function action(bp: typeof sdk, event: sdk.IO.IncomingEvent, args: any, { user, temp, session } = event.state) { /** Your code starts below */ /* You must provid the Botpress App Webhook from Rocketchat */ const rocketWebhook = 'http://rocketchat:3000/api/apps/public/6a8e6b6c-7a25-47c9-94e8-5af5075981ad/incoming' const axios = require('axios') /** * @title Transfer visitor to department * @category Channel Rocket.Chat * @author LigeroSmart * @param {string} department Department Name * @param {string} [transferText=] Text to be shown when transfer visitor */ const callApi = async () => { // Prepare the message const message = { type: 'text', text: `${args.transferText}`, // Markdown enables rich content, for example links or bold text. Otherwise, content will be displayed as-is markdown: true } // Send the message to the user (note the array, since you can send multiple payloads in the same reply) await, [message]) const RoomIdAndVisitorToken =':') // Transfer user const { data } = await, { sessionId: RoomIdAndVisitorToken[0], action: 'handover', actionData: { targetDepartment: args.department } }) // The first element returned is the most recent release //const mostRecentRelease = data[0] //const latestVersion = // You could also save the complete response in the session, then use it later //session.response = data } // Actions are async, so make sure to return a promise return callApi() /** Your code ends here */ }