id idiom type genlang_point map lang branch fam value1 value1_name value2 value2_name value3 value3_name value4 value4_name value5 value5_name main 3pron form feature forms label_as_in_source elevation main 3pron stems number number number of stems source page comment over_features over_source over_page contributor date 1 Northern Akhvakh dialect_toplevel yes yes Akhvakh Andic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ha, hu + (-de/u, -ƛe/u, -ge/u.) proximal, distal TRUE 2 Number of demonstrative stems creisselsdraft2020 13 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 2 Tad-Magitl' village no no Akhvakh Andic 2 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, A-prox Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives гьа, гьу + (-д- , -г-, -лъ1) этот, из сферы 1-го лица'; 'тот, из сферы 2-го лица' + ('на одном уровне с собеседником'; 'ниже собеседника'; 'выше собеседника') TRUE all 2 2 magomedovaabdulaeva2007 681-682 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 3 Upper Andi dialect_toplevel yes yes Andi Andic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S&A dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function гъундов + (-д-, -г-, -лъ-) Demonstratives гъов/гъонов, [гъев/гъенев, гъундов + (-д-, -г-, -лъ-)] ближе к 1-му лицу'; 'ближе ко 2-му лицу'; 'ближе к 3-му лицу' + ('на одном уровне с собеседником'; 'ниже собеседника'; 'выше собеседника') TRUE distal >=2 3 Number of demonstrative stems suleymanov1957 323-328 приводит формы, но не сводит их к основам и показателям (столбец stems-додумка). судя по схеме выше/ниже нет у 'ближе к 1-му лицу', у 'ближе 3-му лицу' (а может еще у кого) нет немаркированной по высоте формы Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 4 Zilo village no yes Andi Andic EC 4 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist, S&A far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ho-cl/hono-cl, [he-cl/hene-cl, hi(ni)di-cl, hundo-cl] + (-d-, -g-, -ɬ-) near the speaker'; 'neat the addresse'; 'distal'; 'distal which the latter refers to objects that are relatively further away.' + ('same level=eye-height'; 'lower'; 'higher') TRUE all 21 4 Number of demonstrative stems kayeetaldraft2020 12-13 of which the latter refers to objects that are relatively further away- про все дистальные формы или только одну? 4 степени удаленности? что за distal, от кого? только к medial и distal по высоте Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 5 Kvanada village no yes Bagvalal Andic EC 4 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function a, o Demonstratives a,o,uhu,u этот, близкий к говорящему; этот, удаленный от говорящего или ненаблюдаемый говорящим; тот, удаленный от говорящего и слушающего; тот, удаленный от говорящего FALSE proximal, medial 4 4 Number of demonstrative stems kibrik2001 161, 658, 670 непонятно насколько она не p-o. в толковании дальнего д есть слушающий, а так нигде нет. в чем разница между удаленными. на с 161 наречия do. а может и нет (с 658) +ТАБЛИЧКА НА СТР 670! Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 6 Bagvalal language yes yes Bagvalal Andic EC >=2 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives а,о,е + (-д-, -в-, лгь) этот, находящийся в сфере 1-го лица; этот, находящийся в сфере 2-го лица; ? + (на одном уровне с собеседниками; ниже; выше) TRUE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems magomedova2004 579-580 e семантика не написана Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 7 Botlikh village yes yes Botlikh Andic EC 5 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, A-prox, S&A dist, S&A far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) A-prox Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function hu Demonstratives ha-, ga-, hu-, go-, do- X is in the direct vicinity of the speaker; X is in the vicinity of the speaker, a little to the side; X is close(r) to the addressee; X is not in the vicinity of the speaker or the addressee. In case of an event or time, it is equally familiar to both; X is not in the vicinity of the speaker or the addressee. Relatively further away than referents designated with go-. FALSE medial 5 Number of demonstrative stems alexeyevverheesdraft2020 9 надо решить какое описание выбрать, а то там сказано сильно разное. что значит a little to the side? и вообще что это за система??? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 8 Gadyri dialect_toplevel yes yes Chamalal Andic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives о, ав, гьу + (-д-, -ж-, -лъ-) недалеко от говорящего, но не присутствующий, в непосредственной близости, более отдаленного чем ав TRUE 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems bokarev1949a 66 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 9 Godoberi village yes yes Godoberi Andic EC 5 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, S-dist, A-prox, A-dist, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S&A dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function ho Demonstratives ha-,hu-,ho-,hada-,hudo-,he- this, close to the speaker; this, close to the listener; aforementioned or that far away; at some distance from the speaker; at some distance from the listener; that down there, that aside; TRUE distal 6 6 Number of demonstrative stems kibriketal1996 37,42 кажется ядро составляют ha,hu,ho, причем ho записан как анафорическое, а далее+как far away. есть только that down ther/ aside. Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 10 Karata village yes yes Karata Andic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ha-, ho-, hu- + (-d-, -g-, -ɬ-) proximal; medial; distal + (same level; lower than the deictic center; higher) TRUE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems pasquereaudraft2020 16 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 11 Tindi village yes yes Tindi Andic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function o Demonstratives a-/hã-, o-/hũ- + (-ja- (from -da), -ƚa-,-gja-) proximal; distal + (at the same level; higher, lower) TRUE distal 2 2 Number of demonstrative stems authierdraft2020 10-11 у магомедовой po Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 12 Bezhta village no no Bezhta >=3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives гьуди, вагьди, гьуги, вагьги этот, находящийся в непосредственной близости от говорящего; этот видимый, но находящийся на некотором небольшом растоянии от говорящего; этот, находящийся далеко, видимый, но не присутствующий при разговоре; тот не присутствующий при разговоре, невидимый, хотя может быть и находящийся на недалеком расстоянии FALSE all 4 4 madieva1965 98, 100 видимость? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 13 Standard Avar language yes yes Avar Avar EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives (h)a, (h)e, do, ʁo, ɬo close to the speaker/same height; away from the speaker/close to the addressee; away from the speaker; away from the speaker and lower than the speaker; away from the speaker and higher than the speaker TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems forkerdraft2020 7 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 14 Botlikh dialect_toplevel no no Botlikh Andic 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) ND Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives гьа-/а-, гье-, гьад-/гьуду- + ? в сфере говорящего; в сфере слушающего; в отдаленности как от говорящего, так и от слушающего по горизонтали TRUE ND 5? 3 xalidova2017 78 есть вертикальность, но нет форм Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 15 Akusha dialect_nt1 yes yes Dargwa Dargwa EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives иш, ил, ит, ик1, их этот (у 1-го лица); этот (у 2-го лица); тот; выше говорящего; ниже говорящего TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems abdullaev1954 139-140 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 16 Standard Georgian language yes yes Georgian Georgic Kartvelian 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S&A dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function is Demonstratives es, eg, is this (by me); that (by you); that one over there FALSE distal 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems hewitt2005 18 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 17 Lower Gakvari village no no Chamalal Andic 2 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, A-prox Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives a,o + (-д-, -ж-, -лъ-) этот, находящийся в сфере 1-го лица; этот, находящийся в сфере 2-го лица + (на одном уровне с собеседниками; ниже собеседников; выше собеседников) TRUE all >10? 2 magomedova1999 423 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 18 Modern Eastern Armenian dialect_toplevel yes yes Armenian Armenic IE 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S&A dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function na Demonstratives -s-, -d-, -n- proximal to the speaker; proximal to the hearer; distal to both FALSE distal 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems dum-tragut2009 123, 129 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 19 Judeo-Tat dialect_toplevel yes yes Tat Iranic IE 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function u Demonstratives i, u proche; distant FALSE not proximal 2 2 Number of demonstrative stems authier2012 114-115 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 20 Standard Dargwa language no no Dargwa 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives иш, ил, ит, ик1, их этот (у участников речи); этот (рядом со вторым лицом); тот (за пределами участников речи); то (выше говорящих); то (ниже говорящих) TRUE ND 5 5 musaev2002 63 (у участников речи) это что? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 21 Khinalug village yes yes Khinalug Khinalug EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives du,hu + (-th-, -q-, -t'-) этот; тот + (на одном уровне с говорящим; ниже; выше) TRUE all >=6 2 Number of demonstrative stems kibriketal1972 74, 77 что-то про контактную близость. какие-то самостоятельные/несамостоятельные формы. не супер понятно Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 22 Standard Lak language yes yes Lak Lak EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ва, му, та, к1а, га этот, указание предмета или явления ближайшего; в сфере лица, к кому обращаются с речью; тот, наиболее нейтральное в смысле как уровня, так и степени удаленности; тот выше; тот ниже, тот TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems zhirkov1955 62, 71 га- тот ниже. значение ниже сильно ослаблено. нейтральный? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 23 Standard Agul language yes yes Agul Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives me,le,te,ge ‘этот, рядом с говорящим’; ‘этот, рядом с адресатом/тот, наверху’; ‘тот, в стороне от говорящего и адресата’; ‘тот, внизу’ TRUE all 4 4 Number of demonstrative stems maisak2014 400 ТА говорит, что везде так Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 24 Archib village yes yes Archi Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives jow,jamu,tow,gudu,Rudu этот (близкий ко мне); этот (близкий к тебе); на неопределенном удалении от говорящего; на достаточном удалении и ниже говорящего; на достаточном удалении и выше говорящего TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems kibrik1977 124 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 25 Budukh village yes yes Budukh Lezgic EC >=2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives улу, ала, алам этот (находящийся рядом); тот (который сбоку); тот (который перед говорящим) FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems talibov2007 121-122 не очень про значение. что за сбоку? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 26 Alik village yes yes Kryz Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, A-prox Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives u-d, a-d, am sphère du locuteur, proche; sphère du locuteur, distant; sphère de l’interlocuteur FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems authier2009 59-61 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 27 Standard Lezgian language yes yes Lezgian Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function am Demonstratives i,a,at'a,wini,aGa, ha this; that; yonder; that up there; that down there; the aforementioned TRUE medial 5 6 Number of demonstrative stems haspelmath1993 184, 190 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 28 Mukhad dialect_nt1 yes yes Rutul Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ми,гьа,ти этот, тот, который около меня; тот, который около тебя; тот, который далеко от нас обоих FALSE ND 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems maxmudova2002 187 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 29 Standard Tabasaran language yes yes Tabasaran Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives му, думу, туму, чуму, куму ближе к говорящему; ближе к тому, которому говорится; в безразличном удалении, как от говорящего, так и от того, которому говорится, ниже, выше TRUE all 5 Number of demonstrative stems uslar1979 135-136 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 30 Karata dialect_toplevel no no Karata Andic 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, S-med, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives ha-, ho-, hu-, wu- этот, рядом, на одной плоскости с говорящим; тот, немного дальше; ?; ? TRUE distal 4 4 Number of demonstrative stems magomedbekova1971 104 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 31 Mishlesh village yes yes Tsakhur Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function mana Demonstratives in-,m-,š- близкий; средний, нейтральный; далекий FALSE medial 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems kibrik1999 131; 133 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 32 Vartashen dialect_toplevel yes yes Udi Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives me,ka,t'e Close to speaker, in reach, visible, active, present; Not close to speaker, but in reach, visible, inactive, reported; Outside the region of the speaker, both visible and invisible, past FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems schulze2008 253 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 33 Khinalug village no no Khinalug Distance contrasts Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives hu,sa Number of demonstrative stems desheriev1959 123196 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 34 Nizh village no yes Udi Lezgic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives mono,kono,šono prox; med; dist FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems ganenkov2008 23 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 35 Standard Chechen language yes yes Chechen Nakh EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) (S-dist) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function iza Demonstratives hara, dʔaaranig, iza this; that; aforementioned FALSE medial 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems nichols1994 34 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 36 Standard Kumyk language no no Kumyk >=2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives [бу, шу], [о, шо] ..? FALSE not proximal >=4 Number of demonstrative stems abdullaevaetal2014 252-255 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 37 Standard Ingush language yes yes Ingush Nakh EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) (S-neut) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function yz Demonstratives je, dwaara, yz this; that (way over there); that, the, the aforementioned FALSE medial 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems nichols2011 173, 178, 658 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 38 Zemo-Alvani village yes yes Tsova-Tush Nakh EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-far Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function o Demonstratives и, э, о находящийся ближе всех к говорящему; находящийся несколько дальше от говорящего; находящийся дальше от говорящего, чем и и э FALSE distal >=3 3 Number of demonstrative stems desheriev1953 169, 177 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 39 Bezhta language yes yes Bezhta Tsezic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives гьуди/вагьди, гьули/вагьли, гьуги/вагьги близость к говорящему; близость к слушающему; дальность от говорящего и слушающего FALSE all ? 3 Number of demonstrative stems comrieetal2015 302 ва- маркирует видимость! может отдельно отмечать vis Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 40 Standard Nogai language no no Nogai Turkic 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives бул, ол, сол FALSE not proximal 3 Number of demonstrative stems baskakov1996 332 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 41 Hinuq village yes yes Hinuq Tsezic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives {ha, hey}, {haba(ha), hiba(ha)y}, {iza(ha), iza(ha)y} Each series consists of two subseries denoting proximity (‘this, these’) and distality (‘that, those’). The first series pronouns occur almost exclusively as third person personal pronouns or as definite articles, whereby the distal pronouns of this series function as default personal pronouns that are used when Russian sentences containing personal pronouns are translated. Pronouns of the second series need an aforementioned or in some way previously established object of reference. Pronouns of the third series are only used when the speaker is pointing at the object of reference. FALSE all 6 2 Number of demonstrative stems forker2013 132-140 разные серии дейктические и анафорические. если для разных функций своя серия (сохраняющая исконное дейктическое противопоставление), то это немного необычно, нет? anaph Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 42 Hunzib language yes yes Hunzib Tsezic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives bǝd, bǝl, ǝg near the speaker 'this'; near the hearer 'that'; far from both speaker and hearer 'yonder' FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems vandenberg1995 60-61 специальный анафорический префикс? anaph Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 43 Standard Tabasaran language no no Tabasaran Lezgic 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives му, думу, туму, гъуму, ккуму..? TRUE all >=5 Number of demonstrative stems alekseevshixalieva2003 57-58 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 44 Northern Tabasaran dialect_toplevel no no Tabasaran 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives mu, dumu, ǯumu, qoumu ..? TRUE all ND Number of demonstrative stems magometov1965 176, 178 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 45 Kwantlada village yes yes Khwarshi Tsezic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives {idu , awedu , hobodu}, {inu , owenu , homonu}, žu this; that; distal FALSE distal/reflexive >=7 3 Number of demonstrative stems khalilova2009 143 self=dem khalilova2009 161 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 46 Tsez language yes yes Tsez Tsezic EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S&A dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives jodu,how-da (enda),how-že в непосредственной близости к говорящему; более близкий к лицу, к которому обращаются с речтю; отдаленный от обоих FALSE distal/reflexive 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems imnajshvili1963 99, 101 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 47 Tindi village no no Tindi Andic 2 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) affixes Elevation S-prox, A-prox Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives а, о + (-й-, -г-, -лъ-) в сфере говорящего; в сфере слушающего TRUE all 2 Number of demonstrative stems magomedova2012 126 сомнительные данные Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 48 Standard Azerbaijani language yes yes Azerbaijani Oghuz Turkic >=2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives бу, о, həмин это; тот; (э)тот самый FALSE not proximal 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems shiralievsevortyan1971 79, 82 есть еще какой-то hemen (наш). но как он встроен в парадигму не ясно Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 49 Standard Kumyk language yes yes Kumyk Kipchak Turkic 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-far Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function ol Demonstratives бу, шу, шо, о указывает на предмет близкий и известный; относится к предмету близкому, но неизвестному; относится к рпедмету, который дальше шу, но ближе о; указывает на отдельный предмет; FALSE distal 4 4 Number of demonstrative stems dmitriev1940 77-79 + известность Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 50 Tsakhur language no no Tsakhur 3 Distance contrasts Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives in-,m-,š- FALSE all 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems ibragimov1990 103193 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 51 Standard Nogai language yes yes Nogai Kipchak Turkic 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function ol Demonstratives бул, ол, сол этот; тот; этот самый FALSE not proximal 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems baskakov1940 74, 77 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 52 Kubachi village no yes Dargwa Dargwa EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives jee, il, id, ik, ix этот (около говорящего); этот (около 2-го лица); тот (где-то); тот (наверху); тот (внизу) TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems magometov1963 139, 143 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 53 Itsari village no yes Dargwa Dargwa EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives iž, il, it, ik', ih close to the speaker; close to the addressee; of the side or undifferentiated; above/in the north of the reference point; below/in the south of the reference point TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems sumbatovamutalov2003 37 стороны света? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 54 Tanty village no yes Dargwa Dargwa EC 3 Distance contrasts polycentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) pronouns Elevation S-prox, A-prox, S&A dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives hiž, hil, hit, hik’, hiχ возле говорящего; возле слушающего; там, вдали от говорящего и слушающего; сверху от говорящего; снизу от говорящего TRUE all 5 5 Number of demonstrative stems sumbatovalander2014 76-77 Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 55 Kidero dialect_nt1 no yes Tsez Tsezic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function жо Demonstratives йеда, жо, неси этот, находящийся вблизи; тот, находящийся вдалеке; тот, находящийся вдалеке, невидимый FALSE medial/reflexive 3 3 Number of demonstrative stems bokarev1959 196, 198 видимость? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 56 Asakh dialect_nt1 no yes Tsez Tsezic EC 3 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist, S-far Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function Demonstratives yeda, enda, yisi, ža ‘this’, howža ‘that’ this; that (visible); that, yonder (invisible) FALSE proximal/reflexive 5 3 Number of demonstrative stems polinskydraft2015 6, 20, 380 ближний рефлексив. видимость? Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023 57 Tsibari village no yes Tsez Tsezic EC 2 Distance contrasts monocentric Orientation of demonstrative systems (i) no elevation Elevation S-prox, S-dist Orientation of demonstrative systems (ii) S-dist Most frequent demonstrative pronoun in anaphoric function že Demonstratives how-da,že proximal, this, that (near you); distal FALSE not proximal/reflexive 2 2 Number of demonstrative stems comrie2007 1199 howda- proximal, this, near you self=dem Timofey Mukhin 22.01.2023