/* Style to integrate "Toolbarize Menu Button" better with Australium: * https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/toolbarize-menu-button/ * * This will override any styling currently on this button (for example selected within the extension). * This makes the menu button look like the Firefox "Australis" menu button. * As this introduces some empty space where the appmenu was on Windows, this also removes the titlebar text * and moves the tab bar up to be in line with how this is presented on Australis. If you don't want that, * simply remove the @media section at the bottom of this style. * * To change the menu icon (default is Windows 10-style), change the "--menu-button" variable below. * * Apply using either userChrome.css or via the Stylish extension. */ @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); #toolbarize-menu-button-toolbar-button { /* Changes the icon to any you prefer. Options included in this theme include: * url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-win7.png"); * url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-win8.png"); * url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-win10.png"); * url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-linux.png"); * * Copy them as you would like into the variable below. This will update the icon accordingly. */ --menu-button: url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-win10.png"); } #toolbarize-menu-button-toolbar-button { list-style-image: var(--menu-button) !important; } toolbar[brighttext] #toolbarize-menu-button-toolbar-button { list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/hamburger-inverted.png") !important; } @media (-moz-windows-compositor) { /* Removes titlebar text and moves tab bar up in non-maximized windows on Windows */ #main-window[chromemargin][sizemode="normal"] #TabsToolbar[tabsontop="true"] { margin-top: -18px !important; } @media (-moz-os-version: windows-win10) { #main-window[chromemargin][sizemode="normal"] #TabsToolbar[tabsontop="true"] { -moz-margin-end: 145px !important; } } @media not all and (-moz-os-version: windows-win10) { #main-window[chromemargin][sizemode="normal"] #TabsToolbar[tabsontop="true"] { -moz-margin-end: 110px !important; } } #main-window::after { display: none !important; } }