As Albino reached the top of the staircase, his keen eyes scanned the chamber, immediately fixating on a wooden ladder that ascended to a raised platform where an ominous altar stood. Surrounding the altar were several hooded cultists, their twisted forms casting long shadows in the flickering torchlight. Without hesitation, Albino bounded up the ladder with the agility of a predatory cat. As he reached the summit, a cultist reacted with lightning speed, drawing a bow and releasing an arrow aimed directly at Albino's heart. Albino's response was swift and calculated. With unerring accuracy, he raised his Desert Eagle, the sleek firearm an extension of his deadly will. A single shot rang out in the chamber as Albino's bullet collided with the incoming arrow, splitting it cleanly in two. The fractured remnants of the arrow fell harmlessly to the ground, while the cultist staggered backward, a fatal wound blossoming on his chest.