//Different types of nodes //CREATE () //This will create a blank node with no label or properties! //CREATE (:Learner) //This will create a node with label Learner, but with no properties //Create a node CREATE (:Learner {name:'Lju'}) //This will create a node with label Learner and property name=Lju //Create another node CREATE (:Learner {name:'Alia'}) //Creating a relationship between existing nodes MATCH (lju:Learner {name:'Lju'}) MATCH (alia:Learner {name:'Alia'}) CREATE (lju)-[:KNOWS {since:20210101}]->(alia) //Creating two nodes and a relationship in one go! CREATE (:Learner {name:'Jo'})-[:KNOWS]->(:Learner {name:'Su'}) //Bring back all the learners to see what we've created MATCH (l:Learner) RETURN l