When the mottled green landscape below suddenly clarified into a swath of rapidly approaching trees, it was officially time to slam on the breaks. After carefully swerving down between the peaks of two massive pine trees, Jaune pulled back as hard as he could on his wingsuit in order to give himself some extra lift. While releasing a groan of max effort, he managed to angle his body upwards into a stall which slowed his descent to about 1/3 of its original velocity. Only then, when he’d decelerated as much as possible and had his feet angled towards the ground, did he allow the nanobot material to suddenly release his individual limbs. Even though his wingsuit idea had worked exactly like he’d intended it to, Jaune still almost ruined everything by smashing into a maple tree when he dropped down into the forest. Thankfully, he managed to squeeze through a gap in the foliage even as he angled his body to land feet first with his legs bent in front of him. With that accomplished, he quickly yanked his rifleshield off of his back and began firing dozens of Dust rounds down between his feet. It may not have been a very original idea, but he was still moving fast enough that his pride could be damned. In what felt like just a split second, Jaune was only a meter away from the ground and it was time to pour on the aura. In the end, his impact with the ground was going to happen at approximately 60KPH, which actually wasn’t all that bad when compared to terminal velocity which is a whopping 200KPH. Still… In the single moment that he had remaining, Jaune spread out all of his aura as if his skin was a mold, aiming to lock every single cell within his body into a perfect state of suspended animation. The maple trees ringing the clearing that Jaune crash landed into shivered just a bit as a cacophonous wave of sound and displaced air blew past them. Several of the smaller animals that populate the forest ran for their dens in response to a fine cloud of dust that suddenly obscured the entire clearing. Several moments later, when a stiff breeze swept through the area, Jaune re-emerged from within the dust cloud, kneeling within a small impact crater in the earth. He might actually have looked like a badass if he weren’t hissing in pain, gritting his teeth and rubbing at the back of his calves. Yeah... Ouch… Despite all of his efforts, the shock of the impact had vibrated up through every inch of his body… Still, Jaune couldn’t complain with the results. His legs weren’t broken and according to a small indicator light on the lens of the HUD glasses, he still had 94 percent of his aura remaining. Not too shabby all things considered... While slowly rising back up to his feet, Jaune checked himself out for any pain or injury, and then cracked a satisfied smile when he didn’t find anything to worry about. While he was a tiny bit sore all over, for the most part his body was in pretty good shape. Over the next few seconds, Jaune hopped up and down on the balls of his feet, pulled his sword from the sheathe on his back, swung it in a few wide circles and then bounced into a ground eating jog.