Before Albino could formulate a plan to effectively incapacitate Kane, the latter’d regained his footing in an instant. With the agility of a cornered animal, Kane tripped Albino, seizing the fleeting moment to sprint towards a dilapidated minivan strewn across the warehouse floor. He ducked behind the vehicle, seeking a momentary refuge. Albino, however, wasted no time in pursuit. His enhanced strength evident, he effortlessly grabbed the minivan's rusted frame, muscles tensing as he hoisted and flipped the vehicle with one hand. The minivan arced feet through the air with a groan of protesting metal, landing with a thunderous crash atop Kane, the impact sending a cloud of dust swirling into the air, obscuring the scene momentarily. Kane, demonstrating resilience akin to Albino's own, thrusts the minivan off himself with a burst of preternatural effort. He rises, his body a silhouette against the dust haze, just in time to deliver a ferocious kick towards Albino. The force behind the kick is such that it would have unbalanced a ten-ton truck, but Albino’s tough constitution absorbed the impact with minimal damage.