Even as his senses extended outward, reaching out to detect the slightest hint of movement or sound in the football-field sized arena, Albino could hear the frantic noise of footsteps converging upon his position from all directions. The courtyard seemed to come alive with activity, the air thick with tension and anticipation. And then they emerged from the entrance in the distance: a platoon of guards, their faces etched with determination as they raced towards him, their assault rifles holstered at their sides. But Albino knew better than to underestimate them. He had faced countless adversaries in his time, each one more formidable than the last, and he was prepared to meet this challenge head-on. a calmness born of years of training and experience, Albino raised his rifle, his aim preternatural in accuracy. The courtyard erupted into chaos as the soldiers fell one by one, their bodies torn apart by the force of Albino's onslaught. The sound of gunfire echoed through the air, mingling with the shouts and cries of the fallen. But Albino showed no mercy, his focus unwavering as he systematically eliminated each threat with ruthless efficiency.