/* DBGp client functions - v1.1 * Enables scripts to debug other scripts via DBGp. * Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.21+ */ /* Public functions: DBGp_StartListening(localAddress="", localPort=9000) returns socket DBGp_OnBegin(func) ; func(session, initPacket) DBGp_OnBreak(func) ; func(session, responsePacket) DBGp_OnStream(func) ; func(session, streamPacket) DBGp_OnEnd(func) ; func(session) DBGp_StopListening(socket) DBGp(session, command [, args, ByRef response]) DBGp_Send(session, command [, args, responseHandler]) DBGp_Receive(session, ByRef packet) DBGp_Base64UTF8Decode(ByRef base64) returns decoded string DBGp_Base64UTF8Encode(ByRef textdata) returns encoded string DBGp_EncodeFileURI(filename) returns fileuri DBGp_DecodeFileURI(fileuri) returns filename DBGp_GetSessionSocket(session) -> session.Socket DBGp_GetSessionIDEKey(session) -> session.IDEKey DBGp_GetSessionCookie(session) -> session.Cookie DBGp_GetSessionThread(session) -> session.Thread DBGp_GetSessionFile(session) -> session.File */ class DBGp_Session { ;public: static __Call := Func("DBGp") Send := Func("DBGp_Send") Receive := Func("DBGp_Receive") Close := Func("DBGp_CloseSession") ;internal: static OnBegin, OnBreak, OnStream, OnEnd static sockets := {} static callQueue := [] responseQueue := [] handlers := {} lastID := 0 __New() { ObjSetCapacity(this, "buf", 4096) this.bufLen := 0 } class WaitHandler { static Call := Func("_DBGp_WaitHandler_Call") } class QueueHandler { static Call := Func("_DBGp_QueueHandler_Call") static __New := Func("_DBGp_QueueHandler_New") } } ; Start listening for debugger connections. Must be called before any debugger may connect. DBGp_StartListening(localAddress="", localPort=9000) { static AF_INET:=2, SOCK_STREAM:=1, IPPROTO_TCP:=6 , FD_ACCEPT:=8, FD_READ:=1, FD_CLOSE:=0x20 static wsaData := "" if !VarSetCapacity(wsaData) { ; Initialize Winsock to version 2.2. VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 402) wsaError := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAStartup", "ushort", 0x202, "ptr", &wsaData) if wsaError return DBGp_WSAE(wsaError) } ; Create socket to be used to listen for connections. s := DllCall("ws2_32\socket", "int", AF_INET, "int", SOCK_STREAM, "int", IPPROTO_TCP, "ptr") if s = -1 return DBGp_WSAE() ; Bind to specific local interface, or any/all. VarSetCapacity(sockaddr_in, 16, 0) NumPut(AF_INET, sockaddr_in, 0, "ushort") NumPut(DllCall("ws2_32\htons", "ushort", localPort, "ushort"), sockaddr_in, 2, "ushort") NumPut(DllCall("ws2_32\inet_addr", "astr", localAddress), sockaddr_in, 4) if DllCall("ws2_32\bind", "ptr", s, "ptr", &sockaddr_in, "int", 16) = 0 ; no error ; Request window message-based notification of network events. && DllCall("ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "ptr", s, "ptr", DBGp_hwnd(), "uint", 0x8000, "int", FD_ACCEPT|FD_READ|FD_CLOSE) = 0 ; no error && DllCall("ws2_32\listen", "ptr", s, "int", 4) = 0 ; no error return s ; An error occurred. e := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") DllCall("ws2_32\closesocket", "ptr", s) DBGp_WSAE(e) } ; Set the function to be called when a debugger connection is accepted. DBGp_OnBegin(fn) { ; Subject to change - do not use this property directly: DBGp_Session.OnBegin := fn ? new DBGp_Session.QueueHandler(fn) : "" } ; Set the function to be called when a response to a continuation command is received. DBGp_OnBreak(fn) { ; Subject to change - do not use this property directly: DBGp_Session.OnBreak := fn ? new DBGp_Session.QueueHandler(fn) : "" } ; Set the function to be called when a stream packet is received. DBGp_OnStream(fn) { ; Subject to change - do not use this property directly: DBGp_Session.OnStream := fn ? new DBGp_Session.QueueHandler(fn) : "" } ; Set the function to be called when a debugger connection is lost. DBGp_OnEnd(fn) { ; Subject to change - do not use this property directly: DBGp_Session.OnEnd := fn ? new DBGp_Session.QueueHandler(fn) : "" } ; Stops listening for debugger connections. Does not disconnect debuggers, but prevents more debuggers from connecting. DBGp_StopListening(socket) { return DllCall("ws2_32\closesocket", "ptr", socket) = -1 ? DBGp_WSAE() : 0 } ; Execute a DBGp command. DBGp(session, command, args="", ByRef response="") { response := "" handler := "" ; If OnBreak has been set and this is a continuation command, ; call OnBreak when the response is received instead of waiting. if InStr(" run step_into step_over step_out ", " " command " ") handler := DBGp_Session.OnBreak if wait := !handler handler := new DBGp_Session.WaitHandler if (r := _DBGp_SendEx(session, command, args, handler)) = 0 { if wait { handler.cmd := command ;dbg ; Wait for and return a response. r := _DBGp_WaitHandler_Wait(handler, session, response) } } return r } ; Send a command. DBGp_Send(session, command, args="", responseHandler="") { if responseHandler responseHandler := new DBGp_Session.QueueHandler(responseHandler) return _DBGp_SendEx(session, command, args, responseHandler) } _DBGp_SendEx(session, command, args, responseHandler) { ; Format command line (insert -i transaction_id). transaction_id := ++session.lastID packet := command " -i " transaction_id if (args != "") packet .= " " args ; Convert to UTF-8 (regardless of ANSI vs Unicode). VarSetCapacity(packetData, packetLen := StrPut(packet, "UTF-8")) StrPut(packet, &packetData, "UTF-8") ; Set the handler first to avoid a possible race condition. if responseHandler session.handlers[transaction_id] := responseHandler if DllCall("ws2_32\send", "ptr", session.Socket, "ptr", &packetData, "int", packetLen, "int", 0) = -1 { ; Remove the handler, since it is unlikely to be called. This ; may be unnecessary since it's likely the session is ending. if responseHandler session.handlers.Delete(transaction_id) return DBGp_WSAE() } return 0 } ; Retrieve the next . DBGp_Receive(session, ByRef packet) { return _DBGp_WaitHandler_Wait(session.responseQueue, session, packet) } ; ## SESSION API ## DBGp_GetSessionSocket(session) { return session.Socket } DBGp_GetSessionIDEKey(session) { return session.IDEKey } DBGp_GetSessionCookie(session) { return session.Cookie } DBGp_GetSessionThread(session) { return session.Thread } DBGp_GetSessionFile(session) { return session.File } DBGp_CloseSession(session) { return DllCall("ws2_32\closesocket", "ptr", session.Socket) = -1 ? DBGp_WSAE() : 0 } ; ## UTILITY FUNCTIONS ## DBGp_Base64UTF8Decode(ByRef base64) { if (base64 = "") return cp := DBGp_StringToBinary(result, base64, 1) return StrGet(&result, cp, "utf-8") } DBGp_Base64UTF8Encode(ByRef textdata) { if (textdata = "") return VarSetCapacity(rawdata, StrPut(textdata, "utf-8")), sz := StrPut(textdata, &rawdata, "utf-8") - 1 return DBGp_BinaryToString(rawdata, sz, 0x40000001) } ;http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=238120#238120 DBGp_BinaryToString(ByRef bin, sz=0, fmt=12) { ; return base64 or formatted-hex n := sz>0 ? sz : VarSetCapacity(bin) DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&bin, "uint",n, "uint",fmt, "ptr",0, "uint*",cp:=0) ; get size VarSetCapacity(str, cp*(A_IsUnicode ? 2:1)) DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&bin, "uint",n, "uint",fmt, "str",str, "uint*",cp) return str } DBGp_StringToBinary(ByRef bin, hex, fmt=12) { ; return length, result in bin DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "ptr",&hex, "uint",StrLen(hex), "uint",fmt, "ptr",0, "uint*",cp:=0, "ptr",0,"ptr",0) ; get size VarSetCapacity(bin, cp) DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "ptr",&hex, "uint",StrLen(hex), "uint",fmt, "ptr",&bin, "uint*",cp, "ptr",0,"ptr",0) return cp } ; Convert file path to URI ; Rewritten by fincs to support Unicode paths DBGp_EncodeFileURI(s) { len := DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", s, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) VarSetCapacity(buf, len*2) DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", s, "uint", len, "str", buf, "ptr", 0) s := StrReplace(StrReplace(s, "\", "/"), "%", "%25") VarSetCapacity(h, 4) regex := (A_AhkVersion >= "2." ? "" : "O)") "[^\w\-.!~*'()/%]" while RegExMatch(s, regex, c) { StrPut(c[0], &h, "UTF-8") r := "" while n := NumGet(h, A_Index-1, "UChar") r .= Format("%{:02X}", n) s := StrReplace(s, c[0], r) } return s } ; Convert URI to file path ; Rewritten by fincs to support Unicode paths DBGp_DecodeFileURI(s) { if SubStr(s, 1, 8) = "file:///" s := SubStr(s, 9) s := StrReplace(s, "/", "\") VarSetCapacity(buf, StrLen(s)+1) i := 0, o := 0 while i <= StrLen(s) { c := NumGet(s, i * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), A_IsUnicode ? "UShort" : "UChar") if (c = Ord("%")) c := "0x" SubStr(s, i+2, 2), i += 2 NumPut(c, buf, o, "UChar") i++, o++ } return StrGet(&buf, "UTF-8") } ; Replace XML entities with the appropriate characters. DBGp_DecodeXmlEntities(s) { ; Replace XML entities which may be returned by AutoHotkey_L (e.g. in ide_key attribute of init packet if DBGp_IDEKEY env var contains one of "&'<>). s := StrReplace(s, """, Chr(34)) s := StrReplace(s, "&", "&") s := StrReplace(s, "'", "'") s := StrReplace(s, "<", "<") s := StrReplace(s, ">", ">") return s } ; ## INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ## ; Internal: Window procedure for handling WSAAsyncSelect notifications. DBGp_HandleWindowMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) { static FD_ACCEPT:=8, FD_READ:=1, FD_CLOSE:=0x20 ; Must not be interrupted by FD_READ while processing FD_ACCEPT ; (e.g. setting up the session which FD_READ may be received for) ; or FD_READ (still processing previous data). Critical 10000 uMsg &= 0xFFFFFFFF if uMsg != 0x8000 return DllCall("DefWindowProc", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", uMsg, "ptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam) event := lParam & 0xffff ; error := (lParam >> 16) & 0xffff if (event = FD_ACCEPT) { ; Accept incoming connection. s := DllCall("ws2_32\accept", "ptr", wParam, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") if s = -1 { DBGp_WSAE() return 0 } ; Create object to store information about this debugging session. session := new DBGp_Session session.Socket := s DBGp_AddSession(session) } else if (event = FD_READ) ; Receiving data. { if !(session := DBGp_FindSessionBySocket(wParam)) return 0 DBGp_HandleIncomingData(session) } else if (event = FD_CLOSE) ; Connection closed. { if !(session := DBGp_FindSessionBySocket(wParam)) return 0 DBGp_CallHandler(DBGp_Session.OnEnd, session) DBGp_RemoveSession(session), session.Socket := -1 DllCall("ws2_32\closesocket", "ptr", wParam) } return 0 } DBGp_HandleIncomingData(session) { cap := ObjGetCapacity(session, "buf") ptr := ObjGetAddress(session, "buf") len := session.bufLen ; Copy available data into the buffer. r := DllCall("ws2_32\recv", "ptr", session.Socket , "ptr", ptr + len, "int", cap - len, "int", 0) ; Be tolerant of errors because WSAEWOULDBLOCK is expected in some ; cases, and even if some other error occurs, there may be data in ; our buffer that we can try to process. if (r != -1) session.bufLen := (len += r) if (packetLen := session.packetLen) = "" { ; Each message begins with the length of the message body ; encoded as a null-terminated numeric string. ; Ensure the data is null-terminated. NumPut(0, ptr+0, len, "char") headerLen := DllCall("lstrlenA", "ptr", ptr) ; If we've received the complete string, len must include the ; null-terminator. Otherwise, the data is invalid/incomplete. ; This case should be very rare: if (headerLen = len) { ; Haven't seen the null-terminator yet. if (len < 20) return ; This section can only execute if we've received >= 20 ; bytes and still don't have a null-terminated string. ; No valid message length would be >= 20 characters. packetLen := "invalid" } else { ; The most common case: we've received the complete header. packetLen := StrGet(ptr, headerLen, "utf-8") } if packetLen is not integer { ; Recovering from invalid data doesn't seem very useful in ; this context, so just shutdown and wait for the other end ; to close the connection. DllCall("ws2_32\shutdown", "ptr", session.Socket, "int", 2) return DBGp_E("invalid message header") } ; Let packetLen include the null-terminator. packetLen += 1 ; Discard the null-terminated header. headerLen += 1 len -= headerLen DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", ptr, "ptr", ptr + headerLen, "ptr", len) ; Ensure the buffer is large enough for the complete packet. if (cap < packetLen) { ; Grow exponentially to avoid incrementally reallocating. while (cap < packetLen) cap *= 2 if !(cap := ObjSetCapacity(session, "buf", cap)) throw Exception("Insufficient memory") ptr := ObjGetAddress(session, "buf") } ; Update session object. session.bufLen := len session.packetLen := packetLen } if (len >= packetLen) ; We have a complete packet. { ; Retrieve and decode the packet. packet := StrGet(ptr, packetLen, "utf-8") ; Remove it from the buffer. session.bufLen := (len -= packetLen) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", ptr, "ptr", ptr + packetLen, "ptr", len) session.packetLen := "" if len { ; Post a message so this function will be called again to ; process the rest of the data. Unlike loop/goto, this ; method allows data to be received and processed while one ; of the handlers called below is still running. DllCall("PostMessage", "ptr", DBGp_hwnd(), "uint", 0x8000 , "ptr", session.Socket, "ptr", 1) } ; Call the appropriate handler. if !RegExMatch(packet, "<\K\w+", packetType) DBGp_E("invalid packet") else if (packetType = "response") DBGp_HandleResponsePacket(session, packet) else if (packetType = "stream") DBGp_HandleStreamPacket(session, packet) else if (packetType = "init") DBGp_HandleInitPacket(session, packet) else DBGp_E("unknown packet type: " packetType) } } DBGp_CallHandler(handler, session="", ByRef packet="") { handler.Call(session, packet) } _DBGp_QueueHandler_Call(handler, session, ByRef packet) { DBGp_Session.callQueue.Push([handler.fn, session, packet]) ; Using a single timer ensures that each handler finishes before ; the next is called, and that each runs in its own thread. SetTimer _DBGp_DispatchTimer, -1 } _DBGp_DispatchTimer() { ; Call exactly one handler per new thread. if next := DBGp_Session.callQueue.RemoveAt(1) fn := next[1], %fn%(next[2], next[3]) ; If the queue is not empty, reset the timer. if DBGp_Session.callQueue.Length() SetTimer _DBGp_DispatchTimer, -1 } _DBGp_QueueHandler_New(handler, fn) { handler.fn := IsObject(fn) ? fn : Func(fn) } _DBGp_WaitHandler_Call(handler, session, ByRef response) { ObjPush(handler, response) } _DBGp_WaitHandler_Wait(handler, session, ByRef response) { WasCritical := A_IsCritical Critical Off ; Must be Off to allow data to be received. try { Loop { Sleep -1 if ObjLength(handler) break if session.Socket = -1 return DBGp_E("Disconnected") DllCall("WaitMessage") } response := ObjRemoveAt(handler, 1) if RegExMatch(response, " then returns an empty string. DBGp_WSAE(n="") { if (n = "") n := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") if n ErrorLevel := "WSAE:" n else ErrorLevel := 0 } ; Internal: Sets ErrorLevel then returns an empty string or DBGp error code. DBGp_E(n) { ErrorLevel := n if ErrorLevel is integer return ErrorLevel ; Return DBGp error code. ; Empty/no return value indicates an internal/protocol error. }