aune immediately leapt backwards and lobbed a few of his pocket rocks in Breccia’s direction even as she waved her fan through the air. The way that she’d pulled out that fan was with the demeanour of someone operating a cannon. The fan was her primary weapon, the katana/rifle was the backup... Low and behold, even as Jaune flew at least five meters back through the air, the rocks that he’d just thrown at Breccia started vibrating in the air before exploding into sand that shook and shivered as it floated to the floor. Jaune immediately drew his shield up in front of his face and upper body. It didn’t do him much good... The air… The very air all around Jaune vibrated as if he was experiencing seismic activity in the air or millions of tiny blast waves cascading off of each other. The violently trembling air pounded against Jaune’s aura field like thousands upon thousands of little blows that depressed his aura field inwards against his body from every single direction. Yeah… Ouch. Breccia’s Semblance hurt like hell, it blurred Jaune’s vision as it applied pressure to all of his soft tissues, and it forced him to his knees when he landed from his jump. Then, of course, a foot was slamming directly into Jaune’s nose, and he was being kicked clear across the arena like a soccer ball. Women and revenge… No quote immediately came to mind, but Jaune figured there oughta be one... Then he realized that he'd just had his bell rung a little too hard, and he needed to re-focus back on the task at hand. Even as he landed into a messy roll and then sprang back up to his feet, Jaune was pulling up his weapons again and checking the aura meter on the class standings. According to the massive hologram displaying his stats, Jaune had just lost 15 percent of his aura, which considering how powerful that kick had been, meant that the Semblance attack had shaved off about 6 or 7 percent of his aura. It wasn't as if Breccia's attack was devastatingly powerful, but it was painful and debilitating and Jaune didn't know anything about how it worked. He didn't know its range or spread, and he'd never seen it flying in his direction. He needed to think. He needed a plan... Breccia Coal appeared perfectly happy to watch Jaune freak out over receiving an attack that he couldn’t block. She fanned her face with her Tessen as she slowly walked in his direction, and the shit eating grin on her face wasn’t the least bit pretty. Think Jaune… Think! The air vibrations in Breccia’s attack reminded Jaune of the methods that the Atlesian military uses to destroy massive ocean Grimm. Explosions that happen underwater transfer a type of pressurized force through the medium of the water, and then the water itself crushes nearby Grimm. Breccia’s attack was similar but with vibrations instead of pressure, and the wave of her fan was somehow acting as the explosion. Thankfully for Jaune, he’d spent quite a bit of time the night before trying to figure out how he would stop someone from poisoning him with a nerve gas like Mr. Hawthorn had the day before, and those musings might have given him an answer for his current predicament. It was time for some five star world class acting, and it was time to make use of his Semblance. After affecting a very nervous expression on his face, Jaune rubbed the back of his head like a dolt, and began taking small but noticeable steps back away from Breccia. In turn, Breccia saw Jaune’s newfound reluctance and began prowling after him like a cat playing with its food. Jaune took four steps back, Breccia advanced 5, they continued this pattern until Jaune’s back impacted the arena wall and he was prevented from retreating. Breccia was amused. She twirled her fan in her hand as she moved up to within three meters of Jaune. Jaune pulled up his weapons again, but he did so with noticeable hesitation on his face as if he didn’t think it would do him much good. Breccia drew back her fan, preparing to end the boy standing in front of her. Then she noticed something. A faint yellow tint was floating around Jaune's body in a dome like an egg. With a snarl, Breccia immediately realized that her opponent was up to something, and she waved her fan as hard as she could. Fine lines of spiderweb cracks grew across the wall at Jaune's back out to about 2 meters to his right and his left, which Jaune took to mean that the woman's attack moved outwards from her fan in an expanding cone shape. It was useful information to have, but ultimately it was also completely irrelevant... Too bad for Breccia, Jaune was completely untouched by her attack. He'd used his Semblance to collect a large portion of the air around his body into a skin, and then he'd used this skin to create a space, a void, a vacuum of nothingness in a dome shape around his body. Breccia's attack was a transfer of energy. She cast vibrations through the air and those vibrations grew as they bounced off of more and more air. All Jaune had done was remove all of the oxygen and nitrogen from an area in a circle around his body so that the vibrations would have nothing to impact against. He'd created a 'shield' of nothing in place around his body, and he'd rendered Breccia's Semblance essentially harmless. Breccia stared at Jaune as if she couldn’t quite believe her eyes. Jaune moved. In the shocked stillness that followed Breccia’s failed attack, Jaune immediately leapt towards the woman, and slashed his sword down towards her weapon. No. He wasn’t aiming for her fan. She could keep it. Jaune slashed his sword down towards where the hilt of Breccia’s katana met its blade, and the versatile bladed weapon dropped to the floor in 2 separate parts Very suddenly, Breccia only had her Tessen fan, which was a very inefficient form of bladed weapon, while Jaune had a sword and a shield and a noticeable speed advantage over her. The fight that followed was completely brutal… Jaune hacked and slashed at his opponent using his speed and reach advantage, while she screeched in anger and attempted to cut out his eyes. A little less than a minute and a half later, Jaune was finally finished hacking Breccia’s aura out from under her, and Professor Goodwitch was calling the fight. “Fight over! Winner John Freeman.”