As Albino's mind raced through the complexities of his own abilities and those of other Heruka, a nagging question gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. He knew all too well one of the many potential capabilities locked within his own genetic makeup—the ability to absorb the abilities of other biological entities by mingling their DNA with his own bloodstream. It was a unique gift bestowed upon him by the serum, one that he’d only found out through Haxley not too long ago. But as he faced off against Kane, a formidable adversary with abilities of his own, Albino couldn't help but wonder if his opponent was aware of this aspect of Heruka physiology. He wasn’t sure if it would work on another Heruka, as the little research they’d been able to perform between him and Shelly recently suggested cryptid-enhanced humans were all fully immune to each other’s tricks. It was a risky gambit, one that Albino had never attempted in combat, but the thought lingered in the back of his mind like a persistent itch. Moreover, Albino pondered the variability of Heruka abilities. Each serum, each infusion of Heruka blood, seemed to bestow different powers upon its wielder. While Albino possessed a rapid healing factor that bordered on the miraculous, Kane's own regenerative abilities appeared to be slower in comparison. It was a curious observation, one that raised more questions than answers. Could it be that each Heruka serum granted its bearer a unique set of abilities tailored to their individual genetic makeup?