利可图的 [lu-cra-tive] + pelf n.钱财;不义之财 [pelf] + proceeds n.收入 [pro-ceeds] - procure v.取得,获得 [pro-cure] - procurement n.获得,接收 [pro-cure-ment] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - purchase n.支点(阻止东西下滑) [pur-chase] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - remunerative a.报酬高的,有利润的 [re-mu-ner-a-tive] - restitution n.归偿;赔偿 [res-ti-tu-tion] - retrieve v./n.寻回,取回;挽回(错误) [re-trieve] + salvage n./v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 [sal-vage] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] ***** loss 776 - bereft a.被剥夺的;缺少的 [be-reft] + deprivation n.剥夺;缺乏 [dep-ri-va-tion] - farewell interj.再会,再见;n.辞行,告别 [fare-well] - forfeit v.丧失,被罚没收;n.丧失物 [for-feit] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] + privation n.丧失,贫困 [pri-va-tion] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** possession 777 - engross v.全神贯注于 [en-gross] - forestall v.先发制人,预先阻止 [fore-stall] - fraught a.充满…的 [fraught] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - inherit v.继承 [in-her-it] - monopoly n.专利权,垄断 [mo-nop-o-ly] - pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] - possessed a.着迷的;疯狂的 [pos-sessed] + tenure n.任期;终身职位 [ten-ure] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] ***** exemption 777.a - devoid a.空的,缺少的 [de-void] - immunity n.免疫;豁免 [im-mu-ni-ty] - privilege n.特权,特别利益 [priv-i-lege] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] ***** participation 778 ***** possessor 779 + proprietary a.私有的 [pro-pri-e-tar-y] - tenant n.房客 [ten-ant] ***** property 780 - cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物 [car-go] - claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - domain n.领土;领域 [do-main] - facilities n.(使事情便利的)设备、工具 [facilities] - feud n.宿怨,不和 [feud] + heirloom n.传家宝 [heir-loom] - inherit v.继承 [in-her-it] + lease n.租约;租期;v.出租 [lease] + legacy n.遗产;遗留之物 [leg-a-cy] - mandatory a.命令的,强迫的 [man-da-to-ry] - patent a.显而易见的;n.专利权(证书) [pa-tent] + patrimony n.祖传的财产 [pat-ri-mo-ny] - pelf n.钱财;不义之财 [pelf] - pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] - realm n.王国;领域,范围 [realm] - remainder n.剩余物 [re-main-der] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - suitcase n.手提箱,箱子 [suit-case] - tenure n.任期;终身职位 [ten-ure] ***** retention 781 - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] - custody n.监管,保管 [cus-to-dy] + detain v.拘留;使延迟 [de-tain] - entail v.需要,需求,必须 [en-tail] - gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] + inalienable a.不可剥夺的 [in-al-ien-a-ble] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - retain v.保留,保持;留住 [re-tain] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] - talon n.猛禽的锐爪 [tal-on] - tenacious a.坚韧不拔的 [te-na-cious] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] - tongs n.夹子,钳子 [tongs] - withhold v.扣留,保留 [with-hold] + wrist n.腕,腕关节 [wrist] ***** relinquishment 782 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] - cede v.割让(土地权利),放弃 [cede] - cession n.割让,转让 [ces-sion] - derelict a.荒废的;玩忽职守的;n.被遗弃的人 [der-e-lict] + dereliction n.遗弃,弃置 [der-e-lic-tion] - discard v.扔掉,抛弃 [dis-card] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - divest v.卸下盛装;剥夺 [di-vest] - forgo v.放弃,抛弃 [for-go] + jettison v.(船)向外抛弃东西;n.抛弃的货物 [jet-ti-son] - maroon n./a.栗色(的) [ma-roon] - relinquish v.放弃,废除 [re-lin-quish] - renounce v.(正式)放弃 [re-nounce] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - supersede v.淘汰,取代 [su-per-sede] - surrender v.投降;放弃;归还 [sur-ren-der] *** 2. Transfer of Property ***** transfer 783 + alienate v.疏远,离间某人 [al-ien-ate] + amortize v.分期偿还 [a-mor-tize] - barter v.易货贸易 [bar-ter] - consign v.托运;托人看管 [con-sign] - convey v.运载,运送;表达 [con-vey] - demise n.死亡;财产转让 [de-mise] - grant v.同意给予 [grant] + negotiable a.可商量的 [ne-go-ti-a-ble] - negotiate v.商议,谈判,交涉 [ne-go-ti-ate] - substitute n.代替品;v.代替 [sub-sti-tute] - transfer v.转移,传递;调任,转让 [trans-fer] - transmit v.传送,传播 [trans-mit] ***** giving 784 - accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - accord v./n.同意;一致 [ac-cord] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] - amortize v.分期偿还 [a-mor-tize] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] + bequeath . 遗赠 [be-queath] + bequest n.遗产,遗赠物 [be-quest] + bestow v.给予,赐赠 [be-stow] - boon n.恩惠,天赐福利 [boon] - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - cede v.割让(土地权利),放弃 [cede] + charitable a.仁慈的;宽厚的 [char-i-ta-ble] + charity n.仁慈;施舍 [char-i-ty] - communicate v.传送信息,沟通 [com-mu-ni-cate] - concede v.承认(为正确);让步 [con-cede] - concession n.让步 [con-ces-sion] - confer v.讨论,商谈;赠予 [con-fer] - consign v.托运;托人看管 [con-sign] - devise v.发明,设计;图谋;遗赠给 [de-vise] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - donate v.捐赠,赠送 [do-nate] + donor n.捐赠者,赠送者;献血者 [do-nor] - endow v.资助,捐助 [en-dow] + generosity n.慷慨,大方 [gen-er-os-i-ty] - grace n.优美 [grace] - graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] - grant v.同意给予 [grant] + gratuity n.赏钱,小费 [gra-tu-i-ty] - grease n.(炼出的)动物油脂;滑脂 [grease] + honorarium n.酬劳金,谢礼 [hon-o-rar-i-um] - immolate v.牺牲,焚祭 [im-mo-late] - impart v.传授,告知 [im-part] - indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] + largess n.赠送,赏赐;赠品;贺礼 [lar-gess] + largesse n.慷慨援助;施舍 [lar-gesse] - lavish a.浪费的;丰富的 [lav-ish] - legacy n.遗产;遗留之物 [leg-a-cy] + liberality n.慷慨;心胸开阔 [lib-er-al-i-ty] - mete v.给予,分配;测量;n.边界 [mete] - presentation n.表演,介绍,描述 [pres-en-ta-tion] - presenter n.主持人 [presenter] - render v.呈递,表现;提供 [ren-der] - sacrifice n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 [sac-ri-fice] - shed v.流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子) [shed] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] + subsidy n.补助金 [sub-si-dy] + tribute n.赞辞;贡物 [trib-ute] ***** receiving 785 - accrue v.(利息等)增大;增多 [ac-crue] - admission n.许可;入会费;承认 [ad-mis-sion] - recipient n.接受者,收受者 [re-cip-i-ent] ***** apportionment 786 + allocate v.配给,分配 [al-lo-cate] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] - appoint v.任命,指定;约会 [ap-point] - appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] - carve v.雕刻 [carve] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - distribute v.分发,分配某事物 [dis-trib-ute] - dose n.剂量,一剂 [dose] - lot n.签;命运;v.抽签,划分 [lot] - mete v.给予,分配;测量;n.边界 [mete] - modicum n.少量 [mod-i-cum] - partition n.隔开;隔墙 [par-ti-tion] - pittance n.微薄的薪俸,少量的收入 [pit-tance] - quantum n.量子;定量 [quan-tum] + quota n.定额,配额 [quo-ta] - ration n.定量配给;v.配给 [ra-tion] - separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] ***** lending 787 - accommodate v.与…一致;提供食宿 [ac-com-mo-date] - demise n.死亡;财产转让 [de-mise] - lease n.租约;租期;v.出租 [lease] - mortgage n.抵押贷款;抵押证书;v.用…作抵押 [mort-gage] ***** borrowing 788 - adopt v.收养;采纳 [a-dopt] - appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] - plagiarism n.剽窃,抄袭 [pla-gia-rism] + preempt v.以先买权取得);取代 [pre-empt] - rent n.裂缝;(意见)分歧 [rent] ***** taking 789 - absorb v.吸收;同化;吸引…的注意 [ab-sorb] - abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] - appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - bereft a.被剥夺的;缺少的 [be-reft] - caption n.标题 [cap-tion] + capture v.俘获;夺取或赢得;n.战利品 [cap-ture] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - clinch v.钉牢;彻底解决 [clinch] - collar n.衣领;戴在动物颈部的项圈 [col-lar] + confiscate v.没收;充公 [con-fis-cate] - deduct v.减去,扣除;演绎 [de-duct] - deprivation n.剥夺;缺乏 [dep-ri-va-tion] + distress n.痛苦,悲痛 [dis-tress] - divest v.卸下盛装;剥夺 [di-vest] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - eviction n.(对房客或佃户的)驱逐 [e-vic-tion] - exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] - extort v.强索,敲诈 [ex-tort] - gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] - impoverish v.使成赤贫 [im-pov-er-ish] - intercept v.中途拦截,截取 [in-ter-cept] - kidnap v.诱拐,绑架,勒赎 [kid-nap] - levy v./n.征税;征兵 [lev-y] - oust v.驱逐;把…赶走 [oust] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] - preempt v.以先买权取得);取代 [pre-empt] + rapacious a.强夺的,贪婪的 [ra-pa-cious] + ravenous a.饿极了的,贪婪的 [rav-en-ous] - reap v.收割,收获 [reap] - reprisal n.(政治或军事的)报复 [re-pris-al] + reprise n.(音乐剧中)乐曲的重复;重复 [re-prise] - resume v.重新开始,继续 [re-su-me] - retrench v.节省,紧缩费用 [re-trench] + sequester v.(使)隐退;使隔离 [se-ques-ter] - shear v.剪(羊毛),剪发 [shear] + shoplift v.在商店里偷窃货品 [shoplift] - snatch n./v.强夺,攫取 [snatch] - strip v.剥去;n.狭长的一片 [strip] - taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] - usurp v.篡夺,霸占 [u-surp] - wrench v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 [wrench] ***** restitution 790 - compensate v.补偿,赔偿 [com-pen-sate] - disgorge v.呕出;(水)流走 [dis-gorge] - indemnify v.赔偿,偿付 [in-dem-ni-fy] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - rehabilitate v.修复,恢复(职业等) [re-ha-bil-i-tate] + reimburse v.偿还 [re-im-burse] - reinstate v.恢复(原职) [re-in-state] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - render v.呈递,表现;提供 [ren-der] - reparation n.赔偿,补偿 [rep-a-ra-tion] - repatriate v.(自异国)遣返 [re-pa-tri-ate] - restitution n.归偿;赔偿 [res-ti-tu-tion] - restore v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 [re-store] - revert v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 [re-vert] ***** stealing 791 - abstract n.摘要;a.抽象的 [ab-stract] - appropriate v.拨款;盗用;a.恰当的 [ap-pro-pri-ate] + badger n.獾;v.一再烦扰,一再要求 [badg-er] - bilk v.躲债;骗取 [bilk] - defraud v.欺骗某人 [de-fraud] + embezzlement n.贪污,盗用 [em-bez-zle-ment] + filibuster v./n.妨碍议事,阻挠 [fil-i-bus-ter] - forage n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草;v.搜寻,翻寻 [for-age] - fraud n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 [fraud] - furtive a. 偷偷的,秘密的 [fur-tive] - kidnap v.诱拐,绑架,勒赎 [kid-nap] - pirate n.海盗,剽窃者;v.盗印;掠夺 [pi-rate] - plagiarism n.剽窃,抄袭 [pla-gia-rism] + plagiarize v.剽窃,抄袭 [pla-gia-rize] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] + plunder v.抢劫,掠夺 [plun-der] + purloin v.偷窃 [pur-loin] - raid n.突然袭击 [raid] - rifle n.步枪;v.抢劫 [ri-fle] - shoplift v.在商店里偷窃货品 [shoplift] - smuggle v.走私,私运 [smug-gle] - spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] - strip v.剥去;n.狭长的一片 [strip] - swindle v.诈骗 [swin-dle] ***** thief 792 - badger n.獾;v.一再烦扰,一再要求 [badg-er] - crook v.使弯曲;n.钩状物 [crook] + falcon n.猎鹰;隼 [fal-con] - filibuster v./n.妨碍议事,阻挠 [fil-i-bus-ter] + forager n.强征(粮食)者,抢劫者;粮草征发员;成散开横队的骑兵 [for-ag-er] - forger n.伪造者;打铁匠 [forg-er] - hawk n.隼,鹰 [hawk] - lumberjack n.伐木工 [lum-ber-jack] - pirate n.海盗,剽窃者;v.盗印;掠夺 [pi-rate] - ranger n.森林管理员;巡逻骑警 [rang-er] ***** booty 793 - plunder v.抢劫,掠夺 [plun-der] - prey n.被捕食的动物 [prey] - spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] *** 3. Interchange of Property ***** barter 794 - bargain n.交易; 物美价廉的东西;v.讨价还价 [bar-gain] - barter v.易货贸易 [bar-ter] - bid v.命令;出价,投标 [bid] - dealing n.生意行为;作风 [deal-ing] + huckster n.叫卖小贩,零售商 [huck-ster] - interchangeable a.可互换的 [in-ter-change-a-ble] - interplay v./n.相互影响 [in-ter-play] + mercantile a.贸易的,商业的 [mer-can-tile] - negotiate v.商议,谈判,交涉 [ne-go-ti-ate] - retail v.零售;n.零售 [re-tail] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] - transaction n.办理,交易 [trans-ac-tion] + underbid v.要价过低 [un-der-bid] ***** purchase 795 - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] + clientele n.(医生、律师的)顾客,(商店的)常客 [cli-en-tele] - procure v.取得,获得 [pro-cure] - purchase n.支点(阻止东西下滑) [pur-chase] - rent n.裂缝;(意见)分歧 [rent] - suborn v.收买,贿赂 [sub-orn] ***** sale 796 + auction n.拍卖 [auc-tion] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - disposal n.清除,处理 [dis-pos-al] - dispose v.使倾向;处理掉 [dis-pose] - hawk n.隼,鹰 [hawk] - mortgage n.抵押贷款;抵押证书;v.用…作抵押 [mort-gage] - retail v.零售;n.零售 [re-tail] - undercut v.削价与(竞争者)抢生意 [un-der-cut] + vendor n.小贩 [ven-dor] - vent v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 [vent] + warmonger n.好战者,战争贩子 [war-mong-er] ***** merchant 797 - broker n.经纪人 [bro-ker] - huckster n.叫卖小贩,零售商 [huck-ster] + vintner n.酒商 [vint-ner] ***** merchandise 798 - cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物 [car-go] + commodity n.商品 [com-mod-i-ty] - produce n.产品;农产品 [pro-duce] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] ***** mart 799 - auction n.拍卖 [auc-tion] + bazaar n.集市,商店集中区 [ba-zaar] - stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] - staple n.主要产品 [sta-ple] - warehouse n.仓库,货栈 [ware-house] ***** stock market 799.a - broker n.经纪人 [bro-ker] - speculate v.沉思,思索;投机 [spec-u-late] ***** securities 799.b + securities n.证券 [securities] *** 4. Monetary Relations ***** money 800 - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - calcium n.钙 [cal-ci-um] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - circulate v.循环;流通;发行 [cir-cu-late] - circulation n.循环,流通;发行额 [cir-cu-la-tion] - counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 [coun-ter-feit] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - debase v.贬低,贬损 [de-base] - discount n.折扣 [dis-count] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - ferrous a.含铁的 [fer-rous] + fiscal a.国库的,财政的 [fis-cal] - inflate v.使充气,使膨胀 [in-flate] - issue v.出来,流出;发给,分发;n.(书刊的)期 [is-sue] - liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] - mint n.大量;巨额 [mint] - mite n.极小量;小虫 [mite] + monetary a.货币的 [mon-e-tar-y] + numismatist n.钱币学家,钱币收藏家 [nu-mis-ma-tist] - proceeds n.收入 [pro-ceeds] - stock a.普通的,惯用的;n.存货 [stock] - utter a.完全的;v.发出声音 [ut-ter] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] ***** treasurer 801 ***** treasury 802 ***** wealth 803 - affluence n.充裕,富足 [af-flu-ence] - affluent a.富裕的,丰富的 [af-flu-ent] - competence n.胜任,能力 [com-pe-tence] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - maintenance n.维持,维护 [main-te-nance] + opulent a.富裕的;充足的 [op-u-lent] - pelf n.钱财;不义之财 [pelf] - provision n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 [pro-vi-sion] - solvent a.有偿债能力的;n.溶剂 [sol-vent] - substance n.大意,根据,实质;物质 [sub-stance] ***** poverty 804 - bereft a.被剥夺的;缺少的 [be-reft] + destitution n.匮乏,穷困 [des-ti-tu-tion] - distress n.痛苦,悲痛 [dis-tress] + impecunious a.不名一文的,贫困的 [im-pe-cu-ni-ous] - impoverish v.使成赤贫 [im-pov-er-ish] - indigence n.贫穷 [in-di-gence] + indigent a.贫穷的,贫困的 [in-di-gent] - insolvency n.无力偿还;破产 [in-sol-ven-cy] - mendicant a.行乞的;n.乞丐 [men-di-cant] + needy a.贫穷的 [need-y] - pauper n.贫民,乞丐 [pau-per] + penury n.贫穷;吝啬 [pen-u-ry] - privation n.丧失,贫困 [pri-va-tion] - want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] ***** credit 805 - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - draft n.草稿,草案;汇票 [draft] - lien n.扣押权;留置权 [li-en] - mortgage n.抵押贷款;抵押证书;v.用…作抵押 [mort-gage] - score n.乐谱 [score] - securities n.证券 [securities] - tally v.(使)一致,符合 [tal-ly] ***** debt 806 - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - default v./n.拖债;未履行的责任 [de-fault] - deficit n.不足,赤字 [def-i-cit] + indebted a.感激的,感恩的 [in-debt-ed] - insolvency n.无力偿还;破产 [in-sol-ven-cy] - liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] - obligation n.责任;债务,欠的人情 [ob-li-ga-tion] + premium n.保险费;奖金 [pre-mi-um] - score n.乐谱 [score] + unrequited a.无报答的 [un-re-quit-ed] + usury n.放高利贷 [u-su-ry] ***** payment 807 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - disgorge v.呕出;(水)流走 [dis-gorge] - even a.平的 [e-ven] - expend v.花费;用光 [ex-pend] + liquidate v.清算;清偿 [liq-ui-date] - receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - reimburse v.偿还 [re-im-burse] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - retribution n.报应,惩罚 [ret-ri-bu-tion] - settle v.安置于;决定;栖息 [set-tle] - shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] ***** nonpayment 808 - bankrupt a.破产的 [bank-rupt] - default v./n.拖债;未履行的责任 [de-fault] - insolvency n.无力偿还;破产 [in-sol-ven-cy] - nullify v.使无效,取消 [nul-li-fy] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - swindle v.诈骗 [swin-dle] ***** expenditure 809 - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] - circulation n.循环,流通;发行额 [cir-cu-la-tion] - contingent a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 [con-tin-gent] + disburse v.支付,支出 [dis-burse] - earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] - expend v.花费;用光 [ex-pend] - expenditure n.消耗,支出 [ex-pend-i-ture] - garnish v.装饰 [gar-nish] - purchase n.支点(阻止东西下滑) [pur-chase] - quota n.定额,配额 [quo-ta] - shell n.贝壳;炮弹;v.剥去…的壳 [shell] - subsidy n.补助金 [sub-si-dy] - tribute n.赞辞;贡物 [trib-ute] ***** receipt 810 - accrue v.(利息等)增大;增多 [ac-crue] - pittance n.微薄的薪俸,少量的收入 [pit-tance] - premium n.保险费;奖金 [pre-mi-um] - proceeds n.收入 [pro-ceeds] - receipt n.收到,接到;发票,收据 [re-ceipt] - rent n.裂缝;(意见)分歧 [rent] - revenue n.总收入;国家的税收收入 [rev-e-nue] ***** accounts 811 - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - audit v.审计,核对;旁听 [au-dit] - budget n.预算 [budg-et] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - expenditure n.消耗,支出 [ex-pend-i-ture] - ledger n.账簿 [ledg-er] - monetary a.货币的 [mon-e-tar-y] - score n.乐谱 [score] ***** price 812 - appraise v.评价,鉴定 [ap-praise] - assess v.确定,评定;估计…的质量 [as-sess] - assessment n.估计,评价 [as-sess-ment] - demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - excise v.切除,删去 [ex-cise] - gavel n.(法官所用的)槌,小木槌 [gav-el] - levy v./n.征税;征兵 [lev-y] - liquidate v.清算;清偿 [liq-ui-date] - mercenary a.惟利是图的;n.雇佣兵 [mer-ce-nar-y] - ransom n.赎金;赎身;v.赎回 [ran-som] - salvage n./v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 [sal-vage] + tariff n.关税 [tar-iff] - toll n.过路(桥)费;伤亡人数,损失;v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲 [toll] + venal a.惟利是图的,贪赃枉法的 [ve-nal] ***** value 812.a - appraise v.评价,鉴定 [ap-praise] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] - assess v.确定,评定;估计…的质量 [as-sess] - assessment n.估计,评价 [as-sess-ment] - estimable a.值得尊敬的;可估计的 [es-ti-ma-ble] ***** worthlessness 812.b - shoddy n.劣质的,冒充好货的 [shod-dy] ***** discount 813 - abate v.减轻,减少 [a-bate] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] - bargain n.交易; 物美价廉的东西;v.讨价还价 [bar-gain] - concession n.让步 [con-ces-sion] - discount n.折扣 [dis-count] - rebate n.折扣,回扣 [re-bate] - salvage n./v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 [sal-vage] - tare n.莠草,杂草 [tare] ***** dearness 814 - exorbitant a.过分的,过度的 [ex-or-bi-tant] - extort v.强索,敲诈 [ex-tort] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] + profiteer n.奸商,牟取暴利者 [prof-i-teer] ***** cheapness 815 - bargain n.交易; 物美价廉的东西;v.讨价还价 [bar-gain] - gratuitous a.无缘无故的;免费的 [gra-tu-i-tous] - gratuity n.赏钱,小费 [gra-tu-i-ty] - low v.牛叫 [low] ***** liberality 816 - charitable a.仁慈的;宽厚的 [char-i-ta-ble] - charity n.仁慈;施舍 [char-i-ty] - generosity n.慷慨,大方 [gen-er-os-i-ty] + hospitable a.豁达的 [hos-pi-ta-ble] - liberality n.慷慨;心胸开阔 [lib-er-al-i-ty] + munificence n.慷慨,宽宏大量 [mu-nif-i-cence] + ungrudging a.慷慨的 [un-grudg-ing] ***** economy 817 + chary a.小心的,审慎的 [char-y] + economical a.经济的,节约的 [e-co-nom-i-cal] + frugal a.节约的,节俭的 [fru-gal] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] - husbandry n.耕种,务农;节敛管理 [hus-band-ry] + parsimony n.过分节俭,吝啬 [par-si-mo-ny] - retrench v.节省,紧缩费用 [re-trench] - sparing a.节俭的 [spar-ing] ***** greed 817.a + acquisitive a.渴望得到的,贪婪的 [ac-quis-i-tive] + avarice n.贪财,贪婪 [av-a-rice] + avaricious a.贪婪的,贪心的 [av-a-ri-cious] + covet v.贪求,妄想 [cov-et] + craving n.强烈的愿望 [crav-ing] + cupidity n.贪婪 [cu-pid-i-ty] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - exacting a.苛求的;要求严格的 [ex-act-ing] - extort v.强索,敲诈 [ex-tort] + grasping a.贪心的,贪婪的 [grasp-ing] + insatiable a.不能满足的,贪心的 [in-sa-tia-ble] - rapacious a.强夺的,贪婪的 [ra-pa-cious] - ravenous a.饿极了的,贪婪的 [rav-en-ous] + sordid a.卑鄙的;肮脏的 [sor-did] + voracious a.狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的 [vo-ra-cious] ***** prodigality 818 - dissipate v.(使)驱散;浪费 [dis-si-pate] - drain v.排出沟外;喝光 [drain] - exhaust n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 [ex-haust] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] - improvident a.无远见的,不节俭的 [im-prov-i-dent] - lavish a.浪费的;丰富的 [lav-ish] - prodigal a.挥霍的;n.挥霍者 [prod-i-gal] - profuse a.很多的;浪费的 [pro-fuse] + spendthrift adj./n.挥金如土的(人) [spend-thrift] - squander v.浪费,挥霍 [squan-der] - waste v.使身体消瘦,损耗 [waste] ***** parsimony 819 - avarice n.贪财,贪婪 [av-a-rice] - avaricious a.贪婪的,贪心的 [av-a-ri-cious] - begrudge v.吝啬,勉强给 [be-grudge] - chary a.小心的,审慎的 [char-y] + churl n.粗鄙之人 [churl] - curmudgeon n.脾气暴躁之人 [cur-mudg-eon] + famish v.使饥饿 [fam-ish] - gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] - hidebound a.顽固的,心胸狭窄的 [hide-bound] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - mercenary a.惟利是图的;n.雇佣兵 [mer-ce-nar-y] + miser n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 [mi-ser] + miserly a.吝啬的,贪婪的 [mi-ser-ly] - parsimony n.过分节俭,吝啬 [par-si-mo-ny] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] - rapacious a.强夺的,贪婪的 [ra-pa-cious] - screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼 [screw] - skimp v.节省花费 [skimp] + skinflint n.吝啬鬼 [skin-flint] - sordid a.卑鄙的;肮脏的 [sor-did] - sparing a.节俭的 [spar-ing] + stinginess n.小气 [stin-gi-ness] - stingy a.吝啬的,小气的 [stin-gy] - stint v.吝惜,节省 [stint] - tenacity n.坚持,固执 [tenacity] - tightfisted a.吝啬的 [tight-fist-ed] - underbid v.要价过低 [un-der-bid] - venal a.惟利是图的,贪赃枉法的 [ve-nal] - withhold v.扣留,保留 [with-hold] * Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers ** Section I. Affections in General ***** affections 820 - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] - bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - disposition n.处理;天性,气质 [dis-po-si-tion] - ethos n.(个人、团体或民族)道德风貌,思潮,信仰 [e-thos] - fervor n.热诚,热心 [fer-vor] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - inborn a.天生的,天赋的 [in-born] - ingrained a.根深蒂固的 [in-grained] - inveterate a.积习已深的 [in-vet-er-ate] + mettle n.勇气,斗志 [met-tle] - morale n.士气,精神力量 [mo-rale] - predilection n.偏袒,爱好 [pre-di-lec-tion] - predisposition n.倾向,癖性 [pre-dis-po-si-tion] - prone a.俯卧的;倾向于…的 [prone] - propensity n.嗜好,习性 [pro-pen-si-ty] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] ***** feeling 821 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] + affection n.爱 [af-fec-tion] - agitated a.被鼓动的;不安的 [ag-i-tat-ed] - ardent a.热心的,热烈的 [ar-dent] - blush v.因某事物脸红;n.因羞愧等脸上泛出的红晕 [blush] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] - earnest a.认真的 [ear-nest] - ecstasy n.狂喜;激情状态 [ec-sta-sy] + ecstatic a.狂喜的,心花怒放的 [ec-stat-ic] - endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] - feedback n.(信息的)反馈 [feed-back] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - fervid a.炽热的,热情的 [fer-vid] - fervor n.热诚,热心 [fer-vor] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] - glow v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 [glow] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] - gush v.涌出;滔滔不绝地说 [gush] - hectic a.兴奋的;繁忙的 [hec-tic] - impetuous a.冲动的,鲁莽的 [im-pet-u-ous] - impressed a.被打动的;被感动的 [impressed] - impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕 [im-pres-sion] - incisive a.一针见血的 [in-ci-sive] - indelible a.擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭的 [in-del-i-ble] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - kinetic a.运动的 [ki-net-ic] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - obsessed a.心神不宁的 [obsessed] - palpitate v.(心脏)急速而不规则地跳动 [pal-pi-tate] - passionate a.充满激情的 [pas-sion-ate] - perfervid a.非常热心的 [per-fer-vid] - piercing a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 [pierc-ing] - piquant a.辛辣的,开胃的;兴奋的 [pi-quant] - poignant a.伤心的;尖锐的 [poign-ant] - profound a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的 [pro-found] - pungent a.味道刺激的;苛刻的 [pun-gent] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] - rabid a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 [rab-id] - racy a.活泼的,生动的 [rac-y] - rapt a.专心致志的,全神贯注的 [rapt] - response n.反应,响应,回答 [re-sponse] - responsiveness n.应答,响应 [re-spon-sive-ness] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - sensation n.知觉;轰动(的事) [sen-sa-tion] - sensitivity n.敏感,灵敏性 [sen-si-tiv-i-ty] - sentient a.有知觉的;知悉的 [sen-ti-ent] - sincere a.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的 [sin-cere] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量) [sus-tain] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - tangy a.强烈的,扑鼻的 [tang-y] - tempo n.(动作、生活的)步调,速度 [tem-po] - tolerance n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 [tol-er-ance] - tremor n.震动,地震 [trem-or] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] - trepidation n.恐惧,惶恐 [trep-i-da-tion] + unsettling a.令人不安的,扰乱的,使窘困的 [unsettling] - verve n.(艺术作品的)神韵;(人)生机 [verve] - wince v.避开,畏缩 [wince] - wistful a.惆怅的,渴望的 [wist-ful] ***** sensibility 822 - bathetic a.假作悲伤的;陈腐的 [ba-thet-ic] + excitability n.易兴奋性,易激动性 [ex-cit-a-bil-i-ty] + fastidious a.难取悦的,挑剔的 [fas-tid-i-ous] + impressionable a.易受影响的 [im-pres-sion-a-ble] + mettlesome a.精神抖擞的 [met-tle-some] - mobile a.易于移动的 [mo-bile] - mobility n.可动性,流动性 [mo-bil-i-ty] - sensible a.明智的;可感觉到的 [sen-si-ble] - sensitive a.敏感的 [sen-si-tive] - sensitivity n.敏感,灵敏性 [sen-si-tiv-i-ty] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] - susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] + susceptible a.易受影响的,脆弱的 [sus-cep-ti-ble] - vivacious a.活泼的,快活的 [vi-va-cious] ***** insensibility 823 + analgesia n.无痛觉,痛觉丧失 [an-al-ge-si-a] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - callous a.结硬块的 [cal-lous] - coma n.昏迷状态 [co-ma] - comatose a.昏迷的 [co-ma-tose] + cryogenic a.低温的,制冷的;低温学的 [cry-o-gen-ic] - deaden v.减低某物的力量或强度 [dead-en] - deadpan a./n.无表情的(脸) [dead-pan] - disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - frigid a.寒冷的;死板的 [frig-id] - frigidity n.寒冷;冷淡 [fri-gid-i-ty] - impassive a.无动于衷的,冷漠的 [im-pas-sive] + imperturbable a.冷静的,沉着的 [im-per-turb-a-ble] - impervious a.不能渗透的;不为所动的 [im-per-vi-ous] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] - inert a.惰性的;行动迟钝的 [in-ert] - inertia n.惰性;懒惰 [in-er-tia] - insentient a.无知觉的,无生命的 [in-sen-ti-ent] - insouciant a.漫不经心的 [in-sou-ci-ant] + inured a.习惯的 [in-ured] - languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 [lan-guid] - lethargy n.昏睡;倦怠;呆滞懒散 [leth-ar-gy] - lukewarm a.微温的,不热心的 [luke-warm] - marble n.大理石 [mar-ble] - maudlin a.感情脆弱的,爱哭的 [maud-lin] - menthol n.薄荷醇 [men-thol] - nonchalance n.冷漠,缺少关怀;沉着 [non-cha-lance] + nonchalant a.冷漠的 [non-cha-lant] - numb a.麻木的 [numb] - oafishness n.痴呆 [oafishness] - obtuse a.愚笨的;不锐利的 [ob-tuse] + phlegmatic a.冷静的,冷淡的 [phleg-mat-ic] - sear v.(以烈火)烧灼 [sear] + stoic n.坚忍克己之人 [sto-ic] - stupor n.昏迷,不醒人事 [stu-por] - supine a.仰卧的;懒散的 [su-pine] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - torpid a.懒散的,死气沉沉的 [tor-pid] - torpor n.死气沉沉 [tor-por] - trance n.恍惚,昏睡状态 [trance] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] - unconscious a.不省人事的;未意识到的 [un-con-scious] - unmoved a.无动于衷的,冷漠的;镇定的 [un-moved] ***** excitation 824 - absorb v.吸收;同化;吸引…的注意 [ab-sorb] - agitate v.搅动,煽动;使不安,使焦虑 [ag-i-tate] - animate a.活的,有生命的;v.赋予生命 [an-i-mate] - animation n.活泼,有生气;卡通制作 [an-i-ma-tion] - appetizing a.美味可口的,促进食欲的 [ap-pe-tiz-ing] - arouse v.唤醒;激发 [a-rouse] + astound v.使震惊 [a-stound] - distract v.分心,转移;使发狂,困扰 [dis-tract] - distracted a.心烦意乱的,精神不集中的 [dis-tract-ed] + enrapture v.使狂喜,使高兴 [en-rap-ture] - evoke v.引起;唤起 [e-voke] - fervid a.炽热的,热情的 [fer-vid] - foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] - foster v.培养,鼓励;领养 [fos-ter] - frantic a.疯狂的,狂乱的 [fran-tic] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] - galvanize v.电镀;通电;激励 [gal-va-nize] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] - hearten v.鼓励,激励 [heart-en] - imposing a.壮丽的,雄伟的 [im-pos-ing] - infection n.传染,感染 [in-fec-tion] - inflame v.使燃烧;激怒(某人) [in-flame] - infuriate v.使(人)极为愤怒 [in-fu-ri-ate] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] + intoxicate v.(使)沉醉,(使)欣喜若狂;(使)喝醉 [in-tox-i-cate] - irritate v.激怒;刺激 [ir-ri-tate] - irritation n.愤怒,急躁,刺激 [ir-ri-ta-tion] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] - overpowering a.压倒性的,不可抗拒的 [o-ver-pow-er-ing] - overwhelm v.泛滥;压倒 [o-ver-whelm] - overwrought a.紧张过度的 [o-ver-wrought] - penetrate v.刺穿;渗入;了解 [pen-e-trate] - petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - piquant a.辛辣的,开胃的;兴奋的 [pi-quant] + pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - provocation n.挑衅,激怒 [prov-o-ca-tion] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - rave n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 [rave] - revive v.使苏醒;再流 [re-vive] - riveting a.非常精彩的 [riv-et-ing] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - scalding a.滚烫的 [scalding] - seethe v.沸腾,汹涌 [seethe] - startle v.使吃惊 [star-tle] - sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] - stir v.刺激 [stir] - stoke v.给…添加燃料 [stoke] - telling a.有效的,显著的 [tell-ing] - tension n.紧张,焦虑;张力 [ten-sion] - unsettling a.令人不安的,扰乱的,使窘困的 [unsettling] - whet v.磨快;刺激 [whet] ***** excitability 825 - agony n.极大痛苦 [ag-o-ny] - befuddlement n.迷惑不解 [be-fud-dle-ment] - boisterous a.喧闹的;猛烈的 [bois-ter-ous] - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] - delirious a.精神错乱的 [de-lir-i-ous] - delirium n.精神错乱 [de-lir-i-um] - demonstrative a.证明性的;喜怒形于色的 [de-mon-stra-tive] - ebullience n.兴冲冲,亢奋 [e-bul-lience] - enzyme n.酵素,酶 [en-zyme] - excitability n.易兴奋性,易激动性 [ex-cit-a-bil-i-ty] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - fidget v.坐立不安;n.烦躁之人 [fidg-et] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] - frenzy n.极度激动的状态,狂暴 [fren-zy] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] - furor n.轰动;盛怒 [fu-ror] - fuss n.大惊小怪 [fuss] - fussy a.爱挑剔的 [fuss-y] - gust n.阵风;一阵(情绪) [gust] - hasty a.急急忙忙的 [has-ty] - impassioned a.慷慨激昂的 [im-pas-sioned] - impetuous a.冲动的,鲁莽的 [im-pet-u-ous] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] - irrepressible a.无法约束或阻止的 [ir-re-press-i-ble] + irritable a.易怒的;易受刺激的 [ir-ri-ta-ble] - maelstrom n.大漩涡;大混乱 [mael-strom] - mercurial a.善变的;活泼的 [mer-cu-ri-al] - mettlesome a.精神抖擞的 [met-tle-some] - paroxysm n.(感情等)突发 [par-ox-ysm] - passionate a.充满激情的 [pas-sion-ate] - pell-mell adv.混乱地 [pell-mell] - perfervid a.非常热心的 [per-fer-vid] - rabid a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 [rab-id] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - rambunctious a.骚乱的;(兴奋)控制不了的 [ram-bunc-tious] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] - rant v.咆哮;口出狂言 [rant] - rave n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 [rave] - restiveness n.倔强;难以驾御 [res-tive-ness] - restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - swirl v.旋转;n.漩 [swirl] - tantrum n.发脾气,发怒 [tan-trum] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] - tempest n.暴风雨;骚动 [tem-pest] - tempestuous a.狂暴的 [tem-pes-tu-ous] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - trepidation n.恐惧,惶恐 [trep-i-da-tion] - tumult n.乱哄哄 [tu-mult] - turbulent a.导致动乱的;骚乱的 [tur-bu-lent] - uproarious a.骚动的,喧嚣的;令人捧腹的 [up-roar-i-ous] - volatile a.反复无常的;挥发性的 [vol-a-tile] - whiff v./n.轻吹,轻风 [whiff] - wince v.避开,畏缩 [wince] ***** inexcitability 826 - abide v.容忍,忍受 [a-bide] + abstentious a.节制的 [ab-sten-tious] - acquiesce v.勉强同意,默许 [ac-qui-esce] - appease v.使平静,安抚 [ap-pease] - bearing n.关系,意义;方位 [bear-ing] - brook n.小河 [brook] - check v.使突然停止,阻止 [check] - clement a.仁慈的;温和的 [clem-ent] + cold-blooded a.[生]冷血的;残酷的 [cold-blood-ed] + collected a.泰然自若的 [col-lect-ed] - compose v.写,创作;组成 [com-pose] - composed a.镇定的,沉着的 [com-posed] + composure n.镇静,沉着;自若 [com-po-sure] - content a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意 [con-tent] + dispassionate a.平心静气的 [dis-pas-sion-ate] - disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] - endure v.忍受,忍耐 [en-dure] + enduring a.持续的 [en-dur-ing] + equanimity n.镇定,沉着 [e-qua-nim-i-ty] - forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] + fortitude n.坚毅,坚韧不拔 [for-ti-tude] - gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] - imperturbable a.冷静的,沉着的 [im-per-turb-a-ble] - irritable a.易怒的;易受刺激的 [ir-ri-ta-ble] - levelheaded a.头脑冷静的,稳健的 [levelheaded] + meek a.温顺的,顺服的 [meek] + placid a.安静的,平和的 [plac-id] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - reconcile v.和解,调和 [rec-on-cile] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - resigned a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 [re-signed] - restraint n.克制 [re-straint] - sedate a.镇静的 [se-date] - serene a.清澈的,晴朗的,安静的 [se-rene] - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] + staid a.稳重的,沉着的 [staid] - stoic n.坚忍克己之人 [sto-ic] - stomach v.吃得下;容忍 [stom-ach] + subdued a.(光和声)柔和的,缓和的;(人)温和的 [sub-dued] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] - swallow v.吞下,咽下;忍受 [swal-low] - tame a.驯服的;沉闷的 [tame] - thaw v.解冻,溶化 [thaw] - tolerance n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 [tol-er-ance] - tranquility n.宁静,安静 [tran-quil-i-ty] - unflappable a.不惊慌的,镇定的 [un-flap-pa-ble] + unimpassioned a.没有激情的 [un-im-pas-sioned] ** Section II. Personal Affections *** 1. Passive Affections ***** pleasure 827 + bliss n.狂喜;福佑,天赐的福 [bliss] + blissful a.极幸福的 [bliss-ful] + complacency n.满足,安心 [com-pla-cen-cy] - content a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意 [con-tent] - cushion n.坐垫;v.缓冲 [cush-ion] - ecstasy n.狂喜;激情状态 [ec-sta-sy] - ecstatic a.狂喜的,心花怒放的 [ec-stat-ic] + fruition n.实现,完成 [fru-i-tion] + gratification n.满足,喜悦 [grat-i-fi-ca-tion] - luxury n.奢侈(品) [lux-u-ry] - relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] + solace n.安慰,慰藉 [sol-ace] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - zest n.刺激性;热心,兴趣 [zest] ***** pain 828 - affliction n.悲痛,受难的起因 [af-flic-tion] - agony n.极大痛苦 [ag-o-ny] - ail v.生病 [ail] - anguish n.极大痛苦 [an-guish] - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] + careworn a.受忧虑折磨的,饱经风霜的 [care-worn] - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] + chagrin v./n.失望,懊恼 [cha-grin] - devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] - discomfited a.困惑的,尴尬的 [discomfited] - distress n.痛苦,悲痛 [dis-tress] - droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] + grief n.忧伤,悲伤 [grief] + grieve v.使某人极为悲伤 [grieve] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - incubus n.恶梦;梦魇般的精神压力,负担 [in-cu-bus] - infelicitous a.不幸的,不妥当的 [in-fe-lic-i-tous] - infelicity n.不幸;不恰当 [in-fe-lic-i-ty] - irritation n.愤怒,急躁,刺激 [ir-ri-ta-tion] - languish v.变得消瘦;衰弱 [lan-guish] - malaise n.不适,不舒服 [ma-laise] + martyr n.烈士,殉道者 [mar-tyr] - mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] + mourn v.哀悼,哀伤 [mourn] - nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事 [night-mare] - ordeal n.严峻考验,痛苦经验 [or-deal] - pang n.一阵剧痛 [pang] - pine n.松树;v.(因疾病等)憔悴;渴望 [pine] - plague n.瘟疫;讨厌的人或物;v.烦扰 [plague] - prey n.被捕食的动物 [prey] + purgatory n.炼狱;受苦受难的地方 [pur-ga-to-ry] + repine v.不满,心中抱怨 [re-pine] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - solicitude n.关怀,牵挂 [so-lic-i-tude] - stranded a.搁浅的,进退两难的 [stranded] - taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] - torment n.折磨,痛苦 [tor-ment] + vexation n.困扰,苦恼 [vex-a-tion] - weary a.疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v.厌烦 [wea-ry] - wince v.避开,畏缩 [wince] + woe n.悲痛,苦难 [woe] - wretched a.可怜的 [wretch-ed] + yearn v.盼望,渴望 [yearn] ***** pleasurableness 829 - agreeable a.令人喜悦的;欣然同意的 [a-gree-a-ble] + alluring a.吸引人的,迷人的 [al-lur-ing] + amenity n.礼仪;使人感到舒适的事物 [a-men-i-ty] + amuse v.使愉快,逗某人笑 [a-muse] - appetizing a.美味可口的,促进食欲的 [ap-pe-tiz-ing] - captivate v.迷惑,吸引 [cap-ti-vate] - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] - delectable a.赏心悦目的 [de-lec-ta-ble] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - ecstatic a.狂喜的,心花怒放的 [ec-stat-ic] + enchant v.使迷醉;施魔法于 [en-chant] + engaging a.迷人的,美丽动人的 [en-gag-ing] + enliven v.使…更活跃 [en-liv-en] - enrapture v.使狂喜,使高兴 [en-rap-ture] + enthralling a.迷人的,吸引人的 [en-thral-ling] - entrance v.使出神,使入迷 [en-trance] + entrancing a.使人入神的 [en-tranc-ing] - exquisite a.精致的;近乎完美的 [ex-qui-site] - felicitous a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 [fe-lic-i-tous] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - genial a.愉快的,脾气好的 [ge-ni-al] + grateful a.感激的 [grate-ful] - gratify v.使高兴,使满足 [grat-i-fy] + gripping a.紧紧抓住注意力的 [grip-ping] - halcyon a.平静的;愉快的 [hal-cy-on] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] - luxurious a.奢侈的,豪华的 [lux-u-ri-ous] - nice a.精密的 [nice] - palmy a.繁荣的;棕榈的 [palm-y] - quench v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) [quench] + ravishing a.令人陶醉的 [rav-ish-ing] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] - regale v.款待;使…享受 [re-gale] + seraphic a.如天使般的,美丽的 [se-raph-ic] - slake v.解渴,消渴 [slake] - taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - voluptuous a.撩人的;沉溺于酒色的 [vo-lup-tu-ous] + winsome a.媚人的,漂亮的 [win-some] ***** painfulness 830 + abhorrent a.可恨的,讨厌的 [ab-hor-rent] - acute a.灵敏的;[病]急性的 [a-cute] + afflict v.使痛苦,折磨 [af-flict] - affliction n.悲痛,受难的起因 [af-flic-tion] + affront v.侮辱,冒犯 [af-front] - aggrieve v.使受委屈;使痛苦 [ag-grieve] - annoy v.惹恼;打搅,骚扰 [an-noy] + appall v.使惊骇,使恐怖 [ap-pall] - assail v.抨击;猛攻 [as-sail] - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - badger n.獾;v.一再烦扰,一再要求 [badg-er] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] - beset v.镶嵌;困扰 [be-set] - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] - convulse v.使震动,震惊 [con-vulse] - corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀 [cor-rode] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - cumbersome a.笨重的 [cum-ber-some] - dagger n.短剑,匕首 [dag-ger] + despondent a.失望的,意气消沉的 [de-spond-ent] - dire a.可怕的 [dire] + disagreeable a.讨厌的;乖戾的 [dis-a-gree-a-ble] - discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] - disenchant v.对…不再抱幻想,使清醒 [dis-en-chant] + disgruntle v.使不满意 [dis-grun-tle] - disgust n.反感,厌恶 [dis-gust] + dismal a.使人悲伤的,阴沉的 [dis-mal] - distress n.痛苦,悲痛 [dis-tress] + dolorous a.悲哀的,忧愁的 [dol-or-ous] - dreary a.沉闷的,乏味的 [drear-y] + enrage v.激怒,触怒 [en-rage] - execrable a.极坏的 [ex-e-cra-ble] - faze v.使…狼狈,折磨 [faze] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] - gadfly n.虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 [gad-fly] - gall n.胆汁;怨恨 [gall] - gnaw v.啃,咬 [gnaw] - grating a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 [grat-ing] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - grievance n.委屈,抱怨 [griev-ance] - grieve v.使某人极为悲伤 [grieve] - grievous a.严重伤害的 [griev-ous] + grim a.冷酷的,可怕的 [grim] - gripe v.抱怨 [gripe] - grueling a.繁重而累人的 [gru-el-ing] - harass v.侵扰,烦忧 [har-ass] - harrow n.耙;v.使痛苦 [har-row] + harrowing a.悲痛的,难受的 [harrowing] - harry v.掠夺,袭扰,折磨 [har-ry] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - heartrending a.令人心碎的 [heart-rend-ing] - heckle v.诘问,困扰 [heck-le] + hector v.凌辱,威吓 [hec-tor] + hideous a.讨厌的,丑恶的 [hid-e-ous] + horrific a.可怕的 [hor-rif-ic] - importune v.强求,不断请求 [im-por-tune] + infest v.骚扰,扰乱 [in-fest] + invidious a.惹人反感的,导致伤害和仇恨的,招人嫉妒的 [in-vid-i-ous] - irk v.使苦恼的,厌烦 [irk] - irksome a.令人苦恼的,讨厌的 [irk-some] - irritate v.激怒;刺激 [ir-ri-tate] + macabre a.骇人的,可怖的 [ma-ca-bre] + melancholy a.忧郁的;令人悲伤的 [mel-an-chol-y] - mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] + mortify v.使屈辱,使痛心 [mor-ti-fy] + mournful a.悲伤的 [mourn-ful] - nauseate v.使作呕,使厌恶 [nau-se-ate] - nettle n.荨麻;v.烦忧,激恼 [net-tle] - obnoxious a.令人不愉快的;可憎的 [ob-nox-ious] + obsess v.迷住;使…困窘,使…烦扰 [ob-sess] + odious a.可憎的,讨厌的 [o-di-ous] + offend v.得罪,冒犯 [of-fend] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] - onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的 [on-er-ous] + peeve v.使气恼,怨恨 [peeve] - persecute v.迫害 [per-se-cute] - pest n.害虫;讨厌的人或物 [pest] + pester v.纠缠,强求 [pes-ter] - pierce v.刺透;穿过 [pierce] - pinch v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 [pinch] - pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - plague n.瘟疫;讨厌的人或物;v.烦扰 [plague] - provocation n.挑衅,激怒 [prov-o-ca-tion] - rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - raspy a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 [rasp-y] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - repellent a.令人厌恶的 [re-pel-lent] - revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] + rile v.使…恼火,激怒 [rile] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] + sadden v.使伤心,使悲哀 [sad-den] + scorpion n.蝎子 [scor-pi-on] - scourge n.鞭笞;磨难;v.鞭笞,磨难 [scourge] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] - stroke v.抚摸;n.击,打;一笔 [stroke] - taxing a.繁重的 [taxing] + tease v.逗乐,戏弄;强求;n.揶揄,戏弄,取笑 [tease] - thorn n.刺;荆棘 [thorn] - tire n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 [tire] - torment n.折磨,痛苦 [tor-ment] + tremendous a.惊人的;巨大的 [tre-men-dous] - ulcer n.溃疡;腐烂物 [ul-cer] - undesirable a.令人不悦的,讨厌的 [un-de-sir-a-ble] - unpalatable a.令人讨厌的 [un-pal-at-a-ble] - untoward a.不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 [un-to-ward] + vex v./n.恼火 [vex] - vexation n.困扰,苦恼 [vex-a-tion] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] - wearisome a.使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 [wea-ri-some] ***** content 831 - acquiesce v.勉强同意,默许 [ac-qui-esce] - assent v.同意,赞成 [as-sent] - complacency n.满足,安心 [com-pla-cen-cy] - conciliate v.安抚,驯服 [con-cil-i-ate] - conciliatory a.抚慰的,调和的 [con-cil-i-a-to-ry] - consent v.同意,允许 [con-sent] - content a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意 [con-tent] + contented a.心满意足的 [con-tent-ed] - disarm v.使…解除武器;使…缓和 [dis-arm] - gratify v.使高兴,使满足 [grat-i-fy] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - reconcile v.和解,调和 [rec-on-cile] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - resigned a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 [re-signed] - serene a.清澈的,晴朗的,安静的 [se-rene] - snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] ***** discontent 832 - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] - croak n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 [croak] - disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] - disgruntle v.使不满意 [dis-grun-tle] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] - dissident n.唱反调者 [dis-si-dent] - exacting a.苛求的;要求严格的 [ex-act-ing] - exigent a.需要立即采取行动的 [ex-i-gent] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - grumble v.喃喃诉苦,发怨言 [grum-ble] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] + lament v./n.悲伤;哀悼 [la-ment] - malcontent a.不满的;n.不满分子,反抗者 [mal-con-tent] - mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] - mortify v.使屈辱,使痛心 [mor-ti-fy] - repine v.不满,心中抱怨 [re-pine] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] ***** regret 833 + deplore v.悲悼,哀叹 [de-plore] + nostalgia n.怀旧之情 [nos-tal-gia] - repine v.不满,心中抱怨 [re-pine] - rue n.后悔,遗憾 [rue] ***** relief 834 - allay v.减轻,缓和 [al-lay] - alleviate v.缓和,减轻 [al-le-vi-ate] - analgesia n.无痛觉,痛觉丧失 [an-al-ge-si-a] - assuage v.缓和,减轻 [as-suage] - balmy a.(气候)温和的;芳香的 [balm-y] - console v.安慰,抚慰 [con-sole] - cushion n.坐垫;v.缓冲 [cush-ion] - enliven v.使…更活跃 [en-liv-en] - foment v.煽动,助长(坏事) [fo-ment] - invigorate v.鼓舞,激励 [in-vig-or-ate] - lubricant n.润滑剂 [lu-bri-cant] - lullaby n.摇篮曲 [lull-a-by] - mitigate v.减轻,缓和 [mit-i-gate] - palliate v.减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) [pal-li-ate] - palliative n.缓释剂;a.减轻的,缓和的 [pal-li-a-tive] - refresh v.消除…的疲劳,使精神振作 [re-fresh] + relieved a.宽慰的,如释重负的 [re-lieved] - salve n.药膏;v.减轻,缓和 [sal-ve] - solace n.安慰,慰藉 [sol-ace] - soothe v.抚慰;减轻 [soothe] ***** aggravation 835 - aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] - enrage v.激怒,触怒 [en-rage] - exacerbate v.加重,恶化 [ex-ac-er-bate] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - exasperate v.激怒,使恼怒 [ex-as-per-ate] - tease v.逗乐,戏弄;强求;n.揶揄,戏弄,取笑 [tease] ***** cheerfulness 836 - alacrity n.乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼 [a-lac-ri-ty] - animate a.活的,有生命的;v.赋予生命 [an-i-mate] - animated a.活泼的,生动的 [an-i-mat-ed] - animation n.活泼,有生气;卡通制作 [an-i-ma-tion] + blithe a.快乐的,无忧无虑的 [blithe] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] - carol n.赞美诗,颂歌;v.欢唱 [car-ol] - coltish a.似小马的;不受拘束的 [colt-ish] + elated a.得意洋洋的,振奋的 [e-lat-ed] - enliven v.使…更活跃 [en-liv-en] + exhilarate v.使高兴 [ex-hil-a-rate] + exhilaration n.高兴,活跃 [ex-hil-a-ra-tion] - frisky a.活泼的,快活的 [frisk-y] + hilarious a.充满欢乐的;引起大笑的 [hi-lar-i-ous] + jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] + jocular a.滑稽的,诙谐的;嬉戏的 [joc-u-lar] + jocund a.快乐的,高兴的 [joc-und] + jovial a.愉快的 [jo-vi-al] - levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] + mirth n.欢乐,欢笑 [mirth] - optimism n.乐观主义 [op-ti-mism] - palmy a.繁荣的;棕榈的 [palm-y] - perky a.神气的;活泼的 [perk-y] + rejoice v.喜欢,高兴 [re-joice] + sprightly a.愉快的,活泼的 [spright-ly] - vivacious a.活泼的,快活的 [vi-va-cious] + waggish a.诙谐的,滑稽的 [wag-gish] - winsome a.媚人的,漂亮的 [win-some] ***** dejection 837 - affliction n.悲痛,受难的起因 [af-flic-tion] - careworn a.受忧虑折磨的,饱经风霜的 [care-worn] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] + defeatist n.失败主义者 [de-feat-ist] + dejected a.沮丧的,失望的 [de-ject-ed] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - despondent a.失望的,意气消沉的 [de-spond-ent] - dismal a.使人悲伤的,阴沉的 [dis-mal] + doldrums n.赤道无风带;情绪低落 [dol-drums] + doleful a.忧愁的,消沉的 [dole-ful] - dreary a.沉闷的,乏味的 [drear-y] - droop v.低垂;沮丧,萎靡 [droop] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - gloom n.黑暗;忧郁 [gloom] - gloomy a.阴暗的;没有希望的;阴郁的 [gloom-y] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - gravity n.严肃,正经 [grav-i-ty] - grieve v.使某人极为悲伤 [grieve] - grim a.冷酷的,可怕的 [grim] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - jaundiced a.有偏见的 [jaun-diced] + lachrymose a.好流泪的;引人落泪的 [lach-ry-mose] - lackadaisical a.无精打采的;无兴趣的 [lack-a-dai-si-cal] - melancholy a.忧郁的;令人悲伤的 [mel-an-chol-y] - mourn v.哀悼,哀伤 [mourn] - mournful a.悲伤的 [mourn-ful] - murky a.黑暗的;朦胧的 [murk-y] - pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义 [pes-si-mism] - pine n.松树;v.(因疾病等)憔悴;渴望 [pine] - plangent a.轰鸣的;悲哀的 [plan-gent] - pout v.噘嘴,板脸 [pout] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - repine v.不满,心中抱怨 [re-pine] - sadden v.使伤心,使悲哀 [sad-den] + saturnine a.忧郁的,阴沉的 [sat-ur-nine] - sedate a.镇静的 [se-date] - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - solemnity n.庄严,肃穆 [so-lem-ni-ty] - somber a.忧郁的;阴暗的 [som-ber] + spleen n.怨怒 [spleen] - staid a.稳重的,沉着的 [staid] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - sullen a.忧郁的 [sul-len] - wan a.虚弱的;病态的 [wan] - weary a.疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v.厌烦 [wea-ry] - yearn v.盼望,渴望 [yearn] ***** rejoicing 838 - carol n.赞美诗,颂歌;v.欢唱 [car-ol] - elated a.得意洋洋的,振奋的 [e-lat-ed] + exult v.欢腾,喜悦 [ex-ult] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] + grin v.露齿而笑 [grin] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] + jubilation n.欢快,欢庆 [ju-bi-la-tion] + paean n.赞美歌,颂歌 [pae-an] - rejoice v.喜欢,高兴 [re-joice] + simper v.痴笑,傻笑 [sim-per] + smirk v.假笑,得意地笑 [smirk] - triumph v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 [tri-umph] ***** lamentation 839 - clamor v./n.吵闹,喧哗 [clam-or] - croak n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 [croak] - cypress n.柏树 [cy-press] - deplore v.悲悼,哀叹 [de-plore] - deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] - dirge n.哀歌 [dirge] - elegy n.哀歌,挽歌 [el-e-gy] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - grieve v.使某人极为悲伤 [grieve] - groan v./n.呻吟,叹息 [groan] - grumble v.喃喃诉苦,发怨言 [grum-ble] - lachrymose a.好流泪的;引人落泪的 [lach-ry-mose] - lament v./n.悲伤;哀悼 [la-ment] - moan v./n.(痛苦地/的)呻吟;(不满地/的)抱怨 [moan] - mourn v.哀悼,哀伤 [mourn] - mournful a.悲伤的 [mourn-ful] - murmur v.柔声地说,喃喃而言 [mur-mur] - mutter v.咕哝,嘀咕 [mut-ter] + plaintive a.可怜的,伤心的 [plain-tive] + querulous a.抱怨的,多牢骚的 [quer-u-lous] + scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] - whine v.哀号,号哭 [whine] + willow n.柳树 [wil-low] ***** amusement 840 - amuse v.使愉快,逗某人笑 [a-muse] + antic a.古怪的 [an-tic] - ballerina n.芭蕾舞女演员 [bal-le-ri-na] - banquet n.宴会,盛宴 [ban-quet] - boggle v.畏缩不前;使退缩 [bog-gle] - bout n.一回合,一阵 [bout] + brag v.吹嘘 [brag] - brawl v./n.争吵,打架 [brawl] - bust n.半身(雕)像 [bust] - carouse n.狂饮寻乐 [ca-rouse] - cavort v.腾越,欢跃 [ca-vort] - chuckle v.轻声地笑 [chuck-le] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 [dal-ly] - divert v.使某事物转向;使娱乐 [di-vert] - dummy n.人体模型,假人 [dum-my] - enliven v.使…更活跃 [en-liv-en] + festive a.欢乐的 [fes-tive] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] + gambol n./v.雀跃;嬉戏 [gam-bol] + giggle v.咯咯笑 [gig-gle] - grin v.露齿而笑 [grin] + guffaw n./v.哄笑,大笑 [guf-faw] - hilarious a.充满欢乐的;引起大笑的 [hi-lar-i-ous] - jocund a.快乐的,高兴的 [joc-und] - jovial a.愉快的 [jo-vi-al] - knave n.流氓,恶棍 [knave] - lark n./v.玩乐,嬉耍 [lark] - lottery n.彩票,抽彩给奖法 [lot-ter-y] - masquerade n.化装舞会;v.伪装 [mas-quer-ade] - minuet n.小步舞 [min-u-et] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] - monopoly n.专利权,垄断 [mo-nop-o-ly] - prank n.恶作剧,玩笑 [prank] - pugilism n.拳击,搏击 [pu-gi-lism] - quirk n.奇事;怪癖 [quirk] - reel n.卷轴,旋转;v.卷…于轴上 [reel] - regale v.款待;使…享受 [re-gale] - rejoice v.喜欢,高兴 [re-joice] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] + revelry n.狂欢 [rev-el-ry] - reverse n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转 [re-verse] - rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] - sideshow n.杂耍,穿插表演 [side-show] - simper v.痴笑,傻笑 [sim-per] - smirk v.假笑,得意地笑 [smirk] - solace n.安慰,慰藉 [sol-ace] - split n./v.分裂,裂开 [split] - sport v.炫耀,卖弄 [sport] - stroll v.漫步,闲逛 [stroll] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] - tag n.鞋带;附属物,标签 [tag] + tango n.探戈舞 [tan-go] - tear v.撕裂 [tear] - tournament n.比赛;(旧时)骑士比武大会 [tour-na-ment] - toy v.不认真考虑,玩弄 [toy] - uproarious a.骚动的,喧嚣的;令人捧腹的 [up-roar-i-ous] - vagary n.奇想,异想天开 [va-gar-y] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] ***** weariness 841 - arid a.干旱的;枯燥的 [ar-id] - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] - boredom n.厌烦;令人厌烦的事物 [bore-dom] - disgust n.反感,厌恶 [dis-gust] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - ennui n.倦怠,无聊;v.使无聊 [en-nui] - flagging a.下垂的;衰弱的 [flag-ging] + humdrum a.单调的,乏味的 [hum-drum] - irksome a.令人苦恼的,讨厌的 [irk-some] - lassitude n.无力;没精打采 [las-si-tude] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - monotony n.单调,千篇一律 [mo-not-o-ny] + nausea n.作呕,恶心 [nau-se-a] - nauseate v.使作呕,使厌恶 [nau-se-ate] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - soporific a.催眠的;n.安眠药 [sop-o-rif-ic] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] + tedious a.冗长的,沉闷的 [te-di-ous] + tedium n.单调乏味 [te-di-um] - tire n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 [tire] - wearisome a.使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 [wea-ri-some] - weary a.疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v.厌烦 [wea-ry] - yawn v.打呵欠 [yawn] ***** wit 842 - anagram n.变形词 [an-a-gram] + badinage n.开玩笑,打趣 [bad-i-nage] + banter n.打趣,玩笑 [ban-ter] - comic a.可笑的;喜剧的;n.喜剧演员 [com-ic] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] - conundrum n.(答案有双关意义的)谜语;难题 [co-nun-drum] + epigram n.讽刺短句,警句 [ep-i-gram] + facetious a.轻浮的,好开玩笑的 [fa-ce-tious] - farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - jest v./n.说笑,玩笑 [jest] + jibe v.与…一致,符合 [jibe] - jocular a.滑稽的,诙谐的;嬉戏的 [joc-u-lar] - levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] + puckish a.淘气的 [puckish] - pun n.双关语 [pun] - quibble n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 [quib-ble] - quirk n.奇事;怪癖 [quirk] - repartee n.机灵的回答 [rep-ar-tee] - retort v.反驳 [re-tort] - ridicule n.奚落;v.嘲笑 [rid-i-cule] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - sprightly a.愉快的,活泼的 [spright-ly] - waggish a.诙谐的,滑稽的 [wag-gish] - whim n.多变,怪念头 [whim] - whimsical a.古怪的,异想天开的 [whim-si-cal] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] + witticism n.妙语,俏皮话 [wit-ti-cism] ***** dullness 843 - banal a.陈腐的 [ba-nal] - boring a.无趣的,乏味的 [bor-ing] - commonplace a.平常的 [com-mon-place] - damp v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 [damp] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - humdrum a.单调的,乏味的 [hum-drum] - insipid a.乏味的,枯燥的 [in-sip-id] - monotonous a.单调的,无聊的 [mo-not-o-nous] - pedestrian a.徒步的;缺乏想像的;n.行人 [pe-des-tri-an] - platitude n.陈词滥调 [plat-i-tude] - prosaic a.单调的,无趣的 [pro-sa-ic] - prose n.散文 [prose] - stodgy a.乏味的 [stodg-y] - stolid a.无动于衷的 [stol-id] - tedious a.冗长的,沉闷的 [te-di-ous] - vapid a.索然无味的 [vap-id] ***** humorist 844 - acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员 [ac-ro-bat] - buffoon n.演出时的丑角;粗俗而愚蠢的人 [buf-foon] - charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子 [char-la-tan] + clown n.小丑;v.扮小丑 [clown] - comedienne n.说笑话、演滑稽剧等的女演员 [co-me-di-enne] - mime n.哑剧表演;哑剧(演员) [mime] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] - spark n.火花,火星 [spark] - wag v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 [wag] - wit n.智力,机智 [wit] *** 2. Discriminative Affections ***** beauty 845 - aesthetic a.美学的,有审美感的 [aes-thet-ic] - beam n.(房屋等)大梁;光线 [beam] + blooming a.有花的;精力旺盛的 [bloom-ing] - burnish v.擦亮,磨光 [bur-nish] - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] - chrysanthemum n.菊,菊花 [chry-san-the-mum] + comely a.动人的,美丽的 [come-ly] - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] - dapper a.整洁漂亮的;动作敏捷的 [dap-per] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - gild v.镀金;虚饰 [gild] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - glossy a.光泽的,光滑的 [gloss-y] - glowing a.热情赞扬的 [glow-ing] - grace n.优美 [grace] - jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] - magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的;高尚的 [mag-nif-i-cent] + natty a.整洁的;潇洒的 [nat-ty] + personable a.英俊的,风度好的 [per-son-a-ble] - pictorial a.绘画的;有图片的,用图片表示的 [pic-to-ri-al] - plutocracy n.财阀统治 [plu-toc-ra-cy] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] + pulchritude n.美丽 [pul-chri-tude] - quaint a.离奇有趣的 [quaint] - resplendent a.华丽的,辉煌的 [re-splend-ent] - seemly a.得体的,适宜的 [seem-ly] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - specious a.似是而非的;华而不实的 [spe-cious] - splendor n.壮丽;辉煌 [splen-dor] - spruce n.云杉;a.整洁的 [spruce] - stunning a.极富魅力的 [stun-ning] - sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] + superb a.上乘的,出色的 [su-perb] - surrealism n.超现实主义 [sur-re-al-ism] - symmetry n.对称;均衡 [sym-me-try] - tidy a.整齐的,整洁的 [tidy] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] - unspotted a.清白的,无污点的 [un-spot-ted] ***** ugliness 846 - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - bizarre a.奇异的,古怪的 [bi-zarre] - blemish v.损害;玷污;n.瑕疵,缺点 [blem-ish] - clumsy a.笨拙的;拙劣的 [clum-sy] - deface v.损坏 [de-face] - dingy a.肮脏的;褪色的 [din-gy] - disfigure v.毁容 [dis-fig-ure] - distort v.扭曲,弄歪 [dis-tort] - forbidding a.(表情)冷峻的;形势险恶的 [for-bid-ding] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - gaudy a.俗丽的 [gaud-y] - grim a.冷酷的,可怕的 [grim] + grisly a.恐怖的,可怕的 [gris-ly] - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] + harridan n.凶恶的老妇,老巫婆 [har-ri-dan] - heavy-handedness n.笨拙,粗劣 [heav-y-hand-ed-ness] - hideous a.讨厌的,丑恶的 [hid-e-ous] - marred a.受伤的;毁坏变形的 [marred] - misshapen a.畸形的,奇形怪状的 [mis-shap-en] - odious a.可憎的,讨厌的 [o-di-ous] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - repugnant a.令人厌恶的 [re-pug-nant] - rickety a.不牢靠的,摇摇欲坠的 [rick-et-y] - soil n./v.弄脏,污损 [soil] - specter n.鬼魂,幽灵;恐惧 [spec-ter] - squalid a.污秽的,肮脏的 [squal-id] - squalor n.不洁,污秽 [squal-or] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] + ugly a.难看的,可怕的 [ug-ly] + uncanny a.神秘的,不可思议的 [un-can-ny] - uncouth a.粗野笨拙的 [un-couth] + ungainly a.笨拙的 [un-gain-ly] + unprepossessing a.不吸引人的 [un-pre-pos-sess-ing] - unseemly a.不适当的,不宜的 [un-seem-ly] - unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 [un-wield-y] ***** ornament 847 + adorn v.装饰 [a-dorn] + arabesque n.蔓藤图饰 [ar-a-besque] - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] + bedeck v.装饰,修饰 [be-deck] - blush v.因某事物脸红;n.因羞愧等脸上泛出的红晕 [blush] - bouquet n.花束;芳香 [bou-quet] - chase v.雕镂;追捕 [chase] - crochet n.钩针织物;v.用钩针编织 [cro-chet] + decorate v.装饰某事物 [dec-o-rate] + embellish v.装饰,润饰 [em-bel-lish] - emboss v.加浮雕花纹于,使凸出 [em-boss] - embroider v.刺绣,修饰 [em-broi-der] - enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 [e-nam-el] - epaulet n.肩章,肩饰 [ep-au-let] - fig n.无花果;一点儿 [fig] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - fringe n.(窗帘等)须边;边缘 [fringe] - garish a.俗丽的,过于艳丽的 [gar-ish] - garnish v.装饰 [gar-nish] - gaudy a.俗丽的 [gaud-y] - gild v.镀金;虚饰 [gild] - grain n.谷物;小的硬粒 [grain] - illuminate v.阐明,解释;照亮 [il-lu-mi-nate] - illustrate v.为…作插图或图表;说明,阐明 [il-lus-trate] - lace n.鞋带,系带;网眼花边,透孔织品 [lace] + molding n.装饰线条;铸造物 [mold-ing] - ornate a.华美的;充满装饰的 [or-nate] - panache n.羽饰;炫耀 [pa-nache] - plume n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛;搔首弄姿 [plume] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] - prank n.恶作剧,玩笑 [prank] - preen v.整理羽毛;(人)打扮修饰 [preen] - primp v.(妇女)刻意打扮 [primp] - smart n.痛苦;a.时髦的;聪明的 [smart] - tapestry n.挂毯 [tap-es-try] - texture n.质地;结构 [tex-ture] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] - understate v.掩饰地说,轻描淡写地说 [un-der-state] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] - veneer n.(镶于劣质东西上的)镶面板;外表 [ve-neer] + well-groomed a.非常整洁的 [well-groomed] - zigzag n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 [zig-zag] ***** jewelry 847.a - bracelet n.手镯,臂镯 [brace-let] - broach v.开瓶;提出(讨论) [broach] + earring n.耳环,耳饰 [ear-ring] - gem n.宝石,珠宝;精华 [gem] - rhinestone n.水晶石,莱茵石 [rhine-stone] - sapphire n.青石,蓝宝石;a.天蓝色的 [sap-phire] + torque n.转矩;项圈 [torque] - trinket n.小装饰品;不值钱的珠宝 [trin-ket] - turquoise n.绿松石;a.碧绿的 [tur-quoise] ***** blemish 848 - blemish v.损害;玷污;n.瑕疵,缺点 [blem-ish] - blotch n.(皮肤上的)红斑点;(墨水等)大斑点 [blotch] - blur n.模糊不清的事物;v.使…模糊 [blur] - defect n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 [de-fect] - delimit v.定界,划界 [de-lim-it] - disfigure v.毁容 [dis-fig-ure] - flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] + freckle n.雀斑,斑点 [freck-le] - patch n.补丁;一小片(土地) [patch] - smudge n.渍痕;v.弄脏 [smudge] - speck n.斑点;少量 [speck] - stain v.玷污;染色 [stain] - tarnish n./v.失去光泽,晦暗 [tar-nish] ***** simplicity 849 - bare v.暴露;a.赤裸的 [bare] - chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - dull a.不鲜明的;迟钝的;v.变迟钝 [dull] - ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的 [in-gen-u-ous] - plain a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 [plain] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - sincere a.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的 [sin-cere] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] ***** taste 850 - aesthete n.审美家 [aes-thete] - aesthetic a.美学的,有审美感的 [aes-thet-ic] - amateur n.业余爱好者 [am-a-teur] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] - chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - connoisseur n.鉴赏家,行家 [con-nois-seur] - critic n.批评者 [crit-ic] + cultivated a.耕种的,栽植的;有修养的 [cul-ti-vat-ed] - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - dilettante n.半瓶醋,业余爱好者 [dil-et-tan-te] - discriminate v.区分 [dis-crim-i-nate] - finesse n.技巧;计谋;手段 [fi-nesse] - grace n.优美 [grace] - gust n.阵风;一阵(情绪) [gust] - maven n.专家,内行 [ma-ven] - nicety n.准确,精确 [ni-ce-ty] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] - sensitization n.敏化 [sen-si-ti-za-tion] - tact n.机智;圆滑 [tact] - tasty a.味道好的 [tast-y] - unaffected a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 [un-af-fect-ed] - understated a.不完全陈述的,轻描淡写的 [un-der-stat-ed] + virtuoso n.演艺精湛的人 [vir-tu-o-so] ***** vulgarity 851 - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - barbarous a.野蛮的;残暴的 [bar-ba-rous] + baroque n./a.(艺术、建筑等)过分雕琢(的) [ba-roque] - clown n.小丑;v.扮小丑 [clown] - coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] - cub n.幼兽;年轻无经验的人 [cub] - doggerel n.歪诗,打油诗 [dog-ger-el] + gaucherie n.笨拙 [gau-che-rie] - gaudy a.俗丽的 [gaud-y] - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] - low v.牛叫 [low] - meretricious a.华而不实的,俗艳的 [mer-e-tri-cious] - obsolete a.废弃的;过时的 [ob-so-lete] - outlandish a.古怪的 [out-land-ish] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] - philistine n.庸人,市侩 [philistine] - provincial a.偏狭的,粗俗的 [pro-vin-cial] + ribald a.下流的,粗鄙的 [rib-ald] - rustic a.乡村的,乡土气的 [rus-tic] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] + snobbish a.势利眼的;假充绅士的 [snob-bish] + tawdry a.华而不实的,俗丽的 [taw-dry] - torrential a.奔流的,洪流的 [tor-ren-tial] - uncouth a.粗野笨拙的 [un-couth] - unkempt a.(衣服、头发)不整洁的 [un-kempt] - unseemly a.不适当的,不宜的 [un-seem-ly] - untutored a.未经教育的 [un-tu-tored] + vulgar a.无教养的 [vul-gar] ***** fashion 852 + civil a.国内的;公民的;文明的 [civ-il] - conventional a.因循守旧的,传统的 [con-ven-tion-al] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] + decorum n.礼节,礼貌 [de-co-rum] - elite n.精华,中坚 [e-lite] - etiquette n.礼仪;礼节 [et-i-quette] - fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚 [fad] + faddish a.流行一时的,时尚的 [fad-dish] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] + formality n.遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式 [for-mal-i-ty] + genteel a.上流社会的;装作彬彬有礼的 [gen-teel] - jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] - mode n.样式,时尚;模式 [mode] + modish a.时髦的 [mod-ish] - mores n.风俗习惯,道德观念 [mo-res] - propriety n.礼节;适当 [pro-pri-e-ty] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - trend v./n.趋势,倾向 [trend] - vogue n.时髦,时尚;a.流行的 [vogue] ***** ridiculousness 853 - anticlimax n.令人扫兴的结局 [an-ti-cli-max] - awkward a.笨拙的;难用的;不便的 [awk-ward] - baroque n./a.(艺术、建筑等)过分雕琢(的) [ba-roque] - bizarre a.奇异的,古怪的 [bi-zarre] - bombast n.高调,夸大之辞 [bom-bast] - bombastic a.夸夸其谈的 [bom-bas-tic] - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] - contemptible a.令人轻视的 [con-tempt-i-ble] - deviant a.越出常规的 [de-vi-ant] - doggerel n.歪诗,打油诗 [dog-ger-el] + droll a.古怪的,好笑的 [droll] - eccentric a.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人 [ec-cen-tric] - extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍 [ex-trav-a-gance] - farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] + ludicrous a.荒唐可笑的 [lu-di-crous] - offbeat a.不规则的,不平常的 [off-beat] - outlandish a.古怪的 [out-land-ish] - preposterous a.荒谬的 [pre-pos-ter-ous] - quaint a.离奇有趣的 [quaint] - stilted a.(文章,谈话)不自然的;夸张的 [stilt-ed] - whimsical a.古怪的,异想天开的 [whim-si-cal] ***** fop 854 - blade n.刀锋,刀口 [blade] - buck v.反对;n.雄鹿;雄兔 [buck] - dandy n.花花公子,好打扮的人 [dan-dy] - exquisite a.精致的;近乎完美的 [ex-qui-site] - flirt v.挑逗,调戏 [flirt] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] ***** affectation 855 + affectation n.做作,虚假 [af-fec-ta-tion] - affected a.不自然的;假装的 [af-fect-ed] - artificial a.人造的,假的 [ar-ti-fi-cial] + boast v./n.自夸 [boast] - charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子 [char-la-tan] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] - conformist n.尊奉者,英国国教徒 [con-form-ist] - doctrinaire n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 [doc-tri-naire] + foppish a.浮华的,俗丽的 [fop-pish] - formality n.遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式 [for-mal-i-ty] - grimace v./n.做鬼脸,面部歪扭 [gri-mace] - mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] - overwrought a.紧张过度的 [o-ver-wrought] - pedagogue n.教师,教育者 [ped-a-gogue] - pedant n.迂腐之人,书呆子 [ped-ant] - pose v.摆姿势;造作 [pose] - pretension n.自命不凡,夸耀 [pre-ten-sion] + pretentious a.自抬身价的 [pre-ten-tious] + prim a.端庄的,整洁的 [prim] + prude n.过分守礼的人 [prude] + prudish a.过分守礼的,假道学的 [prud-ish] - simper v.痴笑,傻笑 [sim-per] + smug a.自满的,自命不凡的 [smug] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - stilted a.(文章,谈话)不自然的;夸张的 [stilt-ed] ***** ridicule 856 - badinage n.开玩笑,打趣 [bad-i-nage] - banter n.打趣,玩笑 [ban-ter] - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] - caricature n.讽刺画;滑稽模仿 [car-i-ca-ture] - chaff n.谷物的皮壳,米糠 [chaff] + contempt 轻视,鄙视 [con-tempt] + deride v.嘲弄,愚弄 [de-ride] - farce n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 [farce] - grin v.露齿而笑 [grin] + ironic a.挖苦的;出乎意料的 [i-ron-ic] - irony n.反话 [i-ro-ny] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] - parody n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿 [par-o-dy] + persiflage n.挖苦,嘲弄 [per-si-flage] - rally v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 [ral-ly] - ridicule n.奚落;v.嘲笑 [rid-i-cule] + sarcastic a.讽刺的 [sar-cas-tic] + satire n.讽刺(作品) [sat-ire] + satirize v.讽刺 [sat-i-rize] + scoff v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 [scoff] + scorn n.轻蔑;v.轻蔑,瞧不起 [scorn] + scurrilous a.下流的 [scur-ril-ous] + skit n.幽默讽刺短剧 [skit] - tease v.逗乐,戏弄;强求;n.揶揄,戏弄,取笑 [tease] - travesty v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 [trav-es-ty] ***** laughingstock 857 - buffoon n.演出时的丑角;粗俗而愚蠢的人 [buf-foon] - butt v.用头抵撞,顶撞;n.粗大的一端;烟蒂 [butt] - jest v./n.说笑,玩笑 [jest] - original a.最初的,原始的;有创意的 [o-rig-i-nal] *** 3. Prospective Affections ***** hope 858 - anchor v.稳固;固定n.锚 [an-chor] - anticipate v.预期,期待 [an-tic-i-pate] + aspiration n.抱负,热望 [as-pi-ra-tion] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] - assure v.向某人保证,确信 [as-sure] - auspicious a.幸运的;吉兆的 [aus-pi-cious] - buoyant a.有浮力的;快乐的 [buoy-ant] + confide v.信赖,倾诉 [con-fide] - confidence n.信任,自信,信心 [con-fi-dence] - elated a.得意洋洋的,振奋的 [e-lat-ed] + embolden v.鼓励 [em-bold-en] - extrovert n.性格外向者 [ex-tro-vert] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - mirage n.幻影,海市蜃楼 [mi-rage] - optimism n.乐观主义 [op-ti-mism] + optimist n.乐观主义者 [op-ti-mist] - presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - propitious a.吉利的;顺利的 [pro-pi-tious] - reliance n.信赖,信任 [re-li-ance] - sanguine a.乐观的 [san-guine] - secure a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 [se-cure] - utopian a.乌托邦式的,梦想的 [utopian] ***** hopelessness 859 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] - depression n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 [de-pres-sion] - desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] - disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] - falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] + irredeemable a.无法挽回的 [ir-re-deem-a-ble] - irremediable a.无法治愈的,无法纠正的 [ir-re-me-di-a-ble] - irrevocable a.无法取消的 [ir-rev-o-ca-ble] - nonviable a.无法生存的 [non-vi-a-ble] - pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义 [pes-si-mism] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] - surrender v.投降;放弃;归还 [sur-ren-der] ***** fear 860 + abash v.使害羞,使尴尬 [a-bash] - appall v.使惊骇,使恐怖 [ap-pall] - apprehend v.逮捕;恐惧 [ap-pre-hend] + apprehensive a.害怕的;有眼力的 [ap-pre-hen-sive] - aspen n.白杨 [as-pen] - astound v.使震惊 [a-stound] + awe n./v.敬畏 [awe] + awe-inspiring a.令人敬畏的 [awe-in-spir-ing] + browbeat v.欺侮;吓唬 [brow-beat] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] + consternation n.大为吃惊,惊骇 [con-ster-na-tion] - cow v.威胁 [cow] - cower v.畏缩,蜷缩 [cow-er] + coy a.腼腆的,忸怩的 [coy] - crouch v.蹲伏,弯腰 [crouch] + daunt v.使胆怯,使畏缩 [daunt] - deter v.威慑,吓住;阻止 [de-ter] + diffident a.缺乏自信的 [dif-fi-dent] - dire a.可怕的 [dire] + dismay n.沮丧,气馁;v.使气馁 [dis-may] - falter v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 [fal-ter] - faze v.使…狼狈,折磨 [faze] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] - flinch v.畏缩,退缩 [flinch] - flutter v.拍翅 [flut-ter] - formidable a.可怕的;困难的 [for-mi-da-ble] - haunt v.常去;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头;n.常去的地方 [haunt] - horrific a.可怕的 [hor-rif-ic] + intimidate v.恐吓;胁迫 [in-tim-i-date] - macabre a.骇人的,可怖的 [ma-ca-bre] - misgiving n.担心,疑虑 [mis-giv-ing] - nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事 [night-mare] + panic a.恐慌的;n.恐慌,惊惶 [pan-ic] - perilous a.危险的,冒险的 [per-i-lous] - petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - portentous a.凶兆的,有危险的 [por-ten-tous] + pusillanimous a.胆小的 [pu-sil-lan-i-mous] + quail v.畏惧,颤抖 [quail] - qualms n.疑虑(尤指有关良心问题的) [qualms] - quaver v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 [qua-ver] - quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 [quiv-er] + redoubtable a.可敬畏的 [re-doubt-a-ble] - restless a.不停的;不安静的 [rest-less] - shrink v.收缩,皱缩 [shrink] - shudder v./n.战栗,发抖 [shud-der] - solicitude n.关怀,牵挂 [so-lic-i-tude] - startle v.使吃惊 [star-tle] - suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] - timid a.胆怯的 [tim-id] - timidity n.胆怯 [ti-mid-i-ty] + timorous a.胆小的,胆怯的 [tim-or-ous] - tremendous a.惊人的;巨大的 [tre-men-dous] - tremor n.震动,地震 [trem-or] - trepidation n.恐惧,惶恐 [trep-i-da-tion] - weasel n.黄鼠狼,鼬;v.逃避 [wea-sel] - wince v.避开,畏缩 [wince] ***** courage 861 + audacious a.大胆的;愚勇的 [au-da-cious] + brassy a.厚脸皮的,无礼的 [brass-y] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - chivalrous a.武士精神的;对女人彬彬有礼的 [chiv-al-rous] - confidence n.信任,自信,信心 [con-fi-dence] - defiance n.挑战,违抗,反抗 [de-fi-ance] - defy v.违抗,藐视 [de-fy] - dogged a.顽强的 [dog-ged] - embolden v.鼓励 [em-bold-en] - exploit v.剥削;开发利用;n.英勇行为 [ex-ploit] - feat n.功绩,壮举 [feat] - fortitude n.坚毅,坚韧不拔 [for-ti-tude] + gallant a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 [gal-lant] - hardy a.耐寒的;强壮的 [har-dy] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] + intrepid a.无畏的,刚毅的 [in-trep-id] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - mettle n.勇气,斗志 [met-tle] - mettlesome a.精神抖擞的 [met-tle-some] - nerve n.勇气;v.给予力量或勇气 [nerve] + panther n.黑豹 [pan-ther] - pluck n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 [pluck] + prowess n.勇敢;不凡的能力 [prow-ess] - pugnacious a.好斗的 [pug-na-cious] - rally v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 [ral-ly] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] - stout a.肥胖的;强壮的 [stout] + valiant a.勇敢的,英勇的 [val-iant] + valorous a.勇敢的 [val-or-ous] ***** cowardice 862 - base a.卑鄙的 [base] + coward n.胆小鬼 [cow-ard] - cower v.畏缩,蜷缩 [cow-er] - craven a.懦弱的,畏缩的 [cra-ven] - flinch v.畏缩,退缩 [flinch] - invertebrate adj./n.无脊椎的(动物) [in-ver-te-brate] - pusillanimous a.胆小的 [pu-sil-lan-i-mous] - quail v.畏惧,颤抖 [quail] + sneaking a.秘密的,不公开的 [sneak-ing] - timid a.胆怯的 [tim-id] - timidity n.胆怯 [ti-mid-i-ty] - timorous a.胆小的,胆怯的 [tim-or-ous] ***** rashness 863 - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - cavalier >n.骑士,武士 [cav-a-lier] + daredevil a./n.胆大的(人),冒失的(人) [dare-dev-il] - desperate a.不顾死活的,拼命的 [des-per-ate] - giddy a.轻浮的,不严肃的 [gid-dy] - headlong adj./adv.轻率的(地),迅猛的(地) [head-long] - headstrong a.刚愎自用的 [head-strong] - hubris n.过分自傲,目中无人 [hu-bris] - improvident a.无远见的,不节俭的 [im-prov-i-dent] - imprudent a.轻率的;不智的 [im-pru-dent] - impulsive a.易冲动的 [im-pul-sive] - jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] - levity n.轻率;轻浮 [lev-i-ty] - precipitate v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的 [pre-cip-i-tate] - precipitation n.降水(量) [pre-cip-i-ta-tion] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - quixotic a.不切实际的,空想的 [quix-ot-ic] + temerity n.鲁莽,大胆 [te-mer-i-ty] ***** caution 864 - chary a.小心的,审慎的 [char-y] - discreet a.言行谨慎的 [dis-creet] - discretion n.谨慎,审慎 [dis-cre-tion] - foresight n.远见,深谋远虑 [fore-sight] - heed v.注意,留心;n.关心 [heed] - judiciousness n.明智 [ju-di-cious-ness] - noncommittal a.态度暖味的;不承担义务的 [non-com-mit-tal] - prudence n.谨慎,小心 [pru-dence] - prudent a.审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的 [pru-dent] - vigilant a.机警的,警惕的 [vig-i-lant] + wary a.谨慎的,小心翼翼的 [war-y] ***** desire 865 + agog a.兴奋的,有强烈兴趣的 [a-gog] - amateur n.业余爱好者 [am-a-teur] - animus n.敌意,憎恨 [an-i-mus] + appetite n.欲望,食欲,爱好 [ap-pe-tite] - appetizing a.美味可口的,促进食欲的 [ap-pe-tiz-ing] - applicant n.申请人 [ap-pli-cant] - ardent a.热心的,热烈的 [ar-dent] - aspirant n.有抱负者 [as-pir-ant] - aspiration n.抱负,热望 [as-pi-ra-tion] - aspire v.向往,有志于 [as-pire] + avid a.渴望的 [av-id] - bent n.特长,爱好;a.弯曲的 [bent] - candidate n.候选人;参加考试的人 [can-di-date] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - covet v.贪求,妄想 [cov-et] - craving n.强烈的愿望 [crav-ing] - cupidity n.贪婪 [cu-pid-i-ty] - desirable a.值得要的 [de-sir-a-ble] - devotee n.爱好者 [dev-o-tee] - enrage v.激怒,触怒 [en-rage] - fantasy n.想象,幻想 [fan-ta-sy] + hankering n.渴望 [han-ker-ing] + idolater n.神像(偶像)崇拜者 [i-dol-a-ter] - inkling n.暗示,迹象;略知,模糊概念 [ink-ling] - intent a.专心的,渴望的;n.目的,意向 [in-tent] - list v./n.倾斜 [list] + longing n.渴望 [long-ing] - lust n.强烈的欲望 [lust] - mania n.癫狂;狂热 [ma-ni-a] - ogle v.送秋波;n.媚眼 [o-gle] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] - partiality n.偏袒,偏心 [par-ti-al-i-ty] - penchant n.爱好,嗜好 [pen-chant] - predilection n.偏袒,爱好 [pre-di-lec-tion] - prestige n.威信,威望,声望 [pres-tige] - propensity n.嗜好,习性 [pro-pen-si-ty] - rabid a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 [rab-id] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - relish n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受 [rel-ish] - sedulous a.聚精会神的,勤勉的 [sed-u-lous] - solicit v.恳求;教唆 [so-lic-it] + solicitous a.热切的;挂念的 [so-lic-i-tous] - solicitude n.关怀,牵挂 [so-lic-i-tude] - stomach v.吃得下;容忍 [stom-ach] - supplicant n.乞求者,恳求者 [sup-pli-cant] - tantalize v.挑惹,挑逗 [tan-ta-lize] - temptation n.诱惑,诱惑物 [temp-ta-tion] + voracity n.贪婪 [vo-rac-i-ty] - votary n.崇拜者,热心支持者 [vo-ta-ry] - want n.缺乏,贫困,需要 [want] - whim n.多变,怪念头 [whim] - whimsy n.古怪,异想天开 [whimsy] - wistful a.惆怅的,渴望的 [wist-ful] + woo v.向(女人)求爱;争取…的支持 [woo] ***** indifference 866 - aloof a.冷淡的,疏远的 [a-loof] + anorexia n.厌食症 [an-o-rex-i-a] + disdain n./v.轻视,鄙视 [dis-dain] - frigid a.寒冷的;死板的 [frig-id] - indifferent a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 [in-dif-fer-ent] - insipid a.乏味的,枯燥的 [in-sip-id] - insouciant a.漫不经心的 [in-sou-ci-ant] - lackadaisical a.无精打采的;无兴趣的 [lack-a-dai-si-cal] - listless a.无精打采的 [list-less] - lukewarm a.微温的,不热心的 [luke-warm] - nonchalance n.冷漠,缺少关怀;沉着 [non-cha-lance] - offish a.冷淡的 [of-fish] - phlegmatic a.冷静的,冷淡的 [phleg-mat-ic] - underestimated a.低估的 [underestimated] - undesirable a.令人不悦的,讨厌的 [un-de-sir-a-ble] - vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] ***** dislike 867 + abhor v.憎恨,嫌恶 [ab-hor] - abhorrent a.可恨的,讨厌的 [ab-hor-rent] + abominate v.痛恨;厌恶 [a-bom-i-nate] - adverse a.不利的,相反的;敌对 [ad-verse] - allergy n.过敏症;厌恶 [al-ler-gy] + animosity n.憎恶,仇恨 [an-i-mos-i-ty] + antipathy n.反感,厌恶 [an-tip-a-thy] + aversion n.嫌恶,憎恨 [a-ver-sion] - avoid v.避开,躲避 [a-void] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] + detest v.深恶,憎恶 [de-test] - disgust n.反感,厌恶 [dis-gust] - eschew v.避开,戒绝 [es-chew] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] + loathe v.憎恨,厌恶 [loathe] - nausea n.作呕,恶心 [nau-se-a] - nauseate v.使作呕,使厌恶 [nau-se-ate] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - repugnance n.嫌恶,反感 [re-pug-nance] - repugnant a.令人厌恶的 [re-pug-nant] - shudder v./n.战栗,发抖 [shud-der] - shun v.避免,闪避 [shun] ***** fastidiousness 868 - dainty n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 [dain-ty] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] + demanding a.苛刻的,过分要求的 [de-mand-ing] + epicure n.美食家 [ep-i-cure] - exacting a.苛求的;要求严格的 [ex-act-ing] - fastidious a.难取悦的,挑剔的 [fas-tid-i-ous] + finicky a.苛求的,过分讲究的 [fin-ick-y] + gourmet n.美食家 [gour-met] + meticulous a.细心的,一丝不苟的 [me-tic-u-lous] - nice a.精密的 [nice] - nicety n.准确,精确 [ni-ce-ty] - particular n.事实,细节 [par-tic-u-lar] - querulous a.抱怨的,多牢骚的 [quer-u-lous] ***** satiety 869 - bore v.钻孔;使厌烦;n.孔;令人厌烦的人 [bore] - glut v./n.过多;供过于求 [glut] - gorge n.峡谷 [gorge] - hold n.(船)货舱 [hold] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - quench v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) [quench] + sate v.使心满意足,使厌腻 [sate] + satiated a.;厌倦的,生腻的 [sa-ti-at-ed] - saturate v.浸透;使充满 [sat-u-rate] - slake v.解渴,消渴 [slake] - spoil v.损坏,破坏;溺爱 [spoil] - surfeit n.(食物)过量,过度;v.使过量 [sur-feit] - tire n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 [tire] *** 4. Contemplative Affections ***** wonder 870 + admire v.钦佩,赞赏 [ad-mire] - astound v.使震惊 [a-stound] - awe n./v.敬畏 [awe] - bewilder v.迷惑,混乱 [be-wil-der] - bewildering a.令人迷惑的;费解的 [bewildering] - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] - gape v.裂开;目瞪口呆地凝视 [gape] - hem v.包围;n.袖边,边缘;interj.吞吞吐吐地说 [hem] + marvel v.对…感到惊异;n.奇迹 [mar-vel] - petrify v.石化;吓呆 [pet-ri-fy] - phenomenal a.显著的,非凡的 [phe-nom-e-nal] - prodigious a.巨大的 [pro-di-gious] - sensation n.知觉;轰动(的事) [sen-sa-tion] - startle v.使吃惊 [star-tle] - striking a.引人注目的,明显的 [strik-ing] - stupor n.昏迷,不醒人事 [stu-por] ***** expectance 871 ***** prodigy 872 - marvel v.对…感到惊异;n.奇迹 [mar-vel] - miracle n.奇事,奇迹 [mir-a-cle] - prodigy n.奇事;奇才 [prod-i-gy] *** 5. Extrinsic Affections ***** repute 873 - aggrandize v.增大,扩张;吹棒 [ag-gran-dize] + approbation n.称赞,认可 [ap-pro-ba-tion] - august a.威严的,高贵的 [au-gust] - blazon n.纹章,装饰;v.精确描绘 [bla-zon] - blurb n.简介;印在书籍封套上的推荐广告 [blurb] - caste n.社会等级,等级 [caste] + celebrated a.有名的,知名的 [cel-e-brat-ed] - celebrity n.名声;知名人士 [ce-leb-ri-ty] - conspicuous a.显著的,显而易见的 [con-spic-u-ous] - constellation n.星座,星群 [con-stel-la-tion] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] + dedication n.对某事业或目的的忠诚 [ded-i-ca-tion] + deify v.奉为神;崇拜 [de-i-fy] + dignity n.尊严,尊贵 [dig-ni-ty] - distinction n.区别,差别;知名 [dis-tinc-tion] - distinguished a.著名的,卓越的 [dis-tin-guished] - elevate v.将…举起 [el-e-vate] - elite n.精华,中坚 [e-lite] - eminence n.卓越,杰出 [em-i-nence] - eminent a.著名的,显著的 [em-i-nent] - emulate v.努力赶上或超越 [em-u-late] - escalation n.逐步上升,逐步增强 [es-ca-la-tion] - exalt v.(高度)赞扬,歌颂 [ex-alt] - exaltation n.(成功带来的)得意,高兴 [ex-al-ta-tion] - exult v.欢腾,喜悦 [ex-ult] + flaunt v.炫耀;张扬 [flaunt] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] + full-blown a.(鲜花)盛开的 [full-blown] - galaxy n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 [gal-ax-y] + grandeur n.壮丽,伟大 [gran-deur] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] - halo n.(日、月等)晕,神像之光环 [ha-lo] - hierarchy n.阶层;等级制度 [hi-er-ar-chy] - imposing a.壮丽的,雄伟的 [im-pos-ing] - inscribe v.在某物上写,题 [in-scribe] - lionize v.崇拜,看重 [li-on-ize] - majestic a.雄伟的,庄严的 [ma-jes-tic] - notable a.明显的,出众的,重要的 [no-ta-ble] - notorious a.臭名昭著的 [no-to-ri-ous] - outshine v.要求比…更好 [out-shine] - overshadow v.遮蔽,使失色 [o-ver-shad-ow] - paragon n.模范,典型 [par-a-gon] + peerless a.无可匹敌的 [peer-less] - preeminent a.出类拔萃的 [pre-em-i-nent] - prestige n.威信,威望,声望 [pres-tige] - prominent a.显著的;著名的 [prom-i-nent] - renown n.名望,声誉 [re-nown] - reputation n.名声 [rep-u-ta-tion] + repute n.名声,名誉 [re-pute] - rival n.竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 [ri-val] + sacred a.神圣的,庄严的 [sa-cred] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - solemnity n.庄严,肃穆 [so-lem-ni-ty] - splendor n.壮丽;辉煌 [splen-dor] - status n.身分,地位 [sta-tus] - stunning a.极富魅力的 [stun-ning] - sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] - surpass v.超过 [sur-pass] - transcendent a.超越的,卓越的,出众的 [tran-scend-ent] - vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] - vogue n.时髦,时尚;a.流行的 [vogue] ***** disrepute 874 + abject a.极可怜的;卑下的 [ab-ject] - besmirch v.诽谤 [be-smirch] - blur n.模糊不清的事物;v.使…模糊 [blur] - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] - debase v.贬低,贬损 [de-base] - defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] - degradation n.降低身份,受辱 [deg-ra-da-tion] + derogatory a.不敬的,诽谤的 [de-rog-a-to-ry] + despicable a.可鄙的,卑劣的 [des-pi-ca-ble] - discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] - disconcert v.使…尴尬 [dis-con-cert] - discredit v.怀疑;n.丧失名誉 [dis-cred-it] + disrepute n.名声不好 [dis-re-pute] - expel v.排出;开除 [ex-pel] + ignominious a.可耻的;耻辱的 [ig-no-min-i-ous] + ignominy n.羞耻,屈辱 [ig-no-min-y] - low v.牛叫 [low] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - notorious a.臭名昭著的 [no-to-ri-ous] + obloquy n.大骂,斥责 [ob-lo-quy] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] + odium n.憎恶,反感 [o-di-um] + opprobrious a.辱骂的,恶名声的 [op-pro-bri-ous] - outshine v.要求比…更好 [out-shine] - overshadow v.遮蔽,使失色 [o-ver-shad-ow] - pitiful a.值得同情的,可怜的 [pit-i-ful] + reprehend v.谴责,责难 [rep-re-hend] + reproach n.谴责,责骂 [re-proach] - repute n.名声,名誉 [re-pute] - ribald a.下流的,粗鄙的 [rib-ald] - scandal n.丑闻;恶意诽谤 [scan-dal] + seamy a.肮脏的,恶劣的 [seam-y] - slur v.含糊不清地讲 [slur] - snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - stain v.玷污;染色 [stain] + stigma n.耻辱的标志,污点 [stig-ma] + stigmatize v.污蔑,玷污 [stig-ma-tize] - tarnish n./v.失去光泽,晦暗 [tar-nish] + turpitude n.邪恶,卑鄙(行为) [tur-pi-tude] - unbecoming a.不合身的;不得体的 [un-be-com-ing] - unnoticed a.不引人注意的 [un-no-ticed] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] + vilify v.辱骂,诽谤 [vil-i-fy] ***** nobility 875 - aristocracy n.贵族;贵族政府,贵族统治 [ar-is-toc-ra-cy] - celebrity n.名声;知名人士 [ce-leb-ri-ty] - distinction n.区别,差别;知名 [dis-tinc-tion] - elite n.精华,中坚 [e-lite] - genteel a.上流社会的;装作彬彬有礼的 [gen-teel] + gentry n.绅士,上等人 [gen-try] + magnate n.财主,巨头 [mag-nate] + patrician n.贵族 [pa-tri-cian] - peer n.同等之人,同辈 [peer] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] ***** commonality 876 - barbarous a.野蛮的;残暴的 [bar-ba-rous] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] + boor n.举止粗野的人;乡下人 [boor] - bourgeois a.中产阶级的;自私拜物的 [bour-geois] - chaff n.谷物的皮壳,米糠 [chaff] - churl n.粗鄙之人 [churl] - clown n.小丑;v.扮小丑 [clown] - cub n.幼兽;年轻无经验的人 [cub] - curmudgeon n.脾气暴躁之人 [cur-mudg-eon] + ignoble a.卑鄙的 [ig-no-ble] - jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - loon n.愚人;疯子 [loon] + loutish a.粗鲁的 [lout-ish] - low v.牛叫 [low] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - mobility n.可动性,流动性 [mo-bil-i-ty] - mushroom n.蘑菇;v.雨后春笋般迅速发展 [mush-room] - obscure a.难理解的;不清楚的;v.隐藏;使…模糊 [ob-scure] - obscurity n.费解,不出名 [ob-scu-ri-ty] - philistine n.庸人,市侩 [philistine] + populace n.民众,老百姓 [pop-u-lace] - rabble n.乌合之众;下等人 [rab-ble] + raffish a.粗俗的;俗艳的 [raff-ish] - reaper n.收割者 [reap-er] - rustic a.乡村的,乡土气的 [rus-tic] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] - scrub n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗 [scrub] - snobbish a.势利眼的;假充绅士的 [snob-bish] - underling n.下属,手下 [un-der-ling] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] - vulgar a.无教养的 [vul-gar] - yokel n.乡巴佬 [yo-kel] ***** title 877 - cross a.生气的 [cross] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - epaulet n.肩章,肩饰 [ep-au-let] - grace n.优美 [grace] - medal n.奖牌,勋章 [med-al] + reward n.酬报,奖赏;v.酬谢,奖赏 [re-ward] - shield n.盾;v.掩护,遮挡 [shield] + worship v./n.崇拜,敬仰 [wor-ship] ***** pride 878 - arrogance n.傲慢,自大 [ar-ro-gance] - arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的 [ar-ro-gant] - boast v./n.自夸 [boast] - bridle n.马笼头;v.抑制,控制 [bri-dle] + bumptious a.傲慢的,自夸的 [bump-tious] - carbohydrate n.碳水化合物 [car-bo-hy-drate] - consequential a.傲慢的,自以为是的 [con-se-quen-tial] - crest n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 [crest] - dignity n.尊严,尊贵 [dig-ni-ty] + hauteur n.傲慢 [hau-teur] - imperious a.傲慢的,专横的 [im-pe-ri-ous] + magisterial a.有权威的;威风的 [mag-is-te-ri-al] - mighty a.强有力的,强大的 [might-y] - pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - plume n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛;搔首弄姿 [plume] - presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - prim a.端庄的,整洁的 [prim] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - strut v.趾高气扬地走;n.支柱 [strut] + supercilious a.目中无人的 [su-per-cil-i-ous] + swagger v.大摇大摆地走 [swag-ger] ***** humility 879 - abash v.使害羞,使尴尬 [a-bash] + affable a.易于交谈的;和蔼的 [af-fa-ble] - blush v.因某事物脸红;n.因羞愧等脸上泛出的红晕 [blush] + condescend v.屈尊,俯就 [con-de-scend] + condescending a.谦逊的,故意屈尊的 [con-de-scend-ing] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] + crestfallen a.挫败的,失望的 [crest-fall-en] - deign v.屈尊,惠允(做某事) [deign] - demean v.贬抑,降低 [de-mean] + hangdog a.忧愁的;低贱的 [hang-dog] - humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] + humiliate v.使屈辱 [hu-mil-i-ate] + humility n.谦逊,谦恭 [hu-mil-i-ty] - meek a.温顺的,顺服的 [meek] - modest a.谦虚的,谨慎的;适度的 [mod-est] - mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] - mortify v.使屈辱,使痛心 [mor-ti-fy] - resignation n.听从,顺从;辞职 [res-ig-na-tion] - resigned a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 [re-signed] + servile a.奴性的,百依百顺的 [ser-vile] - snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] - submit v.屈服;提交,呈递 [sub-mit] ***** vanity 880 - arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的 [ar-ro-gant] - boast v./n.自夸 [boast] - conceit n.自负,自大 [con-ceit] + egocentric a.利己的 [e-go-cen-tric] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - inflate v.使充气,使膨胀 [in-flate] - narcissism n.自恋,自爱 [nar-cis-sism] + ostentation n.夸示,炫耀 [os-ten-ta-tion] - pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - pretentious a.自抬身价的 [pre-ten-tious] - vain a.自负的;徒劳的 [vain] - vanity n.虚荣,自负 [van-i-ty] + vaunting a.吹嘘的 [vaunt-ing] ***** modesty 881 - blush v.因某事物脸红;n.因羞愧等脸上泛出的红晕 [blush] - constrained a.束缚的,节制的 [con-strained] - constraint n.强制,强迫;对感情的压抑 [con-straint] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] - coy a.腼腆的,忸怩的 [coy] - diffident a.缺乏自信的 [dif-fi-dent] - humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] - humility n.谦逊,谦恭 [hu-mil-i-ty] - modest a.谦虚的,谨慎的;适度的 [mod-est] - reserve n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订 [re-serve] - timid a.胆怯的 [tim-id] - timidity n.胆怯 [ti-mid-i-ty] - timorous a.胆小的,胆怯的 [tim-or-ous] + unassuming a.不摆架子的,不造作的 [un-as-sum-ing] + unobtrusive a.不引人注目的 [un-ob-tru-sive] + unpretentious a.不炫耀的 [un-pre-ten-tious] ***** ostentation 882 - array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 [ar-ray] - brandish v.(威胁性地)挥舞 [bran-dish] + ceremonious a.仪式隆重的 [cer-e-mo-ni-ous] + ceremony n.典礼,仪式 [cer-e-mo-ny] - etiquette n.礼仪;礼节 [et-i-quette] - exposition n.阐释;博览会 [ex-po-si-tion] - flamboyant a.艳丽的,炫耀的 [flam-boy-ant] - flaunt v.炫耀;张扬 [flaunt] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - formality n.遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式 [for-mal-i-ty] - fuss n.大惊小怪 [fuss] - garish a.俗丽的,过于艳丽的 [gar-ish] - gaudy a.俗丽的 [gaud-y] - jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] - magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的;高尚的 [mag-nif-i-cent] - majestic a.雄伟的,庄严的 [ma-jes-tic] - ostentation n.夸示,炫耀 [os-ten-ta-tion] - pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧 [pag-eant] - palatial a.宫殿般的;宏伟的 [pa-la-tial] + pomposity n.自大的行为,傲慢,自命不凡 [pom-pos-i-ty] - pompous a.自大的 [pomp-ous] - pretentious a.自抬身价的 [pre-ten-tious] - primp v.(妇女)刻意打扮 [primp] - procession n.行列;前进 [pro-ces-sion] - promenade v./n.散步;开车兜风 [prom-e-nade] - punctilious a.谨小慎微的 [punc-til-i-ous] - revue n.时事讽刺剧 [re-vue] + ritual n.仪式,例行习惯 [rit-u-al] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - solemnity n.庄严,肃穆 [so-lem-ni-ty] + spectacular a.壮观的,引人入胜的 [spec-tac-u-lar] - splendor n.壮丽;辉煌 [splen-dor] + splurge n.炫耀,摆阔 [splurge] - sport v.炫耀,卖弄 [sport] - stiff a.僵直的,呆板的,严厉的 [stiff] - strut v.趾高气扬地走;n.支柱 [strut] + sumptuous a.豪华的,奢侈的 [sump-tu-ous] - turgid a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 [tur-gid] ***** celebration 883 - celebrated a.有名的,知名的 [cel-e-brat-ed] - ceremony n.典礼,仪式 [cer-e-mo-ny] - commemorate v.纪念(伟人、大事件等) [com-mem-o-rate] - coronation n.加冕 [cor-o-na-tion] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] + hallow v.把…视为神圣,尊敬 [hal-low] - inaugurate v.举行就职典礼;开创 [in-au-gu-rate] - install v.安装,装置;使就职 [in-stall] - jubilation n.欢快,欢庆 [ju-bi-la-tion] + ovation n.热烈的欢迎、鼓掌 [o-va-tion] - paean n.赞美歌,颂歌 [pae-an] - pledge n.誓言,保证;v.发誓 [pledge] - presentation n.表演,介绍,描述 [pres-en-ta-tion] - rejoice v.喜欢,高兴 [re-joice] - revelry n.狂欢 [rev-el-ry] - salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] - triumph v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 [tri-umph] - trophy n.奖品,战利品 [tro-phy] ***** boasting 884 + blowhard n.自吹自擂者 [blow-hard] - boast v./n.自夸 [boast] - bombast n.高调,夸大之辞 [bom-bast] - brag v.吹嘘 [brag] + braggadocio n.吹牛大王;大吹大擂 [brag-ga-do-ci-o] + braggart n.吹牛者 [brag-gart] + bravado n.故作勇敢,虚张声势 [bra-va-do] - charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子 [char-la-tan] - chuckle v.轻声地笑 [chuck-le] - crack n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 [crack] - elated a.得意洋洋的,振奋的 [e-lat-ed] - exaggeration n.夸张 [ex-ag-ger-a-tion] - exult v.欢腾,喜悦 [ex-ult] - flourish v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 [flour-ish] - hector v.凌辱,威吓 [hec-tor] - pretentious a.自抬身价的 [pre-ten-tious] - stilted a.(文章,谈话)不自然的;夸张的 [stilt-ed] - strut v.趾高气扬地走;n.支柱 [strut] - swagger v.大摇大摆地走 [swag-ger] - triumph v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 [tri-umph] - trumpet n.喇叭,小号 [trum-pet] - vanity n.虚荣,自负 [van-i-ty] - vaunting a.吹嘘的 [vaunt-ing] - windbag n.饶舌之人 [wind-bag] ***** insolence 885 - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] - arrogance n.傲慢,自大 [ar-ro-gance] - arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的 [ar-ro-gant] - arrogate v.冒称具有…权利 [ar-ro-gate] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] - audacious a.大胆的;愚勇的 [au-da-cious] - bluster v.(指风)猛刮 [blus-ter] - blustering a.大吵大闹的 [blustering] - brassy a.厚脸皮的,无礼的 [brass-y] + brazen a.厚脸皮的 [bra-zen] - browbeat v.欺侮;吓唬 [brow-beat] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - bumptious a.傲慢的,自夸的 [bump-tious] - cavalier >n.骑士,武士 [cav-a-lier] + clannish a.排他的,门户之见的 [clan-nish] - dictate v.口述;命令 [dic-tate] + effrontery n.厚颜无耻 [ef-fron-ter-y] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - flippant a.无礼的;轻率的 [flip-pant] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - haughty a.傲慢的,自大的 [haugh-ty] - hubris n.过分自傲,目中无人 [hu-bris] - imperious a.傲慢的,专横的 [im-pe-ri-ous] - impertinence n.无礼,粗鲁 [im-per-ti-nence] + impudent a.鲁莽的,无礼的 [im-pu-dent] + insolence n.傲慢,无礼 [in-so-lence] + insolent a.粗野的,无礼的 [in-so-lent] - intimidate v.恐吓;胁迫 [in-tim-i-date] - jaunty a.愉快的,满足的 [jaun-ty] - magisterial a.有权威的;威风的 [mag-is-te-ri-al] + overbearing a.专横的,独断的 [o-ver-bear-ing] + petulance n.发脾气,性急,暴躁 [pet-u-lance] - precocious a.早熟的 [pre-co-cious] - presume v.假定,认定 [pre-sume] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - supercilious a.目中无人的 [su-per-cil-i-ous] - swagger v.大摇大摆地走 [swag-ger] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - tyranny n.暴政,专制统治;暴行 [tyr-an-ny] - upstage a.骄傲的,高傲的 [up-stage] ***** servility 886 - abject a.极可怜的;卑下的 [ab-ject] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - cower v.畏缩,蜷缩 [cow-er] - cringe v.畏缩;谄媚 [cringe] + cringing n./a.谄媚(的),奉承(的) [cring-ing] - crouch v.蹲伏,弯腰 [crouch] - fatten v.使长肥;使土壤肥沃;装满 [fat-ten] + fawn n.未满周岁的小鹿;v.巴结,奉承 [fawn] - grovel v.摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 [grov-el] - hangdog a.忧愁的;低贱的 [hang-dog] - humility n.谦逊,谦恭 [hu-mil-i-ty] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] + narcissist n.自负的人,自恋者 [nar-cis-sist] + obsequious a.逢迎的,谄媚的 [ob-se-qui-ous] - parasite n.食客;寄生物 [par-a-site] - pliant a.易受影响的;易弯的 [pli-ant] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - reptile n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 [rep-tile] - servile a.奴性的,百依百顺的 [ser-vile] - sneaking a.秘密的,不公开的 [sneak-ing] - supple a.伸屈自如的 [sup-ple] + sycophant n.马屁精 [syc-o-phant] + toady n.谄媚者,马屁精 [toad-y] - worship v./n.崇拜,敬仰 [wor-ship] ***** blusterer 887 - blowhard n.自吹自擂者 [blow-hard] - braggart n.吹牛者 [brag-gart] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - doctrinaire n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 [doc-tri-naire] - firearm n.(便携式)枪支 [fire-arm] - pistol n.手枪 [pis-tol] - warmonger n.好战者,战争贩子 [war-mong-er] ** Section III. Sympathetic Affections *** 1. Social Affections ***** friendship 888 - acquaintance n.熟知;熟人 [ac-quaint-ance] - acquainted a.对某事物熟悉的;对某人认识的 [ac-quaint-ed] - affection n.爱 [af-fec-tion] - amicable a.友好的 [am-i-ca-ble] - amity n.(人或国之间的)友好关系 [am-i-ty] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - familiarity n.精通;亲近;不拘礼仪 [fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty] - harmony n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 [har-mo-ny] - intimate a.亲密的;n.密友;v.暗示 [in-ti-mate] - rapprochement n.和好,和睦 [rap-proche-ment] - response n.反应,响应,回答 [re-sponse] ***** enmity 889 - alienate v.疏远,离间某人 [al-ien-ate] - animosity n.憎恶,仇恨 [an-i-mos-i-ty] - discord n.不和,纷争 [dis-cord] - enmity n.敌意,仇恨 [en-mi-ty] + estranged a.疏远的,分开的,分离的 [es-tranged] - hostile a.敌对的,敌意的 [hos-tile] + hostility n.敌对,不友好,憎恨 [hos-til-i-ty] - inimical a.敌意的,不友善的 [in-im-i-cal] - irreconcilable a.不能协调的,矛盾的 [ir-rec-on-cil-a-ble] + rancor n.深仇,怨恨 [ran-cor] - variance n.矛盾;不同 [var-i-ance] ***** friend 890 - acquaintance n.熟知;熟人 [ac-quaint-ance] - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] - companion n.同伴,同伙;受雇的陪伴人 [com-pan-ion] - compatriot n.同胞,同国人 [com-pa-tri-ot] - insider n.局内人,圈内人 [in-sid-er] - intimate a.亲密的;n.密友;v.暗示 [in-ti-mate] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] - partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] ***** enemy 891 - opponent n.对手,敌手 [op-po-nent] ***** sociality 892 - acquainted a.对某事物熟悉的;对某人认识的 [ac-quaint-ed] - associate a.联合的;n.合伙人;v.将人或事物联系起来 [as-so-ci-ate] + convivial a.欢乐的,狂欢的 [con-viv-i-al] + conviviality n.欢乐;交游 [con-viv-i-al-i-ty] - coterie n.(有共同兴趣的)小团体 [co-te-rie] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - familiarity n.精通;亲近;不拘礼仪 [fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty] - festive a.欢乐的 [fes-tive] + gregarious a.群居的;爱社交的 [gre-gar-i-ous] - gregariousness n.群居;合群 [gre-gar-i-ous-ness] - hospitable a.豁达的 [hos-pi-ta-ble] - jovial a.愉快的 [jo-vi-al] - levee n.防洪堤;堤岸 [lev-ee] ***** seclusion, exclusion 893 - abandon v./n.放弃;放纵 [a-ban-don] - anonymity n.无名,匿名 [an-o-nym-i-ty] - banish v.放逐某人 [ban-ish] - derelict a.荒废的;玩忽职守的;n.被遗弃的人 [der-e-lict] - deserted a.荒芜的,无人的 [de-sert-ed] - desertion n.离弃,遗弃 [de-ser-tion] - estranged a.疏远的,分开的,分离的 [es-tranged] - exclude v.排斥;排除 [ex-clude] + hermit n.隐士,修道者 [her-mit] - maroon n./a.栗色(的) [ma-roon] + ostracism n.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cism] + ostracize v.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cize] - pariah n.贱民,被社会遗弃者 [pa-ri-ah] - proscribe v.禁止 [pro-scribe] - recess n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 [re-cess] + recluse n.隐士;a.隐居的 [re-cluse] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - snug a.温暖的,舒适的 [snug] - solitary a.孤独的;n.隐士 [sol-i-tar-y] - solitude n.孤独 [sol-i-tude] - wastrel n.挥霍无度的人 [wast-rel] ***** courtesy 894 + accolade n.推崇;赞扬 [ac-co-lade] - affable a.易于交谈的;和蔼的 [af-fa-ble] - amenity n.礼仪;使人感到舒适的事物 [a-men-i-ty] - bland a.(人)情绪平稳的;(食物)无味的 [bland] - civil a.国内的;公民的;文明的 [civ-il] + civility n.彬彬有礼,斯文 [ci-vil-i-ty] + comity n.礼让,礼仪 [com-i-ty] - complacency n.满足,安心 [com-pla-cen-cy] + complacent a.自满的,得意的 [com-pla-cent] + complaisance n.彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺 [com-plai-sance] + complaisant a.顺从的,讨好的 [com-plai-sant] + compliment n./v.恭维,称赞 [com-pli-ment] - conciliate v.安抚,驯服 [con-cil-i-ate] - conciliatory a.抚慰的,调和的 [con-cil-i-a-to-ry] - cultivated a.耕种的,栽植的;有修养的 [cul-ti-vat-ed] - diplomatic a.外交的;圆滑的 [dip-lo-mat-ic] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - gallant a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 [gal-lant] - gentle a.温和的,慈祥的 [gen-tle] - gracious a.大方的,和善的;奢华的 [gra-cious] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] + ingratiating a.讨好的,谄媚的 [in-gra-ti-at-ing] - obeisance n.鞠躬,敬礼 [o-bei-sance] - obliging a.恳切的,热心助人的 [o-blig-ing] - obsequious a.逢迎的,谄媚的 [ob-se-qui-ous] - pledge n.誓言,保证;v.发誓 [pledge] - polish v.把…擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 [pol-ish] - presentation n.表演,介绍,描述 [pres-en-ta-tion] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] + smarmy a.虚情假意的 [smarm-y] - squeeze v.压,挤;n.压榨,紧握 [squeeze] - valediction n.告别演说 [val-e-dic-tion] ***** discourtesy 895 + abusive a.漫骂的;毁谤的;虐待的 [a-bu-sive] - acrimonious a.尖刻的,严厉的 [ac-ri-mo-ni-ous] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] - artless a.粗俗的;自然的 [art-less] - asperity n.严酷;粗鲁 [as-per-i-ty] - austere a.朴素的 [aus-tere] - austerity n.朴素,艰苦 [aus-ter-i-ty] - blunt a.钝的;直率的;v.变钝 [blunt] - brusque a.唐突的,鲁莽的 [brusque] + brutal a.残忍的;严酷的 [bru-tal] - brute n./a.野兽(的);残忍的(人) [brute] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] - cavalier >n.骑士,武士 [cav-a-lier] - crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - forward a.过激的,莽撞的 [for-ward] - glower v.怒目而视 [glow-er] - grim a.冷酷的,可怕的 [grim] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] + impolitic a.不智的,失策的 [im-pol-i-tic] - impudent a.鲁莽的,无礼的 [im-pu-dent] - ogle v.送秋波;n.媚眼 [o-gle] + peevish a.坏脾气的,易怒的 [peev-ish] - pout v.噘嘴,板脸 [pout] - precocious a.早熟的 [pre-co-cious] - rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] - sarcastic a.讽刺的 [sar-cas-tic] - scathing a.苛刻的,严厉的 [scath-ing] - scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - snarl n./v.纠缠,混乱 [snarl] - stern n.船尾 [stern] - sullen a.忧郁的 [sul-len] + surly a.脾气暴躁的;阴沉的 [sur-ly] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] - ungainly a.笨拙的 [un-gain-ly] - virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] - vulgar a.无教养的 [vul-gar] ***** congratulation 896 - compliment n./v.恭维,称赞 [com-pli-ment] + laud v.称赞 [laud] - salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] ***** love 897 + adore v.崇拜;热爱 [a-dore] - affection n.爱 [af-fec-tion] + amiable a.和蔼的,亲切的 [a-mi-a-ble] - ardent a.热心的,热烈的 [ar-dent] - attach v.将某物系在(另一物)上 [at-ta-ch] - captivate v.迷惑,吸引 [cap-ti-vate] - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] - cling v.紧抓住;舍不得放弃 [cling] - congenial a.意气相投的;性情好的 [con-gen-ial] - devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] - dote v.溺爱;昏聩 [dote] + enamored a.珍爱的,喜爱的 [enamored] + endearing a.讨人喜欢的 [endearing] - engaging a.迷人的,美丽动人的 [en-gag-ing] - enrapture v.使狂喜,使高兴 [en-rap-ture] - enthralling a.迷人的,吸引人的 [en-thral-ling] - fervor n.热诚,热心 [fer-vor] - flirt v.挑逗,调戏 [flirt] - gallant a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 [gal-lant] - gripping a.紧紧抓住注意力的 [grip-ping] - infatuation n.迷恋 [in-fat-u-a-tion] + ingratiate v.逢迎,讨好 [in-gra-ti-ate] - insinuate v.暗指,暗示 [in-sin-u-ate] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] - passionate a.充满激情的 [pas-sion-ate] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] + revere v.尊敬 [re-vere] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] ***** hate 898 - abhor v.憎恨,嫌恶 [ab-hor] - abhorrent a.可恨的,讨厌的 [ab-hor-rent] - abominate v.痛恨;厌恶 [a-bom-i-nate] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] - alienate v.疏远,离间某人 [al-ien-ate] - animosity n.憎恶,仇恨 [an-i-mos-i-ty] - antipathy n.反感,厌恶 [an-tip-a-thy] - aversion n.嫌恶,憎恨 [a-ver-sion] - detest v.深恶,憎恶 [de-test] - disaffect v.使不满;使不忠 [dis-af-fect] - enmity n.敌意,仇恨 [en-mi-ty] + execrate v.憎恶;咒骂 [ex-e-crate] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - invidious a.惹人反感的,导致伤害和仇恨的,招人嫉妒的 [in-vid-i-ous] - irritate v.激怒;刺激 [ir-ri-tate] - loathe v.憎恨,厌恶 [loathe] + malicious a.恶意的,怨毒的 [ma-li-cious] - obnoxious a.令人不愉快的;可憎的 [ob-nox-ious] - odious a.可憎的,讨厌的 [o-di-ous] - odium n.憎恶,反感 [o-di-um] - offensive a.令人不快的,得罪人的 [of-fen-sive] - pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - recoil v.退却,退缩 [re-coil] - repel v.击退,使…反感 [re-pel] - reprehensible a.应受谴责的 [rep-re-hen-si-ble] - repugnance n.嫌恶,反感 [re-pug-nance] - revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] - rile v.使…恼火,激怒 [rile] - roil v.煽动,搅浑 [roil] - scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - shudder v./n.战栗,发抖 [shud-der] - umbrage n.不快,愤怒 [um-brage] ***** favorite 899 + cosset v.宠爱,溺爱 [cos-set] + minion n.奴才,低下之人 [min-ion] ***** resentment 900 - acrimonious a.尖刻的,严厉的 [ac-ri-mo-ni-ous] - acrimony n.尖刻,刻薄 [ac-ri-mo-ny] - affront v.侮辱,冒犯 [af-front] - aggravate v.加重,恶化 [ag-gra-vate] - animosity n.憎恶,仇恨 [an-i-mos-i-ty] - asperity n.严酷;粗鲁 [as-per-i-ty] + bile n.胆汁 [bile] - chafe v.摩擦生热;擦痛;激怒 [chafe] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - discompose v.使失态,慌张 [dis-com-pose] - enrage v.激怒,触怒 [en-rage] - exasperate v.激怒,使恼怒 [ex-as-per-ate] - ferment v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 [fer-ment] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - fume v./n.愤怒;冒烟 [fume] - gall n.胆汁;怨恨 [gall] - hector v.凌辱,威吓 [hec-tor] - hormone n.荷尔蒙,激素 [hor-mone] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] + indignant a.愤慨的,愤愤不平的 [in-dig-nant] + indignation n.愤慨 [in-dig-na-tion] + indignity n.侮辱,轻蔑;侮辱性的言行 [in-dig-ni-ty] - inflame v.使燃烧;激怒(某人) [in-flame] - infuriate v.使(人)极为愤怒 [in-fu-ri-ate] + irate a.发怒的 [i-rate] + ire n.愤怒;v.激怒 [ire] - irritate v.激怒;刺激 [ir-ri-tate] - irritation n.愤怒,急躁,刺激 [ir-ri-ta-tion] - kindle v.着火,点燃 [kin-dle] - mantle n.披风,斗篷;v.覆盖 [man-tle] + miff n.小争吵 [miff] - nettle n.荨麻;v.烦忧,激恼 [net-tle] - offend v.得罪,冒犯 [of-fend] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - paroxysm n.(感情等)突发 [par-ox-ysm] - peeve v.使气恼,怨恨 [peeve] - pique n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 [pique] - pout v.噘嘴,板脸 [pout] - provocation n.挑衅,激怒 [prov-o-ca-tion] - pucker v.起皱;n.皱褶 [puck-er] - rabid a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 [rab-id] - rage n.盛怒;v.激怒 [rage] - rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] + resent v.憎恶,愤恨 [re-sent] + resentment n.愤恨,怨恨 [re-sent-ment] - revenge n.报复,报仇 [re-venge] - rile v.使…恼火,激怒 [rile] - ruffle v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) [ruf-fle] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] - scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - snarl n./v.纠缠,混乱 [snarl] - spleen n.怨怒 [spleen] - sting v.刺痛;叮螫;n.螫刺 [sting] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - taking a.楚楚动人的 [tak-ing] - tiff n.吵嘴,呕气 [tiff] - umbrage n.不快,愤怒 [um-brage] - virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] - wrought a.做成的,精炼的 [wrought] ***** irascibility 901 - allergic a.过敏的;对…讨厌的 [al-ler-gic] - asperity n.严酷;粗鲁 [as-per-i-ty] + cantankerous a.脾气坏的,好争吵的 [can-tan-ker-ous] - captious a.吹毛求疵的 [cap-tious] + choleric a.易怒的,暴躁的 [chol-er-ic] - contentious a.好辩的,善争吵的 [con-ten-tious] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - excitability n.易兴奋性,易激动性 [ex-cit-a-bil-i-ty] + fractious a.(脾气)易怒的,好争吵的 [frac-tious] - fret n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 [fret] - hasty a.急急忙忙的 [has-ty] + irascible a.易发怒的 [i-ras-ci-ble] - irritable a.易怒的;易受刺激的 [ir-ri-ta-ble] - passionate a.充满激情的 [pas-sion-ate] - peevish a.坏脾气的,易怒的 [peev-ish] - petulance n.发脾气,性急,暴躁 [pet-u-lance] - petulant a.性急的,暴躁的 [pet-u-lant] - porcupine n.豪猪,箭猪 [por-cu-pine] - pugnacious a.好斗的 [pug-na-cious] - querulous a.抱怨的,多牢骚的 [quer-u-lous] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - susceptibility n.易感性 [sus-cep-ti-bil-i-ty] - susceptible a.易受影响的,脆弱的 [sus-cep-ti-ble] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] + testiness n.易怒 [testiness] + testy a.性急的,暴躁的 [tes-ty] + touchy a.敏感的,易发脾气的 [touch-y] + vindictive a.报复性的 [vin-dic-tive] ***** sullenness 901.a - cantankerous a.脾气坏的,好争吵的 [can-tan-ker-ous] - crabbed a.暴躁的 [crab-bed] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - dogged a.顽强的 [dog-ged] - doldrums n.赤道无风带;情绪低落 [dol-drums] - glower v.怒目而视 [glow-er] - grim a.冷酷的,可怕的 [grim] + grouch n.牢骚,不满 [grouch] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - intractable a.倔强的;难管的 [in-trac-ta-ble] + morose a.阴郁的 [mo-rose] - obstinacy n.固执,倔强,顽固 [ob-sti-na-cy] - peevish a.坏脾气的,易怒的 [peev-ish] - pout v.噘嘴,板脸 [pout] - restive a.不安静的,不安宁的 [res-tive] - scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - spleen n.怨怒 [spleen] - sulky a.生气的 [sulk-y] - sullen a.忧郁的 [sul-len] - surly a.脾气暴躁的;阴沉的 [sur-ly] - temper v.锤炼;缓和;n.脾气 [tem-per] - testiness n.易怒 [testiness] ***** endearment 902 - blandishment n.奉承,甘言劝诱 [blan-dish-ment] + caress n.爱抚,抚摸;v.爱抚或抚摸某人 [ca-ress] - clasp n.钩子,扣子;紧握 [clasp] - coax v.哄诱,巧言诱哄 [co-ax] + coddle v.溺爱;悉心照料 [cod-dle] - cosset v.宠爱,溺爱 [cos-set] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 [dal-ly] - embrace v.拥抱;包含 [em-brace] - flirt v.挑逗,调戏 [flirt] - foster v.培养,鼓励;领养 [fos-ter] - ogle v.送秋波;n.媚眼 [o-gle] - salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] - toy v.不认真考虑,玩弄 [toy] - wheedle v.(用花言巧语)哄骗 [whee-dle] - woo v.向(女人)求爱;争取…的支持 [woo] ***** marriage 903 - betroth v.许配,和…订婚 [be-troth] + engaged a.忙碌的,使用中的 [en-gaged] - espousal n.拥护,支持 [es-pous-al] - espouse v.支持,拥护 [es-pouse] - husband v.妥善而又节约地管理;做…的丈夫 [hus-band] + marital a.婚姻的 [mar-i-tal] - mate n.伙伴;配偶;v.交配 [mate] + monogamy n.一夫一妻制 [mo-nog-a-my] - nubile a.(女孩)到婚嫁年龄的;吸引人的 [nu-bile] - rib n.肋骨;伞骨 [rib] ***** celibacy 904 ***** divorce 905 - separate v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的 [sep-a-rate] *** 2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections ***** benevolence 906 + accommodating a.乐于助人的 [ac-com-mo-dat-ing] + altruistic a.无私的,为他人着想的 [al-tru-is-tic] - amiable a.和蔼的,亲切的 [a-mi-a-ble] + benevolent a.善心的,仁心的 [be-nev-o-lent] - charitable a.仁慈的;宽厚的 [char-i-ta-ble] - charity n.仁慈;施舍 [char-i-ty] - complacent a.自满的,得意的 [com-pla-cent] - complaisant a.顺从的,讨好的 [com-plai-sant] - generosity n.慷慨,大方 [gen-er-os-i-ty] - gracious a.大方的,和善的;奢华的 [gra-cious] + humane a.人道的,慈悲的 [hu-mane] - largesse n.慷慨援助;施舍 [lar-gesse] - maternal a.母性的 [ma-ter-nal] - obliging a.恳切的,热心助人的 [o-blig-ing] ***** malevolence 907 - acrimonious a.尖刻的,严厉的 [ac-ri-mo-ni-ous] - affront v.侮辱,冒犯 [af-front] - annoy v.惹恼;打搅,骚扰 [an-noy] + atrocious a.残忍的,凶恶的 [a-tro-cious] + atrocity n.残暴,暴行 [a-troc-i-ty] - bait n.诱饵;v.逗弄;激怒 [bait] - barbarous a.野蛮的;残暴的 [bar-ba-rous] - brutal a.残忍的;严酷的 [bru-tal] - caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的;n.腐蚀剂 [caus-tic] - cold-blooded a.[生]冷血的;残酷的 [cold-blood-ed] + diabolical a.恶毒的,狠毒的 [di-a-bol-i-cal] - enmity n.敌意,仇恨 [en-mi-ty] - fell n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 [fell] - feral a.凶猛的,野的 [fe-ral] - gall n.胆汁;怨恨 [gall] - grind n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 [grind] - harass v.侵扰,烦忧 [har-ass] - harry v.掠夺,袭扰,折磨 [har-ry] - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - haunt v.常去;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头;n.常去的地方 [haunt] - incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] + inhumane a.不近人情的 [in-hu-mane] - invidious a.惹人反感的,导致伤害和仇恨的,招人嫉妒的 [in-vid-i-ous] + malevolent a.有恶意的,恶毒的 [ma-lev-o-lent] - malicious a.恶意的,怨毒的 [ma-li-cious] - malign v.诽谤,中伤;a.邪恶的 [ma-lign] - oppress v.压迫,压制 [op-press] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - persecute v.迫害 [per-se-cute] - rancor n.深仇,怨恨 [ran-cor] - relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] - resentment n.愤恨,怨恨 [re-sent-ment] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] + spite n.怨恨,恶意 [spite] - sullen a.忧郁的 [sul-len] - surly a.脾气暴躁的;阴沉的 [sur-ly] - tease v.逗乐,戏弄;强求;n.揶揄,戏弄,取笑 [tease] + truculent a.残暴的,凶狠的 [truc-u-lent] - vandalism n.(对公物等)恶意破坏 [van-dal-ism] + venom n.毒液;恶毒,痛恨 [ven-om] - virulent a.剧毒的;恶毒的 [vir-u-lent] - vitriolic a.刻薄的,强烈的 [vit-ri-ol-ic] ***** malediction 908 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] + anathema n.被诅咒的人;宗教意义的诅咒 [a-nath-e-ma] - aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 [as-per-sion] - ban n.禁令 [ban] - blast >n.一阵(大风);冲击波;v.爆破;枯萎 [blast] - confound v.使迷惑,搞混 [con-found] + denounce v.指责 [de-nounce] + denunciation n.谴责,斥责 [de-nun-ci-a-tion] - execrate v.憎恶;咒骂 [ex-e-crate] - fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] + invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂 [in-vec-tive] - oath n.誓言;咒骂 [oath] - proscribe v.禁止 [pro-scribe] - threat n.威胁,恐吓;凶兆 [threat] - woe n.悲痛,苦难 [woe] ***** threat 909 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] - abusive a.漫骂的;毁谤的;虐待的 [a-bu-sive] - bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] - bluster v.(指风)猛刮 [blus-ter] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - defiance n.挑战,违抗,反抗 [de-fi-ance] - defy v.违抗,藐视 [de-fy] - denunciation n.谴责,斥责 [de-nun-ci-a-tion] - fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] - intimidate v.恐吓;胁迫 [in-tim-i-date] - menace v./n.威胁,危险 [men-ace] + minatory a.威胁的,恫吓的 [min-a-to-ry] - mutter v.咕哝,嘀咕 [mut-ter] - ominous a.预兆的,不祥的 [om-i-nous] - snarl n./v.纠缠,混乱 [snarl] - threat n.威胁,恐吓;凶兆 [threat] ***** philanthropy 910 - cosmopolitan n.世界主义者,四海为家的人 [cos-mo-pol-i-tan] - generosity n.慷慨,大方 [gen-er-os-i-ty] - humane a.人道的,慈悲的 [hu-mane] + patriot n.爱国者,爱国主义者 [pa-tri-ot] + patriotism n.爱国主义,爱国心 [pa-tri-ot-ism] + philanthropic a.博爱的 [phil-an-throp-ic] + utilitarian a.功利的,实利的 [u-til-i-tar-i-an] ***** misanthropy 911 - cynic n.犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者 [cyn-ic] + egotist n.自私自利者 [e-go-tist] + misanthrope n.愤世嫉俗者 [mis-an-thrope] - morose a.阴郁的 [mo-rose] - xenophobe n.惧外者;排外者 [xen-o-phobe] ***** benefactor 912 - auxiliary a.辅助的,协助的 [aux-il-ia-ry] + benefactor n.行善者,捐助者 [ben-e-fac-tor] ***** evil 913 - anarchist n.无政府主义者 [an-ar-chist] - bane n.祸根 [bane] - brute n./a.野兽(的);残忍的(人) [brute] - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] + cougar n.美洲豹 [cou-gar] + gorilla n.大猩猩 [go-ril-la] - iconoclast n.攻击传统观念或风俗的人 [i-con-o-clast] - incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] - mosquito n.蚊子 [mos-qui-to] - pesticide n.杀虫剂 [pes-ti-cide] - predator n.食肉动物 [pred-a-tor] - profiteer n.奸商,牟取暴利者 [prof-i-teer] + ruffian n.恶棍,歹徒;a.残暴的 [ruf-fi-an] - savage a.凶猛的,野蛮的 [sav-age] - scorpion n.蝎子 [scor-pi-on] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] - tyrant n.暴君 [ty-rant] - vulture n.秃鹫 [vul-ture] *** 3. Special Sympathetic Affections ***** pity 914 - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - charity n.仁慈;施舍 [char-i-ty] - clemency n.温和;仁慈,宽厚 [clem-en-cy] - clement a.仁慈的;温和的 [clem-ent] - compassion n.同情,怜悯 [com-pas-sion] + compassionate a.有同情心的 [com-pas-sion-ate] - deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] - disarm v.使…解除武器;使…缓和 [dis-arm] - forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] - grace n.优美 [grace] - humane a.人道的,慈悲的 [hu-mane] - leniency n.温和,宽容 [le-ni-en-cy] - lenient a.宽大的;仁慈的 [le-ni-ent] - partisan n.党派支持者;党徒 [par-ti-san] - pitiful a.值得同情的,可怜的 [pit-i-ful] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - relent v.动怜悯心;减弱 [re-lent] - supplicate v.恳求,乞求 [sup-pli-cate] - tender v.(希望对方接受的意见等) [ten-der] - thaw v.解冻,溶化 [thaw] ***** pitilessness 914.a - harsh a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 [harsh] - inclement a.(天气)严酷的;严厉的 [in-clem-ent] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] ***** condolence 915 - console v.安慰,抚慰 [con-sole] - lament v./n.悲伤;哀悼 [la-ment] *** 4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections ***** gratitude 916 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] + benediction n.祝福;祈祷 [ben-e-dic-tion] - grace n.优美 [grace] - grateful a.感激的 [grate-ful] + gratitude n.感激 [grat-i-tude] - indebted a.感激的,感恩的 [in-debt-ed] - paean n.赞美歌,颂歌 [pae-an] - requite v.报答;报复 [re-quite] ***** ingratitude 917 + ingrate n.忘恩负义的人 [in-grate] - unrequited a.无报答的 [un-re-quit-ed] ***** forgiveness 918 - absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - amnesty n.大赦,特赦 [am-nes-ty] - conciliate v.安抚,驯服 [con-cil-i-ate] - conciliatory a.抚慰的,调和的 [con-cil-i-a-to-ry] + condone v.宽恕,原谅 [con-done] - forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] - grace n.优美 [grace] - indemnity n.赔偿;保证 [in-dem-ni-ty] - overlook v.忽视;俯视 [o-ver-look] - placate v.抚慰,平息(愤怒) [pla-cate] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - reprieve v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 [re-prieve] - wink v.使眼色;n.眨眼 [wink] ***** revenge 919 + avenge v.为…复仇,为…报仇 [a-venge] - inexorable a.不为所动的;坚决不变的 [in-ex-o-ra-ble] - rancor n.深仇,怨恨 [ran-cor] - rankle v.怨恨;激怒 [ran-kle] - relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] - revenge n.报复,报仇 [re-venge] + ruthlessness n.无情,残忍 [ruth-less-ness] + vendetta n.世仇,宿怨 [ven-det-ta] + vengeance n.报仇,报复 [venge-ance] + vengeful a.报复的,复仇心理的 [venge-ful] + vindicate v.为…平反;证明…正确 [vin-di-cate] - vindictive a.报复性的 [vin-dic-tive] ***** jealousy 920 - jaundiced a.有偏见的 [jaun-diced] - jealousy n.猜忌,嫉妒 [jeal-ous-y] - suspicion n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 [sus-pi-cion] ***** envy 921 - covet v.贪求,妄想 [cov-et] - invidious a.惹人反感的,导致伤害和仇恨的,招人嫉妒的 [in-vid-i-ous] - rivalry n.竞争,对抗 [ri-val-ry] - spite n.怨恨,恶意 [spite] ** Section IV. Moral Affections *** 1. Moral Obligations ***** right 922 + equable a.稳定的,不变的;(脾气)温和的 [eq-ua-ble] + equity n.公平,公正 [eq-ui-ty] + evenhanded a.公平的,不偏不倚的 [evenhanded] + justifiable a.有理由的,无可非议的 [jus-ti-fi-a-ble] - legitimate a.合法的;正当的 [le-git-i-mate] - propriety n.礼节;适当 [pro-pri-e-ty] + recompense v.报酬,赔偿 [rec-om-pense] ***** wrong 923 - grievance n.委屈,抱怨 [griev-ance] - illegal a.违法的 [il-le-gal] - inequity n.不公正,不公平 [in-eq-ui-ty] + iniquitous a.邪恶的,不公正的 [in-iq-ui-tous] + iniquity n.邪恶,不公正 [in-iq-ui-ty] - injurious a.有害的 [in-ju-ri-ous] - nepotism n.裙带关系 [nep-o-tism] - partial a.局部的;偏袒的 [par-tial] - partiality n.偏袒,偏心 [par-ti-al-i-ty] + unjustified a.未被证明为正当的,无法解释的 [un-jus-ti-fied] ***** dueness 924 - absolute a.绝对的,完全的; 无(条件)限制的 [ab-so-lute] - arrogate v.冒称具有…权利 [ar-ro-gate] - assert v.断言,主张 [as-sert] - assume v.假定 [as-sume] - charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] - constitutional a.章程的,法规的;素质上的,本质的 [con-sti-tu-tion-al] - demand v.要求,苛求 [de-mand] - entitle v.使有权(做某事) [en-ti-tle] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - immunity n.免疫;豁免 [im-mu-ni-ty] - inalienable a.不可剥夺的 [in-al-ien-a-ble] - inviolable a.不可侵犯的;不可亵渎的 [in-vi-o-la-ble] - legitimate a.合法的;正当的 [le-git-i-mate] - liberty n.随意,冒失 [lib-er-ty] - license n.放肆,自由;许可证,执照 [li-cense] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - merit v.值得 [mer-it] + merited a.该得的,理所当然的 [mer-i-ted] - ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] + plaintiff n.原告 [plain-tiff] - prerogative n.特权 [pre-rog-a-tive] - prescribe v.开处方;规定 [pre-scribe] - prescription n.处方(上的药) [pre-scrip-tion] - pretension n.自命不凡,夸耀 [pre-ten-sion] - privilege n.特权,特别利益 [priv-i-lege] - reclaim v.纠正;开垦(土地) [re-claim] + sanctify v.使神圣 [sanc-ti-fy] - sanction n./v.批准,认可 [sanc-tion] - seemly a.得体的,适宜的 [seem-ly] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] - substantiate v.证实,确证 [sub-stan-ti-ate] - tenure n.任期;终身职位 [ten-ure] - unexceptionable a.无可非议的 [un-ex-cep-tion-a-ble] - unimpeachable a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 [un-im-peach-a-ble] - validate v.使…生效 [val-i-date] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] + warranted a.保证的;凭正当理由的 [warranted] - warranty n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 [war-ran-ty] ***** undueness 925 - arrogate v.冒称具有…权利 [ar-ro-gate] - assumption n.设想;夺取 [as-sump-tion] - breach n.裂缝,缺口;v.打破,裂开;违背 [breach] - encroach v.侵占,蚕食 [en-croach] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - illegitimate a.不合法的;私生的 [il-le-git-i-mate] + illicit a.违法的 [il-lic-it] - infringe v.违反,侵害 [in-fringe] - preposterous a.荒谬的 [pre-pos-ter-ous] - presumption n.冒昧,专横;假定 [pre-sump-tion] - pretentious a.自抬身价的 [pre-ten-tious] - spurious a.假的;伪造的 [spu-ri-ous] - stretch v.变长;伸展 [stretch] - unbecoming a.不合身的;不得体的 [un-be-com-ing] + undeserved a.不应得的 [un-de-served] - unjustified a.未被证明为正当的,无法解释的 [un-jus-ti-fied] - unqualified a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 [un-qual-i-fied] - unseemly a.不适当的,不宜的 [un-seem-ly] - unwarranted a.没有根据的 [un-war-rant-ed] - usurp v.篡夺,霸占 [u-surp] - violate v.违反,触犯 [vi-o-late] ***** duty 926 + accountability n.负有责任 [ac-count-a-bil-i-ty] - acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释 [ac-quit-tal] - allegiance n.忠诚,拥护 [al-le-giance] + amenable a.愿服从的,通情达理的 [a-me-na-ble] + behoove v.理应,有义务 [be-hoove] - conscience n.良心,是非感 [con-science] - conscientious a.尽责的;小心谨慎的 [con-sci-en-tious] - decorum n.礼节,礼貌 [de-co-rum] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - enjoin v.命令,吩咐 [en-join] + ethics n.伦理学;道德规范 [eth-ics] - exact a.精确的;v.强求,强索付款 [ex-act] - imperative a.急需的 [im-per-a-tive] - incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] - indebted a.感激的,感恩的 [in-debt-ed] - liability n.责任;债务 [li-a-bil-i-ty] - meet a.合适的 [meet] - obligatory a.强制性的,义务的 [ob-lig-a-to-ry] - oblige v.束缚;恩惠于… [o-blige] - peremptory a.不容反抗的;专横的 [per-emp-to-ry] - pertain v.属于;关于 [per-tain] - prescribe v.开处方;规定 [pre-scribe] - propriety n.礼节;适当 [pro-pri-e-ty] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] - stringent a.(规定)严格的,苛刻的;缺钱的 [strin-gent] ***** dereliction of duty 927 - evade v.逃避;规避 [e-vade] - evasion n.躲避,借口 [e-va-sion] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - infraction n.违法 [in-frac-tion] - infringe v.违反,侵害 [in-fringe] - relaxation n.松弛,消遣 [re-lax-a-tion] - renounce v.(正式)放弃 [re-nounce] - repudiate v.拒绝,抛弃 [re-pu-di-ate] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] - trample v.踩坏,践踏 [tram-ple] - transgress v.冒犯,违背 [trans-gress] - transgression n.违法,罪过 [trans-gres-sion] - violate v.违反,触犯 [vi-o-late] ***** exemption 927.a - absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - dispense v.分配,分发 [dis-pense] - exempt a.被免除的;v.使免除 [ex-empt] - exonerate v.免除责任;确定无罪 [ex-on-er-ate] + immune a.免疫的;免除的 [im-mune] - immunity n.免疫;豁免 [im-mu-ni-ty] - liberty n.随意,冒失 [lib-er-ty] - license n.放肆,自由;许可证,执照 [li-cense] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] *** 2. Moral Sentiments ***** respect 928 - approbation n.称赞,认可 [ap-pro-ba-tion] - awe n./v.敬畏 [awe] - ceremonious a.仪式隆重的 [cer-e-mo-ni-ous] - defer v.推延;听从 [de-fer] - deference n.敬意,尊重 [def-er-ence] + deferential a.顺从的,恭顺的 [def-er-en-tial] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] - hallow v.把…视为神圣,尊敬 [hal-low] - homage n.效忠,崇敬 [hom-age] - impose v.征税;强加 [im-pose] - obeisance n.鞠躬,敬礼 [o-bei-sance] - obsequious a.逢迎的,谄媚的 [ob-se-qui-ous] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - revere v.尊敬 [re-vere] - salute v.行举手礼;向…致意;n.敬礼 [sa-lu-te] - submission n.恭顺 [sub-mis-sion] + venerate v.崇敬,敬仰 [ven-er-ate] - worship v./n.崇拜,敬仰 [wor-ship] ***** disrespect 929 - affront v.侮辱,冒犯 [af-front] - browbeat v.欺侮;吓唬 [brow-beat] - burlesque n.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 [bur-lesque] + contemptuous a.鄙视的,表示轻蔑的 [con-temp-tu-ous] - deride v.嘲弄,愚弄 [de-ride] - desecrate v.玷辱,亵渎 [des-e-crate] - disparage v.贬抑,轻蔑 [dis-par-age] - disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] + flout v.蔑视,违抗 [flout] + gibe n./v.嘲弄,讥笑 [gibe] - hiss v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 [hiss] - indignity n.侮辱,轻蔑;侮辱性的言行 [in-dig-ni-ty] - irony n.反话 [i-ro-ny] + jeer v.嘲笑 [jeer] - mock v.嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄 [mock] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] - overlook v.忽视;俯视 [o-ver-look] + pejorative a.带有轻蔑意义的,贬低的 [pe-jo-ra-tive] - ridicule n.奚落;v.嘲笑 [rid-i-cule] - sarcastic a.讽刺的 [sar-cas-tic] - scoff v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 [scoff] - scurrilous a.下流的 [scur-ril-ous] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] + sneer v.嘲笑,鄙视 [sneer] - supercilious a.目中无人的 [su-per-cil-i-ous] - trifle n.微不足道,琐事 [tri-fle] - vilify v.辱骂,诽谤 [vil-i-fy] ***** contempt 930 - bumptious a.傲慢的,自夸的 [bump-tious] - cavalier >n.骑士,武士 [cav-a-lier] - clannish a.排他的,门户之见的 [clan-nish] - contempt 轻视,鄙视 [con-tempt] - contemptible a.令人轻视的 [con-tempt-i-ble] - contemptuous a.鄙视的,表示轻蔑的 [con-temp-tu-ous] - despicable a.可鄙的,卑劣的 [des-pi-ca-ble] + despise v.鄙视,藐视 [de-spise] - disdain n./v.轻视,鄙视 [dis-dain] - disregard v./n.疏忽,漠视 [dis-re-gard] - flout v.蔑视,违抗 [flout] - haughty a.傲慢的,自大的 [haugh-ty] - hiss v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 [hiss] - pitiful a.值得同情的,可怜的 [pit-i-ful] - scoff v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 [scoff] - scorn n.轻蔑;v.轻蔑,瞧不起 [scorn] - slight a.微小的;n./v.轻蔑 [slight] - sneer v.嘲笑,鄙视 [sneer] - supercilious a.目中无人的 [su-per-cil-i-ous] - whistle n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨 [whis-tle] ***** approbation 931 + acclaim v.欢呼,称赞 [ac-claim] - admire v.钦佩,赞赏 [ad-mire] + adulate v.谄媚,奉承 [ad-u-late] - advocacy n.拥护,支持 [ad-vo-ca-cy] + applaud v.鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏 [ap-plaud] + applause n.鼓掌,喝彩 [ap-plause] - appreciate v.欣赏;感激 [ap-pre-ci-ate] - approbation n.称赞,认可 [ap-pro-ba-tion] - benediction n.祝福;祈祷 [ben-e-dic-tion] + benison n.祝福,赐福 [ben-i-son] - compliment n./v.恭维,称赞 [com-pli-ment] - countenance v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 [coun-te-nance] - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] + encomium n.赞颂,颂辞 [en-co-mi-um] - estimable a.值得尊敬的;可估计的 [es-ti-ma-ble] + eulogistic a.颂扬的,歌功颂德的 [eu-lo-gis-tic] - eulogize v.称赞,颂扬 [eu-lo-gize] + eulogy n.颂词,颂文 [eu-lo-gy] - exalt v.(高度)赞扬,歌颂 [ex-alt] - extol v.赞美 [ex-tol] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - hail n.冰雹;v.致敬 [hail] - homage n.效忠,崇敬 [hom-age] + kudos n.荣誉 [ku-dos] - laud v.称赞 [laud] - magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] + meritorious a.值得赞赏的 [mer-i-to-ri-ous] - paean n.赞美歌,颂歌 [pae-an] + panegyric n.颂词,颂扬 [pan-e-gyr-ic] + plaudit v.喝彩,赞扬 [plau-dit] - plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] - repute n.名声,名誉 [re-pute] - sanction n./v.批准,认可 [sanc-tion] - swell v.肿胀,增强 [swell] - unimpeachable a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 [un-im-peach-a-ble] - uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] ***** disapprobation 932 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] - abusive a.漫骂的;毁谤的;虐待的 [a-bu-sive] + accuse v.谴责,指责 [ac-cuse] - admonish v.训诫;警告 [ad-mon-ish] - bark v./n.狗吠;n.树皮 [bark] + berate v.猛烈责骂 [be-rate] - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] - captious a.吹毛求疵的 [cap-tious] + carp n.鲤鱼;v.吹毛求疵 [carp] + castigate v.惩治,严责 [cas-ti-gate] + castigation n.惩罚,苛评 [cas-ti-ga-tion] - cavil v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 [cav-il] + chastise v.严厉惩罚;谴责 [chas-tise] + chide v.叱责,指责 [chide] - clamor v./n.吵闹,喧哗 [clam-or] + condemn v.极力谴责;判刑 [con-demn] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] - declaim v.高谈阔论 [de-claim] + decry v.责难;贬低(价值) [de-cry] - denounce v.指责 [de-nounce] - denunciation n.谴责,斥责 [de-nun-ci-a-tion] - deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] - depreciate v.轻视;贬值 [de-pre-ci-ate] + detraction n.贬低,诽谤 [de-trac-tion] + diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击 [di-a-tribe] - disparage v.贬抑,轻蔑 [dis-par-age] - exclaim v.惊叫,呼喊 [ex-claim] - execrate v.憎恶;咒骂 [ex-e-crate] - expostulate v.(对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫 [ex-pos-tu-late] - fastidious a.难取悦的,挑剔的 [fas-tid-i-ous] - fertilizer n.肥料,化肥 [fer-ti-liz-er] - flak n.高射炮;指责 [flak] - fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 [ful-mi-nate] - glance v./n.一瞥 [glance] - hiss v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 [hiss] + impeach v.指责;弹劾 [im-peach] - impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑 [im-pugn] - innuendo n.含沙射影,暗讽 [in-nu-en-do] - insinuate v.暗指,暗示 [in-sin-u-ate] - invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂 [in-vec-tive] + inveigh v.痛骂,抨击 [in-veigh] - lament v./n.悲伤;哀悼 [la-ment] - lampoon n.讽刺文章;v.讽刺 [lam-poon] - lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] - nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃 [nib-ble] - objection n.厌恶,反对 [ob-jec-tion] - obloquy n.大骂,斥责 [ob-lo-quy] - odium n.憎恶,反感 [o-di-um] - ostracism n.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cism] - ostracize v.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cize] - outspoken a.直言不讳的 [out-spo-ken] - overhaul v.彻底检查;大修 [o-ver-haul] - peck v.啄食;轻啄 [peck] + penalize v.置(某人)于不利地位;处罚 [pe-nal-ize] - protest v./n.抗议,反对 [pro-test] - rail n.栏杆;铁轨;v.咒骂,猛烈指责 [rail] - rave n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 [rave] - rebuff v.断然拒绝 [re-buff] + rebuke v.指责,谴责 [re-buke] - reprehend v.谴责,责难 [rep-re-hend] - reprehensible a.应受谴责的 [rep-re-hen-si-ble] + reprimand n.训诫,谴责;v.训诫,谴责 [rep-ri-mand] - reproach n.谴责,责骂 [re-proach] + reprobate v.谴责,指责;adj./n.堕落的(人) [rep-ro-bate] + reproof n.责斥,责备 [re-proof] + reprove v.责骂,申斥 [re-prove] + revile v.辱骂,恶言相向 [re-vile] - revolt v.叛乱,造反;反感 [re-volt] - sarcastic a.讽刺的 [sar-cas-tic] - satire n.讽刺(作品) [sat-ire] - satirize v.讽刺 [sat-i-rize] - scoff v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 [scoff] - scowl n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 [scowl] - severe a.严格的;凶猛的 [se-vere] - sneer v.嘲笑,鄙视 [sneer] - snub v.冷落,不理睬 [snub] - stigmatize v.污蔑,玷污 [stig-ma-tize] - stricture n.严厉谴责;束缚 [stric-ture] - tirade n.长篇的攻击性讲话 [ti-rade] - trenchant a.一针见血的 [trench-ant] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] + upbraid v.斥责,责骂 [up-braid] + vicious a.残酷的,危险的 [vi-cious] - vilify v.辱骂,诽谤 [vil-i-fy] + vituperate v.痛斥,辱骂 [vi-tu-per-ate] + vituperative a.辱骂的 [vituperative] ***** flattery 933 - blandishment n.奉承,甘言劝诱 [blan-dish-ment] - cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗 [ca-jole] - coax v.哄诱,巧言诱哄 [co-ax] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - euphemism n.婉言,委婉的说法 [eu-phe-mism] - exaggerate v.夸张;夸大 [ex-ag-ger-ate] - flatter v.恭维,奉承 [flat-ter] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] - humor v.纵容,迁就 [hu-mor] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - pander v.怂恿,迎合(不良欲望) [pan-der] - placebo n.安慰剂 [pla-ce-bo] - plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] - servile a.奴性的,百依百顺的 [ser-vile] - smarmy a.虚情假意的 [smarm-y] - smooth a.光滑的;平稳的;v.弄平,使光滑;消除 [smooth] - soothe v.抚慰;减轻 [soothe] - specious a.似是而非的;华而不实的 [spe-cious] - unctuous a.油质的;油腔滑调的 [unc-tu-ous] - wheedle v.(用花言巧语)哄骗 [whee-dle] ***** detraction 934 - abusive a.漫骂的;毁谤的;虐待的 [a-bu-sive] - accuse v.谴责,指责 [ac-cuse] - aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 [as-per-sion] - assail v.抨击;猛攻 [as-sail] - belittle v.轻视,贬抑 [be-lit-tle] - brand n.商标;烙印;v.在某事物上打烙印 [brand] + calumniate v.诽谤,中伤 [ca-lum-ni-ate] + calumny n.诽谤,中伤 [cal-um-ny] - critical a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 [crit-i-cal] - decry v.责难;贬低(价值) [de-cry] - denounce v.指责 [de-nounce] - deprecate v.反对,轻视 [dep-re-cate] - depreciate v.轻视;贬值 [de-pre-ci-ate] + derogate v.贬低,诽谤 [der-o-gate] - derogatory a.不敬的,诽谤的 [de-rog-a-to-ry] - detraction n.贬低,诽谤 [de-trac-tion] - disparage v.贬抑,轻蔑 [dis-par-age] - impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑 [im-pugn] - invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂 [in-vec-tive] - lampoon n.讽刺文章;v.讽刺 [lam-poon] + libel v./n.(文字)诽谤,中伤 [li-bel] - malign v.诽谤,中伤;a.邪恶的 [ma-lign] - obloquy n.大骂,斥责 [ob-lo-quy] - oppose v.反对 [op-pose] - pejorative a.带有轻蔑意义的,贬低的 [pe-jo-ra-tive] - sarcastic a.讽刺的 [sar-cas-tic] - scandal n.丑闻;恶意诽谤 [scan-dal] - scurrilous a.下流的 [scur-ril-ous] - skit n.幽默讽刺短剧 [skit] + slander v./n.诽谤,诋毁 [slan-der] + slanderous a.诽谤的 [slanderous] - sneer v.嘲笑,鄙视 [sneer] - vilify v.辱骂,诽谤 [vil-i-fy] ***** flatterer 935 + encomiast n.赞美者 [en-co-mi-ast] - optimist n.乐观主义者 [op-ti-mist] - parasite n.食客;寄生物 [par-a-site] - sycophant n.马屁精 [syc-o-phant] - toady n.谄媚者,马屁精 [toad-y] ***** detractor 936 - abusive a.漫骂的;毁谤的;虐待的 [a-bu-sive] - censor v.审查,检查(书报) [cen-sor] - critic n.批评者 [crit-ic] - cynic n.犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者 [cyn-ic] - faultfinder n.喜欢挑剔的人 [fault-find-er] ***** vindication 937 - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释 [ac-quit-tal] - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] + apologize v.道歉;辩解 [a-pol-o-gize] + defendant n.被告 [de-fend-ant] - defense n.防御,防护 [de-fense] + exculpate v.开脱,申明无罪 [ex-cul-pate] - exonerate v.免除责任;确定无罪 [ex-on-er-ate] - extenuate v.掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过 [ex-ten-u-ate] - gloss n.光泽;注解 [gloss] - justifiable a.有理由的,无可非议的 [jus-ti-fi-a-ble] - justification n.正当理由,好的(正义的)原因;辨护 [jus-ti-fi-ca-tion] + justify v.证明…是正当的 [jus-ti-fy] - mince v.切碎;小步走路 [mince] - palliate v.减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) [pal-li-ate] - palliative n.缓释剂;a.减轻的,缓和的 [pal-li-a-tive] - plausible a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 [plau-si-ble] - plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 [plead] - slur v.含糊不清地讲 [slur] - specious a.似是而非的;华而不实的 [spe-cious] - varnish n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 [var-nish] + venial a.(错误等)轻微的,可原谅的 [ve-ni-al] - vindicate v.为…平反;证明…正确 [vin-di-cate] - warrant n.正当理由;许可证 [war-rant] ***** accusation 938 - accuse v.谴责,指责 [ac-cuse] - cite v.引用,引述 [cite] - defendant n.被告 [de-fend-ant] - denounce v.指责 [de-nounce] - denunciation n.谴责,斥责 [de-nun-ci-a-tion] - impeach v.指责;弹劾 [im-peach] - implicate v.牵连(于罪行中) [im-pli-cate] + incriminate v.连累,牵连 [in-crim-i-nate] + inculpate v.连累;控告;归咎于 [in-cul-pate] + indict v.控诉,起诉 [in-dict] - invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂 [in-vec-tive] - libel v./n.(文字)诽谤,中伤 [li-bel] - litigant n.诉讼当事人 [lit-i-gant] - panel n.专门小组;仪表板 [pan-el] - plaintiff n.原告 [plain-tiff] - prosecute v.告发,检举 [pros-e-cute] - reproach n.谴责,责骂 [re-proach] - respondent n.被告 [re-spond-ent] - saddle n.鞍,马鞍 [sad-dle] - scandal n.丑闻;恶意诽谤 [scan-dal] - slur v.含糊不清地讲 [slur] - stigmatize v.污蔑,玷污 [stig-ma-tize] - taxing a.繁重的 [taxing] - vicious a.残酷的,危险的 [vi-cious] *** 3. Moral Conditions ***** probity 939 - candid a.率直的 [can-did] - candor n.坦白,率直 [can-dor] - chivalrous a.武士精神的;对女人彬彬有礼的 [chiv-al-rous] - conscientious a.尽责的;小心谨慎的 [con-sci-en-tious] - constant a.稳定的,不变的; n.常数 [con-stant] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - dignity n.尊严,尊贵 [dig-ni-ty] - equity n.公平,公正 [eq-ui-ty] - evenhanded a.公平的,不偏不倚的 [evenhanded] - grace n.优美 [grace] - impartial a.公平的,无私的 [im-par-tial] - incorruptible a.(道德上)不受腐蚀的 [in-cor-rupt-i-ble] - integrity n.正直,诚实;完整 [in-teg-ri-ty] - inviolable a.不可侵犯的;不可亵渎的 [in-vi-o-la-ble] - loyal a.忠诚的,忠贞的,忠心的 [loy-al] - nice a.精密的 [nice] - nicety n.准确,精确 [ni-ce-ty] - principle n.原则,原理;道德准则 [prin-ci-ple] - probity n.刚直,正直 [pro-bi-ty] - punctilious a.谨小慎微的 [punc-til-i-ous] - purity n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 [pu-ri-ty] + rectitude n.诚实,正直 [rec-ti-tude] - scruple n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 [scru-ple] - square v.一致,符合;结清 [square] - straightforward a.正直的;易懂的;直截了当的 [straight-for-ward] - trustworthy a.值得信赖的,可靠的 [trust-wor-thy] + unworldly a.非世俗的;精神上的 [un-world-ly] - upright a.垂直的;正直的 [up-right] - veracious a.诚实的,说真话的 [ve-ra-cious] - veracity n.真实性,诚实 [ve-rac-i-ty] + virtuous a.有美德的;自命清高的 [vir-tu-ous] ***** improbity 940 - abject a.极可怜的;卑下的 [ab-ject] - apostasy n.背教,脱党 [a-pos-ta-sy] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] - betray v.背叛;暴露 [be-tray] - contemptible a.令人轻视的 [con-tempt-i-ble] - corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 [cor-rupt] - demean v.贬抑,降低 [de-mean] - derogate v.贬低,诽谤 [der-o-gate] - derogatory a.不敬的,诽谤的 [de-rog-a-to-ry] - duplicitous a.搞两面派的,奸诈的 [duplicitous] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - fraud n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 [fraud] - fraudulent a.欺骗的,不诚实的 [fraud-u-lent] - graft v./n.嫁接;贪污 [graft] - grovel v.摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 [grov-el] - ignominious a.可耻的;耻辱的 [ig-no-min-i-ous] - insidious a.隐藏诡计的 [in-sid-i-ous] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - measly a.患麻疹的;小得可怜的 [mea-sly] - mongrel n.杂种动物;混血儿 [mon-grel] - nepotism n.裙带关系 [nep-o-tism] - paltry a.无价值的,微不足道的 [pal-try] - perfidious a.不忠的,背信弃义的 [per-fid-i-ous] - perfidy n.不忠,背叛 [per-fi-dy] - reptilian a.爬虫类的;卑下的 [rep-til-i-an] - scurvy a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 [scurvy] - seamy a.肮脏的,恶劣的 [seam-y] - slippery a.滑的;狡猾的 [slip-per-y] - sneaking a.秘密的,不公开的 [sneak-ing] - tatty a.简陋的,不整洁的 [tat-ty] - tortuous a.弯弯曲曲的 [tor-tu-ous] + treacherous a.背叛的,叛逆的,奸诈的 [treach-er-ous] - treason n.叛国罪 [trea-son] - turpitude n.邪恶,卑鄙(行为) [tur-pi-tude] - unbecoming a.不合身的;不得体的 [un-be-com-ing] - underhanded a.不光明的,卑鄙的 [un-der-hand-ed] - unidimensional a.一方面的;一维的 [unidimensional] + unscrupulous a.肆无忌惮的 [un-scru-pu-lous] - unscrupulousness n.狂妄,肆无忌惮 [un-scru-pu-lous-ness] - venal a.惟利是图的,贪赃枉法的 [ve-nal] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] + wicked a.极坏的;淘气的 [wick-ed] ***** knave 941 - knave n.流氓,恶棍 [knave] - renegade n.叛教者,叛徒 [ren-e-gade] - reptile n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 [rep-tile] - sycophant n.马屁精 [syc-o-phant] - traitor n.卖国贼,叛徒 [trai-tor] - turncoat n.背叛者,变节者 [turn-coat] ***** disinterestedness 942 + altruism n.利他主义;无私 [al-tru-ism] - altruistic a.无私的,为他人着想的 [al-tru-is-tic] - chivalrous a.武士精神的;对女人彬彬有礼的 [chiv-al-rous] + disinterested a.公正的,客观的 [dis-in-ter-est-ed] - exaltation n.(成功带来的)得意,高兴 [ex-al-ta-tion] - generosity n.慷慨,大方 [gen-er-os-i-ty] - liberality n.慷慨;心胸开阔 [lib-er-al-i-ty] - lofty a.崇高的,高尚的 [loft-y] + magnanimity n.慷慨 [mag-na-nim-i-ty] + magnanimous a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的 [mag-nan-i-mous] - sublime a.崇高的 [sub-lime] ***** selfishness 943 - coddle v.溺爱;悉心照料 [cod-dle] - earthly a.现世的,尘世的 [earth-ly] - egocentric a.利己的 [e-go-cen-tric] - egotist n.自私自利者 [e-go-tist] - indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] - mean a.卑贱的,吝啬的 [mean] - mercenary a.惟利是图的;n.雇佣兵 [mer-ce-nar-y] - mundane a.现世的,世俗的 [mun-dane] - narcissist n.自负的人,自恋者 [nar-cis-sist] - nepotism n.裙带关系 [nep-o-tism] - venal a.惟利是图的,贪赃枉法的 [ve-nal] ***** virtue 944 - credit n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 [cred-it] - desert v.放弃,离弃 [de-sert] + dutiful a.恭敬顺从的,尽职的 [du-ti-ful] - ethics n.伦理学;道德规范 [eth-ics] + exemplary a.可作楷模的 [ex-em-pla-ry] - innocence n.无辜,清白 [in-no-cence] - integrity n.正直,诚实;完整 [in-teg-ri-ty] - merit v.值得 [mer-it] - meritorious a.值得赞赏的 [mer-i-to-ri-ous] - moralistic a.道学气的 [mor-al-is-tic] - peerless a.无可匹敌的 [peer-less] + saintly a.圣徒似的,极为圣洁的 [saint-ly] - seraphic a.如天使般的,美丽的 [se-raph-ic] - virtuous a.有美德的;自命清高的 [vir-tu-ous] ***** vice 945 - atrocious a.残忍的,凶恶的 [a-tro-cious] - atrocity n.残暴,暴行 [a-troc-i-ty] - base a.卑鄙的 [base] - corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 [cor-rupt] + culpable a.有罪的,该受谴责的 [cul-pa-ble] - defect n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 [de-fect] - deficiency n.缺陷;不足 [de-fi-cien-cy] - demoralize v.使士气低落 [de-mor-al-ize] - depraved a.堕落的,腐化的 [de-praved] - depravity n.堕落,恶习 [de-prav-i-ty] - disruptive a.制造混乱的 [dis-rup-tive] + dissolute a.放荡的,无节制的 [dis-so-lute] - err v.犯错误,出错 [err] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] - flagrant a.臭的,恶名昭彰的 [fla-grant] + foible n.小缺点,小毛病 [foi-ble] - foul a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 [foul] - frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] - grave a.严峻的;n.墓穴 [gra-ve] - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] + heinous a.十恶不赦的 [hei-nous] - incarnate a.具有肉体的;化身的 [in-car-nate] - incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] - infirm a.虚弱的 [in-firm] - inhumane a.不近人情的 [in-hu-mane] - iniquitous a.邪恶的,不公正的 [in-iq-ui-tous] - iniquity n.邪恶,不公正 [in-iq-ui-ty] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] - malevolent a.有恶意的,恶毒的 [ma-lev-o-lent] + nefarious a.违法的,邪恶的 [ne-far-i-ous] - obdurate a.固执的,顽固的 [ob-du-rate] - offend v.得罪,冒犯 [of-fend] + profligate a.挥金如土的;n.挥霍者 [prof-li-gate] - reprehensible a.应受谴责的 [rep-re-hen-si-ble] - reprobate v.谴责,指责;adj./n.堕落的(人) [rep-ro-bate] - scandal n.丑闻;恶意诽谤 [scan-dal] - scurvy a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 [scurvy] + stygian a.阴暗的,阴森森的 [stygian] - syndrome n.综合症状 [syn-drome] - transgress v.冒犯,违背 [trans-gress] - trespass v.侵犯,闯入私人领地 [tres-pass] - unconscionable a.无节制的,过度的 [un-con-scion-a-ble] + unprincipled a.肆无忌惮的 [un-prin-ci-pled] - unseemly a.不适当的,不宜的 [un-seem-ly] - vicious a.残酷的,危险的 [vi-cious] - vile a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 [vile] - wicked a.极坏的;淘气的 [wick-ed] ***** innocence 946 - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - exculpate v.开脱,申明无罪 [ex-cul-pate] - immaculate a.洁净的,无瑕的 [im-mac-u-late] - innocence n.无辜,清白 [in-no-cence] - innocuous a.(行为,言论等)无害的 [in-noc-u-ous] - unexceptionable a.无可非议的 [un-ex-cep-tion-a-ble] - unimpeachable a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 [un-im-peach-a-ble] - unspotted a.清白的,无污点的 [un-spot-ted] - venial a.(错误等)轻微的,可原谅的 [ve-ni-al] - virtuous a.有美德的;自命清高的 [vir-tu-ous] ***** guilt 947 - atrocity n.残暴,暴行 [a-troc-i-ty] - culpable a.有罪的,该受谴责的 [cul-pa-ble] + delinquency n.失职,过失 [de-lin-quen-cy] - dereliction n.遗弃,弃置 [der-e-lic-tion] - enormity n.极恶;暴行;巨大 [e-nor-mi-ty] - fault n.错误;(地质学)断层 [fault] + felony n.重罪 [fel-o-ny] - flaw n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 [flaw] - gaffe n.(社交上令人不快的)失言,失态 [gaffe] - guilt n.罪行;内疚 [guilt] + guilty a.有罪的 [guilt-y] - lapse n.失误;(时间等)流逝 [lapse] + malfeasance n.不法行为,渎职 [mal-fea-sance] + malpractice n.玩忽职守,渎职 [mal-prac-tice] - outrage n.暴行 [out-rage] + peccadillo n.小过失 [pec-ca-dil-lo] - reprehensible a.应受谴责的 [rep-re-hen-si-ble] - transgression n.违法,罪过 [trans-gres-sion] - trespass v.侵犯,闯入私人领地 [tres-pass] ***** good man 948 - benefactor n.行善者,捐助者 [ben-e-fac-tor] - gem n.宝石,珠宝;精华 [gem] - paragon n.模范,典型 [par-a-gon] ***** bad man 949 - bully v.以强欺弱,威胁;n.欺负别人者 [bul-ly] - convict v.定罪;n.罪犯 [con-vict] - crook v.使弯曲;n.钩状物 [crook] + delinquent a.疏忽职务的 [de-lin-quent] + felon n.重罪犯 [fel-on] - incendiary a.放火的,纵火的 [in-cen-di-ar-y] - jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - limb n.肢(手或脚),翼 [limb] - loon n.愚人;疯子 [loon] + miscreant n.恶棍,歹徒 [mis-cre-ant] - mongrel n.杂种动物;混血儿 [mon-grel] - prodigal a.挥霍的;n.挥霍者 [prod-i-gal] - reprobate v.谴责,指责;adj./n.堕落的(人) [rep-ro-bate] - reptile n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 [rep-tile] - ruffian n.恶棍,歹徒;a.残暴的 [ruf-fi-an] - wicked a.极坏的;淘气的 [wick-ed] ***** penitence 950 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] + compunction n.懊悔,良心不安 [com-punc-tion] - confess v.承认,供认 [con-fess] + contrite a.悔罪的,痛悔的 [con-trite] - contrition n.悔罪,痛悔 [con-tri-tion] - humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] + penance n.自我惩罚 [pen-ance] + penitent a.后悔的,忏悔的 [pen-i-tent] - recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) [re-cant] - recantation n.改变宗教信仰 [recantation] - reclaim v.纠正;开垦(土地) [re-claim] + remorse n.懊悔,悔恨 [re-morse] - rue n.后悔,遗憾 [rue] ***** impenitence 951 + impenitent a.不悔悟的 [im-pen-i-tent] - incorrigible a.积习难改的,不可救药的 [in-cor-ri-gi-ble] - obdurate a.固执的,顽固的 [ob-du-rate] - relentless a.无情的,残酷的 [re-lent-less] + unregenerate a.不知悔改的 [un-re-gen-er-ate] + unrepentant a.不悔悟的,不后悔的 [un-re-pent-ant] ***** atonement 952 - absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] - apologize v.道歉;辩解 [a-pol-o-gize] - compromise v.妥协;危害 [com-pro-mise] + expiate v.赎罪,补偿 [ex-pi-ate] - penance n.自我惩罚 [pen-ance] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - purgatory n.炼狱;受苦受难的地方 [pur-ga-to-ry] - purge v.清洗,洗涤 [purge] - ransom n.赎金;赎身;v.赎回 [ran-som] - reclaim v.纠正;开垦(土地) [re-claim] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - redress n.改正,修正 [re-dress] - reparation n.赔偿,补偿 [rep-a-ra-tion] - sacrifice n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 [sac-ri-fice] *** 4. Moral Practice ***** temperance 953 - abstain v.禁绝,放弃 [ab-stain] + abstemious a.有节制的,节俭的 [ab-ste-mi-ous] - abstentious a.节制的 [ab-sten-tious] - forbearance n.自制,忍耐 [for-bear-ance] - frugal a.节约的,节俭的 [fru-gal] - measured a.精确的;慎重的 [meas-ured] - refrain v.抑制;n.歌曲的反复句,叠句 [re-frain] - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] - sparing a.节俭的 [spar-ing] ***** intemperance 954 - dissolute a.放荡的,无节制的 [dis-so-lute] - exceed v.超过;超出 [ex-ceed] - excess n.过分,过度 [ex-cess] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - indulge v.放纵;满足 [in-dulge] + licentious a.纵欲的;放肆的 [li-cen-tious] - luxurious a.奢侈的,豪华的 [lux-u-ri-ous] - luxury n.奢侈(品) [lux-u-ry] + rakish a.潇洒的;放荡的 [rak-ish] - revelry n.狂欢 [rev-el-ry] - swill v.冲洗;痛饮 [swill] - sybaritic a.放纵的 [sybaritic] - voluptuous a.撩人的;沉溺于酒色的 [vo-lup-tu-ous] ***** sensualist 954.a - epicure n.美食家 [ep-i-cure] + existential a.有关存在的,存在主义的 [ex-is-ten-tial] + gourmand n.嗜食者 [gour-mand] - gourmet n.美食家 [gour-met] + hedonist n.享乐主义者 [he-don-ist] + libertine n.性行为放纵者,浪荡的人 [lib-er-tine] + sybarite n.奢侈逸乐的人 [syb-a-rite] ***** asceticism 955 - acerbic a.苦涩的;刻薄的 [a-cer-bic] + ascetic a.禁欲的;n.苦行者 [as-cet-ic] - austere a.朴素的 [aus-tere] - austerity n.朴素,艰苦 [aus-ter-i-ty] - cynic n.犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者 [cyn-ic] - defeatist n.失败主义者 [de-feat-ist] - hermit n.隐士,修道者 [her-mit] - martyr n.烈士,殉道者 [mar-tyr] - mortification n.耻辱,屈辱 [mor-ti-fi-ca-tion] - penance n.自我惩罚 [pen-ance] ***** fasting 956 - famish v.使饥饿 [fam-ish] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] ***** gluttony 957 - avarice n.贪财,贪婪 [av-a-rice] - avaricious a.贪婪的,贪心的 [av-a-ri-cious] - bolt v.急逃(to dash out; dart);螺栓,门栓 [bolt] - cram v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 [cram] - devour v.吞食;贪婪地享受 [de-vour] - epicure n.美食家 [ep-i-cure] - esophagus n.食道,食管 [e-soph-a-gus] + gluttonous a.贪吃的,贪嘴的 [glut-ton-ous] - gorge n.峡谷 [gorge] - gourmand n.嗜食者 [gour-mand] - gourmet n.美食家 [gour-met] - gulp v.吞食,咽下 [gulp] + guzzle v.大吃大喝 [guz-zle] - sybarite n.奢侈逸乐的人 [syb-a-rite] - voracity n.贪婪 [vo-rac-i-ty] ***** sobriety 958 - sober a.清醒的;庄重的 [so-ber] - sobriety n.节制,庄重 [so-bri-e-ty] ***** drunkenness 959 - carouse n.狂饮寻乐 [ca-rouse] - flush n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 [flush] + flustered a.慌张的 [flustered] - guzzle v.大吃大喝 [guz-zle] - lush a.繁茂的,茂盛的 [lush] - maudlin a.感情脆弱的,爱哭的 [maud-lin] - potation n.畅饮;饮料 [po-ta-tion] - punch v.以拳猛击;打洞 [punch] - soak v.浸泡,渗透 [soak] - swill v.冲洗;痛饮 [swill] ***** purity 960 - chaste a.贞洁的;朴实的 [chaste] - continent a.自制的;n.大陆 [con-ti-nent] + decency n.正派,端庄 [de-cen-cy] - decent a.适当的,可接受的;得体的 [de-cent] - decorum n.礼节,礼貌 [de-co-rum] - delicacy n.细嫩;精致,优雅 [del-i-ca-cy] - delicate a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的 [del-i-cate] - modest a.谦虚的,谨慎的;适度的 [mod-est] - prude n.过分守礼的人 [prude] - purity n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 [pu-ri-ty] - virtuous a.有美德的;自命清高的 [vir-tu-ous] ***** impurity 961 - abuse v./n.辱骂; 滥用 [a-buse] + bawdy a.淫猥的,好色的 [bawd-y] + bestial a.野兽的,残忍的 [bes-ti-al] - coarse a.粗糙的;低劣的;粗俗的 [coarse] - defile v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 [de-file] - dissolute a.放荡的,无节制的 [dis-so-lute] - frail a.脆弱的;不坚实的 [frail] - fulsome a.虚情假意的;充足的 [ful-some] - gallant a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 [gal-lant] - gross a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 [gross] - intrigue v.密谋;引起…极大兴趣 [in-trigue] + liaison n.联系;暧昧关系 [li-ai-son] - licentious a.纵欲的;放肆的 [li-cen-tious] - lust n.强烈的欲望 [lust] - meretricious a.华而不实的,俗艳的 [mer-e-tri-cious] - rakish a.潇洒的;放荡的 [rak-ish] - rampant a.蔓生的,猖獗的 [ram-pant] - ribald a.下流的,粗鄙的 [rib-ald] - violate v.违反,触犯 [vi-o-late] - voluptuous a.撩人的;沉溺于酒色的 [vo-lup-tu-ous] ***** libertine 962 - drab a.枯黄色的;无聊的 [drab] - gallant a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 [gal-lant] - harridan n.凶恶的老妇,老巫婆 [har-ri-dan] - jade n.疲惫的老马;玉,翡翠 [jade] - libertine n.性行为放纵者,浪荡的人 [lib-er-tine] - pander v.怂恿,迎合(不良欲望) [pan-der] - rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 [rig] - skit n.幽默讽刺短剧 [skit] *** 5. Moral Institutions ***** legality 963 - attorney n.律师 [at-tor-ney] - canon n.经典,真作 [ca-non] - charter n.(公司)执照;宪章;v.包租车船 [char-ter] - code n.密码;法典;v.将某事物编写成密码 [code] + codify v.将法律、规则等编成法典 [cod-i-fy] - constitution n.宪法;体质 [con-sti-tu-tion] - constitutional a.章程的,法规的;素质上的,本质的 [con-sti-tu-tion-al] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - enact v.制定(法律);扮演(角色) [en-act] - equity n.公平,公正 [eq-ui-ty] - formality n.遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式 [for-mal-i-ty] - formula n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 [for-mu-la] - institution n.公共机构,协会;制度 [in-sti-tu-tion] + legislate v.制定法律 [leg-is-late] - legislation n.法律,法规,立法 [leg-is-la-tion] - legislature n.立法机关,立法团体 [leg-is-la-ture] - legitimate a.合法的;正当的 [le-git-i-mate] - ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] - ordinance n.法令,条例 [or-di-nance] - regulate v.管制;调整 [reg-u-late] + rite n.(宗教的)仪式 [rite] - statute n.法规,法令 [stat-ute] + statutory a.法定的;受法令所约束的 [stat-u-to-ry] + tribunal n.法庭,裁判所 [tri-bu-nal] ***** illegality 964 - arbitrary a.专横的,不理智的 [ar-bi-trar-y] - contraband n.违禁品,走私货 [con-tra-band] - corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 [cor-rupt] + despotic a.专横的,暴虐的 [des-pot-ic] - despotism n.专制,暴政 [des-pot-ism] - illegal a.违法的 [il-le-gal] - illegitimate a.不合法的;私生的 [il-le-git-i-mate] - illicit a.违法的 [il-lic-it] - smuggle v.走私,私运 [smug-gle] - summary n.摘要,概要;a.摘要的,简略的 [sum-ma-ry] + unregulated a.未受管理的,未受约束的 [un-reg-u-lat-ed] - unwarranted a.没有根据的 [un-war-rant-ed] ***** jurisdiction 965 + judicial a.法庭的,法官的 [ju-di-cial] - jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,裁判权 [ju-ris-dic-tion] + municipality n.市;市政当局(指城市行政区及管理者) [mu-nic-i-pal-i-ty] + sheriff n.警长,县治安官 [sher-iff] - tribunal n.法庭,裁判所 [tri-bu-nal] ***** tribunal 966 - bench n.法官席;长凳 [bench] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛 [fo-rum] - judicial a.法庭的,法官的 [ju-di-cial] - tribunal n.法庭,裁判所 [tri-bu-nal] ***** judge 967 - arbiter n.权威人士,泰斗 [ar-bi-ter] - censor v.审查,检查(书报) [cen-sor] - chancellor n.大臣,总理,首席法官,大学校长 [chan-cel-lor] - court n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 [court] - discriminatory a.歧视的,差别待遇的 [dis-crim-i-na-to-ry] - judicial a.法庭的,法官的 [ju-di-cial] - litigant n.诉讼当事人 [lit-i-gant] - referee n.裁判员;仲裁者 [ref-er-ee] - umpire n.裁判;v.对…进行仲裁 [um-pire] ***** lawyer 968 - advocate >v.拥护,支持,鼓吹;n.支持者,拥护者 [ad-vo-cate] - attorney n.律师 [at-tor-ney] - bar v.禁止,阻挡;n.条,棒 [ba-r] + civilian n.平民 [ci-vil-ian] - plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 [plead] - proctor n.代理人,学监 [proc-tor] - pundit n.权威人士,专家 [pun-dit] ***** lawsuit 969 - accuse v.谴责,指责 [ac-cuse] - affidavit n.宣誓书 [af-fi-da-vit] - appeal v.恳求;吸引;上诉 [ap-peal] - apprehend v.逮捕;恐惧 [ap-pre-hend] - arrest v.依法逮捕;阻止,抑制 [ar-rest] - attach v.将某物系在(另一物)上 [at-ta-ch] - cite v.引用,引述 [cite] - claim v.要求或索; 要n.声称拥有的权力 [claim] - commit v.托付;承诺;犯罪 [com-mit] - defendant n.被告 [de-fend-ant] - dispute v.争论 [dis-pute] - impeach v.指责;弹劾 [im-peach] - indict v.控诉,起诉 [in-dict] - litigant n.诉讼当事人 [lit-i-gant] - litigation n.诉讼 [lit-i-ga-tion] - plaintiff n.原告 [plain-tiff] - prosecute v.告发,检举 [pros-e-cute] - prosecution n.起诉;实行,经营 [pros-e-cu-tion] - rebuttal n.反驳,反证 [re-but-tal] - subpoena n.(法律)传票;v.传讯 [sub-poe-na] - summon v.召见;召集 [sum-mon] - verdict n.判决,决定 [ver-dict] - writ n.命令状,书面命令 [writ] ***** acquittal 970 - absolve v.赦免,免除 [ab-solve] - acquit v.宣告无罪;脱卸义务和责任;还清(债务) [ac-quit] - acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释 [ac-quit-tal] - discharge v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 [dis-charge] - exculpate v.开脱,申明无罪 [ex-cul-pate] - exonerate v.免除责任;确定无罪 [ex-on-er-ate] - immunity n.免疫;豁免 [im-mu-ni-ty] - impunity n.免除惩罚 [im-pu-ni-ty] - liberate v.释放,解放 [lib-er-ate] - release v.释放,放出;n.释放 [re-lease] - reprieve v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 [re-prieve] - respite n.休息;暂缓 [res-pite] ***** condemnation 971 - accuse v.谴责,指责 [ac-cuse] - cast n.演员阵容;剧团;v.扔;铸造 [cast] - condemn v.极力谴责;判刑 [con-demn] - confiscate v.没收;充公 [con-fis-cate] - convict v.定罪;n.罪犯 [con-vict] - conviction n.判罪;坚信 [con-vic-tion] - guilty a.有罪的 [guilt-y] - penalize v.置(某人)于不利地位;处罚 [pe-nal-ize] + penalty n.刑罚,处罚 [pen-al-ty] - proscribe v.禁止 [pro-scribe] ***** punishment 972 - banish v.放逐某人 [ban-ish] - baste v.倒油脂于(烤肉上,以防烤干) [baste] - beat v.心跳;搅拌 [beat] - belabor v.过分冗长地做或说;痛打 [be-la-bor] - cane n.拐杖 [cane] - castigate v.惩治,严责 [cas-ti-gate] - castigation n.惩罚,苛评 [cas-ti-ga-tion] - chastise v.严厉惩罚;谴责 [chas-tise] - cob n.玉米棒子;雄天鹅 [cob] - decimate v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 [dec-i-mate] - demote v.降级,降职 [de-mote] - disbar v.取消律师资格 [dis-bar] - discipline v.训练,训导;n.纪律;惩罚,处分 [dis-ci-pline] - douse v.把…浸入水中;熄灭 [douse] - execute v.执行,履行;将某人处死 [ex-e-cute] - expel v.排出;开除 [ex-pel] - flax n.亚麻 [flax] - guillotine n.断头台 [guil-lo-tine] - impale v.刺入,刺中 [im-pale] - lace n.鞋带,系带;网眼花边,透孔织品 [lace] + lambaste v.痛打;痛骂 [lam-baste] - lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] - ostracism n.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cism] - ostracize v.放逐,排斥 [os-tra-cize] - penalty n.刑罚,处罚 [pen-al-ty] + redirect v.改寄(信件);改变方向 [re-di-rect] - retribution n.报应,惩罚 [ret-ri-bu-tion] - scaffold n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子) [scaf-fold] - scourge n.鞭笞;磨难;v.鞭笞,磨难 [scourge] - shoot n.嫩芽,新芽 [shoot] - spank v.打,拍打(在屁股上) [spank] - swing v.摇摆;旋转;n.秋千 [swing] - transport v.运输;n.狂喜 [trans-port] - trim v.修剪;a.井井有条的 [trim] ***** reward 973 - acknowledge v.承认;致谢 [ac-knowl-edge] - allowance n.津贴,补助;承认,允许 [al-low-ance] - bribe v.贿赂 [bribe] - compensate v.补偿,赔偿 [com-pen-sate] - compensatory a.补偿性的,报酬的 [com-pen-sa-to-ry] - crown v.加冕,使成王,居…之顶 [crown] - honorarium n.酬劳金,谢礼 [hon-o-rar-i-um] - indemnify v.赔偿,偿付 [in-dem-ni-fy] - indemnity n.赔偿;保证 [in-dem-ni-ty] + perquisite n.固定津贴,利益 [per-qui-site] - premium n.保险费;奖金 [pre-mi-um] - recompense v.报酬,赔偿 [rec-om-pense] - redress n.改正,修正 [re-dress] - remunerative a.报酬高的,有利润的 [re-mu-ner-a-tive] - reparation n.赔偿,补偿 [rep-a-ra-tion] - requite v.报答;报复 [re-quite] - retribution n.报应,惩罚 [ret-ri-bu-tion] - reward n.酬报,奖赏;v.酬谢,奖赏 [re-ward] + rewarding a.有益的,值得做的 [re-ward-ing] - salvage n./v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 [sal-vage] - sop n.泡过的食品;安慰品 [sop] - tribute n.赞辞;贡物 [trib-ute] - wage v.开始,进行(战争,运动) [wage] ***** penalty 974 - confiscate v.没收;充公 [con-fis-cate] - forfeit v.丧失,被罚没收;n.丧失物 [for-feit] - penalty n.刑罚,处罚 [pen-al-ty] - penance n.自我惩罚 [pen-ance] - retribution n.报应,惩罚 [ret-ri-bu-tion] - sequester v.(使)隐退;使隔离 [se-ques-ter] ***** scourge 975 - cane n.拐杖 [cane] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - guillotine n.断头台 [guil-lo-tine] - lash n.鞭子;v.鞭打;捆住 [lash] + pillory n.颈手枷;示众,嘲弄 [pil-lo-ry] - redirect v.改寄(信件);改变方向 [re-di-rect] - scaffold n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子) [scaf-fold] - scourge n.鞭笞;磨难;v.鞭笞,磨难 [scourge] - stake n.柱桩;赌注 [stake] ** Section V. Religious Affections *** 1. Superhuman Beings and Regions ***** deity 976 - celestial a.天体的,天上的 [ce-les-ti-al] - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] - empyreal a.天空的 [em-pyr-e-al] + hallowed a.神圣的 [hal-lowed] - infinity n.无限的时间或空间 [in-fin-i-ty] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - justify v.证明…是正当的 [jus-ti-fy] - mediate v.调停 [me-di-ate] - omniscient a.无所不知的,博识的 [om-nis-ci-ent] - ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] - propitiate v.讨好;抚慰 [pro-pi-ti-ate] - redeem v.赎罪 [re-deem] - redemptive a.赎回的,救赎的,救世的 [redemptive] - sacred a.神圣的,庄严的 [sa-cred] - sanctify v.使神圣 [sanc-ti-fy] - sovereignty n.主权,统治权 [sov-er-eign-ty] - spiritual a.精神的 [spir-it-u-al] - theocracy n.神权政治 [the-oc-ra-cy] - unearthly a.奇异的 [un-earth-ly] - uphold v.维护,支持 [up-hold] ***** angel 977 + cherubic a.(尤指孩子)胖乎乎而天真无邪的 [che-ru-bic] - saintly a.圣徒似的,极为圣洁的 [saint-ly] - seraphic a.如天使般的,美丽的 [se-raph-ic] ***** satan 978 ***** Jupiter 979 + folklore n.民间传说;民俗学 [folk-lore] - sibyl n.女预言家,女先知 [sib-yl] ***** demon 980 - apparition n.幽灵,神奇的现象 [ap-pa-ri-tion] - dwarf n.侏儒;矮小的植物;v.使变矮小 [dwarf] + imp n.小鬼;顽童 [imp] - incubus n.恶梦;梦魇般的精神压力,负担 [in-cu-bus] - possessed a.着迷的;疯狂的 [pos-sessed] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] - specter n.鬼魂,幽灵;恐惧 [spec-ter] - spectral a.幽灵的 [spec-tral] - uncanny a.神秘的,不可思议的 [un-can-ny] - unearthly a.奇异的 [un-earth-ly] ***** heaven 981 - celestial a.天体的,天上的 [ce-les-ti-al] - unearthly a.奇异的 [un-earth-ly] ***** hell 982 + inferno n.火海,地狱般的场所 [in-fer-no] - purgatory n.炼狱;受苦受难的地方 [pur-ga-to-ry] - stygian a.阴暗的,阴森森的 [stygian] *** 2. Religious Doctrines ***** theology 983 - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] + religion n.宗教,信仰 [re-li-gion] ***** orthodoxy 983.a - catholic a.普遍的;广泛的;(人)宽厚的 [cath-o-lic] - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] - orthodox a.正统的 [or-tho-dox] ***** heterodoxy 984 - apocryphal a.假冒的,虚假的 [a-poc-ry-phal] - apostasy n.背教,脱党 [a-pos-ta-sy] - apostate n.背教者;变节者 [a-pos-tate] - bigot n.(宗教、政治等的)盲信者;心胸狭窄者 [big-ot] - catholic a.普遍的;广泛的;(人)宽厚的 [cath-o-lic] - dissent v.不同意,持异议 [dis-sent] - dissident n.唱反调者 [dis-si-dent] + ethnic a.种族的 [eth-nic] - existential a.有关存在的,存在主义的 [ex-is-ten-tial] - extremist n.极端主义者 [ex-trem-ist] - fanatic n.狂热者 [fa-nat-ic] - heresy n.异端邪说 [her-e-sy] - heretic n.异教徒 [her-e-tic] - heretical a.异端邪说的 [he-ret-i-cal] - heterodox a.异端的,非正统的 [het-er-o-dox] - iconoclast n.攻击传统观念或风俗的人 [i-con-o-clast] + iconoclastic a.对传统观念(或惯例)进行攻击的 [i-con-o-clas-tic] - maverick n.想法与众不同的人 [mav-er-ick] - nonconformist adj./n.不遵照传统生活的(人) [non-con-form-ist] + pagan n.没有宗教信仰的人;异教徒 [pa-gan] - schism n.组织分裂 [schism] - secular a.世俗的,尘世的 [sec-u-lar] - visionary a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 [vi-sion-ar-y] ***** Judeo-christian revelation 985 + apocalyptic a.预示世界末日的;启示的 [a-poc-a-lyp-tic] - canonical a.符合规定的;经典的 [ca-non-i-cal] - disciple n.信徒,弟子 [dis-ci-ple] - gospel n.教义,信条 [gos-pel] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - inspired a.有创见的,有灵感的 [in-spired] - prophet n.先知,预言家 [proph-et] - prophetic a.先知的,预言的,预示的 [pro-phet-ic] - revelation n.显示;泄露的事实 [rev-e-la-tion] - sacred a.神圣的,庄严的 [sa-cred] - scripture n.经文,圣典 [scrip-ture] ***** pseudo-revelation 986 *** 3. Religious Sentiments ***** piety 987 - catholic a.普遍的;广泛的;(人)宽厚的 [cath-o-lic] - convert v.使改变(信仰等);n.改变信仰的人 [con-vert] - devoted a.投入的,热爱的 [de-vot-ed] - devotee n.爱好者 [dev-o-tee] + devout a.虔敬的;忠诚的,忠心的 [de-vout] - edify v.陶冶,启发 [ed-i-fy] - grace n.优美 [grace] - humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] - humility n.谦逊,谦恭 [hu-mil-i-ty] - inspiration n.启示,灵感 [in-spi-ra-tion] - inspired a.有创见的,有灵感的 [in-spired] - justification n.正当理由,好的(正义的)原因;辨护 [jus-ti-fi-ca-tion] + pious a.虔诚的,尽责的 [pi-ous] - religion n.宗教,信仰 [re-li-gion] - revere v.尊敬 [re-vere] - sacred a.神圣的,庄严的 [sa-cred] - saintly a.圣徒似的,极为圣洁的 [saint-ly] - sanctify v.使神圣 [sanc-ti-fy] - seraphic a.如天使般的,美丽的 [se-raph-ic] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - spiritual a.精神的 [spir-it-u-al] - unearthly a.奇异的 [un-earth-ly] ***** impiety 988 - austerity n.朴素,艰苦 [aus-ter-i-ty] - bigot n.(宗教、政治等的)盲信者;心胸狭窄者 [big-ot] + blasphemy n.亵渎,渎神 [blas-phe-my] - cant n.斜坡,斜面;隐语,术语,黑话;v.使倾斜 [cant] - conformist n.尊奉者,英国国教徒 [con-form-ist] - desecrate v.玷辱,亵渎 [des-e-crate] - devotee n.爱好者 [dev-o-tee] - fanatic n.狂热者 [fa-nat-ic] - hypocrite n.伪善者,伪君子 [hyp-o-crite] - hypocritical a.虚伪的 [hyp-o-crit-i-cal] - profane v.亵渎,玷污 [pro-fane] - reprobate v.谴责,指责;adj./n.堕落的(人) [rep-ro-bate] - revile v.辱骂,恶言相向 [re-vile] + sacrilege n.亵渎,冒犯神灵 [sac-ri-lege] + sacrilegious a.亵渎神圣的 [sac-ri-le-gious] + sanctimonious a.假装神圣的 [sanc-ti-mo-ni-ous] - scoff v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 [scoff] - unctuous a.油质的;油腔滑调的 [unc-tu-ous] - wicked a.极坏的;淘气的 [wick-ed] ***** irreligion 989 + agnostic a.不可知论的 [ag-nos-tic] - bout n.一回合,一阵 [bout] - earthly a.现世的,尘世的 [earth-ly] - incredulity n.怀疑,不相信 [in-cre-du-li-ty] - mundane a.现世的,世俗的 [mun-dane] *** 4. Acts Of Religion ***** worship 990 - adore v.崇拜;热爱 [a-dore] - adulate v.谄媚,奉承 [ad-u-late] + anthem n.圣歌;赞美歌,国歌 [an-them] - aspiration n.抱负,热望 [as-pi-ra-tion] - aspire v.向往,有志于 [as-pire] - benediction n.祝福;祈祷 [ben-e-dic-tion] - chant n.圣歌;v.歌唱或背诵 [chant] - communicate v.传送信息,沟通 [com-mu-ni-cate] + cult n.宗派;崇拜 [cult] + devotional a.献身的,崇拜的 [de-vo-tion-al] - devout a.虔敬的;忠诚的,忠心的 [de-vout] - discipline v.训练,训导;n.纪律;惩罚,处分 [dis-ci-pline] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - fervid a.炽热的,热情的 [fer-vid] - grace n.优美 [grace] - homage n.效忠,崇敬 [hom-age] - humble a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 [hum-ble] - hymn n.赞美诗 [hymn] - idolater n.神像(偶像)崇拜者 [i-dol-a-ter] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - invoke v.祈求;恳求;(法律的)实施生效 [in-voke] - laud v.称赞 [laud] - magnify v.放大;赞美 [mag-ni-fy] - paean n.赞美歌,颂歌 [pae-an] - petition n.请愿;请愿书 [pe-ti-tion] - prostrate a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 [pros-trate] - response n.反应,响应,回答 [re-sponse] - revere v.尊敬 [re-vere] - sacrifice n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 [sac-ri-fice] - solemn a.严肃的,庄严的;黑色的 [sol-emn] - supplicate v.恳求,乞求 [sup-pli-cate] - worship v./n.崇拜,敬仰 [wor-ship] ***** idolatry 991 - deify v.奉为神;崇拜 [de-i-fy] ***** sorcery 992 - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] + clairvoyance n.超人的洞察力 [clair-voy-ance] - conjure v.恳求,祈求;变魔术,变戏法 [con-jure] - enchant v.使迷醉;施魔法于 [en-chant] - entrance v.使出神,使入迷 [en-trance] + exorcise v.驱魔;去除(坏念头等) [ex-or-cise] - mystic a.神秘的,不可思议的;n.神秘主义者 [mys-tic] - obsess v.迷住;使…困窘,使…烦扰 [ob-sess] - ordeal n.严峻考验,痛苦经验 [or-deal] + sorcery n.巫术,魔法 [sor-cer-y] - taboo a.讳忌的;n.禁忌 [ta-boo] ***** spell 993 + amulet n.护身符 [am-u-let] - charm n.魅力;咒语,咒符 [charm] - incantation n.咒语 [in-can-ta-tion] - spell n.连续的一段时间 [spell] - talisman n.避邪物,护身符 [tal-is-man] ***** sorcerer 994 - medium n.媒介;(细菌等的)生存环境 [me-di-um] - siren n.汽笛,警报器 [si-ren] *** 5. Religious Institutions ***** churchdom 995 - canonical a.符合规定的;经典的 [ca-non-i-cal] - conclave n.秘密会议 [con-clave] - induct v.使就职;使入伍 [in-duct] - induction n.就职,入伍仪式;归纳 [in-duc-tion] - institution n.公共机构,协会;制度 [in-sti-tu-tion] - ordain v.任命(神职);颁发命令 [or-dain] - pastoral a.田园生活的;宁静的 [pas-to-ral] + pontifical a.自以为是的;武断的 [pon-tif-i-cal] + pontificate v.自大武断地做或说 [pon-tif-i-cate] - presentation n.表演,介绍,描述 [pres-en-ta-tion] - stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] - theocracy n.神权政治 [the-oc-ra-cy] ***** clergy 996 + acolyte n.(教士的)助手,侍僧 [ac-o-lyte] - canon n.经典,真作 [ca-non] - cardinal a.最重要的;n.红衣主教 [car-di-nal] - chef n.厨师 [chef] - choir n.(教堂的)歌唱队 [choir] - divine v.推测,预言 [di-vine] - eminence n.卓越,杰出 [em-i-nence] - guru n.古鲁(印度的宗教领袖);(受尊敬的)教师或权威 [gu-ru] - incumbent n.在职者,现任者;a.义不容辞的 [in-cum-bent] - mendicant a.行乞的;n.乞丐 [men-di-cant] - metropolitan a.大都市的,首都的 [met-ro-pol-i-tan] - novice n.生手,新手 [nov-ice] - pilgrim n.朝圣客,香客 [pil-grim] + primate n.灵长类(动物) [pri-mate] - prophet n.先知,预言家 [proph-et] - vicar n.教区牧师 [vic-ar] ***** laity 997 - civil a.国内的;公民的;文明的 [civ-il] - civilian n.平民 [ci-vil-ian] - flock n.羊群;鸟群 [flock] - fold n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 [fold] + laity n.俗信徒,俗人阶级;外行 [la-i-ty] - profane v.亵渎,玷污 [pro-fane] - secular a.世俗的,尘世的 [sec-u-lar] - temporal a.时间的;世俗的 [tem-po-ral] ***** rite 998 - advent n.到来,来临 [ad-vent] - aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 [as-per-sion] - burial n.埋葬,埋藏 [bur-i-al] - ceremony n.典礼,仪式 [cer-e-mo-ny] - communicate v.传送信息,沟通 [com-mu-ni-cate] - confess v.承认,供认 [con-fess] - confirm v.证实,证明 [con-firm] - cross a.生气的 [cross] - discourse n.演讲,论述 [dis-course] - fast n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 [fast] - incantation n.咒语 [in-can-ta-tion] - incense n.香,香味;v.激怒 [in-cense] - ordinance n.法令,条例 [or-di-nance] - pastoral a.田园生活的;宁静的 [pas-to-ral] - penance n.自我惩罚 [pen-ance] - preach v.传教,讲道 [preach] - rite n.(宗教的)仪式 [rite] - ritual n.仪式,例行习惯 [rit-u-al] - sermon n.布道;说教,训诫 [ser-mon] - solemnity n.庄严,肃穆 [so-lem-ni-ty] ***** canonicals 999 - apron n.围裙 [a-pron] - costume n.服装;剧装 [cos-tume] - pall v.令人发腻,失去吸引力 [pall] - robe n.长袍,礼服 [robe] - scarf n.围巾,披肩 [scarf] ***** temple 1000 + cathedral n.总教堂,主教堂 [ca-the-dral] + chapel n.(附属于教堂或监狱等的)小教堂 [chap-el] - choir n.(教堂的)歌唱队 [choir] - cloister n.修道院 [clois-ter] - credence n.相信,信任 [cre-dence] - homiletics n.讲道术,说教术 [hom-i-let-ics] - lectern n.教堂里的读经台 [lec-tern] + mosque n.清真寺(伊斯兰教的寺庙) [mosque] - oratory n.演讲术 [or-a-to-ry] - shrine n.神龛,圣地 [shrine] - stall v.使停止,使延迟 [stall] * + accrete v.逐渐增长;添加生长;连生 [ac-crete] + acrophobia n.恐高症 [ac-ro-pho-bi-a] + affordable a.能够支付的 [af-ford-a-ble] + aluminium n.铝 [al-u-min-i-um] + anaerobic a.厌氧的 [an-aer-o-bic] + antihistamine n.(治疗过敏的)抗组胺剂 [an-ti-his-ta-mine] + apocrypha n.伪经,伪书 [a-poc-ry-pha] + aquifer n.含水土层 [aq-ui-fer] + artifacts n.史前古器物 [artifacts] + assertiveness n.过分自信 [as-ser-tive-ness] + byline n.(列作者名字的)报刊文章首行 [byline] + byproduct n.副产品;副作用 [byproduct] + carcinogen n.致癌物 [car-cin-o-gen] + centigrade a.百分度的,摄氏温度计的 [cen-ti-grade] + coagulant n.凝结剂;凝血剂 [co-ag-u-lant] + conflate v.合并 [con-flate] + criteria n.评判标准 [cri-te-ri-a] + decibel n.分贝(音量的单位) [dec-i-bel] + defoliator n.落叶剂 [de-fo-li-a-tor] + deforestation n.采伐森林 [de-for-est-a-tion] + demotic a.民众的,通俗的 [de-mot-ic] + demystify v.弄清楚 [de-mys-ti-fy] + diabetes n.糖尿病 [di-a-be-tes] + discography n.唱片分类目录;录音音乐研究 [dis-cog-ra-phy] + discombobulated a.扰乱的,打乱的 [dis-com-bob-u-lat-ed] + divestiture n.脱衣,卸下装饰;剥夺财产;取消称号 [di-vest-i-ture] + dysfunctional a.功能失调的 [dysfunctional] + dyslexia n.阅读障碍 [dys-lex-i-a] + earplug n.耳塞 [ear-plug] + effluvia n.气味,恶臭;废料 [ef-flu-vi-a] + egalitarian a.主张人人平等的 [e-gal-i-tar-i-an] + enfetter v.给…上脚镣;束缚,使受制于 [en-fet-ter] + enflame v.使愤怒或激动 [en-flame] + entrée n.正餐前的开胃菜;获准进入的权利 [en-trée] + exponentially adv.指数地;迅速增长地 [ex-po-nen-tial-ly] + factorable a.能分解成因子的 [fac-tor-a-ble] + flaggy a.枯萎的;松软无力的 [flag-gy] + flaunty a.炫耀的,张扬的 [flaunt-y] + freelancer n.自由职业者 [free-lanc-er] + geometrician n.几何学家 [ge-om-e-tri-cian] + glitch n.小故障 [glitch] + gravitational a.万有引力的 [grav-i-ta-tion-al] + gusher n.滔滔不绝的说话者;喷油井 [gush-er] + hyperactivity n.活动过强,极度亢奋 [hy-per-ac-tiv-i-ty] + hypotenuse n.(直角三角形的)斜边 [hy-pot-e-nuse] + ingénue n.天真无邪的少女 [in-gé-nue] + inhibitor n.抑制剂 [in-hib-i-tor] + institutionalized a.制度化的,有组织的 [in-sti-tu-tion-al-ized] + insulin n.胰岛素 [in-su-lin] + irradicable a.不能根除的 [irradicable] + juggernaut n.摧毁一切的强大力量 [jug-ger-naut] + landfill n.垃圾堆 [landfill] + misperceive v.误解 [mis-per-ceive] + naysay v.拒绝,说不 [naysay] + nonradioactive a.非放射性的 [non-ra-di-o-ac-tive] + nonthreatening a.不威胁的 [non-threat-en-ing] + nucleate v.使成核 [nu-cle-ate] + offence(offense) n.得罪;错事 [offence(offense)] + overexposure n.过分暴露,(照相)暴光过度 [o-ver-ex-po-sure] + painkiller n.止痛药 [pain-kil-ler] + percussionist n.敲击乐器的乐师 [per-cus-sion-ist] + phenomena n.(复数)现象;科学研究的现象 [phe-nom-e-na] + philatelist n.集邮家 [phi-lat-e-list] + philately n.集邮 [phi-lat-e-ly] + photosynthesis n.光合作用 [pho-to-syn-the-sis] + platonic a.理论的;纯精神上的,没有感官欲望的 [platonic] + potentiate v.加强(力量,效果) [po-ten-ti-ate] + précis n.摘要,大纲 [pré-cis] + preliterate a.文字出现以前的 [pre-lit-er-ate] + reactant n.反应物 [re-ac-tant] + relenting a.减弱的,怜悯的 [relenting] + scad n.许多,大量 [scad] + spackle n.填泥料(用以填塞裂缝和洞穴) [spack-le] + taxonomist n.分类学家 [tax-on-o-mist] + technocrat n.技术管理人员 [tech-no-crat] + temp v.做临时工作 [temp] + tonsorial a.理发师的,理发的 [ton-so-ri-al] + underutilized a.未充分利用的 [underutilized] + unprovoked a.(生气等)无缘无故的 [un-pro-voked] + unscented a.无气味的(without scent) [un-scent-ed] + viral a.病毒性的 [vi-ral] + walrus n.海象 [wal-rus] + xerophyte n.旱生植物 [xe-ro-phyte]