var LZW = LZW || {}; LZW.Xrm = LZW.Xrm || {}; LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon = { OverdueTaskNotificationId: null, NotificationLevel: { Success: 1, Error: 2, Warning: 3, Information: 4 }, GlobalNotificationEnableRule: function () { this.retrieveOverdueTasks(); this.showServiceUpdate("Dynamics 365 – Service Update 192 for OCE was deployed on 27 June 2020", ""); this.showServiceUpdate("Dynamics 365 – Service Update 189 for OCE was deployed on 20 June 2020", ""); this.showServiceUpdate("Dynamics 365 – Service Update 186 for OCE was deployed on 13 June 2020", ""); return false; }, retrieveOverdueTasks: function () { if (LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.OverdueTaskNotificationId === null) { Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("task", "?$select=activityid\ &$filter=Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.EqualUserId(PropertyName='ownerid') \ and Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LastXYears(PropertyName='scheduledend',PropertyValue=99) and statecode eq 0").then( function success(result) { if (result.entities.length > 0) { LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.showOverdueTaskNotification(result.entities.length); } }, function (error) { Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: error.message }); }); } }, showOverdueTaskNotification: function (taskCount) { var viewTaskAction = { actionLabel: "View My Tasks", eventHandler: function () { var pageInput = { pageType: "entitylist", entityName: "task", viewId: "6cf285aa-eb20-4277-925a-3e9735411ff0" // My Tasks View }; Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput, { target: 1 }); Xrm.App.clearGlobalNotification(LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.OverdueTaskNotificationId); } }; var notification = { type: 2, level: LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.NotificationLevel.Warning, message: `You have(${taskCount}) overdue task(s).`, showCloseButton: true, action: viewTaskAction }; Xrm.App.addGlobalNotification(notification).then( function success(result) { LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.OverdueTaskNotificationId = result; }, function (error) { Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: error.message }); }); }, showServiceUpdate: function (message, url) { if (localStorage.getItem("AnnouncementSeen")) { return; } var viewAdditionalInformation = { actionLabel: "Additional Information", eventHandler: function () { localStorage.setItem("AnnouncementSeen", true); Xrm.Navigation.openUrl(url) } }; var notification = { type: 2, level: LZW.Xrm.ApplicationRibbon.NotificationLevel.Information, message: message, showCloseButton: false, action: viewAdditionalInformation }; Xrm.App.addGlobalNotification(notification).then( function success(result) { setTimeout(function(){ Xrm.App.clearGlobalNotification(result); }, 10000); }, function (error) { Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: error.message }); }); } };