Ame vs. Amasian
Amasian R1
Shang vs. Batman
•	Shang’s bullet speed feats are a lot better than Batman’s arrow feats
•	Batman’s striking is comparable to what Shang has taken and he can redirect hits
•	Shang’s strength is enough to hurt Batman and their efficiency will be compounded by him striking at weakpoints
•	Shang is at least equal to Batman in skill and can counter much of his martial arts
•	Stealth bad against Shang
•	Shang better at martial arts and prediction
Choso vs. Roland
•	Literature feats bad
•	Choso’s got clear scaling to bullet timers and supersonic folks
•	Guys who Choso scales favorably to can act in 10ms while Roland’s described as acting in 25ms
•	Roland durability bad
•	Roland striking not provably good and piercing doesn’t matter because regeneration
•	Choso blood OP, tracks and poisons and debilitates, Roland won’t be able to fight for long
Taiyo vs. Sara
•	Taiyo can tank literally everything Sara can throw his way
•	Taiyo fast enough to keep up
•	Sara durability bad, Taiyo striking good
Ame R1
Batman vs. Shang
•	Nice stats comparison chart
•	Batman’s striking is slightly better than blows that left Shang reeling on his ass for several seconds
•	Shang’s defenses against piercing will not consistently matter in the face of Batman’s skill
•	Shang has no real counter to knockout gas
•	Batman’s durability is considerably better than Shang’s striking
•	The arrow feat’s better than it appears to be at a first glance
•	Batman’s skill will avail him better than Shang’s due to the circumstances
•	Stealth actually matters
Choso vs. Roland
•	More cool statposts
•	Roland can do some damage to Choso with his strikes and kill him with piercing
•	Choso has not a single poison or gas resistance feat
•	Roland can shrug off hits
•	Roland piercing resistance OP
•	Even when pierced he can still fight just as good
•	Yoji’s speed scaling is not actually that good or clear-cut compared to Roland’s feats
Sara vs. Taiyo
•	Statposting 3: Revenge of the Unquantified
•	Taiyo can’t actually tank everything Sara does
•	Sara’s speed is hella better
•	Sara has the AOE advantage via energy blasts and her tendrils

Notes: Both establish their characters' abilities well enough in this round.

I gotta point out that I think Ame going ‘this literature feat is CLEAR-CUT’ was a mistake on his end. Although these feats do put Roland in the range of tier, they’re not ‘clearly’ putting him above Choso, as claimed. It'd be a simple move to cast doubt on that claim simply by comparing the clear visual benchmarks set by Choso to the somewhat vague wording on Roland’s feat, which Amasian did – props to him. Also, t’was a bad move to leave Taiyo's piercing resistance unaddressed when it's such an integral wincon element. 

Amasian R2
Shang vs. Batman
•	Shang durability good
•	Batman durability good, but not that good
•	Shang speed better
•	Batman KO gas won’t be effective
•	Batarangs won’t work
•	Nerve strikes work, Batman armor ain’t that good
•	Reach doesn’t matter
•	Shang fights more brutally and better
•	Shang senses > Batgadgets
Choso vs. Roland
•	Roland strength vague cause literature feat
•	Roland gas’s capabilities too vague
•	Piercing is not a wincondition against a guy who can survive decapitation
•	Choso poison Works
•	Roland’s regen is painfully slow
•	Roland regen can not save him from brain destruction
•	Choso piercing OP
•	Choso speed scaling’s much better than .25s or vague literature feats
Taiyo vs. Sara
•	Piercing resistance is the name of the game
•	Taiyo durable, Sara weak
•	Esoterics won’t work
•	Targeting inner body parts won’t work, Sara’s far too weak 
•	Sara’s piercing resistance is useless, sword to the head, Sara dead
•	Sara’s range advantage is mitigated by Taiyo’s movement speed and her vulnerability to electricity
•	Taiyo’s speed is comparable to Sara’s
Ame R2
Batman v. Shang
•	Batman’s strength is still notably better than what Shang can withstand for extended periods of time; the opposite isn’t true
•	Shang’s scaling is blatantly OOT if taken at face value
•	Batman’s durability anti-feats are old or out of context
•	Batman’s redirection is against named and notorious characters while Shang’s is against mooks
•	Shang’s speed is OOT if taken at face-value, shaky, and no other feat makes him significantly faster than Batman
•	KO gas expands quickly enough and has a large AOE
•	Shang piercing resistance bad
•	Batman suit durable enough to resist nerve strikes, which are contentiously OOT
•	Reach does matter
•	Shang’s provided grappling feat is at best an off guard shtick and at worst an outlier
•	Shang senses bad
Roland vs. Choso
•	Roland strength feat good
•	A head can’t beat Roland 
•	LSD gas is effective
•	Roland durability good
•	Roland’s resistance to poison is good enough
•	Roland can soak up a lotta damage
•	Roland’s piercing resistance is too good, Choso’s way OOT if Amasian argues he can be pierced
•	Choso’s speed is based on messy, vague three-layered scaling and whatnot
Taiyo vs. Sara
•	Sara can hurt Taiyo
•	Sara’s head isn’t exposed, so piercing resistance does come into play
•	Taiyo will require much longer to defeat Sara if compared to the contrary
•	Sara is still significantly faster
•	The ‘electric attack’ did no real damage to Sara

Amasian wins 2-1.

Batman beats Shang. Even though the difference isn’t insane, Batman is notably stronger and more durable – Batman can eat hits from Shang pretty well, even if they faze him, while the opposite is less true; serious strikes from Batman will floor and daze Shang for significantly longer periods, allowing Batman to press his various win-cons more easily. 
All the contentiously OOT stuff aside, Ama’s argument for Shang resisting the knockout gas was him...being knocked out and clearly incapacitated after inhaling regular-grade gas, to the point he wakes up a significant amount of time later on a resting mattress. This scan was self-defeating; Shang sleeps, and Batman wins. He can’t avoid it forever, and Batman can do everything Shang can better, with the possible exception of the nerve-strikes; but those aren’t something Shang uses consistently, unlike Batman, who can also redirect hits better.

Choso beats Roland. Nearly everything argued for Roland’s physicals was vague, as usually is the case for lit feats, and I find myself more inclined to buy the scaling provided for Choso’s speed ever so slightly more than I bought Roland’s feats being good. His piercing resistance was overstated and based on an exaggerated interpretation of a scan that's not clearly elevating the future's technology to the lengths Ame does, and Amasian provided enough feats and anti-feats to make the case that Roland will be pierced even if I did take Ame's interpretation of a vague remark at face-value. he only physical stat Roland had that was convincingly argued IMO was his blunt force durability, but seeing as even Ame himself conceded that Choso doesn’t waste time on h2h, this doesn’t matter that much. 
I did buy Roland’s poison resistance, though, and I also agree with Ame that Choso being able to survive as a head is irrelevant; a head wouldn’t win a fight with Roland.

Taiyo beats Sara. I feel like Ame and Amasian put so much effort into the other two match-ups, especially Batman vs. Shang, that this one felt low-effort in comparison. Ame, however, put in even less effort than Amasian did. Taiyo’s piercing resistance was not addressed, Sara’s speed advantage is too small to make up for her disadvantage in other areas, and she’s vulnerable to piercing. Solid victory for Taiyo.