import * as Atom from ""; import { EventStream, ProgressionHandler } from ""; interface RestoreConfig { name: string; description: string; port: number; } export default class TestInstance extends Atom.AtomInstance { uuid!: string; _state: Atom.InstanceState = "Stopped"; path!: string; event_stream!: EventStream; config!: RestoreConfig; static restoreConfigName = "restore.json"; public async setupManifest(): Promise { return { setting_sections: { "section_id1": { section_id: "section_id1", name: "section_name1", description: "section_description1", settings: { "setting_id1": { setting_id: "setting_id1", name: "Port", description: "Port to run the server on", value: null, value_type: { type: "UnsignedInteger", min: 0, max: 65535 }, default_value: { type: "UnsignedInteger", value: 6969 }, is_secret: false, is_required: true, is_mutable: true, } }, } } }; } public async setup(setupValue: Atom.SetupValue, dotLodestoneConfig: Atom.DotLodestoneConfig, progression_handler: ProgressionHandler, path: string): Promise { this.uuid = dotLodestoneConfig.uuid; let port: number; if (setupValue.setting_sections["section_id1"].settings["setting_id1"].value?.type == "UnsignedInteger") { port = setupValue.setting_sections["section_id1"].settings["setting_id1"].value.value; } else { throw new Error("Invalid value type"); } this.config = { name:, description: setupValue.description ?? "", port: port, }; // write config to file await Deno.writeTextFile(path + "/" + TestInstance.restoreConfigName, JSON.stringify(this.config)); this.event_stream = new EventStream(this.uuid,; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { progression_handler.setProgress(i, `Progress ${i}`); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); } return; } public async restore(dotLodestoneConfig: Atom.DotLodestoneConfig, path: string): Promise { this.uuid = dotLodestoneConfig.uuid; this.config = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(path + "/" + TestInstance.restoreConfigName)) as RestoreConfig; this.event_stream = new EventStream(this.uuid,; return; } public async start(caused_by: Atom.CausedBy, block: boolean): Promise { console.log("start"); this.event_stream.emitStateChange("Running"); this._state = "Running"; (async () => { while (this._state == "Running") { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); this.event_stream.emitConsoleOut("Output"); } })(); return; } public async stop(caused_by: Atom.CausedBy, block: boolean): Promise { console.log("stop"); this._state = "Stopped"; this.event_stream.emitStateChange("Stopped"); return; } public restart(caused_by: Atom.CausedBy, block: boolean): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public kill(caused_by: Atom.CausedBy): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public async state(): Promise { return this._state; } public async sendCommand(command: string, caused_by: Atom.CausedBy): Promise { this.event_stream.emitConsoleOut(`Got command: ${command}`); } public monitor(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public async configurableManifest(): Promise { return { auto_start: false, restart_on_crash: false, setting_sections: { "section_id1": { section_id: "section_id1", name: "First Section", description: "This is the first section", settings: { "setting_id1": { setting_id: "setting_id1", name: "Port", description: "Port to run the server on", value: { type: "UnsignedInteger", value: this.config.port }, value_type: { type: "UnsignedInteger", min: 0, max: 65535 }, default_value: { type: "UnsignedInteger", value: 6969 }, is_secret: false, is_required: true, is_mutable: true, } }, } } } } public async name(): Promise { return; } public version(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public game(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public async description(): Promise { return this.config.description; } public async port(): Promise { return this.config.port; } public getAutoStart(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public getRestartOnCrash(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public async setName(name: string): Promise { = name; } public async setDescription(description: string): Promise { this.config.description = description; } public async setPort(port: number): Promise { this.config.port = port; } public setAutoStart(auto_start: boolean): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public setRestartOnCrash(restart_on_crash: boolean): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public playerCount(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public maxPlayerCount(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public playerList(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } public updateConfigurable(section_id: string, setting_id: string, value: Atom.ConfigurableValue): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } }