{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/absent-by-design", "promos": { "1.16.5-latest": "1.5.2" }, "1.16.5": { "1.1.0": "Ported", "1.1.1": "ru-RU localization added by TheDirectorX. Renamed some items to match source material, for example the new name is Polished Andesite Stairs instead of Smooth Andesite Stairs. ", "1.2.0": "NEW block set: Fence Gates: Quartz, Nether Brick, Red Nether Brick. Added many more blocks, slabs, and stairs support for: Warped, Crimson, Crying Obsidian, Basalt, Polished, Lodestone Wall, 4 types of Mushroom, Glowstone, Sea Lantern, Quartz Bricks, Magma", "1.3.0": "9 new Fence Gates added (currently 12 total). 17 Glass Stairs added. 17 Glass Slabs added. 17 Glass Walls added. ", "1.3.1": "Lang files updated: ru.json by BardinTheDwarf.", "1.3.2": "Blocks now have their MapColor set correctly from the source block, so ABD blocks have their own color on a map. Lang files updated: ru_ru.json by BardinTheDwarf, zh_tw.json by jack41402, New translation of ko_kr.json by Ryuon-D, and pl_pl.json by Mpcs. ", "1.4.0": "Many new stone Trapdoors added. Glass slabs and stairs have resolved transparency to match full blocks. Crying Obsidian particles added to match the full blocks. ", "1.4.1": "Stonecutter Recipes added with Aspyro. Fixed sides of blocks culling placements. ", "1.5.0": "Fixed blue slab. New Wooden Walls. Fixed missing data tags. Loot table fix on double placed slabs dropping 2 instead of 1. Many stonecutter recipes added" ,"1.5.1":"Merge pull request #28 from Aspyro: Update stairs_smooth_stone_sc.json. Fix light blue upper wool slab bug. Added item tags for stairs/slabs/etc by request (same as the block tags)" ,"1.5.2":"Update zh_tw.json #41 by StarskyXIII. Update ru_ru.json #40 by BardinTheDwarf. Obsidian and End stone type blocks added to minecraft:dragon_immune data tag, matching their parent blocks. Fix some walls having wrong Material (wood vs stone) " } }