// ==UserScript== // @name Danbooru 2 Note Assist // @description For danbooru.donmai (2) - experimental text-detection script to automatically fit notes to text // @author itsonlyaname // @namespace itsonlyaname // @include http://*.donmai.us/posts/* // @include https://*.donmai.us/posts/* // @include http://donmai.us/posts/* // @include https://donmai.us/posts/* // @version 1.2 // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lightforger/Note-Assist/master/Note-Assist.user.js // @grant none // ==/UserScript== if (NA !== undefined && NA.error !== undefined) { NA.error.write('namespace conflict between noteAssist script and another script, variable "NA" already taken, this most likely means you have installed noteAssist twice'); } // Global NA object & sub-sections var NA = {}; NA.debug = {}; NA.error = {}; NA.styleNote = {}; // MAJOR note: having debug open (inspect element/console/firebug/...) makes the script a lot slower //========================================================== // Script settings (defaults, once you save with the menu, it will always use the saved settings) //========================================================== NA.defaultSettings = { uiLeft: true, // UI position //true = left side, over the tags list //false = top-right corner alwaysResize: true, // true = Dragged notes will always resize, except if shift is held //false = only resize if shift if held clickResizeActive: true, // A click with the selected combination of ctrl & shift will resize the note clickResizeCtrl: true, // fitting it to text inside the note clickResizeShift: false, clickResizeRectangleActive: true, // A click with the selected combination of ctrl & shift will resize the note clickResizeRectangleCtrl: false, // fitting it to a square textbox inside OR outside the note clickResizeRectangleShift: true, // Advanced settings forceEnd: 20000, // number of miliseconds to let the code run before it's considered as "stuck". // on very large images, using 'generate all' you may hit this limit (gives a warning message, then force-aborts) debug: false //show debug text & images }; //========================================================== // Assist functions - mostly copy/pasted from other sources, and globals //========================================================== NA.globals = { startTime: null, // startTime = Date.now(); benchStart: null, // benchStart = Date.now(); benchStop: null, // benchStop = Date.now(); eyedropperTarget: null, sampleRatio: null, fitToScreenRatio: 1 //Scale for when "Fit images to window" (official danbooru settings) is enabled }; NA.benchmark = function (s) { if (!NA.settings.debug) { return; } if (s === 'start') { NA.globals.benchStart = Date.now(); NA.globals.benchStop = Date.now(); NA.debug.write('----------------------
'); } else { var previousStop = NA.globals.benchStop; NA.globals.benchStop = Date.now(); NA.debug.write(s + (NA.globals.benchStop - previousStop) + ' (' + (NA.globals.benchStop - NA.globals.benchStart) + ')'); } }; NA.addGlobalStyle = function (css) { try { var elmHead, elmStyle; elmHead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; elmStyle = document.createElement('style'); elmStyle.type = 'text/css'; elmHead.appendChild(elmStyle); elmStyle.innerHTML = css; } catch (e) { if (!document.styleSheets.length) { document.createStyleSheet(); } document.styleSheets[0].cssText += css; } }; // NA.$c('div', { id: 'id',class: 'class' }) NA.$c = function (type, params) { if (type === '#text') { return document.createTextNode(params); } var node = document.createElement(type); for (var i in params) { if (i == 'kids') { for (var j in params[i]) { if (typeof (params[i][j]) == 'object') { node.appendChild(params[i][j]); } } } else if (i == 'style') { if (typeof (params[i]) == 'string') { node.style.cssText = params[i]; } else { for (var j in params[i]) { node.style[j] = params[i][j]; } } } else if (i == 'class') { node.className = params[i]; } else if (i == '#text') { node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(params[i])); } else { node.setAttribute(i, params[i]); } } return node; }; // major errors that break the script, text tacked on bottom of the page, more user-friendly than alert() // probably should make a setting to be able to disable it, but if these show up, the script won't work at all NA.error.write = function (a) { var el = document.getElementById('noteAssist_ErrorLog'); if (!el) { document.body.appendChild(NA.$c('div', { id: 'noteAssist_ErrorLog' })); el = document.getElementById('noteAssist_ErrorLog'); } if (el) { el.innerHTML += a + '\n
'; } }; // writes debug text in the sidebar NA.debug.write = function (a) { if (!NA.settings.debug) { return; } var el = document.getElementById('debug_log'); if (el) { el.innerHTML += a + '\n
'; } }; NA.debug.bwslider = function () { // debug function for 'convertToBlackWhite' //var slider = document.getElementById('bwslider'); ////console.log("slider changed to"); //var img = document.getElementById('image'); //var allCanvases = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); //if (allCanvases && allCanvases.length > 0) { // var color = 'black'; // if (document.getElementById('noteAssist_ui').getElementsByClassName('group1')[1].checked) color = 'white'; // var lastCanvas = allCanvases[allCanvases.length - 1]; // document.getElementById('bwsliderValue').innerHTML = slider.value; // var context = lastCanvas.getContext('2d'); // context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, lastCanvas.width, lastCanvas.height, 0, 0, lastCanvas.width, lastCanvas.height); // var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, lastCanvas.width, lastCanvas.height); // NA.convertToBlackWhite(imageData, color, slider.value); // context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); // } }; NA.getMetaContents = function (name) { var el = document.getElementsByName(name)[0]; if (el) { return el.content; } else { NA.debug.write('Could not read meta-content of: "' + name + '"'); return false; } }; NA.saveAllNotes = function () { $('.unsaved').each(function (i, el) { var parentEl = $(el).parent(); if (!parentEl.hasClass('ghostNote')) { var dataId = parentEl.attr('data-id'); var note_body = Danbooru.Note.Body.find(dataId); Danbooru.Note.Edit.show(note_body); // open the edit dialog $(".note-edit-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains('Save')").click(); // press the save button } }); }; //========================================================== // Custom objects //========================================================== // A shape, blob of connected pixels, could be anything // Properties: // .pixels = array containing each pixel's position in the imageData's Uint8ClampedArray // .pixels.length = number of pixels in the shape // // .left, .top, .right, .bottom = bounding box positions of the shape on the image // .width .height = width/height of the bounding box // .size = size of the bounding box of the shape in pixels NA.shape = function (pixels, imageDataWidth, imageDataHeight) { this.pixels = pixels; //this.size = pixels.length; if (imageDataWidth) { this.tempimageDataWidth = imageDataWidth; } if (imageDataHeight) { this.tempimageDataHeight = imageDataHeight; } // init split from creation for easier merging & benchmark purposes this.init = function () { var pixels = this.pixels; var width4 = this.tempimageDataWidth * 4; var smallest_left = 999999; // start with a very large value so the loop is sure to adjust it var largest_right = 0; var smallest_top = 999999; var largest_bottom = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { var x = (pixels[i] % width4) / 4; var y = Math.floor(pixels[i] / width4); if (x < smallest_left) smallest_left = x; else if (x > largest_right) largest_right = x; if (y < smallest_top) smallest_top = y; else if (y > largest_bottom) largest_bottom = y; } this.left = smallest_left; this.top = smallest_top; this.right = largest_right; this.bottom = largest_bottom; this.width = (this.right + 1) - this.left; // +1 needed to be correct (shapes that are 1px wide have same left & right value => width would be 0) this.height = (this.bottom + 1) - this.top; this.size = this.width * this.height; }; }; // A shapeGroup, a group of shapes with similar area sizes that are close to eachother, almost all text ends up in a group, but has a fair amount of false positives // Properties: // .shapes = array of shape objects // .shapes.length = number of shapes in the group // // .left, .top, .right, .bottom = bounding box positions of the shapegroup on the image // .width .height = width/height of the bounding box // .size = size of the bounding box of the shapegroup in pixels NA.shapeGroup = function (shapes) { this.shapes = shapes; // store shape objects, in case merging of shapegroups is needed var totalShapeSize = 0; for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { totalShapeSize += shapes[i].size; } this.averageShapeSize = (totalShapeSize / shapes.length); //this.init = function () { } var smallest_left = 999999; // start with a very large value so the loop is sure to adjust it var largest_right = 0; var smallest_top = 999999; var largest_bottom = 0; for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { if (shapes[i].left < smallest_left) smallest_left = shapes[i].left; if (shapes[i].right > largest_right) largest_right = shapes[i].right; if (shapes[i].top < smallest_top) smallest_top = shapes[i].top; if (shapes[i].bottom > largest_bottom) largest_bottom = shapes[i].bottom; } this.left = smallest_left; this.right = largest_right; this.top = smallest_top; this.bottom = largest_bottom; this.width = (this.right + 1) - this.left; // +1 needed to be correct (shapes that are 1px wide have same left & right value => width would be 0) this.height = (this.bottom + 1) - this.top; this.size = this.width * this.height; }; //========================================================== // Text detection //========================================================== NA.detectTextColor = function (imageData) { //========================================= // First check if the override isn't on //========================================= var textColorCheckboxes = document.getElementById('noteAssist_ui').getElementsByClassName('group1'); if (textColorCheckboxes[0].checked) { return 'black'; } // Black/dark text, never invert else if (textColorCheckboxes[1].checked) { return 'white'; } // White/light text, always invert //========================================= // take the average brightness (luma) of the selected area, dark images are likely to have light text //========================================= var average_luma = 0; var pixelData = imageData.data; for (var i = pixelData.length - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { average_luma += pixelData[i]; // temporally use the variable to count total average_luma += pixelData[i + 1]; average_luma += pixelData[i + 2]; } average_luma = average_luma / (pixelData.length * 0.75); //pixelData.length includes 4th channel: alpha, which we didn't count // is now average NA.debug.write('luma: ' + average_luma); // higher than 130 => light image/area => likely to be dark text // much more accurate when just a single textbubble is selected var textColor = (average_luma < 130) ? 'white' : 'black'; // add style to checkboxes's parent span element as visual feedback what the script detected if (textColor == 'black') { textColorCheckboxes[0].parentNode.style = "font-weight:bold"; textColorCheckboxes[1].parentNode.style = ""; } else if (textColor == 'white') { textColorCheckboxes[0].parentNode.style = ""; textColorCheckboxes[1].parentNode.style = "font-weight:bold"; } return textColor; }; NA.convertToBlackWhite = function (imageData, textColor, cutOff) { var luma; var pixelData = imageData.data; if (textColor == "black") { if (!cutOff) cutOff = 186; for (var i = pixelData.length - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { luma = ((pixelData[i] + pixelData[i + 1] + pixelData[i + 2]) / 3); luma = luma < cutOff ? 0 : 255; //if (pixelData[i+3] === 0) luma=255; // turns transparent background white, allowing detection of dark letters //pixelData[i+3] = 255; // but text on transparent = very rare pixelData[i] = luma; //pixelData[i + 1] = 0; // not used atm, faster if we don't have to clean it, debugging is easier with it enabled //pixelData[i + 2] = 0; // not used atm, faster if we don't have to clean it } } else { //white // copy/pasting this entire block is faster then doing "if (reversed)" several 100,000 times inside the loop if (!cutOff) cutOff = 100; //NA.debug.write('cutOff: ' + cutOff); for (var i = pixelData.length - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { luma = ((pixelData[i] + pixelData[i + 1] + pixelData[i + 2]) / 3); luma = luma > cutOff ? 0 : 255; pixelData[i] = luma; //pixelData[i + 1] = 0; // not used atm, faster if we don't have to clean it //pixelData[i + 2] = 0; // not used atm, faster if we don't have to clean it } } }; NA.fillborder = function (data) { var width4 = data.width * 4; var pixels = data.data; var pixelsToCheck = [0]; // adding more starting points is slower for some reason var pixelsToCheckNext = []; var tar; pixels[0] = 100; //starting pixel is guaranteed to be black while (pixelsToCheck.length > 0) { for (var index = 0, l = pixelsToCheck.length; index < l; index++) { var i = pixelsToCheck[index]; tar = (i - width4) - 4; // UP-LEFT // putting the tar values in an array to get rid of the 7 extra "if()" calls is 25% slower if (pixels[tar] === 0) { // if the target pixel is black pixels[tar] = 100; // mark it pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); // add it to the array for next loop } tar = (i - width4); // UP if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = (i - width4) + 4; // UP-RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = i - 4; // LEFT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = i + 4; // RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4) - 4; // DOWN-LEFT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4); // DOWN if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4) + 4; // DOWN-RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 100; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); } } pixelsToCheck = pixelsToCheckNext; pixelsToCheckNext = []; //if ((Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) > NA.settings.forceEnd) { // this code seems to run pretty fast, don't really need anti-stuck here // if(confirm('NoteAssist - ' +(Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) / 1000+' seconds passed, continue? (at "fillBorder"')) { // NA.globals.startTime = Date.now(); // } // else { // break; // } // } } }; NA.drawBorder = function (imageData) { var width4 = imageData.width * 4; var height = imageData.height; for (var i = 0; i < width4 ; i = i + 4) { // by row, pixel location imageData.data[i] = 0; //top row imageData.data[i + (imageData.data.length - width4)] = 0; //bottom row } for (var i = 1; i < (height - 1) ; i++) { // by column, can skip top & bottom imageData.data[(i * width4)] = 0; // left column imageData.data[(i * width4) + (width4 - 4)] = 0; // right column } }; NA.getShapes = function (imageData) { var width4 = imageData.width * 4; var pixels = imageData.data; var pixelsAll = []; var pixelsToCheck = []; var pixelsToCheckNext = []; var allShapes = []; var tar; for (var outerIndex = (width4 * 2), ll = pixels.length ; outerIndex < ll; outerIndex = outerIndex + 4) { // top and bottom 2 rows will never contain any black pixels due to fillBorder, so can be skipped if (pixels[outerIndex] === 0) { // we find a black pixel, floodfill from it pixelsAll = [outerIndex]; // all pixel locations found in this floodfill pixelsToCheck = [outerIndex]; // reset all arrays so we don't have any data from last floodfill pixelsToCheckNext = []; // while (pixelsToCheck.length > 0) { for (var index = 0, l = pixelsToCheck.length; index < l; index++) { var i = pixelsToCheck[index]; // i = selected pixel position in the pixel array tar = (i - width4) - 4; // UP-LEFT // putting the tar values in an array to get rid of the 7 extra "if()" calls is 25% slower if (pixels[tar] === 0) { // if the target pixel is black pixels[tar] = 10; // mark it pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); // add it to the array for next loop pixelsAll.push(tar); // to store in shape object, not sure if needed, perhaps could be just a counter } tar = (i - width4); // UP if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = (i - width4) + 4; // UP-RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = i - 4; // LEFT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = i + 4; // RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4) - 4; // DOWN-LEFT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4); // DOWN if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } tar = (i + width4) + 4; // DOWN-RIGHT if (pixels[tar] === 0) { pixels[tar] = 10; pixelsToCheckNext.push(tar); pixelsAll.push(tar); } } pixelsToCheck = pixelsToCheckNext; pixelsToCheckNext = []; } // floodfill is done if (pixelsAll.length > 4) { // 1-4pixel dots are barely large enough to see, pretty safe to ignore allShapes.push(new NA.shape(pixelsAll, imageData.width, imageData.height)); } } } //loop done, we have all the shapes now NA.debug.write('shapes: ' + allShapes.length); return allShapes; }; NA.getAverageShapeSize = function (allShapes) { var startIndex = 0; var endIndex = allShapes.length; if (allShapes.length > 7) { startIndex = Math.floor(allShapes.length * 0.25); // don't count bottom 25% & top 15% endIndex = allShapes.length - Math.floor(allShapes.length * 0.15); } var totalShapeSize = 0; var shapesCounted = 0; for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { if (allShapes[i].size > 20) { // don't count tiny shapes such as dots & background noise into the average // can't just delete them as some are part of real letters totalShapeSize += allShapes[i].size; shapesCounted++; } } if (shapesCounted > 0) { return (Math.round((totalShapeSize / shapesCounted) * 100) / 100); } }; NA.connectShapes = function (allShapes, mode) { // ================================================================================================ // get the average letter size, while filtering as many other shapes as possible // ================================================================================================ allShapes.sort(function shapeSort(a, b) { // sort collections from small to large, this makes it easy to if (a.size < b.size) { return -1; } // filter extremes as they are grouped at the start & end of array now. if (a.size > b.size) { return 1; } return 0; }); var averageShapeSize = NA.getAverageShapeSize(allShapes); // get average, ignoring the bottom 25% & top 15% (extremes) if (averageShapeSize === undefined) { return; } NA.debug.write('averageShapeSize1: ' + averageShapeSize); // remove anything much larger than the average size for (var i = allShapes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (allShapes[i].size >= averageShapeSize * 10) { allShapes.splice(i, 1); } } // ================================================================================== // merge overlapping shapes // works quite well as most huge shapes such a textbubbles are already removed // ==================================================================================) var mergedIndexes = []; for (var indexOuter = allShapes.length - 1; indexOuter >= 0; indexOuter--) { if (allShapes[indexOuter] === undefined) { continue; } var base_top = allShapes[indexOuter].top; var base_bottom = allShapes[indexOuter].bottom; var base_left = allShapes[indexOuter].left; var base_right = allShapes[indexOuter].right; for (var indexInner = allShapes.length - 1; indexInner >= 0; indexInner--) { if (allShapes[indexInner] === undefined) { continue; } if (indexInner == indexOuter) { continue; } // don't compare to self if (base_top > allShapes[indexInner].bottom || base_bottom < allShapes[indexInner].top || base_left > allShapes[indexInner].right || base_right < allShapes[indexInner].left) { // no overlap found continue; } else { // overlapping shapes found, merge them (includes joined edges = 1px overlap) mergedIndexes.push(indexOuter); allShapes[indexOuter].pixels = allShapes[indexOuter].pixels.concat(allShapes[indexInner].pixels); delete allShapes[indexInner]; // delete it so it can't merge into another shape // note, leaves a gap in the array as intended! //console.log('merged ' + indexInner + ' into ' + indexOuter); } } } // delete the gaps in the array, re-init the updated shapes for (var i = allShapes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (allShapes[i] === undefined) { allShapes.splice(i, 1); } if (mergedIndexes.indexOf(i) != -1) { allShapes[i].init(); } } //NA.benchmark('T-mergeShapes T:'); // ========================================= // recount average after removing large shapse & merging overlaps // ========================================= averageShapeSize = NA.getAverageShapeSize(allShapes); NA.debug.write('averageShapeSize2: ' + averageShapeSize); // maxConnectDistance is the square root of the average shape's size ~= an average height or width of a letter var maxConnectDistance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(averageShapeSize)); NA.debug.write('con: ' + maxConnectDistance); // ================================================================================== // calculate connectedHorizontal & connectedVertical, a more accurate average distance between 2 letters (based on distance between shapes) // - maxConnectDistance is too inaccurate since spacing between letters varies greatly // - maxConnectDistance can be used as "if 2 shapes are more than 1.5~2x maxConnectDistance apart, they are not likely the same shapeGroup" // so as a more accurate guideline, we take the average distance between shapes that are likely in the same group // ================================================================================== var connectedHorizontal = []; var connectedVertical = []; for (var indexOuter = allShapes.length - 1; indexOuter >= 0; indexOuter--) { // anti-stuck if ((Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) > NA.settings.forceEnd) { // anti-stuck if (confirm('NoteAssist - ' + (Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) / 1000 + ' seconds passed, continue? (at "calculate connected"')) { // anti-stuck NA.globals.startTime = Date.now(); // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck else { // anti-stuck return; // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck var base_left = allShapes[indexOuter].left; var base_top = allShapes[indexOuter].top; var base_right = allShapes[indexOuter].right; var base_bottom = allShapes[indexOuter].bottom; var smallest_connectedHorizontal = 999999; var smallest_connectedVertical = 999999; for (var indexInner = allShapes.length - 1; indexInner >= 0; indexInner--) { // for each shape, find the closest shape to the left, and the shape above it (all 4 directions would just generate doubles) if (indexInner == indexOuter) { continue; } // don't compare to self var comp_left = allShapes[indexInner].left; var comp_top = allShapes[indexInner].top; var comp_right = allShapes[indexInner].right; var comp_bottom = allShapes[indexInner].bottom; // horizontal distance between 2 selected shapes var current_connectedHorizontal = (base_left - comp_right); // to connect horizontally, shapes must be on the same row, diagonal not included if (base_top < comp_bottom && // other shape shouldn't be completely above use -> other shape's bottom must be below our top (more to top = smaller) base_bottom > comp_top && // other shape shouldn't be completely below us -> other shape's top must be above our bottom (more to bottom = larger) current_connectedHorizontal > 1 && // shape is to our left current_connectedHorizontal <= maxConnectDistance && // but not too far away current_connectedHorizontal < smallest_connectedHorizontal) // the closest shape only { smallest_connectedHorizontal = current_connectedHorizontal; // (new) closest distance found } // vertical distance between 2 selected shapes var current_connectedVertical = (base_top - comp_bottom); // to connect vertical, shapes must be in the same column, diagonal not included if (base_left < comp_right && // other shape shouldn't be completely to our left base_right > comp_left && // other shape shouldn't be completely to our right current_connectedVertical > 1 && // other shape is above us current_connectedVertical <= maxConnectDistance && // but not too far away current_connectedVertical < smallest_connectedVertical) // the closest shape only { smallest_connectedVertical = current_connectedVertical; // (new) closest distance found } } //end of inner // if a connect was found, record it if (smallest_connectedHorizontal < 999999) { connectedHorizontal.push(smallest_connectedHorizontal); } if (smallest_connectedVertical < 999999) { connectedVertical.push(smallest_connectedVertical); } } //console.log(connectedHorizontal); //debug, logs the array of all connectedHorizontal's //console.log(connectedVertical); // calcuate the average connect distances var connectedHorizontalAverage = 0; //init to 0, if the connectedHorizontal array is empty, it will stay 0 if (connectedHorizontal.length > 0) { for (var i = connectedHorizontal.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { connectedHorizontalAverage += connectedHorizontal[i]; // temporally use the variable to calc the total } connectedHorizontalAverage = connectedHorizontalAverage / connectedHorizontal.length; // average } var connectedVerticalAverage = 0; //init to 0, if the connectedVertical array is empty, it will stay 0 if (connectedVertical.length > 0) { for (var i = connectedVertical.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { connectedVerticalAverage += connectedVertical[i]; // temporally use the variable to calc the total } connectedVerticalAverage = connectedVerticalAverage / connectedVertical.length; // average } var connectHorizontalMax = connectedHorizontalAverage * 2; // the multiplier could be tweaked as needed var connectVerticalMax = connectedVerticalAverage * 2; // any shapes further away than this won't be connected connectHorizontalMax = (Math.round(connectHorizontalMax * 100) / 100); // round to 2 digits connectVerticalMax = (Math.round(connectVerticalMax * 100) / 100); NA.debug.write('con-H-Max: ' + connectHorizontalMax); NA.debug.write('con-V-Max: ' + connectVerticalMax); //NA.benchmark('T-findConnects T:'); // ================================================================================== // Shapes to Groups: take a shape, put it in a new group, find nearby other shapes and put them in the group // // we start with that 1 shape in the group, we look all around it if there's a nearby shape // if one is found, add it to the group // example: LastChecked starts at 0, shapegroup length starts at 1 // check every shape at/beyond the LastChecked // loop runs once, LastChecked is now at 1, 2 elements get added, length goes up to 3 // loop runs 2 times, LastChecked goes to 3, no more elements are found, loop breaks // // it might be possible to improve the performance by storing extra data on which shape is close to another shape in "calculate connectedHorizontal & connectedVertical" // instead of comparing every shape to every other shape again (takes N*N time, which does become slow with 1000+ shapes) // ================================================================================== var allShapeGroups = []; while (allShapes.length > 0) { var currentShapeGroup = allShapeGroups.length; // index of the current shapeGroup in allShapeGroups array (at the end -> create new group) var currentShapeGroupLastChecked = 0; // extra performance: only need to check shapes once allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup] = [allShapes.splice((allShapes.length - 1), 1)[0]]; // create a new shapegroup and put a shape in it (removed from allshapes) // note that splice returns an *array* of the removed items // allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].length = the number of shapes in our group // currentShapeGroupLastChecked = (index of) the last shape we checked // find more shapes that we can connect to, add them to the group // will automatically stop once no more letters are found while (currentShapeGroupLastChecked < allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].length) { // anti-stuck if ((Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) > NA.settings.forceEnd) { // anti-stuck if (confirm('NoteAssist - ' + (Date.now() - NA.globals.startTime) / 1000 + ' seconds passed, continue? (at "Shapes to Groups"')) { // anti-stuck NA.globals.startTime = Date.now(); // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck else { // anti-stuck return; // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck } // anti-stuck for (var allShapeIndex = allShapes.length - 1; allShapeIndex >= 0; allShapeIndex--) { //============================================================================================================================================================ // connect logic: check connectHorizontalMax/connectVerticalMax distance in each direction // pro: works for comma's & appostrofe's // con: connects even if only a few pixels match //============================================================================================================================================================ //console.log('comparing the ' + currentShapeGroupLastChecked + 'th element of group ' + currentShapeGroup + ' with shape index ' + allShapeIndex); var base_top = allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup][currentShapeGroupLastChecked].top; var base_bottom = allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup][currentShapeGroupLastChecked].bottom; var base_left = allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup][currentShapeGroupLastChecked].left; var base_right = allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup][currentShapeGroupLastChecked].right; var comp_top = allShapes[allShapeIndex].top; var comp_bottom = allShapes[allShapeIndex].bottom; var comp_left = allShapes[allShapeIndex].left; var comp_right = allShapes[allShapeIndex].right; // quite similar to "calculate connectedHorizontal & connectedVertical", but this does check in all directions // horizontal align if (base_top < comp_bottom && // other shape shouldn't be completely above use -> other shape's bottom must be below our top (more to top = smaller) base_bottom > comp_top) { // other shape shouldn't be completely below us -> other shape's top must be above our bottom (more to bottom = larger) //vertical align, check left var distanceLeft = (base_left - comp_right); if (distanceLeft > 0 && // shape is to our left distanceLeft <= connectHorizontalMax) { // but not too far away allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].push(allShapes.splice(allShapeIndex, 1)[0]); // take the shape out of the allShapes array and put it in this group } else { //vertical align, check right var distanceRight = (comp_left - base_right); // same as (base_right - comp_left ) * -1; if (distanceRight > 0 && // shape is to our left distanceRight <= connectHorizontalMax) { // but not too far away allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].push(allShapes.splice(allShapeIndex, 1)[0]); // take the shape out of the allShapes array and put it in this group } } } // vertical align else if (base_left < comp_right && // other shape shouldn't be completely to our left base_right > comp_left) { // other shape shouldn't be completely to our right var distanceUp = (base_top - comp_bottom); if (distanceUp > 0 && // shape is above us distanceUp <= connectVerticalMax) { // but not too far away allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].push(allShapes.splice(allShapeIndex, 1)[0]); // take the shape out of the allShapes array and put it in this group } else { var distanceDown = (comp_top - base_bottom); // same as (base_bottom - comp_top) * -1 if (distanceDown > 0 && // shape is above us distanceDown <= connectVerticalMax) { // but not too far away allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup].push(allShapes.splice(allShapeIndex, 1)[0]); // take the shape out of the allShapes array and put it in this group } } } // end vertical align } // at this point we checked allShapeGroups[currentShapeGroup][currentShapeGroupLastChecked] // so increase the LastChecked by 1, and move on to the next shape in the group (if any) currentShapeGroupLastChecked++; } // at this point we completed a group, if there any shapes left not in a groupn -> the loop will continue, creating more groups } //NA.benchmark('T-shapesToGroups T:'); NA.debug.write('groups: ' + allShapeGroups.length); // at this point, all shapes are part of a group, the looping is done // =================================================================== // group cleanup, delete small groups & groups with just background stuff // =================================================================== for (var i = allShapeGroups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mode == 'full' && allShapeGroups[i].length <= 2) { allShapeGroups.splice(i, 1); // if a group contain only 1 or 2 shapes, then it is not text, only active in full mode } else { // turn it into a shapeGroup object allShapeGroups[i] = new NA.shapeGroup(allShapeGroups[i]); } } // if a group's average shape size is much smaller than the global average shape size, it's most likely noise if (mode == 'full') { for (var i = allShapeGroups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //NA.debug.write('Group ' + i + ' average: ' + allShapeGroups[i].averageShapeSize); // pretty cool in combo with the draw number if (allShapeGroups[i].averageShapeSize < (averageShapeSize / 8)) { allShapeGroups.splice(i, 1); } } } // groups that are very flat or thin generally aren't text either (<10px in either dimension) for (var i = allShapeGroups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mode == 'full') { // full mode will delete if either the width or height is below 7 & total size is <350 if ((allShapeGroups[i].height < 7 || allShapeGroups[i].width < 7) && allShapeGroups[i].size < 350) { allShapeGroups.splice(i, 1); } } else { // other modes require both to be below 8 before it's deleted if (allShapeGroups[i].height < 8 && allShapeGroups[i].width < 8) { allShapeGroups.splice(i, 1); } } } //NA.benchmark('T-groupCleanup T:'); // ================================================================================ // connect shape groups that are close to eachother (multiple lines in a single textbubble) // ================================================================================ var toRemoveIndexes = []; for (var indexOuter = allShapeGroups.length - 1; indexOuter >= 0; indexOuter--) { if (toRemoveIndexes.indexOf(indexOuter) != -1) continue; var base_top = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].top; var base_bottom = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].bottom; var base_left = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].left; var base_right = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].right; for (var indexInner = allShapeGroups.length - 1; indexInner >= 0; indexInner--) { if (toRemoveIndexes.indexOf(indexInner) != -1 || indexInner == indexOuter) continue; var comp_left = allShapeGroups[indexInner].left; var comp_top = allShapeGroups[indexInner].top; var comp_right = allShapeGroups[indexInner].right; var comp_bottom = allShapeGroups[indexInner].bottom; //console.log('indexOuter: '+indexOuter + ' connecting to '+indexInner+'\n'+ // base_top+' '+base_bottom+' '+base_left+' '+base_right+'\n'+ // allShapeGroups[indexInner].top + ' ' + allShapeGroups[indexInner].bottom + ' ' + // allShapeGroups[indexInner].left + ' ' +allShapeGroups[indexInner].right + ' ' + // (base_top > allShapeGroups[indexInner].bottom || // base_bottom < allShapeGroups[indexInner].top || // base_left > allShapeGroups[indexInner].right || // base_right < allShapeGroups[indexInner].left)); if ((base_top - (maxConnectDistance * 2.5)) > comp_bottom || (base_bottom + (maxConnectDistance * 2.5)) < comp_top || (base_left - (maxConnectDistance * 2.5)) > comp_right || (base_right + (maxConnectDistance * 2.5)) < comp_left) { // first check, if they DON'T overlap with the added maxConnectDistance -> not in range continue; } else { // shape group is within (maxConnectDistance * 2.5) range if (!(base_top > comp_bottom || base_bottom < comp_top || base_left > comp_right || base_right < comp_left)) { // check if they DO overlap even without the connect distance, then their center don't have to be aligned allShapeGroups[indexOuter] = new NA.shapeGroup(allShapeGroups[indexOuter].shapes.concat(allShapeGroups[indexInner])); toRemoveIndexes.push(indexInner); } else { // they don't overlap, they are within within (maxConnectDistance * 2.5) range // the shapes must at least "overlap" (single dimension) this much to be combined, this exludes "overlap" of only a few pixels and diagonals var minHorizontal = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].width * 0.25; // at least 25% var minVertical = allShapeGroups[indexOuter].height * 0.25; if (((base_left + minHorizontal) < comp_right && (base_right - minHorizontal) > comp_left) || // other shapeGroup should "overlap" at least minHorizontal distance (single dimension) ((base_top + minVertical) < comp_bottom && (base_bottom - minVertical) > comp_top)) // other shapeGroup should "overlap" at least minVertical distance (single dimension) { allShapeGroups[indexOuter] = new NA.shapeGroup(allShapeGroups[indexOuter].shapes.concat(allShapeGroups[indexInner])); toRemoveIndexes.push(indexInner); } } } } } for (var i = allShapeGroups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (toRemoveIndexes.indexOf(i) != -1) { allShapeGroups.splice(i, 1); } } //NA.benchmark('T-connectGroups T:'); return allShapeGroups; }; NA.noteLeftclick = function (e) { var noteBox; if (NA.settings.clickResizeActive && e && e.target) { if (((NA.settings.clickResizeCtrl && e.ctrlKey) || (!NA.settings.clickResizeCtrl && !e.ctrlKey)) && ((NA.settings.clickResizeShift && e.shiftKey) || (!NA.settings.clickResizeShift && !e.shiftKey))) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('note-box')) { noteBox = e.target; } else if ($(e.target).parent().hasClass('note-box')) { noteBox = e.target.parentNode; } NA.snap('note', noteBox); } } if (NA.settings.clickResizeRectangleActive && e && e.target) { if (((NA.settings.clickResizeRectangleCtrl && e.ctrlKey) || (!NA.settings.clickResizeRectangleCtrl && !e.ctrlKey)) && ((NA.settings.clickResizeRectangleShift && e.shiftKey) || (!NA.settings.clickResizeRectangleShift && !e.shiftKey))) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('note-box')) { noteBox = e.target; } else if ($(e.target).parent().hasClass('note-box')) { noteBox = e.target.parentNode; } NA.snap('squareTextbox', noteBox); } } }; NA.ghostRightclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var noteDataId = this.getAttribute('data-id'); if (noteDataId.indexOf('x') != -1) { // unsaved notes have data id's like -> 'xxxxxxxxxxx', once saved -> '1234568', only delete unsaved notes var noteContainer = document.getElementById('note-container'); var toBeRemoved = noteContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-id="' + noteDataId + '"]'); if (toBeRemoved[0]) { noteContainer.removeChild(toBeRemoved[0]); } if (toBeRemoved[1]) { noteContainer.removeChild(toBeRemoved[1]); } } }; NA.filterOverlappingNotes = function (allShapeGroups) { var existingNotes = document.getElementsByClassName('note-box'); for (var shapeGroupIndex = allShapeGroups.length - 1; shapeGroupIndex >= 0; shapeGroupIndex--) { var top = allShapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex].top; var bottom = allShapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex].bottom; var left = allShapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex].left; var right = allShapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex].right; //var size = (right - left) * (bottom - top); var size = allShapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex].size; for (var noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < existingNotes.length; noteIndex++) { var comp_top = parseInt(existingNotes[noteIndex].style.top, 10); var comp_bottom = comp_top + parseInt(existingNotes[noteIndex].style.height, 10); var comp_left = parseInt(existingNotes[noteIndex].style.left, 10); var comp_right = comp_left + parseInt(existingNotes[noteIndex].style.width, 10); if (top > comp_bottom || bottom < comp_top || left > comp_right || right < comp_left) { continue; // no overlap, continue on to next note to compare with } else { // overlap found, calculate overlap area var overlap_left = Math.max(0, left, comp_left); var overlap_right = Math.min(right, comp_right); var overlap_top = Math.max(0, top, comp_top); var overlap_bottom = Math.min(bottom, comp_bottom); var overlap_area = (overlap_right - overlap_left) * (overlap_bottom - overlap_top); //NA.debug.write('overlap_ratio: ' + (overlap_area / size)); if (overlap_area > size * 0.75) { // the to-be-made note is at least 75% covered by an existing note allShapeGroups.splice(shapeGroupIndex, 1); //remove the group break; // stop the (inner)loop through notes, the (outer) loop through groups will continue with next } } } } }; NA.ghostNote = function (mode) { if (mode == 'last') { var notes_all = document.getElementById('note-container').getElementsByClassName('note-box'); var noteBox = notes_all[notes_all.length - 1]; noteBox.className += ' ghostNote'; noteBox.addEventListener('contextmenu', NA.ghostRightclick, false); //rightclick // noteLeftclick is bound in Note.create } }; NA.snap = function (mode, theNote, x, y, width, height) { if (mode == 'squareTextbox') { return; } //debug, unfinished // ================================================================================ // mode "note" = resize passed theNote to largest text found // mode "last" = does the same, but finds last note first // expands 5px before doing anything, to avoid cutting off letters that are just on the edge // ================================================================================ // mode "full" = entire image, creates new notes instead of resizing existing // ignores text that already has a note over it // ================================================================================ // mode "squareTextbox" = expands 100px and snaps to the background of a square textbubble if it's found // unfinished, doesn't work yet // ================================================================================ // mode "area" / "virtual" = pass x/y/width/height parameters // unused for now, but should be working // scan area inside the parameters, create 1 note on largest text found // ================================================================================ NA.globals.startTime = Date.now(); //start point for 'NA.settings.forceEnd' NA.benchmark('start'); // ================================================================================ // set variables, get some info from settings // ================================================================================ var img = document.getElementById('image'); //var imgHeight = Math.floor((img.naturalHeight - 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); // don't remember why -2 //var imgWidth = Math.floor((img.naturalWidth - 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); var imgHeight = img.naturalHeight; var imgWidth = img.naturalWidth; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var generateAllButton = document.getElementById('noteAssist_generateAll'); var imgStyleWidth = (parseInt(img.style.width, 10) || parseInt(img.width, 10)); // set NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio if (NA.getMetaContents('always-resize-images') === 'true' && parseInt(img.style.height, 10) && img.naturalHeight) { NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio = (parseInt(img.style.height, 10) / img.naturalHeight); // height used in the style (resized by JS) / real height } // how much we are zoomed in compared to the sample, used as multiplier with note padding space NA.globals.sampleRatio = (imgStyleWidth / parseInt(img.getAttribute('data-large-width'), 10)); var notePadding = Math.floor(4 * NA.globals.sampleRatio); //px, extra space added around the text var expand = Math.floor(5 * NA.globals.sampleRatio); //px, will look outside the selected area by this distance (greatly reduces accidental letter clipping) var theNoteInner; if (mode == 'last' || mode == 'note') { if (mode == 'last') { var allNotes = document.getElementById('note-container').getElementsByClassName('note-box'); theNote = allNotes[allNotes.length - 1]; } theNoteInner = theNote.getElementsByClassName('note-box-inner-border')[0]; x = Math.ceil(parseInt(theNote.style.left, 10) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); y = Math.ceil(parseInt(theNote.style.top, 10) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); width = Math.ceil(parseInt(theNote.style.width, 10) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); height = Math.ceil(parseInt(theNote.style.height, 10) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); // ================================================================================ // expand selected area a bit, greatly reduces accidentally clipping few letters // ================================================================================ x = x - expand; if (x < 0) { x = 0; } y = y - expand; if (y < 0) { y = 0; } width = width + (expand * 2); if (width > imgWidth) { width = imgWidth; } height = height + (expand * 2); if (height > imgHeight) { height = imgHeight; } } else if (mode == 'full') { x = 0; y = 0; width = imgWidth; height = imgHeight; generateAllButton.value = "Working..."; generateAllButton.disabled = true; } else if (mode == 'virtual' || mode == 'area') { // x/y/width/height is set in the parameters } canvas.height = height; //set the canvas heights so we can draw on it canvas.width = width; NA.benchmark('T-miscStart T:'); // ================================================================================ // Convert the selected area on the image to a canvas so we can access the pixel data // ================================================================================ //.drawImage(image, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight); context.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, width, height); var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); NA.benchmark('T-areaToCanvas T:'); // ================================================================================ // A cheap & simple detection of the text color (which can be overriden by the menu) // ================================================================================ var textColor = NA.detectTextColor(imageData); // guess the text color based on image brightness NA.debug.write('textColor: ' + textColor); NA.benchmark('T-detectTextColor T:'); // ================================================================================ // converts the selected area to black&white // The image iself uses the red channel, values "0" and "255" // The green & blue channels can be used for other data // ================================================================================ NA.convertToBlackWhite(imageData, textColor); NA.benchmark('T-to B&W T:'); // ================================================================================ // make the outer edge of the border black // later on this helps eliminate all lines/letters that were cut off // ================================================================================ NA.drawBorder(imageData); NA.benchmark('T-drawBorder T:'); // ================================================================================ // First, floodfill starting from the top left corner. // Removes all shapes connected to the border (background, cut-off, etc) // Any pixel that is "removed" has a value 100 (again, red channel) // ================================================================================ NA.fillborder(imageData); NA.benchmark('T-fillBorder T:'); // ================================================================================ // Scan all pixels that still have a value of 0, store them into "shape" objects // ================================================================================ var allShapes = NA.getShapes(imageData); if (allShapes.length === 0) { //*/// debug if (NA.settings.debug) { NA.debug.write('0 letters found(getShapes)'); if (!document.getElementById('debug-canvas-spacer')) { document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(NA.$c('div', { id: 'debug-canvas-spacer', style: 'height:1em;width:100%' })); //so the canvases go below the image } context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(canvas); } //*/// debug if (mode == 'full') { generateAllButton.value = "Generate all notes"; generateAllButton.disabled = false; } return; } NA.benchmark('T-getShapes T:'); for (var i = 0; i < allShapes.length; i++) { allShapes[i].init(); // doing init on creation or here doesn't change speed, just split for benchmarking purposes } //return; NA.benchmark('T-initShapes T:'); //================================== debug - draw single letters (before connectShapes) //*/// if (NA.settings.debug) { context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,0.8)'; context.lineWidth = 1; for (var i = 0; i < allShapes.length; i++) { context.strokeRect(allShapes[i].left, allShapes[i].top, (allShapes[i].right - allShapes[i].left), (allShapes[i].bottom - allShapes[i].top)); } imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); NA.benchmark('T-DrawLetters T:'); } //*/// // ================================================================================ // Connect shapes with other nearby shapes into NA.shapeGroup objects // "Nearby" is defined as "< the square root of the average shape's size" (in pixels, may change for a better algorithm) // includes filtering of groups that are unlikely to be text // ================================================================================ NA.debug.write('ConnectShapes-Start'); var allShapeGroups = NA.connectShapes(allShapes, mode); // clears the allShapes variable, if it's still needed after this then pass allShapes.slice() NA.benchmark('T-connectShapes T:'); //================================== debug - draw single letters (after connectShapes) /*/// if (NA.settings.debug) { context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,0.8)'; context.lineWidth = 1; for (var i = 0; i < allShapes.length; i++) { context.strokeRect(allShapes[i].left, allShapes[i].top, (allShapes[i].right - allShapes[i].left), (allShapes[i].bottom - allShapes[i].top)); } imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); NA.benchmark('T-DrawLetters T:'); } //*/// if (!allShapeGroups || allShapeGroups.length === 0) { //*/// debug if (NA.settings.debug) { NA.debug.write('no shapes left after(connectShapes)'); if (!document.getElementById('debug-canvas-spacer')) { document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(NA.$c('div', { id: 'debug-canvas-spacer', style: 'height:1em;width:100%' })); //so the canvases go below the image } context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(canvas); } //*/// debug if (mode == 'full') { generateAllButton.value = "Generate all notes"; generateAllButton.disabled = false; } return; } // ================================================================================ // if mode is full, fire another "connectshapes" on each shapegroup // this improves accuracy when a page uses multiple fonts or text sizes // ================================================================================ // not sure if needed, as it does slow down the script quite a bit, need more data first //if (mode == 'full') { // } //================================== debug - draw shapegroups //* if (NA.settings.debug) { context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.fillStyle = 'white'; context.font = 'bold 16px Arial'; for (var i = 0; i < allShapeGroups.length; i++) { context.strokeRect(allShapeGroups[i].left, allShapeGroups[i].top, (allShapeGroups[i].right - allShapeGroups[i].left), (allShapeGroups[i].bottom - allShapeGroups[i].top)); context.fillText(i, allShapeGroups[i].left, allShapeGroups[i].top+8); // useful in combo with the group "average:" debug text } imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); NA.benchmark('T-DrawShapeGroups T:'); } //*/ // ================================================================================ // check if a shapeGroup is already covered by an existing note, if so, delete the group // could use a new name for the function // ================================================================================ if (mode == 'full') { //document.getElementById('note-container').innerHTML = ''; // debug, remove all existing notes so it's easier to see ghost notes, debug NA.filterOverlappingNotes(allShapeGroups); NA.benchmark('T-filterOverlappingNotes T:'); } // ================================================================================ // mode "full" = create ghost notes for all shapeGroups // mode "note"/"last" = resizes the note to the largest found shapeGroup // ================================================================================ if (mode == 'full') { // Create a note for every shapegroup NA.debug.write('creating ' + allShapeGroups.length + ' notes'); var noteContainer = document.getElementById('note-container'); noteContainer.style.display = 'none'; // temporally hide the note container to reduce the amount of screen redraws from new notes for (var i = 0; i < allShapeGroups.length; i++) { //NA.debug.write('creating note: \n' + ((allShapeGroups[i].left - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio) + ' ' + // ((allShapeGroups[i].top - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio) + ' ' + // (((allShapeGroups[i].right - allShapeGroups[i].left) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio)+ ' ' + // (((allShapeGroups[i].bottom - allShapeGroups[i].top) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio)); Danbooru.Note.create((allShapeGroups[i].left - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio, (allShapeGroups[i].top - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio, ((allShapeGroups[i].right - allShapeGroups[i].left) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio, ((allShapeGroups[i].bottom - allShapeGroups[i].top) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); NA.ghostNote('last'); } noteContainer.style.display = 'block'; generateAllButton.value = "Generate all notes"; generateAllButton.disabled = false; NA.benchmark('T-attachNotes T:'); } else if (mode == 'note' || mode == 'last') { // find the largest shapegroup, and fit the note to it var largestShapeGroupIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < allShapeGroups.length; i++) { if (allShapeGroups[i].size > allShapeGroups[largestShapeGroupIndex].size) { largestShapeGroupIndex = i; } } var largestShapeGroup = allShapeGroups[largestShapeGroupIndex]; //NA.debug.write('largestShapeGroup.size I: ' + i); //NA.debug.write('largestShapeGroup.size: ' + largestShapeGroup.size); //NA.debug.write('width*height: ' + width * height); //NA.debug.write('ratio: ' + (width * height) / largestShapeGroup.size); //NA.debug.write('NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio: ' + NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); //NA.debug.write('resizing note: \n' + ((x + largestShapeGroup.left - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio) + // ' ' + ((y + largestShapeGroup.top - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio) + // ' ' + (((largestShapeGroup.right - largestShapeGroup.left) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio) + // ' ' + (((largestShapeGroup.bottom - largestShapeGroup.top) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio)); if (((width * height) / largestShapeGroup.size) < 36) { // if the resize ration is no bigger than 32 times, prevents notes snapping to tiny sizes var newLeft = ((x + largestShapeGroup.left - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); //x & y are the offsets of the selected area on the full image var newTop = ((y + largestShapeGroup.top - notePadding) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); var newWidth = Math.max(10, ((largestShapeGroup.right - largestShapeGroup.left) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); var newHeight = Math.max(10, ((largestShapeGroup.bottom - largestShapeGroup.top) + notePadding * 2) * NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio); if (theNote.style.left != (newLeft + 'px') || theNote.style.top != (newTop + 'px') || theNote.style.width != (newWidth + 'px') || theNote.style.height != (newHeight + 'px')) { theNote.style.left = newLeft + 'px'; theNote.style.top = newTop + 'px'; theNote.style.width = newWidth + 'px'; // no smaller than 10px theNote.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; if (theNoteInner.className.indexOf('unsaved') == -1) { // if not already marked as unsaved theNoteInner.className += ' unsaved'; // mark as unsaved if changed, goes onto inner note } theNoteInner.style.width = (newWidth -2) + 'px'; // inner note is 2px smaller theNoteInner.style.height = (newHeight - 2) + 'px'; } } NA.benchmark('T-resizeNote T:'); } // ================================================================================ // // ================================================================================ if (NA.settings.debug) { if (!document.getElementById('debug-canvas-spacer')) { document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(NA.$c('div', { id: 'debug-canvas-spacer', style: 'height:1em;width:100%' })); //so the canvases go below the image } context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); document.getElementById('image-container').appendChild(canvas); } NA.benchmark('T-stop, Total T:'); }; //========================================================== // Hook into danbooru code //========================================================== NA.danbooruHooks = function () { //adds our own code to the Danbooru.Note functions //========================= // Hook into Note.create & TranslationMode.start & TranslationMode.create_note // in case of updates, new source can be found at: raw.githubusercontent.com/r888888888/danbooru/master/app/assets/javascripts/notes.js //========================= // show the noteAssist window when starting translation mode var TranslationMode_start = Danbooru.Note.TranslationMode.start; Danbooru.Note.TranslationMode.start = function () { $('#noteAssist_ui').show(); return TranslationMode_start.apply(this, arguments); }; // snap & ghost when creating a new note var TranslationMode_create_note = Danbooru.Note.TranslationMode.create_note; Danbooru.Note.TranslationMode.create_note = function () { TranslationMode_create_note.apply(this, arguments); // args: function (e, x, y, w, h) var event = arguments[0]; var w = arguments[3]; var h = arguments[4]; if (w > 9 || h > 9) { //check if a note was actually created, minimum note size: 10px if (event && ((NA.settings.alwaysResize && !event.shiftKey) || (!NA.settings.alwaysResize && event.shiftKey))) { NA.snap('last'); NA.ghostNote('last'); } } }; // add listener for ctrl-click resize var create = Danbooru.Note.create; Danbooru.Note.create = function () { create.apply(this, arguments); var notes_all = document.getElementById('note-container').getElementsByClassName('note-box'); var noteBox = notes_all[notes_all.length - 1]; noteBox.addEventListener('click', NA.noteLeftclick, false); }; }; //========================================================== // Single-note specific functions //========================================================== NA.styleNote.getActiveTextarea = function () { var textarea = document.activeElement; //select active textarea (note edit window) if (textarea.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') { //if active element is not a textarea, select the last opened edit window textarea = null; var editWindows = document.getElementsByClassName('note-edit-dialog'); var l = editWindows.length; if (l > 0) { for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var w = editWindows[i]; if (w.style.display === 'block') { textarea = w.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; } } } } return textarea; }; NA.styleNote.addCss = function (e, data) { if (e && typeof e === "object") { // in case of notedropper, e = 'notedropper', kinda bad coding e.preventDefault(); //don't un-focus the textarea } var textarea = NA.styleNote.getActiveTextarea(); if (textarea === null) { return; } //no active or visible note edit window found var value; if (e.target && e.target.id) { //get the targeted element var targetID = e.target.id; if (targetID === 'noteAssist_textBold') { value = 'bold'; } else if (targetID === 'noteAssist_textItalic') { value = 'italic'; } else if (targetID === 'noteAssist_textSizePlus') { value = 'sizePlus'; } else if (targetID === 'noteAssist_textSizeMinus') { value = 'sizeMinus'; } else if (targetID === 'noteAssist_textTn') { value = 'tn'; } else { NA.error.write('NoteAssist - error in "addCss", invalid targetID: ' + targetID); } } else if (typeof e === 'string') { //not an event if (e === 'eyedropper') { value = 'eyedropper'; } } else { NA.error.write('NoteAssist - error in "addCss" - e: ' + e); } //get selected text var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; if (end - start === 0 && value !== 'tn') { start = 0; end = textarea.textLength; } var fullText = textarea.value; var selectedText = textarea.value.substring(start, end); var startTag; var endTag; var startTagLength; var endTagLength; if (value === 'bold' || value === 'italic' || value === 'tn') { if (value === 'bold') { startTag = ''; endTag = ''; } else if (value === 'italic') { startTag = ''; endTag = ''; } else { //tn startTag = ''; endTag = ''; } startTagLength = startTag.length; endTagLength = endTag.length; if ((selectedText.substr(0, startTagLength) === startTag) && (selectedText.substr(selectedText.length - endTagLength) === endTag)) { //the text we selected already contains at it's start & at it's end, remove them. textarea.value = fullText.substr(0, start) + selectedText.substring(startTagLength, selectedText.length - endTagLength) + fullText.substr(end); textarea.setSelectionRange(start, (end - startTagLength - endTagLength)); } else if ((fullText.substr(start - startTagLength, startTagLength) === startTag) && (fullText.substr(end, endTagLength) === endTag)) { //the text we selected is already fully wrapped in tags, remove them. textarea.value = fullText.substr(0, start - startTagLength) + selectedText + fullText.substr(end + endTagLength); textarea.setSelectionRange(start - startTagLength, end - startTagLength); } else { if (value === 'tn' && selectedText.length === 0) { //no text selected, tack the tn to the end of the text. textarea.value = fullText + startTag + endTag; textarea.setSelectionRange(fullText.length + startTagLength, fullText.length + startTagLength); } else { //no text selected, wrap all text in the tags textarea.value = fullText.substr(0, start) + startTag + selectedText + endTag + fullText.substr(end); textarea.setSelectionRange(start, (end + startTagLength + endTagLength)); } } } else if (value === 'eyedropper') { textarea.addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropperHide, false); data = data.toUpperCase(); //update the preview text if (data) { var eyedropperText = document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperText'); var eyedropperTextHex = document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperTextHex'); if (NA.globals.eyedropperTarget === 'noteAssist_textColor') { eyedropperText.style.color = data; } else { eyedropperText.style.backgroundColor = data; } eyedropperTextHex.innerHTML = data; } var existingData = ''; var existingDataLength = 0; var addedSpanTags = false; if (selectedText.substr(0, 13) !== '' + selectedText + ''; addedSpanTags = true; } else { existingData = selectedText.split('"')[1]; //takes the text in the first pair of quotes found. existingDataLength = existingData.length; } existingData = existingData.split(';'); for (var i = existingData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { existingData[i] = existingData[i].trim(); //remove leading/trailing whitespace if (existingData[i].indexOf(NA.globals.eyedropperTarget === 'noteAssist_textColor' ? 'color:' : 'background-color:') === 0) { //find value that starts with 'color:' or 'background-color:' & remove it. existingData.splice(i, 1); } } existingData = existingData.join('; '); existingData += (existingData.length > 0 ? '; ' : ''); if (NA.globals.eyedropperTarget === 'noteAssist_textColor') { data = existingData + 'color:' + data; } else { //noteAssist_textBackgroundColor data = existingData + 'background-color:' + data; } selectedText = selectedText.split('"'); selectedText[1] = data; selectedText = selectedText.join('"'); textarea.value = fullText.substr(0, start) + selectedText + fullText.substr(end); textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end + (data.length - existingDataLength) + (addedSpanTags ? 22 : 0)); //22 = '' } else if (value === 'sizeMinus' || value === 'sizePlus') { var existingData = ''; var existingDataLength = 0; var addedSpanTags = false; if (selectedText.substr(0, 13) !== '' + selectedText + ''; addedSpanTags = true; } else { existingData = selectedText.split('"')[1]; //takes the text in the first pair of quotes found. existingDataLength = existingData.length; } var oldFontSize = 100; var newFontSize; existingData = existingData.split(';'); for (var i = existingData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { existingData[i] = existingData[i].trim(); //remove leading/trailing whitespace if (existingData[i].indexOf('font-size:') === 0) { //find value that starts with 'color:' or 'background-color:' & remove it. if (existingData[i].indexOf('%') !== -1) { oldFontSize = parseInt(existingData[i].substring(existingData[i].indexOf(':') + 1), 10); } existingData.splice(i, 1); } } existingData = existingData.join('; '); if (value === 'sizeMinus') { if (oldFontSize <= 100) { newFontSize = oldFontSize - 10; } else { newFontSize = oldFontSize - 33; } } else if (value === 'sizePlus') { if (oldFontSize < 100) { newFontSize = oldFontSize + 10; } else { newFontSize = oldFontSize + 33; } } if (newFontSize < 40) { return; } else if (newFontSize % 100 === 99) { newFontSize += 1; } else if (newFontSize % 100 === 1) { newFontSize -= 1; } if (newFontSize === 100) { //remove the tag data = existingData; } else { //normal existingData += (existingData.length > 0 ? '; ' : ''); data = existingData + 'font-size:' + newFontSize + '%'; } selectedText = selectedText.split('"'); selectedText[1] = data; selectedText = selectedText.join('"'); textarea.value = fullText.substr(0, start) + selectedText + fullText.substr(end); textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end + (data.length - existingDataLength) + (addedSpanTags ? 22 : 0)); //22 = '' } }; NA.styleNote.eyedropper = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var textarea = NA.styleNote.getActiveTextarea(); if (textarea === null) { return; } //no active or visible note edit window found NA.globals.eyedropperTarget = e.target.id; //save the last clicked button ID to a global value so we know if it's text-color or background-color var size = 9; //area to cut out (in pixels), centered on the mouse var zoom = 8; //number of times to magnify (be sure to change the ones in the other 2 functions as well when changing these) var canvasSize = size * zoom; var eyedropperSection = document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperSection'); document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperHint').style.display = 'block'; document.body.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; if (eyedropperSection && eyedropperSection.style.display) { //already exists and is initialized (style is '' if the "else" block below has not run yet) if (eyedropperSection.style.display !== 'block') { eyedropperSection.style.display = 'block'; } document.getElementById('image').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStart, false); document.getElementById('image').addEventListener('mouseup', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStop, false); var canvas = document.getElementById('eyedropperPreview_canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //clear canvas } else { var mainContainer = document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperSection'); mainContainer.style.display = 'block'; var previewContainer = NA.$c('div', { id: 'eyedropperPreview', style: 'position:absolute; top:3px; right:3px; width:' + canvasSize + 'px; height:' + canvasSize + 'px; border:1px solid black;' }); var textContainer = NA.$c('div', { style: 'position:absolute; top:3px; left:3px; width:' + (200 - 9 - canvasSize) + 'px; height:' + canvasSize + 'px; border:1px solid black;' //9 = left padding & such }); var canvas = NA.$c('canvas', { id: 'eyedropperPreview_canvas', height: canvasSize + 'px', width: canvasSize + 'px' }); var imgEl = document.getElementById('image'); previewContainer.innerHTML = ''; textContainer.innerHTML = '

Lorem Ipsum

'; previewContainer.appendChild(canvas); //canvas in previewContainer mainContainer.appendChild(previewContainer); //previewContainer in (eyedropper) mainContainer mainContainer.appendChild(textContainer); //textContainer in (eyedropper) mainContainer imgEl.addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStart, false); imgEl.addEventListener('mouseup', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStop, false); previewContainer.addEventListener('click', NA.styleNote.eyedropperPickDetail, false); } NA.styleNote.addCss('eyedropper', ''); //initiate a span with blank color }; NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStart = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('image').addEventListener('mousemove', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDrag, false); NA.styleNote.eyedropperDrag(e); }; NA.styleNote.eyedropperDrag = function (e) { var size = 9; //area to cut out (in pixels), centered on the mouse var zoom = 8; //number of times to magnify (be sure to change the ones in the other 2 functions as well when changing these) var imgEl = document.getElementById('image'); var canvas = document.getElementById('eyedropperPreview_canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var offset = Math.ceil(zoom / 2); //'getBoundingClientRect()' seems perfered over 'offsetLeft'? However, 'getBoundingClientRect()' gives wrong values when scrolled var x = (e.pageX - imgEl.offsetLeft) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio; if (x > offset) { x -= offset; } var y = (e.pageY - imgEl.offsetTop) / NA.globals.fitToScreenRatio; if (y > offset) { y -= offset; } context.drawImage(imgEl, x, y, size, size, 0, 0, size, size); //draw only the area we need to a temp. canvas //drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight) var pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, size, size).data; //extract the unzoomed pixel data. //draw zoom*zoom pixel boxes - simply upscaling the canvas produces very blurry and unusable results for (var x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < size; y++) { var i = x * 4 + y * 4 * size; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + pixels[i] + ', ' + pixels[i + 1] + ', ' + pixels[i + 2] + ')'; context.fillRect(x * zoom, y * zoom, zoom, zoom); if (x === offset && y === offset) { NA.styleNote.addCss('eyedropper', context.fillStyle); } } } }; NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStop = function () { var imgEl = document.getElementById('image'); imgEl.removeEventListener('mousemove', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDrag, false); imgEl.removeEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStart, false); imgEl.removeEventListener('mouseup', NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStop, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperHint').style.display = 'none'; document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; }; NA.styleNote.eyedropperHide = function () { this.removeEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropperHide, false); var eyedropperSection = document.getElementById('noteAssist_eyedropperSection'); if (eyedropperSection) { eyedropperSection.style.display = 'none'; document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; } var canvas = document.getElementById('eyedropperPreview_canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //clear canvas NA.styleNote.eyedropperDragStop(); }; NA.styleNote.eyedropperPickDetail = function (e) { var size = 9; //area to cut out (in pixels), centered on the mouse var zoom = 8; //number of times to magnify (be sure to change the ones in the other 2 functions as well when changing these) var x = e.offsetX; var y = e.offsetY; if (x === 0) { x = 1; } //strange bug, 1px above/left (but not below/right) of the canvas can be clicked if (y === 0) { y = 1; } x = Math.floor(x / zoom) * zoom; //round down to the nearest zoom value y = Math.floor(y / zoom) * zoom; var canvas = document.getElementById('eyedropperPreview_canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var data = context.getImageData(0, 0, size * zoom, size * zoom); //extract the unzoomed pixel data. var pixels = data.data; var i = x * 4 + y * 4 * data.width; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + pixels[i] + ', ' + pixels[i + 1] + ', ' + pixels[i + 2] + ')'; //trick to easily convert rgb to #hex NA.styleNote.addCss('eyedropper', context.fillStyle); NA.styleNote.eyedropperHide(); }; //========================================================== // Settings //========================================================== NA.initSettings = function () { try { //create LS_getValue & LS_setValue functions var keyPrefix = 'noteAssist.'; NA.LS_getValue = function (name, defaultValue) { var value = localStorage.getItem(keyPrefix + name); if (!value) { return defaultValue; } var type = value[0]; value = value.substring(1); switch (type) { case 'b': return value == 'true'; case 'n': return Number(value); default: return value; } }; NA.LS_setValue = function (name, value) { value = (typeof value)[0] + value; localStorage.setItem(keyPrefix + name, value); }; } catch (e) { NA.error.write('NoteAssist - critical error.\nLocal storage could not be accessed, details:\n' + e); return; } try { NA.settings = NA.LS_getValue('settings'); if (NA.settings) { NA.settings = JSON.parse(NA.settings); //if a value exists in default settings but not in settings loaded from localstorage, add it (this happens if new versions add more settings) for (var key in NA.defaultSettings) { if (NA.defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(key) && !NA.settings.hasOwnProperty(key)) { NA.settings[key] = NA.defaultSettings[key]; } } } else { NA.settings = NA.defaultSettings; } // no NA.settings found } catch (e) { // NA.debug.write not yet available NA.settings = NA.defaultSettings; // error occured during parsing, fallback to defaults } }; NA.settingsMenuCreate = function () { var overlay = NA.$c('div', { id: 'noteAssist_settingMenuOverlay', style: 'background-color:black; height:100%; width:100%; position:fixed; left:0px; top:0px; opacity:0.6; z-index: 9998;' }); var settingMenu = NA.$c('div', { id: 'noteAssist_settingMenu' }); settingMenu.innerHTML = '

Note Assist Settings

' + '
' + '

Basic Settings

' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
Clicking note resizes to text:
' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + //'

' + //'Clicking note resizes to square textbox:
' + //'' + //'' + //'
' + //'' + //'' + //'' + //'' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '

Advanced Settings

' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '

*Requires F5

' + '' + ''; var style = '#noteAssist_settingMenu { background-color:#C6C6C6; height:350px; width:350px; position:absolute; left:70px; top:70px; z-index:9999; border:10px ridge #3B3EEE; padding:9px; }' + '#noteAssist_settingMenu p { margin-bottom:0.5em; }' + '#noteAssist_settingMenu div.section { border:1px solid black; padding:4px; margin-bottom:1em; }' + '#noteAssist_settingMenu input[type="checkbox"] { width:16px; height:22px; }' + '#noteAssist_settingMenu input[type="text"] { width:5em; margin-bottom:5px; }' + '#noteAssist_settingMenu #noteAssist_settingsSave { position:absolute; bottom:5px; right:5px; }'; NA.addGlobalStyle(style); document.body.appendChild(overlay); document.body.appendChild(settingMenu); overlay.addEventListener('click', NA.settingsMenuClose, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_settingsSave').addEventListener('click', NA.settingsMenuSave, false); }; NA.settingsMenuSave = function () { var new_settings = {}; var inputs = document.getElementById('noteAssist_settingMenu').getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var key = inputs[i].id.replace(/^noteAssist_/, ''); if (inputs[i].type === 'checkbox') { // save all checkboxes as boolean new_settings[key] = inputs[i].checked; } else if (inputs[i].type === 'text') { // save all text fields by their value var inputValue = inputs[i].value; if (inputValue.length > 0) { // basic validation, textfield must contain text if (key === 'forceEnd' && isNaN(parseInt(inputValue, 10))) { // basic validation, "forceEnd" field must contain text alert('NoteAssist - Error, "Force abort timer" must be a number'); return; } new_settings[key] = inputValue; } else { alert('NoteAssist - Error, input field(s) cannot be blank'); return; } } } NA.LS_setValue('settings', JSON.stringify(new_settings)); NA.settings = new_settings; //done saving, remove the setting menu & overlay now. NA.settingsMenuClose(); }; NA.settingsMenuClose = function () { $('#noteAssist_settingMenu').remove(); $('#noteAssist_settingMenuOverlay').remove(); }; //========================================================== // UI //========================================================== NA.initUi = function () { var container = NA.$c('div', { id: 'noteAssist_ui' }); container.innerHTML = '' + '' + '

Note Assist

' + '


' + '

Text color (override):

' + ' Black' + ' White' + ' Detect' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '

Text decoration functions

' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + //end of single note section '' + '
' + //content dynamically generated by the script '' + '' + '
' + ' ' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + 'settings' + '' + //footer 'info' + '' + '' + '' + ''; document.body.appendChild(container); document.getElementById('noteAssist_generateAll').addEventListener('click', function () { NA.snap('full'); }, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_closeMain').addEventListener('click', function () { document.getElementById('noteAssist_ui').style.display = 'none'; }, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textBold').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.addCss, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textItalic').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.addCss, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textColor').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropper, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textBackgroundColor').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.eyedropper, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textSizePlus').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.addCss, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textSizeMinus').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.addCss, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_textTn').addEventListener('mousedown', NA.styleNote.addCss, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_saveAllNotes').addEventListener('click', NA.saveAllNotes, false); document.getElementById('noteAssist_settings').addEventListener('click', NA.settingsMenuCreate, false); }; //========================================================== // Init script //========================================================== NA.initCore = function () { //====================================================================================== // Load the settings from local storage (if any) //====================================================================================== NA.initSettings(); // numbers inputted in textfields are saved as strings, parse as needed NA.settings.forceEnd = parseInt(NA.settings.forceEnd, 10); // forceEnd = number //====================================================================================== // Some global values //====================================================================================== //var img = document.getElementById('image'); // ghost notes css var style = 'div#note-container .ghostNote .note-box-inner-border.unsaved { background-image:linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7) 15%, transparent 15%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7) 50%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7) 65%, transparent 65%, transparent); background-size:23px 23px;}' + 'div#note-container .ghostNote.ui-state-disabled .note-box-inner-border.unsaved { background-image:none }' + '' + ''; NA.addGlobalStyle(style); // debug elements & css if (NA.settings.debug) { //document.getElementById('sidebar').appendChild(NA.$c('input', { id: 'bwslider', type: 'range', min: 0, max: 255, step: 1, value: 190 })); //bw slider, changes last canvas white&black scale //document.getElementById('sidebar').appendChild(NA.$c('p', { id: 'bwsliderValue' })); //document.getElementById('bwslider').addEventListener('input', NA.debug.bwslider, false); document.getElementById('sidebar').appendChild(NA.$c('div', { id: 'debug_log' })); // debug text NA.addGlobalStyle('#content canvas { margin-right:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; }'); // debug images } //====================================================================================== // Generate UI //====================================================================================== NA.initUi(); //====================================================================================== // Hook into danbooru code //====================================================================================== NA.danbooruHooks(); //====================================================================================== // Bind leftclick event on all notes that loaded before we hooked into danbooru code //====================================================================================== var allNoteBoxes = document.getElementById('note-container').getElementsByClassName('note-box'); for (var i = 0; i < allNoteBoxes.length; i++) { allNoteBoxes[i].addEventListener('click', NA.noteLeftclick, false); } //====================================================================================== // debug, personal css //====================================================================================== //NA.addGlobalStyle('body,#top,#nav,header#top menu,#page,#page-footer { background-color:#C4C4C4 !important; }' + // '.post-count, .count { color:#888888!important; }' + // 'span.low-post-count { color:red!important; }' + // '#nav-links { padding: 0.3em!important; margin:0.3em 0em!important; }' + // 'div#c-posts div.notice { margin-bottom: 0.3em !important; padding: 0em 0.5em !important; }' + // '#upgrade-account-notice { display:none!important; }' + // '' + // '' + // '' + // ''); }; NA.injectJS = function () { if (typeof $ === 'function') { //check if danbooru's javascript globals are accessible -> don't need to inject NA.initCore(); } else { //put the userscript in the page so it can access danbooru's javascript (chrome/Firefox) var script = document.createElement('script'); script.innerHTML = NA; script.innerHTML += 'NA.initCore();'; document.body.appendChild(script); //console.log('noteAssist - appended JS'); } }; NA.loader = function () { if (document && (document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive')) { var img = document.getElementById('image'); if (img) { NA.injectJS(); } } else if (document) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', NA.loader); } else { alert('NoteAssist - critical error, "document" was undefined at runtime'); } }; NA.loader(); //=================================== // Script flow: //=================================== // 1) script init // wait until the page fully loaded (including image!) // if chrome/firefox: put all code into a