AboutDlg Author: DArt Autor: DArt Thanks to all beta-testers and translators who help me Obrigado a todos os beta testers e tradutores que me ajudaram Thanks to my squad: <a href='http://www.3rd-wing.net'>3rd-wing</a> Obrigado ao meu esquadrão:<a href='http://www.3rd-wing.net'>3rd-wing</a> Special mention for Azrayen' for the testing and documentation awesome work. Menção especial ao Azrayen pelos testes e documentação - trabalho fantástico. OWNER: LotAtc is developed by <a href='https://rborn.software'>RBorn Software</a> THANKS: My squad: <a href='http://www.3rd-wing.net'>3rd-wing</a> Azrayen' and sp@t for the testing and documentation awesome work. Toubib for its work on Nevada map. Snoopy -76th vFS- for its charts and the work on airport views. Papi for its FLIP/charts. Looney from 132nd for its plane/helicopters symbols on airport views all beta-testers and translators who help me Translators: Tradutores: LotAtc use the following projects: Product Version: %1 Build: %1 License ** Not Registered ** Product: %1 User id: %1 Date of purchased: %1 License expirates in: %1 days License has expirated, contact support,<br/>LotAtc will be blocked in %1 days License support ends in: %1 days - do not update it after! License support has expirated, contact support<br/>This license dos not support this release. Upgrade to LotAtc Advanced Or drag and drop the lotatc.key here to install it Click to select a file Once dropped, LotAtc will close itself. Just restart the app to complete. Drag and drop ovpn file Click to select ovpn Drop the file to install it Language Linguagem User Usuario AbstractButtonSection Text Textos AdvancedFeature It is a LotAtc Advanced feature, it needs to upgrade your license Upgrade to LotAtc Advanced AdvancedMapItemProperties Properties Propriedades Flight plan Instructor AirportCodeModel Show name Show code Automatic (name/code follow zoom) AirportProperties Id Id Code Código Length Comprimento Heading Proa Frequencies Frequências TACAN TACAN Take approach Iniciar Aproximação Release approach Liberar Aproximação No control available Sem controlador disponível ILS available on %1MHz ILS disponíveis em %1MHz No ILS Sem ILS Current controllers Controladores atuais METAR : %1 Copy METAR ATIS Charts Open a chart view Airport view You need to have a license to use airport view Open airport view AirportPropertiesModel Id Id Code Código Coalition Coalizão Position Posição Altitude Altitude QNH QNH Weather Tempo Temperature Temperatura Visibility Visibilidade Base Teto Thickness Densidade Heading Proa Frequencies Frequências TACAN TACAN AirportsModel Name Nome Coalition Coalizão AltitudeSelector Altitude Altitude AluminumAnodizedEmissiveMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral AluminumAnodizedMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral AluminumBrushedMaterialSection Default Padrão AluminumEmissiveMaterialSection Default Padrão AluminumMaterialSection Default Padrão AntialiasingModel Disabled Desativado Low (4x) antialiasing to 4x Baixo (4x) Mid (8x) antialiasing to 8x Medio (8x) High (16x) antialiasing to 16x Alto (16x) ApproachSelector Approaches Release approach on %1 Take approach %1 ILS: %1MHz No ILS Sem ILS Controllers: %1 No controllers ApproachViewManager Approach Aproximação Approach %1 AreaLightSection Brightness Brilho AtisItem No ATIS available AtisItemSRS Information: Active runway: Comment: Comentario: Create SRS ATIS on: AtisItemUR Create UR ATIS on: AuthentificatorIp IP not authorized on this server (either blacklisted or already connected to DCS) AuthentificatorLicense Demo time expired on this session You are in demo mode for 10 minutes Not registered You are using a server license This license cannot be used with this product License error Error on server side AuthentificatorMaxClients Too much clients authorized User limit for public version of Generator AuthentificatorProduct This product is not allowed to connect with this server AuthentificatorUsers Bad password BaseClientApplication Do you want to enabled automatic crashs upload? Automatic uploads helps me to fix crashs. Automatic uploads are anonymous. You can change that later in Options > General THIS LICENSE HAS EXPIRATED AND WILL BE BLOCKED IN %1 days This license will expirate in %1 days (Not registered) (Não Registado) License support has expirated, this version is unsupported - contact support This license update support will expirate in %1 days - DO NOT UPDATE IT BaseEditor Apply Aplicar Close Reset BaseScenario Cannot read scenario file %1 Cannot read database file %1 BddObject Cannot read database file %1 Cannot read database file %1: %2 Cannot load database file %1, missing category or name Database is void, nothing loaded BeaconProperties Beacon properties BearingModeModel True True bearing Verdadeiro T Shortcut for True bearing T M Shortcut for Magnetic bearing M Mag Magnetic bearing T+M Shortcut for True+Magnetic bearing T+M True/Mag True/Magnetic bearing BehaviorModel Eco Standard Optimized Hard BlockAltiLong Altitude long format Formato longo para altitude BlockAltiShort Altitude short format Formato curto para altitude %(alti_short|thousand), show altitude in thousand, use |nofill to not insert 0 at start 91 instead of 091 BlockBullEyesPosit Position from BullsEye Use %(posit_bulls|bearing) to only display bearing, then %(posit_bulls|distance) BlockCallsign Callsign use %(callsign|short) to convert to standard callsign Viper 11 to VR11, %(callsign|10) limit callsign to 10 characters BlockClimbSpeed Climb speed %(climb_speed) BlockComment Comment Comentario %(comment|10) limit comment to 10 characters BlockDatalink Datalink %(datalink) Show all datalink features, use %(datalink|enable) to only display DL if datalink is active BlockDetectionRange Detection range Aréa de detecção %(detection_range) Display the detection range of the unit, use %(detectionRange|nounit) to not display the unit BlockGSUnit Ground speed unit Unidade para velocidade do Solo (GS) BlockGroundSpeed Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) BlockGroundSpeedMach Ground speed in Mach format BlockGroundSpeedShort Ground speed in short format Formato curto para velocidade do Solo (GS) BlockGroupName Group Name (if available) Nome do Grupo (se disponivel) %(group_name|10) limit name to 10 characters %(group_name|10) limite de 10 caracteres para o nome BlockHeading Unit heading Proa da Unidade Use %(heading|option) with option=true/mag/truemag for true/magnetic deviation correction (default is auto) Uso %(heading|opção) com opção true/mag/truemag para a correção do desvio true/magnetic (o padrão é automático) BlockHuman Human Use %(human|output), it will display output if unit is human, output can be html or rich text BlockName Unit Name (or TN) Nome da Unidade (ou TN) %(name|10) limit name to 10 characters, %(name|L2) to remove first 2 characters %(name|10) limit name to 10 characters %(name|10) limite de 10 caracteres para o nome BlockOnboard Onboard number BlockPosition Position Posição %(position|xxx), replace xxx by mgrs, utm, lonlatdec, lontlathmsdec, lonlat BlockRadarList Radar List %(radar_list) List of radar that see this unit use |type to have only type, |name to have only name, use |limit=2 to limit the number of entry BlockScanPeriod Radar scan period %(scan_period) Radar scan period in second of the radar BlockStn STN %(block_stn) BlockTN Unit Track Number BlockThreatRange Threat range Distancia da ameaça %(threat_range) Threat range of the unit BlockTransponder Transponder Use %(transponder|mode1) to only display mode1, works with mode1, mode2, mode3, modeS...Use %(transponder|emergency) for only emergency BlockType Unit type Tipo de Unidade %(type|10) limit type to 10 characters UNK Short version of unknow Versão reduzida de Desconhecido DESC BlockVerticalIndicator Vertical indicator Indicador Vertical %(vert_indic|nostable) to avoid stable cursor, %(vert_indic|n) with n=0/1/2 for different arrows %(vert_indic|nostable) para evitar o cursor instável, %(vert_indic|n) com n=0/1/2 para diferentes setas BookmarkHelpModel Labels Legendas Shortcuts Atalhos Detection profiles Perfil de detecção BoolModel Off Desligado On Ligado Braa H Hot ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/H Quente ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/H H FL Flanking Left ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/FL Flanco Esquerdo ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/FL FL C Cold ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/C Frio ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/C C FR Flanking Right ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/FR Flaco Direito ex: 45/23Nm/1200ft/FR FR BraaLblPositModel Source Center Target Alvo BrushStrokesSection Default Padrão Length Comprimento BufferSection Name Nome BullseyeProperties Position Posição Bullseye properties %1 coalition Set coordinates Restore from mission CarrierProperties Ship Navio Airport Aeroporto CategoryModel Plane Avião Helicopter Helicoptero Vehicle Ship Navio Sam SAM Tank Tanque Airport Aeroporto Weapon ChartsView Chart view Chart view for %1 %1 replaced by airport name ChatManager All Todos My side Meu lado LotAtc only Apenas LotAtc Internal Interno ChatMessage Me: Eu: ChromaticAberrationSection Default Padrão ClassifEditor Use right-click to quick insert values! Set values to void to disable label Can support HTML subset now! With HTML, linebreak will no more work, add <br/> to create another line Is customized Use default value Clean custom and use default value ClassificationObject Unknown Desconhecido Assumed Friend Friend Neutral Neutro Suspect Bandit Hostile None Nenhum Pending Air Fighter Fighter/Bomber Bomber Tanker SEAD Escort AEW Rotary-wing UAV Patrol Reconnaissance Attack/Strike CSAR SAR Cargo Dead Land unit Combat EW Special forces Sea surface Carrier Cruiser Destroyer Frigate Corvette Civilian Own Ship Land installation Air defense missile launcher Air base Radar Radar Ammunition Naval base Sea subsurface Submarine Activity/Event Civil Air Civil Surface Air Civil Land ClientApp Unknow ClientApplication Draw Desenhar Objects Objetos (Not registered) (Não Registado) ClientOptions Options Opções General Geral Map Mapa Performances Performances ClientServer LotAtc controller %1 is disconnected Error in registration process LotAtc controller %1 is connected Bad version: %1 %1 controllers %1 is replaced by the coalition Instructors All Todos ClimbRateSelector Rate of climb Eco first letter of Eco Std first letter of Standard Ops first letter of operational CoalitionDelegate Blue Azul Red Vermelho CoalitionModel Blue Azul Red Vermelho ColorButton Click to select, Shift+click to reset ComboBoxSelector Click to select Choose Enter some terms to filter... Clean CommandLine Move here ConfigEditor Edit config %1 Changes are automatically saved Configuration ConfigLua Enable LotAtc LotAtc Server port Red password Blue password Red password|Must NOT be void Blue password|Must NOT be void Limitations of red clients Limitations of red clients|-1 means no limit Limitations of blue clients Limitations of blue clients|-1 means no limit Virtual awacs name All units with this name (or human pilot group) will be AWACS|void text disables the feature Virtual awacs static on bulls Virtual awacs static on bulls for each coalition|Use virtual awacs altitude/range below to set altitude/range Virtual awacs range Detecção do AWACS virtual Radius detection range in kilometer for virtual AWACS ( must be > 5km ) Virtual awacs altitude Altitude in meter for virtual AWACS (only use for bulls virtual awacs) Ignore radar name All units with name containing this string will never be part of radar coverage|Works on any unit (plane, SAM, ship...)|void text disables the feature Minimal detection range Minimal detection range in meters to be considered as part of|radar coverage by LotAtc. Enable log Log generation for server, false to disable Enable chat Interact with DCS chat Chat filter Filter command starting with, lua pattern Show connect/disconnect message Show connect message in DCS|when LotAtc user connect/disconnect Enable dedicated mode DCS Dedicated mode enable|Profile will be set from the dedicated_profile below Dedicated profile For dedicated mode only, use this profile Block connections for DCS pilots Block connections that are already connected as DCS pilots User password list file User/password list|If a file is set, only user/password in this file could connect|this file define also whitelist/blacklist|For file path, path are relative to mods/LotAtc directoy|but you can set absolute path also|Format is JSON Enable admin commands Server commands like pause/unpause from advanced client|To enable admin commands you must:| 1/ use_admin_commands = true| 2/ add users in a json file specified by allowed_users_file| 3/ use advanced client license Enable dump stats Dump stats in Json for external software Dump json file stats file path, path are relative to mods/LotAtc directoy|but you can set absolute path also Enable CSV file export Enable CSV file export of the computed tactical situation|For monomodelisation, each radar will generate its own view + datalink Enable TacView file export Enable TacView file export of the computed tactical situation|For monomodelisation, each radar will generate its own view + datalink Enable TacView RealTime export Enable TacView Realtime export of the computed tactical situation|For monomodelisation, each radar will generate its own view + datalink TacView RealTime port TacView Realtime port Enable SRS TTS Enable SRS Text To Speech function SRS Path DCS:SRS path, used for SRS Text To Speech SRS Server port DCS:SRS server port Enable transponder Enable SRS transponder function Transponder SRS port SRS transponder port SRS server SRS server|By default use local SRS server on same computer than DCS host Install automatically LotAtc Link Script in DCS World Enable LotAtc Link automatically when DCS starts Slmod directory for automatic Slmod install Enable LotAtc Link automatically when DCS starts when using SlMod|Enter the Slmod version (the name in saved games/<your dcs>/Scripts/net/<THIS NAME>/) for example 'Slmodv7_6' Port for Json communication Automatically import DCS IPs points Automatically import DCS Ips points as drawing in LotAtc Allow IA commands from LotAtc|It will load Mist automatically in the mission for commands execution Allow IA commands from LotAtc Stop radar filtering to the first radar for each unit When a radar see an unit, stop the process to avoid useless computation|Disable it to have the list of all radars that see each units. Need more CPU power. info Informations filters Filters Filtros radar Radar Radar automatism Automation airport Airport management datalink Datalink esm ESM advanced Advanced Avançado Automatically import DCS drawing Enable LotAtc Link on mission side Enable Json server used for LotAtc Link|Only used to allow mission script interaction with LotAtc API Automatically import coalition and commun DCS draw as drawing in LotAtc Automatically import DCS Marks Automatically import DCS Marks in LotAtc Update time Number of seconds between data extraction|Lower can reduce performances New unit research time Search for new unit every n seconds Group units number Maximum number of units updated in each block of data Minimum frame update Minimum frame update time in seconds Enable debug Enable verbose output in dcs.log, useful to report problems|BIG PERFORMANCES IMPACT Enable perfs tests Enable performances output, useful to report problems Name Nome Speed filter Filtro Velocidade Configurator Form LotAtc Server To use LotAtc Server, you must launch LotAtc Configurator to install LotAtc Server on your DCS instances. (you can do it later by launching LotAtc Configurator manually.) Launch LotAtc Configurator to finish installing LotAtc Server ConfiguratorApp Common ConnectDlg Address: Endereço: Port: Porta: Coalition: Coalizão: blue azul red vermelho Password: Password: Pseudo: Callsign: Bookmark: Favoritos: Enter a name... Entre com um nome... Name: Nome: Bookmark current Adicionar Favorito The profile called %1 already exists The profile called %1 already exists, choose an another name Delete the current bookmark called %1? If yes, the bookmark %1 will be deleted definitely Save current bookmark New bookmark Clone bookmark Delete current bookmark Remover favorito atual Instructor mode Connect (NOT SAVED) Connect with a profile not saved Connect Conectar Waiting maps... Cancel Cancelar ConnectItem Parameters Parametros Address: Endereço: Port: Porta: Use VPN auto-connect Coalition: Coalizão: Pseudo: Callsign: Password: Password: CoordFormatModel Decimal Decimal Longitude/Latitude Longitude/Latitude Longitude/Latitude HM Decimal Longitude/Latitude HMS Decimal MGRS MGRS UTM UTM CoordinatesActionButton Set coordinates CoordinatesButton Set coordinates CoordinatesDialog Copy coordinates Altitude Altitude Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Behavior Type Tipo CopperMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral CornerModel Top left Top Top right Left Right Bottom left Bottom Bottom right CreateObjectManager Create object Edit object %1 Create a new object CullModeSection Mode Modo DCSAtcClient Map Mapa Options Opções All Todos None Nenhum Fullscreen Tela Cheia DCSConfigItem This directory will be move to trash! This version is not managed by LotAtc Configurator, %1 will be moved to trash LotAtc Configurator will open the file %1 to add the following line:<br/><i>dofile(lfs.writedir().."Mods/services/LotAtc/lua utils/lotatcMissionServer.lua")</i> Click on ok to execute the changes Success Error, changes have not applied DCS is running DCS is running, cannot modify it, please stop it Saved games : %1 Instance is running Instance is not running DCS used: %1 Launch Current LotAtc version: %1 LotAtc is not installed on this instance Install LotAtc %1 Not installed Modify Update Uninstall Install Profile Perfil Current profile: %1 Config Create custom config This instance use common config This instance use custom config DCS is currently running, config and profile modification need a mission restart. You cannot install/uninstall/update LotAtc, close this DCS instance to modify it. LotAtc Link is not installed in %1 LotAtc Link is not installed in %1 but detected in the dcs.log LotAtc Link is installed on port %1 LotAtc Link auto install LotAtc Link is installed in %1 but not yet detected in the dcs.log (try relaunch DCS with a mission to update status) LotAtc Link will be installed automatically in %1 at next DCS launch Fix me Cannot determine the DCS used - Try to launch this instance once before try again DCS Running, cannot makes changes to script, try stop it before Seems to be a dedicated DCS Server instance, LotAtc not in dedicated mode DCSConfiguration Not found DCSLogCheck ERROR Old LotAtc install detected in %1, you have to delete this folder LotAtc is badly installed (step: %1/%2) Not enabled LotAtc is correctly installed but not enabled LotAtc is installed and enabled on port %1 Not installed Log file not found Cannot read dcs.log file Cannot read mcs.log file DataLinkData Share Datalink share Relay Datalink relay Info Datalink info DatePicker January February March April May June July August September October November December Today Time: DefaultColorDialog Cancel Cancelar DefaultContextMenu Object Open properties Restore label visibility Classification Full classification... Set DEAD Reset classification to pending Unit Unidade Instructor Open instructor view Add a new %1 here... object Delete this object [%1] Delete this object ? If yes, this object will be deleted on server Draw Desenhar Add %1 at this point Delete %1 Delete this draw? The draw will be deleted locally only. Delete %1 for all The draw will be deleted for all controllers. Bulls Set bullseye here Set %1 bullseye here Set bullseye on %1 Marks Add a mark here... Private Privado Delete Apagar DefaultFileDialog Type file type (extension) Tipo Cancel Cancelar DefaultFontDialog Light Claro Normal Normal Style Estilo Cancel Cancelar DefaultMaterialSection Opacity Opacidade DefaultMessageDialog Apply Aplicar Yes Sim No Não Cancel Cancelar Help Ajuda DelegateListItem * Move up Move down DetectionInfo Undetected Hidden Ignore Spotted Tracked Shared Compartilhado DialSpecifics Value Valor DirectionalLightSection Brightness Brilho DistortionRippleSection Position Posição DistortionSphereSection Position Posição DistortionSpiralSection Position Posição DockAreaChooserButton Hide Esconder Move up Move left Move down Move right Close DockAreasChooserButton Hide Esconder Move to To a new window... To a new floating... To a new tab... DockFloating Window %1 - Floating %2 Main window - Floating %1 DockMenu Restore Restore the window Restaurar janela Restaurar Maximize Maximize the window Maximizar janela Maximizar Minimize Minimize the window Minimizar janela Minimizar Make tab Modo Aba Make dialog Modo diálogo Make dock Modo dock Opacity Opacidade Close DockMenuButton Open options Dock areas Docks Show Mostrar DockMoveMenu Move to To a new window... To a new floating... To a new tab... DockTab Tab %2 on window %1 DockWindow No dock window Window area %1 DrawModel Circle Circulos Point Line Linhas Polygon Poligonos Corridor Orbit Text Textos Symbol Drawing New layer DrawingTextEditor None Nenhum DrawingTextEntry None Nenhum DrawingTextProperties Text properties Text Textos Font Font color EditMenu_base Delete Apagar EditorMap Tactical View Visão Tatica FileInstaller Please select a file Invalid file FlightDataEditor Please choose a file Export all datas Export in XLS Export in TXT Enter text to filter... Entre com o texto para filtrar... Create a flight plan Name: Nome: Callsign: Start airport: End airport: Information: Automatic route Add a waypoint from No waypoints defined No unit selected Flight data for %1 No flight data for %1 Info Name Nome Transponder Flight plan FlightDataViewer No Flight data Info Name Nome Callsign Transponder Start airport End airport Route Show on map Mostrar no mapa FlightPlanModel For all Para todos FlipSection Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical FolderEdit Select FontDialogContent Style Estilo FrequenciesEditor Add a new frequency Edit frequency Remove current frequency FrostedGlassMaterialSection Default Padrão Internal Interno General Geral Brightness Brilho Position Posição 1D 8000m {1D?} 2D 8000m {2D?} 3D 8000m {3D?} 4D 8000m {4D?} FrostedGlassSinglePassMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral 1D 8000m {1D?} 2D 8000m {2D?} 3D 8000m {3D?} 4D 8000m {4D?} FullCoalitionModel Neutral Neutro GenSettings Mission Missões GeneratorClientServer Instructors All Todos GlassMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral GlassRefractiveMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral GroundSpeedSelector Speed Eco first letter of Eco Std first letter of Standard Ops first letter of Operationel HeaderAltitude Altitude Altitude HeaderBeaconName Name Nome HeaderCallsign Callsign HeaderClassificationString Classification HeaderComment Comment Comentario HeaderDetectionRange Detection range Aréa de detecção HeaderDimensionString Dimension HeaderIndex Index HeaderIsHuman Is human HeaderName Name Nome HeaderPLEnd End HeaderPLInfo Information HeaderPLStart Start HeaderSideNumber Side number HeaderTN TN HeaderThreatRange Threat range Distancia da ameaça HeaderTime Time HeaderTransponderActive Transponder active HeaderTransponderCode Transponder HeaderTransponderM1 M1 transponder mode1 HeaderTransponderM2 M2 transponder mode2 HeaderTransponderM3 M3 transponder mode3 HeaderTransponderM4 M4 transponder mode4 Disabled Desativado Friend Invalid HeaderTransponderMS MS transponder modeS HeaderType Type Tipo HeadingSelector Heading Proa Right turn Left turn turn left HtmlHelpButton Supported HTML subset IdComboBox None Nenhum InsetSection Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Instructor Radio Radio Show on map Mostrar no mapa Nav TDL Orders Weapons IFF Radar Radar RWR InstructorDatalinkComponent Datalink enable Share Relay Info InstructorIFFComponent IFF Radar Radar InstructorMainComponent Resume Pattern Delete unit Delete this object ? If yes, this object will be deleted on server Radio Radio Set current virtual position at this object Need radio enabled and an active radar unit Show on map Mostrar no mapa Status Make object active/inactive Reset classification to pending Make current radar InstructorManager Instructor InstructorOrderComponent Available orders for this unit No orders available on this server RTB RTB on airport CAP at this point CAP Orbit at this point Orbit Hold at this point Hold Reset task Reset InstructorRadarViewComponent Radar Radar Radar active InstructorRwrComponent RWR InstructorWeaponComponent Available weapons Shoot on %1 ItemProperties Scan period False True Verdadeiro Has Datalink Air radar Ground radar RWR Sensors Altitude Altitude Group name Nome do Grupo Detection status Transponder Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode S Heading Proa Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Vertical indicator Indicador Vertical Position Posição BullsEye BullsEye Detection range Aréa de detecção Threat range Distancia da ameaça Coalition Coalizão Seen by Start time LabelBehaviorModel Nothing Hide overlap Increase distance Rotate then increase distance LabelEdit Restore Restaurar Normal Normal Default Padrão Hovered Expandido LabelGenEditor Change text format Open help on this format LblLocationModel Automatic - follow item heading Fixed - not move automatically Corner - Choose a corner LineEditor Enter text... LotAtcConnector Connect to Connect Conectar LotAtcControls Main Imperial Imperial Metric Métrico Unit [%1] True Verdadeiro Mag True/Mag Vector Coalition Coalizão Neutral Neutro Friend Enemy LotAtcServerPackage unknown MainMenu Connect Conectar Disconnect Desconectar Change bearing mode Mudar o modo do curso Change units Mudar unidades Mission time, show/hide seconds Tempo de missão, exibir/ocultar segundos Options Opções News Novidades Help Ajuda About Sobre METRIC METRICO IMPERIAL IMPERIAL MaintenanceDlg A new update is available, click Launch to update, close this dialog to not update.. Packages to update: Changelog: Launch updater (LotAtc will close itself) Cancel Cancelar MapAirportProperties Id Id Code Código from %1 (to %2) at %3%4 BRC FB Heading Proa Frequencies Frequências Variation TACAN TACAN Last report QFE QNH QNH Weather Tempo Temperature Temperatura Visibility Visibilidade Base Teto Thickness Densidade Wind on ground Wind at %1%2 MapBeaconProperties Name Nome Callsign Frequency Channel MapBullsProperties Name Nome MapDrawingCircleProperties Radius MapDrawingCorridorProperties Properties Propriedades Radius Points list: MapDrawingOrbitProperties Length Comprimento Width Heading Proa MapDrawingPointProperties Properties Propriedades Center MapDrawingPolylineProperties Points list: MapDrawingSymbolProperties Properties Propriedades Center Symbol MapDrawingTextProperties Properties Propriedades Position Posição MapItem %1 %1 Move here hidden MapItemFiltered hidden MapItemMouseArea right turn right left turn left Change heading to %1° Set speed in eco Set speed in std Set speed in opt MapItemProperties Unknown Desconhecido TN: %1 Track Number of the unit Número de Faixa da unidade TN: %1 Group name Nome do Grupo Altitude Altitude Heading Proa Ground Speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Vertical Indicator Indicador Vertical Position Posição BullsEye BullsEye Detection range Aréa de detecção Threat range Distancia da ameaça Name: Name of the unit Nome da unidade Nome: Radar ping Use %1/%2/%3 to switch faster between classification Type: Type of the unit Callsign: Callsign of the unit Side number: Side number of the unit Apply Aplicar Symbol: Simbolo: Comment: Comment on the unit Comentario da unidade Comentario: Message: Mensagens: Text to send... Texto a enviar... Show on map Mostrar no mapa MapObject Shared Compartilhado Mark Delete the current mark? If yes, the mark will be deleted definitely Unknown Desconhecido Delete the mark Hide the mark MissionEventMissile Launch missile MultiLineEditor Enter some text... MyCloseGroupBoxLayout Collapse all Develop all MyDockDialog Waiting connection... Aguardando Conexão... MyFooterMenu Database Open database editor Open a new view Zoom out Zoom in Enter/Exit fullscreen On top Activate on top Lock map scale/move Show range rings Use snapping Change bearing mode Mudar o modo do curso METRIC METRICO IMPERIAL IMPERIAL Change units Mudar unidades Mission time, show/hide seconds Tempo de missão, exibir/ocultar segundos MyHeaderMenu Connect Conectar Disconnect Desconectar Change bearing mode Mudar o modo do curso METRIC METRICO IMPERIAL IMPERIAL Change units Mudar unidades Mission time, show/hide seconds Tempo de missão, exibir/ocultar segundos New scenario Open scenario Save scenario Save scenario as Open options Display online help Information on this software Unknown Desconhecido Current : %1 Server status MyLineEdit Apply Aplicar MyModels Off Desligado On Ligado Hide Esconder Show Mostrar Blue Azul Red Vermelho Light Claro Dark Escuro Very Dark Muito escuro English Inglês French Francês Deutsch Alemão Italian Italiano Polish Polaco Czech Checo Portuguese Português Serbian Sérvio Spanish Espanhol Chinese Chinês Russian Russo Swedish Sueco Solid Solid pattern brush Pincel sólido Solido Dense Dense pattern brush Pincel denso Denso Horizontal Horizontal pattern brush Pincel horizontal Horizontal Vertical Horizontal pattern brush Pincel vertical Vertical Diagonal Diagonal pattern brush Pincel diagonal Diagonal Cross Cross pattern brush Pincel cruzado Cruzado Unit Name (or TN) Nome da Unidade (ou TN) %(name|10) limit name to 10 characters %(name|10) limite de 10 caracteres para o nome Group Name (if available) Nome do Grupo (se disponivel) %(group_name|10) limit name to 10 characters %(group_name|10) limite de 10 caracteres para o nome Unit type Tipo de Unidade Comment Comentario Unit heading Proa da Unidade Use %(heading|option) with option=true/mag/truemag for true/magnetic deviation correction (default is auto) Uso %(heading|opção) com opção true/mag/truemag para a correção do desvio true/magnetic (o padrão é automático) Altitude long format Formato longo para altitude Altitude short format Formato curto para altitude Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Ground speed in short format Formato curto para velocidade do Solo (GS) Ground speed unit Unidade para velocidade do Solo (GS) Circle Circulos Line Linhas Polygon Poligonos Text Textos For all Para todos None Nenhum Position to BullsEye Posição para o BullsEye Vertical indicator Indicador Vertical %(vert_indic|nostable) to avoid stable cursor, %(vert_indic|n) with n=0/1/2 for different arrows %(vert_indic|nostable) para evitar o cursor instável, %(vert_indic|n) com n=0/1/2 para diferentes setas Decimal Decimal Longitude/Latitude Longitude/Latitude Target Alvo MGRS MGRS UTM UTM HF HF frequency band for radio Banda de frequência de rádio HF HF VHF VHF frequency band for radio Banda de frequência de rádio VHF VHF AM AM frequency band for radio Banda de frequência de rádio AM AM Normal Normal Dense Denso UHF UHF frequency band for radio Banda de frequência de rádio UHF UHF Neutral Neutro FM FM frequency band for radio Banda de frequência de rádio FM FM Auto Auto OpenGL OpenGL DirectX DirectX Low Baixo Mid Medio High Alto Disabled Desativado Low (4x) antialiasing to 4x Antialiasing em 4X Baixo (4x) Mid (8x) antialiasing to 8x Antialiasing em 8X Medio (8x) High (16x) antialiasing to 16x Antialiasing em 16X Alto (16x) Home Home Labels Legendas Shortcuts Atalhos Detection profiles Perfil de detecção Client FAQ FAQ Cliente Fullscreen Tela Cheia Show background label Mostrar legenda de fundo Show circle Mostrar circulos Change unit Mudar unidade True True bearing Curso verdadeiro Verdadeiro T Shortcut for True bearing T Magnetic Magnetic bearing Proa magnetica Magnetico M Shortcut for Magnetic bearing Atalho para proa magnetica M True/Magnetic True/Magnetic bearing Proa Magnetica/Verdadeira Magnetico/Verdadeiro T+M Shortcut for True+Magnetic bearing Atalho para proa Magnetica+Verdadeira T+M Plane Avião Helicopter Helicoptero Ground moving Movimento no solo Ground standing Permanente no solo Ship Navio Sam SAM Tank Tanque Airport Aeroporto MyTip Hide button that copy that the tip is read, tip is hidden after clicking Esconder Tip: NetAtc Default layer NetDrawingPoint None Nenhum NetDrawingText None Nenhum NetObject Client try to connect to an older incompatible version, client should be upgraded Client try to connect to an newer incompatible version, client should be downgraded The server you've connected to is running an older version. Update your client to an older version. The server you've connected to is running a newer version. Update your client. NetReaderMissionDatas Mission Missões NetWeather Sky clear Céu limpo Some clouds Algumas núvens Clouds Núvens Overcast Céu Nublado Rain Chuva Snow Neve Thunderstorms Tempestades Snow thunderstorms Tempestades de Neve NewsDlg Loading... Carregando... News Novidades Error Erro See on LotAtc website: Ver no site LotAtc: NodeSection Opacity Opacidade Visibility Visibilidade ObjectEditor Coalition Coalizão Type Tipo Name Nome Enter a name Callsign Enter a callsign More... Unit status Side number Enter a side number Group name Nome do Grupo Enter a group name Comment Comentario Color Classification Coordinates Heading Proa Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Transponder Ranges Detection range Aréa de detecção Threat range Distancia da ameaça Parameters Parametros RCS Acceleration (km/h added by second Turn rate (eco/std/opt) Climb speed (eco/std/opt) Ground speed (eco/std/opt) Radar Radar Active Datalink Active datalink Range Features Share Relay Info Payload Maximum internal fuel capacity Current fuel percentage Pylons Create a new pylon OptionsApproach Number of contact updates to display on glide Números de contatos atualizados para para serem exibidos no glide All Todos Distance of approach line for airport Distance of approach line for carrier OptionsBaseGeneral Please choose a file Choose a language: Escolha uma linguagem: Interface Choose a style for the application: Choose a theme for the application: Escolha um tema para o aplicativo: Choose a variation color for the application: Application font Default Padrão Restore window position on startup Restore default dock and windows positions Restaurar posições padrão dos docks e janelas Click to reset Clique para reiniciar Check update at start Check update Automatic crash dump upload (anonymous) Backup settings Load all settings WARNING: Application will close itself after loading settings, it is normal, just relaunch it after Save all settings (*) : Need application restart (*) : Necessita reiniciar a aplicação OptionsChat Notifications Play sound on new messages Reproduzir um som para novas mensagens Show notification bubble on new messages Test notification Colors Please choose a color for background chat Background Please choose a color for foreground chat Foreground OptionsConfiguration Configuration OptionsDlg General Geral Map Mapa Items Items Labels Legendas Approach Aproximação Shortcuts Atalhos Choose a language (need application restart): Escolha uma linguagem (a aplicação tem de reiniciar): Choose a map: Escolha um mapa: Choose an unit (Key: Alt+N) measurment: imperial or metric unidade: imperial ou métrico Escolha uma unidade (Tecla: Alt+N) Brightness Brilho Default Padrão Contrast Contraste Choose a theme for the application (need application restart): Escolha um tema para a aplicação (necessita de reiniciar a aplicação): Choose a skin Escolha uma skin Chat Chat Choose symbology Escolha simbologia Define color for friends Defina a cor para os aliados Choose color Escolha uma cor Please choose a color for friend unit Por favor escolha uma cor para uma unidade aliada Default color Cor padrão Define color for enemies Defina cor para inimigos Please choose a color for enemies unit Por favor escolha uma cor para unidades inimigas Define size of Item Defina o tamanho do item Define speed vector mode (put at 0s for zoom independent) Definir modo vector velocidade (colocar 0s para zoom independente) Define speed vector mode (put at 0s for zoom independant) Definir modo vector velocidade (colocar 0s para zoom independente) Zoom independant Zoom independente %1 seconds %1 segundos Zoom independent Zoom independente Define labels for friends Defina legenda para aliados Define labels for enemies Defina legenda para inimigos Show background for label (Key: Alt+L) Mostrar Fundo para legendas (Tecla: Alt+L) OptionsGeneral Choose a language (need application restart): Escolha uma linguagem (a aplicação tem de reiniciar): Choose a theme for the application (need application restart): Escolha um tema para a aplicação (necessita de reiniciar a aplicação): Choose a language: Escolha uma linguagem: Choose a theme for the application: Escolha um tema para o aplicativo: Play sound on new messages Reproduzir um som para novas mensagens Restore all tips Use footer toolbar Performances Performances Graphical effects: Efeitos gráficos: Hide labels on pan/zoom Advanced Avançado Letter for local time: Lock UI Change graphic engine [current=%1]: The %1 will be replacing by current engine: auto,opengl, directx... Mudar motor grafico [atual=%1]: Antialiasing: Antialiasing: Restore default dock and windows positions Restaurar posições padrão dos docks e janelas Restore Restaurar (*) : Need application restart (*) : Necessita reiniciar a aplicação Click to reset Clique para reiniciar OptionsGeneralConfigurator Autosave values OptionsGeneralGenerator Advanced Avançado Letter for local time: OptionsItem Choose symbology Escolha simbologia Define color for items Defina cor para os items Friends Amigos Please choose a color for friends unit Por favor, escolha uma cor para unidades amigas Enemies Inimigos Please choose a color for enemies unit Por favor, escolha uma cor para a unidades inimigas Neutral Neutro Please choose a color for neutral unit Por favor, escolha uma cor para a unidades neutras Define color for classification Use advanced classification Please choose a color for pending unit Please choose a color for %1 unit Please choose a color for civil unit Civil Items parameters Define size of Item Defina o tamanho do item Define line width of item Show item background Use random color for item (coalition color if off) Define speed vector mode (put at 0s to disable) Show ghost line Show ghost point Visual for ghost point Rectangle Rectangle full Circle Circulos Circle full Please choose a color for background in simple alert Background mode for low alert (ex: ident) Please choose a color for background in alert Background mode for high alert (failure) Selection Pulse when select during (ms) : Always show a circle around the selected item Define opacity of circles Definir a opacidade dos círculos Detection: Detecção: Threat: Ameaça: Airport: Define speed vector mode (put at 0s for zoom independent) Definir modo vector velocidade (colocar a 0s para zoom independente) Zoom independent Zoom independente %1 seconds %1 segundos Define number of ghost Definir número de rastros OptionsLabel Define labels for friends Defina legenda para aliados Define labels for enemies Defina legenda para inimigos Parameters Parametros Corner for unknown Corner for friend Corner for neutral Corner for ennemy Behavior on overlap Display Show background for label (Key: Alt+L) Mostrar fundo para legenda (Tecla: Alt+L) Size of font label: Tamanho da legenda: Distance between item and label Label follow item color: Please choose a color for label foreground Foreground Please choose a color for label background Background Define contents for labels Available values: Valores disponiveis: Attribute Name Nome Options Opções Full documentation Click here to access to full documentation Clique aqui para acessar a documentação completa OptionsMap Settings Smooth zoom Zoom sensibility Display Show airport code or name behavior When locked on unit, keep map aligned with unit heading Beacons Show beacons Show beacons name Sensors Show radar coverage Show RWR lines Fade out RWR lines after a while Show friendlies Show neutrals Show enemies Colors Please choose a color for land Por favor, escolha uma cor para o solo Land Please choose a color for sea Por favor, escolha uma cor para o mar Sea Please choose a color for runway Runway Please choose a color for runway name Runway label Please choose a color for taxiway Taxiway Please choose a color for taxiway labels Taxiway labels Alternate taxiway names (Caucasus only) Please choose a color for range rings Range rings Please choose a color for measure line Title in BRAA panel: Text (support subset of HTML4 format), %(source_name), %(source_callsign), %(source_type), %(source_tn) for respective name, callsign, type and track number of the source %(target_name), %(target_callsign), %(target_type), %(target_tn) for respective name, callsign, type and track number of the target Show range rings radials Radials interval in degrees: Measure line Please choose a color for background measure line label Measure line background Size of font for measure line: Measure line toggle (if activated, first click enable measure, second click will hide it) Cursor label Show bulls near mouse cursor Size of font: Example: The following value is only valable for DCS to have coherent bearing with this simulator. Switch off if you do not use with DCS. Use magnetic declination of destination intead of origin Zoom Enable mouse wheel/pinch to zoom/rotate Fixed zoom Text: Texto: Reset %(bearing) is replaced by heading, %(distance) by distance, %(distance_unit) by distance unit, %(bullseye) by bullseye position Show measure line value on bottom of the window Text (support subset of HTML4 format), %(bearing) is replaced by bearing, %(distance) by distance BRAA BRAA Please choose a color for braa BRAA line Size of font for BRAA line: Position of text on BRAA line Advanced Avançado Brightness Brilho Default Padrão Contrast Contraste OptionsProfile Give a name for this profile It will be saved into:<br/><i>%1</i> Open profiles directory Save Close Please choose a file OptionsRecord Options Opções Autorecord when connected Please choose the captures folder Capture folder: Devices Audio input (use stereo mix or What you hear channel): Microphone input: Configuration Resolution: Quality: Framerate: Video codec Audio codec File format: Input Enter the keyboard shortcut: (F1, Alt+2, Ctrl+N, Win+S...) Button %1 OptionsScenario Please choose the database folder Database: Scenario: Tracks: Please choose the tracks folder OptionsShortcut You can change shortcuts here, just double-clic on it to change it. Você pode alterar os atalhos aqui, basta fazer um duplo clique sobre ele para mudá-lo. Name Nome Shortcut Atalho Edit Editar You can change shortcuts here, just double-click on it to change it. Click on a shortcut to edit it Enter the new shortcut: (F1, Alt+2, Ctrl+N, Win+S...) Save Restore Restaurar OptionsTheme Please choose a file Theme Theme contains all maps colors, label settings and can save/load here. Theme can be shared with others users and manually edited (JSON format) Theme load/save is only available for LotAtc Advanced users Load a theme Save a theme Current Default Padrão Dock layout Save your dock layout and load them quickly Load a dock layout Save a dock layout Load OrderFollowProperties Follow Lead object: Bearing offset Distance offset OrderHippodromeProperties Hippodrome Entry point Heading Proa Distance Width Altitude Altitude Ground speed Velocidade do Solo (GS) Clockwise OrderLandProperties Land OrderModel Waypoints Orbit TakeOff Land Follow OrderTakeOffProperties Takeoff Airport: Show on map Mostrar no mapa Runway: OrderWaypointProperties Waypoints Change all waypoints: Behavior: Apply Aplicar Type: PCheck This license is not compatible with this software License is invalid License file not found in %1 Invalid license file No license file PageAirportView Click to open %1 PageBraa Show BRAA on map: Mostrar BRAA no mapa: Show BRAA text: Mostrar texto BRAA: List of all BRAA in use Lista de todos BRAA em uso Show Mostrar SendIt Enviar Name Nome Unit Unidade Target Alvo Mode Modo List You can change unit/bearing mode by clicking on the button for each BRAA Show BRAA on map Show BRAA text Show BRAA interception Send to pilot every: Enviar para o piloto a cada: Send to pilot with unit Enviar para o piloto com unidade BRAA BRAA Options Opções Metric Métrico Imperial Imperial Send Enviar METRIC METRICO IMPERIAL IMPERIAL Delete selected Apagar selecionado Delete all Apagar todos Delete Apagar PageChart Made and shared with courtesy of %1 Fit PageChat Chat Chat Chat room name? New chat room... Text to send... Texto a enviar... Send Enviar PageCreateObject Edit object %1 Create a new object Add Active Delete the unit Delete this object? If yes, the object will be definitely deleted Show on map Mostrar no mapa Copy coordinates Display range rings at this object Make this object as new bullseye reference? If yes, bullseye will be set to this object Set this object as bullseye reference Delete Apagar Cancel Cancelar PageDraw Draw Desenhar Please choose a font Por favor, escolha a fonte Show draw Mostrar desenho Edit Mode Modo de edição Actions Ações Delete All Deletar tudo All private draws Todos os desenhos privados All shared draws (WARNING) Todos os desenhos compartilhados (ATENÇÃO) Delete Apagar New draw Novo desenho Please choose a file Por favor, escolha um filtro Shared Compartilhado Circle Circulos Line Linhas Polygon Poligonos Text Textos Private Privado Save to file... Salvar no arquivo... Load from file... Carregar um arquivo... Parameters Parametros Name: Nome: Author: Autor: Make it public: Marcar como publico: Share it Compartilhar isto Text: Texto: Enter text to display Digite o texto para exibir Font: Fonte: Choose font Escolha a fonte Edit drawing (%1) %1 is dynamically replace by shortcut Layer Create a new layer Remove a layer Remove this layer locally Remove this layer for all Delete this layer? The layer will be deleted for all controlers. Load a new layer Save... Save a layer Save all visible layer Shared this layer Show/Hide this layer Change opacity of this layer Move up Move down New %1 draw Remove current draw Delete this draw? The draw will be deleted for all controllers. Duplicate current draw Change layer Name Nome Information Id Id Author Common Foreground color Cor de primeiro plano Background color Cor de fundo Line width Espessura da linha Style Estilo PageGraph Glide %1 Planeio %1 Please choose a file Por favor, escolha um arquivo Actions Ações Release approach Liberar Aproximação Save graph Salvar grafico Items Items Airport Aeroporto Show labels Salvar legendas Show circles on map Mostrar Circulos no mapa Steady level: Nível estável: Minima: Minimo: Show Mostrar Glidepath Track You can zoom graph with Wheel and Shift+Wheel Settings Name Nome Callsign Distance(%1) %1 will be replaced by unit: km Distancia(%1)} Glide angle: LSLLC: Glide Planeio Azimuth Azimute Delete Apagar PageLocation Location Localização Tilt Rotation PageMap Options Opções Filters Filtros Layers Map parameters Map parameters are only available in LotAtc Advanced Map type Sub map Tilt Rotation Fov Show marks Use if you have bad map display Force clean map cache Altitude filter Filtros de Altitude Hide ground units Hide ground detection units (SAM, ships) Hide no humans units Hide airport on large zoom Classification Dimension Filtered object opacity Layers: Camadas: Please choose a color for layer Por favor, escolha uma cor para a camada Show draw Mostrar desenho Coordinates format Formato das Coordenadas Example: %1 Exemplo: %1 Land color Cor do solo Please choose a color for land Por favor, escolha uma cor para o solo Sea color Cor do mar Please choose a color for sea Por favor, escolha uma cor para o mar Choose an unit (Key: Alt+N) measurment: imperial or metric Escolha uma unidade (Tecla: Alt+N) from de to para Speed filter Filtro Velocidade Map Mapa Choose a map: Escolha um mapa: Brightness Brilho Default Padrão Contrast Contraste PageMission Start at Current time Description Descrição PageMissionEditor Name of the mission: Start at MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ssZ dd for day, MM for month, yyyy for year, hh,mm,ss for hour,minute,second, Z is for 'Zulu' Description: Time settings Show trace: Description Descrição Time factor: PageObjects Objects Objetos Lock edition Enter text to filter... Entre com o texto para filtrar... Double-click on item to fast selection Hide aircraft with no speed Classification Dimension Show traffic Show neutral Coalition Coalizão Category Categoria Human Humanos PageOrders Orders New %1 order Remove current draw Duplicate current order Hide all Show all Enter some terms to filter... Show hidden Show/Hide this order Objects using this order Properties Propriedades PageProperties Properties Propriedades Actions Ações Pin Make this object as new bullseye reference? If yes, bullseye will be set to this object (only for you) Select an item/airport to see its properties Selecione um item/aeroporto para ver suas propriedades Show on map Mostrar no mapa Copy coordinates Set current virtual position at this object Need radio enabled and an active radar unit Display range rings at this object Set this object as bullseye reference Edit this object Lock view on this object Name: Nome: Unknown Desconhecido Id: %1 Id of the unit Id da unidade Id: %1 Name: Name of the unit Nome da unidade Nome: Apply Aplicar Symbol: Simbolo: Text to send... Texto a enviar... PageRadio Radio Radio Airport Aeroporto Radar Radar currently only support <a href='http://tacnoworld.fr/UniversRadio/'>Universal Radio project</a><br /> This project is currently in Beta phase and made by Tacno from <a href='http://www.3rd-wing.net'>3rd-wing</a>.<br /> <b>Support version: 0.0.1.x</b> Atualmente suporta apenas <a href='http://tacnoworld.fr/UniversRadio/'>Projeto Universal Radio</a><br /> Este projeto está atualmente em fase Beta e feito por Tacno do <a href='http://www.3rd-wing.net'>3rd-wing</a>.<br /> <b>Versão suportada: 0.0.1.x</b> Radios Radios Location not defined Localização não definida Location Localização Current Location:%1 Current Location: %1 Localização atual: %1 NOT DEFINED NÃO DEFINIDA Name Nome Type Tipo Refresh list (not automatic) Atualizar lista (não automática) Set my position to selected one Definir a minha posição de uma seleção Radio enabled Rádio ativado PageRwr Options Opções PageSensor Options Opções Radar Radar PageSitac Map Mapa Tactical Left area on window %1 Left area Top area on window %1 Top area Bottom area on window %1 Bottom area Right area on window %1 Right area PageTAF TAF is not enabled on server PageTimeline Timeline of Show on map Mostrar no mapa Show trace Show route More... Show all traces Hide all traces Order Event Launch weapon PageTote No TOTE, double-click on an item to add one PageTraffic Traffic generator Show traffic on map Create a traffic template Please choose a file Load a traffic file Save a layer Remove a traffic template Remove ALL Traffic Delete all traffic? All traffic will be removed Dynamic traffic Generate traffic Clear traffic in mission Show/Hide this template PageWeather Sky clear Céu limpo Some clouds Algumas núvens Clouds Núvens Overcast Céu Nublado Rain Chuva Snow Neve Thunderstorms Tempestades Snow thunderstorms Tempestades de Neve Name Nome Value Valor Distance in %1 %1 is unit Distancia em %1 Direction Direção Speed in %1 %1 is unit Velocidade em %1 Description Descrição Tasks Tarefa Weather Tempo METAR METAR Visibility Visibilidade Base Teto Thickness Densidade QNH QNH Temperature Temperatura Wind at %1%2 from %1 (to %2) at %3%4 Wind from Vento de 0m 0m 2000m 2000m 8000m 8000m Waiting for mission datas... Aguardando dados da missão... PaperArtisticMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral Opacity Opacidade PaperOfficeMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral Opacity Opacidade PasswordDlg Password: Password: Payload New pylon PayloadProperties Payload Fuel: PerformanceModel Low Baixo Mid Medio High Alto PlasticStructuredRedEmissiveMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral 1D 8000m {1D?} 2D 8000m {2D?} 3D 8000m {3D?} 4D 8000m {4D?} PlasticStructuredRedMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral 1D 8000m {1D?} 2D 8000m {2D?} 3D 8000m {3D?} 4D 8000m {4D?} PointLightSection Brightness Brilho PointsListProperties Point %1 PresetValues Will set %1%2 PrincipledMaterialSection Normal Normal Opacity Opacidade ProfileDlg For all Para todos Only for friends Somente aliados Disable Desativado See all (no radar management) Ver tudo (sem gerenciamento de radar) Cylinder (no altitude management) Cilindro (sem gerenciamento de altitude) Spherical (altitude is used) Esférico (altitude é usada) Conical (like spherical but with real constraints) Cónico (como esférico, mas com limitações reais) Yes Sim No Não Disabled Desativado Only coalition Somente coalizão All Todos None Nenhum Profile Perfil Show enemies parameters (name, type,...) Mostrar parâmetros inimigos (nome, tipo,...) Show enemies SAM/Ships when out of radar Mostrar inimigos SAM/Navios quando fora do radar Low speed airplanes are filtered Aviões em baixa velocidade são filtradas Use relief Use relevo Automatic type for new item Tipo automático para novo item Radar Modelization Modelização do Radar Approach Aproximação Virtual awacs name (nothing=desactivated) Nome do AWACS Virtual (nothing=desativado) Virtual awacs range Detecção do AWACS virtual Server parameters Parametros do Servidor Name Name of server parameter Nome Value Value for the server parameter Valor Do you really want to stop %1 server? %1 server will be stopped!!! Instructor mode Instructor mode is only available in LotAtc Advanced Server settings Profile used Server administration Settings Marks feature Human feature Can change AI transponder Can use DCS:SRS TTS Instructor Use fine controls in instructor Server running LotAtc %1 - Profile name is %2 Admin commandes Admin commands are only available in LotAtc Advanced and user authorized Server commands take some time to be executed, that is normal Current mission: Open server mission list You are not allowed on server side to modify user flags Open user flags editor ProfileEdt Profile Perfil Select a profile (current) Clone and edit Save current Rename Validate Cancel Cancelar Delete Apagar Set current Load Current profile parameters: Set new name: ProgressBarSpecifics Value Valor PropertiesManager Properties Propriedades RWRViewer RWR disabled on server RWRViewerOptions Invert Relative heading Show air Show surface Show ground Show friendlies Show neutrals Show enemies Show RWR lines RWR display mode RadarCoverageModel Nothing Only selection All Todos RadarList Enter text to filter... Entre com o texto para filtrar... All Todos Plane Avião Airports Ground Ship Navio Airport Aeroporto Radar Radar Name Nome Type Tipo RadarSelectDlg Select a radar to monitor: Select Cancel Cancelar RadarView Radar view Radar limits Current radar You can zoom graph with Wheel and Shift+Wheel Elevation: Low Baixo Default Padrão High Alto Aperture: RadioManager Radio %1 Name of the radio n Radio %1 RawEditor Start time: Stop time: Category: Type: Enter a type Name: Nome: Enter a name Code: Enter a code import fromweb Coalition: Coalizão: More names Group name: Enter a group name Callsign: Enter a callsign Parameters Parametros Is an awacs? Acceleration (km/h added by second): RCS: Turn rate: Eco: Standard: Optimum: Maximum: Ground speed: Climb speed: Position Posição Heading (Mag): Altitude Altitude Format: Latitude Longitude MGRS/UTM Range Detection Range: Threat Range: Radar Radar RWR Transponder Datalink Payload Runways RawEditorAirport Enter some terms to filter... Clear Save current entry RawEditorDlg Edit database %1 is modified, save or discard it New entry Delete current entry Close RawEditorLineDatalink Active datalink Range: Share Relay Has Has this feature Active Active this feature RawEditorLinePayload Current fuel percentage RawEditorLineRWR Detection range: RWR Symbol: RWR symbol... RawEditorLineRadar Active Azimuth: Between %1° and %2° Elevation: Scan period (s): Precision resolution: Air RCS: at Ground RCS: RawEditorLineRunways Runway %1 Heading Proa Length Comprimento Width Altitude Altitude RawEditorUnit Enter some terms to filter... Clear Save current entry RecorderQt Very low Low Baixo Normal Normal High Alto Very High ReliefManager Cannot found relief data for this map, you have to install it! RwrDisplayModel Color by type Color by coalition RwrLinesDisplayModel Nothing Selection only All Todos ScatterSection Default Padrão Direction Direção ScenarioOrder %1's order SequencerDis Use scenario file with Dis Engine SequencerRest Use scenario file with Rest Engine SequencerScenario Use scenario file with basic engine SequencerTacview Use Tacview file SequencerTrajectory Use scenario file with Trajectory Engine ServerConfigEditor Default Padrão ServerConfigModel Available values: Valores disponiveis: Default Padrão ServerConnect Address: Endereço: Port: Porta: Connect Conectar Cancel Cancelar ServerControls Server controls: Time factor: Go to time (offset from start): Current: +%1 Apply Aplicar ServerInfo blue coalition blue azul red coalition red vermelho ServerMissionList Current mission: Load Running ServerModel New New bookmark DCI Blue DCI Red Default Blue Default Red ServerOptions General Geral SetUniformValueSection Target Alvo Value Valor SettShortcuts Enter/Exit fullscreen Show background label Mostrar legenda de fundo Show circle Mostrar circulos Change unit Mudar unidade Show range rings Use bullseye as reference for measure line Snap to object/draw Draw edition Bulls on cursor Set classification as unknown Set classification as assumed friend Set classification as friend Set classification as neutral Set classification as suspect Set classification as hostile Hide ground units Reset map orientation Show/Hide all docks areas ShaderInfoSection Type Tipo Sitac Tactical View Visão Tatica SitacWeb Tactical View Visão Tatica SliderSpecifics Value Valor SpinBoxSpecifics Value Valor Splash There is something wrong with your license. Please contact support. A sua licença está com algum problema. Por favor contacte o suporte técnico. Not registered<br>%3<br>Put your %1 in the <u>%2 directory</u> Not registered<br>Put your %1 in the <u>%2 directory</u> Não registado.<br> Ponha o seu %1 na directoria<u> %2</u> If you do not have a license key <u>click HERE</u> to buy one! Se não possui uma licença <u>clique AQUI</u>para adquirir uma! SpotLightSection Brightness Brilho SteelMilledConcentricMaterialSection Default Padrão General Geral TabBarSpecifics Position Posição TableCellHeader Hide Esconder Move at first Move to left Move to right Move at last TableObjects Name Nome Category Categoria Type Tipo Coalition Coalizão [- %1 -] Callsign Classification Dimension Human Humano Detection range (%1) %1 is the unit Distancia da detecção (%1) Threat range (%1) %1 is the unit Detecção da ameaça (%1) Comment Comentario TafItem Channel [%1] %1 Airport BullsEye %1 Beacon %1 Object: %1 Assign Clear Type: ROE: Auto Auto Mach: Altitude: TafRoeModel Free IFF Visual Prohibited TafTypeModel None Nenhum Force 1 Force 2 Force 3 Force 4 Tanker Beacon RTB ThemeModel Light Claro Dark Escuro Red Vermelho Pink Purple DeepPurple Indigo Blue Azul LightBlue Cyan Teal Green LightGreen Lime Yellow Amber Orange DeepOrange Brown Grey BlueGrey ThemePreview Load Save TiltShiftSection Vertical Vertical TimeButton Mission time, show/hide seconds Tempo de missão, exibir/ocultar segundos TimeLineEntryEditor Order edition Start time: Reset start time Delete the event Delete this order? If yes, the order will be definitely deleted Close Stop time TimeLineEventEditor Event edition Delete the event Delete this event? If yes, the event will be definitely deleted Close TimeLineEventEditorMissile Missile from %1 Weapon use: Target: TimeLineHeaderEntry Edit Editar Move up Move down ToolBarSpecifics Position Posição ToolsSideBar Map Mapa Properties Propriedades Weather Tempo BRAA BRAA Chat Chat Tote TRACK PLN TDL TrafficBlockModel Long Haul Medium Haul Regional high altitude Regional medium altitude TrafficGenerator T/O from %1 Land at %1 TrafficProperties Edit traffic template %1 No traffic template selectioned Flight plan Aircraft type: Possible start airports (delimited by a ;): Possible end airports (delimited by a ;): Possible callsigns (delimited by a ;): Information: Altitude limits (0=no limits): Add a waypoint from No waypoints defined Spawn parameters Number of minutes minimum and maximum before spawing a new unit after last one : Maximum spawn units at same time (0=no limit): TranslatorModel English Inglês French Francês Deutsch Alemão Italian Italiano Polish Polaco Czech Checo Portuguese Português Serbian Sérvio Spanish Espanhol Chinese Chinês Russian Russo Swedish Sueco Brazilian Portuguese Dutch TransponderSelector Active Mode 4 TrollerItem Kick Airports: Aeroportos: TrollerList My settings Minhas Configurações Coalition trollers Coalizão ATC TurnRateSelector Rate of turn Eco first letter of Eco Std first letter of Standard Ops first letter of Operationel TypeSelector Edit Editar Choose a type Enter some terms to filter... Add UiModeModel Normal Normal Dense Denso Unit Metric Métrico Imperial Imperial UserFlags User flags : VpnConnection Cannot found OpenVpn process Cannot execute OpenVpn process WaypointSelector Set waypoint from a source Airport Aeroporto Draw Desenhar WaypointSourceAirports Airport Aeroporto Ok WaypointSourceDraw Draw Desenhar Ok WaypointTypeModel Default Padrão Direct Fly over Turning WaypointsListProperties no name WeaponTypeModel None Nenhum Air-Air weapon Air-Ground weapon XPlaneFrame Disconnect Desconectar Connect Conectar config Load scenario Load Scenario Please choose a scenario file Load Tacview Please choose a Tacview file Open REST API doc Launch fastInstr right turn right left turn left Change heading to %1° Not water Not ground main (Not registered) (Não Registado) Disconnected Desligado Connection and authentification OK Conexão e Autenticação OK Connection and authentification error: Erro de Conexão e autenticação: BRAA BRAA Radio Radio Weather Tempo LotAtc Configurator General Geral Open options Save Dedicated Check update Refresh LotAtc Server status Install/update/uninstall/check status for all DCS instances Status is update automatically, hit refresh button to refresh status, LotAtc Configurator read dcs.log to get status. LotAtc Editor Orders Create object Mission properties Timeline Flight Data Traffic Need Generator license to use LotAtc Editor Theme Map Mapa Items Items Scenario Please choose a scenario Please choose a file New scenario Open scenario Save scenario Save scenario as Labels Legendas Approach Aproximação Shortcuts Atalhos Chat Chat New mission received, load datas from server Nova missão recebida, carregar dados do servidos Connection error: Erro de Conexão: Arcade profile perfil Arcade Basic profile perfil Básico Realistic profile perfil Realistico Custom profile Personalizado Mission profile Missões Tactical View Visão Tatica Connecting to %1:%2... %1 will be replaced by server, %2 by port Conectando em %1:%2... Advanced profile perfil Avançado Off Desligado On Ligado Hide Esconder Show Mostrar Blue Azul Red Vermelho Light Claro Dark Escuro English Inglês French Francês Deutsch Alemão Italian Italiano Polish Polaco Czech Checo Portuguese Português Serbian Sérvio Spanish Espanhol Chinese Chinês Russian Russo Not connected Não conectado Change &unit Mudar &unidade Change unit Mudar unidade Show circles Mostrar circulos Show detection/threat circles Mostrar circulos ameaça/detecção Circles on Circulos ligados Circles off Circulos desligados Show/Hide detection/threat circles Mostrar/Esconder circulos das ameaças Show background label Mostrar legenda de fundo Show/Hide background labels Mostrar/Esconder legendas de fundo Disable fullscreen Desabilitar Tela Cheia Enable fullscreen Habilitar Tela Cheia Show fullscreen Mostrar Tela Cheia LotAtc Error Erro Previous Next Default Padrão LotAtc Generator Configuration Profile Perfil Paths Database: Number of objects : %1 Number of airports: %1 Number of weapons: %1 Scenario: Number of objects: %1 Blue connected: %1 Red connected: %1 No database/scenario/tracks folder set, go in options > paths Current parameters: License not found Hello World main_android Disconnected Desconectar Connection and authentification OK Conexão e Autenticação OK Connection and authentification error: Erro de Conexão e autenticação: New mission received, load datas from server Nova missão recebida, carregar dados do servidos Connection error: Erro de Conexão: Arcade profile Arcade Basic profile Básico Realistic profile Realistico Custom profile Personalizado Chat Chat Properties Propriedades Weather Tempo BRAA BRAA Map Mapa Glide Planeio Draw Desenhar Airport Aeroporto SITAC SITAC Not connected Não conectado Change &unit Mudar &unidade Change unit Mudar unidade Show circles Mostrar circulos Show detection/threat circles Mostrar circulos ameaça/detecção Show background label Mostrar legenda de fundo Show/Hide background labels Mostrar/Esconder legendas de fundo Disable fullscreen Desabilitar Tela Cheia Enable fullscreen Habilitar Tela Cheia Show fullscreen Mostrar Tela Cheia toolbar Load scenario Load Scenario Please choose a scenario file Current scenario: %1 No scenario loaded Load Tacview file Load Tacview Please choose a Tacview file weather Sky clear Céu limpo Some clouds Algumas núvens Clouds Núvens Overcast Céu Nublado Rain Chuva Snow Neve Thunderstorms Tempestades Snow thunderstorms Tempestades de Neve from %1 (to %2) at %3