The beast's claws, sharp as razors, connected with Albino's abdomen, the force of the attack staggering. He felt a sharp, intense pressure as the creature's strike made contact, the sensation of tearing that sent a clear message of the severity of the wound. Albino staggered back, his hands moving instinctively to his stomach, a trained response to assess the damage. The stark reality of his injury was evident in the crimson that quickly began to spread across his suit, a stark contrast to the pristine white of the snow outside. The outpost's clinically clean floor was marred by the red signs of the struggle, the encounter leaving a visible mark upon the environment as surely as it had upon Albino. Things became even stranger when the metallic floor began to dissolve where his blood feel upon it, as though touched by acid, but he had nary a moment to contemplate the oddity. The beast’s claws had cut so deep into his stomach that his entrails and guts had begun to pour out into the open. For a moment, the creature seemed to revel in its apparent triumph, its chest heaving with exertion and satisfaction, its eyes locked onto Albino with a cold, calculating gaze. Believing its work complete, the beast withdrew from Albino, its powerful limbs propelling it away in a single, graceful bound. It disappeared from view, melting into the shadows of the outpost with the silence of a specter, leaving Albino alone with the aftermath of its ferocity. Albino's knees buckled under the strain, and he collapsed to the ground, the pain enveloping him in a suffocating embrace. He coughed, the taste of iron flooding his mouth, a stark indicator of the trauma his body had just endured. He braced for the end, for the darkness that he presumed would follow such a mortal blow. But then, amidst the searing agony, he experienced an anomaly—a sensation that was altogether foreign and miraculous. It was as though a wave of warmth was flowing through him, emanating from the very core of his being. With incredulity, he directed his gaze down to his abdomen, expecting to confront a grievous injury. What he saw defied belief. The wound that the creature's claws had inflicted was closing up, the torn flesh knitting itself back together with an almost otherworldly efficiency. It was as if time itself had been reversed, the edges of the injury merging seamlessly, leaving unblemished skin in its wake. Seconds stretched into an eternity as Albino watched, transfixed, the impossible occurring before his very eyes. The regenerative properties of the serum were manifesting with a potency that was as astounding as it was undeniable. Every cell in his body seemed supercharged, accelerating the healing process to a degree that was beyond the realm of contemporary science. In the space of a few heartbeats, the evidence of the creature's attack had vanished, as if it had never been. No scar, no mark, no trace of the violent encounter remained upon his skin. Albino was whole again, the pain dissipating as quickly as it had arrived, leaving him in a state of shock and awe at the resilience the serum had granted him.