# Dartlight It's for now, a fork of the official Dart highlight JSON to work with Sublime Text and Textastic. Some minor changes were made to work as a tmLanguage file. ## Installation for Sublime Text Once you have [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) installed, follow these instructions to install Dartlight for Sublime Text: - Open the command palette: Operating System | Keyboard Shortcut ---------------- | ----------------- Linux | Ctrl+Shift+P Mac OS X | +Shift+P Windows | Ctrl+Shift+P - Type 'install' - Select **Package Control: Install Package** - Type 'dartlight' - Select **Dartlight** You may need to restart Sublime Text before you can start using all the features in the Dartlight plugin. ## Installation for Textastic On Mac OS X, clone this repository inside of `~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Textastic`, then restart Textastic. On iPad OS: - Install [Working Copy](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/working-copy/id896694807) from the App Store and use it to clone this repository - Start Textastic and go to 'Local Files' - Create a folder named `#Textastic` (case sensitive, it should get a special cogwheel icon) - Open both apps at once and drag the Dartlight folder into the `#Textastic` folder - Close Textastic completely by swiping upwards in the app switcher, then restart it. Please note that Textastic does not update Dartlight automatically.