With his rifle firmly in hand, Albino charged down the corridor with a determination that bordered on the ferocious. The guards, emboldened by their numbers, emerged from their cover to open fire, their bullets tearing through the air in a deadly barrage aimed to stop him in his tracks. Yet, Albino moved with a purpose, his body absorbing the impact of the rounds that found their mark, the pain registering as nothing more than a distant echo against the adrenaline that surged through him. His return fire was precise, methodical even in the chaos of the assault. One by one, the guards fell, their attempts to halt his advance proving futile against his superior tactics and resolve. As he neared the end of the hallway, the final guard presented himself as the last line of defense before the hijacker's sanctuary. Without hesitation, Albino seized the man by the neck, the force of his grip unyielding. With a swift motion, he shoved the guard forward, sending him crashing through the foot-thick rebar-reinforced wall with a force that echoed throughout the corridor. The wall gave way under the impact, crumbling to reveal the room beyond, the very heart of the hijacker's operations. Debris and dust filled the air, settling slowly as the last obstacle fell, leaving Albino standing at the threshold of his objective.