Albino stood over Kane, a shadow cast by the dim overhead lights of the warehouse, his mind racing through the options for incapacitating a man who, like him, had been transformed by the Heruka serum. His thoughts drifted back to a pivotal moment in his training, a dangerous experiment that had nearly cost him his life but ultimately revealed the astonishing limits—and indeed, the vulnerabilities—of his evolved physiology. During one particular test, designed to push the boundaries of his Heruka abilities, Albino had faced the ultimate test of durability: a .50 caliber bullet aimed directly at his head. The idea had been a gamble on his regenerative capabilities, a belief, perhaps misguided, that he could recover from any wound. The bullet had torn through the air with devastating speed, grazing his skull. The impact, though not direct, had been a profound lesson. His healing factor, while potent, had its limitations, hinged on the precarious activity of a crucial cluster of brain cells. The graze had been enough to cause significant damage, yet, miraculously, his body had responded, healing the wound with an efficiency that bordered on the miraculous. Further tests had revealed a remarkable adaptation: his skull had evolved, becoming a fortress impervious to bullets that once would have spelled certain death. Yet, for all the evolutionary advancements, Albino remained subject to the laws of physics. Blunt force, the sheer kinetic energy of an impact, could still threaten to 'jar' his brain, to incapacitate him through shock rather than injury—a vulnerability not erased by his Heruka gifts.