As the android faltered under the corrosive effects of Albino's blood, its once-mighty frame weakened and vulnerable, Albino seized the opportunity without hesitation. Ignoring the crackling of static and the acrid scent of burning metal that filled the air, he lunged forward and gripped the android's head in his hands with unyielding strength. With a primal roar of exertion, Albino summoned every ounce of his power and began to squeeze, his muscles bulging with the effort as he applied crushing force to the android's metallic skull. The sound of twisting metal filled the corridor as the android's head began to buckle under the pressure, circuits sparking and sputtering as its internal systems struggled to cope with the onslaught. With a final surge of strength, Albino pulled back with all his might, the force of his movement enough to tear the android's head clean from its body. There was a sickening crunch as metal yielded to flesh, and then the headless body of the android slumped to the ground, its once-menacing form now nothing more than a heap of twisted wreckage. Tossing the severed head aside with disdain, Albino wasted no time in pressing forward. His senses were on high alert, scanning the corridor for any sign of further opposition. His footsteps echoing through the empty corridors as he pressed deeper into the heart of the facility.