Haxley's voice grew more animated as he delved into the next revelation. "And there's more—you see, after commandeering Shelly's research and analyzing the expected outcomes of her serum, it became evident that the transformation she underwent... the one you battled... it was a failure. It achieved precisely what she hadn’t hoped for herself. But you, Albino, the serum that morphed you, it worked flawlessly." He let the statement hang in the air, giving Albino a moment to process the gravity of his words. "You've only scratched the surface of your new reality. The depths of what you've become, the potential you now hold... it's beyond what you—or perhaps even Donovan—can fully grasp." The room was silent as Albino absorbed the full extent of Haxley's machinations and the unforeseen consequences of the serums that had been unleashed. The realization that he was now part of a much larger, more complex puzzle—a living testament to the success of Shelly Thompson's research—left him reeling. "You see, Albino," Haxley concluded, "you are the embodiment of the next evolutionary step that Shelly envisioned, a perfect fusion of human and cryptid DNA. What you perceive as your limits now are merely the beginning. You are, for lack of a better term, the pinnacle of our endeavors. And that makes you invaluable... and extremely dangerous." "Explain," Albino demanded, his voice echoing slightly in the sparse room. JH-2030, his eyes glazed as if caught in the depths of his own mind yet compelled by Albino's psychic pull, began to speak, his voice a mix of awe and begrudging respect. "You... You've become the pinnacle of human evolution. Exactly what Edward sought to achieve for himself. The DNA you've been injected with—it's not just any cryptid blend. It's the culmination of decades of research. You have the ability to adapt, to evolve in real-time to threats against your biology. It's what Shelly’s schematics termed the Perfect Evolution." Albino's brow furrowed, his mind racing to keep up with the implications. "Adapt? Evolve? Explain how." "The cryptids' DNA within you," Haxley continued, his trance deepening under Albino's focused intent, "grants you abilities far beyond the norm. Each cryptid was chosen by Shelly for its unique survival traits. The Yeti, for its resilience and strength; the Chupacabra, for its stealth and psychic senses; the Mokele-mbembe and the Kraken, for their regenerative capabilities and adaptability to environments. You're not just surviving threats; you're learning from them, becoming immune to them." Albino processed this, the weight of his new reality settling upon his shoulders. "And the abilities I've noticed? The resistance to toxins, the rapid healing?" "Exactly," Haxley replied, his voice a mere whisper. "Your body is a living laboratory of cryptid science. That gas back in the research room, when you were throwing hands with that clone? It should have incapacitated you instantly. But your Heruka physiology neutralized it. The acid bottle it threw at you? It should have eaten through flesh and boné. That stuff is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with hydrochroloric acid, enhanced tenfold. It can eat through layers of steel in no goddamn time, yet you stood unscathed. Your blood—it's not just blood anymore. It's corrosive to anything it touches, a defensive mechanism no one other than that genius could have predicted." Albino took a step back, the full scope of his transformation dawning on him. "So, what you're saying is... every time I'm exposed to danger, my body... it just adapts? Improves?" Haxley nodded, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth despite the psychic hold. "Precisely. You embody the concept that what doesn't kill you not only makes you stronger... it makes you the closest thing to invincible in town. You're evolving, Albino. Constantly. Unstoppably. You lose, you come back winning."