id lang idiom family family_SV group_SV type genlang_point map feature value_as_in_source_morpheme_type value1 value1_name value_as_in_source_stem_type value_x value_x_name value2 value2_name value3 value3_name source page comment contributor form example_as_in_source example gloss translation as in source translation example_source example_page example_comment date 1 Agul Central Agul Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic dialect_toplevel yes yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1970 140--141 problem: imperative has person markers -an/-an-aj but usually does not use them - bare stem functions as imperative 2sg (+ -aj = 2pl). For the prohibitive, -an (2sg) is obligatory, so the questions are whether a) ma-…-an(-aj) is a circumfix, and b) whether prohibitve marker ma- is attached to the bare stem or to the imperative --> maybe it is the easiest and most straightforward way to classify stem-an-aj as imperative to which ma- is attached (spares the troubles of classifiying both person markers) Samira Ochs ma-…-an/-an-aj ma-χur-an ; ma-χur-an-aj PROH-read-PROH.2SG ; PROH-read-PROH.2SG-PL не читай ; не читайте Don't read ! (sg; pl) magometov1970 141 9.2021 2 Agul Burshag Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village no yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1970 141 Samira Ochs ma-…-a/-an-aj ma-ruχ-a ; ma-ruχ-an-aj PROH-read-IMP.2SG ; PROH-read-IMP.2SG-PL не читай ; не читайте Don't read ! (sg; pl) magometov1970 141 suffix -n is dropped in 2sg 9.2021 3 Agul Fite Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village no yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1970 141 Samira Ochs ma-…-an/-an-aj/-ab-aj ma-χur-an-aj / ma-χur-ab-aj PROH-read-IMP.2SG-PL не читайте Don't read (pl) magometov1970 141 suffix -n can be replaced by -b in 2pl 9.2021 4 Agul Burkikhan Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village no yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1970 141 Samira Ochs ma-…-a/-aw-aj ma-χur-a ; ma-χur-aw-aj PROH-read-IMP.2SG ; PROH-read-IMP.2SG-PL не читай ; не читайте Don't read ! (sg; pl) magometov1970 141 suffix -n is dropped in 2sg and replaced by -w in 2pl 9.2021 5 Akhvakh Northern Akhvakh Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic dialect_toplevel yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedbekova1967; creissels2018 93--94; 2--3 Samira Ochs -u-be (-u-ba) bex-u-be take-PROH не бери! Don't take! magomedbekova1967 93 9.2021 6 Andi Andi Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type настоящее общее время present stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form cercvadze1965 363--364 Samira Ochs -s:u (-s:) bet':ido-s:u-b plow-PROH-2SG Don't plow! cercvadze1965 364 9.2021 7 Andi Gagatli Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type настоящее общее время present stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form salimov2010 207--208 Samira Ochs -s:u vuq'ido-s:u-b come-PROH-2SG Don't come! salimov2010 208 Translation taken from cercvadze1965 (364) 9.2021 8 Archi Archib Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type durative stem durative stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form kibrik1977 96 Samira Ochs -(di)gi art'ur-(di)gi cut.DUR-PROH Don't cut! kibrik1977 96 9.2021 9 Archi Archib Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village no no Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type настоящее общее время (3sg.) present stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form mikailov1967 138 Samira Ochs -gi var-gi speak.3SG-PROH не говори! Don't speak! mikailov1967 138 9.2021 10 Armenian Modern Eastern Armenian Indo-European Indo-European Armenic dialect_toplevel yes yes Prohibitive separate particle free particle Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form dum-tragut2009 526 Samira Ochs mi mi anhangst-ac'ir PROH worry.IMP.2SG Do not worry! Don't worry! dum-tragut2009 526 9.2021 11 Avar Standard Avar Avar-Andic East Caucasian Avar language yes yes Prohibitive affix suffix Morpheme type настоящее общее время (stem) present stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form mallaeva2007; forkerdraft2020; alekseevetal2012 72; 12; 224 Samira Ochs -ge (-uge; -unge) bosu-ge take-PROH не бери! Don't take! mallaeva2007 72 In mallaeva2007, -u is analysed as part of the stem 9.2021 12 Avar Zaqatala Avar-Andic East Caucasian Avar dialect_nt1 no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type transgressive (past tense) participle Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form saidova2007 160 Samira Ochs -guj vegnu-guj lie down.TRANSGR-PROH не ложись! Don't lie down! saidova2007 160 9.2021 13 Avar Andalal Avar-Andic East Caucasian Avar dialect_nt1 no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type no information Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form saidova2007 160 Samira Ochs -gu (-go) č'č'u-gu stand up-PROH не стой! Don't stand up saidova2007 160 9.2021 14 Azerbaijani Standard Azerbaijani Turkic Turkic Oghuz language yes yes Prohibitive affix (not specialized) suffix Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + regular negation marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form shiralievsevortyan1971 116 particle baχ can also be used (to make the prohibition stronger) Samira Ochs -ma- dajı-nızın kağız-ın-ı unut-ma-jın ha uncle-2PL.POSS paper-GEN-ACC forget.-NEG-IMP.2PL PTCL не забудьте письмо вашего дяди+[@[example_source]] Don't forget your uncle's letter shiralievsevortyan1971 116 The grammar states that ha is used to mark warnings and prohibitions. However, the sentence is also correct without the particle, which can also be used as an emphatic particle in positive imperatives. I.e. -ma- is the actual negation marker, corresponding to the normal negation also used in indicative declaratives 9.2021 15 Bagvalal Khushtada Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type no information Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedova2004 585 Samira Ochs -i-bis:e (-i-mi:se) veɬi-bis:e go-PROH не ходи Don't go! magomedova2004 585 9.2021 16 Bagvalal Kvanada Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type prohibitive stem prohibitive stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form kibrik2001 94 Samira Ochs -s:e ašti-bi-s:e listen-PROHstem-PROH Don't listen! kibrik2001 96 "Kibrik analyses i-bi as a """"prohibitive stem"""", attached to the initial stem" 9.2021 17 Tsova-Tush Zemo-Alvani Nakh East Caucasian Nakh village yes yes Prohibitive separate particle free particle Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form desherieva1999 170 Samira Ochs ma ма вашлиб! ma vašlib PROH shave.IMP не брейся! Don't shave! desherieva1999 170 9.2021 18 Bezhta Bezhta Tsezic East Caucasian Tsezic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form madieva1965 126 Samira Ochs -aq'a ɬi χul'-aq'a water drink-PROH воду, не пей Don't drink (the) water! madieva1965 127 9.2021 19 Botlikh Botlikh Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form gudava1962; alexeyevverheesdraft2020 259; (18) Samira Ochs -aba-s:i qʷard-abasːi qʷard-abasːi write-PROH don't write! Don't write! alexeyevverheesdraft2020 18 9.2021 20 Budukh Budukh Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village yes yes Prohibitive infix prefix Morpheme type masdar masdar Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form talibov2007 216 Samira Ochs -mV- vɨn ħa-ma-raq'ar you.SG speak.PV-PROH-speak.MASDROOT ты не разговаривай (You) Don't speak! talibov2007 217 9.2021 21 Chamalal Upper Gakvari Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type past tense of assertive mood past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form bokarev1949a 94 Samira Ochs -qala χad-qala ask-PROH не проси! Don't ask! bokarev1949a 94 9.2021 22 Chamalal Lower Gakvari Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type past tense past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedova1999 428 Samira Ochs -qala gud-qala give-PROH не давай! Don't give! magomedova1999 428 9.2021 23 Chechen Standard Chechen Nakh East Caucasian Nakh language yes yes Prohibitive clitic free particle Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form molochieva2010; nichols1994 254; 44 Samira Ochs ma= ma=j-iesh-a PROH=J-read.INF-IMPsimp Don't read the book! Don't read the book! molochieva2010 254 9.2021 24 Dargwa Standard Dargwa Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa language yes yes Prohibitive prefix prefix Morpheme type categoric future (2 person) future stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form abdullaev1954 175 Samira Ochs ma- (mja-; mje-) ma-luk'am PROH-write.FUT.2SG не пиши Don't write! abdullaev1954 175 9.2021 25 Dargwa Mehweb Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village yes yes Prohibitive prefix + suffix circumfix Morpheme type imperfective stem past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form danieletal2019 82--86 Samira Ochs m(V)-…-ad(i) m-uz-adi Do not work! Don't work! danieletal2019 84 a is analysed as part of an extended irrealis stem 9.2021 26 Dargwa Itsari Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village yes yes Prohibitive prefix prefix Morpheme type thematic stem thematic stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form sumbatovamutalov2003 95--96 Samira Ochs ma- (ma'-) čina.k'al ma'-ʕ-ul-t:-nu nowhere PROH-go-U-2-as Don't go anywhere Don't go anywhere! sumbatovamutalov2003 95 U = thematic marker 9.2021 27 Dargwa Kubachi Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village yes yes Prohibitive infix infix Morpheme type durative stem durative stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1963 233 Samira Ochs -ma- (-ma:-, -me-, -me:-) bi:q-me:-qit do-PROH-do.STEMREDUPL не делай! Don't do (it)! magometov1963 233 Stem reduplication 9.2021 28 Dargwa Urkarakh Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village no yes Prohibitive prefix prefix Morpheme type future (2 person) future stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1963 234 Samira Ochs (ad-)ma- ad-ma-rcud PROH-PROH-lift.2FUT Don't lift (it)! magometov1963 234 ad- is added before -m(a)- if the verb starts with the vowel a- or e- 9.2021 29 Dargwa Tanty Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village yes yes Prohibitive prefix + suffix circumfix Morpheme type thematic stem (imperfective) thematic stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form sumbatovalander2014 113, 143--144 Prefix ma- is inserted between preverb and stem in complex verbs (interfix -t'- is then added) Samira Ochs ma-…-t(:a), -t:a-ja ma-χ-u-t / ma-χ-u-t:-a PROH-go-U-PROH.2SG не ходи! Don't go! sumbatovalander2014 144 person markers: -t/-t:a (2sg), -t:a-ja (2pl); thematic markers: -u (intransitive), -i (transitive) 9.2021 30 Dargwa Sanzhi Dargwa East Caucasian Dargwa village no yes Prohibitive prefix (+ suffix) prefix Morpheme type imperfective stem past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form forker2020dargwa 298--299 Prefix ma- is inserted between preverb and stem in complex verbs; only imperfective stem if verb has both; suffixes …-Vt(:a), -Vt:a-ja to mark singular and plural Samira Ochs ma-…-Vt(:a), -Vt:a-ja ma-d-is:-u-t:aj PROH-1/2PL-cry-U-2PL Do not cry! Don't cry! forker2020dargwa 298 suffixes: Sg. -ut(:a), -it(:a), -at(:a); Pl. -ut:aj(a), -it:aj(a), -at:aj(a) -> depending on thematic marker (-u = intransitive; -i= transitive), so actually condensed version could be: -t/-t:a (2sg), -t:aj(a) 9.2021 31 Godoberi Godoberi Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type initial stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form kibriketal1996; saidova1973 49; 139--140 Prohibitive not based on imperative: (1) insensibility to (in)transitivity; (2) vowel -a in marker Samira Ochs -a:č'i č'inn-a:č'i beat-PROH Don't beat! kibriketal1996 53 thematic vowel of Initial Stem (č'inni) is syncoped 9.2021 32 Godoberi Zibirkhali Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type no information Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form saidova1973 139--140 stem: maybe transgressive? Samira Ochs -ha-č'i baχa-ha-č'i take-PROH не бери Don't take! saidova1973 139 Godoberi: 9.2021 33 Hinuq Hinuq Tsezic East Caucasian Tsezic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form forker2013 230 There seems to be only one verb stem?; Transitive/intransitive distinction of the imperative is cancelled Samira Ochs -(y)om ħaži, caχ-om sabab-be Gadzhi write-PROH amulet-2PL Gadzhi, do not write amulets! Gadzhi, do not write amulets! forker2013 230 9.2021 34 Hunzib Hunzib Tsezic East Caucasian Tsezic language yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form vandenberg1995 87 Samira Ochs -aq'(o) kid, y-e:ƛʼ-aq'o huni-l-ƛʼo girl 2SG-go-PROH road-OBL-SUP Girl, don't go on the road! Girl, don't go on the road! vandenberg1995 87 -o ending seems to stem from imperative of transitive verbs, so probably the prohibitive ending is a combination of a negation marker -aq and the imperative marker -o 9.2021 35 Ingush Standard Ingush Nakh East Caucasian Nakh language yes yes Prohibitive proclitic free particle Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form nichols2011 371--372 Samira Ochs my dom my hwie-bie dust PROH stir-IMP Don't raise dust! Don't raise dust! nichols2011 372 9.2021 36 Karata Karata Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedbekova1971 150 Samira Ochs -i-bis:e (-i-mi:se; -u-bis:e; u-mis:e) beh-i-bis:e take-PROH не бери! Do not take! magomedbekova1971 150 9.2021 37 Karata Tukita Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village no yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedbekova1971 151 Samira Ochs -a-s:ibi bah-a-s:ibi take-PROH не бери! Do not take! magomedbekova1971 151 9.2021 38 Khinalug Khinalug Khinalug East Caucasian Khinalug village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form desheriev1959; kibriketal1972 116--117; 191 Samira Ochs -kuj/-kun (-kuz/-kuv(ə)) kɛ-kuj ; kɛ-kun do.IMP-PROH.2SG ; do.IMP-PROH.2PL не делай то! не делайте то! Don't do that (sg; pl) desheriev1959 116 9.2021 39 Khwarshi Kwantlada Tsezic East Caucasian Tsezic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form khalilova2009 247 Samira Ochs -bo tuwo:λ-bo isul hẽše give-PROH that.LAT book Do not give him a book! Do not give him a book! khalilova2009 247 lengthening of the root vowel is part of prohibitive formation 9.2021 40 Kryz Alik Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village yes yes Prohibitive prefix + suffix circumfix Morpheme type imperfective stem past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form authier2009 157--159 marker inserted between preverb and imperfective root; differing suffixation for transitives (-u/v; plural marker for HPL) and intransitives (agreement marker) Samira Ochs mV-…-u/v, -(v)ay, -a/u q'irš.a-k ča-da-b-ha buluša ma-nz-u mud-SUB PV-NEG-F-stain.PF(PART) dress PROH-wash-PROH.2SG Ne lave pas la robe qui n'est pas tachée de boue! Don't wash the dress which is not mud-stained! authier2009 158 transitive markers: -u/v (2sg), -(v)ay (2pl); intransitive markers: -a (masculine), -u (feminine) 9.2021 41 Kumyk Standard Kumyk Turkic Turkic Kipchak language yes yes Prohibitive affix (not specialized) suffix Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + regular negation marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form abdullaevaetal2014; dmitriev1940 86; 119 no specialized proh. marker, seems to be used for negation in general (abdullaevaetal2014: 86) Samira Ochs -ma/-me oχu-ma read-NEG не читай Don't read! abdullaevaetal2014 86 Plural marking: -гыз/-гиз after negation marker 9.2021 42 Lak Standard Lak Lak East Caucasian Lak language yes yes Prohibitive prefix + suffix circumfix Morpheme type root bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form zhirkov1955 119--120 marker ma- can also be used as an infix; for the prohibitive of durative verbs, the durative stem is used Samira Ochs ma-…-ara/ari ma-čič-ara; ma-čič-ari PROH-write-PROH.2SG ; PROH-write-PROH.2PL не пиши; не пишите Don't write! (sg; pl) zhirkov1955 119 9.2021 43 Lezgian Standard Lezgian Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic language yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type NA (stem) bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form haspelmath1993 149--150 Samira Ochs -mir wa-z kič'e že-mir you-DAT afraid be-PROH Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid! haspelmath1993 150 9.2021 44 Nogai Standard Nogai Turkic Turkic Kipchak language yes yes Prohibitive suffix (not specialized) suffix Morpheme type NA (bare stem? Imperative?) imperative Stem type regular imperative + regular negation marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form baskakov1940 87 plain verb root seems to function as the imperative, so the type of stem can probably be analysed as an imperative Samira Ochs -ma, -me; -ba, -be; -pa, -pe al-ma take-NEG не бери! Don't take! baskakov1940 87 9.2021 45 Rutul Mukhad Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic dialect_nt1 yes yes Prohibitive prefix prefix Morpheme type stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form maxmudova2002; ibragimov2004 170; 107 If the verb has a preverb, marker -mV- comes in between those elements. Otherwise it is the first element before the stem. Samira Ochs mV- sa-ma-lɨt leave.PV-PROH-leave.STEM не оставь Don't leave! ibragimov2004 107 9.2021 46 Rutul Luchek Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village no yes Prohibitive affix prefix Morpheme type durative stem past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form alekseev1994 234 prohibitive marker after spatial prefix, but before expressive prefix Samira Ochs ma- ma-dac' PROH-know Do not know them! Do not know them! alekseev1994 234 9.2021 47 Tabasaran Standard Tabasaran Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic language yes yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form alekseevshixalieva2003 70--71 2sg suffix -an; 2pl -an-aj (?) -> -an seems to be a specialized prohibitive suffix (2sg), while -aj is a general 2pl morpheme also used for the positive imperative, i.e. analysis as -PROH2sg-pl (?); therefore mV-…-an = circumfix? Samira Ochs mV-…-an/-an-aj mu-ulup-an ; mu-ulup-an-aj PROH-show-PROH.2SG ; PROH-show-PROH.2SG-PL не показывай ; не показывайте Don't show! (sg; pl) alekseevshixalieva2003 70 9.2021 48 Tabasaran Northern Tabasaran Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic dialect_toplevel no yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1965; xanmagomedovshalbuzov2001 275--276; 449 the verb stem (ending with the root vowel) serves as the imperative, i.e. stem type could also be analysed as imperative Samira Ochs mV-…-an/-an-aj ma-daq-an ; ma-daq-an-aj PROH-lie down-PROH.2SG ; PROH-lie down-PROH.2SG-PL не ложись ; не ложитесь Don't lie down! (sg; pl) magometov1965 276 9.2021 49 Tabasaran Southern Tabasaran Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic dialect_toplevel no yes Prohibitive prefix circumfix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form magometov1965 275--276 the verb stem (ending with the root vowel) serves as the imperative, i.e. stem type could also be analysed as imperative Samira Ochs mV-…-an/-an-aj m-ap-an ; m-ap-an-aj PROH-do-PROH.2SG ; PROH-do-PROH.2SG-PL не делай ; не делайте Don't do (it)! (sg ; pl) magometov1965 275 9.2021 50 Tindi Tindi Avar-Andic East Caucasian Andic village yes yes Prohibitive affix suffix Morpheme type verb stem bare stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form magomedova2012 168 plural form of класса личности: -bis:i Samira Ochs -bas:a (-a-mas:a, -bis:i) bac:-a-mas:a ask-PROH не спрашивай Don't ask! magomedova2012 168 9.2021 51 Tsakhur Mishlesh Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village yes yes Prohibitive infix prefix Morpheme type imperfective stem past stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form kibrik1999 84, 280 Samira Ochs -(i)m- gade h-im-ag-a! boy PROH-play-IMPF Мальчик, не играй! Boy, don't play! kibrik1999 280 9.2021 52 Tsez Kidero Tsezic East Caucasian Tsezic village yes yes Prohibitive suffix suffix Morpheme type основа общего времени present stem Stem type non-imperative verb form + special prohibitive marker Encoding type no mV in marker form bokarev1959 216 Samira Ochs -n(o) ba:s-no take-PROH не бери Don't take! bokarev1959 216 9.2021 53 Udi Nizh Lezgic East Caucasian Lezgic village yes yes Prohibitive prefix (infix), endoclitic prefix Morpheme type imperative imperative Stem type regular imperative + special prohibitive marker Encoding type yes mV in marker form schulze1982; alekseevetal2008 180--181; 134--135 Samira Ochs ma- ma-take PROH-go geh nicht Don't go! schulze1982 181 alekseevetal2008 states that infixation is also possible in simple verbs (not only in complex verbs with preverbs): ma-tak-i ('don't go') can therefore also be ta-ma-k-i (with the same meaning), p.135 9.2021