from math import sin from twisted.internet.reactor import seconds from pyspades.common import Vertex3 from commands import admin, add, name, get_player SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 1.11 #@admin def big(connection, player = None): player = scale_head(connection, SIZE_MULTIPLIER, player) message = + "'s" if connection is not player else 'Your' message += ' head is ' + stringify_head_multiplier(player.head_multiplier) return message + '!' @admin def small(connection, player = None): player = scale_head(connection, 1.0 / SIZE_MULTIPLIER, player) message = + "'s" if connection is not player else 'Your' message += ' head is ' + stringify_head_multiplier(player.head_multiplier) return message + '!' @admin def wobble(connection, player = None): player = scale_head(connection, 1.0, player) third = connection is not player message = if third else 'You' if player.head_wobble_start is None: player.head_wobble_start = seconds() message += ' begins' if third else ' begin' message += ' to bobble. Wobble wobble' else: player.head_wobble_start = None message += ' stops' if third else ' stop' message += ' being so indecisive' return message @admin @name('resethead') def reset_head(connection, player = None): player = scale_head(connection, None, player) player.head_wobble_start = None third = connection is not player message = if third else 'You' message += ' thinks' if third else ' think' message += ' this stuff was starting to get a little too heady' return message for func in (big, small, wobble, reset_head): add(func) def stringify_head_multiplier(value): if value < 1.0: return '%.2f times smaller than normal' % (1.0 / value) elif value > 1.0: return '%.2f times larger than normal' % value else: return 'just the right size' def scale_head(connection, value, player = None): protocol = connection.protocol if player is not None: player = get_player(protocol, player) elif connection in protocol.players: player = connection else: raise ValueError() value = (player.head_multiplier or 1.0) * value if value else None player.head_multiplier = value if value is not None: protocol.bighead_players.add(player) else: protocol.bighead_players.discard(player) if player.temp_orientation is None: player.temp_orientation = Vertex3() return player def apply_script(protocol, connection, config): class BigHeadConnection(connection): head_multiplier = None head_wobble_start = None temp_orientation = None class BigHeadProtocol(protocol): bighead_players = None def on_map_change(self, map): self.bighead_players = set() protocol.on_map_change(self, map) def update_network(self): for player in self.bighead_players: if not player.world_object: continue head_multiplier = player.head_multiplier if player.head_wobble_start is not None: elapsed = seconds() - player.head_wobble_start head_multiplier += sin(elapsed) * 0.25 * head_multiplier orientation = player.world_object.orientation player.temp_orientation.set_vector(orientation) orientation *= head_multiplier protocol.update_network(self) for player in self.bighead_players: if not player.world_object: continue orientation = player.world_object.orientation orientation.set_vector(player.temp_orientation) return BigHeadProtocol, BigHeadConnection