stepWelcome(); break; case 'license': $this->stepLicense(); break; case 'viewlicense': $this->stepViewLicense(); break; case 'precheck': $this->stepPreInstallationCheck(); break; case 'database': $this->stepDatabaseConfiguration(); break; case 'createdb': $this->stepCreateDb(); break; case 'populatedb': $this->stepPopulateDb(); break; case 'optional': $this->stepOptionalConfiguration(); break; case 'index' : default : $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); break; } } /** * Installer::_checkInstallation() * * Based on existance of 'sample_installer_file.txt' file, check if * installation should proceed further or not. * @return */ function _checkInstallation() { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/config.php') && is_null(Yii::app()->request->getPost('InstallerConfigForm'))) { throw new CHttpException(500, 'Installation has been done already. Installer disabled.'); exit(); } } /** * Load and set session vars * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _sessioncontrol() { if (empty(Yii::app()->session['installerLang'])) Yii::app()->session['installerLang'] = 'en'; Yii::app()->setLanguage(Yii::app()->session['installerLang']); } /** * welcome and language selection install step */ private function stepWelcome() { if (!is_null(Yii::app()->request->getPost('installerLang'))) { Yii::app()->session['installerLang'] = Yii::app()->request->getPost('installerLang'); $this->redirect(array('installer/license')); } $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); Yii::app()->session->remove('configFileWritten'); $aData['title'] = gT('Welcome'); $aData['descp'] = gT('Welcome to the LimeSurvey installation wizard. This wizard will guide you through the installation, database setup and initial configuration of LimeSurvey.'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('on','off','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 10; if (isset(Yii::app()->session['installerLang'])) { $sCurrentLanguage=Yii::app()->session['installerLang']; } else $sCurrentLanguage='en'; foreach(getLanguageData(true, $sCurrentLanguage) as $sKey => $aLanguageInfo) { $aLanguages[htmlspecialchars($sKey)] = sprintf('%s - %s', $aLanguageInfo['nativedescription'], $aLanguageInfo['description']); } $aData['languages']=$aLanguages; $this->render('/installer/welcome_view',$aData); } /** * Display license */ private function stepLicense() { // $aData array contain all the information required by view. $aData['title'] = gT('License'); $aData['descp'] = gT('GNU General Public License:'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','on','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue']= 15; if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post') { $this->redirect(array('installer/precheck')); } Yii::app()->session['saveCheck'] = 'save'; // Checked in next step $this->render('/installer/license_view',$aData); } /** * display the license file as IIS for example * does not display it via the server. */ public function stepViewLicense() { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); readfile(dirname(BASEPATH) . '/docs/license.txt'); exit; } /** * check a few writing permissions and optional settings */ private function stepPreInstallationCheck() { $oModel = new InstallerConfigForm(); //usual data required by view $aData['title'] = gT('Pre-installation check'); $aData['descp'] = gT('Pre-installation check for LimeSurvey ').Yii::app()->getConfig('versionnumber'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','on','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 20; $aData['phpVersion'] = phpversion(); // variable storing next button link.initially null $aData['next'] = ''; $aData['dbtypes']=$oModel->supported_db_types; $bProceed = $this->_check_requirements($aData); $aData['dbtypes']=$oModel->supported_db_types; if(count($aData['dbtypes'])==0) { $bProceed=false; } // after all check, if flag value is true, show next button and sabe step2 status. if ($bProceed) { $aData['next'] = true; Yii::app()->session['step2'] = true; } $this->render('/installer/precheck_view',$aData); } /** * Configure database screen */ private function stepDatabaseConfiguration() { $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); // usual data required by view $aData['title'] = gT('Database configuration'); $aData['descp'] = gT('Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aData['model'] = $oModel = new InstallerConfigForm; if (isset(Yii::app()->session['populateerror'])) { $oModel->addError('dblocation',Yii::app()->session['populateerror']); $oModel->addError('dbpwd',''); $oModel->addError('dbuser',''); unset(Yii::app()->session['populateerror']); } if(!is_null(Yii::app()->request->getPost('InstallerConfigForm'))) { $oModel->attributes = Yii::app()->request->getPost('InstallerConfigForm'); //run validation, if it fails, load the view again else proceed to next step. if($oModel->validate()) { $sDatabaseType = $oModel->dbtype; $sDatabaseName = $oModel->dbname; $sDatabaseUser = $oModel->dbuser; $sDatabasePwd = $oModel->dbpwd; $sDatabasePrefix = $oModel->dbprefix; $sDatabaseLocation = $oModel->dblocation; $sDatabasePort = ''; if (strpos($sDatabaseLocation, ':')!==false) { list($sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort) = explode(':', $sDatabaseLocation, 2); } else { $sDatabasePort = self::_getDbPort($sDatabaseType, $sDatabasePort); } $bDBExists = false; $bDBConnectionWorks = false; $aDbConfig = compact('sDatabaseType', 'sDatabaseName', 'sDatabaseUser', 'sDatabasePwd', 'sDatabasePrefix', 'sDatabaseLocation', 'sDatabasePort'); if (self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, array())) { $bDBExists = true; $bDBConnectionWorks = true; } else { $aDbConfig['sDatabaseName'] = ''; if (self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, array())) { $bDBConnectionWorks = true; } else { $oModel->addError('dblocation', gT('Connection with database failed. Please check database location, user name and password and try again.')); $oModel->addError('dbpwd',''); $oModel->addError('dbuser',''); } } //if connection with database fail if ($bDBConnectionWorks) { //saving the form data foreach(array('dbname', 'dbtype', 'dbpwd', 'dbuser', 'dbprefix') as $sStatusKey) { Yii::app()->session[$sStatusKey] = $oModel->$sStatusKey; } Yii::app()->session['dbport'] = $sDatabasePort; Yii::app()->session['dblocation'] = $sDatabaseLocation; //check if table exists or not $bTablesDoNotExist = false; // Check if the surveys table exists or not if ($bDBExists == true) { try { if ($dataReader=$this->connection->createCommand()->select()->from('{{users}}')->query()->rowCount==0) // DBLIB does not throw an exception on a missing table $bTablesDoNotExist = true; } catch(Exception $e) { $bTablesDoNotExist = true; } } $bDBExistsButEmpty = ($bDBExists && $bTablesDoNotExist); //store them in session Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] = $bDBExists; Yii::app()->session['tablesexist'] = !$bTablesDoNotExist; // If database is up to date, redirect to administration screen. if ($bDBExists && !$bTablesDoNotExist) { Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = sprintf('%s', gT('The database you specified does already exist.')); Yii::app()->session['step3'] = true; //wrte config file! as we no longer redirect to optional view $this->_writeConfigFile(); //$this->redirect(array("installer/loadOptView")); header("refresh:5;url=".$this->createUrl("/admin")); echo sprintf( gT('The database does exists and contains LimeSurvey tables. You\'ll be redirected to the database update or (if your database is already up to date) to the administration login in 5 seconds. If not, please click here.', 'unescaped'), $this->createUrl("/admin")); exit(); } if (in_array($oModel->dbtype, array('mysql', 'mysqli'))) { //for development - use mysql in the strictest mode //Checked) if (Yii::app()->getConfig('debug')>1) { $this->connection->createCommand("SET SESSION SQL_MODE='STRICT_ALL_TABLES,ANSI'")->execute(); } $sMySQLVersion = $this->connection->getServerVersion(); if (version_compare($sMySQLVersion,'4.1','<')) { die("
Error: You need at least MySQL version 4.1 to run LimeSurvey. Your version:".$sMySQLVersion); } @$this->connection->createCommand("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'")->execute(); //Checked @$this->connection->createCommand("SET NAMES 'utf8'")->execute(); //Checked } // Setting dateformat for mssql driver. It seems if you don't do that the in- and output format could be different if (in_array($oModel->dbtype, array('mssql', 'sqlsrv', 'dblib'))) { @$this->connection->createCommand('SET DATEFORMAT ymd;')->execute(); //Checked @$this->connection->createCommand('SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;')->execute(); //Checked } //$aData array won't work here. changing the name $aValues['title'] = gT('Database settings'); $aValues['descp'] = gT('Database settings'); $aValues['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','on','off'); $aValues['progressValue'] = 60; //it store text content $aValues['adminoutputText'] = ''; //it store the form code to be displayed $aValues['adminoutputForm'] = ''; //if DB exist, check if its empty or up to date. if not, tell user LS can create it. if (!$bDBExists) { Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist'] = true; $aValues['adminoutputText'].= "\t\n" ."".gT("Database doesn't exist!")."

\n" .gT("The database you specified does not exist:")."


\n" .gT("LimeSurvey can attempt to create this database for you.")."

\n"; $aValues['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/createdb', 'label' => gT('Create database'), 'name' => '', ); } elseif ($bDBExistsButEmpty) //&& !(returnGlobal('createdbstep2')==gT("Populate database"))) { Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase'] = true; //$this->connection->database = $model->dbname; // //$this->connection->createCommand("USE DATABASE `".$model->dbname."`")->execute(); $aValues['adminoutputText'].= sprintf(gT('A database named "%s" already exists.'),$oModel->dbname)."

\n" .gT("Do you want to populate that database now by creating the necessary tables?")."

"; $aValues['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/populatedb', 'label' => gT("Populate database"), 'name' => 'createdbstep2', ); } elseif (!$bDBExistsButEmpty) { //DB EXISTS, CHECK FOR APPROPRIATE UPGRADES //$this->connection->database = $model->dbname; //$this->connection->createCommand("USE DATABASE `$databasename`")->execute(); /* @todo Implement Upgrade */ //$output=CheckForDBUpgrades(); if ($output== '') {$aValues['adminoutput'].='
'.gT('LimeSurvey database is up to date. No action needed');} else {$aValues['adminoutput'].=$output;} $aValues['adminoutput'].= "
" . sprintf(gT('Please log in.', 'unescaped'), $this->createUrl("/admin")); } $this->render('/installer/dbsettings_view', $aValues); } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } /** * Installer::stepCreateDb() * Create database. * @return */ function stepCreateDb() { // check status. to be called only when database don't exist else redirect to proper link. if(!Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist']) { $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); } $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm; $aData['title'] = gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aDbConfig = self::_getDatabaseConfig(); extract($aDbConfig); // unset database name for connection, since we want to create it and it doesn't already exists $aDbConfig['sDatabaseName'] = ''; self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, $aData); $aData['adminoutputForm'] = ''; // Yii doesn't have a method to create a database $bCreateDB = true; // We are thinking positive switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysqli': case 'mysql': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE `$sDatabaseName` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; case 'dblib': case 'mssql': case 'odbc': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE [$sDatabaseName];")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; case 'pgsql': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE \"$sDatabaseName\" ENCODING 'UTF8'")->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { $createdb = false; } break; default: try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE $sDatabaseName")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; } //$this->load->dbforge(); if ($bCreateDB) //Database has been successfully created { $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); $this->connection = new CDbConnection($sDsn, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase'] = true; Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] = true; unset(Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist']); $aData['adminoutputText'] = "
" ."\n" .gT("Database has been created.")."

\n" .gT("Please continue with populating the database.")."

\n"; $aData['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/populatedb', 'label' => gT("Populate database"), 'name' => 'createdbstep2', ); } else { $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); $oModel = new InstallerConfigForm; $oModel->dbtype=$aDbConfig['sDatabaseType']; $oModel->dblocation=$aDbConfig['sDatabaseLocation']; $oModel->dbuser=$aDbConfig['sDatabaseUser']; //$oModel->dbpwd$aDbConfig['sDatabasePwd']; Don't set password for security issue $oModel->dbprefix=$aDbConfig['sDatabasePrefix']; $oModel->addError('dbname', gT('Try again! Creation of database failed.')); $aData['title'] = gT('Database configuration'); $aData['descp'] = gT('Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aData['model'] = $oModel; $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view',$aData); } $aData['title'] = gT("Database settings"); $aData['descp'] = gT("Database settings"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','on','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 60; $this->render('/installer/dbsettings_view',$aData); } /** * Installer::stepPopulateDb() * Function to populate the database. * @return */ function stepPopulateDb() { if (!Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase']) { $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); } $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm; $aData['title'] = gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aDbConfig = self::_getDatabaseConfig(); extract($aDbConfig); self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, $aData); /* @todo Use Yii as it supports various db types and would better handle this process */ switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysqli': case 'mysql': $sql_file = 'mysql'; break; case 'dblib': case 'sqlsrv': case 'mssql': $sql_file = 'mssql'; break; case 'pgsql': $sql_file = 'pgsql'; break; default: throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown database type "%s".', $sDatabaseType)); } //checking DB Connection $aErrors = self::_setup_tables(dirname(APPPATH).'/installer/sql/create-'.$sql_file.'.sql'); if ($aErrors === false) { $model->addError('dblocation', gT('Try again! Connection with database failed. Reason: ').implode(', ', $aErrors)); $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } elseif (count($aErrors)==0) { //$data1['adminoutput'] = ''; //$data1['adminoutput'] .= sprintf("Database `%s` has been successfully populated.",$dbname)."

\n"; //$data1['adminoutput'] .= ""; $sConfirmation = sprintf(gT("Database %s has been successfully populated."), sprintf('%s', Yii::app()->session['dbname'])); } else { $sConfirmation = gT('There were errors when trying to populate the database:').'

'; Yii::app()->session['populateerror']=$sConfirmation; $this->redirect(array('installer/database')); } Yii::app()->session['tablesexist'] = true; Yii::app()->session['step3'] = true; Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = $sConfirmation; unset(Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase']); $this->redirect(array('installer/optional')); } /** * Optional settings screen */ private function stepOptionalConfiguration() { $aData['confirmation'] = Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message']; $aData['title'] = gT("Optional settings"); $aData['descp'] = gT("Optional settings to give you a head start"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','off','on'); $aData['progressValue'] = 80; $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm('optional'); // Backup the default, needed only for $sDefaultAdminPassword $sDefaultAdminUserName = $model->adminLoginName; $sDefaultAdminPassword = $model->adminLoginPwd; $sDefaultAdminRealName = $model->adminName; $sDefaultSiteName = $model->siteName; $sDefaultSiteLanguage = $model->surveylang; $sDefaultAdminEmail = $model->adminEmail; if(!is_null(Yii::app()->request->getPost('InstallerConfigForm'))) { $model->attributes = Yii::app()->request->getPost('InstallerConfigForm'); //run validation, if it fails, load the view again else proceed to next step. if($model->validate()) { $sAdminUserName = $model->adminLoginName; $sAdminPassword = $model->adminLoginPwd; $sAdminRealName = $model->adminName; $sSiteName = $model->siteName; $sSiteLanguage = $model->surveylang; $sAdminEmail = $model->adminEmail; $aData['title'] = gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; //config file is written, and we've a db in place $this->connection = Yii::app()->db; //checking DB Connection if ($this->connection->getActive() == true) { $sPasswordHash=hash('sha256', $sAdminPassword); try { if (User::model()->count()>0){ die(); } // Save user $user=new User; // Fix UserID to 1 for MySQL even if installed in master-master configuration scenario if (in_array($this->connection->getDriverName(), array('mysql', 'mysqli'))) { $user->uid=1; } $user->users_name=$sAdminUserName; $user->password=$sPasswordHash; $user->full_name=$sAdminRealName; $user->parent_id=0; $user->lang=$sSiteLanguage; $user->email=$sAdminEmail; $user->save(); // Save permissions $permission=new Permission; $permission->entity_id=0; $permission->entity='global'; $permission->uid=$user->uid; $permission->permission='superadmin'; $permission->read_p=1; $permission->save(); // Save global settings $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'SessionName', 'stg_value' => self::_getRandomString())); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'sitename', 'stg_value' => $sSiteName)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminname', 'stg_value' => $sAdminRealName)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminemail', 'stg_value' => $sAdminEmail)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminbounce', 'stg_value' => $sAdminEmail)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'defaultlang', 'stg_value' => $sSiteLanguage)); // only continue if we're error free otherwise setup is broken. } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not add optional settings: %s.', $e)); } Yii::app()->session['deletedirectories'] = true; $aData['title'] = gT("Success!"); $aData['descp'] = gT("LimeSurvey has been installed successfully."); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 100; $aData['user'] = $sAdminUserName; if($sDefaultAdminPassword==$sAdminPassword){ $aData['pwd'] = $sAdminPassword; }else{ $aData['pwd'] = gT("The password you have chosen at the optional settings step."); } $this->render('/installer/success_view', $aData); return; } } else { // if passwords don't match, redirect to proper link. Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = sprintf('%s', gT("Passwords don't match.")); $this->redirect(array('installer/optional')); } } elseif(empty(Yii::app()->session['configFileWritten'])) { $this->_writeConfigFile(); } $this->render('/installer/optconfig_view', $aData); } /** * Loads a helper * * @access public * @param string $helper * @return void */ public function loadHelper($helper) { Yii::import('application.helpers.' . $helper . '_helper', true); } /** * Loads a library * * @access public * @param string $helper * @return void */ public function loadLibrary($library) { Yii::import('application.libraries.'.$library, true); } /** * check requirements * * @param array $data return theme variables * @return bool requirements met */ private function _check_requirements(&$aData) { // proceed variable check if all requirements are true. If any of them is false, proceed is set false. $bProceed = true; //lets be optimistic! /** * check image HTML template * * @param bool $result */ function check_HTML_image($result) { $aLabelYesNo = array('wrong', 'right'); return sprintf('Found', Yii::app()->baseUrl, $aLabelYesNo[$result]); } function is_writable_recursive($sDirectory) { $sFolder = opendir($sDirectory); while($sFile = readdir( $sFolder )) if($sFile != '.' && $sFile != '..' && ( !is_writable( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) || ( is_dir( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) && !is_writable_recursive( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) ) )) { closedir($sFolder); return false; } closedir($sFolder); return true; } /** * check for a specific PHPFunction, return HTML image * * @param string $function * @param string $image return * @return bool result */ function check_PHPFunction($sFunctionName, &$sImage) { $bExists = function_exists($sFunctionName); $sImage = check_HTML_image($bExists); return $bExists; } /** * check if file or directory exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $path file or directory to check * @param int $type 0:undefined (invalid), 1:file, 2:directory * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_PathWriteable($path, $type, &$aData, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive=false) { $bResult = false; $aData[$base.'Present'] = 'Not Found'; $aData[$base.'Writable'] = ''; switch($type) { case 1: $exists = is_file($path); break; case 2: $exists = is_dir($path); break; default: throw new Exception('Invalid type given.'); } if ($exists) { $aData[$base.'Present'] = 'Found'; if ((!$bRecursive && is_writable($path)) || ($bRecursive && is_writable_recursive($path))) { $aData[$base.'Writable'] = 'Writable'; $bResult = true; } else { $aData[$base.'Writable'] = 'Unwritable'; } } $bResult || $aData[$keyError] = true; return $bResult; } /** * check if file exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $file to check * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_FileWriteable($file, &$data, $base, $keyError) { return check_PathWriteable($file, 1, $data, $base, $keyError); } /** * check if directory exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $directory to check * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_DirectoryWriteable($directory, &$data, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive=false) { return check_PathWriteable($directory, 2, $data, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive); } // version check if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) $bProceed = !$aData['verror'] = true; if (convertPHPSizeToBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))/1024/1024<64 && ini_get('memory_limit')!=-1) $bProceed = !$aData['bMemoryError'] = true; // mbstring library check if (!check_PHPFunction('mb_convert_encoding', $aData['mbstringPresent'])) $bProceed = false; // JSON library check if (!check_PHPFunction('json_encode', $aData['bJSONPresent'])) $bProceed = false; // ** file and directory permissions checking ** // config directory if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('rootdir').'/application/config', $aData, 'config', 'derror') ) $bProceed = false; // templates directory check if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir').'/', $aData, 'tmpdir', 'tperror',true) ) $bProceed = false; //upload directory check if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('uploaddir').'/', $aData, 'uploaddir', 'uerror',true) ) $bProceed = false; // Session writable check $session = Yii::app()->session; /* @var $session CHttpSession */ $sessionWritable = ($session->get('saveCheck', null)==='save'); $aData['sessionWritable'] = $sessionWritable; $aData['sessionWritableImg'] = check_HTML_image($sessionWritable); if (!$sessionWritable){ // For recheck, try to set the value again $session['saveCheck'] = 'save'; $bProceed = false; } // ** optional settings check ** // gd library check if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $aData['gdPresent'] = check_HTML_image(array_key_exists('FreeType Support', gd_info())); } else { $aData['gdPresent'] = check_HTML_image(false); } // ldap library check check_PHPFunction('ldap_connect', $aData['ldapPresent']); // php zip library check check_PHPFunction('zip_open', $aData['zipPresent']); // zlib php library check check_PHPFunction('zlib_get_coding_type', $aData['zlibPresent']); // imap php library check check_PHPFunction('imap_open', $aData['bIMAPPresent']); return $bProceed; } /** * Installer::_setup_tables() * Function that actually modify the database. Read $sqlfile and execute it. * @param string $sqlfile * @return Empty string if everything was okay - otherwise the error messages */ function _setup_tables($sFileName, $aDbConfig = array(), $sDatabasePrefix = '') { extract(empty($aDbConfig) ? self::_getDatabaseConfig() : $aDbConfig); try{ switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $this->connection->createCommand("ALTER DATABASE ". $this->connection->quoteTableName($sDatabaseName) ." DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;")->execute(); break; } } catch(Exception $e) { return array($e->getMessage()); } return $this->_executeSQLFile($sFileName, $sDatabasePrefix); } /** * Executes an SQL file * * @param string $sFileName * @param string $sDatabasePrefix */ function _executeSQLFile($sFileName, $sDatabasePrefix) { $aMessages = array(); $sCommand = ''; if (!is_readable($sFileName)) { return false; } else { $aLines = file($sFileName); } foreach ($aLines as $sLine) { $sLine = rtrim($sLine); $iLineLength = strlen($sLine); if ($iLineLength && $sLine[0] != '#' && substr($sLine,0,2) != '--') { if (substr($sLine, $iLineLength-1, 1) == ';') { $line = substr($sLine, 0, $iLineLength-1); $sCommand .= $sLine; $sCommand = str_replace('prefix_', $sDatabasePrefix, $sCommand); // Table prefixes try { $this->connection->createCommand($sCommand)->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $aMessages[] = "Executing: ".$sCommand." failed! Reason: ".$e; } $sCommand = ''; } else { $sCommand .= $sLine; } } } return $aMessages; } /** * Function to write given database settings in APPPATH.'config/config.php' */ function _writeConfigFile() { //write config.php if database exists and has been populated. if (Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] && Yii::app()->session['tablesexist']) { extract(self::_getDatabaseConfig()); $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); // mod_rewrite existence check // Section commented out until a better method of knowing whether the mod_rewrite actually // works is found. In the meantime, it is better to set $showScriptName to 'true' so it // works on all installations, and allow users to change it manually later. //if ((function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) || strtolower(getenv('HTTP_MOD_REWRITE')) == 'on') //{ // $showScriptName = 'false'; //} //else //{ $sShowScriptName = 'true'; //} if (stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') !== false || (ini_get('security.limit_extensions') && ini_get('security.limit_extensions')!='')) { $sURLFormat='path'; } else // Apache { $sURLFormat='get'; // Fall back to get if an Apache server cannot be determined reliably } $sConfig = " dirname(dirname(__FILE__))," . "\n" ."\t" . "'runtimePath' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tmp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'runtime'," . "\n" ."\t" . "'name' => 'LimeSurvey'," . "\n" ."\t" . "'defaultController' => 'survey'," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t" . "'import' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.core.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.models.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.controllers.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.modules.*'," . "\n" ."\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" */ ."\t" . "'components' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'db' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'connectionString' => '$sDsn'," . "\n"; if ($sDatabaseType!='sqlsrv' && $sDatabaseType!='dblib' ) { $sConfig .="\t\t\t" . "'emulatePrepare' => true," . "\n"; } $sConfig .="\t\t\t" . "'username' => '".addcslashes ($sDatabaseUser,"'")."'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'password' => '".addcslashes ($sDatabasePwd,"'")."'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'charset' => 'utf8'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'tablePrefix' => '$sDatabasePrefix'," . "\n"; if (in_array($sDatabaseType, array('mssql', 'sqlsrv', 'dblib'))) { $sConfig .="\t\t\t" ."'initSQLs'=>array('SET DATEFORMAT ymd;','SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;')," . "\n"; } $sConfig .="\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "// Uncomment the following line if you need table-based sessions". "\n" ."\t\t" . "// 'session' => array (" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'class' => 'application.core.web.DbHttpSession'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'connectionID' => 'db'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'sessionTableName' => '{{sessions}}'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "// )," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" /** @todo Uncomment after implementing the error controller */ /* ."\t\t" . "'errorHandler' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'errorAction' => 'error'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" */ ."\t\t" . "'urlManager' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'urlFormat' => '{$sURLFormat}'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'rules' => require('routes.php')," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'showScriptName' => $sShowScriptName," . "\n" ."\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "// Use the following config variable to set modified optional settings copied from config-defaults.php". "\n" ."\t" . "'config'=>array(" . "\n" ."\t" . "// debug: Set this to 1 if you are looking for errors. If you still get no errors after enabling this". "\n" ."\t" . "// then please check your error-logs - either in your hosting provider admin panel or in some /logs directory". "\n" ."\t" . "// on your webspace.". "\n" ."\t" . "// LimeSurvey developers: Set this to 2 to additionally display STRICT PHP error messages and get full access to standard templates". "\n" ."\t\t" . "'debug'=>0," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'debugsql'=>0 // Set this to 1 to enanble sql logging, only active when debug = 2" . "\n" ."\t" . ")" . "\n" . ");" . "\n" . "/* End of file config.php */" . "\n" . "/* Location: ./application/config/config.php */"; if (is_writable(APPPATH . 'config')) { file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'config/config.php', $sConfig); Yii::app()->session['configFileWritten'] = true; $oUrlManager = Yii::app()->getComponent('urlManager'); /* @var $oUrlManager CUrlManager */ $oUrlManager->setUrlFormat($sURLFormat); } else { header('refresh:5;url='.$this->createUrl("installer/welcome")); echo "".gT("Configuration directory is not writable")."
"; printf(gT('You will be redirected in about 5 secs. If not, click here.' ,'unescaped'), $this->createUrl('installer/welcome')); exit; } } } /** * Create a random ASCII string * * @return string */ function _getRandomString() { $iTotalChar = 64; // number of chars in the sid $sResult=''; for ($i=0;$i<$iTotalChar;$i++) { $sResult.=chr(rand(33,126)); } return $sResult; } /** * Get the dsn for the database connection * * @param string $sDatabaseType * @param string $sDatabasePort */ function _getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd) { switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': // MySQL allow unix_socket for database location, then test if $sDatabaseLocation start with "/" if(substr($sDatabaseLocation,0,1)=="/") $sDSN = "mysql:unix_socket={$sDatabaseLocation};dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; else $sDSN = "mysql:host={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; break; case 'pgsql': if (empty($sDatabasePwd)) { // If there's no password, we need to write password=""; instead of password=;, // or PostgreSQL's libpq will consider the DSN string part after "password=" // (including the ";" and the potential dbname) as part of the password definition. $sDatabasePwd = '""'; } $sDSN = "pgsql:host={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};user={$sDatabaseUser};password={$sDatabasePwd};"; if ($sDatabaseName!='') { $sDSN.="dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; } break; case 'dblib' : $sDSN = $sDatabaseType.":host={$sDatabaseLocation};dbname={$sDatabaseName}"; break; case 'mssql' : case 'sqlsrv': if ($sDatabasePort!=''){$sDatabaseLocation=$sDatabaseLocation.','.$sDatabasePort;} $sDSN = $sDatabaseType.":Server={$sDatabaseLocation};Database={$sDatabaseName}"; break; default: throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown database type "%s".', $sDatabaseType)); } return $sDSN; } /** * Get the default port if database port is not set * * @param string $sDatabaseType * @param string $sDatabasePort * @return string */ function _getDbPort($sDatabaseType, $sDatabasePort = '') { if (is_numeric($sDatabasePort)) return $sDatabasePort; switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $sDatabasePort = '3306'; break; case 'pgsql': $sDatabasePort = '5432'; break; case 'dblib' : case 'mssql' : case 'sqlsrv': default: $sDatabasePort = ''; } return $sDatabasePort; } /** * Gets the database configuration from the session * * @return array Database Config */ function _getDatabaseConfig() { $sDatabaseType = Yii::app()->session['dbtype']; $sDatabasePort = Yii::app()->session['dbport']; $sDatabaseName = Yii::app()->session['dbname']; $sDatabaseUser = Yii::app()->session['dbuser']; $sDatabasePwd = Yii::app()->session['dbpwd']; $sDatabasePrefix = Yii::app()->session['dbprefix']; $sDatabaseLocation = Yii::app()->session['dblocation']; return compact('sDatabaseLocation', 'sDatabaseName', 'sDatabasePort', 'sDatabasePrefix', 'sDatabasePwd', 'sDatabaseType', 'sDatabaseUser'); } /** * Connect to the database * * Throw an error if there's an error */ function _dbConnect($aDbConfig = array(), $aData = array()) { extract(empty($aDbConfig) ? self::_getDatabaseConfig() : $aDbConfig); $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); $sDatabaseName = empty($sDatabaseName) ? '' : $sDatabaseName; $sDatabasePort = empty($sDatabasePort) ? '' : $sDatabasePort; try { $this->connection = new CDbConnection($sDsn, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); if($sDatabaseType!='sqlsrv' && $sDatabaseType!='dblib'){ $this->connection->emulatePrepare = true; } $this->connection->active = true; $this->connection->tablePrefix = $sDatabasePrefix; return true; } catch(Exception $e) { if (!empty($aData['model']) && !empty($aData['clang'])) { $aData['model']->addError('dblocation', $aData['clang']->gT('Try again! Connection with database failed. Reason: ') . $e->getMessage()); $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } else { return false; } } } }