{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/absent-by-design", "promos": { "1.19-latest": "1.7.0" }, "1.19": { "1.5.0": "ported", "1.6.0": "Added support for: Smooth Basalt, Amethyst, Calcite, Tuff, Cracked Nether Brick, Cracked Deepslate Bricks, Cracked Deepslate Tiles", "1.6.1": "Added minecraft:trapdoor data tags to existing blocks. Added block tags mineable/axe mineable/pickaxe mineable/shovel (please report if any are missing or incorrect. i left wool in both for now since theres no shears tag). Update zh_tw.json #41 by StarskyXIII. Update ru_ru.json #40 by BardinTheDwarf. Obsidian and End stone type blocks added to minecraft:dragon_immune data tag, matching their parent blocks. Fix some walls having wrong Material (wood vs stone)", "1.6.2": "Fix datapack format warning.Port to mc 1.18.1 to 1.18.2. Requires Forge 40.0.12+", "1.7.0": "Compat added for Sculk, Mud, Packed Mud, Mangrove, Ochre Pearlescent Verdant Froglights, Reinforced Deepslate. Add 7 slabs, 7 stairs, 10 walls, one gate, one trapdoor." } }