# Losant CLI Changelog ## Losant CLI v1.3.3 ### Fixed * Fixing race condition on watch when saving the same file multiple times before the watch queue is processed. -- ## Losant CLI v1.3.2 ### Changed * Updating commands to quit early if no meta configuration file is found. * Upload command uploads in a specific order to remove any resources needed first and then add or update any resources needed. * Upgrade default version of Node to 18.18.2 * Upgrade various dependencies * Dropping support for Node 14. -- ## Losant CLI v1.3.1 ### Changed * Rotating rollbar key -- ## Losant CLI v1.3.0 ### Added * new `--reset` option on `experience download` which will remove all files from your experience directory and then download all experience files from the application. ### Changed * Upgraded various dependencies. * Adding version 20 to travis. ### Fixed * Ensure the path delimiter is what the losant API expects when uploading new files in nested directories. * Fixing the path pattern properly match on any either Mac/Linux or Windows. -- ## Losant CLI v1.2.3 ### Added * Set token command (`losant set-token`) ### Changed * Updated `losant login` command to prompt for a User Token when an email is linked to a Single Sign-On provider. * Updated the losant-rest client version -- ## Losant CLI v1.2.2 ### Fixed * sanitizing experience file names -- ## Losant CLI v1.2.1 ### Fixed * watch command now has a queueing process incase you have slow internet or a lot of changes at once. -- ## Losant CLI v1.2.0 ### Added * Data Tables export command (`losant datatable export`) ### Fixed * sanitizing file names -- ## Losant CLI v1.1.1 ### Fixed * locking down client API version. * now properly scoping the user token. -- ## Losant CLI v1.1.0 ### Added * Experience layout command (`losant experience layout [page]`) * Experience bootstrap command (`losant experience bootstrap`) ### Fixed * Ensuring lock file unlocks when closing the watcher * Actually generating folder structure on configure --