Albino, seizing the momentum from his successful strike, continued to brandish the metal cane with a series of swift, targeted swipes aimed at the clone. Each movement was calculated, intended to wear down the clone's defenses and find an opening for a decisive blow. However, the clone, adapting rapidly to the change in Albino's tactics, managed to intercept one of the cane's arcs mid-air. With a grip as ironclad as the determination in its eyes, the clone reversed the momentum, using the cane as a lever to fling Albino towards the ground. The impact was monumental. Albino's body hit the steel floor with such force that it deformed under him, creating a crater that bore the unmistakable imprint of his form. The collision was a testament to the clone's strength and the brutal efficiency with which it sought to end the confrontation. Yet, for all the violence of the throw, Albino was far from defeated. His resilience, a hallmark of the serum's effects on his body, allowed him to absorb the impact with minimal damage. Within moments, he was springing back into action, his body propelled upward in a powerful leap designed to regain his footing and initiative.