name: LineupGen description: Generate unique DFS DraftKings lineups based on competition player data. host: EXCEL api_set: {} script: content: | /* * Copyright (c) LineupGen, All rights reserved. */ /** * Generate unique DFS lineups based on competition player data. * * @customfunction LINEUPS * @helpurl * * @param {string} token LineupGen account token * @param {any[][]} players Player data for competition * @param {string} sport sport "CFB", "GOLF", "MLB", "MMA", "NAS", "NBA", "NFL", "SOC", "TEN" * @param {number} [num] Number of lineups to generate. If omitted, num = 1. * @param {number} [min_salary_cap] Minimum total cost of each lineup. If omitted, min_salary_cap = 0. * @param {number} [max_salary_cap] Maximum total cost of each lineup. If omitted, max_salary_cap = 50000. * @param {boolean} [show_total_cost] Show total cost for each lineup. If omitted, show_total_cost = FALSE. * @param {boolean} [multi_team] Players from more than 1 team are required in each lineup. If omitted, multi_team = FALSE. * @param {boolean} [multi_game] Players from more than 1 game are required in each lineup. If omitted, multi_game = FALSE. * @return {any[][]} Unique lineups to be uploaded * */ async function LINEUPS( token, players, sport, num, min_salary_cap, max_salary_cap, show_total_cost, multi_team, multi_game ) { // let token = await"lineupgenToken"); if (!token) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error( CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Token is required. Configure using LineupGen Taskpane form." ); } if (!players) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error(CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Player data is required."); } // check headers const reqPlayerHeaders = ["Name + ID", "Name", "ID", "Roster Position", "Salary", "Game Info", "TeamAbbrev"]; for (let i = 0; i < reqPlayerHeaders.length; i++) { if (!players[0].includes(reqPlayerHeaders[i])) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error( CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Missing column (" + reqPlayerHeaders[i] + ") is required." ); } } if (!sport) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error(CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Sport is required."); } const allowedSports = ["CFB", "GOLF", "MLB", "MMA", "NAS", "NBA", "NFL", "SOC", "TEN"]; if (!allowedSports.includes(sport)) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error(CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Sport value not recognized."); } if (num === null) { num = 1; } if (min_salary_cap === null) { min_salary_cap = 0; } if (max_salary_cap === null) { max_salary_cap = 50000; } if (show_total_cost === null) { show_total_cost = false; } if (multi_team === null) { multi_team = false; } if (multi_game === null) { multi_game = false; } if (min_salary_cap >= max_salary_cap) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error( CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, "Minimum salary cap must be less than maximum." ); } try { const url = ``; const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: "Token " + token, "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ players, sport, num, min_salary_cap, max_salary_cap, show_total_cost, multi_team, multi_game }) }); const jsonResponse = await response.json(); //Expect that status code is in 200-299 range if (!response.ok) { if (jsonResponse && jsonResponse.message) { throw new CustomFunctions.Error(CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, jsonResponse.message); } else { throw new CustomFunctions.Error(CustomFunctions.ErrorCode.invalidValue, response.statusText); } } return jsonResponse.lineups; } catch (error) { return error; } } language: typescript libraries: |- @types/office-js core-js@2.4.1/client/core.min.js