# Summary: TOML config file for real-time basecalling, enriching for # two chromosomes (chr 20 and 21) from the human genome in a single region. # This region applies to all channels across the whole flowc ell. # This example is configured for running with an R9.4.1 bulk file for testing. # Genomic targets are specified directly in the toml file in the form # "contig" # or as: # "contig,start,end,strand" # for example, "chr2,0,100,+"" or "chr2". # If chr2 is specified, the entire contig will be considered a target, on both strands. # These patterns can be mixed, both in the toml or in a .csv file. # All of the below fields are explained in more detail in the documentation - # https://looselab.github.io/readfish/toml.html # Basecaller configuration [caller_settings.guppy] # ^^^^^^ - ".guppy" specifies our chosen basecaller # If using dorado >7.3.9, this should be ".dorado". # All other parameters are shared between the two basecallers. # Guppy/Dorado base-calling configuration file name config = "dna_r9.4.1_450bps_fast" # Address of the guppy/dorado basecaller - The default address for guppy is ipc:///tmp/.guppy/5555. address = "ipc:///tmp/.guppy/5555" # Fastq output for individual reads. This is OPTIONAL - as these files can become quite large. # Remove line to disable. debug_log = "live_reads.fq" # Aligner Configuration [mapper_settings.mappy] # ^^^^^^ - ".mappy" specifies mappy as the aligner. Use mappy_rs for the multithreaded rust version (required on PromethION) # Alignment reference to use. Should be either FASTA or an MMI fn_idx_in = "/path/to/hg38.mmi" # Optional PAF output for live alignments. # Remove line to disable. debug_log = "live_alignments.paf" # Number of threads for indexing (mappy and mappy-rs) and mapping (mappy-rs only) n_threads = 4 # Region Configuration - see https://looselab.github.io/readfish/toml.html#analysis-regions for more information. # Definitions of "unblock", "proceed" and "stop_receivings" are as follows # proceed: Allow one more chunk to be captured, before trying to make another decision, i.e proceed for now # unblock: Unblock the read # stop_receiving: Allow the read to be sequenced, and stop receiving signal chunks for it. # This region will enrich for reads mapping to chr20 and chr21. [[regions]] name = "hum_test" min_chunks = 1 # minimum number of chunks before a decision can be made max_chunks = 4 # maximum number of chunks to use in decision making - after this perform the above_max_chunks action targets = ["chr20", "chr21"] # Genomic targets for this region single_on = "stop_receiving" # Action to take if there is one mapping on target. multi_on = "stop_receiving" # Action to take if there is more than one mapping, with at least one target. single_off = "unblock" # Action to take if there is one mapping and it is off target multi_off = "unblock" # Action to take if there are multiple mappings, where all are off target. no_seq = "proceed" # Action to take if there is no sequence information no_map = "proceed" # Action to take if there is no mapping information above_max_chunks = "unblock" # Action to take if the number of chunks received is above max_chunks below_min_chunks = "proceed" # Action to take if the number of chunks received is below min_chunks