Albino's instincts were on high alert as he navigated through the treacherous halls of The Brotherhood's castle. With each step, he remained vigilant, acutely aware of the looming threat of traps lurking around every corner. The scent of musty air and the faint echo of distant footsteps filled the air, adding to the tension that hung heavy in the atmosphere. Easily vaulting over a gaping hole in the floor, Albino's keen senses scanned his surroundings, probing for any signs of danger. His heightened awareness allowed him to detect the faintest of movements and sounds, giving him the upper hand in this deadly game of cat and mouse. As he cautiously proceeded, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the corridor, signaling the approach of another member of The Brotherhood. Albino pressed himself against the wall, blending into the shadows as he waited for the opportune moment to strike. The unsuspecting member of The Brotherhood rushed down the stairs, his footsteps echoing loudly against the stone floor. Albino bided his time, his muscles coiled like a spring, ready to unleash his trap at the perfect moment. With a swift and calculated motion, Albino reached out and tripped the man, sending him hurtling forward with a startled cry. The man flailed helplessly as he plummeted into one of the concealed pitfalls, his terrified screams echoing through the dark depths below. Albino watched with grim satisfaction as the man disappeared into the darkness, his fate sealed by his own folly