Aware of the precarious situation he was in, Ivor recognized the inherent risks associated with the heel hook. It was a move notorious for its potential to inflict serious injury, particularly to the knee ligaments and hamstrings. The decision by his opponent to employ such a dangerous technique—and the tournament's allowance of it—only deepened Ivor's sense of the surreal, strategic undercurrent of the match. Rick Doe's grip was firm, his execution of the heel hook precise, hinting at a level of expertise and intent that was both impressive and alarming. Ivor knew he had to act swiftly and intelligently. Any reckless movement could result in a serious injury, potentially ending not just the match but his ability to continue in the tournament. With calculated precision, Ivor shifted his weight, aligning his body in a way that applied pressure against Rick's hold. It was a subtle maneuver, one that required an intimate knowledge of human anatomy and a deep understanding of the mechanics of the heel hook itself. Ivor's movement was designed not to break free with brute force but to turn the tables on Rick, using the leverage of his own position to strain Rick's grip on his leg. The move was a gamble, a play that carried its own risks, but Ivor executed it with the calm focus that had become his trademark. He felt the tension shift, the balance of power subtly realigning as he applied just enough pressure to stress Rick's knee ligaments and hamstrings. It was a delicate balance, a dance on the edge of danger, where the goal was not to cause harm but to create an opening, a momentary lapse in the otherwise unyielding structure of Rick's submission hold. The response was immediate. Rick's muscles tensed, a reaction to the unexpected counterpressure, a split-second of distraction that spoke of pain and surprise. The heel hook, so confidently applied moments before, faltered, the grip loosening just enough for Ivor to execute his escape. With a swift, fluid motion, Ivor extricated himself from the hold, rolling away from Rick and regaining his footing. The arena, which had held its breath during the tense exchange, erupted into a mix of cheers and murmurs, the crowd reacting to the dramatic turn of events.