As he lay motionless on the ground, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings, Albino took stock of the situation. Guards scrambled to the scene, their shouts and curses mingling with the sound of approaching footsteps. With practiced precision, Albino played the part of the fallen skydiver, his eyes closed and his breath held in a facade of deathly stillness. It was a calculated risk, but one that Albino knew would give him the element of surprise. By appearing as though he had fallen from the sky by accident, he hoped to catch his enemies off guard, allowing him to strike swiftly and decisively before they could react. As the chaos unfolded around him, Albino remained perfectly still, his mind racing with possibilities. The courtyard lay before him, a battleground waiting to be conquered. And as the first wave of guards closed in, their weapons raised and their eyes filled with suspicion, Albino braced himself for the confrontation that lay ahead. As Albino lay motionless on the ground, his senses attuned to every movement around him, he suppressed every instinct to react. His Heruka abilities surged within him, allowing him to control his body with precision. With practiced ease, he regulated his breath, suppressed any involuntary twitches, and masked his heat signature, effectively mimicking the stillness of death.