Donovan and his team had always been fascinated by Albino's remarkable healing factor, a trait that seemed to defy the laws of nature itself. Through extensive experimentation and analysis, they discovered that Albino's body operated in a way that bordered on the miraculous. Traditional theories of thermodynamics dictated that any process involving the expenditure of energy would inevitably lead to a loss of vitality over time. However, Albino's physiology appeared to operate on an entirely different paradigm. When subjected to attempts to drain his body of vital processes in a bid to accelerate aging, his cells exhibited a baffling resilience. Rather than succumbing to the ravages of time, Albino's cells responded with a remarkable resilience, rapidly repairing and rejuvenating themselves at an accelerated rate. It was as though they were drawing upon an unseen wellspring of energy that prevented the man from either aging faster or being depleted of efficiency and strength.